GWM Global Smart Plant Facilitates New Energy Transformation and Upgrading

BAODING, China, Dec. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Recently, more than 200 global distributors from over 50 countries and regions visited GWM Rayong Plant in Thailand to get an in-depth knowledge of its achievements in intelligent manufacturing and advanced technologies.

GWM Global Smart Plant Facilitates New Energy Transformation and Upgrading

The visit tour involved four manufacturing process workshops, namely stamping, welding, painting, and final assembly. Staff on-site gave a detailed introduction to environmentally friendly techniques, intelligent manufacturing capacity, and full-process vehicle manufacturing procedures to distributors. The digital and intelligent performance of the plant was impressive to distributors.

A distributor from Australia said that this visit helped them have a better understanding of the advanced strength of GWM. They would increase the number of orders for models from GWM and would have more confidence in promoting products and services to users.

Covering an area of 658,800 square meters, GWM Rayong Plant is equipped with a complete vehicle manufacturing process, allowing the production of new energy models such as HEV, PHEV and BEV, and ICE models in the same plant. In September 2022, the 10,000th new energy vehicle rolled off the production line in the Plant. After delivering to users, the HAVAL H6 HEV was recognized by users for its fine craftwork of manufacturing and intelligent technical configuration.

Following the manufacturing concept of “Intelligence, Safety and Green”, the plant is equipped with new automatic manufacturing facilities as well as a variety of cutting-edge and intelligent devices such as intelligent robots and computer controlled systems. The workshop for welding and assembly process is a good example. GWM adopts more than 40 FANUC robots to cooperate in the manufacturing process to ensure the accuracy of welding and durability of high-tensile steel car bodies, strongly supporting the manufacturing of high-quality and global products of the company.

In addition to improving the performance of intelligent manufacturing, GWM has continued to increase its investments in R&D. Based on the concept of “precise investment, pursuing industry leadership “, GWM invested CNY 8.544 billion in the first three quarters of 2022, with an increase of 64.74% YoY. The investment covers the fields of the whole vehicle, core parts, new energy, and intelligent R&D to help the company take a lead in making technological breakthroughs.

GWM has achieved outstanding sales performance with its intelligent products that are oriented to the global market and are with high standards. In the first ten months of 2022, GWM sold a total of 902,521 vehicles. Among the sales performance, the number of new energy models was with a YoY increase of 9.95%, and the percentage of intelligent vehicles grew to 85.84%.

In the future, GWM will step up the application of intelligent technology, and expand its strategic new energy deployment around the globe with intelligent manufacturing capacity that can better meet users’ needs. The company will provide more green, intelligent, and high-quality products for global users.

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‫مهرجان “دريشة” للفنون الأدائية بمؤسسة قطر نافذة لتسليط الضوء على الثقافة العربية خلال كأس العالم

طُرحت التذاكر للجمهور  عبر فيرجن ميجا ستور

الدوحة، قطر, 6 ديسمبر / كانون أول 2022 /PRNewswire/ —  طُرحت تذاكر النسخة الثانية من مهرجان دريشة للفنون الأدائية للبيع أمام الجمهور، حيث سيحتفي المهرجان الذي تنظمه مؤسسة قطر، والذي يفتح أبوابه أمام كافة أفراد المجتمع بالثقافة والتراث والتقاليد القطرية خلال الفترة من 11 إلى 17 ديسمبر بالتزامن مع استضافة بطولة كأس العالم FIFA قطر 2022™.


يمكن الحصول على تذاكر الدخول اليومية من متاجر فيرجن ميجا ستور أو عبر موقعهم الإلكتروني والتي تبلغ قيمتها 35 ريال قطري للأطفال من سن 3 إلى 11 عامًا، و50 ريال قطري للأفراد من 12 عامًا فما فوق، بينما يمكن للأطفال دون سن 3 سنوات الدخول مجانًا.

واستلهامًا من رحلات المستكشف العربي ابن بطوطة، سيسلط المهرجان الضوء على موضوع “السفر والمغامرات” من خلال مجموعة من العروض التي تتنوع بين القصص، والموسيقى، والشعر، والفنون البصرية، والمسرحية، باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.

تشمل العروض الرئيسية خلال المهرجان عرض “ابن بطوطة” الذي يضم فنانين من المنطقة وطلاب من مؤسسة قطر وأفراد من المجتمع؛ والمسرحية الموسيقية “الرومي”؛ وإيقاعات أجيال؛ وعروض ثقافية عربية من قطر والمغرب ومن دول أخرى مثل السنغال، وتركيا، واليونان.QF’S D’REESHA PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL TO HIGHLIGHT ARAB CULTURE DURING WORLD CUP

وأكدت سعادة السيدة مريم بنت علي بن ناصر المسند وزير التنمية الاجتماعية والأسرة أن وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية والأسرة تسعى من خلال هذه الشراكة الإستراتيجية إلى تعزيز مفهوم الإنتاج لدى المواطن القطري وترسيخه عبر الحد من ثقافة الاستهلاك والتحول إلى الإبداع والابتكار .

وأضافت سعادتها: “نحرص دائمًا في وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية والأسرة على دعم الأُسر المنتجة بكل قدراتنا، ونسعى لترسيخ وزيادة وجودهم وإنتاجهم في المجتمع، ومشاركتهم في مهرجان دريشة للفنون، ما هي إلا حقٌّ علينا لمنحهم هذه الفرصة بهدف تقديمهم وزيادة إدماجهم في الفعاليات التي تشهدها الدولة، خصوصًا وأنها فعالية ثقافية تجمع مختلف الشرائح الاجتماعية تزامنًا مع استضافة بلادنا للحدث الكروي الأكبر: كأس العالم FIFA قطر 2022.”

وقالت ميان زبيب الرئيس التنفيذي للاتصال في مؤسسة قطر: “يعد مهرجان دريشة للفنون الأدائية فرصة لنا لمشاركة تراثنا وثقافتنا الغنية في دولة قطر مع ضيوفنا من جميع أنحاء العالم، فضلاً عن نشر هذا المهرجان لثقافة الحوار بين الثقافات وإشراك مجتمعنا المحلي”.

وأضافت: “مع تركيز دريشة الابتكار على العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات، وورش العمل التفاعلية وعروض الموسيقى والشعر والفنون المرئية طوال فترة المهرجان، نأمل أن يستمتع زوارنا باستكشاف الفنون الأدائية بهذه الطرق الفريدة من نوعها”.

بدوره، قال الدكتور غانم بن مبارك العلي، مستشار ثقافي، في وزارة الثقافة:” مهرجان دريشة مساحة للتواصل الثقافي بين الشعوب، وأهمية نسخة هذا العام أنها تتزامن مع فعاليات بطولة كأس العالم لكرة القدم، بما يسمح لزوار دولة قطر، من ثقافات مختلفة بالتعرف على الإرث الثقافي القطري . كما يقدم هذا المهرجان فرصة للتبادل المعرفي من خلال اطلاع الجمهور على أعمال مميزة من فنون مختلفة، تعكس المنظومة القيمية للمجتمع القطري، وتبين التراكم المعرفي في خدمة الإنسانية”.

كما سيُقدّم المهرجان عروضًا وورش عمل في مجالات العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات كجزء من “دريشة الابتكار”، برعاية كونوكو فيليبس قطر، لتسليط الضوء على العلماء والمبتكرين والباحثين من الوطن العربي

سيكون للتراث المحلي حضورٌ كبيرٌ في المهرجان، حيث يستضيف بيت آل خاطر بالمدينة التعليمية مجلس الشعر والألعاب التقليدية وعروض الأفلام. وإلى جانب هذه العروض الممتعة، سيفتح “سوق التربة للمزارعين” أبوابه للجميع على مدار فترة المهرجان.

تشمل العروض مشاركة مجموعة من الفنانين بتقديم قصائد عن فلسطين، ومنهم روضة الحاج وأنس الدغيم، بالإضافة إلى دلال أبو آمنة التي تلهمها جذورها الفلسطينية في عرض تاريخ العالم العربي والإسلامي من خلال مزج موسيقاها بالفن والعلوم.

يقام مهرجان دريشة للفنون الأدائية بالتعاون مع شريكين رئيسيين، وهم كونوكو فيليبس قطر، وصندوق دعم الأنشطة الاجتماعية والرياضية (دعم)، والشركاء الاستراتيجيين، وزارة الثقافة، ووزارة التنمية الاجتماعية والأسرة، ومؤسسة الدوحة للأفلام، وسوق التربة للمزارعين، وشركة وقود، وبنك دخان.

لشراء التذاكر، يرجى زيارة: ول معرفة المزيد عن مهرجان دريشة للفنون الأدائية، يرجى زيارة  

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Desert Locust Bulletin 530 (7 December 2022)

The Desert Locust situation continued to remain calm during November. A small outbreak developed in early November where hoppers, groups, and bands were seen in an area of about 100 km by 70 km in northwestern Mauritania. Ground teams treated 2 298 ha. In Sudan, low numbers of adults were first seen in the winter breeding areas this year along the Red Sea coast where a few copulating had started. Isolated adults were else seen in coastal areas of Eritrea, southeast Egypt, and northwest Somalia. In Yemen, low numbers of adults have been on the coast since September. In the Western Region, the summer breeding area has finished. During the forecast, December and January may have slightly above-normal rainfall in the northern parts of the Red Sea coast in northern Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan while southern areas from Eritrea, southern Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and northern Somalia will be drier than normal. As a result, a single generation of small-scale breeding is likely during the winter area. In northwest Mauritania, groups of adults are likely to form in December but should decrease due to control, vegetation that dries out, and rain which is not likely to occur. No significant development is likely.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

IGAD Commences a Somalia National Dialogue on Forced Displacement

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) commenced a three-day meeting to promote exchanges and foster collaboration between various national level actors working in the area of forced displacement and host communities in Somalia.

Participants for the workshop drawn from key government line ministries, departments and agencies, humanitarian and development actors, the private sector, and forcibly displaced persons.

In his opening remarks at this Somalia National Dialogue on Forced Displacement, the Prime Minister of Somalia, H.E. Mr. Hamza Abdi Barre, underlined that almost three million Somalis have been forced to flee their homes and their communities due to multiple factors including droughts, poor security. “This is indeed a saddening reality that we must address as a nation”, he said.

Prime Minister Hamza emphasised that many children were born in displacement with poor or no access to Education while missing out on their basic rights such as protection because of displacement.

The Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr Ahmed Mo’alem Fiqi on his part, reaffirmed that the Ministry of Interior is in charge of providing guidance and leadership, establishing policies and laws, coordinating issues in regard to assistance to refugees and displaced persons.

“We are committed as a government to finding a long-term and comprehensive solution for the IDPs while protecting their rights as citizens”, he noted.

Acknowledging the significant progresses made by the Government of Somalia in developing frameworks to address the root causes of displacement and barriers to solutions, Mr. Jacob Apollo, Protection Officer at IGAD, cited “this workshop seeks to strengthen collaboration, coordination and broaden partnerships to the government-led initiatives.”

Mr. Jacob Apollo added: “We are all in agreement that this is a timely initiative given the continued challenges resulting from forced displacement in Somalia and the pressing need to find sustainable solutions for the affected communities in the face of dwindling resources”.

Somalia Federal Ministries’ of Health, Education, Climate Change, Energy and Water as well as representatives of the Civil Society expressed their commitment to working with the Ministry of Interior Federal Affairs and Reconciliation’s National Commission of Refugees and IDPS on finding durable solutions for Somalia’s refugees and IDPs. Representatives of UNHCR and IOM also gave their remarks in a video message.

The World Bank, the European Union and the Sweden International Development Cooperation Agency financially supported this activity.


The Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) stock population was estimated at 2,967,500 people as of October 2022. The IGAD region hosted 592,243 registered Somali refugees and asylum seekers, while Yemen hosted 69,900. Finding sustainable solutions for the longstanding challenge of displacement and ending the exclusion of affected persons is critical to Somalia’s peace and development trajectory.

The Heads of State and Government of IGAD Member States adopted the Nairobi Declaration, and its accompanying Plan of Action in March 2017, which proposed a comprehensive regional approach to deliver durable solutions for the more than 900,000 Somali refugees as well as over a million IDPs within Somalia. The Declaration equally proposed to create an enabling environment for their re-integration when they return home.

Source: Intergovernmental Authority for Development

EPI watch: Epidemiological Bulletin for Epidemic-prone diseases in Somalia for weeks 44-45, 31/10/2022-13/11/2022

Somalia is experiencing worsening drought following four consecutive seasons of failed rainy season. According to the Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) and Famine Early Warning Network (FEWS NEST), Somalia received suboptimal amount of dyer rains than expected since October 2021. Currently, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) estimates that the number of people affected by extreme drought has risen from 4.9 million in March to 7.8 million in September, with 1 million displaced from their homes in search of water, food, and pasture.

Some 6.8 million people – 45 per cent of the population – are acutely food insecure. For the first time since 2017, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification has confirmed pockets of catastrophic food insecurity (Phase 5) affecting more than 300,000 people.2 An estimated 1.8 million children under age 5 face acute malnutrition, including 515 550 who are severely malnourished.3 The current situation including the displacement have led to more people being vulnerable to epidemic prone diseases, particularly acute diarrheal disease, and measles.

The Federal Ministry of Health and WHO monitor the trends of epidemic-prone diseases in drought affected districts using data from the electronic-based EWARN, fever and rash surveillance system and community health workers deployed in drought affected districts. With support from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and in collaboration with state ministries of health, WHO is implementing activities aimed at preventing disease outbreaks, including the timely detection and response to alerts of epidemic-prone diseases reported among vulnerable communities in drought affected districts. To control cholera outbreak, one million people have received at least one dose of oral cholera vaccine in nine drought affected districts, cases are receiving treatment in nine cholera treatment facilities and 15 oral rehydration points supported by WHO. WHO and partners have scaled up the implementation of drought response activities in 29 drought affected districts in collaboration with UN agencies targeting hard to reach communities.

Source: World Health Organization