Liquid Instruments lance Moku:Pro, une plateforme d’instrumentation définie par logiciel à hautes performances destinée aux ingénieurs et aux scientifiques

La nouvelle architecture fournit neuf instruments avec des capacités de mesure en temps réel aux laboratoires de recherche

CANBERRA, Australie et SAN DIEGO, 23 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Liquid Instruments, un innovateur spécialisé dans les instruments de précision définis par logiciel, a présenté aujourd’hui Moku:Pro, une plateforme de haute performance pour les laboratoires d’ingénierie et de recherche.

Moku:Pro accélère la transition du matériel de mesure et de test à fonction fixe traditionnel vers une approche flexible basée sur les FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays ou réseaux logiques programmables) en rendant les instruments de haute qualité accessibles au sein d’une plateforme intégrée évolutive par logiciel.

« Les chercheurs en ingénierie et physique font face à des exigences en constante évolution, avec des changements survenant selon des délais beaucoup plus courts que la durée de vie des équipements de test », a déclaré Daniel Shaddock, PDG de Liquid Instruments. « L’architecture matérielle compatible logiciel de Moku:Pro lui permet d’évoluer en même temps que vos applications, ce qui est tout simplement impossible avec les équipements de test conventionnels. »MokuPro-Digital

Moku:Pro contient neuf instruments puissants, dont un oscilloscope, un amplificateur à détection synchrone, un régulateur PID, un phasemètre, un générateur de forme d’onde arbitraire, un enregistreur de données, un analyseur de spectre, un analyseur de courbes de fréquence et un générateur d’onde pour s’assurer que les chercheurs disposent des instruments dont ils ont besoin pour caractériser et adapter rapidement leurs expériences. La plateforme a été conçue pour répondre aux besoins des chercheurs dans divers domaines, de l’aéronautique aux semi-conducteurs. La suite d’instruments de Moku:Pro est particulièrement adaptée aux applications photoniques, y compris la spectroscopie, la microscopie, la métrologie, la détection des ondes gravitationnelles, la stabilisation laser active et l’informatique quantique.

« L’informatique quantique repousse les limites de performance de l’électronique, de l’optique et du traitement flexible des signaux en temps réel. Nous considérons l’instrumentation définie par logiciel comme l’avenir des systèmes de test et de mesure pour l’informatique quantique », a déclaré Andrew Horsley, PDG et cofondateur de Quantum Brilliance, une société spécialisée dans l’informatique quantique full-stack travaillant sur la technologie des diamants à température ambiante.« Moku:Pro est un cheval de bataille du laboratoire et l’un des outils photoniques les plus polyvalents que nous ayons vus. »

Intégrer l’instrumentation à l’ère moderne
Moku:Pro fait entrer les tests et les mesures dans l’ère moderne, permettant aux ingénieurs et aux chercheurs de basculer dynamiquement entre les instruments plutôt que d’avoir besoin de plusieurs appareils autonomes. La technologie avancée de mélange ADC garantit que chaque instrument peut fonctionner avec une sensibilité optimale des fréquences RF aux fréquences acoustiques sans compromettre les performances de flexibilité. La connectivité complète via Wi-Fi, Ethernet et USB-C garantit une configuration standard et sans tracas.MokuPro-Digital 2

L’un des principaux avantages de l’instrumentation définie par logiciel est qu’elle s’améliore au fil du temps. Moku:Pro peut recevoir des mises à jour par liaison radio pour fournir des spécifications améliorées, de nouveaux instruments ou des capacités entièrement nouvelles. Les utilisateurs peuvent s’attendre à voir ces avantages dès le mois de septembre lorsque Liquid Instruments prévoit de lancer une fonctionnalité qui donnera à Moku:Pro la possibilité d’exécuter plusieurs instruments conjointement les uns avec les autres et les instruments échangeables à chaud à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur. Dans ce mode multi-instruments, les instruments peuvent être combinés et connectés pour former des pipelines sophistiqués de traitement des signaux. En septembre, la sortie d’un nouvel outil basé sur le cloud qui permettra aux utilisateurs de programmer directement le FPGA de Moku:Pro est également prévue. Grâce à cette capacité, les utilisateurs peuvent mettre en œuvre des algorithmes de traitement de signal uniques et créer leurs propres instruments personnalisés, ce qui permettra d’élargir davantage l’écart avec le matériel conventionnel.

Caractéristiques de Moku:Pro

  • 4 entrées et sorties analogiques
  • Entrée ADC mélangée (10 bits+18 bits) pour les applications à faible bruit et large bande passante
  • Taux d’échantillonnage de 5 GSa/s (1 canal), 1,25 GSa/s (4 canaux)
  • 9 instruments intégrés, y compris un amplificateur à détection synchrone DC-600 MHz
  • SSD 120 Go pour un stockage à haute vitesse à bord
  • Prise en charge API pour Python et MATLAB
  • À partir de 12 000 $ pour la configuration de base, allant jusqu’à 20 000 $ pour la suite complète.

Une histoire de réussite 
L’équipe de direction technique de Liquid Instruments apporte une expertise approfondie dans les mesures complexes avec l’expérience de l’Université nationale australienne, du Max Planck Institute, de Lockheed Martin, de Caltech et du Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la NASA. Moku:Pro étend la gamme de solutions définies par logiciel de Moku:Lab, une plateforme de douze instruments pour la recherche, et, plus récemment, Moku:Go, une solution de laboratoire complète et portable pour l’enseignement de premier cycle.

Pour tout complément d’information sur Moku:Pro, veuillez consulter le site :

À propos de Liquid Instruments
Liquid Instruments est un leader des instruments de précision conçus par logiciel et révolutionne la manière dont les étudiants, les ingénieurs et les scientifiques apprennent, travaillent et découvrent. Sa gamme de solutions matérielles et logicielles tire parti de la puissance de calcul des FPGA modernes pour créer des instruments hautement personnalisables afin de contrôler les expériences et acquérir et analyser des données. La propriété intellectuelle de l’équipe en matière de matériel informatique défini par logiciel permet aux produits de Moku d’être reconfigurés dynamiquement sur le terrain, servant une large gamme de situations expérimentales et de contrôle des processus en constante évolution. Pour tout complément d’informations, rendez-vous sur

Le projet a été financé par le gouvernement australien. Liquid Instruments tient à remercier le financement et le soutien du gouvernement du Commonwealth australien dans le cadre du programme CRC-P administré par le ministère de l’Innovation industrielle et des Sciences.

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Les photographies accompagnant ce communiqué sont disponibles sur :

‫بانجود تُطلِق أطول عرض ترويجي صيفي عالمي على الإطلاق في تاريخها

غوانزو، الصين، 23 يونيو 2021 — /PRNewswire/ بدأت بانجود رسميًا عرض الصيف المميز العالمي تحت عنوان “تسوق شغفك” في 21 يونيو، بعد عاصفة أسعار استمرت 4 أيام في الفترة من 7 إلى 10 يوليو.  سيكون هذا هو أطول عرض ترويجي في تاريخ الشركة.  وسيتمكن كبار أعضاء بانجود (Banggood VIP) من الحصول على الخصم العالمي الحصري بدءًا من 5 يوليو.

وبالإضافة إلى أغراض الصيف والعطلات التي تتصدر قائمة التسوق للجميع، ستُقدِّم بانجود أيضًا علامات تجارية ومنتجات شهيرة خلال هذا العرض الترويجي، بما في ذلك هواتف شاومي الجوَّالة DJI وطابعات Creality ثلاثية الأبعاد.  واعتبارًا من 28 يونيو، سيتم توفير بدل قدره 999999 دولارًا أمريكيًا للمتسوقين.

عرض ترويجي صيفي طويل للغاية، مع أحداث إحماء رائعة

في 21 يونيو، بدأت بانجود العرض الترويجي الصيفي لهذا العام من خلال عرض إيداع التوفير، وقائمة توصيات بانجود الرسمية، وعرض الصيف المبكر.

مع  عرض إيداع التوفير , يمكن لمتسوقي بانجود حجز العناصر المتاحة للبيع المسبق عن طريق إجراء إيداع بقيمة 1 أو 3 دولارات أمريكية بدءًا من الساعة 4:00 مساءً بالتوقيت العالمي الموحّد ( UTC+8 ) في 21 يونيو.  وسيحق للمتسوقين الذين قاموا بإجراء إيداع الحصول على خصومات إضافية، والتي ستُضاف عند دفع ثمن العنصر بالكامل.

تُظهِر بيانات مبيعات بانجود للعام الماضي أن المبيعات في مجالات العناية الشخصية والصحة والتكنولوجيا والمنازل الذكية والفئات الخارجية قد فاقت التوقعات بكثير، حيث أظهرت العناية الشخصية والصحة نموًا كبيرًا بشكل خاص.  ونتيجة لذلك، ستستمر قوائم توصيات بانجود الرسمية في التوصية بمنتجات ذات تقييم جيد من هذه الفئات الشائعة.  على وجه الخصوص، ستجمع قائمة الترتيب الأكثر شيوعًا بين المنتجات الجديدة الأكثر مبيعًا والتي حصلت على مراجعات إيجابية، بناءً على البيانات ومراجعات المستخدمين، بهدف تزويد المتسوقين بالتوصيات المستهدفة.

عرض الصيف المبكر  يُوفِّر وصولًا مبكرًا للغاية للتسوق من أكثر الأغراض مبيعًا بسعر رائع اعتبارًا من 21 يونيو حتى 24 يونيو.  ستُقدِّم أفضل العلامات التجارية بما في ذلك شاومي وبليتزولف وإيتشين مزايا حصرية من العرض.

عروض إقليمية خاصة مع عروض ترويجية متزامنة عالميًا

مع أكثر من عشر سنوات من التوسع في الأسواق العالمية، لم تقم بانجود بإنشاء نظام دعم لوجستي محلي قوي وخدمة دعم فحسب، بل اكتسبت أيضًا رؤى حول توقعات المتسوقين المحليين في كل مكان.  وفي خطوة لتحسين تجربة التسوق بالكامل بغض النظر عن مكان وجود المتسوق -بالإضافة إلى التوصيات المستندة إلى ملفات تعريف المتسوق- ستُطلِق بانجود عروضًا خاصة ذات ميزات محلية.  كأمثلة، لتسهيل التسوق على المنصة، سيتم تقديم خطط التقسيط بدون فوائد في البرازيل وألمانيا، بينما سيتوفر الشحن المجاني لفترة محدودة في إيطاليا والمجر، وسيتم طرح خدمة الدفع اللاحق لأول مرة في الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة وأستراليا.

كما سيَعقِد برنامج بانجود للتسويق بالعمولة مسابقة شركاء الشرف للتسويق بالعمولة لعرض الصيف المميز لعام 2021، حيث ستتاح للفائزين العشرة الأوائل فرصة للفوز بالغنائم والجوائز والعمولات.  قم بالتسجيل لمعرفة المزيد ولتكون في طريقك لربح عمولات هائلة   هنا .

حول بانجود

بانجود هو متجر عالمي رائد عبر الإنترنت، يُقدِّم ملايين المنتجات المختارة بعناية.  من الأجهزة الإلكترونية الاستهلاكية، والأدوات، والمنزل، والألعاب، والرياضة، إلى الملابس، يمكن توصيل كل شيء إلى باب المنزل بعدة نقرات.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة:

GAC MOTOR Brand Values | Understanding “Technology Innovation”

GUANGZHOU, China, June 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — GAC MOTOR’s sights are firmly set on providing the technology of the future, continually pushing and innovating towards more powerful, more efficient and more enjoyable driving experiences. “Technology innovation” means both creating new technologies, and using these various technologies in completely new ways, innovating in every area to produce cars that are always pushing boundaries.

In-House Innovation

GAC R&D Center, under the flag of GAC Group, weave innovation into the manufacturing process. The Center works around the clock behind the scenes to develop in-house, cutting-edge automobile technologies that make cars faster, quieter, greener and more enjoyable to drive than ever before.

Over 30 billion yuan has been invested in independent research at GAC, yielding many exciting new advances. In 2021, GAC unveiled independently developed and patented “sponge silicon negative chip battery technology”, which makes the silicon negative sheet inside batteries as soft and elastic as sponge, strengthening it against wear and tear from charging and giving it a larger storage capacity. The volume and weight of a single battery can be reduced by 20% and 14% respectively, with projected future reductions of up to 50%.

In the Cockpit: Intelligent Systems

In-car, unique new tech features include the ADiGO smart car ecosystem 4.0, which creates an “intelligent cockpit” through the combination of a highly accurate ‘intelligent voice control system’, a highly capable autopilot mode, and extensive IoT capacities.

Other consumer-side tech developments that make GAC so popular with younger consumers are the features that focus on convenience and comfort, such as wireless device charging, panoramic windows, touchscreens that can be controlled via swiping just like a smartphone, 360-degree parking cameras, and seating position buttons that have a memory.

All these careful, extensively tested innovations give consumers a new driving experience that utilizes cutting edge global technologies. This willingness to embrace technological change is what sets GAC MOTOR apart: always striving to ‘GO AND CHANGE’.

With perfection as the end goal, GAC MOTOR is set on breaking technology barriers and further reaching out on a global scale. Without innovation, there is no change; without change, there is no progress. Technology innovation is at the core of the GAC MOTOR brand, and we are excited to see how the newest capabilities, from greener technology to intelligent or self-driving vehicles, will change the customers’ mobile lives in the future.

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Intelligent Wave Inc. Provides Finland’s Broadcaster Yle with IP Flow-monitoring Solution “EoM”

– Vital Real-time Monitoring Solution in Next-generation IP Broadcasting –

TOKYO, June 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Intelligent Wave Inc. (“IWI” hereinafter), based in Tokyo, announced on June 23 that it has provided Yleisradio Oy (“Yle” hereinafter), a national public service media, with “EoM,” an IP flow-monitoring solution.

EoM Implementation Backstory

Yle has implemented EoM in a plan to monitor and analyze IP flows in an upcoming renewed MCR Control Room. Below are the points highly evaluated during the POC.

EoM Evaluation Points

  • Compatible with 100GbE, and supports a variety of protocols
  • Expectation on higher availability without additional cost with 24/7 monitoring
  • Detailed troubleshooting made possible with past data analysis
  • Integration with third-party network management system
  • Software-based solution utilizing OSS allowing flexible configuration

About EoM

EoM is an IP flow-monitoring solution (*1) co-developed with Japan’s public broadcaster NHK aimed towards the broadcasting industry. EoM combines IWI’s high-speed data-processing technology from its payment system development business and the power of FPGAs (*2). With the spread of 4K/8K broadcasting, it is becoming vital for broadcasters to shift to IP transmission, which calls for a tool to monitor IP flows in detail in order to maintain/increase the quality. EoM supports standard IP broadcasting protocols, such as SMPTE ST2110, ST2022, etc., contributing to drastically cutting down operation cost for IP studios by analyzing/monitoring data in real time as well as analyzing past data. IWI will continuously develop features and functions that will contribute to supporting and maintaining the quality of IP broadcast.

(*1) Patent pending
(*2) FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array): an integrated circuit designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after manufacturing

EoM Functions / Features

Below are some functions / features of EoM. (New functions/features will be continuously added.)

  • Monitoring of 12 protocols with a supported speed of 10GbE / 25GbE / 100GbE
  • Items such as bitrate, packet drop count, latency, jitter, etc. can be monitored
  • Alert according to user-set threshold
  • Decoding of audio and video packet
  • Integration with third-party network management system

More information on EoM:

About IWI

IWI is a leading company in online network infrastructure development in the finance industry, with strengths in handling an immense amount of data precisely and in real time. IWI has a growing business in the security industry, developing and reselling packaged software for information security and cybersecurity. IWI supports corporate DX by providing fast, reliable, and safe infrastructure based on the company’s management philosophy “Creating safe and reliable information society.”

*All product names and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Unilumin Became China’s First DCI-certified LED Company

SHENZHEN, China, June 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Recently Unilumin’s latest Cinema Screen passed the tests of the Research Institute of DMC, Keio University, a DCI authorized agency, and officially became a DCI-certified product. Unilumin has thus become China’s first DCI-certified LED display enterprise and gained full access to the opportunities of the cinema LED display market.

What’s the internationally accredited DCI certification?

DCI is an organization of Digital Cinema System Specification focusing on the development of open architecture. Digital film systems or products without DCI certification can’t be applied or promoted in the cinema market. Unilumin Cinema Screen has obtained the DCI certification, showcasing its world-leading technology in LED cinema screens!

Unilumin’s latest Cinema Screen offers outstanding display performance with a 4K resolution of 4096*2160, DCI-P3 color gamut, and a super contrast ratio of 40000:1. This product boasts an extremely high localization level, which can realize the independent control of the industrial chain and greatly reduce the cost, laying a solid foundation for the popularization and application of LED cinema screens.

The Trends of Cinema Development and High-end Cinema Screens

More than 100,000 installed cinema screens are expected to be replaced in the next five years following 2020, TrendForce revealed while citing cinema projector leader Barco’s analysis of cinema trends from 2006 to 2026. Due to fierce competition in the cinema market, there will have been a total of 200,000 cinema screens by 2023. LED displays can easily conform to the trend of image display, which is bound to be high resolution 4K or even 8K, and laser projectors offer high resolution and high lumen projection capabilities, so they are gradually penetrating the cinema market.

A Comprehensive Presence and Constantly Exploration

As a leader in the LED industry, Unilumin has long worked in the cinema display market. On the one hand, Unilumin has attached importance to the in-depth integration of 5G, 4K/8K, 3D and other high-format film technologies, actively promoted the application of LED displays in cinemas.

On the other hand, Unilumin has actively carried out external cooperation, which greatly promoted joint development and made enough market foundation for the booming of the cinema LED displays market.

This DCI certification marks the latest achievement of Unilumin’s efforts in the cinema display market. In the future, Unilumin will provide people with a better audio-visual life with higher quality display images and an immersive viewing experience.

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Government of Angola (Ministry of Transport): International Public Tender Open for the Management of the Port of Lobito’s Multi-Purpose Container and General Cargo Terminal, With a 20-Year Execution Period

LOBITO, Angola, June 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — An International Public Tender for the concession of the Commercial Port of Lobito’s Multi-Purpose Container and General Cargo Terminal is still open. The purpose of the tender is the management, exploitation and investment in expanding the capacity of the Commercial Port of Lobito’s Multi-Purpose Container and General Cargo Terminal, a port infrastructure comprising a total area of 241,540.94 m2, with the capacity to handle over one million tonnes of non-container cargo and 250,000 TEUs.

The deadline for the submission of applications is August 16, 2021 and the above-mentioned tender is aimed at foreign companies or business associations that have demonstrable experience in the activity in question or that meet the requirements demanded in the program.

Companies interested in participating in the tender must meet the following requirements:

  • A paid-up equity capital of no less than the equivalent of 25 million USD (Twenty-Five Million U.S. Dollars).
  • An average annual business volume for the last 3 financial years of no less than the equivalent of 100 million USD (One Hundred Million U.S. Dollars).
  • A net asset value of no less than the equivalent of 100 million USD (One Hundred Million U.S. Dollars).
  • In terms of their technical capacity, applicant companies must have, directly or through subsidiaries, a share of no less than 25% in at least 3 concession operations for port terminals in the last 3 years, including at least 50% in one of those operations, with an average annual traffic over the last three years of no less than 250,000 TEUs (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand TEUs).

Bidders must submit their applications in a physical format, to the headquarters of Empresa Portuária do Lobito, specifically to the Concessions room, located in the Lobito Port Container Terminal building, 1.º andar, Rua 1 de Dezembro, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and they must be addressed to the Comissão de Avaliação das Concessões.

Given the importance of this tender, your Social Communications department is invited to share the above press release.

For more information on applications, interested parties should visit the following links:  

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Turkey in talks over Somalia space station and missions to the Moon

Mogadishu (SONNA)- Turkey is in talks with three countries as it seeks help in developing a space port in Somalia and a rocket to carry out lunar landings, according to the head of its space agency.

Serdar Huseyin Yildirim, head of the Turkish Space Agency, made his comments to the Sputnik news agency on the sidelines of the Global Space Exploration Conference, held in St Petersburg between the 14 and 18 of June.

Although he did not say which countries were involved, his remarks suggested Russia was one of them. “We could work with Russia in many areas, on the spaceport, on rocket engines. We discussed the possibility of Russia providing assistance in the construction of our spaceport. They have a great deal of experience in this area, both in launch pads and spaceports themselves,” Yildirim commented.

It was reported in February that Ankara was considering the construction of a spaceport in Somalia as part of a $1bn plan to develop a space exploration programme.

According to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, this is aimed at carrying out a “hard” landing on the Moon in 2023, the centenary of the founding of modern Turkey. This mission would allow Turkish scientists to gain experience for a soft landing in 2028 followed by the carrying out of scientific experiments and the deployment of an exploration vehicle.

Yildirim added that Turkey had held talks with the Centre for Operation of Space Ground-Based Infrastructure, a subsidiary of Russian space agency Roscosmos, and more detailed planning may begin in the next year, once the location of the spaceport is finalised.

Turkey launched its space agency in December 2018. In 2020, it announced the testing of a rocket developed by defence contractor Roketsan.

It is also planning to send a Turkish astronaut to the International Space Station, and launch satellites to set up its own global positioning system.

In an interview with Sputnik last year, Yildirim indicated that the country’s space agency was working on nearly 30 separate projects, and that it has held talks with about 20 countries on space cooperation, including Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, Japan, China, Pakistan, India and Azerbaijan.

Source: Somali National News Agency

Swedish Ambassador visits Beledweyne town

Mogadishu(SONNA)-Swedish Ambassador to Somalia, Per Lindgärde together with a delegation on Wednesday visited Beledweyne town, the capital of Hiiraan region to assess the flood situation and show his government’s support to building dams there, SONNA reported.

Hirshabelle State and regional officials welcomed the delegation at Ugas Khalif Airport and led him to down town and Hilikilyo area where locals built dam to prevent Shabelle river to flood into the town.

Swedish Government will take part in building the dame and the Ambassador’s visit to the region aimed at assessing the situation there and express support.

Source: Somali National News Agency