Reuters faz parceria com a Plataforma de Automação da The Globe and Mail

TORONTO, May 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A, uma plataforma de automação, otimização e previsão alimentada por IA desenvolvida pela The Globe and Mail, está trabalhando com a Reuters – divisão de notícias e mídia da Thomson Reuters – enquanto continua investindo nas mais recentes soluções de IA para sua redação. A Sophi está ajudando a automatizar a curadoria de conteúdo em seções selecionadas na, que foi relançada em abril de 2021.

Sophi Site Automation organiza autonomamente conteúdo digital para encontrar e promover os artigos de conteúdos cativantes. Sophi analisa todo o conteúdo quando publicado e todo o tráfego, para encontrar o que os clientes de uma organização mais valorizam.

Para automatizar a curadoria de conteúdo, o algoritmo da Sophi está aprendendo com os editores da Reuters. A redação conseguiu trabalhar com algumas das mais recentes soluções de IA, resultando em mais tempo para editores se concentrarem em encontrar a próxima história e criar o jornalismo que torna a Reuters uma marca tão confiável.

Josh London, Diretor Profissional e Diretor de Marketing da Reuters, disse: “A plataforma de IA de ponta da Sophi é um dos próximos passos na evolução das nossas propriedades digitais. A Sophi nos ajudará a promover a nossa missão de levar a tecnologia e as ferramentas com base em IA para a nossa equipe de trabalho, ao mesmo tempo em que ajudará a levar aos nossos leitores as histórias que eles querem e precisam saber.”

Michael Young, Diretor de Tecnologia da Reuters, disse: “Nossa parceria com a é outro exemplo de como uma redação como a nossa pode implantar com sucesso algumas das mais recentes soluções de IA para a descoberta eficaz de conteúdo. A nossa equipe trabalhou em estreita colaboração com a equipe da Sophi para garantir que a pontuação da Sophi refletisse nossas metas de negócios. Estamos satisfeitos com a automação resultante do site.”

Mike O’Neill, cofundador e CEO da, acrescentou: “É um grande prazer ter a Reuters como cliente. Eles depositaram a confiança na Sophi e estamos empolgados em automatizar a curadoria em todas as páginas de artigos para iniciar e expandir o relacionamento para incluir mais soluções no futuro.”

“É muito bom trabalhar com a Reuters assim”, disse Phillip Crawley, Editor e CEO da The Globe and Mail. “Eles têm uma missão forte e a está viabilizando que eles continuem a demonstrar como a integridade editorial pode ser apoiada pela IA.”

Sobre a Reuters
A Reuters é a principal provedora mundial de notícias, insights e análises confiáveis, atingindo bilhões de pessoas diariamente em todo o mundo. Fundada em 1851, ela reúne jornalismo de classe mundial, experiência da indústria e tecnologia de ponta com velocidade, confiabilidade e precisão incomparáveis para permitir que as pessoas tomem melhores decisões. A Reuters está comprometida com os Princípios de Confiança de independência, integridade e liberdade de preconceitos, e é a fonte essencial de notícias de negócios, financeiras e mundiais entregues a profissionais financeiros exclusivamente através dos serviços Refinitiv, e às organizações de mídia do mundo, eventos da indústria e diretamente aos consumidores.

Sobre a
A ( foi desenvolvida pela The Globe and Mail para ajudar os editores de conteúdo a tomar decisões estratégicas e táticas importantes. A empresa oferece um conjunto de soluções de automação, otimização e previsão com base em IA e ML, incluindo Sophi Site Automation, Sophi for Paywalls e Sophi for First Party Data. A Sophi também capacita o laydown automatizado de um clique da publicação impressa sem modelos. A Sophi foi projetada para aprimorar as métricas que mais importam para sua empresa, como retenção e aquisição de assinantes, engajamento, recentidade, frequência e volume.

Contato EUA
Kayley Rogers
Gerente de Comunicações

Jamie Rubenovitch
Dirigente de Marketing,
The Globe and Mail

Bridging Technology and Education: UNESCO and Huawei Deliver Campus UNESCO for Young People in 20 countries

SHENZHEN, China, May 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — UNESCO and Huawei have to date run ten Campus UNESCO sessions, focusing on technology and education and reaching students from 39 schools in 21 countries.

Campus UNESCO is an ongoing program that gives young people aged 14 to 18 the chance to share views with experts from UNESCO and civil society. The topics discussed in each 90-minute session in either English or French are linked to major UNESCO themes such as education, artificial intelligence, sustainable development, gender equality, and citizenship.

One of the campus real-time screenshot

Huawei has been partnering with UNESCO on the program since June 2021. The sessions have covered a wide variety of topics, including the relationship between technology and education, new technologies for today and tomorrow, and how technology can be used for good. Topics relevant to current issues that rose on the global agenda when the pandemic closed school doors in 2020 were especially welcomed by the students, including the changes brought to schools that either have or lack technology, and the necessity of physical schools when everything can be found on the Internet.

“We believe the SDG and COVID challenges are incredible ingredients for innovation,” said Dr. Valtencir Mendes, Senior Programme Specialist, UNESCO at one of the campuses.

Other issues of focus during campus sessions have been the value of digital skills and new behaviors to prevent cyberbullying, a threat that is on the rise for many teenagers in an increasingly digital world where social media is prevalent and when young people are outside the classroom.

Sharing their experiences and views with expert speakers can raise awareness among young people, not just about how new technologies will impact today and tomorrow, but the role that today’s teenagers can have in shaping the future.

The campus in French language real-time screenshot

As well as UNESCO experts, other speakers include inspirational people from the organization’s networks, such as NGOs, IGOs, startups, spanning a wide range of roles, including scientists, researchers, and local development project managers.

Aligned with the aims of Campus UNESCO, Huawei and UNESCO are also partnering on the “Technology-enabled Open Schools for All” project, the implementation phase of which was launched in 2021 in Ghana, Egypt, and Ethiopia. The three-year project is supporting the construction of resilient education systems that can withstand global disruptions such as COVID-19. In addition to connecting schools, the project is providing training for teachers and students in the use of digital tools, establishing online platforms to link school and home learning, and developing digital curricula that can be accessed remotely.

The “Technology-enabled Open Schools for All” project is aligned with the Tech4Education domain of Huawei’s digital inclusion initiative TECH4ALL, which aims to drive education equity and quality with technology under the major aim of TECH4ALL: to leave no one behind in the digital world.

View the series on the Huawei TECH4ALL official website:

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Synchronoss passará a fornecer Automação e Gerenciamento de Processos por Atacado para a Brightspeed

Relacionamento irá apoiar as implantações planejadas de fibra da Brightspeed em 20 estados onde está presente

Recursos do Acordo Plurianual InterconectNOW e Análise Financeira irão ajudar a planejar solicitações de serviço e gerenciar as despesas do parceiro de negociação

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., May 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Synchronoss Technologies Inc. (“Synchronoss” ou a “Empresa”) (Nasdaq: SNCR), líder global e inovadora de nuvem, mensagens e produtos e plataformas digitais, anunciou hoje que assinou um acordo de vários anos com a Brightspeed, fornecedora de serviços de banda larga e telecomunicações com previsão de operação em 20 estados. A Brightspeed será inicialmente composta pelos ativos da operadora de câmbio local (ILEC) e operações associadas da Lumen Technologies (NYSE: LUMN), que são objeto de uma aquisição pendente por fundos gerenciados pela Apollo (NYSE: APO).

A Brightspeed utilizará dois módulos principais da Plataforma Synchronoss networkX – InterconnectNOW (iNOW) e Financial Analytics (FA) – nas suas implantações de fibra planejadas em todo o seu território multiestadual em regiões rurais e suburbanas dos Estados Unidos.

A Brightspeed anunciou anteriormente planos de investir mais de US $ 2 bilhões na construção de uma rede que irá fornecer Internet e Wi-Fi mais rápidos e confiáveis para as comunidades em todo o Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e certas partes da Pensilvânia e Nova Jersey.   A transformação planejada de fibra óptica da empresa deve alcançar até três milhões de residências e empresas nos próximos cinco anos, inclusive em muitos lugares onde a fibra e a tecnologia avançada não foram implantadas.

“Com a ampliação da rede de fibra óptica da Brightspeed, o iNOW e o Financial Analytics passarão a fazer parte integrante da gestão das operações da operadora de atacado da empresa”, disse Chris Hill, Diretor Comercial da Synchronoss. “A automatização e o planejamento de pedidos ao longo do ciclo de vida viabilizarão que a Brightspeed possa atender os pedidos dos clientes e a aumentar sua receita mais rapidamente.”

“Com a nossa parceria com a Synchronoss poderemos ter acesso às plataformas de última geração para alcançar eficiências excepcionais na gestão dos pedidos das nossas operadoras atacadistas e transações de parceiros comerciais”, disse Chris Creager, Diretor Administrativo da Brightspeed. “O iNOW nos permitirá acompanhar completamente os pedidos e nos ajudará a fornecer produtos e serviços de conectividade de classe mundial para as comunidades que estamos prontos para atender.”

A plataforma iNOW elimina o manuseio manual dos pedidos de serviço e administra todo o ciclo de vida entre cliente e fornecedor por meio de automação e validação com base em regras. Ela fornece uma única interface e banco de dados para todos os pedidos de compradores e fornecedores, facilitando o rastreamento dos pedidos desde o recebimento até o atendimento, concilia o faturamento e fornece relatórios em tempo real – reduzindo o tempo para alcance da receita.

A plataforma Financial Analytics simplifica o gerenciamento de faturamento complexo da operadora por meio de um fluxo de trabalho automatizado e mecanismos de regras intuitivas para auditoria, contabilidade, validação e pagamento de faturas. A FA capacita os prestadores de serviços, como a Brightspeed, com as ferramentas e processos necessários para garantir que as despesas entre transportadoras sejam completamente analisadas e confirmadas antes do pagamento.

Os principais provedores de serviços de todo o mundo utilizam a Synchronoss e a plataforma iNOW para gerenciar 39 milhões de pedidos e transações anualmente de 5.000 operadores integrados.

Sobre a Synchronoss

A Synchronoss Technologies(Nasdaq: SNCR) cria software que capacita empresas ao redor do mundo a se conectarem com seus assinantes de forma confiável e significativa. O conjunto de produtos da empresa ajuda a agilizar as redes, simplificar a integração e envolver os assinantes, permitindo novos fluxos de receita, redução dos custos e aumento da velocidade no mercado. Centenas de milhões de assinantes confiam nos produtos da Synchronoss que se mantêm em sincronia com as pessoas, serviços e conteúdo que elas gostam. É por isso que mais de 1.500 funcionários talentosos da Synchronoss em todo o mundo se esforçam todos os dias para reimaginar um mundo em sincronia. Saiba mais em

Sobre a Brightspeed

Com sede em Charlotte, N.C. e previsão de ter ativos e operações associadas em 20 estados, a Brightspeed fornecerá serviços de banda larga e telecomunicações por meio de uma plataforma de rede capaz de atender a mais de seis milhões de residências e empresas. A empresa visa superar a divisão digital implantando uma rede de fibra de última geração e uma experiência do cliente que torne a conexão simples e perfeita. Saiba mais em


Contato de Relações com a Mídia:
Domenick Cilea

Contato de Relações com Investidores:
Matt Glover / Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.


Contato de Relações com a Mídia:
Erik Carlson
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
(212) 355-4449

Synchronoss s’apprête à fournir une automatisation et une gestion des processus de gros à Brightspeed

Cette relation vise à soutenir les déploiements de fibre optique prévus de Brightspeed sur une surface de 20 États

Cet accord pluriannuel comprend interconnectNOW et Financial Analytics
pour faciliter l’orchestration des demandes de service et la gestion des dépenses des partenaires commerciaux

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey, 11 mai 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies Inc. (« Synchronoss » ou la « Société ») (Nasdaq : SNCR ), un leader mondial et innovateur dans les produits et plateformes numériques, de messagerie et de cloud, a annoncé aujourd’hui la signature d’un accord pluriannuel avec Brightspeed, un fournisseur de services de haut débit et de télécommunications devant opérer dans 20 États. Brightspeed sera initialement composée des actifs de l’entreprise de service local titulaire (ILEC) et des opérations associées de Lumen Technologies (NYSE : LUMN), qui font l’objet d’une acquisition en attente par des fonds gérés par Apollo (NYSE : APO).

Brightspeed utilisera deux modules clés de la plateforme Synchronoss networkX – interconnectNOW (iNOW) et Financial Analytics (FA) – pour ses déploiements de fibre optique prévus sur l’ensemble de son territoire multi-États dans les régions rurales et suburbaines des États-Unis.

Brightspeed avait précédemment annoncé son intention d’investir plus de 2 milliards de dollars dans la construction d’un réseau qui apportera un accès Internet et un Wi-Fi plus rapides et plus fiables aux communautés du Midwest, du Sud-Est et de certaines parties de Pennsylvanie et du New Jersey.   La transformation prévue de la fibre optique par la société devrait atteindre jusqu’à trois millions de foyers et d’entreprises au cours des cinq prochaines années, y compris dans de nombreux endroits où la fibre et la technologie de pointe n’ont jusqu’à présent pas été déployées.

« Alors que Brightspeed continue de développer son réseau de fibre optique, iNOW et Financial Analytics feront partie intégrante de la gestion des activités d’opérateur de gros de la société », a déclaré Chris Hill, directeur commercial de Synchronoss. « L’automatisation et l’orchestration des commandes tout au long du cycle de vie permettront à Brightspeed de suivre le rythme des demandes des clients et de générer des revenus plus rapidement. »

« Notre partenariat avec Synchronoss nous fournira un accès à ses plateformes de pointe afin d’obtenir une efficacité exceptionnelle dans la gestion de nos commandes d’opérateur de gros et de nos transactions avec nos partenaires commerciaux », a déclaré Chris Creager, directeur administratif de Brightspeed. « De bout en bout, iNOW nous permettra de suivre les commandes et nous aidera à fournir des produits et services de connectivité de classe mondiale aux communautés que nous sommes impatients de servir. »

La plateforme iNOW élimine la gestion manuelle des commandes de service et gère l’intégralité du cycle de vie entre le client et le fournisseur via l’automatisation et la validation basée sur des règles. Elle fournit une interface et une base de données uniques pour toutes les commandes des acheteurs et des fournisseurs, facilite le suivi des commandes de la réception à l’exécution, permet de rapprocher la facturation et fournit un reporting en temps réel, raccourcissant ainsi les délais de génération de revenus.

La plateforme Financial Analytics rationalise la gestion de la facturation complexe des opérateurs via un flux de travail automatisé et des moteurs de règles intuitifs pour l’audit, la comptabilité, la validation et le paiement des factures. FA permet aux fournisseurs de services tels que Brightspeed de disposer des outils et processus nécessaires pour s’assurer que les dépenses interopérateurs sont soigneusement analysées et confirmées avant le paiement.

Les principaux fournisseurs de services du monde entier utilisent Synchronoss et la plateforme iNOW pour gérer 39 millions de commandes et de transactions par an auprès de 5 000 opérateurs intégrés.

À propos de Synchronoss

Synchronoss Technologies (Nasdaq : SNCR) est un développeur de logiciels permettant aux entreprises du monde entier de se connecter à leurs abonnés de manière fiable et pertinente. Sa gamme de produits contribue à rationaliser les réseaux, simplifier l’intégration et interagir avec les abonnés afin de créer de nouvelles sources de revenus, de réduire les coûts et d’accélérer la mise sur le marché. Plusieurs centaines de millions d’abonnés font confiance à Synchronoss pour rester en phase avec les individus, les services et les contenus qu’ils aiment. C’est pourquoi plus de 1 500 talentueux collaborateurs de Synchronoss à travers le monde s’efforcent chaque jour de repenser un monde synchronisé. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

À propos de Brightspeed

Basée à Charlotte, en Caroline du Nord, et devant posséder des actifs et des opérations associées dans 20 États, Brightspeed fournira des services de haut débit et de télécommunications via une plateforme réseau capable de desservir plus de six millions de foyers et d’entreprises. L’entreprise vise à combler la fracture numérique en déployant un réseau de fibre à la pointe de la technologie et une expérience client qui permet de rester connecté de manière simple et transparente. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur


Contact pour les relations avec les médias :
Domenick Cilea

Contact pour les relations avec les investisseurs :
Matt Glover / Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.


Contact pour les relations avec les médias :
Erik Carlson
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
(212) 355-4449


Africa’s most inspirational women in leadership to lead at 2022 Africa Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® – the success and leadership summit for women on June 2.

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, May 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — House of Rose Professional Pte. Ltd (HORP) today announced its 2022 List of Africa’s Most Inspirational Women in Leadership. The list included over 100 inspirational leaders and was curated by House of Rose Professional after assessing senior female executives across Africa from over 400 Companies/Organizations. Five factors were used in the final determination of Africa’s Most Inspirational Women in leadership –  Career achievements; scale of influence; active and visible advocacy for gender equality; active support of other women in leadership within and outside of their own organizations/ Companies; and sharing of their best practices for success across broader industry.


Several of Africa’s Most Inspirational Women in Leadership will be sharing their best practices for success at the upcoming 2022 Africa Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® – the success and leadership summit for womenwhich will be held virtually on June 2, 2022. These include: Nene Maiga, CEO Orange Botswana, Carli Jacobs, Head of life & Health Reinsurance for Southern Africa, Swiss Re; Phillipine Mtikitiki, Vice President, South Africa Franchise, The Coca-Cola Company; Paloma Lengema, Head of Marketing, BIC East Africa; Mashudu Lembede, Country Chief Executive Zambia, Bureau Veritas Group; Cynthia Griffin, Minister Counselor Commercial Affairs, Sub-Saharan Africa, US Department of Commerce and Dr Susan Mboya, Principal and International Advisor, Navigators Global LLC.  Other  speakers at the summit include Vukani Mngxati, Chief Executive Officer, Africa, Accenture; Alex von Behr, President vBAssociates, Senior Advisor – House of Rose Professional and former Global Chief Customer Officer, Unilever; Ismael Bello, General Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa, Mars Wrigley; Ranu Gupta, Managing Partner, Performance Leverage; Alfred Olajide, Vice President and General Manager, Nigeria, The Coca-Cola Company; Cyprian Kabbis, District Chief Executive – Eastern Africa, Bureau Veritas Group, Brian Peters, Former Mr. Universe and  Anthony A. Rose, Chairman and CEO, House of Rose Professional.

Break the ceiling touch the sky® is the world’s leading forum for women in leadership, having inspired and enabled several thousand leaders to greater success across editions in Africa, North America, Europe, Middle East, ANZ and Asia since 2015.  The summit brings together leaders from the best Companies leading in the world to share best practices on leadership, diversity & inclusion, and success.  The 2022 Africa Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® on June 2, 2022 will cover topics including the future of business in Africa – leadership and growth strategies; Success secrets of the most inspirational women leaders; small actions and big impact; and a special segment on wellness.

The summit is a key enabler of HORP’s Mission 2029 for a Better World – the 10 year initiative to shape a better world through better (gender) diversity & inclusion, leadership and business. With some of the world’s fastest growing economies in Africa, the Region is expected to contribute significantly towards this Mission.

Companies or individuals can view the Break the ceiling touch the sky® Africa’s Most Inspirational Women in Leadership 2022 List and register for the 2022 Africa Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky®, June 2 at

The 2022 Africa Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® is sponsored by Coca-Cola, Bureau Veritas and Accenture.

House of Rose Professional Pte. Ltd® is a global leader in the Talent, Training and Transformation areas of business.

Inquiries contact:

Anthony A. Rose
House of Rose Professional Pte. Ltd.

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SOLVE FSHD Announces Appointment of Executive Director Dr. Eva Chin and Venture-Philanthropic Funding Structure

SOLVE FSHD’s Venture Philanthropy Model

The model will enable SOLVE FSHD to be financially self-sustainable through return on investments.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Following SOLVE FSHD’s recent acclaimed launch, the organization is pleased to formally announce the appointment of Dr. Eva Chin as the Executive Director. SOLVE FSHD’s Founder, Chip Wilson, has personally committed USD100 million to find a cure for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD), a rare disease he was diagnosed with at the age of 32. As the inaugural Executive Director for SOLVE FSHD, Dr. Chin will be responsible for aligning the organization’s goals with the expertise of researchers, scientists and companies to promote and fund the discovery and development of new therapies for FSHD.

“Dr. Chin’s experience and specialization in rare neuromuscular diseases add immense value to our organization. We are excited to gain her expertise and guidance to achieve the organization’s goal of finding a cure for FSHD by December 2027,” says Chip Wilson, SOLVE FSHD Founder. He added, “Within just a few weeks of the organization’s launch, SOLVE FSHD has received a tremendous response to the call for qualified grant applications and new therapeutic technologies, which will be reviewed under Dr. Chin’s leadership. In addition, she has worked tirelessly to build strong industry alliances for SOLVE FSHD, closely assessed the exciting projects to fund and facilitated collaborative funding opportunities across the academic and industry sectors in FSHD research and drug development.”

Dr. Chin obtained her Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Waterloo in Canada and completed post-doctoral training at the University of Sydney, Australia and U.T. Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, focusing on intracellular calcium in muscle fatigue and transcriptional regulation of gene expression in muscle fibre type determination and muscle plasticity.

“I am honoured to join the Solve FSHD team, supporting Chip and the Wilson Family in our mission to improve the quality of life for those affected by rare neuromuscular diseases by funding qualified research projects and pre-clinical and clinical research that will accelerate finding a cure for FSHD,” says Dr. Eva Chin, Solve FSHD Executive Director.

Dr. Chin’s career has spanned the academic and pharmaceutical industries, with previous positions at Pfizer, the University of Maryland, MyoTherapeutics, Cytokinetics and NMD Pharma. While at Pfizer, Eva shifted her career from academic research focusing on cellular and molecular mechanisms of muscle function to discovering and developing muscle-targeted therapies. Over the past five years, she has led the nonclinical development of numerous drug candidates in clinical trials for ALS, SMA, myasthenia gravis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Under Dr. Chin’s guidance, Solve FSHD’s venture-philanthropic funding model will strategically utilize Wilson’s monetary commitment to support the initial grants, investments in early-stage companies focused on FSHD and to incentivize pharmaceutical companies in the neuromuscular disease space to increase their focus on FSHD. The venture philanthropy model will enable the organization to be financially self-sustainable through return on investments. The investments in viable, albeit high-risk, research opportunities may generate a continued re-investment stream into the organization to further support grant funding initiatives.

“To take advantage of recent advances in genetic therapeutics, SOLVE FSHD constructed a creative funding platform to facilitate the development of treatments that rapidly slow, stop or even reverse weakness in FSHD,” said Dr. John Day, MD, Ph.D., Director of Stanford University’s Neuromuscular Medicine program. “Having someone with Dr. Eva Chin’s experience and capabilities join SOLVE FSHD is critical to establishing the scientifically rigorous program needed to define and validate safe and effective treatments as quickly as possible,” says Dr. John Day, MD, Ph.D., Neuromuscular Medicine, Stanford Neuroscience Health Center.

About Solve FSHD
Solve FSHD is funding innovative biotech and biopharma research and development activities that accelerate novel treatments of Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) treatment. It is fully funded and created by Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist Chip Wilson. The founder of yoga-inspired athletic apparel company Lululemon Athletica inc. has been living with FSHD for the last three decades of his life. He has committed $100 million of his own money to create SOLVE FSHD and kick-start funding into projects that fit the organization’s mission: accelerate research into new therapies and find a cure for the disorder by 2027.

Future announcements for grant funding will be issued on SOLVE FSHD’s website – For early-stage companies, contact SOLVE FSHD at

If you have FSHD and want to find out about clinical trials or be included in the FSHD registry, please see SOLVE FSHD’s website –

For media inquiries or to request a media interview, please contact:
Kamran Shaikh, Account Director
PR Associates

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Amid Blood Supply Emergency, New Heaven New Earth Shincheonji Church Steps Up to Donate

NEW YORK, May 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Dozens of New York-based members of New Heaven New Earth, Shincheonji Church of Jesus (SCJ), participated in a group blood donation expected to run May 6th through May 13th. Donations were made through the New York Blood Center (NYBC), one of the world’s largest independent blood centers.

The church members’ donations come amid a blood supply emergency announced by the NYBC. As of May 9th, the organization reported that inventory is low across all blood types. Ideally, the center would have a 5-7-day blood supply. Currently, however, blood types O and B have fallen to a 1-2-day level.

“This time of the year always tends to be difficult for the blood supply, with school spring breaks and increased travel making blood donations less of a priority,” said Andrea Cefarelli, senior executive director at NYBC. “These factors are now coinciding with increasing COVID cases and a potential fifth wave of the pandemic.”

The latest news comes during a national blood supply shortage that has made headlines since early 2022. Pix 11 reported that the NYBC previously collected 50 pints of blood on a typical day. By January 2022, it was only collecting seven or eight pints per day.

Inspired to save lives and raise awareness, members of SCJ in New York leaped at the chance to donate blood. The church hopes that others will be encouraged to do the same.

Donations made in New York follow the group blood donation of more than 18,478 members of SCJ in South Korea. All certificates and tickets collected within the two-week donation period will be given to the Korean Red Cross. So far, donation tickets worth nearly $100,000 have been gathered.

SCJ members have stepped up to donate blood since 2020. Following a request made by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, members donated plasma at a time when Covid-19 treatments were not yet available.

“I was deeply moved when 6,000 members of the church donated plasma for the development of a treatment for COVID-19 in 2020,” said an official from Green Cross Korea. “Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has stepped forward in times of national crisis.”

For more information:

MEDIA CONTACT: Gina Del Gigante, 16466287365,

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Sphera Tackles Scope 3 Emissions Reporting with Launch of its Automated Life Cycle Assessment Solution

New solution will allow businesses to aggregate and calculate life cycle assessments quickly and at scale

CHICAGO, May 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sphera®, a leading global provider of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and risk management software, data and consulting services, today announced the launch of its new Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Automation software, building upon the company’s existing LCA solutions. The move comes as investor and regulatory pressures surrounding the standardization and digitalization of end-to-end sustainability data measurement continue to mount, necessitating increasingly sophisticated and granular reporting and compliance tools.

Sphera’s next-generation solution integrates seamlessly with customers’ existing systems for rapid deployment, allowing customers to quickly receive holistic, real-time analysis and insights into the environmental footprint of their product portfolios. It also features extensive managed content that enables customers to instantaneously calculate their carbon footprint at scale and model how adjustments to specific variables—such as leveraging a cleaner power source or altering production processes—may affect emissions outputs.

The LCA Automation solution serves as an extension of Sphera’s existing Product Sustainability capabilities which include life cycle assessment software and content. The service allows a company to increase the number of LCAs by a factor of 1,000, in turn enabling the experienced LCA professional to focus on analyzing and improving results, versus creating them.

The overarching goal of Sphera’s LCA Automation tool is to help businesses—especially those in sectors with complex supply chains, such as manufacturing, consumer goods, paints and chemicals—to more effectively reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at every step of production, from design to disassembly. Improved forecasting will facilitate holistic corporate decisions with sustainability incorporated at each stage, allowing teams to proactively predict and control environmental impact.

Paul Marushka, Sphera’s CEO and president, says: “Historically, LCAs have been viewed as voluntary, ad-hoc add-ons to broader corporate sustainability efforts. However, with consumer awareness growing in-step with regulatory mandates to mitigate the effects of climate change, LCA Automation feeds into the highest needs of decarbonization. As recent moves from the EU, SEC and the latest IPCC report have shown, financial and reputational fallout from a failure to act are very much a ‘when’, not an ‘if’.”

Continues Marushka, “From helping engineers create more sustainable products to enabling procurement professionals to establish lower carbon emission supply chains, LCA Automation will transform decision-making, for the benefit of both businesses and our planet.”

About Sphera
Sphera is the leading provider of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and risk management software, data and consulting services focusing on Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHS&S), Operational Risk Management and Product Stewardship. For more than 30 years, we have served over 3,000 customers and a million-plus users in 80 countries to help companies keep their people safe, their products sustainable and their operations productive. Learn more about Sphera at Follow Sphera on LinkedIn.

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Astrid Dickinson