Sabin Receives Additional $21.8 Million From BARDA to Advance Marburg Vaccine

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Sabin Vaccine Institute today announced it is receiving an additional $21.8 million under an existing contract with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These funds advance development of a vaccine against Marburg virus disease, a virus that is related to Ebola Zaire which killed 2200 people during the last major outbreak that ended in 2020.

The Sabin Marburg vaccine is the only candidate currently slated for a Phase 2 clinical trial. Marburg is among the world’s deadliest viruses, resulting in the death of approximately half the people the virus infects. Currently, there are no approved vaccines or treatments for the disease. As recently as July this year, two people in Ghana died after being infected with Marburg virus, reinforcing the urgent need for medical therapies.

The latest tranche of funds enables Sabin to conduct a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial among adults in the U.S. to further evaluate the safety and the efficacy of the Marburg vaccine candidate and advance non-clinical vaccine dosing studies. The Phase 2 clinical trial in the U.S. will begin after Sabin has initiated a same-stage trial in Africa, currently scheduled for 2023. Sabin will also undertake a non-clinical study on the vaccine candidate during this phase.

“Beginning Phase 2 clinical trials for the Marburg vaccine is a pivotal milestone for us and we appreciate BARDA’s continued confidence in our work and support for this critical next step,” says Sabin Chief Executive Officer Amy Finan. “Vaccines remain our best bet against death and disability from deadly viruses. I am hopeful that in the years ahead, we can offer this life-saving vaccine to every person who needs it.”

In 2019, BARDA awarded Sabin a multi-year contract valued at $128 million to further the development of vaccines against two lethal viruses: Marburg and Ebola Sudan. With BARDA now exercising the latest option of that contract, Sabin’s Ebola and Marburg Research & Development program, to date, has been awarded $98.6 million.

BARDA is part of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services; Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response; Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, under contract number 75A50119C000555.

Learn more about Sabin’s Marburg and Ebola Sudan Program.

About the Sabin Vaccine Institute

The Sabin Vaccine Institute is a leading advocate for expanding vaccine access and uptake globally, advancing vaccine research and development, and amplifying vaccine knowledge and innovation. Unlocking the potential of vaccines through partnership, Sabin has built a robust ecosystem of funders, innovators, implementers, practitioners, policy makers and public stakeholders to advance its vision of a future free from preventable diseases. As a non-profit with more than two decades of experience, Sabin is committed to finding solutions that last and extending the full benefits of vaccines to all people, regardless of who they are or where they live. At Sabin, we believe in the power of vaccines to change the world. For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter, @SabinVaccine.

About Ebola Sudan and Marburg

Ebola Sudan and Marburg are members of the filovirus family. Both can cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates. No therapeutic treatment of the hemorrhagic fevers caused by filoviruses has been licensed to date. Marburg and Ebola viruses are transmitted to humans by infected animals, particularly fruit bats. Once a human is infected, the virus can spread to others through close personal contact or contact with bodily fluids. Isolation of infected people is currently the centerpiece of filovirus control.

Marburg was the first filovirus to be recognized in 1967 when outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever were reported in a few Europe-based laboratories including in the town of Marburg, Germany. Ebola was identified in 1976 when two simultaneous outbreaks occurred in northern Zaire (now the DRC) in a village near the Ebola River and southern Sudan. The outbreaks involved what eventually proved to be two different species of Ebola virus; both were named after the nations in which they were discovered.

Media contact:

Rajee Suri

Sabin reçoit 21,8 millions de dollars supplémentaires de la part de la BARDA pour faire progresser le vaccin contre le virus Marburg

WASHINGTON, 14 sept. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Le Sabin Vaccine Institute a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir reçu 21,8 millions de dollars supplémentaires dans le cadre d’un contrat existant avec la Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), qui fait partie de l’Administration pour la préparation et la réponse stratégiques du Département de la Santé et des Services sociaux des États-Unis. Ces fonds font progresser le développement d’un vaccin contre la maladie à virus Marburg, un virus lié au virus Ebola-Zaïre qui a tué 2 200 personnes lors de la dernière épidémie majeure qui a pris fin en 2020.

Le vaccin de Sabin contre le virus Marburg est le seul candidat actuellement prévu pour un essai clinique de phase 2. Marburg fait partie des virus les plus mortels au monde, entraînant la mort d’environ la moitié des personnes infectées. Il n’existe actuellement aucun vaccin ou traitement approuvé pour lutter contre cette maladie. Pas plus tard qu’en juillet de cette année, deux personnes sont mortes au Ghana après avoir été infectées par le virus Marburg, renforçant ainsi le besoin urgent de thérapies médicales.

La dernière tranche de fonds permet à Sabin de mener un essai clinique randomisé, en aveugle et contrôlé par placebo chez des adultes aux États-Unis afin d’évaluer davantage l’innocuité et l’efficacité de son vaccin candidat contre le virus Marburg et de faire progresser des études de posologie de vaccin non cliniques. L’essai clinique de phase 2 aux États-Unis commencera après le lancement par Sabin d’un essai de même phase en Afrique, actuellement prévu pour 2023. Sabin entreprendra également une étude non clinique sur son vaccin candidat au cours de cette phase.

« Le début des essais cliniques de phase 2 pour le vaccin contre le virus Marburg constitue une étape cruciale pour nous et nous apprécions la confiance continue de la BARDA dans notre travail et son soutien pour cette prochaine étape cruciale », a déclaré Amy Finan, présidente-directrice générale de Sabin. « Les vaccins restent notre meilleur pari contre la mort et le handicap dus à des virus mortels. J’espère que dans les années à venir, nous pourrons offrir ce vaccin vital à toutes les personnes qui en ont besoin. »

En 2019, la BARDA a attribué à Sabin un contrat pluriannuel d’une valeur de 128 millions de dollars pour poursuivre le développement de vaccins contre deux virus mortels : Marburg et Ebola-Soudan. La BARDA exerçant désormais la dernière option de ce contrat, le programme de recherche et développement de Sabin contre les virus Ebola et Marburg, a reçu à ce jour 98,6 millions de dollars.

La BARDA fait partie de l’Administration pour la préparation et la réponse stratégiques du Département de la Santé et des Services sociaux des États-Unis. Ce projet a été financé en totalité ou en partie par des fonds fédéraux du Département de la Santé et des Services sociaux, l’Administration pour la préparation et la réponse stratégiques et la Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, sous le contrat numéro 75A50119C000555.

Renseignements complémentaires sur le programme de Sabin dédié aux virus Marburg et Ebola-Soudan.

À propos du Sabin Vaccine Institute

Le Sabin Vaccine Institute est l’un des principaux défenseurs de l’élargissement de l’accès aux vaccins et de leur adoption à l’échelle mondiale, de l’avancement de la recherche et du développement de vaccins et de l’amplification des connaissances et de l’innovation en matière de vaccins. Libérant le potentiel des vaccins par le partenariat, Sabin a bâtit un écosystème robuste de bailleurs de fonds, innovateurs, agents de mise en œuvre, praticiens, décideurs politiques et parties prenantes publiques pour faire avancer sa vision d’un avenir où les maladies évitables ont enfin disparu. En tant qu’organisation sans but lucratif comptant plus de deux décennies d’expérience, Sabin s’est engagée à trouver des solutions qui durent et à étendre tous les bienfaits des vaccins à l’ensemble des individus, peu importe qui ils sont et où ils résident. Chez Sabin, nous sommes convaincus que les vaccins ont le pouvoir de changer le monde. Pour de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur le site et suivez-nous sur Twitter, @SabinVaccine.

À propos des virus Ebola-Soudan et Marburg

Ebola-Soudan et Marburg font partie de la famille des filovirus. Les deux peuvent causer des fièvres hémorragiques sévères chez l’humain et les primates non humains. Aucun traitement thérapeutique des fièvre hémorragiques provoquées par les filovirus n’a été autorisé à ce jour. Les virus Marburg et Ebola sont transmis aux humains par des animaux infectés, en particulier les chauves-souris frugivores. Une fois qu’un être humain est infecté, ces virus peuvent se propager à d’autres par le biais d’un contact personnel étroit ou d’un contact avec des fluides corporels. L’isolation des personnes infectées constitue actuellement la principale stratégie pour contrôler les filovirus.

Marburg a été le premier filovirus à être reconnu en 1967 lorsque des épidémies de fièvre hémorragique ont été signalées dans plusieurs laboratoires basés en Europe, y compris dans la ville de Marbourg, en Allemagne. Le virus Ebola a été identifié en 1976 lorsque deux épidémies se sont produites simultanément dans le nord du Zaïre (devenu la RDC), dans un village près de la rivière Ebola, et dans le sud du Soudan. Ces épidémies ont impliqué ce qui s’est finalement avéré être deux espèces différentes de virus Ebola ; chacune devant son nom à la nation dans laquelle elle a été découverte.

Contact pour les médias :

Rajee Suri

Sabin recebe US $ 21,8 milhões adicionais da BARDA para o desenvolvimento da Vacina Marburg

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Sabin Vaccine Institute anunciou hoje o recebimento de US $ 21,8 milhões adicionais sob um contrato existente com a Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), parte da Administração de Preparação e Resposta Estratégica do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços Humanos dos EUA. Esses fundos visam promover o desenvolvimento de uma vacina contra a doença do vírus de Marburg, um vírus relacionado com a Ebola Zaire que matou 2200 pessoas durante o último grande surto que terminou em 2020.

A vacina Sabin Marburg é a única candidata atualmente prevista para entrar em um ensaio clínico de Fase 2. O Marburg é um dos vírus mais letais do mundo, causando a morte de aproximadamente metade das pessoas infectadas pelo vírus. No momento não existe nenhuma vacina nem tratamento aprovados para a doença. Ainda em Julho deste ano, duas pessoas em Gana morreram depois de terem sido infectadas com o vírus de Marburg, e isso demonstra claramente a necessidade urgente de terapias médicas.

A última parcela dos recursos permite que a Sabin realize um ensaio clínico randomizado, cego e controlado por placebo entre adultos nos EUA para a avaliação ainda maior da segurança e a eficácia do candidato à vacina de Marburg e a continuidade com os estudos de dosagem de vacina não clínica. O ensaio clínico de Fase 2 nos EUA irá começar após a Sabin dar início a um ensaio de mesmo estágio na África, atualmente agendado para 2023. A Sabin também realizará um estudo não clínico do candidato à vacina durante esta fase.

“O início dos ensaios clínicos de Fase 2 para a vacina de Marburg é um marco crucial para nós e agradecemos a confiança da BARDA no nosso trabalho e apoio a esta próxima etapa decisiva”, disse a Diretora Executiva da Sabin, Amy Finan. “As vacinas continuam sendo a nossa melhor opção para combater a deficiência e morte causadas pelos vírus mortais. Tenho a esperança de que dentro de alguns anos possamos oferecer esta vacina para salvar vidas de todas as pessoas que precisem dela.”

Em 2019, BARDA fechou com a Sabin um contrato de vários anos valor de US $ 128 milhões para promover o desenvolvimento de vacinas contra dois vírus letais: Marburg e Ebola Sudão. Com estes fundos mais recente do contrato com a BARDA, o programa de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Ebola e Marburg da Sabin, até o momento, recebeu US $ 98,6 milhões.

A BARDA faz parte da Administração de Preparação e Resposta Estratégica do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços Humanos dos EUA. Este projeto foi financiado, no todo ou em parte, com fundos federais do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços Humanos; Administração para Preparação e Resposta Estratégica; Autoridade de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Avançado Biomédico, sob o contrato número 75A50119C000555.

Saiba mais sobre o Programa Marburg and Ebola Sudão da Sabin.

Sobre o Sabin Vaccine Institute

O Sabin Vaccine Institute é um dos principais defensores da expansão do acesso e uso de vacinas em todo o mundo, do avanço da pesquisa e desenvolvimento de vacinas e da ampliação do conhecimento e inovação das vacinas. Revelando o potencial das vacinas através da parceria, o Sabin criou um ecossistema robusto de financiadores, inovadores, implementadores, profissionais, formuladores de políticas e partes interessadas públicas para avançar sua visão de um futuro livre de doenças evitáveis. Como uma organização sem fins lucrativos com mais de duas décadas de experiência, o Sabin está empenhado em encontrar soluções duradouras que levem todos os benefícios das vacinas a todas as pessoas, independentemente de quem sejam ou de onde vivem. No Sabin, acreditamos no poder das vacinas para mudar o mundo. Para mais informação, visite e siga-nos no Twitter, @SabinVaccine.

Sobre a Ebola Sudão e Marburg

Ebola Sudão e Marburg são membros da família dos filovírus. Ambos podem causar febre hemorrágica grave em seres humanos e primatas não humanos. Não existe nenhum tratamento terapêutico das febres hemorrágicas causadas por filovírus licenciado até o momento. Os vírus Marburg e Ebola são transmitidos aos seres humanos por animais infectados, particularmente pelos morcegos-fruta. Uma vez infectada, uma pessoa pode transmitir o vírus para outras pessoas através do contato pessoal próximo ou com fluidos corporais. O isolamento das pessoas infectadas atualmente é a parte central do controle do filovírus.

O Marburg foi o primeiro filovírus a ser identificado em 1967, quando surtos de febre hemorrágica foram relatados em alguns laboratórios da Europa, incluindo na cidade de Marburg, Alemanha. A ebola foi identificada em 1976, quando dois surtos simultâneos ocorreram no norte do Zaire (agora RDC) em uma aldeia perto do rio Ebola e sul do Sudão. Os surtos envolveram o que eventualmente provou ser duas espécies diferentes do vírus Ebola; ambos receberam o nome nações em que foram descobertos.

Contato com a Mídia:

Rajee Suri

Strategies and Solutions to Save The Coolest Planet in the Universe

Up2Us2022 is hybrid, in person at the NY Society for Ethical Culture and live streamed free.Register for tickets HERE

NEW YORK, Sept. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

EVENT: Up2Us2022: Strategies and Solutions to Save the Coolest Planet in the Universe

VENUE: New York Society for Ethical Culture, Adler Hall, 2 West 64th Street, NYC

DATE: Monday, September 19th, 2022, 7:00 — 8:45 p.m. ET

WHAT: For the fifth year in a row, a team of pro-bono women producers have created a highly anticipated event on the first night of Climate Week NYC, featuring a stellar lineup of world-renowned climate and sustainability thought leaders. This annual Climate Week event will feature iconic speakers, solutionaries and movement leaders addressing the need for solutions at the speed and scale required this critical decade.

WHO: You will be moved by a special video message from actress, talk-show host and sustainability advocate Drew Barrymore and touched by a live performance from 15-year old America’s Got Talent runner-up and two time Golden Buzzer winner, singing phenom Angelica Hale.

The speakers will include:

Dr. Jonathan Foley: Chief Scientist & Exec Dir., Project Drawdown
Janine Benyus: Co-Founder, Biomimicry Institute
Kate Raworth: Creator, Doughnut Economics
Bill McKibben: Founder, Third Act, 350org
Xiye Bastida: Youth Activist, Co-founder, Re-Earth Initiative
JoJo Mehta: Exec. Dir., Stop Ecocide International
Ginger Zee, Chief Meteorologist, ABC News
Alexandria Villasenor: Youth Activist, Founder, Earth Uprising
Mark Hertsgaard: Exec. Dir., Covering Climate Now
Julia Olson: Founder, Our Children’s Trust

  • The event is hybrid, both in person at the NY Society for Ethical Culture and live streamed. Register for tickets HERE
  • To interview any of the speakers or the event producers email
  • To be added to the Press List to cover the event live, please email request with your name and media affiliation to
  • To receive our full Media Toolkit, please request access to link by emailing our PR team at

And a word about the team of pro bono producers from Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Carlos Nobre: “I want to thank the entire team from Up2Us2022 for the work you are doing to find solutions to cool the planet.”September 19 7pm ET- Live & Live streamed, New York Society for Ethical Culture, Up2Us2022- Strategies and Solutions to Save the Coolest Planet in the Universe. 5th annual first night of ClimateWeekNYC event- iconic speaker lineup!

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Cellebrite Empowers Lake Jackson Police Department with Agile Digital Intelligence Platform

Cellebrite and Lake Jackson Police Department combine efforts to embolden the digital forensics process and overcome obstacles

PETAH TIKVA, Israel and TYSONS CORNER, Va. and LAKE JACKSON, Texas, Sept. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cellebrite DI Ltd. (Nasdaq: CLBT), a global leader in Digital Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced their collaborative work with the Lake Jackson Police Department.

Big cases solved by large agencies with lots of resources may grab more headlines, but most communities depend on smaller police forces to do the hard work of keeping communities safe with just a handful of officers.

Detective Sergeant (DS) Christopher Collins, of the Lake Jackson Police Department in Lake Jackson, TX, understands what it means to be the only digital examiner in a department. He is literally a one-man band. Not surprisingly, DS Collins faces a number of challenges that those in small departments know all too well: multiple roles, budget constraints, outdated equipment, too many devices, and slow USB speeds.

In the two years he’s been in his present position, DS Collins has learned how to use technology as a force multiplier to modernize his workflow and get the information his investigators need to move cases forward as quickly as possible. Right now, he is utilizing Cellebrite UFED 4PC, Cellebrite Physical Analyzer, and Cellebrite UFED Cloud.

DS Collins has high praise for the solutions he is using. “UFED 4PC…makes it extremely easy to run through a phone extraction and capture of evidence. With the on-screen instructions…there’s almost no question on what to do because it gives you the steps to follow.”

“Running it [data] through Physical Analyzer presents everything that you’ve captured and parsed through on the screen. It gives you that extraction summary screen, and I love that screen. It shows you what extractions have been completed or included in the report, and it breaks down photos, videos, text messages, instant messages, and device locations….The workflow is a lot easier to work through on that.”

“Another thing [I like about] Cellebrite UFED Cloud is the public-facing cloud and social media profiles that Cellebrite UFED Cloud is able to capture. By putting in a URL or a username, it captures the public-facing images. Using Cellebrite UFED Cloud’s feature to do that sounds way more forensically sound.”

When asked what advice he had for officers, like himself, who are flying solo in their departments on how to use digital technology to better serve their communities and close the public-safety gap, here’s what DS Collins had to say.

Train Up: Take up as much free training as you can. Reach out. If your department is part of the ICAC task force, go through ICAC training. They have a ton of resources for training that are free or very low-cost.

Get Cellebrite Trained. As DS Collins explained, “This was one of the best courses I’ve had. And the person who trained me, my instructor for my CCO and CCPA, actually pushed me to get my CCME because he saw how well I was performing in that class. He was a fantastic instructor.”

Find Funding: While there are federal funds available, DS Collins recommends that those seeking funds to transform their department shouldn’t focus strictly on federal grants.

Set Standard Operating Procedures: DS Collins is in the process of building a mandatory mobile device evidence collection course for basic-level patrol officers and even detectives because they need to be able to know how to handle devices collected at a crime scene.

When asked what gets him out of bed every morning and do his job, DS Collins paused for a moment then said: In the simplest terms, it’s justice for the victims. And the help that it will give those victims in restoring a normal life is insurmountable. That’s the main thing that drives me, is to protect the children.”

Zach Cohen, Vice President of State and Local Sales at Cellebrite, commented: “Detective Sergeant Chris Collins is a prime example of how a single, driven individual can introduce new technology to agencies, no matter the size. His efforts to educate other team members and dedication to training demonstrates an attitude that all analysts and investigators should emulate.”

About Cellebrite

Cellebrite’s (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Intelligence solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Intelligence platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more visit us at,, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite.

Cellebrite Media
Victor Cooper
Public Relations and Corporate Communications Director
+1 404.804.5910

Saint Lucia hails the 12th Annual IREX Citizenship and Residency Conclave a success

Castries, Sept. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Citizenship by Investment Programme of Saint Lucia participated in the 12th Edition of the “IREX Citizenship and Residency Conclave” over the past weekend. The two-day event took place in New Delhi, India, from the 9th to 10th September 2022 at the Le Meridian Hotel.

The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme was launched in 2016, making it the newest in the Eastern Caribbean region and it also happens to be one of the fastest growing programmes. It was recently recognised as the world’s third best programme according to the CBI Index 2022, published by the PWM Magazine of Financial Times. St Lucia received a total of 78 marks ranking it third out of thirteen countries that were evaluated for the 2022 CBI Index

The “IREX Citizenship and Residency Conclave” is hosted annually to promote residency and citizenship programmes offered by various countries from across the globe to High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs). Presentations from several citizenship consultants, real estate developers and investment firms took place throughout the first day.

According to statistics from 2017, there were approximately 270,000 HNWIs in India, with these numbers expected to increase to around 950,000 by 2027. India also has the second largest millionaire outflow in the world with numerous individuals and families seeking foreign residency and citizenship.

The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Unit was represented at IREX and gave potential applicants the opportunity to find out more about the Eastern Caribbean island thereby allowing them to explore new investment options.

The CIP of Saint Lucia is an attractive option for applicants seeking alternate citizenship as the minimum investment outlay for a single applicant is USD 100,000.

The geographical location of Saint Lucia makes it an extremely desirable location due to the global mobility that it offers as it is close to many major business hubs in the Americas. The country offers a safe and secure lifestyle in beautiful surroundings, world-class schooling facilities, and a stable currency. The Eastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD) has been pegged at a fixed rate to the US dollar since July 1976.

Saint Lucia is an excellent choice for the investor because business expansion and portfolio diversification is possible as there are many favourable opportunities to plan and spread ones wealth due to the wide range of investment programmes. Backed by a strong due diligence process, the programme is one of the most transparent in the industry as it gives investors and partners access to information on how the funds are used. Investments in countries such as Saint Lucia also tend to offer considerably more stable returns because of reduced political risk from upheavals or conflict.

Saint Lucia also has a large Non-Resident Indian (NRI) community, especially in the business sector. Tourism, real estate, banking and manufacturing are the prominent business sectors in the country, generating almost half of the country’s total revenue.

Obtaining alternative citizenship from Saint Lucia comes with many non-economic benefits as well. These include reduced citizenship application timelines without the bureaucracy, extending citizenship to family, a high standard of living and enjoying the general benefits that come with living in modern, diverse countries. Other key benefits include access to modern healthcare facilities and quality education for the children of investors. Small island countries rank high in terms of freedom of expression, civil liberties, and political rights which all contribute to a high standard of living.

Being an island country, it also offers a tranquil environment; it is home to a pair of dramatically tapered mountains on its west coast with beautiful volcanic beaches along the coast. Saint Lucia is home to numerous spectacular reef diving sites that make it perfect for the adventure enthusiast

Saint Lucia’s CIP programme is highly acclaimed, well-ranked and well-developed which gives individuals from all over the world the confidence that they would be making the right choice if they opted to take up the offer for alternate citizenship from St Lucia.

The IREX Conclave 2022 was a great success and gave investors from all over the world the opportunity to interact with the Eastern Caribbean country representatives and they got a better understanding on the technicalities of the Citizenship Programme offered by Saint Lucia. Investors attending the conclave in New Delhi were able to explore the wide variety of benefits that the Saint Lucia CIP offers, which include:

  • Lifetime citizenship that can be passed on to future generations
  • Efficient and confidential processing of applications
  • Full resident status, including the right to live and work in Saint Lucia
  • No residency requirements

The Government of St Lucia is meticulous about the use of funds generated through their Citizenship by Investment Programme with funds being utilised in the completion of developmental projects and upliftment of infrastructure, all of which benefit their citizens.

The IREX Citizenship and Residency Conclave was the perfect opportunity for the Citizenship Programme of Saint Lucia to promote itself and for investors from all over the globe to find out about the extensive benefits of investing in their CIP Programme.

St Lucia PR
Saint Lucia

SCO to further promote global security, stability, prosperity

BEIJING, Sept. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A news report by People’s Daily:

Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in the city of Samarkand, and pay state visits to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan from Sept. 14 to 16.

This year is of landmark significance for the SCO, as it marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the SCO Charter and the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation of the SCO Member States.

Since the founding of the organization, it has been closely obeying the above two documents and following the Shanghai Spirit, exploring a new development path for regional organizations and setting a good example for regional and international cooperation.

As the world has entered a period of new turbulence and transformation, the role of the SCO is not diminishing, but expanding, and SCO member states are not seeing a shrinking demand for cooperation, but an increasing one.

It is expected that the SCO can contribute its strength to safeguarding and practicing true multilateralism and protecting international justice and equity, when the world is seeing a complicated international situation, frequently emerging hotspot issues and a relapse into unilateralism and protectionism.

As an important founding member of the SCO, China always values, supports and promotes the development of the organization.

Since 2013, President Xi has attended multiple SCO summits where he raised a series of important proposals and initiatives to promote SCO development and regional cooperation. These proposals and initiatives have received warm response from relevant parties.

In the Qingdao Declaration, the SCO members made “building a community with a shared future for humanity” a common concept, and organization is promoting synergy between the Belt and Road cooperation and the development strategies of various countries and regional cooperation initiatives such as the Eurasian Economic Union, creating important opportunities for regional development.

The Global Development Initiative proposed by President Xi has been recognized by relevant parties under the SCO framework. They believe that the initiative is of great significance for alleviating today’s global development predicament.

China advocates independence and security for all, and opposes creating bloc confrontation and undermining regional stability. At the SCO Samarkand Summit, President Xi will exchange views with relevant parties on enhancing SCO construction in the new era and better dealing with major international and regional challenges, which will be conducive to safeguarding true multilateralism and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and make important contributions to promoting regional peace and development.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the five Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

President Xi’s upcoming visit to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will definitely further deepen China’s cooperation with the five Central Asian countries.

Over the past 30 years, China’s relations with Kazakhstan have been constantly lifted to new levels, and the two countries have established a permanent comprehensive strategic partnership, which is important for regional and even international peace and stability.

It was in Kazakhstan nine years ago that President Xi proposed the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt, a component of the landmark Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which also includes the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The two countries implemented a series of cooperation projects of strategic importance and achieved fruitful results, which brought tangible benefits to the two peoples and set a good example for win-win cooperation.

Over the past 30 years, China-Uzbekistan relations have achieved leapfrog development. The two countries have become good neighbors sharing mutual respect and trust, good partners for mutually beneficial cooperation, and good friends benefiting from people-to-people exchanges.

At present, the two countries are facing important opportunities to enhance their comprehensive strategic partnership. They have pledged to achieve an annual trade turnover of $10 billion as soon as possible and set new targets, and decided to jointly implement the five-year plan for economic, trade and investment cooperation, and draw up a list of priority cooperation projects for the future. The two sides will continue deepening cooperation on connectivity, poverty alleviation and medical care.

China fully supports Uzbekistan’s chairmanship of the SCO and is willing to work with the country to jointly achieve national development and vitalization.

Gates Foundation Goalkeepers Report Says Progress Still Possible Despite Setbacks to Global Goals

Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates call on leaders to keep commitments to world’s poorest and  invest in innovation, ingenuity to continue saving millions of lives

SEATTLE, Sept. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today released its sixth annual Goalkeepers Report, noting that nearly every indicator of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is off track at the halfway point for achieving them by 2030. Despite significant setbacks caused by overlapping global crises, the report is optimistic, underscoring opportunities to accelerate progress toward ending poverty, fighting inequality, and reducing the impacts of climate change.

Co-authored by foundation Co-chairs Melinda French Gates and Bill Gates, this year’s report, “The Future of Progress,” notes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, wars in Ukraine and Yemen, ongoing climate and food crises, and macro-economic headwinds on global ambitions to improve and save millions of lives by 2030.

“It’s no surprise that progress has stalled amid numerous crises,” said Bill Gates. “But this is not a reason to give up. Every action matters to save lives and reduce suffering. Turning away would be a mistake.”

In their respective essays, French Gates and Gates call for new approaches to achieving gender equality and food security. They also cite dramatic progress in dealing with the HIV/AIDS epidemic—a nearly 60% decline in annual deaths between 2000 and 2020—as an example of what can happen when the world invests in long-term solutions and innovative approaches to entrenched issues.

“The world faces many challenges—some of which may seem insurmountable. Yet, despite the setbacks, I’m filled with hope that we can solve these problems together and save millions of lives through human ingenuity and innovation,” French Gates said. “We know progress is possible because the global community has faced difficult odds before and won. And we can do it again.”

This year’s report includes best- and worst-case scenarios for ending preventable infectious diseases and malnutrition, improving access to quality education, increasing access to financial services, and achieving gender equality.

“At this historical inflection point, how the world responds to setbacks is a choice that will impact what happens now and for generations to come. Millions of lives hang in the balance,” said Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman. “We call on governments, the private sector, civil society, and philanthropic organizations to do more to meet the ambitious goals and to keep investing in new ways of thinking, new tools and data, and proven solutions to ensure every person has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive life.”

In her essay, French Gates cites data that shows the world will not reach gender equality until at least 2108—three generations later than previously projected. She calls for approaches that do more than just ensure a woman’s ability to earn a livelihood, but to control it.

“When it comes to the future of progress—not just on the global goals related to gender equality but on those on good health, quality education, ending poverty, and more—there is one engine that can drive them all: women’s power,” French Gates writes.

She highlights two proven approaches for increasing women’s power in their families and communities: building economic resilience through expanded access to digital financial tools and implementing a robust caregiving infrastructure that enables women to earn an income outside of the home.

In his essay, Gates asserts that hunger cannot be solved solely through humanitarian assistance. He cites recent shocks to the world’s supply of grain from Eastern Europe and the ongoing threat of climate change to underscore the vulnerability and interconnectedness of the global food system. Using a new data visualization tool to predict the impact of climate change, the report provides bleak projections for future crop yields and agricultural productivity, particularly in Africa.

Gates points to examples of planting “climate-smart” crops and utilizing predictive modelling as proven solutions that have helped smallholder farmers in Africa and India increase their productivity and protect their crops from the disruptive effects of climate change. He calls for increased investment in R&D and other proven solutions to significantly boost agricultural productivity, particularly in Africa, where 14 countries depend on Russia and Ukraine for half their wheat.

“The world should be generous and prevent people from going hungry, but in another sense, it doesn’t solve the larger problem. The goal should not simply be giving more food aid. It should be to ensure no aid is needed in the first place,” he writes.

About the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Mark Suzman, under the direction of Co-chairs Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates and the board of trustees.

About Goalkeepers
Goalkeepers is the foundation’s campaign to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals). By sharing stories and data behind the Global Goals through an annual report, the Gates Foundation hopes to inspire a new generation of leaders—Goalkeepers who raise awareness of progress, hold their leaders accountable, and drive action to achieve the Global Goals.

About the Global Goals
On September 25, 2015, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, 193 world leaders committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals). These are a series of ambitious objectives and targets to achieve three extraordinary things by 2030: end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change.


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