State Minister Mohamed Ali Hagaa attends Arab League conference in Tunisia

The State Minister of the Ministry of Interior and National Security of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mohamed Ali Hagaa, led a delegation to the 40th conference of the Arab League Council of Interior and National Security Ministers held in Tunisia. The conference brought together leaders and experts from Arab countries to discuss issues related to regional security and law enforcement.

During the conference, State Minister Hagaa held several bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Comoros, Tunisia, and the Secretary-General of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers. The meetings focused on enhancing cooperation and coordination among Arab countries to address shared security challenges.

The annual conference highlighted a range of pressing issues, including combating terrorism, drug trafficking, and illegal influx of immigrants under the rule of law. Participants discussed strategies and best practices for preventing and countering these threats while upholding human rights and the rule of law.

The conference also provided an opportunity for Somali officials to share their experiences and learn from the successes and challenges faced by other Arab countries in the region. State Minister Hagaa expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome and hospitality extended by the Tunisian government and reaffirmed Somalia’s commitment to working with Arab partners to promote regional security and stability

Source: Somali National News Agency