Somali PM attends Friday prayer service with worshippers at the Mosque of Islamic Solidarity

The Somali Prime Minister, H.E Hamza Abdi Barre joined worshippers today at the Mosque of Islamic Solidarity in Mogadishu for Friday prayers. Accompanied by members of parliament from both houses, the Prime Minister spoke about the importance of human life and the need for individuals to work towards peace and harmony.

During his address, the Prime Minister emphasized the value of human life and called for the creation of a more peaceful and stable Somalia. He also urged the public to support the government in its efforts to restore and maintain peace in the country.

The Prime Minister’s visit to the mosque is seen as a positive step towards promoting unity and cooperation in Somalia. His message of peace and harmony was well-received by the thousands of worshippers in attendance, who are looking for leadership and stability in their country.

The Prime Minister also called for vigilance in defeating the Khawarij group, which is seen as a major obstacle to peace and development in Somalia. The group has been responsible for numerous attacks in the country, and the Prime Minister’s call for the public to work with the government in defeating them is crucial in the ongoing fight against terrorism in Somalia.

The Prime Minister’s attendance at Friday prayers, along with members of parliament, demonstrates the government’s commitment to working with the people of Somalia to create a more peaceful and stable society. His call for public support is a reminder that the government cannot do it alone, and that the people of Somalia must play an active role in the country’s development.

The Prime Minister’s visit to the Mosque of Islamic Solidarity is also significant as it highlights the importance of religion in Somali society. Religion plays a crucial role in the daily lives of Somalis, and the Prime Minister’s attendance at Friday prayers sends a message of unity and inclusivity.

The Prime Minister’s attendance at Friday prayers and his message of peace and cooperation were seen as positive steps towards a more stable and prosperous Somalia. As the country continues to face challenges, the government’s commitment to working with the people to create a better future is crucial. The Prime Minister’s visit to the Mosque of Islamic Solidarity is a reminder of the important role that religion can play in promoting unity and cooperation in Somali society.

Source: Somali National News Agency