TrueCommerce Reconhecido no Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ de 2022 de Multienterprise Supply Chain Business Networks

— Empresa é reconhecida com base na sua Capacidade de Realização e Integralidade da Visão —

FLORHAM PARK, N.J., June 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A TrueCommerce, fornecedora global de soluções de conectividade, integração e comércio unificado de parceiros comerciais, anunciou hoje que foi reconhecida pela Gartner Inc. como Challenger no Magic Quadrant for Multienterprise Supply Chain Business Networks (Redes de Empresas de Cadeia de Suprimentos – MESCBNs) de maio de 2022.1 A avaliação teve como base critérios específicos que analisaram a integridade geral da visão e a capacidade de execução da empresa.

A Gartner define “multienterprise supply chain business networks” (MESCBNs) como plataformas holísticas e coesas que apoiam uma comunidade centrada no expedidor dos parceiros comerciais que precisam coordenar e executar processos comerciais com várias empresas. A Gartner considera as MESCBNs como tecnologia fundamental para organizações de maior maturidade, implementadas para coordenar, orquestrar, automatizar e transformar a cadeia de suprimentos estendida de uma organização dentro do ecossistema geral de negócios em que operam para impulsionar a colaboração e aumentar a competitividade.
As principais capacidades do mercado MESCBN incluem:

  • Conectividade de rede extensiva com suporte a ecossistemas e plataformas de tecnologia de parceiros de vários níveis e tipos
  • Informação centralizada/hub de dados e visualização
  • Aplicativos universais entre domínios
  • Principais aplicativos de execução da cadeia de suprimentos (centrados nas empresas e em várias empresas)
  • Aplicativos complementares da cadeia de suprimentos (planejamento ou finanças)
  • Inteligência incorporada

“Para nós, é emocionante garantir a posição de Challenger nesta pesquisa fundamental – quatro anos seguidos”, disse Mike Gross, SVP de Produto, TrueCommerce. “No último ano, fizemos investimentos significativos na nossa tecnologia e pessoas, expandindo nossa base de clientes em 40% como resultado. Também temos novas e empolgantes inovações de produtos em andamento, incluindo a utilização de APIs e a utilização do nosso adaptador universal para ampliar as integrações internas e externas, bem como a maior utilização de dados por meio de inteligência artificial/aprendizado de máquina.”

A TrueCommerce oferece um amplo conjunto de soluções e aplicativos de comércio unificado que conectam clientes, fornecedores, canais e sistemas. Revolucionamos a visibilidade e a colaboração da cadeia de suprimentos, ajudando as empresas a aproveitar ao máximo suas iniciativas omnicanal por meio da conectividade P2P de negócios, gerenciamento de pedidos, reabastecimento colaborativo, atendimento inteligente, análise multifuncional e gerenciamento de informações de produtos.

As soluções aproveitam a Rede de Comércio Global da TrueCommerce, que inclui mais de 160.000 empresas conectadas. Além da própria plataforma, o modelo de cadeia de suprimentos como serviço oferecido pela TrueCommerce inclui suporte personalizado, mapeamento de parceiros comerciais e monitoramento contínuo de conformidade.

As inovações tecnológicas e a estratégia de negócios da TrueCommerce trouxeram inúmeros prêmios no setor. Além de ser nomeada como Challenger novamente pela Gartner, a empresa foi reconhecida nos seguintes relatórios de analistas de destaque:

  • Líder no IDC MarketScape no Worldwide Multi-Enterprise Supply Chain Commerce Network, 2021
  • Concorrente no IDC MarketScape no Worldwide Product Information Management Applications, 2021
  • Concorrente no IDC MarketScape no Worldwide B2B Digital Commerce Platforms Vendor Assessment, 2020
  • Concorrente no IDC MarketScape no Worldwide B2C Digital Commerce Platforms Vendor Assessment, 2020

Baixe uma cópia gratuita do relatório Gartner Magic Quadrant aqui.

A Gartner não recomenda nenhum fornecedor produto ou serviço descrito nas suas pesquisas publicadas, e não recomenda que os usuários de tecnologia selecionem apenas os fornecedores com as classificações ou designações mais altas. As pesquisas publicadas da Gartner consistem na opinião da empresa de pesquisa da Gartner e não devem ser interpretadas como declarações de fato. A Gartner se isenta de todas as garantias, expressas ou implícitas, com relação a esta pesquisa, incluindo quaisquer garantias de comercialização ou adequação a uma finalidade específica.

A Gartner e o Magic Quadrant são marcas comerciais registradas e de serviço da Gartner, Inc. e/ou de suas afiliadas nos EUA e internacionalmente, e são usadas aqui sob permissão. Todos os direitos reservados.

Recursos Adicionais:

• Explore o TrueCommerce neste blog
• Siga o TrueCommerce em LinkedIn, Facebook e Twitter

Sobre a TrueCommerce

A TrueCommerce é a forma mais completa de conexão da sua empresa com toda a cadeia de suprimentos, com total integração, desde EDI, gerenciamento de estoque, até atendimento, fachadas digitais e mercados. Revolucionamos a visibilidade e a colaboração da cadeia de suprimentos, ajudando as organizações a aproveitar ao máximo suas iniciativas omnicanal por meio da conectividade P2P de negócios, gerenciamento de pedidos, reabastecimento colaborativo, atendimento inteligente, análise multifuncional e gerenciamento de informações de produtos.

A TrueCommerce Global Commerce Network viabiliza a conexão das empresas com mais de 160.000 varejistas, distribuidores e provedores de serviços de logística. Como provedora de serviços totalmente gerenciado, também gerenciamos a integração de novos parceiros comerciais, bem como a gestão contínua de mapeamento específico de parceiros, alterações de rotulagem e monitoramento de comunicações. É por isso que milhares de empresas – desde as startups até as da Fortune 100 global de vários setores – dependem de nós.

TrueCommerce: Negócios em todas as direções
Para mais informação, visite

TrueCommerce® é uma marca comercial registrada da True Commerce, Inc. Todas as outras marcas comerciais pertencem aos seus respectivos proprietários.

Contato com a Mídia
Yegor Kuznetsov
Diretor, Comunicações de Marketing

Fonte Gartner, “Magic Quadrant for Multienterprise Supply Chain Business Networks”, Christian Titze, Brock Johns, 23 de maio de 2022

Mitratel Announces Share Buyback of IDR 1 Trillion

JAKARTA, Indonesia, June 3, 2022 /PR Newswire/ — PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk (Mitratel) IDX: MTEL announced plan to carry out share buyback with the maximum amount of IDR 1 trillion or about 5.3% of its paid-up capital. This corporate action will be implemented within three months following its public disclosure, which started from June 2nd to September 2nd, 2022.

The corporate action is in accordance with OJK Circular Letter No. 3/SEOJK.04/2020 on Other Condition in Significantly Fluctuated Market Condition in the Implementation of Share Buyback Issued by the Issuers or Public Company. The global economy is under pressure due to fears of global economic downturn, which impacted the global capital markets including Mitratel.

The share buyback shall not affect the financial condition of the Company considering Mitratel has sufficient working capital to carry out the share buyback and to finance its business activities. Mitratel is committed to continuously monitoring the market and macroeconomic trends to ensure the optimization, as well as the effectiveness of this corporate action.

President Director of Mitratel, Theodorus Ardi Hartoko stated that this share buyback is the commitment from management to increase values for shareholders, as well as improve the overall fundamental ratio of the company.

Referring to the company’s outstanding Q1 2022 performance, which booked profit of IDR 459.40 billion in Q1/2022, representing 33.86% YoY growth. The company’s revenue also surged by 21.45% YoY to IDR 1.87 trillion in Q1 2022.

For more information:

PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk (Mitratel)

Website :


Truecommerce reconnue dans le Magic Quadrant™ 2022 de Gartner® pour les réseaux commerciaux de chaîne d’approvisionnement multi-entreprises

— La société est reconnue pour sa capacité d’exécution et l’exhaustivité de sa vision —

FLORHAM PARK, New Jersey, 02 juin 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TrueCommerce, fournisseur mondial de solutions de connectivité, d’intégration et de commerce unifié pour les partenaires commerciaux, a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir été reconnu par Gartner Inc. comme un Challenger dans le Magic Quadrant de mai 2022 pour les réseaux commerciaux de chaîne d’approvisionnement multi-entreprises (MESCBN).1 L’évaluation a été basée sur des critères spécifiques qui ont analysé l’exhaustivité de la vision et la capacité d’exécution globales de la société.

Gartner définit les « réseaux commerciaux de chaîne d’approvisionnement multi-entreprises » (MESCBN) comme des plateformes holistiques et cohésives qui soutiennent une communauté de partenaires commerciaux centrés sur les expéditeurs qui doivent coordonner et exécuter les processus commerciaux qui s’étendent à plusieurs entreprises. Gartner considère les MESCBN comme une technologie fondamentale pour les organisations plus matures, mise en œuvre pour coordonner, orchestrer, automatiser et transformer la chaîne logistique étendue d’une organisation au sein de l’écosystème commercial dans lequel elle opère pour stimuler la collaboration et améliorer la compétitivité.
Les principales capacités du marché MESCBN comprennent :

  • Connectivité réseau étendue avec prise en charge de plateformes technologiques et d’écosystèmes partenaires multiniveaux et multitypes
  • Pôle d’informations/données et visualisation centralisés
  • Applications universelles interdomaines
  • Applications d’exécution de la chaîne d’approvisionnement de base (centrées sur les entreprises et multi-entreprises)
  • Applications de chaîne d’approvisionnement supplémentaires (planification ou finance)
  • Intelligence intégrée

« Pour nous, il est passionnant d’obtenir la position de Challenger dans cette recherche fondamentale – quatre années consécutives », a commenté Mike Gross, vice-président principal des produits chez TrueCommerce. « Au cours de l’année écoulée, nous avons réalisé des investissements importants dans notre technologie et notre personnel, élargissant ainsi notre clientèle de 40 %. Nous avons également de nouvelles innovations de produits passionnantes en cours, y compris l’utilisation d’API et l’exploitation de notre adaptateur universel pour élargir les intégrations internes et externes ainsi que l’utilisation accrue des données par le biais de l’intelligence artificielle/de l’apprentissage automatique. »

TrueCommerce propose un large éventail de solutions et d’applications de commerce unifié qui connecte les clients, les fournisseurs, les canaux et les systèmes. Ces solutions révolutionnent la visibilité et la collaboration de la chaîne logistique en aidant les entreprises à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs initiatives omni-canales grâce à la connectivité P2P professionnelle, à la gestion des commandes, au réapprovisionnement collaboratif, au traitement intelligent, aux analyses inter-fonctionnelles et à la gestion des informations produit.

Les solutions tirent parti du réseau de commerce mondial TrueCommerce, qui comprend plus de 160 000 entreprises connectées. Au-delà de la plateforme elle-même, le modèle de chaîne d’approvisionnement en tant que service proposé par TrueCommerce comprend une assistance personnalisée, une cartographie des partenaires commerciaux et une surveillance continue de la conformité.

Les innovations technologiques et la stratégie commerciale de TrueCommerce lui ont valu de nombreuses distinctions dans le secteur. En plus d’être de nouveau nommée Challenger par Gartner, la société a été reconnue dans les grands rapports d’analystes suivants :

  • Leader dans IDC MarketScape pour le réseau mondial de la chaîne d’approvisionnement multi-entreprises, 2021
  • Candidat dans le rapport IDC MarketScape pour les applications mondiales de gestion des informations sur les produits, 2021
  • Candidat dans le rapport IDC MarketScape pour l’évaluation des fournisseurs de plateformes de commerce numérique B2B dans le monde entier, 2020
  • Candidat dans le rapport IDC MarketScape pour l’évaluation des fournisseurs de plateformes de commerce numérique B2C dans le monde entier, 2020

Téléchargez un exemplaire gratuit du rapport Magic Quadrant de Gartner ici.

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Gartner n’approuve aucun fournisseur, produit ou service représenté dans ses publications de recherche et ne conseille pas aux utilisateurs de technologie de sélectionner uniquement les fournisseurs les mieux notés ou ayant obtenu une autre désignation. Les publications de recherche de Gartner représentent les opinions de l’institut de recherche de Gartner et ne doivent pas être interprétées comme des déclarations de faits. Gartner décline toute garantie, expresse ou implicite, concernant cette étude, y compris toute garantie de qualité marchande ou d’adéquation à un usage particulier.

GARTNER et Magic Quadrant sont des marques de service et commerciales déposées de Gartner, Inc. et/ou de ses filiales aux États-Unis et dans le monde entier et sont utilisées ici avec autorisation. Tous droits réservés.

Ressources complémentaires :

• Découvrez TrueCommerce sur ce blog
• Suivez TrueCommerce sur LinkedIn, Facebook et Twitter

À propos de TrueCommerce

TrueCommerce est le moyen le plus complet de connecter votre entreprise à la chaîne d’approvisionnement, en intégrant tout, de l’EDI à la gestion des stocks, en passant par le traitement des commandes, les vitrines et les marchés numériques. Nous avons révolutionné la visibilité et la collaboration de la chaîne logistique en aidant les entreprises à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs initiatives omni-canales grâce à la connectivité P2P professionnelle, à la gestion des commandes, au réapprovisionnement collaboratif, au traitement intelligent, aux analyses inter-fonctionnelles et à la gestion des informations produit.

Le réseau commercial mondial TrueCommerce peut connecter les entreprises à plus de 160 000 détaillants, distributeurs et fournisseurs de services logistiques. Véritable fournisseur de services gérés, TrueCommerce gère également le processus d’intégration des nouveaux partenaires commerciaux, ainsi que la gestion courante des modifications de mappage et d’étiquetage spécifiques à chaque partenaire. C’est pourquoi des milliers d’entreprises, des startups aux entreprises du classement Fortune 100, dans différents secteurs, nous font confiance.

TrueCommerce : faites des affaires avec des moyens illimités !
Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site

TrueCommerce® est une marque déposée de TrueCommerce, Inc. Toutes les autres marques commerciales sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs.

Contact auprès des médias
Yegor Kuznetsov
Directeur des communications marketing

1 Source : Gartner, « Magic Quadrant for Multienterprise Supply Chain Business Networks », Christian Titze, Brock Johns, 23 mai 2022 Announces New Leadership Amid Official Launch

Global IT sustainability nonprofit to be led by former IDC VP, names new board members from multiple Fortune 500 companies Board Photo Nasdaq Times Square

Nasdaq congratulates Delphix on its launch of

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., June 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, the new nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing global sustainability through technology leadership, today announced its new executive director and additional board members, following its successful inaugural board meeting May 24 in New York. is proud to name Kath Marston as its Executive Director and General Manager. Marston brings leadership development experience gained from serving as Group Vice President, Client Experience/Operations for IDC’s CIO Executive Council, having overseen a community of leading Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and top technologists across global organizations.

“I am extremely excited to lead this powerful agenda. Technology leaders can have a critical impact on global sustainability efforts, and our commitment to galvanizing these leaders to act is vital for the prosperity of businesses, humanity, and the entire planet,” Marston said.

Additionally, voted in seven members to its board of directors. Composed of influential CIOs, CTOs, and other CXOs from around the world.’s newest board members are:

They join existing board members:

On June 8th, will host its European launch in Paris to raise awareness and drive critical mandates forward at a global scale. Its next board meeting and executive summit will be held at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, on August 15th where multiple board members will accept CIO 100 Awards shortly thereafter.

Companies are increasingly committing to maximizing sustainability within their operations, and most companies will have developed a roadmap and formally pledged to make sustainability a corporate-wide goal by 2025*, according to research from IDC. They will fulfill these pledges by using the latest tools and software to monitor and reduce power consumption, which makes a set of sustainability standards for the IT field all the more urgent to establish.

By uniting IT leaders and experts from around the world to define best practices and standard metrics for the United Nations’ three pillars of sustainability, is committed to driving transparency and progress toward a sustainable future.

“Our objective is to expand global awareness through a dedicated community of worldwide thought leaders, create education and positive awareness actions, measurable improvement in terms of sustainability management and improvement across technology executives,” Marston said. “Our passion is to inspire and make a better world for the next generation and generations to come.”

About is a nonprofit organization focused on advancing global sustainability through technology leadership. Our mission is to define sustainable transformation programs by industry, author best practices and frameworks, set standards and certifications, provide education and training, and raise awareness for environmental and societal programs that make our organizations and the world sustainable for generations to come. Follow us on LinkedIn.

Delphix formed as a nonstock and nonprofit organization alongside CIOs from leading organizations around the world. is initially funded by Delphix (as founder and technical advisor) and by revenue generated from underwriters, alliances partnerships, event sponsorships and other program sponsors, such as research partners. Delphix support will be governed by a Business Management Agreement between Delphix and

Source: *IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Sustainability 2022 Predictions – Oct. 2021

Kathryn Alissa Marston
Executive Director and General Manager,
Phone: 1 (508) 808-3080

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Somalia Hails US Airstrike Against al-Shabab

The United States has targeted al-Qaida-linked fighters in Somalia, launching its first airstrike since announcing U.S. special operations forces would again be based in the Horn of Africa nation.

Somalia’s Ministry of Information announced the airstrike Friday on Twitter, saying it had targeted al-Shabab militants near Beer Xaani, west of the southern city of Kismayo, after they had attacked Somali forces.

Initial estimates indicated that five al-Shabab fighters were killed and that there were no civilian casualties, the Somali announcement said.

So far, neither the Pentagon nor U.S. Africa Command has shared any details about the incident.

Friday’s airstrike against al-Shabab is the first since the U.S. announced in mid-May that it would reestablish what it described as a “small, persistent U.S. military presence” in Somalia, following a December 2020 decision by the previous U.S. administration to pull out troops that had been stationed in the country.

Senior U.S. administration officials last month called the decision by former President Donald Trump to end the persistent U.S. presence in Somalia a mistake, arguing it gave al-Shabab, already seen as the largest, wealthiest and most dangerous al-Qaida affiliate, a chance to regenerate.

Al-Shabab “has unfortunately only grown stronger,” a senior U.S. official told reporters. “It has increased the tempo of its attacks, including against U.S. personnel.”

Pentagon officials have described the move, which will see fewer than 500 U.S. special operators working out of Somalia, as a repositioning, noting U.S. troops had been flying into the country to periodically work with the Somali military.

Like a number of high-profile U.S. military officials, some Somali officials had been lobbying for the return of a U.S. military presence to help with the fight against al-Shabab.

“This was a wrong decision taken. Withdrawal was a hasty decision,” a senior adviser to Mohamud told VOA, ahead of the official announcement about the return of the U.S. presence.

“It disrupted counterterrorism operations,” said the Somali adviser, who asked not to be named because his position in the administration had not yet been made public. “To reinstate and start with the new president is the right decision, and it came at the right time.”

Somali officials have also said they hope a persistent U.S. military presence in Somalia will lead to an uptick in airstrikes against the group.

So far this year, U.S. Africa Command has publicly confirmed only one airstrike, on February 22, against al-Shabab fighters near Duduble, Somalia. It has not yet commented on the strike reported Friday by Somali authorities.

It is not clear how many, if any, U.S. forces are currently operating in Somalia. Senior U.S. officials said last month it would “take a little bit of time to reach that full implementation stage.”

Intelligence estimates from United Nations member states and shared earlier this year put the number of al-Shabab fighters at close to 12,000 while warning the al-Qaida affiliate has been raising as much as $10 million a month to fund its activities.

Source: Voice of America

Somalia Humanitarian Fund allocates US$20 million for drought emergency

Mogadishu, 02 June 2022 – The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mr. Adam Abdelmoula, launched a new allocation of US$20 million from the Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF) to provide immediate assistance to communities at risk of famine in priority locations.

“A disaster is unfolding in Somalia due to severe drought,” said Mr. Abdelmoula. “In several areas, the risk of famine has increased, and scores of Somalis are on the brink of catastrophe. I am concerned that a huge number of people will starve to death unless we rapidly scale up the delivery of humanitarian assistance to those most affected.”

In February, the SHF allocated $25 million to mitigate the impacts of severe drought. About 836,000 people benefitted through multi-sectoral integrated interventions. The new allocation will focus on underserved, hard-to-reach areas and complements the $14 million Rapid Response grant from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) that aims to address the worsening food crisis and multi-sectoral needs of communities severely affected by the drought.

The CERF grant will target priority locations in South West State, Banadir, Mudug, Lower Shabelle and Togdheer regions with lifesaving water, sanitation and hygiene, food security, health, nutrition and protection assistance while the SHF will focus on clusters in Hirshabelle State, Galgaduud, Toghdeer and Sool, Banadir and Bay regions.

Somalia is the most drought-impacted country in the Horn of Africa; at least 6.1 million people have been affected of whom 771,000 have abandoned their homes in search of water, food, and pasture. At least 1.5 million children are facing acute malnutrition, and over 3,170 AWD/cholera and 2,460 measles cases have been confirmed since January.

Despite increasing needs, the 2022 Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan, which seeks US$1.5 billion to assist 5.5 million people, has only received 18 per cent of required funding (nearly $260 million) as of 31 May.

“I thank the SHF and CERF for providing desperately needed resources but urge other partners and donors not to forget the people of Somalia,” said Mr. Abdelmoula. “We are running out of time. Unless we act now, we are likely to experience the worst outcomes in coming months.”

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

CGTN: Children: From ‘saplings’ to ‘forest’ for Chinese nation 

BEIJING, June 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Children are highly valued in the Chinese culture and viewed as the future of a family. Furthermore, their growth is vital for the future of China, a nation determined to achieve rejuvenation.

International Children’s Day, which falls on June 1, is celebrated across China every year. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday stressed efforts to promote the healthy and all-round development of children and extended festive greetings to children across the country.

Two months ago, Xi compared children to “saplings” when attending a tree-planting activity in Beijing, encouraging them to contribute to the country’s development.

“You are like saplings,” he said. “You will eventually grow into towering trees in the future and form a forest for the Chinese nation, a forest of talents.”

Underscoring China’s goal to build a great modern socialist country with Chinese characteristics by the middle of the century, he said, “You have 30 years to go. Now you are 10 years old, and you will be 40 at that time. You will become the pillars of the country.”

Xi encourages children to chase their dreams

Xi loves children and always encourages them to chase their dreams.

“A better life for children is our biggest wish,” Xi said when taking part in an event ahead of International Children’s Day in 2013.

Celebrating the festival in 2014 with students at a primary school, he said children are the future of the country and the hope of the Chinese nation.

“Heroes are cultivated from a young age. The waves behind drive on those ahead. I hope you live with dreams and aspirations,” he told the students.

In May 2013, Xi visited a school in Lushan County of Ya’an City, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, weeks after a magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck the area. In a prefabricated classroom, he attended a class meeting with pupils and encouraged them to work hard in chasing their dreams.

Nine years later, a former pupil who was in the classroom recalled Xi’s words.

“I was sitting in the front row when Grandpa Xi was standing in front of the class. With a smile, he asked what our dreams were,” said Luo Yunfang. “I remember my answer was to work as an editor because I love writing. Grandpa Xi was very pleased. He praised us for our imagination.”

Luo, now a student at Chengdu University of Technology, said she is making her dream come true.

“I joined the media center of our school and have written a lot of articles. I’m kind of living my dream bit by bit,” she said.

China’s efforts in protecting children’s rights

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, governments at all levels have been providing unprecedented care to children and youth, from ensuring equal access to education and sending teachers to impoverished mountain villages to investing to upgrade facilities in rural areas.

The country has put in place a legal system of more than 100 laws and regulations that comprehensively protect the rights and interests of women and children, according to a white paper released in June last year by the State Council Information Office.

Several laws and regulations have been newly drafted or amended over the past decade to further strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of minors. Two major moves are a revision to the minor protection law, which came into effect on June 1, 2021, and the Law on Family Education Promotion implemented on January 1, 2022.

Meanwhile, China is stepping up efforts to reduce the excessive workloads of students to promote healthy and all-round development.

In July last year, China launched a “double reduction” policy to address the excessive academic burden on primary and middle school students and the over-heated off-campus tutoring.

After the implementation of the new policy, offline off-campus training institutions that offer curriculum subject programs have been reduced by 83.8 percent nationwide, and online training institutions have been reduced by 84.1 percent, data from the Ministry of Education showed.

Video –

‫ستبيان مستقبل السياحة: المسافرون حول العالم ينتظرون التغيير في ضوء تعافي قطاع السياحة من آثار جائحة كورونا

·  الاستبيان الذي يشمل 11 دولة يؤكد رغبة %44 من المشاركين بتوفير إجراءات وتقنيات جديدة لتسهيل السفر

·  رغبة %34 من المشاركين في التزام قطاع السياحة بالممارسات المستدامة، وإيلاء %29 منهم الأولوية لشؤون الصحة والاستدامة بدلاً من أرباح قطاع السفر

·  بالرغم من الاضطرابات الاقتصادية السائدة، لايزال 42% من المشاركين يخططون للسفر إلى الخارج لقضاء الإجازات في الستة أشهر القادمة

·  64% من المشاركين لا يتوقعون السفر لأغراض العمل، الأمر الذي يثير قلقاً حول تباطؤ الحركة العالمية

جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية, 2 يونيو / حزيران 2022 /PRNewswire/ — يرغب المسافرون حول العالم بأن يستفيد قطاع السياحة العالمي من دروس الأزمة الصحية العالمية لتحقيق تغييراتٍ إيجابية ترتقي به، وذلك وفق دراسةٍ عالمية جديدة تحمل عنوان “استبيان مستقبل السياحة” وركزت على توجهات السفر وتوقعات المسافرين في 11 دولة حول العالم. وشملت نتائج الاستبيان العالمي:

 Future Tourism Survey: Travellers Demand Change

·  دعوة %44 من المشاركين إلى مواءمة البروتوكولات الصحية بشكلٍ أكبر وتوظيف التكنولوجيا لتسهيل إجراءات السفر.

·  رغبة %34 من المشاركين في التزام قطاع السياحة بالممارسات المستدامة.

·  إيلاء %29 من المشاركين الأولوية لشؤون الصحة والاستدامة على حساب أرباح قطاع السفر.

·  مطالبة %33 من المشاركين بمزيد من الحماية المالية للمسافرين، خصيصاً بعد التجارب التي اختبروها خلال الأزمة الصحية العالمية.

ويفضل المشاركون في الاستبيان من الصين والهند وكوريا الجنوبية مواءمة بروتوكولات السلامة وتوظيف التكنولوجيا على نحوٍ أفضل، لتيسير تجارب السفر.

وأجرت يوجوف الاستبيان بتكليف من وزارة السياحة في المملكة العربية السعودية، والذي شمل حوالي 14,000 شخص في جميع أنحاء الصين والولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة وألمانيا والهند واليابان والمملكة العربية السعودية والمكسيك وكوريا الجنوبية وإسبانيا والسويد.

وتعليقاً على هذا الموضوع، قال معالي الأستاذ أحمد الخطيب، وزير السياحة في المملكة العربية السعودية: “أثرت الأزمة الصحية العالمية بشكلٍ كبير على قطاع السياحة العالمي، ولفتت أنظار الجميع، من مسافرين وسياح ورجال أعمال وحكومات، إلى القدرة على القيام بالأمور على نحوٍ مختلف.

ويؤكد استبيان مستقبل السياحة الرغبة المشتركة في الاعتماد على الدروس المستفادة من هذه الأزمة لإحداث تغييراتٍ إيجابية، بما يضمن تركيز السياحة مستقبلاً على شؤون الصحة والاستدامة والاستخدام الأفضل للتكنولوجيا”.

وسلّط الاستبيان الضوء على تغير توجهات السفر بعد عامين من أزمة كوفيد-19 وعمليات الإغلاق التي أدت إلى تقييد السفر، وأعرب 55% من المشاركين بأنهم احتمالية سفرهم محلياً أصبحت أكبر، وأعرب 32% من المشاركين بأن احتمالية سفرهم إلى الخارج أصبحت أكبر مما كانت عليه في فترة ما قبل كورونا

كما أدى الاضطراب الاقتصادي وارتفاع الأسعار إلى تراجع الإقبال على السفر خلال الأشهر الستة المقبلة، ومن المرجح أو المرجح جداً أن يقوم %42 من المشاركين بالاستبيان العالمي بالسفر خارجاً لقضاء عطلة، مقارنةً بـ %39 ممّن لا يرجحون ذلك أو يستبعدونه تماماً.

وظهر التأثير الأكبر على السفر بقصد العمل، إذ يرجح %18 فقط من المشاركين بدرجاتٍ متفاوتة في جميع الأسواق قيامهم بالسفر خارجاً بقصد العمل.

ومن جانبٍ آخر كان المشاركون من اليابان والولايات المتحدة هم الأقل تفاؤلاً حول مسألة السفر إلى الخارج، وذلك على عكس المشاركين في المملكة المتحدة والهند والمملكة العربية السعودية، الذين أبدوا رغبتهم بالسفر إلى الخارج في غضون الستة أشهر القادمة.

وصدر استبيان مستقبل السياحة قبل الاجتماع الـ 116 للمجلس التنفيذي لمنظمة السياحة العالمية التابعة للأمم المتحدة، الذي سيُعقد في جدة بالمملكة العربية السعودية الأسبوع المقبل بتنظيم من وزارة السياحة السعودية.

وتبرز مواضيع عديدة في برنامج الاجتماع المرتقب، بما فيها النهوض بقطاع السياحة والتكيف مع المطالب المستقبلية لتحقيق مزيد من الاستدامة والمرونة.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أنّ قطاع السفر والسياحة قبل الأزمة الصحية العالمية كان يوفر 1 من كل 4 فرص عمل جديدة على مستوى العالم بما يعادل %10.3 من جميع فرص العمل (333 مليون) و%10.3 من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي العالمي (9.6 تريليون دولار أمريكي)، ويشمل ذلك تأثيرات القطاع المباشرة وغير المباشرة وما يحفزه من فرصٍ أخرى في قطاعاتٍ أخرى.

وأضاف معالي الأستاذ أحمد الخطيب: “تُعد السعودية وجهةً سياحية جديدة تماماً، وقد فتحنا أبوابنا للسياحة الدولية قبل بداية الأزمة الصحية تماماً، لذا نحن مستعدون وقادرون على التفكير والتصرف بطرقٍ جديدة ومختلفة.

كما نجحنا بإنشاء نموذجٍ جديد للسياحة يتّسم بمزيدٍ من المرونة والاستدامة، من خلال التنسيق بين جوانب الرؤية والقيادة والموارد. ونتطلّع إلى مشاركة رؤيتنا والعمل مع شركائنا الدوليين، لبناء مستقبل أكثر إشراقاً للسياحة”.

وأصدر المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي الأسبوع الماضي مؤشر تنمية السفر والسياحة، الذي أوضح تقدّم المملكة العربية السعودية إلى المركز 33 على مستوى العالم. ويصنف المؤشر المستقلّ الأداء الاقتصادي في 117 دولة، وفقاً لـ 17 من العوامل والسياسات الخاصة باستدامة ومرونة وتطوير قطاع السياحة والسفر.

وقفزت المملكة من المرتبة 43 في عام 2019 إلى 33 في 2021، وهو ثاني أكبر تقدم في الترتيب، نتيجة للتحسينات في جميع العوامل التي تشمل المؤشر تقريباً. ويُعدّ هذا التقرير الأول من نوعه منذ قيام المملكة العربية السعودية بفتح حدودها للسياحة الدولية في سبتمبر 2019.

ويجتمع المجلس التنفيذي لمنظمة السياحة العالمية في جدة بالمملكة العربية السعودية بتاريخ 7 و8 يونيو.

***ملاحظات للمحررين

حول وزارة السياحة في المملكة العربية السعودية

تُعنى وزارة السياحة السعودية بالقطاع السياحي في المملكة العربية السعودية، بدعم من الهيئة السعودية للسياحة وصندوق التنمية السياحي. ترسم الوزارة ملامح استراتيجية قطاع السياحة في المملكة، وتقع على عاتقها مسؤولية تطوير السياسات والأنظمة وتنمية الموارد البشرية وجمع الإحصاءات واستقطاب الاستثمارات. تعمل الوزارة بالتعاون مع الهيئة السعودية للسياحة المسؤولة عن الترويج للمملكة كوجهة سياحية عالمية، وصندوق التنمية السياحي المسؤول عن تنفيذ الاستراتيجية الاستثمارية للوزارة من خلال توفير التمويل اللازم لتطوير القطاع.

تأسست الوزارة، التي يترأسها معالي الأستاذ أحمد بن عقيل الخطيب، في فبراير 2020، في أعقاب فتح المملكة العربية السعودية أبوابها أمام السياح الدوليين كوجهة ترفيهية للمرة الأولى في تاريخها عام 2019. تهدف المملكة إلى استقبال 100 مليون سائح بحلول عام 2030، وزيادة إسهام القطاع في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي من %3 إلى %10. كما تسعى إلى تنظيم مبادرات رقمية لتقديم حلول تقنية تدعم جهود الترويج السياحي والبحث والتطوير، للنهوض بقطاع السياحة وتعزيز ابتكار التقنيات الناشئة.

حول منظمة السياحة العالمية التابعة للأمم المتحدة

منظمة السياحة العالمية هي وكالة تابعة للأمم المتحدة تسعى إلى الترويج للسياحة المسؤولة والمستدامة والتي يمكن الوصول إليها عالمياً.

وتقوم بصفتها المنظمة الرائدة دولياً في مجال السياحة بتسليط الضوء على دور السياحة في النمو الاقتصادي والتنمية الشاملة والاستدامة البيئية، كما تقدم الدعم والتوجيه للقطاع من خلال توفير المعلومات والسياسات المتعلقة بالسياحة حول العالم.

استبيان يوجوف: المنهجية:

·  مقابلات عبر الإنترنت من خلال منصة يوجوف الخاصة إلى جانب منصات أخرى للشركاء.

العينة المستهدفة:

·  سكان مناطق الأسواق الواردة أدناه

·  من السيدات والرجال ممن تجاوز عمرهم 18 عاماً (عينة عامّة)

حجم العينة :


حجم العينة


الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


التمثيل على مستوى الدولة

المملكة المتحدة


التمثيل على مستوى الدولة



التمثيل على مستوى الدولة



التمثيل على مستوى المدن



التمثيل عبر الإنترنت

المملكة العربية السعودية


التمثيل على مستوى المدن



التمثيل على مستوى المدن



التمثيل على مستوى الدولة



التمثيل على مستوى الدولة

كوريا الجنوبية


التمثيل على مستوى الدولة



التمثيل على مستوى الدولة




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