‫تستضيف EFQM نسختها الثانية من مؤتمر الشرق الأوسط “رسم ملامح المستقبل من خلال التميز والمرونة والتحول المستدام” بالشراكة مع القيادة العامة لشرطة أبوظبي.

أبوظبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 15 سبتمبر 2023 – تم بحضور ممثلين من EFQMوالقيادة العامة لشرطة أبوظبي الإعلان عن النسخة الثانية المنتظرة لمؤتمر EFQM في الشرق الأوسط والمزمع عقده في إمارة أبو ظبي في الفترة من 11 إلى 12 أكتوبر 2023.

العميد جاسم الهرمودي نائب مدير مركز الاستراتيجية والتطوير المؤسسي راسل لونجميور الرئيس التنفيذي

استناداً للنجاح الكبير الذي حققته النسخة الأولى من المؤتمر عام 2022، يبدأ العد التنازلي للنسخة الثانية بعنوان “رسم ملامح المستقبل من خلال التميز والمرونة والتحول المستدام”. والذي يعد فرصة استثنائية لأصحاب الرؤى وقادة الفكر والخبراء من كافة القطاعات للتعلم وإستكشاف آفاق جديدة لتحقيق النجاح.

سيشهد المؤتمر حضور قادة وشخصيات مؤثرة من القطاعين العام والخاص والذين سيشاركون رؤاهم واستراتيجياتهم القيمة، يشمل برنامج اليوم الأول الكاتبة والخبيرة سونيا بيونتيك، والسيد سينك ألبر (Cenk Alper) الرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة Sabanci، بينما نستمع في اليوم الثاني لنخبة من المتحدثين منهم السيد سيميرجيت سيتغ (Simerjeet Singh) خبير التغيير والتحول، والسيد أوليفر بيلستين (Oliver Bilstein)، نائب رئيس الإنتاج في شركة BMW سبارتنبرغ، وسعادة كاي أوسترمان (Kai Osterman)، المدير التنفيذي لشركة VAMED.

وسيشارك نخبة من المتحدثين المحليين والدوليين خبراتهم خلال المؤتمر عبر الجلسات الحوارية والتي تتضمن “التعاون والشراكة في سبيل تحقيق التحول المستدام”، و “اتجاهات الأعمال في المستقبل”، و “أهمية تطبيق نموذج EFQM”.

وصف راسل لونغمير الرئيس التنفيذي لمؤسسة EFQM المؤتمر بمنصة “تقارب العقول” حيث يجتمع التميز والابتكار لرسم ملامح المستقبل، إنها منصة يتردد صداها مع غايتنا الرئيسية.

وقالت المهندسة إسراء مبيضين، مديرة EFQM في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، “يمثل المؤتمر عاملًا دافعاً لعمليات التحول وتعزيز الشراكات من أجل ضمان النمو والتقدم المستدام. نسعى جميعاً إلى تمهيد الطريق لمستقبل أكثر إشراقاً وازدهاراً في منطقة الشرق الأوسط والعالم.”

وبالتزامن مع المؤتمر تم إطلاق جائزة التحول في الأعمال والتي تستهدف الفئات القيادية وفرق العمل حول العالم وتتضمن فئة قائد التحول في الأعمال وفئة فريق التحول وسيتم الإعلان عن الفائزين في هذه الجائزة خلال المؤتمر.

وفي حين أن القيادة العامة لشرطة أبوظبي هي الشريك الاستراتيجي الرئيسي للمؤتمر، تشارك عدة منظمات أخرى كجهات راعية، بما في ذلك الراعي الماسي- شركة وسط جدة للتطوير (JCD)، والراعي الذهبي -الهيئة السعودية للمدن الصناعية ومناطق التقنية “مدن” وشركة New Standards، والراعي البرونزي شركة أفيرورس للاستشارات وتطوير الأعمال. ويعتبر دعمهم السخي أحد العوامل المساهمة في تحقيق النجاح الباهر لهذا الحدث.

للمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة:

الموقع الإلكتروني: https://efqmmiddleeastsummit.org/

بوابة شرطة أبوظبي: https://www.adpolice.gov.ae/en/strategic/Pages/vision.aspx

نبذة عن EFQM

منظمة غير ربحية قائمة على العضوية، قامت على مدى ثلاث عقود بتقديم الدعم والمساعدة لعدد هائل من المنظمات والتي يتجاوز عددها 50,000 منظمة، لتعزيز أدائها والتركيز على تحقيق غايتها وأولوياتها من خلال اتباع نموذج EFQM والنُهج الرائدة عالمياً والتكنولوجيا المدعومة بأفضل الممارسات.

كما تعمل جنباً إلى جنب مع قادة المنظمات من خلال باقة من البرامج والخدمات المتكاملة والمصممة بعناية، بهدف تجهيز فرق العمل على أفضل وجه لتحقيق الريادة وإدارة التغيير الثقافي والتحول. وتتمحور غايتها حول مساعدة المنظمات على تحقيق أداء إيجابي وفوائد ملموسة تعود بالنفع على جميع الفئات المعنية والمجتمع بأسره.

نبذة عن شرطة أبوظبي:

تعمل القيادة العامة لشرطة أبوظبي على تحقيق رؤيتها في ضمان استمرار إمارة أبوظبي رائدة عالمياً في استدامة الأمن والأمان من خلال تقديم خدمات شرطية عالية الجودة للمواطنين والمقيمين في الإمارة وزوارها، وتحقيق ريادة مؤسسية شرطية تستشرف المستقبل بخدمات استباقية مبتكرة تعزز من جودة الحياة.

In Partnership with Abu Dhabi Police: EFQM to host its 2nd Edition of The EFQM Middle East Summit in Abu Dhabi “Shaping the Future through Excellence, Agility & Sustainable Transformation.”

ABU DHABI, UAE – African Media Agency – 15 September 2023 – EFQM and Abu Dhabi Police officials, held a signing ceremony to announce the forthcoming 2nd Edition of The EFQM Middle East Summit, which will unfold in Abu Dhabi under the auspices of the Abu Dhabi Police on 11th and 12th October 2023

Brigadier Jasim Alharmoodi Deputy Director of Strategy and Institutional Development Center and Russell Longmuir Chief Executive Officer

The countdown to the next Summit, embodying the theme, “Shaping the Future through Excellence, Agility, & Sustainable Transformation.” is poised to make the mark on 11th and 12th of October 2023. This event, hosted in Abu Dhabi offers a unique opportunity for visionaries, thought leaders, and industry experts to come together and explore new dimensions of success.

The Summit will feature luminaries and accomplished leaders from the Public Sector and Business Industry who will share their invaluable insights and strategies during captivating Keynote speeches and engaging panel discussions. Day 1 includes Sonja Piontek’s book author and Leadership expert and Mr. Cenk Alper, CEO of Sabanci Group.

Day 2 will start with Simerjeet Singh Agility and transformation expert, Oliver Bilstein, Vice President of Production at BMW Spartanburg and Kai Osterman, Managing Director of VAMED.

In addition, both days will feature panelist talking about “Collaboration and Partnerships for Sustainable Transformation”​, “The Future Business Trends” and “The Benefits of adopting EFQM Model”.

Russell Longmuir, EFQM Chief Executive Officer, aptly describes this Summit as a “convergence of minds,” where excellence and innovation come together to shape the future. It’s a platform that resonates with our core mission.

Isra’a Mobideen, EFQM Middle East Regional Director, added “The EFQM Middle East Summit serves as a catalyst for transformation and fostering partnerships for sustainable growth and progress. Together, we aim to pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future in the Middle East and beyond”.

In conjunction with the summit, EFQM launched the Business Transformation Award which includes 2 categories: Business Transformation Leader and Business Transformation Teams. The award winners will be announced during the 2nd day of the summit.

Whilst Abu Dhabi Police is the overriding strategic partner for the Summit, several organisations are joining as sponsors, including Diamond Sponsor Jeddah Central Development Company (JCD), Gold Sponsors Saudi Authority of Industrial Cities and Technology Zones “MODON” and New Standard Company, and Bronze Sponsor Averroes Business Advisory and Services. Their support is instrumental in making this event a resounding success.

For more info pls visit

website – https://efqmmiddleeastsummit.org/

Abu Dhabi Police https://www.adpolice.gov.ae/en/strategic/Pages/vision.aspx

About EFQM

EFQM has helped 50,000 organisations perform better over 30 years. By using its world-leading methodologies and the EFQM Model and Technology backed up by best practice, organisations can focus improvement on their priorities, their purpose, and their people.

Through our integrated and carefully designed portfolio of training and services, we work side by side with leaders to better equip their teams as they manage excellence, cultural change and transformation. Our aim is to help organisations deliver positive performance and meaningful benefits for all of their key stakeholders and society as a whole.

About Abu Dhabi Police

Abu Dhabi is a world-leading Emirate in sustainable safety and security. We work to ensure everyone continues to feel safe and secure in Abu Dhabi, and to achieve leading status as a policing organisation that foresees the future. We provide proactive and innovative services which enhance quality of life for the community.

St Kitts and Nevis crowned as best destination to invest in according to 2023 CBI (CITIZENSHIP BY INVESTMENT) Index

Basseterre, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — St Kitts and Nevis has been recognised as the best CBI destination in the 2023 edition of the CBI Index, trumping 11 other countries with active citizenship by investment (CBI) programmes.

The country, which has made several sweeping changes to its CBI Programme in the last year, took top honours, scoring 77 points in a race between nations such as Dominica, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Antigua & Barbuda, Malta, Vanuatu, Turkey, Egypt, Austria, Cambodia, and Jordan.

The 2023 CBI Index noted that St Kitts and Nevis has been the most proactive CBI nation in the Caribbean when it comes to responding to security concerns raised by Western nations. The country ‘stands out for taking immediate and decisive action based on the ‘Six Principles’ framework. Moreover, it underscores a political will to take a proactive leadership role in the long-term sustainability of the industry through good governance, enhanced due diligence, and regional harmonisation with international partners.’

Now in its seventh year, the CBI Index utilises its established nine-pillar index architecture to provide investors with a data-driven framework with which to measure the performance and appeal of global CBI programmes. The nine pillars include Standard of Living, Freedom of Movement, Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Citizenship Timeline, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

St Kitts and Nevis scored full marks in Mandatory Travel or Residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence and Certainty of Product pillars.

The Mandatory Travel or Residence pillar examines the travel or residence conditions imposed on applicants both before and after the granting of citizenship. St Kitts and Nevis does not have travel or minimum residency requirements for its programme, making it straightforward for busy entrepreneurs and global citizens to attain citizenship in the country.

The Ease of Processing pillar measures the end-to-end complexity of the CBI application process. The overall effortlessness of the application process is a particularly vital component, and the promise of a smooth, hassle-free process can generate readiness to engage with a programme.

The Due Diligence pillar measures a programme’s integrity. St Kitts and Nevis retains its top position from the previous year due to the Citizenship by Investment Unit’s changes made as part of a rapid implementation of the ‘Six Principles,’ which include mandatory interviews and measures to stop financial irregularities in the real estate option to safeguard the Programme’s reputation.

The Certainty of Product pillar encompasses a range of factors that measure a programme’s certainty across five different dimensions including longevity, popularity and renown, stability, reputation, and adaptability. As the only country to attain a perfect score in this category, St Kitts and Nevis’ performance reflects not only its swift response to the recent unprecedented international pressure imposed on all Caribbean CBI programmes, but its continuous proactive approach to instituting industry leading changes.

“I am thrilled to once again to have the St Kitts and Nevis CBI Programme recognised as the best in the industry,” said Michael Martin, Head of the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit.

“This recognition by the CBI Index is another confirmation of why St Kitts and Nevis should be the first choice for any global investor. For four decades we have crafted solid, innovative and sustainable investment solutions, giving investors the confidence to attain their goals in the global arena.”

St Kitts and Nevis continues to provide an exemplary model to the investment migration industry. The country made bold changes to its Programme at the end of 2022 and further changes in July, the latter changes convincingly addressed security concerns raised by the United Kingdom, the European Union and previously the United States.

The country hosted four of the Caribbean’s CBI nations, along with a delegation from the United States, who all agreed on 6 Principles to be followed by the Caribbean nations. While many of the security measures were already in place as part of St Kitts and Nevis’ due diligence processes, the country was one of the first to institute mandatory interviews with applicants aged 16 years and older.

St Kitts and Nevis has also tightened regulations around how Authorised Agents and International Marketing Agents operate, requiring them to have their businesses registered under the laws of St Kitts and Nevis and limiting how they may advertise the St Kitts and CBI Programme internationally.

Other legislative changes include increased minimum investment thresholds, revised dependant eligibility, and the closing of loopholes for real estate investment options.

St Kitts and Nevis has shown the most commitment to upholding the integrity and reputation its CBI programme in the international arena.

The CBI Index is a rating system designed to assess the performance and appeal of active CBI programmes across a diverse range of indicators and measures. Its purpose is to bring value to the CBI industry by providing a data-driven and practical tool for appraising programmes and facilitating the decision-making process for individuals considering them.

The CBI Index stands as one of the most recognised and reputable rating tools in the investment migration industry and has a reputation for providing valuable industry insights and knowledge.

Secretary of St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
00 (1-869) 467-1474

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8923046

La Réunion annuelle sur l’investissement s’offre une nouvelle identité pour devenir le Congrès AIM et prépare sa 13e édition qui se déroulera à Abou Dabi en mai 2024

ABOU DABI, Émirats arabes unis, 15 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sous la nouvelle étiquette de « Congrès AIM », le comité d’organisation de l’une des plus grandes plateformes d’investissement au monde accueillera cette année encore des dirigeants régionaux et internationaux, des décideurs d’élite et des pionniers à l’occasion de la 13e édition de la réunion annuelle qui se tiendra du 7 au 9 mai 2024 au centre national des expositions d’Abou Dabi.

La conférence se déroulera sur le thème « S’adapter à un paysage de l’investissement en pleine mutation en exploitant le nouveau potentiel du développement économique mondial ». Le Congrès AIM 2024 bénéficie du soutien du ministère de l’industrie et des technologies avancées, et compte le département du développement économique d’Abou Dabi (ADDED) comme partenaire principal.

Les Émirats arabes unis accueilleront une nouvelle fois les participants au cœur de leur belle capitale, et comptent bien faire un succès inédit de cet événement qui a attiré l’année dernière pas moins de 10 313 participants et 693 intervenants de 175 pays.

Son Excellence Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, le Ministre d’État au Commerce extérieur des Émirats arabes unis s’est montré très enthousiaste envers le Congrès AIM 2024, en déclarant que « Depuis plus de dix ans, le Congrès AIM démontre son ferme engagement en faveur de la promotion d’une coopération économique mondiale et de la mobilisation du potentiel de certains pays émergents. Dans un périmètre mondial de l’investissement en pleine évolution, il apparaît capital de faire preuve d’adaptation pour explorer de nouveaux axes de croissance. Le rassemblement du Congrès AIM demeure un événement majeur en 2024, et réunit les principaux acteurs économiques du monde autour d’un dialogue constructif ouvrant la voie à des investissements à fort impact qui contribueront à bâtir un meilleur avenir pour chacun ».

Son Excellence Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, le Président de l’ADDED déclare pour sa part que « En capitalisant sur le remarquable succès de l’édition 2023 du Congrès AIM, nous relevons la barre pour répondre aux attentes de la communauté mondiale de l’investissement tout entière. En tant que capitale fédérale, Abou Dabi est la ville idéale pour mener le débat mondial sur les perspectives de l’investissement et ses dynamiques dans un monde en profonde mutation. Notre approche envers les flux d’investissement s’aligne sur notre engagement sans faille pour consacrer le développement humain, la durabilité et les technologies avancées au cœur de programmes socio-économiques à l’échelle nationale et internationale, tout en respectant le calendrier d’application des normes ESG et en favorisant des synergies à travers des initiatives de coopération internationale – pour que chacun d’entre nous ait de meilleures conditions de vie ».

Dawood Al Shezawi, le Président de la fondation AIM Global, a quant à lui souligné que « Renommer la Réunion annuelle sur l’investissement en Congrès AIM se fait sur fond de recul continu de la croissance économique mondiale dans une société en proie à de multiples enjeux ». Il ajoute que « Ce congrès se veut un événement majeur pour le monde de l’investissement et donne aux décideurs d’élite et aux dirigeants prestigieux du monde entier une occasion unique de se concentrer, ensemble, sur les défis les plus urgents, comme repenser le commerce mondial, rectifier les contours du paysage de l’investissement pour – in fine – créer un impact socio-économique durable dans plusieurs régions du monde ».

Le Congrès AIM repose sur cinq piliers : les investissements directs à l’étranger, les portefeuilles d’investissement étrangers, les start-ups, les PMEs et les villes du futur. La réunion consacrera ces sujets essentiels, et en encadrera les activités.

Pour en savoir plus :
Shreya Verma – +971 521133926

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000839622

Encontro anual de investimentos anuncia nova identidade enquanto AIM Congress, em preparação para a 13.ª edição em Abu Dhabi, em maio de 2024

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sob a sua nova identidade enquanto “AIM Congress“, a comissão organizadora da plataforma de investimentos líder a nível mundial junta, mais uma vez, os líderes, pensadores e inovadores regionais e internacionais na 13.a edição do evento que irá ocorrer de 7 a 9 de maio de 2024 no Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.

Tendo como base o tema “Adaptação a uma perspetiva de investimento em mudança: impulsionamento de novo potencial para o desenvolvimento económico mundial“, o AIM Congress 2024 é apoiado pelo Ministério da Indústria e da Tecnologia Avançada e pelo Departamento de Desenvolvimento Económico de Abu Dhabi (ADDED) enquanto principal parceiro.

Tendo novamente, lugar na vibrante capital dos EAU, o AIM Congress 2024 planeia superar o sucesso alcançado com a sua edição do ano passado, a qual atraiu 10 313 participantes e 693 oradores de 175 países.

Sua Excelência, o Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Ministro do Comércio Externo dos EAU, expressou o seu entusiasmo pelo AIM Congress 2024, afirmando que “Durante mais de uma década, o AIM Congress tem sido firme no seu compromisso de promover a cooperação económica global e impulsionar os mercados especialmente emergentes dos países. No âmbito do panorama em mudança do investimento global, é extremamente importante que os países se adaptem e explorem novas possibilidades de crescimento. Na edição de 2024, o AIM Congress continuará a ser o palco principal para o encontro dos agentes económicos mais proeminentes a nível mundial, facilitando o diálogo e o caminho para investimentos impactantes que impulsionam um futuro melhor e mais brilhante para todas as pessoas.”

Sua Excelência, Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, Presidente do ADDED, declarou que “Tendo por base o enorme sucesso da edição anterior do AIM, estamos a elevar o nível do evento para atingirmos as expectativas da comunidade global de investimentos. Enquanto capital do capital, Abu Dhabi é palco para conversações globais sobre o panorama e a dinâmica dos investimentos, numa era caracterizada por grandes mudanças. A nossa abordagem aos investimentos internos e estrangeiros é orientada pelo nosso compromisso inabalável em colocar o desenvolvimento humano, a sustentabilidade e a tecnologia avançada no núcleo dos planos socioeconómicos aos níveis local e internacional, em apoiar as agendas ESG e em reforçar as sinergias através da cooperação internacional para a melhoria da vida de todas as pessoas.”

A este respeito, Dawood Al Shezawi, Presidente da fundação global do AIM, comentou: “Face aos diversos desafios que o nosso mundo enfrenta atualmente, e considerando o declínio contínuo do desenvolvimento económico global, emerge o anúncio da nova identidade do AIM enquanto AIM Congress, posicionando-se como o palco principal para o investimento e fornecendo a plataforma ideal para que os líderes e responsáveis pela tomada de decisões proeminentes de todo o mundo possam abordar coletivamente os problemas mais urgentes, reformar o panorama comercial e de investimentos global e, por fim, impulsionar impactos positivos e duradouros a nível económico e social em diversas regiões em todo o mundo.”

O AIM Congress tem por base os seus cinco principais pilares — IDE, IEC, empresas em fase de arranque, PME e futuras cidades — que sustentam os objetivos do evento e fornecem um fluxo de trabalho para as respetivas atividades.

Para obter mais detalhes
Shreya Verma – +971 521133926

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000839622

UAE Delegation visits Hong Kong Science Park during Belt and Road Summit to Unlock New Cooperation and Development Opportunities in I&T

Marked a milestone in the Golden Age for Middle East and Hong Kong relations 

  • The UAE Minister of Economy led a delegation to the Hong Kong Science Park as part of his itinerary in Hong Kong for the Eighth Belt and Road Summit.
  • 10 companies met with the delegation which included meetings with Emirati corporations that have expressed an interest in potential partnerships.

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 15 September 2023 – The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) welcomed an official United Arab Emirates (UAE) delegation led by the Minister of Economy marking a milestone in the Golden Age for Middle East and Hong Kong relations and further deepening the collaboration between Hong Kong Innovation and Technology ecosystem with Middle East.

H.E. Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri, UAE Minister of Economy, led an official delegation on a visit to the Hong Kong Science Park including the Multi Scale Medical Robotics Center under InnoHK. (from left) H.E. Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri, UAE Minister of Economy, H.E. Shaikh Saoud Ali Almualla, Consul General of UAE Hong Kong, Prof Samuel Au, Director of Multi Scale Medical Robotics Center, Dr Sunny Chai, Chairman, Albert Wong, CEO and Ir Dr HL Yiu, Chief Corporate Development Officer of HKSTP. 

H.E. Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri, UAE Minister of Economy, was in Hong Kong to attend the two-day Belt and Road Summit and visited the Science Park as part of his itinerary. The visit follows an earlier delegation in February to the UAE led by Hong Kong Chief Executive, John Lee and attended by HKSTP Chairman, Dr Sunny Chai.

The accompanying delegation, which includes representatives of the UAE’s private sector, visited InnoHK’s Multi Scale Medical Robotics Center, as well as the Science Park’s Experience Centre. They met with senior executives from HKSTP including Dr Chai and CEO, Albert Wong to discuss how new doors can be opened for tech ventures as well as explore mutually beneficial development opportunities.

The delegation met with companies from the Science Park and its alumni network with interest in expanding into the UAE. The companies include Cornerstone Robotics, FJ Dynamics, Floship, FreeD, Lalamove, Meat the Next, Prenetics, Rice Robotics, SenseTime and Smartmore. Selected companies also had separate discussions with Emirati corporates that have expressed interest in potential partnerships.

Ir Dr HL Yiu, Chief Corporate Development Officer at HKSTP, said, “Innovation and technology is relentless. This is why HKSTP is committed to harnessing its resources to build bridges for tech ventures to pave way to blue ocean opportunities and long-term success. The UAE is a cosmopolitan and digitally progressive market that offers incredible expansion opportunities, while Hong Kong is an international innovation and finance hub that can help accelerate the journey from start-up to scale-up. I am confident that we will see further opportunities for collaboration and mutually beneficial partnerships.”

H.E. Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, said, “The Belt and Road is one of the most important economic development corridors in the world right now and we are humbled that Hong Kong has welcomed the UAE with open arms. As Asia’s global innovation and financial hub, Hong Kong is an attractive destination for tech ventures where they can incubate, thrive and scale. At the heart of this is HKSTP and by connecting Hong Kong’s I&T ecosystem with the UAE’s, it is opening doors to new opportunities between our markets and beyond.”

Appendix – List of Companies

Cornerstone Robotics
FJ Dynamics International Limited
FreeD Group Limited
Meat The Next
Rice Robotics


Media Contact:  
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

Angela Wan

Tel: +852 2629 2329

Email: angela.wan@hkstp.org


Food Security: AATF, SEEDAN collaborate on improved seeds commercialisation

The African Technology Foundation (AATF) and Seed Entrepreneurs Association of Nigeria (SEEDAN) have collaborated to commercialise improved seeds variety produced by Nigerian scientists.

The effort is to make quality seeds available for farmers to achieve food security.

Hosting SEEDAN’s new executives in Abuja, the AATF Regional Representative for West Africa, Dr Jean Baptiste, said the product to commercialise included the Pod Borer Resistant (PBR) and cowpea developed in Nigeria.

Other products, he said, were the Tela Maize which he noted would be released by the end of the year.

Dr Baptiste, however, called on the Nigeria seed industry to support agricultural technology, so it could spill over to other countries still hesitating in adopting gene technology.

He reiterated the need for seed entreprises to take their marketing strategy to farmers in hinterland.

He further noted that AATF was ready to work with seed entreprises for Nigeria and Africa to achieve commercialisation of those varieties that could help improve food security and tackle malnutrition in the country and other parts of the continent.

“We hope that we’ll be able to collaborate in a synergistic way so that we can achieve commercialisation of a certain number of products AATF is promoting in Nigeria.

“And among those products we have PBR cowpea, hybrid rice and the Tela maize that will be released by the end of this year or January 2024.

SEEDAN President, Yusuf Ado-kibiya, lamented that they produced enough seedlings but there was no market to sell.

He called on the government to make relevant policies, funds and the enabling environment for provision of quality seeds.

Ado-kibiya said they would unify all seed companies just like other countries for Nigeria to achieve food security.

He added that the universities and research institutes had been dormant for years due to lack of funds but expressed the hope of partnering with them to do more research to produce quality seeds for Nigerian farmers

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Expert advocates corporate governance code for public sector

Chief Olusegun Osunkeye, Chairman, Board of Directors, Omnibus Business Solutions Ltd., has emphasised the need for corporate governance code to address governance gaps in the public sector.

Osunkeye gave the advice at the Investiture Ceremony of Alhaji Tijjani Borodo as 18th president of the Chartered Institute of Directors (CIoD) on Thursday in Lagos.

According to him, a Nigerian code of governance is urgently needed in the public sector to regulate the functions and activities of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

“Public establishments must be subjected to the same regulations as private corporations.

“I request a code of corporate governance for public sector as a bedrock to support the reform agenda of the current administration.

“The incoming CIoD president should as part of his priorities ensure the Nigerian public sector code of corporate governance is achieved and enforced during his tenure,” he said.

Mr Oscar Onyema, Chief Executive Officer, Nigerian Exchange Group Plc, stated that corporate governance and leadership development remained two critical areas required for every organisation to maintain value-addition and relevance in its operations.

He said the institute stood out as the premier corporate governance and leadership development body due to the huge impact it had had on the leadership of many organisations in Nigeria.

He noted that over the last 40 years, the CIoD had organised about 1,100 onshore and offshore courses, training over 19,000 directors in the process.

Onyema observed that these directors had contributed significantly to building successful organisations rooted in strong corporate governance and ethical practices.

He, however, noted that in recent times, boardrooms were evolving due to the fact that the coronavirus pandemic disrupted “normal” working practices.

This, he said, ultimately adversely affected board composition and operations such that the expectations of boards and individual directors were now expanded beyond the traditional roles to accommodate new trends and current realities.

“The new status of the institute though with some challenges shows great opportunities in areas of transparency, enhanced board effectiveness practices and increased focus on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues.

“The newly elected president has spoken of his strategic agenda to continue to promote excellence in corporate governance and advocate for policies and practices that foster growth and innovation.

“I wish the CIoD Nigeria great success in executing its vision and achieving major milestones during the two years of this presidency,” he said.

In his acceptance speech, Borodo said his tenure would be driven by the broad strategic vision and aspirations of CIoD Nigeria as approved and currently being implemented by the Institute.

Borodo, however, stated that there would be new initiatives to drive the full actualisation of the strategic plan of the Institute.

He said his tenure would focus on the development of the roadmap for implementation of the chartership of CIoD Nigeria.

He said his strategic agenda was to continue promoting corporate governance excellence and advocate policies and practices that fostered growth and innovation, built on his three-point agenda, tagged 3Rs, ‘Review, Reform and Reinvigoration.’

“Over the next two years, we would also continue to work with our existing partners, create a wider platform to accommodate new ones and ensure that our corporate governance advocacy achieves a higher level of effectiveness.

“I hereby solemnly pledge, by the help of Almighty Allah, to stand on the shoulders of our past leaders to position for greatness and align with the vision of our great Institute.

“I, therefore, appeal to you all to join me in this journey of discovery for our Institute and let us chart this new course together in our drive for excellence and perfection,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria