‫بهدف تحفيز الاستثمار الأجنبي ورفع جاذبية وكفاءة السوق المالية وتعزيز تنافسيتها محلياً ودولياً “هيئة السوق المالية” تعتمد القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية

إعلان (رابط الإعلان)

الثلاثاء 2 مايو 2023م  –  الرياض, المملكة العربية السعودية – اعتمدت هيئة السوق المالية القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية، وتعليمات الحسابات الاستثمارية المعدّلة، وتعديل اللائحة التنفيذية لنظام الشركات الخاصة بشركات المساهمة المدرجة وقائمة المصطلحات المستخدمة في لوائح هيئة السوق المالية وقواعدها، ليعمل بها ابتداءً من تاريخ نشرها.

وجاء اعتماد تلك القواعد والتعليمات وقائمة المصطلحات، لتطوير الأحكام المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية، وتيسير الاطلاع على الأطر التنظيمية المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية ‌من خلال جمع الأحكام المنظمة لذلك في وثيقة تنظيمية واحدة، بالإضافة إلى تسهيل إجراءات دخول المستثمرين الأجانب للسوق المالية السعودية.

وتم في التعديلات الأخيرة تخفيف متطلبات المستثمرين الأجانب وتخفيف متطلبات الإفصاح والالتزامات المستمرة عليهم لتسهيل دخول المستثمر الأجنبي المؤهل في السوق المالية السعودية، ولتقليل الفروقات بين ما هو مفروض على المستثمر الأجنبي المؤهل، مقارنة ببقية فئات المستثمرين في السوق المالية السعودية.

هذا بالإضافة إلى تطوير شروط التأهيل الواجب استيفاؤها من المستثمر الأجنبي المؤهل للاستثمار في الأسهم المدرجة بالسوق الرئيسية، وإلغاء متطلبات تقديم طلب التأهيل واتفاقية تقييم المستثمر الأجنبي المؤهل، مع الاكتفاء في القواعد المعتمدة بمتطلبات فتح الحساب الاستثماري، وفقاً لتعليمات الحسابات الاستثمارية الصادرة عن الهيئة، وذلك بهدف التأكيد على واجب مؤسسة السوق المالية في التأكد من كون المستثمر الأجنبي مستوفياً لشروط التأهيل ذات العلاقة.

كما شملت التعديلات تطوير شروط استثمار الأجنبي غير المقيم في الأوراق المالية المدرجة من خلال اتفاقيات المبادلة، بما في ذلك إلغاء الشرط المفروض على مدة الاتفاقية، بالإضافة إلى إلغاء متطَّلب إشعار الهيئة قبل إبرام اتفاقية المبادلة.

كذلك شملت إضافة قناة جديدة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأسهم المدرجة في السوق الرئيسية، وذلك من خلال تمكين الأشخاص الطبيعيين والاعتباريين الأجانب من الاستثمار في الأسهم المدرجة في السوق الرئيسية من خلال المحافظ الاستثمارية المدارة من مؤسسات السوق المالية.

‌وستحل القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية بدءاً من تاريخ العمل بها، محل كل من القواعد المنظمة لاستثمار المؤسسات المالية الأجنبية المؤهلة في الأوراق المالية المدرجة، والتعليمات المنظمة لتملّك المستثمرين الاستراتيجيين الأجانب حصصا استراتيجية في الشركات المدرجة، والدليل الاسترشادي لاستثمار الأجانب غير المقيمين في السوق الموازية.

وينتظر أن تنعكس القواعد المعتمدة على تعزيز سيولة السوق المالية السعودية وتعميقها ورفع جاذبيتها وتعزيز مكانة السوق المالية السعودية على المستوى العالمي، بالإضافة إلى نقل المعارف والخبرات للمؤسسات المالية المحلية والمستثمرين من خلال تعزيز دور المستثمر المؤسسي في السوق المالية السعودية.

وجدير بالذكر أن هيئة السوق المالية قامت في 2018 بإصدار التحديث للقواعد المنظمة لاستثمار المؤسسات المالية الأجنبية المؤهلة في الأوراق المالية المدرجة، وعلى أثر ذلك تضاعفت الأرقام الخاصة بالمستثمرين الأجانب، حيث ارتفع عدد المستثمرين الأجانب بنسبة 179% منذ عام 2018 وحتى عام 2022م، وارتفعت نسبة ملكية المستثمرين الأجانب من إجمالي القيمة السوقية للأسهم الحرة من 3.77% في 2018 إلى 14.21% بنهاية 2022.

ويأتي اعتماد القواعد بعد أن نشرت الهيئة مشروع القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية على المنصة الإلكترونية الموحدة لاستطلاع آراء العموم والجهات الحكومية التابعة للمركز الوطني للتنافسية (منصة استطلاع) وموقع الهيئة الإلكتروني لمدة (30) يوماً تقويمياً لاستطلاع مرئيات العموم حياله.

وتهدف المملكة العربية السعودية إلى أن تكون وجهة استثمارية جاذبة ومحفزة للاستمرار والتوسع ضمن رؤيتها 2030، حيث عملت على إصلاحات هيكلية في الجانب الاقتصادي والمالي أسهمت في رفع معدلات النمو الاقتصادي والحفاظ على الاستقرار والاستدامة المالية، والتي بدورها تجذب الاستثمارات الأجنبية إلى المملكة.

وتسعى الهيئة من خلال خطتها الاستراتيجية إلى جعل السوق المالية السعودية السوق الرئيسية في الشرق الأوسط ومن أهم الأسواق المالية في العالم، وأن تكون سوقاً متقدمةً وجاذبةً للاستثمار المحلي والأجنبي بما يمكّنها من أداء دور محوري في تنمية الاقتصاد وتنويع مصادر دخله بما يتماشى مع رؤية 2030.

ويمكن الاطلاع على القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية، وتعليمات الحسابات الاستثمارية المعدّلة، واللائحة التنفيذية لنظام الشركات الخاصة بشركات المساهمة المدرجة المعدّلة، وقائمة المصطلحات المستخدمة في لوائح هيئة السوق المالية وقواعدها المعدّلة، من خلال الروابط الإلكترونية الآتية:

القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية

تعليمات الحسابات الاستثمارية المعدّلة

اللائحة التنفيذية لنظام الشركات الخاصة بشركات المساهمة المدرجة المعدّلة

وقائمة المصطلحات المستخدمة في لوائح هيئة السوق المالية وقواعدها المعدّلة

معلومات التواصل: Contact:

هيئة السوق المالية

الإدارة العامة للتواصل وحماية المستثمر






Capital Market Authority

Communication & Investor Protection Division





عن الهيئة:   About CMA:

نشأت السوق المالية في السعودية ببدايات غير رسمية في الخمسينات، واستمر الوضع كذلك إلى أن وضعت الحكومة التنظيمات الأساسية للسوق في الثمانينات. وبموجب “نظام السوق المالية” الصادر بالمرسوم الملكي رقم (م/30) وتاريخ 2/6/1424هـ تأسست هيئة السوق المالية. وهي هيئة حكومية ذات استقلال مالي وإداري وترتبط مباشرة برئيس مجلس الوزراء.

للمزيد من المعلومات عن الهيئة يرجى زيارة موقع الهيئة الرسمي على شبكة الإنترنت: www.cma.org.sa


The Capital Market Authority (CMA) in Saudi Arabia unofficially started in the early fifties, and continued to operate successfully, until the government set its basic regulations in the eighties. The current Capital Market Law is promulgated and pursuant to Royal Decree No. (M/30) dated 2/6/1424H, which formally brought it into existence. The CMA is a government organization applying full financial, legal, and administrative independence, and has direct links with the Prime Minister.

For more information about CMA, please visit the official website: www.cma.org.sa

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 3552423

To instigate foreign investment, increase the attractiveness and efficiency of the capital market, and enhance regional and international market competitiveness: The Capital Market Authority Approves the Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities

Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities

CMA approves the Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities with the Aim of Investigating Foreign Investment and Raising Attractiveness and Competitiveness of Capital Market

Announcement (Link)

RIYADH, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Capital Market Authority (“CMA”) approved the Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities (the “Rules”), Amendments to the Investment Accounts Instructions, Amendments to the Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies and Amendments to the Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority, which shall be effective as of the date of their publications.

The approval of the Rules, Instructions and Glossary aim to develop the provisions regulating foreign investment in securities, facilitate access to the regulatory frames regulating foreign investment in securities by collecting the regulating provisions in a single regulatory document, as well as facilitating qualified foreign investors’ (QFIs’) entry procedures to invest in the Saudi capital market.

The last Amendments comprised considering facilitating the QFIs’ requirements, facilitating disclosure requirements and continuous obligations to ease Saudi capital market entry with the aim of minimizing the differences between QFIs and other investor categories in the Saudi market.

The Amendments also comprised developing the qualification conditions that must be met by the QFI to invest in the shares listed in the Main Market and removing the requirements on application for qualification and QFI’s assessment agreement. The approved Rules only requiring the QFI to open an investment account in accordance with the Investment Accounts Instructions issued by CMA. This is to ensure the obligation of the capital market institution to make sure that the QFI is meeting all relevant qualification conditions.

Furthermore, the amendments included developing conditions on the investment of the non-resident foreign investors in listed securities through Swap Agreements, including removing the requirement on the duration of such swap agreements, as well as removing the requirement to notify the CMA prior to entering into a Swap Agreement.

The Amendments also included adding a new channel for foreign investment in securities listed on the main market by enabling all foreign natural and legal persons to invest in securities listed on the main market through discretionary portfolios management by Capital Market Institutions.

As of its effective date, the Rules shall replace the Rules for Qualified Foreign Financial Institutions Investment in Listed Securities, Instructions for the Foreign Strategic Investors’ Ownership in Listed Companies and the Guidance Note for the Investment of Non-Resident Foreigners in the Parallel Market.

The approval of these rules is expected to have a positive impact on boosting liquidity in the Saudi market, deepening and raising its attractiveness, and enhancing its global status. The rules will also contribute to the transformation of knowledge and experiences in local capital institutions and investors, thereby enhancing the role played by institutional investors in the Saudi capital market.

It is worth noting that the CMA issued the updated edition of the Rules in 2018, which resulted in a 179% increase in the number of QFIs from 2018 to 2022 . In addition, the foreign investors’ ownership ratio of the free float total market value increased from 3.77% in 2018 to 14.21% by the end of 2022.

The approval of the Rules came after CMA has published the Draft Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities on the Unified Electronic Platform for Consulting the Public and Government Entities (Public Consultation Platform) affiliated with the National Competitiveness Center (NCC), and the CMA’s website for public consultation for a period of (30) calendar days.

Within its Vision 2030, the Kingdom aims to be an attractive and instigating investment destination to continue expanding, as it has developed structural reforms in the financial and economic aspects that have contributed to raising economic growth rates and maintaining financial stability and sustainability, which in turn, helps in attracting foreign investments.

Through its strategic plan; the CMA seeks to position the Saudi capital market as main market in the Middle East and one of the leaders financial markets in the world, and to be an advanced market and attractive to domestic and foreign investment, enabling it to play a pivotal role in developing the economy and diversifying its sources of income in line of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

The Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities, the Amended Investment Accounts Instructions, the Amended Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies and the Amended Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority can be viewed via the following links:

The Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities

The Amended Investment Accounts Instructions

The Amended Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies

The Amended Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority

Capital Market Authority
Communication & Investor Protection Division

About CMA:
The Capital Market Authority (CMA) in Saudi Arabia unofficially started in the early fifties, and continued to operate successfully, until the government set its basic regulations in the eighties. The current Capital Market Law is promulgated and pursuant to Royal Decree No. (M/30) dated 2/6/1424H, which formally brought it into existence. The CMA is a government organization applying full financial, legal, and administrative independence, and has direct links with the Prime Minister.

For more information about CMA, please visit the official website: www.cma.org.sa

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8833372

IPDC Signs Agreement With Ten Local Companies With Capital of over Eight Billion Birr

Industrial Parks Development (IPDC) Corporation signed agreements with ten local companies with a capital of more than 8.2 billion Birr to allow them to operate in the industrial parks.

CEO of the IPDC Aklilu Tadese and the representatives of the ten companies signed the agreement.

During the signing ceremony, the CEO said that the Corporation is doing lots of activities to strengthen the manufacturing sector in the country.

The agreement which is aimed at increasing the engagement of the private sector in the IPDC and encouraging local companies is a priority, he elaborated.

Moreover, the CEO added that the companies that have signed the agreement to operate in IPDC will contribute greatly in creating job opportunities for many citizens.

Five of the ten companies which signed the agreement are engaged in pharmaceuticals, which will help the country to reduce its foreign currency spending for importing pharmaceuticals, it was indicated.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Investors Showing Big Interest in Investing in Ethiopia’s Industrial Parks: Industrial Parks Dev’t Corporation

There are very big demands by both local and foreign investors to operate in the industrial parks constructed across the country, according to the Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC).

There are eleven industrial parks and one free trade zone the corporation manages; and some ten local companies with over 8.2 billion Birr capital have signed agreements that allow them to operate in the parks.

IPDC Marketing and Communication Head, Zemen Junedin told ENA on the sidelines of the recent investment forum held in Addis Ababa that such forums are useful in promoting investment.

According to him, the corporation has been promoting the potential of the country by taking part in international exhibitions and bazaars.

In addition, “we have done a major service delivery reform and any foreign or domestic investor can get information without conditions and also support of experts,” he added.

The head further stated that companies are given high level of support and monitoring even after they entered investment.

Zemen said that industrial parks in war-torn areas are making very promising progress and cited Kombolcha as an example. There is now high demand and investment in the pipeline to enter Kombolcha Park, he added.

Regarding Mekelle Industrial Park, a technical committee has been established to evaluate and make it operational.

In view of Ethiopia’s potential in relation to agro-processing, the marketing head pointed out that there are parks like Jimma Industrial Park which focuses on the sector.

The location of the industrial park is convenient for fruits and vegetables, especially avocado and coffee, so investors are interested to invest in the park.

Jimma Industrial Park has started producing avocado oil, he noted, adding that this has created a market linkage for more than 15,000 farmers in city and its surroundings.

He further noted that Ethiopia’s parks are very modern and competitive industrial parks of international standards that offer good opportunity to both local and foreign investors.

In Ethiopia, industrial park have been established with the vision to make the country a leading manufacturing hub, and the government places high focus on industrial parks development and expansion.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Favorable Environment Created for Manufacturing Industry, Says PM

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that Ethiopia has created an enabling environment for the manufacturing industry.

The premier opened today an expo under the theme “Let Ethiopia Produce” with the view to revitalize the country’s industry sector.

According to him, Ethiopia has got enough land, water, and adequate human resource as well as energy that supports production.

Yet the country has not fully exploited this massive potential for the manufacturing industry, he added.

The country has embarked on agricultural productivity to supply adequate inputs to the industry and the mining sector has been greatly revived and many products can be used as inputs for the industry.

Acknowledging the energy sector which has greater importance to catalyze Ethiopia’s industrialized ambition, the prime minister said that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is anticipated to fundamentally solve energy challenges in the country.

“One important factor for industrial development is energy. The performance of the Grand Renaissance Dam is going on in a very progressive manner and this will be a great input.”

Pointing out at the sound industrial policy Ethiopia has introduced, Abiy urged Ethiopians to unite and engage in production to permanently solve the challenges of the nation.

Industry Minister Melaku Alebel said on his part that since the launching of “Let Ethiopia Produce” movement in May 2022, some 4,000 permits have been issued to investors.

The minister added that the ‘Let Ethiopia Produce’ movement is becoming instrumental for providing continuous solutions and identifying problems that hinder the manufacturing sector in the nation’s endeavors to build a vibrant industry sector for prosperous Ethiopia.

Following the movement, encouraging results have been registered in the manufacturing sector, specially in maximizing and diversifying products, Melaku noted.

Moreover, the minister disclosed that the nation used to produce only goods. But now the machine industry sub-sector has started emerging in Ethiopia and a range of products from power tools to different types of machines are being manufactured.

He further elaborated that this is a big departure for Ethiopia and the country is going to be export today one of the tools manufactured by its evolving through machinery manufacturing. This is the first event to be recorded in our history.

Some 70 large and 54 medium industries are displaying their products and services in the five- days expo at the Millenium Hall.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Pledges to Strengthen Efforts in Ensuring Food Sovereignty of Africa

Ethiopia will consolidate its efforts towards ensuring food sovereignty in Africa by playing an exemplary role and through cooperation, Agriculture Minister Girma Amente said.

Even if 65 percent of the land mass of Africa is cultivable, the continent has not yet become food self-sufficient.

Under its 10-year perspective plan, Ethiopia is working to ensure food sovereignty and playing an inspirational role for the prosperity of Africa.

Agriculture Minister Girma Amente told ENA that Ethiopia is replicating its historic role of inspiring Africa in the fight against colonial masters to ensure their independence by the effort to ensuring continental economic freedom.

The successful journey in utilizing all the potentials in the agriculture sector can be taken as exemplary for other African countries, he noted.

Stressing that agriculture is one of the prioritized sectors in the 10-year perspective plan of the country, Girma said increasing production and productivity, input supply and modernizing the sector have been successful in the journey to realize food self-sufficiency.

According to the minster, Ethiopia used to spend up to 1 billion USD per year to import wheat. Today, however, the country has not only substituted the import but has also started exporting wheat.

Encouraging achievements have again been registered in transforming the rain-dependent agriculture of the nation with irrigation.

Girma pointed out that the changes that have been registered during the last four-five years in the sector have become useful experiences to be shared for other African countries.

Ethiopia will consolidate its collaboration towards ensuring food sovereignty in Africa by sharing its experiences in the agriculture sector, the minister stated.

The minister finally stressed that this is the time for Africa to develop its ample potential and natural resources to realize its prosperity.

Strengthening cooperation and partnership and growing together at continental level will be crucial to ensure food sovereignty, he underscored.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

CorpsAfrica, Mastercard Foundation announce $59.4m partnership against poverty

CorpsAfrica and Mastercard Foundation have announced a five-year $59.4 million partnership to fight poverty through volunteerism in 11 African countries.

The partnership will develop the leadership skills of 1,600 Africans, particularly young women, to engage in community-led projects that impact public health, food security, education, gender issues, the digital economy, and environment.

The work of the volunteers is expected to benefit over 800,000 community members through economic development while creating work opportunities for young people across the continent.

The volunteers would be in communities to identify, together with community members, and provide solutions through projects like building schools, wells and irrigation systems, launch small businesses and agriculture projects, and teach in schools and training centres.

Nigeria, Uganda, and Ethiopia are the new countries that will this year benefit from the impact projects, while two more African countries, yet to be announced, will start benefiting from the CorpsAfrica-Mastercard partnership in 2024.

Ghana, Morocco, Senegal, Malawi, Rwanda, and Kenya are six existing beneficiary countries that would also see projects expanded in various communities under the $59.4 million partnership.

‘CorpsAfrica has proven its impact in rural communities and demonstrated the value of deploying a network of service-minded young Africans to solve pressing issues across the continent,’ said Peter Materu, Chief Programmes Officer at the Mastercard Foundation.

‘Their vision aligns with our Young Africa Works strategy to enable 30 million young people, particularly young women, to access dignified and fulfilling work. We are pleased to support their growth and expansion throughout the continent,’ he added.

Liz Fanning, CorpsAfrica’s Founder and Executive Director stated that: ‘This funding could not have come at a more important time.’

‘Real-world experience and service opportunities are urgently needed to engage young Africans and create sustainable economic opportunities for rural people,’ she added.

Ms Fanning indicated that the partnership would provide the resources to advance and expand CorpsAfrica’s mission by ensuring sustainability across the continent.

‘Together, we can create a model for national and Pan-African service and participatory development that is efficient, effective, collaborative, and accountable,’ the CorpsAfrica Executive Director said.

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of a CorpsAfrica volunteer helped a displaced community to identify and establish the first sewing and handcrafts skills training centre.

In Morocco, a young female CorpsAfrica volunteer also assisted the only women’s cooperative in the Inman Valley that specialises in making carpets and pillows to market their products collectively, earning decent incomes to support their families.

Source: Ghana News Agency

World Bank Group’s President-elect to champion fight against extreme poverty

The Board of the World Bank Group (WBG) has implored its newly elected President, Ajay Banga, to propel the Bank’s evolution agenda of ending global extreme poverty.

The Board said it looked forward to working with Mr Banga on the World Bank Group evolution process and on all of its ambitions and efforts aimed at tackling the toughest development challenges facing developing countries.

The call followed his selection as the 14th World Bank Group President on Wednesday, May 3, to serve a five-year term, beginning June 2, 2023.

He will replace David Malpass who served as the Bank Group’s president from 2019 and resigned effective June 2023 to pursue new challenges.

The evolution process of the WBG is aimed at boosting shared prosperity across the world through fostering sustainable, resilient, and inclusive development, and comes at a time that many countries across the world are facing economic challenges and debt burden.

When he was appointed in March as the next WBG president, Mr Banga embarked on a global tour to deepen partnerships to ensure the achievement of the goals of the Bank Group, with the African Development Bank (AfDB) being his first stop.

‘Banga’s election comes at a critical moment of overlapping global challenges marked by emerging debt distress in lower- and middle-income countries, particularly in Africa, which is heavily impacted by climate change, Covid-19 pandemic and disruptions in food and energy markets due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,’ said, Dr Akinwumi Adesina, President, AfDB.

While congratulating him on his new position, Dr Adesina said: ‘I look forward to our working closely together to deliver greater impacts for Africa and the world.’

Already, Mr Banga has highlighted three global issues of significant concern to him; inequality; tension between humanity and nature; and the tendency to apply short-term solutions to long-term problems, which only delivers poor results.

Upon assumption as the WBG President, he will Chair the Board of the Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).

He will also be an ex-officio chair of the Board of Directors of the International Development Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and of the Administrative Council of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

Prior to his election as the President for the multilateral development bank, Mr Banga was President and CEO of Mastercard, Vice Chairman at General Atlantic and an Honorary Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce.

He became an advisor to General Atlantic’s climate-focused fund, BeyondNetZero, at its root in 2021.

Mr Banga served as Co-Chair of another Partnership for Central America, a coalition of private organisations that create advanced economic opportunities across underserved populations in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

He was previously on the Boards of the American Red Cross, Kraft Foods, and Dow Inc.

The process included an open, merit-based, and transparent nomination where any national of the Bank’s membership could be proposed by any Executive Director or Governor through an Executive Director.

This was then followed by thorough due diligence and a comprehensive interview of Mr Banga by the Executive Directors, and was in line with the selection process agreed by shareholders in 2011.

Source: Ghana News Agency