Convite à apresentação de candidaturas: Global Citizen Award® 2023

LONDRES, April 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Henley & Partners, empresa internacional líder em consultoria de residência e cidadania global, em parceria com a Andan, organização suíça humanitária e sem fins lucrativos, tem o prazer de anunciar o convite à apresentação de candidaturas para o Global Citizen Award de 2023.

Criado em 2014, o Global Citizen Award presta homenagem a indivíduos notáveis cujo trabalho promova qualquer um dos desafios globais que afetam atualmente a humanidade – desafios que transcendem as fronteiras nacionais e não são passíveis de ser resolvidos pela ação isolada de qualquer país.

O laureado de 2023 será selecionado por um comité distinto e independente e homenageado na cerimónia do Global Citizen Award, o evento final da Conferência Anual de Cidadania Global da Henley & Partners, que decorrerá este ano de 9 a 10 de novembro no Dubai.

O presidente da Henley & Partners e fundador da Fundação Andan, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, afirma que o trabalho do premiado deve demonstrar um impacto positivo na vida de grupos sociais vulneráveis, particularmente no que diz respeito a questões associadas à migração. “O Global Citizen Award está aberto em todo o mundo àqueles que trabalhem num domínio diretamente ligado às questões sobre as quais procuram incidir e exclui figuras políticas, líderes de opinião e celebridades. O comité procura indivíduos notáveis e inspiradores que demonstrem visão, coragem e inovação a impulsionar a mudança global, e cujas ações e perspetivas contribuam para um mundo mais justo, pacífico, conectado e tolerante.”

O processo de seleção é confidencial e baseia-se numa decisão por maioria do Comité do Prémio. O prémio em si consiste numa medalha escultural personalizada projetada pelo artista italiano Antonio Nocera, um certificado de prémio assinado pelo Presidente do Comité do Global Citizen Award e um prémio monetário de 20 000 USD, destinado a apoiar os esforços humanitários do premiado. Além disso, a Henley & Partners compromete-se a trabalhar em estreita colaboração com o premiado durante um período de um ano, ao sensibilizar as pessoas para o seu trabalho e ao apoiar o projeto selecionado através da rede de mais de 40 escritórios da empresa em todo o mundo.

Desde a sua criação, o Global Citizen Award tem homenageado muitos indivíduos notáveis. O primeiro laureado foi o empresário alemão Harald Höppner, que criou o projeto Sea Watch, de ajuda humanitária aos refugiados. Outro contemplado foi o Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, fundador da Fundação Gift of the Givers, a maior organização de ajuda humanitária em catástrofes de África, e Monique Morrow, cofundadora da The Humanized Internet, um projeto de identidade digital que visa trazer esperança para os cerca de 1,1 milhares de milhões de indivíduos no mundo que não podem provar sua identidade jurídica. Diep Vuong, cofundadora e presidente da Fundação Pacific Links, foi premiada pelo seu trabalho no Sudeste Asiático em defesa dos direitos das pessoas escravizadas pelo tráfico de seres humanos, e o Prof. Dr. Padraig O’Malley recebeu o seu Prémio Global Citizen em reconhecimento do seu trabalho na resolução de conflitos e reconciliação na Irlanda do Norte, África do Sul e Iraque.

Comentando sobre a história e o significado do prémio, o Dr. Kaelin afirma que os ideais de cidadania global são um princípio fundador da Henley & Partners e que, através da sua parceria com a Fundação Andan, a empresa é capaz de fornecer apoio aos cidadãos globais deslocados pela guerra, conflitos e mudanças climáticas. “Todos os nossos laureados com o Global Citizen Award nos inspiraram com a sua vontade de agir para enfrentar um problema que muitos veem como simplesmente vasto demais para poder ser resolvido. Os problemas que hoje enfrentamos transcendem a família, a tribo, a aldeia e a nação. É mais importante do que nunca fazermos o máximo que pudermos para apoiar os que trabalham em iniciativas que mudam diretamente a vida de pessoas vulneráveis em todo o mundo.”

As candidaturas terminam na sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2023. Para mais informações sobre como enviar a sua candidatura, contacte Tina Savic pelo e-mail

Sobre a Fundação Andan 

Fundação Andan é uma fundação humanitária sem fins lucrativos sediada na Suíça. É regulada pela Autoridade Federal Suíça de Supervisão das Fundações e auditada anualmente pela BDO.

A Andan lidera iniciativas do setor privado de apoio a famílias que fogem das suas casas devido a guerras, conflitos internos e mudanças climáticas. Identifica e desenvolve soluções inovadoras e sustentáveis que promovam a autossuficiência dos refugiados, reforcem a sua resiliência e promovam a sua inclusão nos seus novos países. A Andan estabelece como prioritários os projetos que ampliem as oportunidades económicas, financeiras e políticas das populações de refugiados e das comunidades que as acolhem. A Andan facilita e impulsiona parcerias entre o setor privado e agências da ONU, governos, ONG e instituições académicas cuja preocupação incide sobre os refugiados e os migrantes.

O projeto principal da Andan a longo prazo é a Andan Global City, que irá derrubar e reformar completamente a forma como lidamos com a crescente crise global de refugiados e migração.

Sobre a Henley & Partners

A Henley & Partners é líder global em matéria de residência e cidadania através do investimento. Todos os anos, centenas de indivíduos abastados e respetivos consultores contam com o nosso conhecimento e experiência neste domínio. Os profissionais altamente qualificados da empresa trabalham juntos como equipa em mais de 40 escritórios em todo o mundo.

O conceito de planeamento de residência e cidadania foi criado pela Henley & Partners na década de 1990. À medida que a globalização se expandia, a residência e a cidadania tornaram-se temas alvo de grande interesse entre o número crescente de empreendedores e investidores com mobilidade internacional a quem servimos orgulhosamente todos os dias.

A empresa também administra uma importante atividade de consultoria governamental que arrecadou mais de 10 mil milhões de USD em investimento estrangeiro direto. Digna da confiança de governos, a empresa tem estado envolvida em consultoria estratégica e na conceção, configuração e operação dos programas de residência e cidadania mais bem-sucedidos do mundo.

Contacto para a comunicação social

Para mais informações, contacte:

Sarah Nicklin

Diretora de Relações Públicas do Grupo

Telemóvel: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000803611

Global Citizen Award® 2023 : Lancement de l’appel à candidatures

LONDRES, 12 avr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En partenariat avec la fondation humanitaire suisse à but non lucratif Andan Foundation, le cabinet de conseil de premier plan en résidence et en citoyenneté internationales, Henley & Partners, a le plaisir plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de l’appel à candidatures pour le Global Citizen Award 2023.

Créé en 2014, le Global Citizen Award rend hommage à des individus exceptionnels dont les réalisations contribuent à relever l’un des défis mondiaux — qui transcendent les frontières nationales et ne peuvent être résolus par un pays faisant cavalier seul — auxquels l’humanité est actuellement confrontée.

Le lauréat de l’édition 2023 sera sélectionné par un comité indépendant de choix et sera honoré lors de la cérémonie de remise du Global Citizen Award, marquant la clôture de la conférence annuelle Henley & Partners sur la citoyenneté mondiale, qui se tiendra à Dubaï les 9 et 10 novembre de cette année.

Le président de Henley & Partners et fondateur de la Fondation Andan, le Dr Christian H. Kaelin, précise que les travaux du lauréat doivent avoir un impact positif sur la vie des groupes sociaux vulnérables, en particulier en ce qui concerne les questions liées aux phénomènes migratoires. « Global Citizen Award est un prix est ouvert à tous les individus du monde entier, à l’exclusion des personnalités politiques, des leaders d’opinion et des célébrités, qui travaillent dans un domaine ayant un lien direct avec les problèmes qu’ils cherchent à résoudre. Le comité cible des individus exceptionnels et inspirants qui font preuve de vision, de courage et d’innovation dans la conduite du changement mondial, et dont les actions et les perspectives contribuent à un monde plus juste, plus pacifique, plus connecté et plus tolérant ».

La sélection est confidentielle et reflète la décision prise à la majorité des membres du comité de sélection. Quant au Prix, il comprend une médaille sculpturale sur mesure conçue par l’artiste italien Antonio Nocera, un certificat signé par le président du comité de sélection du Global Citizen Award, et une récompense financière de 20 000 USD visant à soutenir les efforts humanitaires du lauréat. En outre, Henley & Partners s’engage à travailler en étroite collaboration avec le lauréat pendant un an, à apporter de la visibilité à son travail et à soutenir le projet sélectionné par le biais du réseau du cabinet, qui compte plus de 40 bureaux dans le monde.

Depuis sa création, le Global Citizen Award a récompensé de nombreux individus exceptionnels. L’entrepreneur allemand Harald Höppner, créateur du projet d’aide humanitaire aux réfugiés, Sea Watch, en a été le premier lauréat. Parmi les autres lauréats figurent Imtiaz Sooliman, fondateur de la Gift of the Givers Foundation, la plus grande organisation de secours en cas de catastrophe en Afrique, et Monique Morrow, cofondatrice de The Humanized Internet, un projet d’identité numérique qui vise à donner de l’espoir aux quelque 1,1 milliard d’individus dans le monde qui ne peuvent prouver leur identité juridique. La cofondatrice et présidente de la Pacific Links Foundation, Diep Vuong, a été récompensée pour son travail en Asie du Sud-Est en faveur des droits des personnes réduites en esclavage par la traite des êtres humains, tandis que le professeur Padraig O’Malley a reçu le Prix en reconnaissance de son travail sur la résolution des conflits et la réconciliation en Irlande du Nord, en Afrique du Sud et en Irak.

S’exprimant sur l’histoire et l’importance de ce Prix, le Dr Kaelin explique que les idéaux de citoyenneté mondiale sont un principe fondateur de Henley & Partners et que, grâce à son partenariat avec la Fondation Andan, le cabinet est en mesure d’apporter son soutien aux citoyens du monde déplacés à cause des guerres, des conflits et du changement climatique. « Tous les lauréats du Global Citizen Award représentent pour nous une source d’inspiration par leur volonté d’agir face à un problème que beaucoup considèrent comme simplement trop complexe pour être traité. Les problèmes auxquels nous sommes confrontés aujourd’hui transcendent la famille, la tribu, le village et le pays. Il est plus que jamais capital que nous fassions tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour soutenir ceux qui travaillent sur des initiatives qui changent directement la vie des personnes vulnérables dans le monde entier. »

La date de clôture de l’appel à candidature est fixée au vendredi 30 juin 2023. Pour plus d’informations sur la procédure de dépôt de votre candidature, veuillez contacter Tina Savic à l’adresse

À propos d’Andan Foundation 

Andan Foundation est une fondation humanitaire à but non lucratif basée en Suisse. Elle est réglementée par l’Autorité fédérale de surveillance des fondations et auditée chaque année par le cabinet d’audit BDO.

Andan mène des projets du secteur privé visant à soutenir les familles qui fuient leur foyer à cause de la guerre, des conflits internes et du changement climatique. Elle repère et met en place des solutions innovantes et durables visant à promouvoir l’autonomie des réfugiés, à renforcer leur résilience et à favoriser leur intégration dans leur nouveau pays. Andan privilégie les projets offrant plus de perspectives économiques, financières et politiques aux populations réfugiées et aux communautés qui les accueillent. Andan facilite et promeut les partenariats entre le secteur privé et les agences des Nations unies, les gouvernements, les ONG et les institutions académiques qui s’intéressent à de la cause des réfugiés et des migrants.

Le principal projet à long terme mené par Andan est la Andan Global City, dont l’aboutissement va complètement bouleverser et réformer la façon dont nous traitons la crise mondiale croissante des réfugiés et des migrations.

À propos de Henley & Partners

Henley & Partners est le leader mondial de la planification de la résidence et de la citoyenneté par investissement. Chaque année, des centaines de particuliers fortunés et leurs conseillers font confiance à notre savoir-faire et à notre expérience en la matière. Les professionnels hautement qualifiés que compte le cabinet travaillent en équipe dans plus de 40 bureaux à travers le monde.

Le concept de planification de la résidence et de la citoyenneté a été créé par Henley & Partners dans les années 1990. Avec l’ampleur de la mondialisation, la résidence et la citoyenneté sont devenues des sujets d’intérêt majeur pour le nombre grandissant d’entrepreneurs et d’investisseurs mobiles à l’échelle internationale que nous sommes fiers de servir chaque jour.

Le cabinet gère également un service de conseil aux gouvernements de premier plan qui a permis de mobiliser plus de 10 milliards de dollars d’investissements directs étrangers. En tant que partenaire de confiance des gouvernements, le cabinet est actif dans le conseil stratégique et dans la conception, la mise en place et l’opérationnalisation des programmes de résidence et de citoyenneté les plus aboutis au monde.

Contact média

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter :

Sarah Nicklin

Responsable des relations publiques du Groupe

Numéro de téléphone portable : +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000803611

Madrid beat Chelsea 2-0 with the Blues down to ten men

Real Madrid beat a 10-man Chelsea 2-0 Wednesday in the first leg of the UEFA Champions League quarterfinals, giving them a boost of confidence before they travel to London next week. The Spanish club’s French star Karim Benzema scored the opening goal in the 22nd minute at Madrid’s Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. Real Madrid midfielder Marco Asensio unleashed a curler from outside the box in the 74th minute to make it 2-0 for his team. The Blues played with 10 men for at least 30 minutes. In the 59th minute, Ben Chilwell, a Chelsea defender, was shown a straight red card for a professional foul on Rodrygo. Chilwell will miss the second leg in London. The sides will meet at London’s Stamford Bridge on April 18. In the other match of the night, AC Milan beat Napoli 1-0 at home. Ismael Bennacer scored the winning goal in the 40th minute in San Siro, Milan. Napoli midfielder Andre-Frank Zambo Anguissa was sent off in the second half. AC Milan will visit Napoli on April 18.

Source: Somali National News Agency

PM Office Shares Holiday Supplies for More Than 200 People

The Office of the Prime Minister has shared holiday supplies for a total of 220 people, including low-income workers in the office, today.

The office, in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, shared the supplies on the occasion of the upcoming Easter and Eid al-Fitr holidays, it was learned.

A statement posted on the Facebook says that on the occasion of the upcoming Easter and Eid al-Fitr holidays, the Office of the Prime Minister in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, shared holiday supplies for a total of 220 people, including low-income workers in the office.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Appointment of Mele Kyari, Umar Ajiya to NNPC Ltd. is a new beginning

The appointments of Malam Mele Kyari and Mr Umar Ajiya to the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC Ltd) have nothing to do with their careers in the old NNPC, according to Mr Garbadeen Muhammad, Chief Corporate Communications Officer of NNPC Limited.

In a statement on Wednesday night, Muhammad said before their new appointments, Kyari and Ajiya were Group Managing Director (GMD) and Group Executive Director, Finance and Account (GED, F&A), respectively, with the old NNPC, revealing that those ranks ended in line with the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) provisions and Appropriate Government Circular.

Muhammad was reacting to an erroneous online report which alleged inappropriateness in the disengagement of Kyari and Ajiya from the old NNPC and their subsequent appointments by President Muhammadu Buhari to new tenures in the new NNPC Limited.

In the new NNPC Limited, Kyari was named the Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Ajiya as the Chief Finance Officer (CFO).

“The appointment of CEO and CFO is not a career posting as erroneously presented online,” Muhammad emphasised.

He said: “The general public may recall the passage of the PIA 2021 and the successful transition of the old NNPC to a commercially-driven National Energy Company, the NNPC Limited.

“The PIA 2021 has, in addition to the creation of NNPC limited, made clear and unambiguous provisions relating to Governance, Administration, and the appointment of a CEO, a CFO and Board of Directors by Mr President,” he said.

He explained that the PIA 2021 was deliberate about the long-term sustainability of the 20 years long petroleum industry reform that climaxed in the creation of NNPC Limited as a commercially-driven National Energy Company, with focus on sustainable value creation.

He said pursuant to the provisions of the Act, appointments of the CEO and CFO of NNPC Limited by the President was on the basis of distinct terms and conditions of service, including tenure, employment benefits and termination.

He said specifically, section 59(3) of the PIA 2021 had clearly stipulated the conditions to be considered in appointing the CEO and CFO of NNPC Limited without recourse to previous employment ranks in the old NNPC.

He further said that the previous rank of GMD or GED F&A was therefore not a consideration in the appointments of the CEO or CFO of NNPC Limited.

“Consequently, by virtue of the appointments of Malam Mele Kyari and Mr Umar Ajiya as NNPC Limited Group CEO and CFO respectively by Mr President for a tenure of five years each with effect from Sept. 16, 2021, the duo has ended their employment with the old NNPC.

“They are therefore entitled to their terminal benefits in respect thereof.

“Based on the provisions of the Act, the new tenured roles they assumed with NNPC Limited cannot be regarded as continuance of their previous positions in the defunct NNPC,” Muhammad said.

For further clarity on the misrepresentation of the facts, he recalled that the Circular issued by the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, dated July 27, 2009, had explicitly stated that appointments as Chief Executives of Government-Owned Companies are “tenured appointments”.

He further stated that in respect of such tenured appointments, career officers who wished to take up such appointments shall retire from service, in order to run their tenure uninterrupted.

According to him, the circular recognises a distinction between a tenured appointment to serve as Chief Executive of a government-owned company, as distinct from a career office.

He said public service rules required termination of any fixed career appointment to take up a tenured role.

“It is therefore our belief that the informed general public will disregard the misinformation and misrepresentation of facts published online.

“NNPC compensation does not pay gratuity into billions and we are a compliant organisation that is committed to delivering greater value to Nigerians in strict compliance with extant laws and circulars,” he said.

According to him, the Group CEO and the CFO have demonstrated patriotism by ending their career appointments with the old NNPC to serve the nation on five years tenured appointment in the new NNPC Limited.

He advised the public to disregard the spurious and malicious publications while the company would take necessary legal steps to seek redress.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

DPM, FM Demeke Confers With Indian Minister for External Affairs

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen, welcomed to his office today Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister for External Affairs of the Republic of India, to discuss issues of mutual concern.

During the occasion, Demeke appreciated India’s unreserved support for Ethiopia’s position in the UN Security Council related to the conflict in the northern part of Ethiopia and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

He also explained the implementation process of the Pretoria Peace Agreement, the resumption of humanitarian support and basic services in conflict affected areas, and the ongoing activities of the All-Inclusive National Dialogue Commission in the country.

During their discussion, Demeke highlighted the need for Ethiopia’s partners, such as India, to take positive measures on the debt restructuring requests of developing countries.

For his part, S. Jaishankar said the India-Africa Forum Summit, which was obstructed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, will be held in 2023 with thematic areas that fit with the interests of developing countries, including the health and digital sectors.

The two sides also talked about India’s bid to run for a non-permanent seat in the UNSC in 2028–2029, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

FG, stakeholders partner to boost animal feed production

The Federal Government and its development partners have proffered a roadmap for National Alternative Feed Resources to reduce cost of production and effects of incessant price volatility in the animal feed industry.

Mrs Anthonia Eremah, Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, made this known in a statement on Wednesday in Abuja.

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Mohammad Abubakar, said this at the 2nd National Animal Feed Summit in Abuja.

Abubakar said that the theme of the summit, “Harnessing Alternative Feed Resources for Sustainable Animal Feed Supply”, aligned with the aspirations and agenda of the Federal Government to improve the Animal Feed Policy.

He said the theme also aligned with Federal Government’s agenda to improve the Feed Value Chain, Feed Quality Control and Safety, National Strategic Feed Reserve amongst others.

Abubakar said that the role of animal feed in Nigeria’s Agriculture sector was critical as it would provide essential nutrients and support for livestock and production.

He said that the animal feed market was characterised by a mix of small and large scale, traditional and modern methods and with challenges such as lack of access to credit and markets, low investment in Research and Development amongst others.

Abubakar said that to meet the increasing demand for animal feed in Nigeria, there was need for innovation and technology to develop sustainable and efficient production methods which would support small scale and rural communities.

He urged stakeholders to deliberate on a single platform, strategies and come up with robust implementable National Animal Feed policy.

Earlier, the Permanent Secretary, of the ministry, Dr Ernest Umakhihe, said that the animal feed industry in Nigeria was far from meeting national sufficiency in production.

Umakhihe said that this was because Nigeria was known to produce an average of 5.5 million tonnes per annum comprising 85 per cent poultry feeds.

He said Nigeria has the potential to grow not less than 50 million metric tonnes per annum if the commercial ruminant and swine feeding sub-sectors were harnessed.

The permanent secretary, was represented by Dr Imeh Umoh, Director Fisheries and Aquaculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Developmènt.

He said that the Feed sector had the potential to engage over 20 million Nigerians, as the industry was yet to reach 25 per cent of its market size.

Umakhihe said Nigeria’s animal feed sector remained underdeveloped due to high cost of ingredients and other production factors.

He said that these resulted in market dislocation and hampered access to products.

“These challenges have necessitated the need for the National Animal Feed Summit,” he said.

In a goodwill message, the Managing Partner, Sahel Consulting Agriculture and Nutrition, Mr Temi Adegoroye, said that achieving food security in Nigeria was a non-negotiable goal that required all collaborative stakeholders in Nigeria.

“As we gather here today, we must leverage our comparative advantage to proffering solutions to the challenges in the Animal Feed.

“As we continue to experience the impact of climate change in Agriculture activities, we need to explore sustainable practices in animal feed production to guarantee farmers access to affordable feed all year round,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria