‫Seragon تعلن عن RESTORIN®، المغذي المضاد للشيخوخة الأكثر تقدمًا حتى الآن

إيرفين، كاليفورنيا, 20 يناير / كانون الثاني 2023/PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة Seragon Biosciences اليوم عن إطلاق RESTORIN®، وهو مغذي متقدم للشيخوخة الصحية. يدمج RESTORIN سلسلة من التقنيات الحاصلة على براءة اختراع من جامعة هارفارد و Mayo Clinic و Scripps Research لتعزيز مستويات النيكوتيناميد الأدينين الخلوية (NAD+) وتعزيز التحفيز التحليلي.

Seragon Biosciences is a research-based biopharmaceutical company dedicated to improving human and animal health through innovative science.

على مدى عقود، بسبب طبيعة الشيخوخة المعقدة كان أمام العلماء العديد من الحلول غير المكتشفة في مجال وقف الشيخوخة. وقد حددت أحدث الأبحاث أن مضادات الشيخوخة و NAD + هي التقنيات الرئيسية لمواجهة هذا التحدي. RESTORIN هو مضاد للشيخوخة معزز لـ NAD + ذات إطلاق محكوم. كما أنها تستخدم تقنية الإطلاق المستهدف SERC ™ من Seragon التي تستخدم مركبات محبة للماء ومحبة للدهون ونظام توصيل معوي يستجيب للأس الهيدروجيني لتعزيز التوافر البيولوجي للمكونات.

يحتوي RESTORIN على سلسلة من أشكال الملكية من مضادات الشيخوخة، وسلائف NAD + ، ومركبات تنشيط السرتوين ( STACs ). مضادات الشيخوخة هي جزيئات تستهدف الخلايا الشائخة – الخلايا التي تعزز الشيخوخة وتساهم في تدهور الأعضاء. NAD + هو أنزيم يحافظ على الحياة ويعزز استقلاب الطاقة الخلوية وسلامة الحمض النووي وهو وقود للسيرتوين – بروتينات طول العمر الحيوية للصحة الخلوية.

“هناك العديد من الدراسات التي تشير إلى أن هذه الجزيئات لها تأثير إيجابي على الشيخوخة والظروف الصحية المرتبطة بالشيخوخة، ولكن حتى الآن، لم يتمكن أحد من دمجها بنسبة مثالية لتحقيق تأثير تآزري”، هذا ما قاله ديفيد براون، الحاصل على الدكتوراه، وهو عالم كبير في Seragon الذي ساعد في تطوير RESTORIN . “لقد تمكنا من تطوير أشكال متقدمة من هذه الجزيئات وسلسلة من التركيبات المعقدة لمكافحة الشيخوخة، وذلك باستخدام أفضل العلوم لدينا. هذا حقًا يغير قواعد اللعبة”.

أظهرت عقود من الأبحاث أن مستويات NAD + تنخفض بشكل كبير مع التقدم في السن، مما يزيد من تعرضنا لعدد لا يحصى من الحالات الصحية المرتبطة بالعمر بدءًا من مرض السكري إلى التنكس العصبي. تجديد مستويات NAD + أمر بالغ الأهمية لإحباط الشيخوخة. ومع ذلك، فقد كان من الصعب تعزيز NAD + بشكل فعال على المستوى الخلوي من خلال التناول عن طريق الفم.

“في مجال الشيخوخة، فإن القضية الحاسمة التي يجب حلها هي كيفية تقديم سلائف NAD + بطريقة تعزز NAD + الخلوية بشكل أفضل لتحقيق شيخوخة أكثر صحة”، هذا ما قاله الدكتور براون. “نعتقد أن RESTORIN قد حققت أفضل أداء في فئتها في هذا الصدد، وهو ما يمثل اختراقًا حقيقيًا. خاصة عندما تفكر في الدراسات الحديثة التي تظهر أن زيادة NAD + يمكن أن تجعل العلاجات المناعية ضد السرطان أكثر فعالية، فمن المثير للغاية أن تكون جزءًا من هذا التطور.”

وأضاف: “من المثير للغاية أن نرى أبحاث الشيخوخة تتقدم بطرق لمساعدة الناس على التقدم في السن بشكل أبطأ وأفضل وأكثر صحة”.

يتوفر RESTORIN للمستهلكين حصريًا من خلال موقعه الرسمي على الويب،  www.restorin.com.  

نبذة عن Seragon Biosciences

Seragon Biosciences، Inc. ، ومقرها في إيرفين، كاليفورنيا، هي شركة صيدلانية بيولوجية قائمة على الأبحاث مكرسة لتحسين صحة الإنسان والحيوان من خلال العلوم المبتكرة. تلتزم Seragon Biosciences بتطبيق أحدث التطورات العلمية والتكنولوجية في مجالات الشيخوخة والتمثيل الغذائي والعلاج الجيني والمعلوماتية الحيوية. من نهاية البحث إلى المنتجات الاستهلاكية والتطبيقات السريرية، تسعى Seragon جاهدة لجلب الناس إلى أهم الاختراقات في الطب. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع  www.seragon.com.

RESTORIN is an advanced senolytic NAD+ booster designed to promote healthy aging.

الشعار –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1986399/Seragon_Logo.jpg

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1986400/Seragon_Pharmaceuticals_RESTORIN.jpg

‫تلفزيون الصين المركزي (+CCTV): شي يؤكد على الجهود المبذولة لضمان عيد ربيع سعيد وسلمي

بكين 20 يناير 2023 / PRNewswire / — شدد الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ اليوم الأربعاء على الجهود المبذولة لضمان رأس السنة القمرية الجديدة بسعادة وسلام عندما أجرى محادثات افتراضية مع عامة الناس من جميع أنحاء البلاد قبل عيد الربيع.

وتحدث شي، وهو أيضًا الأمين العام للجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني ورئيس اللجنة العسكرية المركزية، مع العاملين في المجال الطبي في مستشفى، وكبار السن في دار لرعاية المسنين، والعاملين في حقل نفط بعيد، والمسافرين والموظفين في محطة للسكك الحديدية عالية السرعة، والباعة والعملاء في سوق الجملة، والناس في قرية أقلية عرقية عبر وصلة فيديو في بكين.

وفي كلمته أمام عامة الناس بعد ذلك، قدم شي تحياته لجميع الصينيين وخاصة أولئك الذين يتمسكون بمناصبهم خلال العطلة.

وقال إن أكبر أمنياته هي أن يحظى الجميع بسنة قمرية جديدة سعيدة.

ودعا اللجان الحزبية والحكومات على جميع المستويات إلى ضمان توفير الكهرباء والغاز والتدفئة خلال العطلة، وتشديد الرقابة على سلامة الأغذية، وتنفيذ تدابير الوقاية من الأوبئة ومكافحتها لمنع جميع أنواع الطوارئ وحوادث السلامة، وذلك للتأكد من أن الناس من جميع الفئات العرقية في البلاد يمكن أن يكون عيد الربيع بهيجة وسلمية.

كما أشاد شي بالإنجازات التي تحققت في مختلف المجالات في العام الماضي وشجع الجميع على جني المزيد من النتائج المثمرة في العام الجديد.

عيد الربيع لهذا العام، أو السنة القمرية الصينية الجديدة، يقع في 22 يناير.

الرابط: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASJvBEmKGh4

الفيديو:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASJvBEmKGh4  


Reliability of Software Upgrade Process for LG ThinQ UP Appliances Verified by Respected Global Safety Science Company

SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — LG Electronics (LG) announces that the software update process for its ThinQ™ UP home appliances recently received Software Update Process Verification from UL Solutions.  LG’s first certification relating to software updates, the new verification confirms the reliability of feature update processing for products including LG’s ThinQ UP 27-inch washer, dryer and fridge, and comes after the company’s Artificial Intelligence Direct Drive (AI DD™) earned UL’s Algorithm Reproducibility Verification. Set to roll out globally this year after launching in South Korea in 2022, LG’s ThinQ UP products can be continuously upgraded with downloadable features via the LG ThinQ app.


LG ThinQ UP appliances can evolve to meet users everchanging needs thanks to their ability to add new features created by LG based on the analysis of users’ lifestyle and usage patterns. The easy-to-install software updates are available from the ThinQ app, which even provides tailored feature recommendations based on personal usage history and preferences. LG’s ThinQ UP personalized appliances concept means consumers can enjoy the very latest features without having to constantly ‘update’ to a brand-new appliance.

Users can select which ThinQ UP features they want to install according to their own unique needs and circumstances. Washer users with pets in the home may want to download the Pet Care Course, which has been customized to effectively remove pet-related stains and smells from clothing. A great option for those times when it is impossible to unload the washer as soon as the cycle has finished, Laundry Saver keeps the drum tumbling to prevent clothes from getting wrinkled. It can even do an additional rinse or spin post-cycle if needed. ThinQ UP refrigerator users can add Improved Nighttime Brightness Control, which adjusts the fridge’s lighting at night to a softer, gentler glow that won’t hurt their eyes.

“UL Solutions’ verification confirms the seamlessness and reliability of installing personalized upgrades that help make LG ThinQ UP – and the user experience they provide – more reliable and seamless,” said Lyu Jae-cheol, president of LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. “LG will continuously introduce new ThinQ UP features to deliver differentiated value and a better life at home.”

About LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company

The LG Home Appliance & Air Solution Company is a global leader in home appliances, smart home solutions, air solutions as well as visionary products featuring LG ThinQ AI. The company is creating various solutions with its industry leading core technologies and is committed to making life better and healthier for consumers by developing thoughtfully designed kitchen appliances, living appliances, HVAC and air purification solutions. Together, these products deliver enhanced convenience, superb performance, efficient operation and compelling health benefits. For more news on LG, visit www.LGnewsroom.com.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1986652/IMAGE__LG_ThinQ_UP_UL.jpg

باندوروم إنترناشونال تشارك إيفوليوشن لايف ساينس بارتنرز

سان كارلوس، كاليفورنيا , 19 يناير / كانون الثاني 2023/PRNewswire/ — قامت شركة باندوروم إنترناشونال بمشاركة بنك إيفوليوشن لايف ساينس بارتنرز لمساعدة الشركة في جمع رأس المال اللازم لتمويل التطوير المستمر لأصولها، وبشكل أساسي القرنية السائلة المهندسة بيولوجيًا، وهي طريقة علاجية متقدمة تساعد على تجديد القرنية. سيدعم رأس المال في الترجمة الإكلينيكية للعلاج التجديدي الأول في فئته المتمثل في إعادة برمجة الأنسجة البشرية عبر دراسات المرحلة 1/2أ، وهذا جنبًا إلى جنب مع تطوير منصة التكنولوجيا الخاصة بشركة باندوروم والتي تتيح إنتاج علاجات تجديدية متقدمة للقرنية وما بعدها، مع التميز بالتحكم وقابلية التوسع والاتساق. وبينما تعمل باندوروم حاليًا مع إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية من أجل الترجمة الإكلينيكية لعلاج القرنية، فإن الهدف الأوسع يتمثل في الانتقال من العلاجات التجديدية لأنسجة فردية (مثل القرنية والكبد والرئة) إلى العلاج التجديدي لأنسجة متعددة، مع إمكانية زيادة المدى العمري الصحي. تعمل الشركة أيضًا على استكشاف فرص التراخيص وعمليات الدمج والاستحواذ لأصولها مع العديد من الهيئات الصيدلانية، بمساعدة شركة إيفوليوشن.

وقد صرح توهين بووميك، الشريك المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة باندوروم قائلاً: “نحن متحمسون لهذه الشراكة الجديدة مع شركة إيفوليوشن. وصلت شركة باندوروم إلى منعطف مهم في رحلتها وهو الأمر الذي سيتطلب جمع أموال أكبر وخبرة في سوق رأس المال. ونعتقد أن الشراكة مع شركة إيفوليوشن ستساعدنا في تحقيق هدفنا المباشر بالإضافة إلى الرؤية الأوسع لجعل الطب التجديدي واقعًا رئيسيًا فعالاً وقابلاً للتوسع لمعالجة الملايين المحتاجين في جميع أنحاء العالم”.

وصرح نيل فيشر، العضو المنتدب في شركة إيفوليوشن: “إن الشركاء في شركة إيفوليوشن متحمسون لتكنولوجيا منصة إكسوسوم الهندسية الفريدة من شركة باندوروم ونتطلع إلى مساعدة الشركة في الوصول إلى رأس المال واستكشاف الخيارات الاستراتيجية الأخرى لتطوير عملها.”

إيفوليوشن لايف ساينس بارتنرز هو بنك استثماري في علوم الحياة متخصص في الترخيص والاستشارات الاستراتيجية وعمليات الدمج والاستحواذ وزيادة رأس المال. لمعرفة المزيد عن شركة إيفوليوشن، تفضل بزيارة الموقع الإلكتروني:  www.evolutionlsp.com

شركة باندوروم إنترناشونال هي شركة متخصصة في الطب التجديدي لها منصة خاصة لتجديد الأنسجة. تأسست شركة باندوروم في عام 2011 من قبل رواد أعمال أكاديميين، ولديها معامل في سان كارلوس بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وبنغالور بالهند. لمعرفة المزيد عن شركة باندوروم، تفضل بزيارة الموقع الإلكتروني:  www.pandorum.com


Two Election Officials Killed in NW Cameroon as Separatists Vow to Disrupt Senate Elections

Officials in Cameroon say separatists have killed two election officials in Cameroon , capital of the Northwest region. The rebels have vowed to disrupt Cameroon’s March 12 Senate elections. The government says election preparations will continue, despite the killings.

Cameroonians say they got up on Friday morning and noticed that the military presence in major streets of Bamenda, the capital of Cameroon’s Northwest region, had increased.

The military said several homes, especially in the area around Foncha Street, a popular neighborhood, were searched Thursday night but did not say why the search was carried out or if any arrests were made.

It is on Foncha Street that the body of Gilbert Yufela Tateng, district chairman of Cameroon’s elections management body in Jakiri town, about 90 kilometers north of Bamenda, was found Thursday morning.

The military said Tateng was shot and killed Wednesday night.

The elections body, ELECAM, said Tateng was preparing for Cameroon’s March 12 senatorial elections.

ELECAM also said John Fai, its official in charge of organizing elections in Momo, an administrative unit in the Northwest region, was also killed on Thursday. Both ELECAM and the government of Cameroon say the officials were killed by separatists.

Capo Daniel, spokesperson and deputy defense chief of the separatist Ambazonia Defense Forces, said the two officials defied separatists’ orders and were involved in election preparations.

“Any Ambazonia citizen that participates in Cameroon’s senatorial elections will face serious consequences. The officials of Cameroon that are charged to conduct such elections, will be hunted by our forces for charges of enabling colonialism,” Daniel said. “Two officials of ELECAM have already suffered the fate for collaborating with an enemy state to enforce its laws on our people.”

Separatists dismiss local media reports that Fai was killed by an angry mob.

Ambazonia is what English-speaking separatists call the breakaway state they are fighting to carve out from majority French-speaking Cameroon.

President Paul Biya last week announced that Senate elections will be held March 12. ELECAM staff are in their offices accepting candidate applications ahead of the January 28 registration deadline.

ELECAM chairperson Enow Abrams Egbe told a news conference in Yaounde this week that security has been improved following separatists’ threats to disrupt the elections.

“We must be ready to meet the challenges ahead, and in so doing, bring our efficient contributions to the peacebuilding process, dialogue and national cohesion in our dear and beautiful country,” Egbe said. “Our vision and ambition is to increase voter turnout and preserve citizens’ rights to vote as guarantee for inclusive and universally accepted electoral process in our country,”

Cameroon’s government says the elections must take place as planned.

About 15,000 councilors in 60 divisions across Cameroon make up the electoral college that will vote on March 12.

Lawrence Tangwa, a councilor from Bui, an administrative unit where Jakiri is located, says voters, candidates and elections officials should not be punished for organizing or participating in elections.

“I know that there are threats quite alright, but it is the right of the state to protect citizens and property,” Tangwa said. “It is a civic responsibility to take part in elections, it is your own way that you participate in local development because if you’re not there to choose the persons that will lead you, certainly people will make wrong choices for you and I think that they (voters and candidates) are all mobilizing towards the 12th of March.”

Separatists in English-speaking western Cameroon launched their rebellion in 2017 after what they said was years of discrimination by the country’s French-speaking majority.

The conflict has killed more than 3,500 people and displaced more than a half-million, according to the United Nations

Source: Voice of America

From Tanks to Subsidies: The Main Topics at Davos

The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos wrapped up Friday after a week that featured feverish discussion of the war in Ukraine, rifts over global trade, and Greta Thunberg crashing the party of the global elite.

Here’s a summary of the hottest topics and main events:


Ukraine sent a huge delegation to Davos to lobby hard for new weapons and financial support to help it push Russian forces out of occupied territories, with the German-made Leopard tanks high on the wish list.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who made an appearance on Wednesday, was pressured from all sides to greenlight the export of the tanks from Poland and Finland — to no avail.

When asked why he was hesitating by a Ukrainian in the audience for his speech, Scholz never mentioned the word tank, saying instead that “we are never doing something just by ourselves but together with others, especially the United States.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in the first of two appearances by video link in Davos, said pointedly that “the time the free world uses to think is used by the terrorist state to kill.”

Russian ministers and oligarchs, once welcomed with open arms, were absent again for the second year running.


International trade and globalization have been articles of faith for the Davos set since the WEF started 50 years ago, but worries that both are under threat were evident in this year’s official theme: “Cooperation in a fragmented world.”

One of the biggest concerns is that a race between the U.S., China and the European Union to subsidize “clean tech” — from renewable energy technology to electric cars and batteries — could put the international trading system under further strain.

EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen warned on Tuesday that she saw “aggressive attempts to attract our industrial capacities away to China and elsewhere.”

She also referred to the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a $369 billion package to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is causing alarm in Europe over its potential impact on European companies.

“Do it too,” U.S. climate envoy John Kerry replied.

The IRA was a “valid concern” for Europeans, Julie Teigland, a managing partner at EY consultancy’s Europe, Middle East, India and Africa region, told Agence France-Presse.

“We have to be careful not to escalate into a trade war. I don’t think anybody wants that. Nobody wants a war on subsidies,” she added.

‘Big Oil’

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered one of the most noteworthy speeches this year, launching a frontal attack on oil and gas companies over their role in global warming.

Guterres drew a parallel between the actions of oil companies and those of tobacco companies that covered up the adverse effects of cigarettes.

“Some in Big Oil peddled the big lie. And like the tobacco industry, those responsible must be held to account,” he said.

He was referring to a study published in the journal Science that said ExxonMobil had dismissed the findings of its own scientists on the role of fossil fuels in climate change.

“We knew nothing — we read the papers (but) I do not have climate scientists at TotalEnergies,” the boss of the French firm Patrick Pouyanne shot back.

Greta Thunberg

Three years after attending as a teenager and facing off with then U.S. President Donald Trump, Greta Thunberg returned, but this time without a visitor’s badge.

Speaking at an event with other climate activists, she said it was “absurd” to think that people in Davos were part of the solution to global warming and defended her decision to shun political and business leaders.

“Without massive public pressure from the outside, these people are going to go as far as they possibly can … They will continue to throw people under the bus for their own gain,” the 20-year-old said.

She held a small protest in the snow and cold on Friday, this time without getting detained by police — unlike in Germany earlier in the week where she was protesting against an expanding coal mine.


There were a dozen public sessions devoted to artificial intelligence, and nothing was talked about more than ChatGPT, the chatbot capable of producing strikingly quick and cogent texts on almost any topic.

Made by OpenAI — the hottest startup in the Silicon Valley region of California — the chatbot is seen as proof of the power of artificial intelligence, but also a source of worry that a whole host of jobs will disappear.

“The applications are going to initially put some people out of jobs,” Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said, while expressing confidence that affected people would find new positions. “That adjustment period can be difficult, can be scary, etc. But I think the end state is going to be good.”

The boss of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, likened it to the “knowledge-worker equivalent of the Industrial Revolution. It’s going to help everybody.”

The computer giant announced on Wednesday it was laying off 10,000 employees in the coming months.

Source: Voice of America

US: Africa’s Food Insecurity to Persist Because of Climate Change, Conflicts

U.S. officials say food insecurity in Africa will worsen this year because of climate change, conflict, and market disruptions caused partly by Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Speaking online to journalists Thursday from Malawi, Cary Fowler, special envoy for Global Food Security, said looking for solutions is key.

“As much as I wish I could bring the hopeful message that the food crisis will be over this year, we have to recognize that the chief drivers of the food crisis are still with us,” Fowler said. “And it behooves us, therefore, to be looking at solutions for all of those, or adaptive measures. That’s the situation as I see it today.”

According to the 2022 Global Food Crisis Report, one in every five Africans goes to bed hungry, and at least 140 million people on the continent face acute food insecurity.

African farmers continue to practice traditional farming methods, but the weather has been unpredictable in recent years, causing farmers to produce less food. Farmers complain about high seed and fertilizer prices and a failure to produce enough food for the population.

Drought also has contributed to food insecurity in some parts of the continent, particularly the Horn of Africa, destroying livestock and crops and forcing people to rely on humanitarian assistance for food and medicine.

In 2022, the U.S. government invested $11 billion in humanitarian assistance in 55 countries, including some from Africa.

Dina Esposito, the USAID Global Food Crisis Coordinator, said her government is also supporting African farmers in producing their own food to overcome hunger and food insecurity.

“We have also got a global hunger initiative that is exactly focused on what are the right systems and approaches to advancing agriculture, taking that very localized context in mind, advancing drip irrigation and other forms of water-saving measures where it makes sense, helping farmers adapt to a changing climate in other ways, fundamentally always looking – we see our role really as helping these farmers shift from subsistence farming to more intensified and sustainable production,” she said.

Esposito also said the U.S. government is committed to partnering with leaders to advance global food insecurity and solve global hunger.

Koech Oscar teaches land, resource management and agricultural technology at the University of Nairobi. He said no single African country can solve the food crisis alone, and there is a need for a regional approach to deal with growing hunger on the continent.

“We need our nations to work together because of our connectedness. We are one ecosystem at the end of the day, our animals are in Uganda. Some of them are going to Tanzania and others are coming in, so we need to have regional strategists to support our communities because these are regional problems and we need to see significant investment in this production, especially in agriculture,” he said. “You look at the national budgets of these African countries, how much goes into agriculture because we cannot have a peaceful nation, we cannot have a prosperous nation, development, without people producing food for themselves and enough food for themselves.”

Last October, African ministers of agriculture meeting in Ethiopia pledged to support sustainable food security, transform food systems, and build a viable commercial agricultural ecosystem on the continent.

Source: Voice of America