‫وزارة الصناعة والثروة المعدنية تختتم النسخة الثانية من منتدى مستقبل المعادن

سلط المؤتمر الضوء على حاجة العالم لإجراء المزيد من الحوار والتعاون لتلبية الطلب المستقبلي على المعادن الاستراتيجية

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية، 14 يناير 2023 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت وزارة الصناعة والثروة المعدنية عن اختتام منتدى مستقبل المعادن الثاني، الذي أقيم تحت رعاية خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود.

The conference highlighted the world's need for more dialogue and cooperation to meet future demand for strategic minerals

وفي كلمته الختامية، وجه مضيف المنتدى معالي وزير الصناعة والثروة المعدنية بندر الخريّف الشكر لخادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز ، وصاحب السمو الملكي الأمير محمد بن سلمان ولي العهد ورئيس مجلس الوزراء، على دعم ورعاية منتدى مستقبل المعادن، واهتمامهم ودعمهم المستمر لتمكين قطاع التعدين في المملكة.

 وقال معالي سعادة الوزير الخريّف إن نجاح المنتدى انعكس في الأفكار والاقتراحات والمناقشات التي قدمها جميع المشاركين من الداخل والخارج. وأعلن أن الوزارة ستعقد بالتأكيد النسخة الثالثة من منتدى مستقبل المعادن والمنتدى الجاري، مؤكدًا على ضرورة المضي قدمًا في تطوير قطاع التعدين على أساس الركائز الأساسية التي تشمل الحوار المستمر وتعزيز التعاون بين مختلف الدول في هذا المجال.

تناولت جلسات المنتدى مناقشة عددًا من الموضوعات مثل مستقبل قطاع التعدين، وإسهاماته في تنمية المجتمعات، وتعزيز أنظمة الطاقة المستدامة والنظيفة، وجذب الاستثمار الضخم المباشر لقطاع التعدين في المنطقة.

The conference highlighted the world's need for more dialogue and cooperation to meet future demand for strategic minerals ولقد شهد الملتقى توقيع 60 اتفاقية ومذكرة تفاهم في مجال التعدين وصناعة المعادن بين عدد من الجهات الحكومية والشركات والمؤسسات المشاركة. غطت هذه الاتفاقيات ومذكرات التفاهم التنقيب عن المعادن، والتكنولوجيا، والاتصالات، وتطبيق معايير الاستدامة، ومنح التراخيص والتحول الصناعي في قطاع التعدين. غطت هذه الاتفاقيات ومذكرات التفاهم مجالات التنقيب عن المعادن، والتكنولوجيا والاتصالات، وتطبيق معايير الاستدامة، والتوطين وإعادة التأهيل، والتصنيع في قطاع المعادن.

ومن جانبهم صوت المفوضون المشاركون على إقامة العديد من منتديات مستقبل المعادن، والتي ستكون بمثابة حافز للاستثمار السريع في القطاع، لا سيما في ضوء الطلب المتزايد بشكلٍ كبير على المعادن الآن وفي المستقبل، بسبب المطالب الصناعية الحديثة، لا سيما فيما يتعلق بتزويد المعادن اللازمة لتوفير الطاقة المتجددة في المستقبل، والمنتجات الصديقة للبيئة مثل السيارات الكهربائية.

صورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983479/Future_Minerals_Forum1.jpg

صورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983478/Future_Minerals_Forum2.jpg

Risen Energy’s 700Wp+ HJT Solar Module Ushers in Era of Mass Production

NINGBO, China, Jan. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Risen Energy, the leading solar module manufacturer in China announced that the company is beginning to mass-produce HJT Hyper-ion solar modules at a press conference held in Shanghai on December 24th. Song Yifeng, the Product Director of Risen Energy, gave a keynote speech on the challenges and progress of industrializing heterojunction (HJT) technology. He introduced the company’s plan to mass-produce HJT Hyper-ion solar modules and emphasized the focus on reshaping the n-type HJT product ecosystem while reducing costs and carbon footprint as the core of the development plan.

Risen Energy also revealed plans to increase the production capacity of the HJT Hyper-ion solar cell and module to 5GW by the first half of 2023, and then triple it to 15GW in the following six months.

Since 2019, Risen Energy has invested heavily in research and development for materials, equipment, technology, and processes related to HJT technology. This investment has allowed the company to take the lead in unlocking the benefits of n-type HJT technology and innovating on the path of seeking new possibilities that will help the solar sector achieve technological transformation.

Risen Energy has also launched targeted development projects for special packaging materials, special water-blocking process design, and anti-attenuation solutions, which have paved the way for mass production of the HJT Hyper-ion module. In addition, Risen Energy’s patented technology, Hyper-link, allows for the interconnection of ultra-thin cells with low silver consumption, reducing costs while ensuring power output and product reliability.

Thanks to these technological innovations, the power output of Risen Energy’s HJT Hyper-ion module reaches 710 Wp, with an efficiency exceeding 22.5%, which has been certified by TUV SÜD. It also features an extremely stable temperature coefficient and a high bifaciality of up to 85% ±5%, capable of maintaining its power output above 90% after 30 years of use. The module is backed by Risen Energy’s industry-leading 100μm ultra-thin cell technology and low-temperature process, resulting in a carbon footprint value (CFP) lower than 400kg eq CO2/kWc, far below the market average.

Compared with the conventional metal frame, the alloy frame of the HJT Hyper-ion module boasts exceptionally high strength with the tear-resistant capability of the steel material increased by 20%. With the environment in mind, Risen Energy has also reduced the carbon emissions involved in the manufacturing of the frame.

“Kicking off the heterojunction era” will be held at 10:00 am to 11:00 am CET on January 31, 2023. the register for free link is https://www.bigmarker.com/pv-magazine-events/pv-magazine-Webinar-Kicking-off-the-heterojunction-era?utm_bmcr_source=pvi.

About Risen Energy

Risen Energy is a leading, global, Tier1, “AAA” credit-rated manufacturer of high-performance solar photovoltaic products and a provider of total business solutions for power generation. The Company, founded in 1986 and publicly listed in 2010, compels value generation for its global customers. Techno-commercial innovation, underpinned by consummate quality and support, encircle Risen total Solar PV business solutions which are among the most powerful and cost-effective in the industry. With local market presence, and strong financial bankability status, we are committed, and able, to building strategic, mutually beneficial collaborations with our partners, as together we capitalize on the rising value of green energy.

‫وحدات الطاقة الشمسية ذات التوصيل المتغاير بقدرة 700 وات ذروة من Risen Energy تبدأ عصر الإنتاج الضخم

نينغبو، الصين، 13 يناير 2023 /بي آر نيوزواير/ — أعلنت شركة Risen Energy ، الشركة الرائدة في تصنيع وحدات الطاقة الشمسية في الصين، أن الشركة بدأت في إنتاج وحدات الطاقة الشمسية ذات التوصيل المتغاير بتقنية Hyper-ion بكميات كبيرة، وذلك في مؤتمر صحفي عقد في شنغهاي يوم 24 ديسمبر. ألقى سونغ ييفنغ، مدير الإنتاج في Risen Energy ، كلمة رئيسية حول التحديات والتقدم في التصنيع باستخدام تكنولوجيا التوصيل المتغاير ( HJT ). وخلال كلمته، قدم خطة الشركة لإنتاج وحدات الطاقة الشمسية ذات التوصيل المتغاير بتقنية Hyper-ion بكميات كبيرة وشدد على التركيز على إعادة تشكيل النظام الإيكولوجي لإنتاج وحدات التوصيل المتغاير من النوع n مع تقليل التكاليف وانبعاثات الكربون باعتبارها جوهر خطة التطوير.

كما كشفت Risen Energy أيضًا عن وجود خطط لزيادة الطاقة الإنتاجية لخلايا ووحدات الطاقة الشمسية ذات التوصيل المتغاير بتقنية Hyper-ion إلى 5 جيجاوات بحلول النصف الأول من عام 2023، ثم مضاعفتها ثلاث مرات إلى 15 جيجاوات في الأشهر الستة التالية.

منذ عام 2019، استثمرت Risen Energy بكثافة في البحث والتطوير فيما يتعلق بالمواد والمعدات والتكنولوجيا والعمليات المتعلقة بتقنية التوصيل المتغاير. وقد سمح هذا الاستثمار للشركة بأخذ زمام المبادرة في إطلاق العنان لمزايا تقنية التوصيل المتغاير من النوع n والابتكار على طريق البحث عن إمكانيات جديدة من شأنها أن تساعد قطاع الطاقة الشمسية على تحقيق التحول التكنولوجي.

أطلقت Risen Energy أيضًا مشروعات تطويرية مستهدفة لمواد التعبئة والتغليف الخاصة، وتصميم خاص لعملية منع المياه، وحلول مكافحة التوهين، والتي مهدت الطريق للإنتاج الضخم لوحدات التوصيل المتغاير بتقنية Hyper-ion . وعلاوة على ذلك فإن تقنية Hyper-link الحاصلة على براءة اختراع تتيح لشركة Risen Energy التوصيل البيني للخلايا الرقيقة للغاية مع استهلاك منخفض للفضة، مما يقلل التكاليف مع ضمان موثوقية إخراج الطاقة والمنتج.

وبفضل هذه الابتكارات التكنولوجية، يصل إخراج الطاقة لوحدات التوصيل المتغاير بتقنية Hyper-ion المقدمة من Risen Energy إلى 710 وات ذروة، بكفاءة تتجاوز 22.5%، علمًا بأنها معتمدة من TUV SÜD . تتميز هذه الوحدات أيضًا بمعامل درجة حرارة مستقر للغاية وقدرة ثنائية عالية تصل إلى 85% ± 5%، كما تتميز بقدرتها على الحفاظ على إنتاج الطاقة بنسبة أعلى من 90% بعد 30 عامًا من الاستخدام. وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن هذه الوحدة مدعومة أيضًا بتقنية الخلية الرقيقة للغاية بمقاس 100 ميكرومتر الرائدة في الصناعة المقدمة من Risen Energy والتي تتميز أيضًا بقدرتها على معالجة درجات الحرارة المنخفضة، مما ينتج عنه قيمة بصمة كربونية أقل من 400 كجم من مكافئ ثاني أكسيد الكربون/كيلوواط، وهي قيمة أقل بكثير من متوسط السوق.

وعند مقارنتها بالإطار المعدني التقليدي، يتميز إطار سبيكة وحدات التوصيل المتغاير بتقنية Hyper-ion بقوة عالية بشكل استثنائي مع زيادة القدرة على مقاومة تمزق المواد الفولاذية بنسبة 20%. وبوضع البيئة في الاعتبار، نجد أن Risen Energy خفضت أيضًا من انبعاثات الكربون المتضمنة في تصنيع الإطار.

سيُقام مؤتمر “انطلاق عصر التوصيل المتغاير” في الساعة 10:00 صباحًا حتى 11:00 صباحًا بتوقيت وسط أوروبا يوم 31 يناير 2023، ورابط التسجيل المجاني هو  https://www.bigmarker.com/pv-magazine-events/pv-magazine-Webinar-Kicking-off-the-heterojunction-era?utm_bmcr_source=pvi .

نبذة عن Risen Energy

Risen Energy هي شركة رائدة وعالمية من الطراز الأول حاصلة على أعلى تصنيف ائتماني “ AAA ” في مجال منتجات الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية عالية الأداء ومزود لحلول الأعمال الشاملة لتوليد الطاقة. تعمل الشركة، التي تأسست في عام 1986 وتم إدراجها في البورصة علانية في عام 2010، على خلق قيمة لعملائها العالميين. يحيط الابتكار التجاري التقني، المدعوم بالجودة والدعم البارزين، حلول أعمال الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية الإجمالية لدى شركة Risen Energy والتي تعد من أقوى الحلول وأكثرها فعالية من حيث التكلفة في الصناعة. ومن خلال التواجد في السوق المحلي، وحالة القدرة المصرفية المالية القوية، نحن ملتزمون وقادرون على بناء علاقات تعاون إستراتيجية متبادلة المنفعة مع شركائنا، حيث نستفيد معًا من القيمة المتزايدة للطاقة الخضراء.

‫شركة Spiro تعين لوك دارسي نائبًا تنفيذيًا جديدًا للرئيس لتطوير الأعمال

لندن، 13 يناير/كانون الثاني 2023 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت شركة Spiro ، وكالة تجربة العلامة التجارية ضمن شركة GES الجماعية، اليوم عن تعيين لوك دارسي في منصب نائب الرئيس التنفيذي العالمي لتطوير الأعمال. سيقوم دارسي في منصبه الجديد، بتوجيه والإشراف على جهود فريق وكالة التسويق التجريبي المتنامي في جميع أنحاء العالم والعمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع أفضل العلامات التجارية اليوم لتقديم تجارب ديناميكية ومؤثرة للجماهير.

Luke D'Arcy, Executive Vice President of Business Development, Spiro

يجلب دارسي أكثر من 20 عامًا من الخبرة في العلامة التجارية إلى طاولة Spiro ، وشغل مؤخرًا العديد من الأدوار التنفيذية في Momentum Worldwide ، حيث ساعد في تطوير مبادرات التسويق التجريبية ودفعها لأمثال American Express و كوكا كولا Coca-Cola ونايك Nike وسامسونغ Samsung ، من بين الأسماء الرئيسية الأخرى. صقل دارسي، خريج كلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة هارفارد، أيضًا مهاراته في وكالات الإعلان العالمية المشهورة Havas Creative و Iris وعمل كمدير شراكة أثناء إطلاق فريق السير لريتشارد برانسون لسباق الفورمولا 1 في المملكة المتحدة.

 ساعدت جهود دارسي أيضًا في الحصول على أكثر من 15 جائزة من أفضل الإعلانات، وحصلت على تقدير من Adweek و Cannes Lion و Clio و Diversity والعديد من هيئات الصناعة الموثوقة الأخرى.

قال جيف ستيلماتش، رئيس شركة Spiro Global : “في Spiro ، يبدأ نجاحنا بتوظيف القادة الذين لديهم تاريخ حافل في تحقيق نتائج عالية التأثير”. “سجل لوك دارسي يتحدث عن نفسه، ويشرفنا أن نرحب بمثل هذا القائد المخضرم والمزين في عائلة Spiro مع انطلاقنا عام 2023.”

 تولى دارسي منصبه الجديد في Spiro على الفور. لمزيد من المعلومات عن Spiro ، قم بزيارة ThisIsSpiro.com .

عن شركة Spiro

Spiro ، جزء من شركة GES الجماعية، هي وكالة تجربة العلامات التجارية العالمية لـ NEW NOW. نحن نخلق أحداثًا وتجارب عالمية تعيد تعريف كيفية تواصل البشر، ونجعلها تنبض بالحياة عبر وسائط مادية ورقمية ومتنقلة وهجينة متكاملة. من خلال العمل مع بعض العلامات التجارية الأكثر شهرة في العالم، فإن استراتيجيي Spiro والمبدعين والمبتكرين والبنائين والمسوقين والمتخصصين يتمتعون بمهارات في إدارة الأحداث التحليلية والاستراتيجية والتصميم الإبداعي والإنتاج. من خلال العمل معًا، نقدم المعارض التجريبية والمؤتمرات والأحداث عالية التأثير، وإطلاق المنتجات وتنشيط الرعاية والنوافذ المنبثقة للمستهلكين التي توحد الجماهير – أينما كانوا.

للتواصل الإعلامي :
آشلي سيرافين

Spiro, Part Of The GES Collective

الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1982567/Darcy.jpg  

الشعار:  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1774232/Spiro_Part_Of_The_GES_Collective_Logo.jpg

Somali Security Forces Seize Weapons, Arrest al-Shabab Suspect in Mogadishu

Authorities in Somalia say they have seized a weapons cache allegedly buried by al-Shabab militants at a house in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, during a joint operation.

A statement from the country’s National Intelligence and Security Agency, or NISA, said Saturday that a “joint elite team from Somalia’s Intelligence Agency and Mogadishu regional police carried out an operation in the capital, Mogadishu, on Friday that led to the seizure of weapons allegedly buried by al-Shabab militants.”

The brief statement did not give further details of the seized weapons but did say that “during the operation, security forces arrested a suspected al-Shabab member from the raided house in the Dharkenley district and that an investigation is underway.”

An official with NISA, however, told VOA on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak about the operation, that the seized content included improvised firearms, bombs, rounds of ammunition, and other explosives.

The security forces raid Friday night on a house in Mogadishu is part of an ongoing government campaign to defeat al-Shabab and prevent terrorist attacks they carry out across the country.

On Friday, the deputy mayor of Mogadishu for security and politics, Mohamed Ahmed Diriye Yabooh, said the city will see relentless operations by security forces, including a house-to-house search for al-Shabab members hiding among civilians.

“The people of Mogadishu should know that the security forces will begin operations in which they would search every house in the city so that the Khawariij, [renegades] who are attempting to live among us will no longer be able to do so,” said Mohamed Ahmed Diriye.

The deputy mayor’s statement comes just days after President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud appealed to Somali citizens to help his government flush out members of the al-Shabab extremist group he described as “bedbugs.”

For the past several months, security experts and community leaders in Mogadishu have been calling on government security agencies to step up their operations in the capital to avert what they called “pending al-Shabab terror attacks.”

The Somali president declared a “total war” against the al-Qaida-linked militants shortly after being elected last year.

Working with local clan fighters, the government has claimed multiple military victories against al-Shabab in the past six months, retaking towns and villages in Hirshabelle state that had been controlled for years by the militants.

In those military operations supported by its international partners, the government claimed about 2,000 al-Shabab fighters were killed.

VOA could not independently verify the government’s claimed death toll.

Meanwhile, al-Shabab has continued its attacks since Mohamud was elected president. It carried out two attacks a week ago on government forces in Somalia’s central region of Hiran over two days, killing more than 43 people, including senior military officers.

A twin car bombing in Mogadishu last October killed at least 120 people.

Source: Voice of America

Al-Shabab Attacks Key Towns in Somalia, Killing at Least 15 People

At least 15 people were killed and more than 50 injured in three bombings Saturday in the central Hirshabelle state of Somalia, according to officials.

In Bulobarde town, some 220 kilometers north of Mogadishu, a suicide car bomb has killed at least 11 people, witnesses and medical officials said.

A suicide bomber driving an SUV vehicle laden with explosives came under fire from security forces before reaching his goal, but detonated explosives near a police station and the base of the African Union peacekeepers from Djibouti, multiple witnesses told Voice of America.

“At least 11 people were killed in the blast and more than 50 injured — 30 of them in critical condition,” Yusuf Isaq Mumin, a medical official in the town, told VOA. “We are now sending those critically injured to Mogadishu since the local hospital has not the capacity to handle their cases here.”

Attack in Jalalaqsi

Meanwhile, a powerful car bomb exploded near a Somali military checkpoint in Jalalaqsi town, some 160 kilometers north of Mogadishu, when soldiers operating the checkpoint intercepted an explosives-laden vehicle. Another one went off almost simultaneously nearby when security officials shot the driver of the vehicle.

“A vehicle driven by a suicide bomber detonated near the checkpoint. Another suicide bomber detonated a vehicle at a location close to a school. I saw the dead bodies of at least four people with my eyes, but the number could be higher,” Mire Hussein Siyad, former deputy district commissioner of Jalalaqsi, told VOA.

According to witnesses, the checkpoint is near local government buildings and a military base belonging to African Union peacekeepers from Djibouti.

Both the towns of Jalalaqsi and Bulobarde are important trading and farming towns located along the banks of the Shabelle River, and they also are the second- and third-biggest towns in Hiran province.

Towns focal point of campaign

The towns have been under al-Shabab isolation for more than 10 years and recently have been the focal point of efforts to mobilize the local population against al-Shabab amid an ongoing Somali military campaign to defeat militants who followed Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s declaration of a “total war” against the al-Qaida-linked militants shortly after being elected last year.

Al-Shabab has threatened violence against clans mobilizing against them in the past.

In October of last year, similar terrorist attacks that targeted bridges in those towns killed at least 21 people.

Source: Voice of America

Violence Soars in Mali in The Year After Russians Arrive

Alou Diallo says he was drinking tea with his family one morning last month when groups of “white soldiers” invaded his village in central Mali, setting fire to houses and gunning down people suspected of being Islamic extremists. He scrambled to safety in the bush, but his son was shot and wounded while fleeing, then was finished off as he lay on the ground.

“I watched my 16-year-old son die,” Diallo told The Associated Press in Mali’s capital, Bamako, where he lives in a makeshift camp for displaced people. As he recounted that awful Saturday in his village of Bamguel, the 47-year-old former cattle breeder made no attempt to hide the anger toward the troops, which he believed to be Russian mercenaries, who turned his world upside down.

“I really want peace to return and things to go back to normal,” he said. “Here in Bamako, I live a life I didn’t choose.”

It’s been more than a year since hundreds of fighters from the Wagner Group, a shadowy Russian military contractor, began working alongside Mali’s armed forces to try to stem a decadelong insurgency by Islamic extremists in the West African country, Western officials say.

But since the mercenaries arrived, diplomats, analysts and human rights groups say indiscriminate violence against civilians has grown, the extremists linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group have only gotten stronger, and there’s concern the Russian presence will further destabilize the already-troubled region.

More than 2,000 civilians have been killed since December 2021, compared with about 500 in the previous 12 months, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, a nongovernmental organization. At least a third of those deaths recorded last year were from attacks involving the Wagner Group, according to the data compiled by ACLED.

“They are killing civilians, and by their very presence, giving Malian security forces a green light to act on their worst inclinations,” said Michael Shurkin, senior fellow at Atlantic Council and director of global programs at the consultancy group 14 North Strategies.

Military contractors from Wagner, which was founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a millionaire businessman with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, have been bolstering Moscow’s forces during its invasion of Ukraine. But experts say they also operate in a handful of African countries.

Ever since Mali’s military seized power in two coups starting in 2020, a junta led by Col. Assimi Goita has had tense relations with the international community.

France sent troops to Mali in 2013 to help its former colony drive Islamic militants from northern areas of the country but withdrew them in August as relations frayed and anti-French sentiment grew in the population. The West says Mali is increasingly looking to Moscow for security, although the junta says it has only invited in military trainers.

Alassane Maiga, head of communications for the junta, insisted that Wagner was not operating in the country. Asked about the attacks on civilians, Maiga said Mali’s government protects its citizens and their property.

“The army’s protection and security missions are carried out with respect for human rights and international humanitarian law,” he said.

The Wagner Group did not respond to requests for comment. At a U.N. Security Council debate Tuesday, Russia’s deputy ambassador Anna Evstigneeva rejected attempts from abroad “to besmirch Russian assistance to Mali,” where Moscow has a bilateral agreement to assist the transitional government. She did not mention the Wagner Group.

Up to 1,000 mercenaries have been deployed and the Wagner Group is being paid nearly $11 million a month to provide security and training, according to a report by the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center, which studies extremist violence.

The report said Wagner’s forces are struggling to make significant gains, with jihadi violence increasing. During the rainy season between June and September when fighting usually subsides, there were over 90 attacks against civilians and the military by an al-Qaida linked extremist group, compared with six in the same period a year earlier, it said, and an August assault on a barracks by an Islamic State-linked group killed at least 42 Malian soldiers.

In the bloodiest attack, Human Rights Watch said Mali’s army and foreign troops suspected to be Russian rounded up and killed an estimated 300 men in the town of Moura in March. Some were believed to be Islamic extremists, but most were civilians. The investigation cited 27 people, including witnesses, traders, community leaders, diplomats and security analysts.

Mali’s Defense Ministry reported a similar incident at the time but said it had killed 203 “terrorists” and arrested 51 others.

“There are broad reports of human rights abuses across the region where they are working,” U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland said of the Wagner mercenaries. “And we worry that these forces are not interested in the safety and security of the people of Mali but, instead, are interested in enriching themselves and strip-mining the country and are making the terrorism situation worse.”

Samuel Ramani, associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, a defense and security think tank, said Russia is not very credible at counterterrorism in Africa.

“What we’ve seen repeatedly is that Russia and the Wagner Group forces are much better at strengthening the hold of authoritarian regimes in power than actually combating rebels and terrorist groups,” Ramani said, citing their limited knowledge of the terrain, strained relationships with low-ranking officers and a rigid command and control structure.

Many Malians accuse the military and the white soldiers working with them of arbitrary arrests of civilians herding cattle, farming or going to market. Most of them are ethnic Fulani who are increasingly targeted by security forces suspecting them of supporting the Islamic militants.

Rights groups say these alleged abuses aid the extremists, who capitalize on public grievances for use as a recruiting tool.

A 29-year-old cattle herder named Hamidou said he was arrested at his home in Douentza village in central Mali with two other people in November and accused of being an Islamic militant. He was locked in a room where he was bound, beaten and interrogated by “white soldiers.”

“We were severely beaten daily. We didn’t think we’d survive,” said Hamidou, who asked to be identified only by his first name for fear of reprisal, adding that most of those detained were ethnic Fulani, like him. “From the day Wagner came to Mali until today, arbitrary arrests and killings of Fulani civilians have been increasing tremendously.”

The AP was unable to verify his account independently but a human rights researcher who also asked not to be identified for fear of reprisal said he saw the scars on Hamidou’s back and forehead after his release.

Thousands of United Nations peacekeeping troops have been in Mali for nearly a decade to protect civilians from violence, but Mali’s government has constrained their ability to operate, and countries such as Benin, Germany, Sweden, Ivory Coast and the United Kingdom have announced troop withdrawals, according to the International Crisis Group.

Nuland, the U.S. diplomat, said the Wagner Group has encouraged the junta to deny the peacekeepers access to areas where it has a mandate to investigate abuses.

Source: Voice of America