‫ندوة مجانية على الويب: السياحة الطبية: مكاسب سريعة أم نجاح طويل الأمد؟

بالم بيتش غاردنز، فلوريدا، 1 نوفمبر / تشرين ثاني 2022   / PRNewswire / — تبحث العديد من المنظمات عن مكاسب سريعة في السياحة الطبية: إنشاء موقع ويب جديد بسرعة؛ تنفيذ خدمات سريعة لمرضى السفر الطبي؛ إطلاق حملة تسويقية سريعة؛ وجذب دافعي الأموال الدوليين بسرعة. الحقيقة هي أنك إذا ركزت فقط على المكاسب السريعة، فسرعان ما ستصاب بخيبة أمل. يتطلب النجاح طويل الأمد في السياحة الطبية نهجًا منضبطًا واستباقيًا يركز على المريض، ويعزز الابتكار المستمر، ويعزز العلاقات والشراكات الذكية.

تسجل في هذه الندوة عبر الويب وافهم أين توجد الفجوات حتى تتمكن من تحديد أين تكمن الفرص.

7 دجنبر/كانون الأول 2022

العاشرة صباحا | التوقيت الشرقي
الرابعة مساء | التوقيت الأوروبي الرسمي
السادسة مساء | توقيت الخليج الرسمي
العاشرة مساء | توقيت الصين الرسمي

انضم إلينا حيث يناقش الخبراء سبب نجاح بعض المنظمات في السياحة الطبية بينما يفشل البعض الآخر، ولماذا وصلت بعض المنظمات إلى “سقف” من حجم المرضى لا يمكنهم تجاوزها، في حين أن مقدمي الرعاية الصحية الآخرين لديهم مرضى يقطون مسافات طويلة للوصول إليهم.

 سنقوم بفحص أصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين في الصناعة، بما في ذلك شركات التأمين والميسرين والمستشفيات والأطباء لفهم بعض القواسم المشتركة للنجاح والفشل في السياحة الطبية.

النقاط الرئيسية لهذه الندوة على الإنترنيت:

  • الأشياء التي قد تفعلها الآن والتي تحد من نجاح تسويق السياحة الطبية.
  • الأخطاء الشائعة التي يرتكبها العديد من مقدمي الرعاية الصحية في التواصل وإشراك العملاء.
  •  إزالة الحواجز التي تؤثر سلبًا على تجربة المريض في السفر الطبي.
  • يمكن للمنظمات استخدام الاستراتيجيات لبناء علاقات إحالة قوية.
  •  خطوات يمكن أن تتخذها الشركات الناشئة وشركات التأمين لتحقيق أقصى قدر من الدخول الناجح في السياحة الطبية.
  •  لماذا تنجح بعض المبادرات الحكومية والبعض الآخر لا ينجح؟ 
  • برنامج EXCELerator الجديد من GHA ، وهو حل مصمم لتسريع الابتكار وزيادة فرص النجاح في مجال الرعاية الصحية العالمية.

أنقر هنا للتسجيل!

حول جمعية السياحة الطبية:

جمعية السياحة الطبية هي جمعية دولية غير ربحية تتكون من أفضل المستشفيات الدولية ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية وميسري السفر الطبي وشركات التأمين وغيرها من الشركات التابعة والأعضاء بهدف مشترك يتمثل في تعزيز أعلى مستوى من جودة الرعاية الصحية للمرضى في بيئة عالمية. تعزز الجمعية مصالح مقدمي الرعاية الصحية والأعضاء الميسرين للسفر الطبي. تتبنى جمعية السياحة الطبية ثلاثة مبادئ: الشفافية والتواصل والتعليم. تعمل جمعية السياحة الطبية مع الحكومات للمساعدة في إطلاق مبادرات استراتيجية وطويلة الأجل في مجال السياحة الطبية عبر جميع أصحاب المصلحة.

حول موارد الرعاية الصحية العالمية ( GHR ):

موارد الرعاية الصحية العالمية هي شركة استشارات تسويقية متخصصة في تطوير الأعمال واستراتيجيات التسويق وخدمات الاختراق في مجال الرعاية الصحية لصاحب العمل والفوائد والرفاهية وصناعات السفر الطبي.

تستفيد موارد الرعاية الصحية العالمية ( GHR ) من الريادة الفكرية والتدريب التعليمي والأحداث الافتراضية والمباشرة لربط المشترين ومقدمي الخدمات معًا لتوسيع نطاق الفرص التجارية. في العامين الماضيين، ركزت موارد الرعاية الصحية العالمية ( GHR ) على الاستفادة من العلاقة بين الدوافع الشخصية والمهنية لبناء شركة وأطلقت ثلاث نقاط رئيسية في المجالات الرئيسية اللازمة لنمو الصناعة. التكلفة والثقافة والرعاية. من خلال هذه الأهداف ، تتوقع موارد الرعاية الصحية العالمية ( GHR ) بناء حركة تلهم النمو من خلال الرؤية والرسالة والقيم المشتركة المرتبطة ارتباطًا وثيقًا بين صاحب العمل والموظفين.


Somalia Scrambles to Avert Famine from Record Drought

Somali authorities are scrambling to avert famine from a record drought that has affected nearly eight million Somalis, or half the population. The largest city in Somalia’s South West state, Baidoa, is bearing the brunt as thousands of families flee starvation in the countryside to displaced camps in the city. Aid groups and authorities are pleading for international help to prevent further loss of life.

The U.N.’s World Food Program aid Somalia’s worst drought in nearly half a century has wiped out millions of livestock and has nearly 8 million people, including 1.5 million children, facing chronic hunger.

The unprecedented failure of a fifth rainy season in a row has displaced more than 1 million Somalis from the countryside, forcing them to head to the outskirts of cities like Baidoa.

Many have no option but to walk and the most vulnerable don’t always survive.

For Maroog Adan Laamow, it was a difficult journey. It took three days and three of her children died of hunger. She said the family has not received any aid for three months.

“Our only source of income is the firewood we cut and sell,” she said in Somali. “If we don’t sell any, we are unable to eat and sometimes go hungry all night.”

Children under the age of 5, the most vulnerable to malnutrition, receive what care is available at Baidoa hospital.

Khadijo Isak said the drought has decimated her crops and livestock.

“We have not been able to grow our crops for four consecutive seasons due to lack of rain,” she said in Somali. “Our livestock has been wiped out and my son is suffering from malnutrition.”

Hospital admissions for children are rising quickly, said Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim at Baidoa hospital. The hospital had been admitting about 150 to 200 malnourished children per month, a figure that has risen to 300 to 400.

Somalia’s Southwest State government is working closely with aid agencies to lessen the impact of the drought and try to prevent famine.

The state minister of humanitarian and disaster management, Abdinasir Abdi Arush, is coordinating relief efforts.

“Our goal is to ensure that no famine occurs in this country, and we expect God to help in our efforts to ensure that it does not happen,” he said in Somali. “It is important that we do all that is possible to prevent people from dying of hunger. As a government, we have been entrusted with responsibility by our people.”

But in the makeshift camps for the displaced, there are few visible signs of adequate aid for drought victims.

The last declared famine in Somalia in 2011 killed a quarter of a million people.

If more food aid doesn’t arrive soon, aid groups say another famine in Somalia could be even worse.

Source: Voice of America

Acting President of Somalia meets Jubaland State President

Mogadishu, The Acting President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, and the Chairman of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E Sheikh Adan Mohamed Noor (Madobe) held a meeting with the President of Jubaland State, H.E Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe).

President Ahmed Madobe briefed the Chairman on the general situation in Jubaland, especially the security of the region, the victims of the attack on Hotel Tawakal in Kismayo, the fight against terrorism and dealing with people affected by drought.

Finally, the Chairman of the Parliament said on his page that Jubaland is committed to join the fight against the Al-Shabab terrorist group.

Source: Somali National News Agency

Briefing Security Council, High Commissioner for Refugees Voices Concern over Global Crises, Protracted Conflicts Being Failed by Global Inaction

The Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine has driven the fastest, largest displacement witnessed in decades, with some 14 million people forced from their homes since 24 February, Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, told the Security Council today. Although humanitarian organizations have scaled up their response, much more must be done — first is ending the senseless war, he said.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) focus is increasingly on helping displaced people in Ukraine, while trying to be present wherever there is forced displacement, he emphasized. Notwithstanding the European Union’s open, well-managed and shared response, UNHCR is maintaining a high level of preparedness for further population movements, both inside and outside Ukraine, given the likely protracted nature of the military situation.

“In the past 12 months alone, UNHCR has responded to 37 emergencies around the world. Yet, the other crises are failing to capture the same international attention, outrage, resources and action,” he emphasized. Detailing the situation of displaced persons across the globe, from Myanmar’s Rohingya refugees to Afghan and Syrian refugees, and those displaced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia, he voiced concern that crisis and protracted situations are not only fading from media attention, but are being failed by global inaction.

The confluence of climate change and conflict has created very protracted displacement, he underscored, urging greater international and support for inclusion and integration both in refugee contexts and situations of internal displacement. Responses to climate change must consider both its link to conflict, and the displacement it causes, he stressed, voicing hope that they will be in clear focus at the upcoming twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The international community, starting with Council members, must overcome divisions at the very least on humanitarian issues, he stressed. Voicing alarm at the major funding gap in 2022, he pointed out that food aid for refugees has been cut in many operations. He urged strengthening the capacity of the police, judiciary and local Government and overall rule of law in fragile countries. Humanitarians must be able to operate everywhere lives must be saved, he stressed.

In the ensuing discussion, Council members, united in their concern about the increase in refugees and protracted conflict, highlighted the ways in which they are supporting UNHCR and persons displaced from different parts of the world. Several delegates urged equal treatment for all seeking refuge, while others called for greater funding for UNHCR and unimpeded humanitarian access.

Ireland’s representative, on that point, stressed that there can be no impunity for those who target humanitarian actors or who seek to use starvation as a weapon of war. As carve-outs are an important principle for any sanctions regime, he said Ireland, together with the United States, has put forward a proposal to mainstream humanitarian carve-outs across all sanctions regimes.

Mexico’s representative, spotlighting refugees’ other critical needs, called on UNHCR to systematically include mental-health services and psychosocial support in its regional and national responses. His country is the third largest receiver of new claims for refugee status, he said, noting that 72 per cent of these claims have received a positive response. He expressed hope that the Global Refugee Forum in 2023 will generate comprehensive solutions to guarantee the rights of all refugees and internally displaced people.

Kenya’s representative expressed grave concern about the worrying trend in recent years of people of African descent travelling to Europe via the Mediterranean, who suffer extreme human rights violations, with thousands losing their lives. They must be treated humanely and given opportunities to make a decent living, he stressed, calling for the international community’s renewed commitment to assist countries in tackling the root causes of displacement.

The representative of the Russian Federation pointed to the “irresponsible policies of Western States” as the cause of conflicts, poverty and economic inequality that have forced populations out of their countries of origin. The Ukrainian crisis has intensified because of the unwillingness of authorities encouraged by Western patrons to not implement the Minsk agreements, he said.

China’s representative, noting that 83 per cent of refugees are supported by developing countries, called on the international community to mobilize resources and strengthen cooperation to ensure refugees are protected. The Council must assume its primary responsibility of promoting political settlements and fostering a peaceful environment, through support for post-conflict rebuilding and creating favourable conditions for refugees to return, he said.

Source: UN Security Council