‫ITC Infotech تكمل بنجاح 10 سنوات من التعاون الاستراتيجي مع البنك الوطني السعودي

جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية، 30 سبتمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / —  أعلنت ITC Infotech ، الشركة العالمية الرائدة للخدمات والحلول التقنية، اليوم أنها أكملت بنجاح 10 سنوات من الارتباط الاستراتيجي مع البنك الوطني السعودي ( SNB ) أكبر بنك تجاري في المملكة العربية السعودية. وقد لعبت شركة ITC Infotech في هذه السنوات دورًا محوريًا في مسيرة البنك نحو التحديث والتحول الرقمي والنمو.

وتعليقًا على هذه العلاقة، قال صالح صالح، الرئيس التنفيذي للتكنولوجيا والرقمية للمجموعة في البنك الوطني السعودي: “لقد كان تعاوننا مع ITC Infotech شفافًا منذ البداية مما أدى إلى علاقة مثمرة وناجحة. وقد ساعدت خبرة ITC Infotech العميقة في المجال على الاستفادة من النمو والربحية في المشهد التنافسي سريع التحول. كما أدى إلى إثراء وتوسيع القدرات الرقمية للبنك الوطني السعودي مما أدى إلى التسليم الناجح لمجموعة كبيرة من المشاريع التكنولوجية. ونحن في البنك الوطني السعودي نسعى جاهدين لتحقيق إحدى رؤانا الاستراتيجية لنكون أفضل بنك رقمي، وما زلنا نقدم الخدمات المالية والمصرفية الرائدة في المنطقة”.

وقال فيشال كومار، الرئيس والمدير الإقليمي لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا ومنطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادئ في شركة ITC Infotech : “نحن سعداء للغاية بالتعاون مع البنك الوطني السعودي ولعب دورا محوريا في تحوله الرقمي. وتعد هذه العلاقة شهادة على قدراتنا وخبرتنا المثبتة في ترسيخ مسيرة نمو البنك وتحقيق رؤيته. إن شراكتنا مع البنك الوطني السعودي ستضع معيارا في المنطقة، وبفضل قدراتنا سنكون قادرين على المساهمة في التطوير الرقمي للعمليات المالية والمصرفية في الشرق الأوسط”.

وعلى مدى العقد الماضي، سخرت ITC Infotech خبراتها وقدراتها العميقة لتقديم أفضل الحلول الاستشارية التقنية في فئتها التي تساعد العملاء على التغلب على التحديات وتسريع النمو في المملكة. وستواصل الشركة التركيز والالتزام بتمكين العملاء من تلبية رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030.

 نبذة عن ITC Infotech :

ITC Infotech هي شركة عالمية رائدة في مجال تقديم الخدمات والحلول التكنولوجية، بقيادة استشارات الأعمال والتكنولوجيا. توفر ITC Infotech حلولًا صديقة للأعمال لمساعدة العملاء على النجاح والاستعداد للمستقبل، من خلال الجمع بسلاسة بين الخبرة الرقمية والتحالفات القوية الخاصة بالصناعة والقدرة الفريدة على الاستفادة من الخبرة العميقة في المجال من أعمال مجموعة ITC . وتوفر الشركة حلولًا وخدمات تكنولوجية للشركات عبر صناعات مثل الخدمات المصرفية والمالية، والرعاية الصحية، والتصنيع، والسلع الاستهلاكية، والسفر والضيافة، من خلال مزيج من نماذج الأعمال التقليدية والأحدث، كشريك مستدام طويل الأجل. ITC هي واحدة من شركات القطاع الخاص الرائدة في الهند وتكتل متنوع مع الشركات التي تغطي السلع الاستهلاكية والفنادق والورق المقوى والتعبئة والتغليف والأعمال الزراعية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة:  http://www.itcinfotech.com/

نبذة عن البنك الوطني السعودي :

البنك الوطني السعودي ( SNB ) هو أكبر مؤسسة مالية في المملكة العربية السعودية وواحدة من أكبر القوى في المنطقة. يلعب البنك الوطني السعودي دورًا حيويًا في دعم التحول الاقتصادي في المملكة العربية السعودية من خلال تحويل القطاع المصرفي المحلي وتحفيز تحقيق رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030. وتتماشى استراتيجيتها بشكل وثيق مع برامج الرؤية. كما يستفيد البنك الوطني السعودي من مكانته كأكبر ممول مؤسسي ومتخصص في المملكة لدعم الصفقات والمشاريع الضخمة البارزة في المملكة. تتمثل رؤية البنك الوطني السعودي في أن يكون مزودًا رائدًا للخدمات المالية والمصرفية محليًا وإقليميًا من خلال تحقيق التطلعات الاستراتيجية: أن يكون رقم واحد في الإيرادات، ورقم واحد في الربح، والأفضل في خدمة العملاء، وأفضل بنك رقمي، وصاحب العمل المفضل، وأفضل مزود خدمة منتجات متوافقة مع الشريعة الإسلامية في العالم. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة:  https://www.alahli.com/

لمزيد من المعلومات:
Priya Trivedi

Property Management Tech Gives Short-Term Rental Owners an Earning Edge

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – EQS Newswire – 29 September 2022 – It has been reported that Dubai is the most profitable city in the world for Airbnb hosts[i], but with this comes a myriad of challenges for property owners such as managing housekeeping, guests’ noise levels, pricing properties correctly and ensuring personalisation. To minimise these challenges and help more people take advantage of this lucrative opportunity, short term rental management company Propr (https://www.Propr.ae), has launched an all-encompassing tech-based solution to streamline operations and give hosts peace of mind.

Levelling up short-term rental management with tech 

With the company’s co-founders, Chregan O’Flynn and Max Urban having backgrounds in tech, they saw that most short-term rental operators utilised off-the-shelf software applications to cobble together a working property management system. The problem with this is that hosts need to find workarounds to stitch these disjointed pieces together which then impacts the guest experience.

It is for this reason that the Propr team developed their own property management system. “The goal,” says O’Flynn, “has always been to automate those elements that can be automated and give our team tools to make them superhumanly more effective, resulting in a better guest experience. This is vital as a happy guest leaves a good review, which leads to more bookings, meaning happier property owners who trust us with their properties.”

Digital solutions transform market challenges

To tackle the issue of housekeeping management, Propr developed an app to remotely monitor and manage cleaning in real time using input and images from the housekeepers to ensure that the standards pre-set for each rental unit are met. “In the past, housekeepers would have to cross off cleaning checklists manually, but now the process has been simplified and made customisable for each property,” shares Urban.

Regarding noise control, he explains that guests are typically on holiday or in town on business and can be loud. “This can cause issues as neighbours sometimes complain. We make use of technology integrated with noise monitoring sensors to send automated and instant notifications to the guests as well as to the owner to alert them to any breaches in noise levels.”

As there are fluctuating variables when it comes to pricing a property, Propr has developed an automated real-time pricing algorithm. Urban points out that this creates a set price point for each property every month that is adjusted daily according to the market.

When it comes to personalisation, one of the ways that Propr has managed to get the balance right is by automating highly structured communication to give their team more opportunity to spend quality time with guests such as when planning a custom itinerary. “We also use tech to flag certain key words like ‘anniversary’ or ‘birthday’ and then notify our guest experience team to do something special for that guest,” notes O’Flynn.

The future of hospitality is tech enabled

Going forward, the entrepreneurs will be developing even more top-line tech tools to meet the needs of tomorrow’s travellers and short-term rental owners. “The key is to use tech in a way that adds to the guests’ experience, rather than making them feel that they are dealing with robots. At every step of the journey, tech can help make the experience better,” concludes Urban.


Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Propr

About Propr

Propr is a short-term rental management company operating 500+ properties (including two aparthotels) across Cape Town, Johannesburg and Dubai. The company is Marriott-approved and has partnered with them on their Homes & Villas division. Propr is also the only management company in MEA with a direct API partnership with Airbnb. For more information, go to https://www.Propr.co.za and https://www.SuperSight.io

Eidosmedia s’associe à Sophi.io pour l’automatisation de l’impression basée sur l’IA

Ce partenariat intègre la technologie d’intelligence artificielle (IA) de Sophi.io dans la plateforme éditoriale d’Eidosmedia, apportant une automatisation transparente de la mise en page des impressions basées sur l’apprentissage machine (AM) aux clients d’Eidosmedia

TORONTO, 30 sept. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eidosmedia, développeur de solutions d’édition numérique pour des groupes de médias d’informations de premier plan dans le monde entier, s’est associé à Sophi.io, une plateforme d’automatisation, d’optimisation et de prévision basée sur l’IA développée par The Globe and Mail, pour apporter une automatisation transparente de la mise en page d’impression aux clients d’Eidosmedia.

La solution réduit l’intégralité du processus de mise en page en vue de l’impression de quelques heures à quelques minutes, sans recourir à des modèles. Les éditeurs peuvent considérablement améliorer la productivité et réduire les coûts, tout cela au sein de la plateforme Méthode qu’ils utilisent actuellement.

« La complexité des mises en page pour l’impression a jusqu’à présent défié la facilité apportée par l’automatisation qui accélère la publication de formats en ligne », a déclaré Marco Cetola, directeur des ventes et des programmes de partenariat d’Eidosmedia. « Pour nos clients, en particulier les grands groupes régionaux et les titres nationaux, les éditions imprimées continuent d’être une source majeure de revenus. Il existe un vif intérêt pour les moyens de réduire les délais et les coûts de production dans cet important canal d’édition. »

« La compatibilité entre nos processus de construction d’éditions imprimées et le moteur d’IA de Sophi s’est avérée très bonne », a ajouté M. Cetola. « Nous avons rapidement pu commencer à former le modèle de pagination à partir des mises en page existantes, et avons obtenu les premiers résultats en seulement quelques jours. »

« La hausse de la productivité enregistrée est exceptionnelle, en particulier pour les publications quotidiennes où l’opération de mise en page se fait généralement dans des délais très serrés », a expliqué M. Cetola. En fait, une édition imprimée typique de 32 pages peut être paginée en quelques minutes par rapport à plusieurs heures pour un fonctionnement manuel.

L’automatisation de l’impression basée sur Sophi est différente des autres solutions de production d’impression parce qu’elle est totalement exempte de modèles. Elle utilise l’intelligence artificielle pour s’assurer que les pages imprimées d’un éditeur aient l’air d’avoir été produites par des rédacteurs et des concepteurs de pages expérimentés. Chaque page est conçue à partir de zéro en suivant les instructions de design de chaque marque. Le résultat final est un fichier PDF ou InDesign destiné à l’impression qui est prêt en quelques minutes.

Parmi ceux qui bénéficieront de la nouvelle technologie figurent les concepteurs de pages eux-mêmes. Les concepteurs de pages sont sous pression depuis un certain temps pour accroître leur productivité alors que les éditeurs essaient de réduire les coûts. Avec moins de main-d’œuvre pour créer un nombre croissant de pages, le travail du concepteur est souvent devenu une course stressante contre la montre. Le moteur d’automatisation les déchargera des tâches de routine afin qu’ils puissent consacrer plus de temps aux premières pages, aux fonctionnalités et aux mises en page spéciales où leur créativité peut réellement ajouter de la valeur.

« L’automatisation de la mise en page est la plus grande innovation dans le secteur de l’édition depuis que l’ordinateur personnel a remplacé les machines à écrire », a conclu M. Cetola.

Gabe Gonda, vice-président de Sophi.io, a déclaré : « Sophi est ravie de conclure un partenariat avec Eidosmedia pour fournir notre technologie d’automatisation de l’impression via la plateforme Méthode. Eidosmedia est un fournisseur de CMS de première classe possédant une connaissance approfondie des besoins en constante évolution de ses clients. Ce partenariat contribue à fournir une solution unique et de grande valeur à certains des plus grands éditeurs de journaux au monde. »

À propos d’Eidosmedia

Eidosmedia (www.eidosmedia.com) est un leader mondial de la gestion de contenu et de l’édition numérique. Les solutions d’Eidosmedia sont utilisées par des organisations médiatiques du monde entier pour créer et fournir des portefeuilles de produits d’actualité allant des formats numériques avancés aux journaux et magazines traditionnels.

À propos de Sophi Inc.

Sophi.io (https://www.sophi.io) a été développée par The Globe et Mail pour aider les éditeurs de contenu à prendre des décisions stratégiques et tactiques importantes. Il s’agit d’une suite de solutions d’automatisation, d’optimisation et de prévision basées sur l’IA et l’AM qui comprend Sophi Site Automation, Sophi for Paywall et Sophi for First Party Data. Sophi permet également la mise en page automatisée en un clic de l’édition imprimée sans modèle. Sophi se consacre à améliorer les mesures qui comptent le plus pour votre entreprise.


Marco Cetola
Directeur des ventes et des programmes de partenariat
Eidosmedia SpA

Jamie Rubenovitch
Responsable du marketing
Sophi Inc.

Bombardier Introduces Innovator, Investor and F1 Team Owner Toto Wolff as Worldwide Brand Ambassador

Bombardier Introduces Innovator, Investor and F1 Team Owner Toto Wolff as Worldwide Brand Ambassador

Bombardier Introduces Innovator, Investor and F1 Team Owner Toto Wolff as Worldwide Brand Ambassador

MONTREAL, Sept. 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier today introduced Toto Wolff as its worldwide brand ambassador. For many years, Toto has turned to Bombardier jets to quickly, efficiently and smoothly travel between business and motorsport engagements around the world. With this longstanding experience in hand, Toto will support Bombardier through a range of activities and touchpoints.

“Toto is a visionary leader and entrepreneur who embodies the spirit of innovation, excellence, performance and competitiveness that have all become synonymous with Bombardier business jets around the world,” said Éric Martel, President and CEO, Bombardier. “We are particularly proud that Toto’s discerning eye and quality-driven mindset have led him to deepen his ties with Bombardier through this agreement. We look forward to showcasing our capabilities and continuing to promote the Bombardier brand around the world.”

“As a full-range Bombardier customer for over 15 years starting with the Learjet and Challenger Series through to the Global 6000, I appreciate and admire the exceptional level of quality and ceaseless innovation Bombardier stands for,” said Toto Wolff. “Bombardier shares my drive for high-performance, often facilitating it, and I’m looking forward to drawing on my experiences as I represent this fantastic brand around the world”.

Toto will support Challenger and Global business jet products—including the latest, sustainably designed, Challenger 3500 super midsize jet, and the performance leading Global 8000 flagship aircraft—as well as innovative initiatives, such as the recently unveiled Bombardier’s EcoJet Research Project. Toto will also serve to highlight Bombardier’s expanding worldwide service center network, which recently celebrated significant growth milestones in Singapore and Melbourne, Australia, and is poised for further inaugurations this year alone in London, UK and Miami, Florida. More specifically, Toto will focus ambassadorial duties around the service network’s turnkey refresh, refurbishment and upgrade offerings that are now available in more geographies, following facility openings and enhancements.

About Toto Wolff

Toto Wolff is Team Principal, CEO & co-owner of the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team. A former racing driver turned investor, Toto started his career by founding a tech-focused venture capital firm in Austria. He entered F1 with an ownership stake in the Williams F1 Team in 2009, before acquiring a 30% stake in the Mercedes-Benz works team in 2013. Toto has led the team, featuring the most successful F1 driver of all-time, Lewis Hamilton, to unprecedented heights, becoming the most successful sports team in the world based on consecutive world championships.

About Bombardier
Bombardier is a global leader in aviation, focused on designing, manufacturing, and servicing the world’s most exceptional business jets. Bombardier’s Challenger and Global aircraft families are renowned for their cutting-edge innovation, cabin design, performance, and reliability. Bombardier has a worldwide fleet of approximately 5,000 aircraft in service with a wide variety of multinational corporations, charter and fractional ownership providers, governments, and private individuals. Bombardier aircraft are also trusted around the world in special-mission roles.

Headquartered in Montréal, Québec, Bombardier operates aerostructure, assembly and completion facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The company’s robust customer support network includes facilities in strategic locations in the United States and Canada, as well as in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, the UAE, Singapore, China, and an Australian facility opening in 2022.

For corporate news and information, including Bombardier’s Environmental, Social and Governance report, visit bombardier.com. Learn more about Bombardier’s industry-leading products and customer service network at businessaircraft.bombardier.com. Follow us on Twitter @Bombardier.

Bombardier, Learjet, Challenger, Global and Global 8000 are registered or unregistered trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.

For Information
Mark Masluch
Senior Director, Communications
+1 514 855 7167

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/13ccfb40-d1a3-440e-919e-655db79b4f68

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[INVNT GROUP]™ Expands Global BrandStory Project Launches Hypnogram™ – The Creative Multimedia Studio

New York, NY, Sept. 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — [INVNT GROUP] THE GLOBAL BRANDSTORY PROJECT™, expands experiential storytelling capabilities launching Hypnogram™, a creative global boutique and studio focused on multimedia experiences that span the physical and digital world.

Hypnogram supports brands and organizations by translating ideas and messages into unimagined experiential multi-sensory moments through motion design, tech/art installations, augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality, across public and private spaces, including live shows and product launches, conferences and B2B events, festivals, public spaces, performance arts, hospitality, and the metaverse.

[INVNT GROUP] represents a growing portfolio of complementary disciplines designed to help forward thinking brands everywhere, impact the audiences that matter anywhere. The GROUP consists of modern brand strategy firm, Folk Hero; creative-led culture consultancy, Meaning; production studio & creative agency, HEVĒ; events for colleges and universities, INVNT Higher Ed; digital innovation division, INVNT.ATOM; the original live brand storytelling agency, INVNT; and now, Hypnogram, the creative multimedia studio.

“Innovative storytelling is in our DNA. This multimedia studio led by CEO Pavel Popov, the visionary ex-managing partner at Radugadesign USA and Radugadesign China, deepens our global expansion strategy, augments our core capabilities, and offers clients end-to-end creative solutions that drive audience engagement through immersive, next-generation multimedia experiences and events,” said INVNT CEO and [INVNT GROUP] COO, Kristina McCoobery.

“We live in an amazing time when digital and physical world are blending. Multimedia designers across the globe are pushing the boundaries of visual art, transforming events and installations into unforgettable experiences and cultural landmarks. Our mission is to become an industry-leading agency in multimedia design. When we combine what hypnogram brings to the table with the incredible, diverse capabilities of [INVNT GROUP], we are able to create added value for our partners around the world”, said Pavel Popov, CEO of Hypnogram.

Hypnogram is based in the U.S., operates globally, and is actively developing the China market, recently launching two 3D billboard projects commissioned by Vivo, a multinational technology company, and of the one of the leading smartphone manufacturers in China.

Rooted at the nexus of experiential marketing, art/design and technological innovation, [INVNT GROUP]’s addition of Hypnogram enhances the group’s ability to imagine and fulfill creative, immersive, multimedia spectacles that change the relationship between brands and those who come into contact with them.

Paul Blurton, Chief Creative Officer of [INVNT GROUP], who leads [INVNT GROUP] creative teams globally and across disciplines, will guide Hypnogram’s growth, through a combination of new clients and projects, and integration with other businesses within The GROUP.

Paul adds, “Multimedia content, design and application is an essential component of the work we do for our clients; it has been a part of our world for years, and continues to play an ever-increasing role, as brands seek those unforgettable, visually stunning “wow moments” that communicate their story in previously unimagined ways. In Pavel, we have brought a trusted partner into the business, who brings with him an unrivalled global network of creators, artists, designers, animators, programmers and technicians that enable us to bring to life almost anything we can dream up. It’s a natural and additive extension of our commitment to being the best brand storytellers in the world.”

For more information on Hypnogram visit: http://hypnogram.com/


Jhonathan Mendez de Leon


Guide Sensmart Showcases Its Latest Innovation Clip-on Thermal Imager at ADIHEX 2022

WUHAN, China, Sept. 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — ADIHX, the largest exhibition for hunting, equestrian and heritage preservation in the Middle East and Africa, is in full swing at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. Guide Sensmart, the leading thermal camera manufacturer is marking its appearance in Hall 11 as an excellent producer of high-performance thermal imagers.

Guide Sensmart Booth in Hall 11

At the 19th edition of the event, Guide Sensmart is showcasing its range of products to hunting enthusiasts. They are Guide TK Gen2 and TD Thermal imaging monoculars, TN Series Thermal Imaging Binoculars, TS and TU Thermal Scopes and the latest innovation, TA Gen2 Aquila Series Thermal Imaging Clip-on Attachment. The TK Gen2 and TD Series are optimal to meet the various needs of hunters, nature explorers, and professionals. The TN Series is the perfect tool for hunters, wildlife observers, and search and rescue professionals. The TS and TU are indispensable for a hunter who aims for the ultimate efficiency and precision. The new TA will be a great fit for hunters.

Guide TA Gen2 Aquila Series Thermal Imaging Clip-on Attachment

The TA Gen2 thermal scope attachment turns daytime optics into a full-featured thermal device. It offers superior aiming capabilities and excellent target acquisition by using heat signature imaging technologies to help users acquire and locate targets in low light or nighttime conditions. Its upgraded 17 μm and 12 µm thermal imaging detectors with 400×300 and 640×480 pixel resolutions respectively provide an exceptionally sharp image and excellent thermal sensitivity in all harsh conditions. Double algorithms, the TDE-Tech and PureIR, increase imaging clarity and overall image detail, bringing a sharper, more detailed field of view and enhanced object identification capabilities. The standard 18650 battery ensures enough power for up to 7 hours of operation time and quick and simple battery replacement makes it possible for continuous observation without disruptions. The three scene modes and six color palettes enable users to observe their field of vision more effectively and adapt the device to shifting observational situations.

Except the ADIHX, the FIFA World Cup 2022 is set to get underway in Qatar in November. Let’s look forward to this tournament.

About Guide Sensmart

Guide Sensmart is the subsidiary of Guide Infrared (SZ.002414), the world leading infrared thermal imaging systems manufacturer with over 20 years of experience in the infrared industry and mass production capacity. For more information, visit https://www.guideir.com/.

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Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1910783/2.jpg

CCTV+: China, Argentina hold high-level forum on cultural exchanges

BEIJING, Sept. 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — China and Argentina held a high-level forum on cultural exchanges in Beijing on Wednesday.

Huang Kunming, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended the forum and gave a speech.

Reading Chinese President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter to the forum, Huang noted that the letters sent by Xi and Argentine President Alberto Fernandez have demonstrated the enormous importance the two leaders place on China-Argentina cooperation in the new era and their earnest expectations for deepening bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership and advancing people-to-people and cultural exchanges and cooperation.

He said that China and Argentina, both important emerging markets and developing countries, are facing the important tasks of economic recovery after the pandemic and improving people’s livelihoods and well-being.

China hopes people from the two countries will work hand in hand to promote prosperity, safeguard peace and development, facilitate economic and trade cooperation, and deepen the China-Argentina friendship, the official said.

The two countries should deepen people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and carry out exchanges and cooperation in various fields at all levels, Huang said, adding that the two peoples should also enhance their mutual understanding and friendship.

Both sides should strengthen communication and cooperation, jointly promote equity and justice, and create a fair, objective, positive and healthy public opinion environment to inject more positive energy into the construction of a community with a shared future for China and Latin America as well as mankind in the new era, Huang said.

As one of a series of activities marking the 50 anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, the high-level forum, co-hosted by China Media Group (CMG) and the Secretariat of Media and Public Communication of Argentina, attracted more than 100 representatives online and offline.

Link: https://youtu.be/RXwU6lBov0U

Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXwU6lBov0U

The 13th IIICF in Macao shined a spotlight on BRI’s vital role in international infrastructure

MACAO, Sept. 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 13th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum (“IIICF”, “the Forum”), co-organized by China International Contractors Association and Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, opened in Macao on September 28. As the largest and most influential such forum in the world, the opening of this year’s IIICF drew many major figures from the international infrastructure investment and construction community. Present at the opening ceremony were Ho Iat Seng, Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao SAR); Zheng Xincong, Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR; Liu Xianfa, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Macao SAR; Wong Sio Chak, Secretary for Security of the Macao SAR; as well as heads of international contractors and financial institutions.

With the theme “Building High-standard, Sustainable and People-centered Infrastructure”, the forum attracted more than 1,300 guests from over 600 institutions, including senior executives of 20 financial institutions, top leaders of more than 70 enterprises among ENR’s Top 250 International Contractors, as well as decision makers from major industrial enterprises and suppliers from across the globe. With a focus on the opportunities and challenges facing international infrastructure cooperation in the post-pandemic era, the forum will look to build a broad consensus, and consolidate international cooperation for the facilitation of green infrastructure projects around the world.

As one of the event’s highlights, The Belt and Road Infrastructure Development Index (2022) and the Belt and Road Infrastructure Development Index Report (2022) was launched at the forum and presented how the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has played an important role in international infrastructure investment and construction projects.

During the forum, the China International Contractors Association (CHINCA) launched the “Mechanism for International Sustainable Infrastructure Promotion” in association with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), in a joint bid to promote the diversified, inclusive, green, low-carbon and climate-resilient development of sustainable infrastructure.

“In the post-pandemic era, countries will face unique challenges, and stressed the importance of the international community to come together to invest in infrastructure and construction, in order to fuel economic growth and development, and improve people’s livelihoods,” said Fang Qiuchen, Chairman of CHINCA.

For more information about the Forum, please visit: http://en.iiicf.org/.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1910789/1.jpg