Charles Lachaux signe un accord exclusif de distribution directe au consommateur avec la communauté vinicole basée sur blockchain Crurated

Les clients de Crurated disposeront d’un accès spécial aux vins en petite production de Lachaux, très prisés dans le monde entier

LONDRES, 18 juill. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

Charles Lachaux, le viticulteur le plus avant-gardiste de Bourgogne a annoncé aujourd’hui une association exclusive avec la communauté de vins basée sur blockchain Crurated. Selon les conditions de l’accord, les vins célèbres et primés de Lachaux, de petite production et très prisés dans le monde entier, seront vendus exclusivement aux membres de Crurated. Vous trouverez plus de détails sur les offres et sur l’abonnement à Crurated sur

Des offres spéciales seront publiées pour les membres, en plusieurs phases, tout au long de l’année. La première offre comprend 1 caisse avec un assortiment de six appellations d’origine :

  • Bourgogne Aligoté, Les Champs d’Argent, 2021
  • Bourgogne Rouge, La Croix Blanche, 2021
  • Côte de Nuits Village, Aux Montagnes, 2021
  • Aloxe-Corton premier cru, Les Valozières, 2021
  • Nuits Saint Georges village, La Petite Charmotte, 2021
  • Nuits Saint Georges premier cru, Aux Argillas, 2021

Les vins seront proposés aux membres de Crurated à travers une vente privée, à partir du 25 juillet.

« L’innovation appliquée à l’élaboration du vin est la clé pour produire et distribuer une bouteille de vin d’exception », a affirmé Charles. « Durant des décennies, le vin a été distribué aux amateurs les plus exigeants sans se soucier d’améliorer le processus. Crurated permet l’accès aux vins rares et l’utilisation de la technologie blockchain et NFT offre aux acheteurs l’authenticité et la provenance, si nécessaires au sein de cette industrie. Ils sont le partenaire idéal pour nous, au fur et à mesure que nous nous lançons dans une nouvelle étape de ventes directes de vin au consommateur. »

« Notre équipe a la chance de travailler avec les meilleurs vins et cavistes du monde et Charles Lachaux n’est pas une exception », a déclaré Alfonso de Gaetano, fondateur de Crurated. « Notre plateforme technologique basée sur la blockchain a transformé la façon d’acheter et de vendre des vins rares. Nous sommes la première communauté de vins basée sur ses membres qui offre une totale transparence et la protection de la valeur des actifs. Ce modèle redéfinit déjà la cave, au-delà de ses quatre murs. »

Chaque bouteille sera accompagnée d’un NFT. Enregistré pour toujours sur la blockchain, le NFT vérifiera l’authenticité de la bouteille et offrira d’autres informations importantes, comme l’historique de propriété, le millésime, l’emplacement du domaine, le cépage ainsi que d’autres détails clés. Il est très facile d’accéder aux NFT en touchant un téléphone avec NFC ou RFID. L’historique de la bouteille sera également mis à jour à travers un nouveau registre de blockchain, chaque fois que le vin est revendu et le token passe d’un client à un autre.

Même si les vins de Charles Lachaux seront vendus directement aux consommateurs, exclusivement à travers la plateforme Crurated, les distributeurs continueront à traiter les ventes aux restaurants B2B.

À propos de Charles Lachaux
Charles Lachaux a apporté des changements révolutionnaires à la viticulture d’Arnoux-Lachaux, en faisant reculer les limites de la viticulture bourguignonne actuelle. Décrit par Jancis Robinson comme « une nouvelle étoile étincelante », il incarne la nouvelle génération. En 2021, Charles a été élu « meilleur jeune œnologue du monde » aux Golden Vines Awards qui se sont déroulés à Londres. Il est un grand défenseur de la plantation de haute densité, des faibles rendements et du travail intensif sur le domaine, qui implique le retour au palissage au lieu de tailler les sarments. Lachaux fait partie de la sixième génération qui s’occupe du domaine familial, situé à Vosne-Romanée (Côte-d’Or).

À propos de Crurated
Lancée en 2021, notamment en France et en Italie, Crurated est une communauté de vins basée sur l’adhésion des membres et conçue pour mettre en relation les connaisseurs et les producteurs les plus prestigieux du monde. Une équipe de spécialistes propose des services personnalisés et des expériences authentiques, tandis que le service logistique sans faille de Crurated garantit la qualité et l’origine grâce à un stockage sûr en cave et à l’innovation technologique de la blockchain. Pour toute information complémentaire sur Crurated, visitez

Les photographies qui accompagnent ce texte sont disponibles sur :

Contact :
Michael Volpatt
(415) 994-8864

Charles Lachaux assina acordo exclusivo de distribuição direta ao consumidor com associação de comunidade de vinhos Crurated com base em blockchain

Clientes da Crurated terão acesso especial às pequenas produções de vinhos da Lachaux que estão em alta demanda em todo o mundo

LONDRES, July 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Charles Lachaux, o enólogo mais visionário de Borgonha, anunciou hoje uma parceria exclusiva com a comunidade de vinhos Crurated com base em blockchain. Sob os termos do acordo, os vinhos famosos e premiados de Lachaux, uma pequena produção de alta demanda em todo o mundo, serão vendidos exclusivamente para os associados da Crurated. Para mais detalhes sobre as ofertas e sobre a adesão à Crurated, visite

Os associados terão acesso a ofertas especiais em várias fases durante o ano. A primeira oferta inclui uma caixa mista com seis vinhos:

  • Bourgogne Aligoté, Les Champs d’Argent, 2021
  • Bourgogne Rouge, La Croix Blanche, 2021
  • Côte de Nuits Village, Aux Montagnes, 2021
  • Aloxe-Corton premier cru, Les Valozières, 2021
  • Aldeia Nuits Saint Georges, La Petite Charmotte, 2021
  • Nuits Saint Georges premier cru, Aux Argillas, 2021

A partir de 25 de julho, os vinhos passarão a ser oferecidos aos associados da Crurated por meio de venda privada.

“A inovação na vinificação é fundamental para a produção e distribuição de uma garrafa de vinho excepcional”, disse Charles. “Há muitas décadas os vinhos têm sido distribuídos aos apreciadores de vinho mais exigentes sem atenção em como o processo pode ser melhorado. A Crurated simplifica o acesso aos vinhos raros e o uso da tecnologia blockchain e NFT proporciona aos compradores a autenticidade e a proveniência muito necessárias nesta indústria. Eles são o nosso parceiro ideal em uma nova era de vendas diretas de vinho ao consumidor.”

“A nossa equipe tem a sorte de trabalhar com os melhores vinhos e enólogos do mundo, e Charles Lachaux não é exceção”, disse Alfonso de Gaetano, Fundador da Crurated. “Nossa plataforma de tecnologia com base em blockchain, revolucionou a maneira como os vinhos raros são comprados e vendidos. Somos a primeira associação de comunidade de vinhos a oferecer total transparência e proteção do valor patrimonial. Este modelo está quebrando as quatro paredes das adegas.”

Cada garrafa terá uma NFT. Registrada para sempre na blockchain, a NFT irá confirmar a autenticidade da garrafa e fornecer outros detalhes importantes, incluindo histórico de propriedade, safra, localização da vinícola, varietal e outros detalhes importantes. As NFTs são facilmente acessíveis tocando em um telefone habilitado para NFC ou RFID. O histórico da garrafa também é atualizado por meio de uma nova blockchain sempre que o vinho é revendido e o token é transferido de um cliente para outro.

Embora os vinhos Charles Lachaux sejam vendidos diretamente com exclusividade aos consumidores na plataforma Crurated, as vendas B2B para restaurantes continuarão a ser realizadas pelos distribuidores.

Sobre Charles Lachaux
Charles Lachaux fez mudanças revolucionárias na viticultura quando na Arnoux-Lachaux, ampliando os limites da vinificação borgonhesa de hoje. Mencionado por Jancis Robinson como “uma nova estrela brilhante”, ele representa a nova geração. Em 2021, Charles foi escolhido “o melhor enólogo jovem do planeta” no Golden Vines Awards, realizado em Londres. Ele é um defensor do plantio de alta densidade, baixos rendimentos e trabalho intensivo em vinhedos, inclusive treinar suas videiras em longos “arcos” em vez de podar os brotos. Lachaux representa a 6ª geração a cuidar do patrimônio da família localizado em Vosne-Romanée (Côte-d’Or).

Sobre a Crurated
Lançada em 2021 com ênfase na França e na Itália, a Crurated é uma associação da comunidade vinícola criada para conectar conhecedores e produtores de todo o mundo. Uma equipe de especialistas oferece serviços personalizados e experiências autênticas, enquanto o serviço de logística contínuo da Crurated garante a qualidade e a proveniência, graças ao armazenamento seguro da adega e à inovadora tecnologia blockchain. Para mais informação sobre a Crurated, visite

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas no:

Michael Volpatt
(415) 994-8864

‫ شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): تأكيد شي على تعزيز الشعور بالانتماء للأمة الصينية.

بكين، 18 يوليوز/تموز 2022 / PRNewswire / — وكما تقول كلمات أغنية شعبية في الصين، “ينتمي الإخوة والأخوات من 56 مجموعة عرقية إلى نفس العائلة”.

الصين هي موطن لـ 56 مجموعة عرقية، يشكل الهان الغالبية منهم بحوالي 91.5 في المائة من سكان البلاد، وذلك وفقًا لبيانات عام 2021. تعتبر منطقة شينجيانغ الويغورية ذاتية الحكم بشمال غرب الصين منطقة متعددة الأعراق منذ العصور القديمة وتضم أكثر من 45 مجموعة عرقية.

شدد الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ، وهو أيضا الأمين العام للجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، على تعزيز الوحدة العرقية والتقدم وتعزيز الشعور بالانتماء للأمة الصينية خلال زيارته لمنطقة شينجيانغ الويغورية ذاتية الحكم من بعد ظهر الثلاثاء إلى صباح الأربعاء.

حماية ثقافات المجموعات العرقية المختلفة

قال شي عند مشاهدة عرض بعنوان “ماناس Manas ” من أقلية قيرغيز العرقية في متحف منطقة شينجيانغ الويغورية ذاتية الحكم، إن الحضارة الصينية الواسعة والعميقة تتكون من ثقافات بارزة من مجموعات عرقية مختلفة.

أدرجت العروض على أنها تراث ثقافي غير مادي.

وقال إن التراث الثقافي مثل “ماناس Manas ” هو كنز لكل من القيرغيز والأمة الصينية، وحث على بذل جهود أفضل للحفاظ عليها وتعزيزها.

جميع المجموعات العرقية في شينجيانغ لديها عناصر على قوائم التمثيل الوطني والإقليمي المستقل للتراث الثقافي غير المادي، ويخضع 133 موقعًا للتراث الثقافي لحماية الدولة، وفقًا لما جاء في الكتاب الأبيض الصادر عن المكتب الإعلامي لمجلس الدولة في البلاد العام الماضي.

قالت الصحيفة إن التقاليد الثقافية لجميع المجموعات العرقية في شينجيانغ محمية بشكل جيد، مع إعطاء أمثلة مثل الأحداث الثقافية الشعبية، مثل مهرجان فانوس هان Han Lantern ، و Uygur Meshrep ، و Kazak Aytes ، ومعرض Kirgiz Kobuz Ballad للغناء، ومعرض الندام المنغولي، ومهرجان Hui Hua’er Folk Song ، الذي لا يزال يحتفل به على نطاق واسع.

تحسين سبل العيش لجميع المجموعات العرقية

أثناء زيارته لمجتمع جويوانشيانغ السكني في منطقة تيانشان صباح الأربعاء، حث شي المسؤولين المحليين على تحسين الخدمات المجتمعية لصالح السكان من جميع المجموعات العرقية.

كما سافر الرئيس بعد ظهر الأربعاء إلى مدينة شيهيزي، حيث تفقد المسؤولين والعاملين في فرقة شينجيانغ للإنتاج والبناء، وهي مجموعة وصف وضعها بأنها “لا يمكن تعويضها”.

باعتبارها مكونًا مهمًا في منطقة شينجيانغ الويغورية ذاتية الحكم، فإن XPCC هي منظمة اجتماعية خاصة تتعامل مع شؤونها الإدارية والقضائية داخل مناطق الاستصلاح الخاضعة لإدارتها، وفقًا لقوانين وأنظمة الدولة والمنطقة. وتتولى مسئوليات فلاحة وحراسة المناطق الحدودية.

قال شي في حديثه إلى مسؤولي XPCC والعاملين فيه، إنه مسرور بالتقدم الكبير الذي أحرزته XPCC في الإصلاح والتطوير، وينبغي أيضًا أن يفخر مسؤولو XPCC وعمال الموظفين أنفسهم.

كما تَعرف على تاريخ XPCC في زراعة وحراسة المناطق الحدودية، فضلاً عن جهود الفيلق في تعزيز منظمات المستوى الأولي، وتطوير الزراعة المتخصصة، وتعزيز التنمية المتكاملة للفيلق والمناطق المحلية.

شهدت منطقة شينجيانغ الويغورية ذاتية الحكم تنمية اقتصادية مستمرة مع ازدهار الأعمال. سجلت شينجيانغ نموًا في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي بنسبة 7 في المائة في عام 2021، بإجمالي 1.6 تريليون يوان (حوالي 253.2 مليار دولار).

تم خلق إجمالي 477400 فرصة عمل في المناطق الحضرية في المنطقة، مما أدى إلى خفض معدل البطالة في المناطق الحضرية التي شملتها الدراسة بنسبة 1.1 نقطة مئوية إلى 2.2 في المائة، وفقًا لمكتب الإحصاء في منطقة الحكم الذاتي.

كما شدد الرئيس خلال الجولة التفقدية على رعاية المواهب وتنسيق استجابة كوفيد-19 مع التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وتعزيز التعاون بين الحزام والطريق.

رابط الفيديو-

G Mining Ventures Announces US$481 million Financing Package for Tocantinzinho Gold Project

All amounts are in US dollars unless stated otherwise

  • Tocantinzinho Gold Project financed for construction
  • Existing cash on hand and committed capital from financing package totals over $535 million providing an estimated $81 million in cash and contingency
  • Continued support from Eldorado Gold via participation in equity financing
  • Franco-Nevada providing a $353 million full financing solution including stream, debt, and equity
  • La Mancha becoming strategic investor and long term partner who will hold 25.0% of common shares
  • Project early works on budget and nearing completion enabling full construction to commence in Q3-22
  • Detailed engineering and procurement phase progressing in-line with Feasibility Study estimates

BROSSARD, QC, July 18, 2022 – G Mining Ventures Corp. (“GMIN” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce that the Corporation has entered into binding commitments with respect to a comprehensive construction financing package totaling $481 million for the development and construction of its 100% owned Tocantinzinho Gold Project (“TZ” or the “Project”). The Project remains on track to achieve production in the second half of 2024. Securing financing on schedule, despite a volatile market environment, represents a strong statement of support for the management team, as well as the technical and economic merits of the Project.

Financing Package Highlights – $481 million

  • $116 million equity financing via a private placement with strategic investors (the “Strategic Investors”) priced at C$0.80 per common share
    • $68.8 million investment by La Mancha Investments S.à r.l. (“La Mancha”)
    • $27.5 million investment by Franco-Nevada Corporation (“Franco-Nevada”)
    • $20.0 million investment by Eldorado Gold Corporation (“Eldorado Gold”)
  • $250 million gold stream with Franco-Nevada
    • Represents one of Franco-Nevada’s largest gold streams on a primary gold mine
  • $75 million senior secured term loan from Franco-Nevada
  • $40 million in equipment financing with Caterpillar Financial Services Limited (“Cat Financial”)
  • The gold stream and term loan financings are closed, and the remainder of the financing package is expected to close in Q3-22

Louis-Pierre Gignac, President & Chief Executive Officer of GMIN, commented: “We are delighted to welcome two new cornerstone partners in Franco-Nevada and La Mancha who are committed to the long-term success and growth of GMIN. Their commitment, along with Eldorado Gold’s continued support, further validates the management team and the work done to advance the Project since its acquisition in 2021. Building on our positive Feasibility Study released earlier this year, this financing package marks the next step in the progression of GMIN and allows us to continue to unlock value at TZ. The imminent development of TZ will deliver value to our growing stakeholder group, including generating attractive job opportunities and economic prosperity in Pará State.”

Paul Brink, President & Chief Executive Officer of Franco-Nevada, commented: “We are delighted to support GMIN with this construction financing package. Tocantinzinho is an attractive project in a prolific district and located in a good jurisdiction. The GMIN team has a track-record as one of the most capable mine building teams in the industry.  The debt and equity investments that accompany our stream investment reflect our confidence in the capabilities of the GMIN team and in the potential of the project.”

Karim Nasr, Managing Partner of La Mancha Capital Advisory LLP, commented: “The La Mancha Group has a long track record of successful investments in the mining industry, and we look to build further on this track record with La Mancha’s investment in GMIN. We are impressed with the unique skillset of the management team, and with both the quality and potential of TZ. We look forward to being a part of GMIN’s journey towards becoming an intermediate producer through the development of TZ, and as the Corporation evaluates future growth opportunities beyond this initial Project.”

Overview of Project Financing

As detailed in the Feasibility Study published in Q1-2022, the initial Project capital cost is estimated to be $427 million, which is inclusive of $38 million of contingency (10% before taxes). After taking into consideration $49 million of payable taxes, the total funding required is $476 million. GMIN is eligible for $18 million of recoverable taxes and tax credits, which have not been deducted in calculating development capital required as this will only be received after the commencement of production.

As of June 30, 2022, GMIN has incurred capital expenditures of $21 million, resulting in remaining estimated capital costs of $455 million, or $417 million exclusive of $38 million of contingency. Procurement to date totaling $71 million is tracking on budget and has largely focused on major equipment for the process plant and mining equipment. GMIN is progressing well on its procurement strategy that focuses on maximizing Brazilian sources when sourcing equipment and supplies.

The total financing package of $481 million, combined with $54 million of cash on hand as at June 30, 2022, totals $535 million of available capital, and provides GMIN with committed capital sources in excess of the remaining estimated capital balance. It is estimated that $32 million of the equipment financing provided by Cat Financial will be utilized during the construction period, with $8 million to stay in reserve.

After taking into consideration corporate costs, working capital, and debt service, GMIN estimates cash and budgeted contingency totaling $81 million (18%), as detailed below.

Figure 1 – Sources and Uses of Funds Summary

G Mining-8





Financing Package Summary

In connection with the financing package, GMIN and Franco-Nevada have executed final documentation with respect to: (i) a definitive purchase and sale agreement under which Franco-Nevada (Barbados) Corporation will pay GMIN a deposit of $250 million to acquire a percentage of payable gold production from TZ, (ii) the provision by Franco-Nevada, through one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries, of a senior secured term loan in the principal amount of $75 million, and (iii) the purchase by Franco-Nevada, on a private placement basis, of approximately 44.7 million GMIN common shares at a subscription price of C$0.80 per share, for total proceeds of $27.5 million (C$35.8 million).

Concurrently, GMIN, La Mancha, and Eldorado Gold have executed final documentation with respect to the purchase by La Mancha and Eldorado Gold, on a private placement basis, of 111.9 million and 32.5 million, respectively, GMIN common shares at a subscription price of C$0.80 per share, for gross proceeds of $68.8 and $20.0 million (C$89.5 and C$26.0 million), respectively.

Equity Private Placement – Strategic Investors

  • C$151.3 million ($116.4 million) in equity financing, priced at C$0.80 per share, via a non-brokered private placement
  • La Mancha has agreed to subscribe for a total of 111,879,265 common shares of GMIN for aggregate proceeds of C$89.5 million ($68.8 million)
    • La Mancha will subscribe for 82,875,000 common shares on closing to hold 19.8% of GMIN’s common shares outstanding, and subscribe for a further 29,004,265 common shares to hold 25.0% following approval of the disinterested GMIN shareholders
    • GMIN and La Mancha will enter into an investor rights agreement that grants La Mancha the right to nominate two directors to GMIN’s Board of Directors, as long as La Mancha maintains a minimum ownership of 15%
    • Karim Nasr, Managing Partner of La Mancha Capital Advisory LLP, will be nominated on the closing date of the first tranche, with a second director to follow at a later date
    • La Mancha will be granted customary anti-dilution, registration, and information rights, and has agreed to a 24-month standstill period that includes restrictions on dispositions
  • Franco-Nevada has agreed to subscribe for 44,687,500 common shares of GMIN for aggregate proceeds of C$35.8 million ($27.5 million)
    • Franco-Nevada will hold 9.9% of GMIN’s common shares outstanding
    • GMIN and Franco-Nevada have entered into an investor rights agreement that grants Franco-Nevada a right of first refusal on any future royalty and stream sales by GMIN as long as Franco-Nevada maintains a minimum ownership of 5.0% of GMIN’s common shares outstanding
    • Franco-Nevada has also been granted customary anti-dilution rights and has agreed to a 24-month standstill period that includes restrictions on dispositions
  • Eldorado Gold has substantially exercised its anti-dilution right and has agreed to subscribe for 32,500,000 common shares of GMIN for aggregate proceeds of C$26.0 million ($20.0 million)
    • Eldorado Gold will hold 17.7% of GMIN’s common shares outstanding

Members of the Gignac Family, along with GMIN directors and officers (collectively “Insiders”) hold 34,722,869 common shares, which will represent 7.8% of GMIN’s common shares outstanding pro-forma the transaction. To further align with the Strategic Investors, the Insiders have agreed to a 24-month restriction on sales or transfers of any GMIN securities.

The private placement is subject to the acceptance of the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”) and will be completed in two tranches, with the first tranche closing in July 2022. The second tranche, which will consist of the issuance to La Mancha of approximately 29.0 million GMIN common shares for proceeds of approximately C$23.2 million ($17.8 million), and which will be subject to a majority approval of the disinterested GMIN shareholders pursuant to the policies of the TSXV, is expected to close in Q3-22. At the time of writing, voting support agreements that comprise more than 45% of the disinterested GMIN shareholders have been entered into with the Strategic Investors and Insiders.

Gold Stream – Franco-Nevada

  • Deposit: $250.0 million
  • Deliveries: 12.5% of the gold production from TZ, reducing to 7.5% after delivery of 300,000 ounces
  • Ongoing Payments: 20% of the spot gold price at the time of delivery
  • ESG Initiatives: Up to $250,000 per year for four years for investment towards environmental initiatives and social projects in the communities surrounding TZ
  • Drawdown of the deposit is subject to satisfaction of certain customary conditions for a transaction of this nature

erm Loan – Franco-Nevada

  • Facility Amount: $75.0 million
  • Term: 6.0 years
  • Availability Period: Multi-draw facility available after the stream deposit is fully drawn, at GMIN’s discretion for up to 3.5 years
    • Standby fee on undrawn amounts of 1.0% per annum, which GMIN has the option of accruing and capitalizing for the first 2-year period
  • Coupon: 3-Month Term Secured Overnight Financing Rate plus a margin of 5.75% per annum pre-project completion, with the margin reducing to 4.75% after completion
    • 2-year interest deferral period during which GMIN has the option of accruing and capitalizing interest
  • Amortization: Principal, accrued interest, and accrued fees are repayable starting in December 2025 as follows:
    • 10 equal quarterly payments equal to 7.5% of the balance outstanding; and
    • Bullet payment equal to 25.0%
  • Original Issue Discount: 2.0% applicable on amounts drawn
  • Franco-Nevada will be granted 11.5 million warrants with a five-year term and an exercise price of C$1.90 per share
    • Exercise price equals the exercise price of the existing 37.5 million warrants issued as part of GMIN’s September 2021 financing, the only currently outstanding warrants
    • Warrants will have a cashless exercise mechanism to enable Franco-Nevada to avoid its holdings from exceeding 9.9% of GMIN’s common shares outstanding at time of exercise

Equipment Financing

  • Up to $40 million in equipment financing via a credit-approved term sheet with Cat Financial, for the supply of Caterpillar primary and ancillary mining fleet and construction machinery
  • Pending completion of final documentation, the Cat Financial lease financing will be available to the Corporation upon a final construction decision by GMIN’s Board of Directors and other customary conditions

Tocantinzinho Development Update

Since the most recent project update released on May 26, 2022, GMIN has advanced the following aspects of the Project:


  • Procurement to date totals $71 million, is tracking on budget, and has largely focused on major equipment for the process plant and mining equipment
    • Procured equipment contains significant Brazilian content
  • Purchase orders for equipment with long lead times have been executed to achieve the construction schedule in order to achieve production in the second half of 2024
  • Equipment deliveries will be staggered over time with first machines delivered to site in September 2022
  • Primary mining equipment is currently being funded using cash on hand, but will be refinanced through the abovementioned $40 million equipment financing package

Power Supply

  • Detailed engineering of transmission line and Novo Progresso substation is complete

Construction – Early Works Activities

  • Exploration camp capacity has been increased to 350 beds with the addition of 10 dormitories
    • New water well, lunchroom and kitchen equipment in operation
  • Temporary explosives storage facility is progressing, with berms in place and fencing to be completed
  • The logistics base in Moraes Almeida is nearing completion
    • Once delivered, the facility will be managed by the logistics freight forwarder, which will allow for consolidation of goods for delivery to site
  • Access road upgrades have continued with the arrival of the dry season

Figure 2 – Expansion of Exploration Camp

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Figure 3 – Freight forwarder base in Moraes Almeida

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Figure 4 – Access Road Upgrade

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Tocantinzinho Benefit to Local Community

Local Employment

  • The Project is expected to create up to 1,200 jobs during the construction phase and over 600 permanent jobs during the operation stage
  • A minimum of 30% of employees are to be hired from the local communities of Itaituba, Morais Almeida, Jardim de Ouro and Mamoal
  • In addition to the training during the construction phase, GMIN plans to invest over 85,000 hours on internal training to develop the skills of the local workforce

Community Programs

  • GMIN provided internet access and IT infrastructure for Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental César Almeida, the local elementary and middle school of Moraes Almeida
    • The school has 1,700 enrolled students and 80 staff members
  • GMIN will support local community requests related to education, health and cultural initiatives through provision of funding and expertise
  • Franco-Nevada is providing up to $250,000 per year, for four years, for investment towards environmental initiatives and social projects in the communities surrounding TZ

Figure 5 – Mr. Severino, Director of Education of Itaituba, with Louis-Pierre Gignac

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Other Long-term Local Benefits

  • Creation of long-lasting shared infrastructure, such as the 190km transmission line
    • In addition to powering the project through 80% renewable energy, the transmission line will become part of the state utility infrastructure, providing reliable power to the region
  • Construction of a bypass road in Jardim do Ouro to improve safety by diverting heavy traffic from current industrial activities by other companies (and future GMIN operations) away from the village
  • GMIN will prioritize local procurement to enable capacity building and business development


BMO Capital Markets is acting as exclusive financial advisor to GMIN in connection with the La Mancha strategic investment. Stikeman Elliott LLP, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Grebler Advogados and Mattos Filho Advogados acted as GMIN’s legal advisors.

Timetable and Next Steps

With the financing package secured, the Corporation will be focused on the following activities:

  • Positive construction decision;
  • Finalization and results of 10,000-meter exploration and drilling program in Q3-22;
  • Completion of detailed engineering through H1-23; and
  • Expected first gold production in H2-24 with the first year of full production in 2025.

Feasibility Study 3D VRIFY Presentation

To view a 3D VRIFY presentation of the Study please click on the following link: Feasibility Study 3D VRIFY Presentation, or visit the Corporation’s website at

Tocantinzinho Financing Package Conference Call Details

GMIN will host a conference call to discuss the financing package.

Date: Monday, July 18, 2022

Time: 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time.

Participants may join the call as follows:

Dialing North American Toll Free: +1-888-506-0062

International: 973.528.0011

Access Code: 564993

Webcast URL:

For those unable to participate, a web-based archive of the conference call will be available for playback through Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at the same Webcast URL above. Also, an audio replay will be available from 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, July 18, 2022 through Monday, August 1, 2022. To access the replay, please call 1.877.481.4010 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.919.882.2331 (International) and enter confirmation code 46159 #.

Additional Information

For further information on GMIN, please visit the website at or contact:

Jessie Liu-Ernsting

Director, Investor Relations and Communications


About G Mining Ventures Corp.

G Mining Ventures Corp. (TSXV: GMIN) (OTCQX: GMINF) is a mineral exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of precious metal projects, to capitalize on the value uplift from successful mine development. GMIN is well-positioned to grow into the next mid-tier precious metals producer by leveraging strong access to capital and proven development expertise. GMIN is currently anchored by its flagship Tocantinzinho Project in mining friendly and prospective Pará State, Brazil.

About Franco-Nevada

Franco-Nevada is the leading gold-focused royalty and streaming company with the largest and most diversified portfolio of cash-flow producing assets. Its business model provides investors with gold price and exploration optionality while limiting exposure to cost inflation. Franco-Nevada is debt-free and uses its free cash flow to expand its portfolio and pay dividends. It trades under the symbol FNV on both the Toronto and New York stock exchanges. Franco-Nevada is the gold investment that works.

About La Mancha and La Mancha Fund SCSp

La Mancha is a wholly-owned subsidiary of La Mancha Fund SCSp (the “Fund”), a Luxembourg based investment fund advised by La Mancha Capital Advisory LLP that is focused on investments in the precious metals and energy transition space.  La Mancha’s head office is located at 31-33 Avenue Pasteur L-2311 Luxembourg. La Mancha will file an early warning report in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws, which will be available under GMIN’s profile on the SEDAR website at, and may also be obtained by contacting Karim-Michel Nasr as provided for below.

About La Mancha Capital Advisory LLP

La Mancha Capital Advisory LLP advises the Fund on strategic investments made in publicly listed and private exploration, royalty, and mining companies with a global outlook. La Mancha Capital Advisory LLP is a long-term minded investment advisor, with a mandate to support mining companies to achieve sustained growth by providing long-term equity capital as well as operational and board level expertise, to further portfolio company performance and expansion.

La Mancha Capital Advisory LLP is an Appointed Representative of G10 Capital Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 648953).

Additional Information

For further information on La Mancha Capital Advisory LLP, please visit the website at or contact:

Karim-Michel Nasr

Managing Partner and Co-CIO


About La Mancha’s Subscription

On July 18, 2022, La Mancha entered a subscription agreement (the “Subscription Agreement”) with GMIN pursuant to which La Mancha agreed to subscribe for an aggregate of 111,879,265 common shares in the capital of GMIN (“Common Shares”) by way of a private placement at a price of C$0.80 per Common Share for aggregate cash consideration of C$89,503,412 (the “Subscription”).

Subject to satisfaction or waiver of all closing conditions, the Subscription will close in two tranches: (i) on or before July 29, 2022, La Mancha will subscribe for 82,875,000 Common Shares at a purchase price of C$0.80 per Common Share for aggregate cash consideration of C$66,300,000 (the “Initial Subscription”); and (ii) by no later than November 30, 2022, La Mancha will subscribe for 29,004,265 Common Shares at a purchase price of C$0.80 per Common Share for aggregate cash consideration of C$23,203,412 (the “Subsequent Subscription”).

La Mancha does not otherwise currently own or have control or direction over any Common Shares. Following completion of the Initial Subscription, La Mancha will beneficially own and have control and direction over an aggregate of 82,875,000 Common Shares, representing approximately 19.8% of the then issued and outstanding Common Shares of GMIN. Following completion of the Subsequent Subscription, La Mancha will beneficially own and have control and direction over an aggregate of 111,879,265 Common Shares, representing approximately 25% of the then issued and outstanding Common Shares.

At the closing of the Initial Subscription, La Mancha, and GMIN will enter an investor rights agreement, upon which La Mancha will be granted certain director nomination, anti-dilution, and registration rights. The Common Shares to be acquired by La Mancha on completion of the Subscription will be acquired for investment purposes. In the future, La Mancha may, from time to time, increase or decrease its investment in GMIN through market transactions, private arrangements, treasury issuances or otherwise.

About Eldorado Gold

Eldorado is a gold and base metals producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Turkey, Canada, Greece and Romania. The Company has a highly skilled and dedicated workforce, safe and responsible operations, a portfolio of high-quality assets, and long-term partnerships with local communities. Eldorado’s common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: ELD) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: EGO).

Eldorado Gold currently owns 46,926,372 GMIN common shares representing approximately 18.2% of the outstanding GMIN common shares. Following and subject to completion of the purchase of 32,500,000 GMIN common shares by Eldorado Gold described above, Eldorado Gold would own 79,426,372 GMIN common shares representing 19.0% of the outstanding GMIN common shares upon closing of the first tranche, and 17.7% upon closing of the second tranche.

Eldorado Gold advises that the securities will be acquired for investments purposes. Eldorado Gold may, depending on the market and other conditions, increase or decrease its beneficial ownership of GMIN’s securities, whether in the open market, by privately negotiated agreements or otherwise, subject to a number of factors, including general market conditions and other available investment and business opportunities.

This disclosure is provided pursuant to Multilateral Instrument 62-104, which also requires an early warning report to be filed containing additional information with respect to the foregoing matters. A copy of the early warning report will be available on SEDAR under GMIN’s issuer profile at and may be obtained upon request from Eldorado Gold by contacting Eldorado Gold at the contact information below.

Contact Information:

Eldorado Gold Corporation

1188 – 550 Burrard Street Bentall 5

Vancouver, British Columbia

V6C 2B5

Tel: 604.601.6656

Lisa Wilkinson

Vice President, Investor Relations

604.757 2237 or 1.888.353.8166

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.

Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information

All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this press release constitute “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of certain securities laws and are based on expectations and projections as of the date of this press release. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, without limitation:

  1. Those related to the Project financing, such as:
    • the closing of the financing package in Q3-22;
    • the fulfilment of all conditions to effect drawdown and receive the $250 million deposit under the Franco-Nevada gold stream;
    • the approval of the disinterested GMIN shareholders for the second tranche of the La Mancha equity placement;
    • the private placement acceptance of the TSXV;
    • the volume of gold deliveries under the Franco-Nevada gold stream;
    • the completion of ESG initiatives as per the Franco-Nevada agreements; and
    • the closing of the Cat Financial lease financing;
  1. Those related to the Project itself, such as:
    • commencement of full construction in Q3-22, subject to approval of the Board of Directors;
    • achievement of production in the second half of 2024;
    • on time deliveries of equipment and prioritizing of local procurement;
    • near completion of certain early works activities;
    • job creation during the construction period as well as the operation stage, notably through employment from local communities;
    • development of local workforce skills through training programs;
    • responsiveness to local community requests relating to education, health and cultural initiatives;
    • creation of long-lasting infrastructure; and
    • completion of drilling program in Q3-22, and of detailed engineering through H1-23;
  1. And, more generally, the President & Chief Executive Officer’s comments hereinabove and those of the Franco-Nevada Chief Executive Officer and La Mancha Capital Advisory LLP’s Managing Partner, as well as the contents of the above sections entitled “Timetable and Next Steps” and “About G Mining Ventures Corp.”.

Forward-looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections as of the time of this press release. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Corporation as of the time of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. These estimates and assumptions may prove to be incorrect. Such assumptions include, without limitation, a USD:CAD exchange rate of 1.30 and also those underlying the items listed on the above sections entitled “Timetable and Next Steps” and  “About G Mining Ventures Corp.”.

Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can directly or indirectly affect, and could cause, actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that, notably but without limitation, the Corporation will (i) close all components of its project financing as outlined in this press release, (ii) make a positive construction decision regarding the Project in 2022 or ever, (iii) bring the Project into commercial production or (iv) become an intermediate gold producer, as future events could differ materially from what is currently anticipated by the Corporation.

By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that estimates, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will not be achieved or that assumptions do not reflect future experience. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management’s expectations and plans relating to the future. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements as a number of important risk factors and future events could cause the actual outcomes to differ materially from the beliefs, plans, objectives, expectations, anticipations, estimates, assumptions and intentions expressed in such forward-looking statements. All of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those made in the Corporation’s other filings with the securities regulators of Canada including, but not limited to, the cautionary statements made in the relevant sections of the Corporation’s (i) Annual Information Form dated June 3, 2022, for the financial year ended December 31, 2021, and (ii) Management Discussion & Analysis. The Corporation cautions that the foregoing list of factors that may affect future results is not exhaustive, and new, unforeseeable risks may arise from time to time. The Corporation disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law.

UL Enterprise Launches New Brands

Three distinct organizations mark significant moment to continue 128-year history of safety science leadership

NORTHBROOK, Ill., July 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Today, the UL enterprise revealed new brands for its three organizations — UL Research Institutes, UL Standards & Engagement and UL Solutions. The brands reflect and clarify the unique role that each organization plays in working for a safer world.

UL Research Institutes, UL Standards & Engagement and UL Solutions

“Our expertise in safety science has enabled the advancement of the human experience, including safety at work and home, for more than 128 years,” said James Shannon, board chairman, UL Research Institutes and UL Solutions. “While the brands signify a new era for each of our organizations, we share a history and the UL and Underwriters Laboratories names, which are synonymous with safety science leadership. Our brands may be evolving, but our commitment to working for a safer world is constant.”

The UL enterprise confronts safety challenges head-on, turning questions and hypotheses into discoveries, and innovating to ensure that scientific knowledge is applied. The three organizations’ capacity to create change is amplified by a distinctive network of researchers, engineers, technologists, government regulators, technical experts and business leaders to advance safety science.

Each of the three organizations — two nonprofit organizations and the commercial business — serves a distinct role in helping to advance safety science:

  • The UL Research Institutes brand signals its focus on rigorous independent research into ongoing and emerging human safety risks. As threats evolve and their consequences become more severe, UL Research Institutes pursues scientific discovery to advance public safety — marshaling resources to scan for and assess emerging human safety risks in areas such as autonomous systems and artificial intelligence.
  • The UL Standards & Engagement brand exemplifies its longstanding role as a critical facilitator of standards-related public-private partnerships around the world. UL Standards & Engagement translates data and safety science research into actionable, rigorous safety standards and drives safety advocacy campaigns focused on improving public safety.
  • The UL Solutions brand represents its commitment to partnering with customers and stakeholders around the world to help solve safety, security and sustainability challenges. A global safety science leader, UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth.

While the logos for the organizations have been updated to reflect the new brands, the existing UL Certification Marks, which signal high-quality performance and independent third-party safety, security and sustainability certification, will remain unchanged.

About UL Research Institutes
UL Research Institutes is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to advancing the Underwriters Laboratories public safety mission through scientific discovery and application. With best-in-class experts, we are the world’s premier safety science research organization.  We conduct rigorous independent research, analyze safety data and explore at the edges of technology to be the first to uncover and act on emerging risks to human safety.

About UL Standards & Engagement
UL Standards & Engagement is a nonprofit standards development and advocacy organization that translates data from safety science into practical, action-oriented safety standards. We convene experts worldwide and serve as a vital resource for regulators and policymakers. As a part of our public outreach activities, we share knowledge, advance standards-related safety policy partnerships and advocate for standards and regulations that result in positive safety changes.

About UL Solutions
A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 100 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Certification Marks serve as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflect an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.

Press contact:
Steven Brewster
UL Solutions
T 1+847.664.8425

Logo –

‫ inq. تستحوذ على الملكية الفكرية لشركة Enea Edge للقدرة على التنسيق المتقدم

جوهانسبرج، يوليه 18، 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت شركة inq . اليوم والتي تُعد أحد مقدمي الخدمة العالمية الرائدة للحلول المتقدمة، عن توقيع اتفاق مع Enea AB لترخيص الملكية الفكرية الخاصة بشركة Enea Edge من خلال ترخيص دائم لتطوير البرمجيات.


Enea Edge هي عبارة عن منصة محاكاة افتراضية وإدارة للأجهزة الحديثة مثل الصندوق الأبيض uCPEs . تقدم المنصة الحد الأدنى من التأثير الملحوظ  وتركز على الفاعلية القصوى، وبصفة خاصة المحيط بتطبيقات الشبكات والتطبيقات المتطورة.

وبهذه المناسبة قال أنديل نجكابا، الرئيس التنفيذي لـ inq . « تعتبر الملكية الفكرية الخاصة بـ Enea Edge استراتيجية للغاية لـ inq . لقد عملنا بإخلاص من أجل أن نكون شركة رائدة متقدمة على مستوى العالم وشرعنا في الحصول على التطور كجزء من استراتيجيتنا الأساسية. وبينما كانت inq تركز بصفة أساسية على التطبيقات المتقدمة مثل AI، SDN، NFT ، و loT ، مع الملكية الفكرية المرخصة من Enea inq سوف نستطيع الآن الدخول إلى منطقة التنسيق المتقدم. » 

 من خلال الوصول إلى مجموعة أدوات تطوير البرامج والملكية الفكرية من Enea Edge ، فإن هذا يضع inq كشركة تكنولوجيا متقدمة ذات ملكية كاملة، بداية من الأجهزة والمراقبين المتميزين إلى التنسيق المتقدم والتطبيقات.

ومن جانبه صرح برامود فينكاتيش، الرئيس التنفيذي للتكنولوجيا لمجموعة inq . « تقوم inq في الوقت الحاضر ببناء خارطة طريق لمنتج من أجل ENEA Edge في مركز التطوير inq في الهند. وسنكون قادرين على تقديم الأعمال والخدمات الفنية إلي قاعدة عملاء ENEA Edge الحاليين وترتيب ترخيص لـ Global Telco و ISPs و MSPs من أجل نشر uCPE و الصندوق الأبيض. » 

عملت inq عن كثب على مدار العامين الماضيين مع Enea واستخدمت Enea Edge كأساس لبرنامج المحاكاة الافتراضية والإدارة للمنصة العالمية لمعدات مباني inq . سوف تسمح اتفاقية الترخيص هذه لـ inq ببناء خارطة الطريق الخاصة بها، والتي يمكن تقديمها أيضا إلى مستخدمي Enea Edge الآخرين.

تمتلك Enea Edge الإمكانيات التي يمكن استخدامها في بناء الشبكات الافتراضية، وعلى ذلك، يمكنها أيضا العمل مع مزودي خدمات الإنترنت ومشغلي شبكات المحمول في أوروبا وإفريقيا لتسريع المحاكاة الافتراضية لشبكاتهم ويمكن أن تلعب دورُا رائدُا كجزء من عمليات نشر الجيل الخامس من خلال توفير قاعدة التنسيق.

نبذة عن inq .

inq هي شركة شركاء ذوي هدف مشترك ( Convergence Partners company ) وهي الشركة العالمية الأولي في مجال تكنولوجيا الحاسبات المتقدمة والتي تأسست في أفريقيا لتقديم خدمات رقمية مبتكرة حسب الطلب وذات صلة بالأعمال التجارية ومثيرة للاهتمام. تربط inq أكثر من 1200 شركة من أبرز الشركات الرائدة في أكثر من تسع دول في القارة. وتشتهر الشركة بحلولها المبتكرة في مجال الملكية الفكرية وتقديم الأعمال والخدمات مثل Edge AI و loT و Fabric و SDN/NFV و Elastic Edge . وبصفتها مزود حلول متقدم ورائد في أفريقيا، تواصل الشركة في الاستثمار وتوسيع نطاق وجودها في القارة.

 الشعار –

AUW Offers Hundreds of Scholarships for Afghan Women; Donates Essential Medicines for Kabul Hospitals

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN – Media OutReach – 18 July 2022 – Asian University for Women (AUW), based in Chittagong, Bangladesh, offered hundreds of new scholarships for Afghan women who are eligible and qualified for admission to AUW’s undergraduate or graduate programs.  During a four-day visit to Kabul, Kamal Ahmad, Founder of the Asian University for Women, met with Mr. Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, Acting Deputy Foreign Minister of Afghanistan and former head of the Taliban’s political office in Doha, Qatar, and made the offer.  He also handed over a gift of essential medicines for Kabul hospitals that was requested by the Afghan authorities.  Deputy Foreign Minister Stanikzai welcomed the AUW initiative and committed his support for the proposal.AUW-1

Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister H.E. Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai presenting a gift of a plate of Lapis Lazuli to Kamal Ahmad for AUW as a token of his government’s appreciation of AUW’s support for Afghan women’s education.

Separately, Kamal Ahmad also held discussions with the Acting Minister of Higher Education; the Minister of Education; the Chancellor of Kabul University; and other senior government officials.  He also called on the Ambassador of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) based in Kabul.

In addition to the scholarships, AUW has proposed to initiate a pilot online secondary school education program through which Afghan students studying at the AUW Graduate School of Education would run online classes following the Afghan national curriculum.  A new MOU is being prepared in this regard to be entered into between AUW and the Afghan Ministry of Education.  This pilot project would provide an opportunity for AUW Afghan Masters students to gain teaching experience while also enabling young girls to continue their education at home while the Afghan government determines its approach to girls’ and women’s education.  The Afghan Acting Minister of Education invited AUW to make a formal proposal in this regard and noted that his Ministry will be soon initiating a Directorate of Online Education.

It may be noted that AUW has been deeply engaged in education of Afghan girls and women from its inception.  Currently, about 170 Afghan women attend AUW on full scholarship.

About Asian University for Women (AUW):

Founded in 2008 and located in Chittagong, Bangladesh, AUW is the first of its kind: a regional institution dedicated to women’s education and leadership development through liberal arts and sciences education.  It is international in outlook but rooted in the contexts and aspirations of the people of Asia. Chartered by the Parliament of Bangladesh, AUW exists solely to support a rising network of women leaders, entrepreneurs, and changemakers from across the region. It seeks out women who show significant academic achievement and potential, demonstrate courage and a sense of outrage at injustice, and are empathic to the woes of other people.

1160 students from 17 countries currently attend AUW: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Syria, Timor Leste, Vietnam, and Yemen. More than 85% of AUW students are on full or near-full scholarships funded by supporters from around the world. The University has graduated over a thousand students to date. A majority of AUW graduates secure employment in the private and public sectors in their home countries while about 25% go on to pursue graduate studies at other institutions of higher learning including Oxford, Cambridge, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, Columbia, Duke, Brandeis and Tufts, among others. To learn more about Asian University for Women, please visit

Media Inquiries:

Tapu Chowdhury


‫Thunes تشارك مع التجاري وفا بنك لتوسيع خدمات المدفوعات المصرفية في جميع أنحاء المغرب

سنغافورة، 18 يوليو 2022 / PRNewswire / — Thunes  هي شركة عالمية للمدفوعات عبر الحدود، دخلت في شراكة استراتيجية مع التجاري وفا بنك، أحد أكبر البنوك في المغرب وإفريقيا.

وتمكن هذه الشراكة أي من أصحاب الحسابات المصرفية في المغرب البالغ عددهم نحو 30 مليونًا من تلقي المدفوعات الواردة مباشرة إلى حساباتهم. سيتمتع عملاء  Thunes  العالميون بالقدرة على إرسال مدفوعات سلسة وفعالة من حيث التكلفة وفي الوقت الحقيقي إلى الحسابات المصرفية في المغرب.

ترتبط  Thunes  بالتجاري وفا بنك عبر  Ripple ، الشركة الرائدة في مجال حلول الشركات وسلسلة الكتل (بلوك تشين)، وتقنياتها المالية العالمية  RippleNet . سيسمح الاتصال بـ  RippleNet  و Thunes  لعملاء التجاري وفا بنك بتلقي التحويلات من جميع أنحاء العالم التي تبدأ من خلال شبكة  Thunes  في غضون بضع ثوان. يمكن الوصول إلى عملاء البنوك المغربية الأخرى باستخدام المقاصة المحلية.

المغرب هو ثالث أكبر متلقي للتحويلات المالية في إفريقيا (بعد نيجيريا ومصر)، مع وجود عدد كبير من المغتربين، وسوق ديناميكية وإطار تنظيمي سليم لتعزيز خدمات الدفع الرقمي وخفض التكاليف.  يقدر  البنك الدولي أن تدفقات التحويلات المالية الشخصية زادت بشكل كبير خلال الوباء، لتصل إلى ما يقدر بنحو 7.4 مليار دولار أمريكي في نهاية عام 2020.

قالت أسماء بن جمرة، نائبة رئيس تطوير الشبكات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، في Thunes “المغرب هو قوة رئيسية في اقتصاد شمال إفريقيا، مع ناتج محلي إجمالي يزيد عن 100 مليار دولار أمريكي، وهو مركز مالي رئيسي في المنطقة. لقد شكلت المدفوعات عبر الحدود تحديًا كما في الماضي، سيتعين على العملاء استخدام طرق غير فعالة ومكلفة لإرسال المدفوعات إلى المغرب. يسعدنا اليوم أن نتشارك مع التجاري وفا بنك لتمكين المدفوعات السلسة بين البنوك لجميع الحسابات المصرفية في المغرب. سيكون هذا تحسينًا كبيرًا للعملاء الذين يحتاجون إلى إجراء مدفوعات منتظمة عبر الحدود، ومعلمًا مهمًا لتوسيع شبكتنا في شمال إفريقيا.”

تتماشى هذه الشراكة مع التجاري وفا بنك مع التزام  Thunes  ببناء خدمات دفع أكثر كفاءة وبأسعار معقولة في جميع أنحاء العالم، وهي مهمة وصول مالي تضطلع بها الشركة  بالتعاون مع المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي  (WEF)

قال بروكس إنتويستل، نائب الرئيس الأول للنجاح العالمي للعملاء ومدير عام  APAC  والشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في  Ripple ، “يسعدنا أن نعلن هذا التمديد لشراكتنا الحالية مع  Thunes ، ونتطلع معًا إلى توفير تجارب دفع أسرع وأكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة وأكثر شفافية عبر الحدود للعملاء في المغرب ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا الكبرى.”

وقالت السيدة نوال علمي، رئيسة إدارة النقد والمدفوعات في التجاري وفا بنك: “بفضل عضوية  Thunes  في شبكة  Ripplenet ، أصبح التجاري وفا بنك وشركاؤه الماليون الدوليون قادرين الآن على تبادل التحويلات بطريقة شفافة وآمنة وفورية.

سيسمح هذا لعملاء التجاري وفا بنك بتلقي التحويلات التي تبدأ من خلال أعضاء الشركاء في نفس الشبكة في بضع ثوان. يمكن الوصول إلى عملاء البنوك المغربية الأخرى باستخدام المقاصة المحلية.

ويسعدنا أن نعلن شراكتنا مع  Thunes ، الشركة الرائدة في مجال المدفوعات العالمية عبر الحدود، لإثراء عرض التجاري وفا بنك للسكان المغاربة الذين يعيشون في الخارج.”