‫Lummus Digital تعقد شراكة مع LACC لتطوير حل مراقبة أداء وحدتها لتكسير الإيثان عن بُعد باستخدام تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي

هيوستن، يوليو 1, 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت شركة Lummus Digital ، وهي شركة رائدة في مجال الحلول الرقمية المتكاملة عن عقدها اتفاقية مع شركة LACC (ش.ذ.م.م)، وهي شركة تابعة لشركة Lotte Chemical – الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية؛ وذلك في إطار تنفيذ عمليات تحوّلها الرقمي. وقد وقع على هذه الاتفاقية -التي أبرمت مؤخرًا- كل من كيونغ جو هان، المديرة التنفيذية لشركة LACC ، ونيخيل شوهان، مدير الإستراتيجية في شركة Lummus Digital .

Lummus Digital Logo

وتهدف هذه الشراكة إلى دعم جهود شركة LACC في تنفيذ خطتها للتحوّل الرقمي، من خلال تزويدها بقيمة تجارية واقتصادية متزايدة في كل مرحلة من مسيرتها نحو التحوّل الرقمي، مع التركيز في الوقت الحالي على تطوير حل مراقبة الأداء عن بُعد لوحدة تكسير الإيثان التابعة للشركة في مدينة ليك تشارلز بولاية لويزيانا.

وفي تعليقها على هذه الشراكة، قالت كيونغ جو هان، المديرة التنفيذية لشركة LACC : “تتميّز Lummus Digital بجمعها بين المعرفة الفنّية القوية بتكنولوجيا العمليات ومنصتها للذكاء الاصطناعي وخبرتها الواسعة في علم البيانات. ونحن نتوقع أن تسهم هذه الشراكة في إحداث تحوّل كبير في عمليات مراقبة أداء مصنعنا وتحسين كفاءته التشغيلية عن بُعد؛ حيث تمتلك Lummus Digital منصة tcg mcube متكاملة تعمل بتقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي، والعديد من النماذج مسجلة الملكية”.

وقال كل من ديبداس شين وأوجال موخرجي، المديران الإداريان لشركة Lummus Digital : “نحن فخورون بعقد هذه الشراكة المتميّزة مع شركة LACC والتي ستمثل مرحلة مهمّة وأساسية في مسيرتها نحو التحوّل الرقمي. وسنعمل على مراقبة أداء مصنع الشركة وتحسين كفاءته التشغيلية باستخدام مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية ( KPIs ) وعرض رقمي ذكي للمصنع لمعرفة المشكلات التي يواجهها، وتحديد أسبابها الرئيسية، والتوصية بعد ذلك بالإجراءات المناسبة لعلاجها. وستتضمّن مراقبة الأداء عن بُعد الحصول على بيانات فورية من كل من نظام Historian ، ونظام LIMS (إدارة معلومات المختبرات)، ونظام ERP (تخطيط موارد المؤسسات)، وسيتم دمج تلك البيانات في منصتنا tcg mcube التي تعمل بتقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي”.

عن شركة Lummus Digital

Lummus Digital هي شركة رائدة توفر لعملائها منصة ذكاء اصطناعي ومجموعة واسعة من الحلول الرقمية، وتتمتع الشركة بخبرة عميقة في قطاع النفط والغاز، وتعمل بنهج مختلط في إنشاء النماذج، وتوفر حلولًا مُعدّة مسبقًا لعمليات التكرير والمُعالجة والتسويق للشركات العاملة في هذا القطاع. وتعمل الشركة على تحسين الكفاءة التشغيلية وقيمة الأصول لمصانع شركات تكرير البترول والبتروكيماويات ومعالجة الغاز من خلال استخدامها لنهج يجمع بين تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي، والمعرفة الفنّية المرخصة للعمليات، والخبرة العملية في قطاع النفط والغاز، والحلول التوجيهية بهدف إحداث تحوّل رقمي مستدام. وهذه الشركة هي مشروع مشترك بين شركة Lummus Technology ، وهي شركة رائدة في مجال خدمات وتكنولوجيا العمليات؛ وشركة TCG Digital ، وهي شركة متخصّصة في عمليات التحوّل الرقمي وتقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني للشركة:  www.lummusdigital.com .

رابط الشعار: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1850640/Lummus_Digital_Logo.jpg 

‫ الشروع في رحلة بحث مخصصة مع Petal Search

تثبت Petal Search نفسها مرة أخرى من خلال الفوز بجوائز iF لعام 2022 لتجربة المستخدم

شنتشن، الصين, 1 يوليو 2022/PRNewswire/ — مع إجراء أكثر من 3.5 مليار بحث يوميًا(المصدر: Smart Insights) على مجموعة واسعة من مواضيع البحث، وما يصل إلى 55% من المراهقين باستخدام طرق بحث بديلة مثل البحث الصوتي، ومحركات البحث مطلوبة لتكون متعددة الاستخدامات ديناميكيًا. تأخذ Petal Search رحلة بحث المستخدم خطوة أبعد من خلال السماح للمستخدمين باكتشاف المعلومات المتعلقة ببحثهم بدلًا من مجرد تقديم إجابات لمزيد من خدمات البحث الشخصية.

Petal Search provides all-in-one search services

تلتزم Petal Search بتحسين نفسها لخدمة المستخدمين بشكل أفضل وهي مصنفة ضمن أفضل 3 محركات بحث في أكثر من 18 دولة ومنطقة حول العالم(المصدر: Statcounter).

Petal Search يفوز بجائزة iF لعام 2022

تقديرًا لجهود Petal Search نحو بناء رحلة بحث مترابطة بالكامل وفريدة للجميع، فاز محرك البحث مؤخرًا بجائزة iF لعام 2022 في إطار تخصص تجربة المستخدم ( UX ).

تأسست iF Design في عام 1953، وأصبحت منذ ذلك الحين رمزًا عالميًا للتصميم الممتاز. جائزة تصميم IF السنوية هي حاليًا واحدة من أرقى جوائز التصميم في جميع أنحاء العالم. كفائز بهذه الجائزة، تسعى Petal Search باستمرار إلى تحسين تجربة المستخدم من خلال رفع مستوى خدماتها حتى يتمكن كل فرد من الاستمتاع براحة رحلة البحث المصممة خصيصًا له.

 في الوقت الحاضر، يتم إنشاء المزيد من المعلومات واستهلاكها في التطبيقات الفردية، مما يؤدي إلى إنشاء جزر معلومات منفصلة. كما يقول المثل، لا يوجد رجل مكتفي ذاتيًا، ومع Petal Search ، لا يوجد تطبيق مكتفي ذاتيًا أيضا. يسلط هذا الإنجاز الضوء على التزام Petal Search ببناء اتصالات أفضل بين المستخدمين وجزر المعلومات المتناثرة عبر هواتفهم. ستستمر Petal Search في اصطحاب المستخدمين في رحلة بحث ملهمة من خلال التوصيات والتصورات الذكية، والحصول على جميع المعلومات التي كانوا يبحثون عنها في وقت واحد.

تقدم Petal Search خدمات بحث عالمية في أي وقت وفي أي مكان

مع تنوع التطبيقات التي يستخدمها المستهلكون هذه الأيام، يمكن أن يكون التبديل بين تطبيقات متعددة ومحاولة العثور على ما يحتاجه المستخدم عبر مجموعة التطبيقات على هواتفهم مشكلة. الدراسات التي تبين زيادة عمليات البحث بالنقر الصفري بنسبة 15% (المصدر: SparkToro)  خلال العام الماضي، مما يسلط الضوء على حقيقة أن المستخدمين سيبدأون في توقع النتائج دون الحاجة إلى إرسالها إلى موقع طرف ثالث. بعد تحديد نقطة الألم هذه، تم تصميم Huawei ‘s Petal Search لتوفير تجربة بحث شاملة للراحة.

يسمح البحث عن البتلة للمستهلكين بالبحث عن النتائج على الأجهزة المحلية وكذلك عبر الإنترنت. Petal Search يعمل مع أكثر من 3000 شريك تجاري من مختلف الصناعات ولديه الجواب للجميع. تقديم نتائج البحث في مكان واحد، يوفر Petal Search على المستخدم مشكلة التبديل بين صفحات متعددة لتحديد موقع تلك القطعة المحددة من المعلومات التي يبحثون عنها.

مع الاستجابات الفورية لكل نوع من أنواع مستخدمي الأحرف، يبدأ Petal Search في التنبؤ وتقديم نتائج البحث المحتملة. بناءً على عادات البحث الخاصة بالمستخدم التي تم جمعها من خلال الوضع الذكي، لدى Petal Search فكرة أفضل لفهم ما يريده المستخدمون، وما يبحثون عنه عبر الإنترنت ومواقع الويب التي يذهبون إليها عادةً. مع ذلك، يمكن لـ Petal Search تخصيص نفسها وتقديم النتائج للمستخدمين حتى قبل البحث عنها.

علاوة على ذلك، إذا كنت ترغب في البحث عن خدمة – لحجز جولة، وطلب الطعام، والمزيد – فليس عليك فتح تطبيقات فردية للقيام بذلك. بدلاً من ذلك، أنجز كل ما عليك القيام به في تطبيق واحد بفضل Petal Search .

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن للمستخدمين الحصول على خدمات من مزودين مختلفين داخل تطبيق واحد. مع Petal Search ، يمكن للمستخدم مقارنة الأسعار عبر العديد من مزودي الخدمة. احصل على إشعار حول تقارير الطقس في الوقت الفعلي والعديد من النتائج الأخرى مباشرة من صفحة البحث الرئيسية لـ Petal Search .

 Petal Search لديها توصيات شخصية جاهزة في متناول اليد

مع الكمية غير المحدودة من المعلومات والمنتجات المتاحة على الإنترنت، قد يجد المستخدمون أنفسهم غالبًا غارقين في حجم المحتوى الذي يجدونه على الإنترنت. ومع ذلك، وبمساعدة تكنولوجيا محركات البحث، تم تزويد المستخدمين بطريقة للخوض في المحتوى لتحقيق النتائج المرجوة.

جميعنا مختلفون و Petal Search يتعرف على ذلك ميزاتك الفريدة تميزك، وتسعى Petal Search جاهدة لتكييف تجربة البحث مع المستخدمين.

قبل البحث، تتعرف Petal Search على المستهلكين، من عاداتهم واهتماماتهم إلى سياق حياتهم اليومية، للتنبؤ بمصطلحات البحث بناءً على ما سبق وتقديم توصيات، من التطبيقات والمواقع المستخدمة بشكل متكرر، والمهام التي هم على وشك القيام بها، والمقالات التي قد يحبونها.

 يتيح المحتوى التفاعلي والمرئي لـ Petal Search ازدهار أفكار المستخدمين

انها ليست دائما الوجهة التي تهم، ولكن الرحلة. بالإضافة إلى تقديم نتائج مخصصة ودقيقة، تأخذ Petal Search المستخدم في رحلة بحث، وتشجعه على استكشاف أفكاره وإطلاق العنان لها.

من خلال اقتراح المعلومات ذات الصلة على استعلامات البحث الخاصة بالمستخدم. على سبيل المثال، إظهار المنتجات ذات الصلة عندما يحاولون البحث عن صورة أو تقديم مقاطع فيديو حول مواضيع مماثلة لما شاهدوه للتو، تأمل Petal Search في إلهام الاستكشاف.

يعرض Petal Search محتوى مرئيًا تفاعليًا يتيح لعصائرهم الإبداعية التدفق بحرية. يمكن أن يكون البحر الذي يحتوي على العديد من نتائج البحث متاعب للخوض فيها عندما يحاولون العثور على ما يحتاجون إليه، ولكن مع المحتوى المرئي، سيكونون قادرين على تكبير ما يبحثون عنه في لمحة.

لتنزيل وتجربة محرك Petal Search ، يرجى زيارة: https://bit.ly/3rpGYGY

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1849284/1.jpg

CGTN: ‘One Country, Two Systems’ ensures Hong Kong’s prosperity, stability

BEIJING, June 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — As Hong Kong celebrates the 25th anniversary of its return to China, the “One Country, Two Systems” policy is hailed as a fundamental guarantee for the city’s prosperity and stability.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who arrived in Hong Kong on Thursday for the anniversary celebration, said facts have proven the great vitality of “One Country, Two Systems,” which guarantees Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability and ensures the well-being of the Hong Kong compatriots.

Delivering a short speech at the West Kowloon high-speed rail station, Xi called on Hong Kong to uphold “One Country, Two Systems” unswervingly and strive for a brighter future.

Xi: Hong Kong has emerged stronger after tests

“It has been five years since my last visit to Hong Kong,” said Xi, who visited Hong Kong in 2017 as the city celebrated the 20th anniversary of its return to China.

Xi said he has been concerned about and caring for Hong Kong all along. “My heart and the central government’s heart are always with the Hong Kong compatriots,” he said.

He said Hong Kong had withstood a series of grave tests and overcome a series of risks and challenges over a period of time, adding that the city has since emerged stronger and shown great vigor.

Hailing the strong vitality of “One Country, Two Systems,” he said as long as the principle is upheld unswervingly, Hong Kong will surely have an even brighter future and make new, greater contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Xi will attend a meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China and the inaugural ceremony of the sixth-term government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Friday.

During a meeting with HKSAR Chief Executive Carrie Lam on Thursday, Xi spoke highly of her efforts to firmly implement the “One Country, Two Systems” principle and the Basic Law and her role in facilitating a major transition from chaos to order in Hong Kong.

‘Resounding success’

“One Country, Two Systems” is a basic policy that the Chinese government has been implementing in Hong Kong since resuming the exercise of sovereignty over it on July 1, 1997.

Despite the many challenges over the past 25 years, the practice of “One Country, Two Systems” in Hong Kong has been a “resounding success,” Xi said when meeting with newly elected and appointed sixth-term Chief Executive of the HKSAR John Lee on May 30.

The central government’s resolve to fully and faithfully implement the principle of “One Country, Two Systems” has never wavered, still less will it change, he told Lee.

Xi has repeatedly stressed the need to fully and faithfully implement the principle – stay committed to the basis of “One Country” and leverage the benefits of “Two Systems” well.

Hong Kong has achieved remarkable development under “One Country, Two Systems” since its return to China.

In 2021, Hong Kong’s economy grew to 2.86 trillion Hong Kong dollars (about $364 billion), up from 1.37 trillion Hong Kong dollars in 1997. During the period, its total foreign trade in goods more than tripled to 10.27 trillion Hong Kong dollars.

Hong Kong has emerged stronger as an international financial, shipping and trade center. It has been consistently rated by global institutions as one of the freest and the most competitive economies with a world-class business environment.

The average life expectancy in Hong Kong in 2021 stood at 83 years for males and 87.7 years for females, compared to 76.8 years and 82.2 years, respectively, in 1997.


Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsc_eOlr4PU

Petal Search celebrates incredible growth on its 2nd Anniversary

Providing users with an interactive and personalised search experience for the past 2 years

SHENZHEN, China, June 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — HUAWEI’s Petal Search celebrates its 2nd year anniversary, looking back at how much the search engine has grown in the pursuit of the vision to be an All-In-One Search Engine.

Petal Search 2nd anniversary

Since Petal Search’s inception back in May 2020, the search engine has grown from strength to strength. Even as Petal Search serves on a global level, it continues to provide personalised local search results to its users. Within the past two years, the search engine has improved tremendously in all regards. Petal Search now supports more than 70 languages in over 170 countries and regions and has become a popular search engine.

Within the past two years, the search engine has improved tremendously in all regards. In addition to that, Huawei’s Petal Search continues to forge numerous partnerships with over 3,000 partners to date, working hand in hand to enrich its vast ecosystem.

2020: Building basic search capabilities  for global users

With the vital importance of online search engines in our daily lives and the simplicity of the Search bar, users are connected seamless to content on the internet. Simply by typing keywords, users can gain access to every relevant and available content online.

With that in mind, Huawei set out to create its own mobile service and search engine. After a period of gruelling tests, Huawei launch Petal Search which is pre-installed on all Huawei smartphones. And Search servers as Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) native search engine.

Building on Huawei’s 1+8+N Seamless AI Life strategy, Petal Search built on its own search capabilities in the global market to provide users with search and query capabilities based on specific technical functions and all-scenario capabilities. In November, Petal Search once again brought a variety of new features to its users. Introducing three new search verticals such as Nearby, Shopping and Travel, Petal Search provides a close loop search service for its users, directing them straight to the results without having to leave the page. Other unique tools such as weather updates, calculator and real time currency exchange rates are also provided to allow user quick access these needed services.

Petal Search reinvent the search experience

User trends are a crucial point in the development of Petal Search. With the growing use of other search methods on search engines, Petal Search provides users with Multimodal search capabilities allowing users with more ways to search for content.

Even with an overly saturated search engine landscape, Petal Search’s unique services and the elevated search experience that is offered draws more users towards selecting it as their search engine of choice.

2021: Rapid development providing users with an All-In-One search platform

Together with more than 3,000 partners, Petal Search provides users with a variety of services on one single platform further working to its goal of being an All-In-One Search Engine.

Furthermore, Petal Search upgraded its user interface for a more seamless interaction and introduced Petal GO which allows users to subscribe to a variety of Cards ranging from daily news, entertainment and many more.

To create a personalised experience, Petal Search provides localised Box services based on the different service requirements of countries and regions. For example, users who in Singapore can access the “Shared Umbrella” Box by typing those keywords into the search bar. Users will be provided with locations with umbrella sharing services.  With over 300 localised Boxes such as “Property Rental” in Madrid and “Job” in United Kingdom, users are provided with unique information based on the location they are in.

Through the introduction of its unique features and experiences, Petal Search has distinguished itself amongst the other search engines in the market.

Huawei recognises the concerns of users when it comes to Privacy and security. With all these personal information, Petal Search unites the hardware-based security and safety technologies to ensure the standards of data privacy and security for Huawei users with certified ePrivacyseal data protection and GDPR compliances. Using Privacy Center, users are allowed to choose between search modes, standard or smart, to better help in their search process.

With great growth within its first year, Petal Search continues in its journey to improving the search experience for its users.

2022: Developing the Next-Generation Search Engine

This year, Petal Search continues to be committed to become the search engine of choice for users globally. According to Statcounter’s metrics, Petal Search ranks as the top 3 Mobile Search Engines in more than 18 countries.

Petal Search continues to expand on current services, providing more than 500 new localised Box services and over 20 vertical search categories. Petal Search also continues to better under its users with improvements in its multi-modal search capabilities.

As Petal Search works on its features and functions, it continues in its commitment to helping users across the world to find what they are looking for and curate high quality content, all while keeping users’ data safe, private, and secure. In addition to the security certifications, Petal Search provides a Safe Search function to allow users to safety display search results and notify users regarding the source of information to ensure authentic results are displayed.

With the current search engines matching users with the results, they are looking for, Petal Search aims to provide users with more by connecting people to the services they need.

The team behind Petal Search continues to upgrade the search tool and offer users with an enhanced search experience. With key aspects such as all-scenario collaboration, service ecosystem, user scenarios, human connections and conversational interaction capabilities, Petal Search continues to grow and evolve to better serve users with next generation of search engines capabilities.

To download and experience Petal Search, please visit: https://bit.ly/3rpGYGY

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1850278/800_450.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1850180/image_2.jpg

‫ بيورسوفتوير تنتج جسرا “للعودة إلى العمل” للمهنيات النساء بعد أخذ استراحة من وظائفهن

سنغافورة ونويدا، الهند, 30 يونيو / حزيران 2022 /PRNewswire/ — تعمل شركة بيورسوفتوير PureSoftware على تعزيز ثقافة الدعم وتكافؤ الفرص والنمو من خلال برامج متعددة. أحد أهم هذه البرامج هو برنامج “العودة إلى العمل”، الذي تم إطلاقه في العام 2021، والذي يشجع النساء على إعادة الانخراط في حياتهن المهنية.


وفقًا لدراسة حديثة أجراها معهد  تي أف آي ريسيرتش فإن “العديد من النساء في الهند يتسربن من القوى العاملة في الشركة لتربية الأطفال ورعاية أفراد الأسرة المسنين، ولأسباب أخرى.  ولكن فقط أقل من 58٪ من النساء الهنديات يلتحقن بالعمل بدوام كامل بعد أخذ استراحة من العمل “.

من خلال برنامج “العودة إلى العمل”، توفر بيورسوفتوير فرصًا وتدعم النساء لإعادة الاندماج في العمل واستئناف حياتهن المهنية في الشركة بعد فترة انقطاع.  وهو برنامج يشمل تدريبًا منظمًا وتوجيهًا مركّزًا وخيارات عمل مرنة وتعلمًا أثناء العمل لضمان حصول المرأة على عودة ثانية ناجحة إلى العمل.

يقول سمير جاين، كبير مسؤولي الأعمال في بيورسوفتوير </967 “إن النموذج يتغير بسرعة، ويرغب المزيد من النساء في العودة إلى العمل بعد انقطاع وظيفي وبدء مسيرة مهنية 2.0.  في بيورسوفتوير، تشكل النساء 30٪ من القوة العاملة.  وفكرة أن إعادة تشكيل المهارات بشكل عادل في القوى العاملة هي جزء أساسي من نجاح وازدهار شركتنا في المستقبل.”


وفي حديثه عن برنامج العودة إلى العمل، يضيف سمير ، “برنامج العودة إلى العمل هو جسر للعودة إلى العمل مع وظيفة بدوام كامل للنساء. وهو موجه نحو تزويدهن بإمكانية الوصول إلى القيادة والموجهين المناسبين، على التدريب على الوظائف لتعزيز مهاراتهم، وتوفير الفرص لاستيعابهم مرة أخرى في القوى العاملة.  يستهدف البرنامج التعلم ورفع المهارات من خلال التوجيه ومسارات التعلم المصممة جيدًا.  لدينا الآن العديد من هؤلاء النساء اللائي يشاركن معنا ويعملن بشكل جيد للغاية.”

يسمح البرنامج للنساء باستعادة قابليتهن للتوظيف من خلال تدريب إضافي ويقدم لهن خبرة عملية في العمل على المشاريع التي تتوافق مع مجموعة مهاراتهن.  يمكن للنساء ذوات الخبرة في مجال التكنولوجيا التقدم مباشرة من خلال صفحة برنامج “العودة إلى العمل” في بيورسوفتوير.

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  بيورسوفتوير ( PureSoftware ) هي شركة عالمية لمنتجات البرمجيات والخدمات الرقمية تقود التحول لأفضل المؤسسات في العالم في مختلف قطاعات الصناعة، بما في ذلك الخدمات المصرفية والمالية والاتصالات والرعاية الصحية والألعاب والترفيه.

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Biden Confirms US Killed al-Qaida Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri

President Joe Biden said Monday that a U.S. missile strike over the weekend has killed the leader of al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri, one of the world’s most wanted terrorists.

For the past decade, al-Zawahiri headed al-Qaida, the Islamist terror group that spawned franchises around the world after the stunning attacks on U.S. soil on September 11, 2001.

“Now, justice has been delivered,” Biden said Monday night. “And this terrorist leader is no more.” He added: “We make it clear again tonight that no matter how long it takes, no matter where you hide, if you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out.”

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan shortly after the September 11 attacks, and al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was the prime target. U.S. forces killed him in Pakistan in 2011.

Al-Zawahiri, born in Egypt to a wealthy family and trained as a surgeon, took over the terror group in 2011. Before that, he was said to be bin Laden’s personal doctor.

The confirmation of his death came more than an hour after the Taliban rulers in Kabul said a missile attack on Sunday against a residential compound in the Afghan capital was the work of an American drone.

Senior White House officials told reporters Monday night that the operation targeted a house in Kabul with an unmanned aerial vehicle, with no U.S. personnel on the ground. Administration officials also said they concluded with “high confidence” that only al-Zawahiri was killed, and that they were aware that senior members of the Taliban’s Haqqani network knew he was in Afghanistan. Officials said they did not alert the Taliban ahead of the strike.

A senior administration official said al-Zawahiri “continued to provide strategic direction to al-Qaida affiliates worldwide, calling for attacks on the United States.”

The Taliban were quick to share their ire.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns this attack on whatever the pretext,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement, using the official name for the Taliban government.

He denounced the strike as a “blatant violation of international principles and the Doha agreement,” referring to the 2020 talks that Taliban leaders held with the U.S. and Western leaders in Qatar over the withdrawal of U.S. and allied troops the subsequent year.

The Taliban took control of Afghanistan on August 15 as the U.S.-led foreign troops withdrew and the Western-backed government in Kabul as well as its security forces collapsed in the face of the stunning nationwide Taliban assault.

U.S. officials have been in contact with Pakistani leaders to seek an “over-the-horizon” facility to conduct counterterrorism operations in landlocked Afghanistan after American troops left the country and the Taliban took over.

The U.S.-led military coalition invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 and dislodged the then-Taliban government in Kabul to punish it for harboring the al-Qaida terror network. Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri escaped the international military action.

The U.S.-Taliban agreement also required the Islamist group not to allow any terrorist organization, including al-Qaida, to pose a threat to the security of the United States and other countries from Afghan soil.

But recent United Nations assessments suggested that al-Qaida, boosted by leadership stability and the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, appeared to be positioning itself to once again be seen as the world’s preeminent terror group and as the greatest long-term threat to the West.

Intelligence shared by United Nations member states and published in a new report earlier this month found al-Qaida was enjoying a degree of freedom under Taliban rule, allowing its leadership to communicate more often and more easily with affiliates and followers. The report further concluded that al-Zawahiri, long rumored to be in ill health or dying, was “alive and communicating freely.”

The U.N. report similarly cautions that while al-Qaida may be better positioned, it is likely to refrain from launching external attacks in order to not embarrass Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers and because the al-Qaida core still lacks “an external operational capability.”

Analyst Bradley Bowman, senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said it is important for the U.S. to cut out terror groups at their roots.

“The goal is to keep pressure on terrorists over there so they don’t have the ability to kill us here,” he said. “Every policy decision in Washington should be judged, at least in part, by that metric.”

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz praised the operation.

“This is an important accomplishment,” the Texas senator said in a statement. “All Americans will breathe easier today knowing Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of Al-Qaeda, has been eliminated. This strike should be a message to terrorists near and far: if you conspire to kill Americans, we will find and kill you.”

Biden said the killing could lead to a new era.

“Now we have eliminated the emir of al-Qaida,” he said. “He will never again – never again – allow Afghanistan to become a terrorist safe haven because he’s gone and we’re going to make sure that nothing else happens. You know, it can’t be a launching pad against the United States. We’re going to see to it that won’t happen.”

Meanwhile in recent years, al-Qaida has continued to expand, launching violent affiliate groups in the Middle East, West and East Africa, and South Asia.

Source: Voice of America

Ayman al-Zawahiri: From Cairo Physician to Terrorist Leader

Ayman al-Zawahiri succeeded Osama bin Laden as al-Qaida leader after years as its main organizer and strategist, but his lack of charisma and competition from rival militants Islamic State hobbled his ability to inspire spectacular attacks on the West.

Al-Zawahiri, 71, was killed over the weekend in a U.S. drone strike, U.S. officials told Reuters on Monday.

He had watched in dismay as al-Qaida was effectively sidelined by the 2010-11 Arab revolts, launched mainly by middle-class activists and intellectuals opposed to decades of autocracy.

In the years following bin Laden’s death, U.S. airstrikes killed a succession of al-Zawahiri’s deputies, weakening the veteran Egyptian militant’s ability to coordinate globally.

Despite a reputation as an inflexible and combative personality, al-Zawahiri managed to nurture loosely affiliated groups around the world that grew to wage devastating local insurgencies, some of them rooted in turmoil arising from the Arab Spring. The violence destabilized a number of countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

But al-Qaida’s days as the centrally directed, hierarchical network of plotters that attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, were long gone. Instead, militancy returned to its roots in local-level conflicts, driven by a mix of local grievances and incitement by transnational jihadi networks using social media.

Al-Zawahiri’s origins in Islamist militancy went back decades.

The first time the world heard of him was when he stood in a courtroom cage after the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981.

“We have sacrificed, and we are still ready for more sacrifices until the victory of Islam,” shouted al-Zawahiri, wearing a white robe, as fellow defendants enraged by Sadat’s peace treaty with Israel chanted slogans.

Al-Zawahiri served a three-year jail term for illegal arms possession but was acquitted of the main charges.

A trained surgeon — one of his pseudonyms was The Doctor — al-Zawahiri went to Pakistan on his release, where he worked with the Red Crescent treating Islamist mujahedeen guerrillas wounded in Afghanistan fighting Soviet forces.

During that period, he became acquainted with bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi who had joined the Afghan resistance.

Taking over the leadership of Islamic Jihad in Egypt in 1993, al-Zawahiri was a leading figure in a campaign in the mid-1990s to overthrow the government and set up a purist Islamic state. More than 1,200 Egyptians were killed.

Egyptian authorities mounted a crackdown on Islamic Jihad after an assassination attempt on President Hosni Mubarak in June 1995 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The graying, white-turbaned al-Zawahiri responded by ordering a 1995 attack on the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad. Two cars filled with explosives rammed through the compound’s gates, killing 16 people.

In 1999, an Egyptian military court sentenced al-Zawahiri to death in absentia. By then he was living the spartan life of a militant after helping bin Laden to form al-Qaida.

A videotape aired by Al Jazeera in 2003 showed the two men walking on a rocky mountainside — an image that Western intelligence hoped would provide clues on their whereabouts.

Threats of global jihad

For years al-Zawahiri was believed to be hiding along the forbidding border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He assumed leadership of al-Qaida in 2011 after U.S. Navy Seals killed bin Laden in his hideout in Pakistan. Since then, he repeatedly called for global jihad, with an AK-47 as his side during video messages.

In a eulogy for bin Laden, al-Zawahiri promised to pursue attacks on the West, recalling the Saudi-born militant’s threat that “you will not dream of security until we live it as a reality and until you leave the lands of the Muslims.”

As it turned out, the emergence of the even more hardline Islamic State group in 2014-2019 in Iraq and Syria drew as much, if not more, attention from Western counter-terrorism authorities.

Al-Zawahiri often tried to stir passions among Muslims by commenting online about sensitive issues such as U.S. policies in the Middle East or Israeli actions against Palestinians, but his delivery was seen as lacking bin Laden’s magnetism.

On a practical level, al-Zawahiri is believed to have been involved in some of al-Qaida’s biggest operations, helping organize the 2001 attacks, when airliners hijacked by al-Qaida were used to kill 3,000 people in the United States.

He was indicted for his alleged role in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The FBI put a $25 million bounty on his head on its most wanted list.

Prominent family

Al-Zawahiri did not emerge from Cairo’s slums, like others drawn to militant groups who promised a noble cause. Born in 1951 to a prominent Cairo family, al-Zawahiri was a grandson of the grand imam of Al Azhar, one of Islam’s most important mosques.

Al-Zawahiri was raised in Cairo’s leafy Maadi suburb, a place favored by expatriates from the Western nations he railed against. The son of a pharmacology professor, al-Zawahiri first embraced Islamic fundamentalism at the age of 15.

He was inspired by the revolutionary ideas of Egyptian writer Sayyid Qutb, an Islamist executed in 1966 on charges of trying to overthrow the state.

People who studied with al-Zawahiri at Cairo University’s Faculty of Medicine in the 1970s describe a lively young man who went to the cinema, listened to music and joked with friends.

“When he came out of prison, he was a completely different person,” said a doctor who studied with al-Zawahiri and declined to be named.

In the courtroom cage after the assassination of Sadat at a military parade, al-Zawahiri addressed the international press, saying militants had suffered from severe torture including whippings and attacks by wild dogs in prison.

“They arrested the wives, the mothers, the fathers, the sisters and the sons in a trial to put the psychological pressure on these innocent prisoners,” he said, firing up a wild-eyed man beside him and other militants.

Fellow prisoners said those conditions further radicalized al-Zawahiri and set him on his path to global jihad.

Source: Voice of America

NYC Mayor Adams Declares State of Emergency over Monkeypox

New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared a state of emergency Monday over the spread of monkeypox.

“This order will bolster our existing efforts to educate, vaccinate, test, and treat as many New Yorkers as possible and ensure a whole-of-government response to this outbreak,” Adams said in a statement released with the executive order.

The order allows Adams to suspend local laws and temporarily impose new rules to control the spread of the outbreak.

Similarly, Gov. Kathy Hochul declared a state disaster emergency last Friday. She previously announced that over the next four to six weeks, the federal government would distribute 110,000 vaccine doses to the state in addition to the 60,000 already distributed.

As of Monday, New York City has reported 1,472 cases, according to monkeypox data on the NYC Health website. Most cases worldwide have affected men who have sex with men.

In an announcement Saturday declaring a public health emergency in the city, Adams and Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan estimated that about 150,000 New Yorkers may be at risk of monkeypox infection.

Cases are continuing to rise across the country. New York currently has the highest number of recorded monkeypox cases among the 50 states, followed by California with 799 cases as of Friday, the CDC reports. San Francisco Mayor London Breed declared a state of emergency on Thursday.

Though California has distributed more than 25,000 vaccine doses, Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a KTVU-TV interview last week that the state is “not even close to where we need to be.”

The rapid spread of monkeypox worldwide has sparked alarm over the past few months. Since May, more than 22,000 cases have been reported in 80 countries, despite the virus naturally occurring only in Central and West Africa.

The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency over monkeypox on July 23.

Source: Voice of America