‫أول مريض مسجل في دراسة SELUTION SLR IDE BTK

ليبزيج9 يونيو، 2022/PRNewswire/ — تم تسجيل أول مريض في التجربة السريرية ل FDA IDE BTK (تحت الركبة) SELUTION4BTK التي تشمل SELUTION SLR™، وهو بالون سيروليموس-إيلوتينغ الجديد من MedAlliance، بعد أسبوع واحد فقط من حصوله على موافقة IDE.

First Patient Enrolled in SELUTION SLR IDE BTK Study

علق الدكتور مايكل ليشتنبيرج، رئيس قسم الأوعية الدموية في Klinikum Hochsauerland، Arnsberg ، ألمانيا. “أنا متحمس لبدء تجربة مهمة من شأنها أن تثبت الأدلة على أن هذه التكنولوجيا الجديدة تفيد المرضى الذين يعانون من CLTI .” “حتى الآن لم ينجح أي شيء باستمرار في هذه المجموعة من المرضى. البيانات السريرية المبكرة من سجلات SELUTION SLR مشجعة وقد رأيت أداء هذه التكنولوجيا الجديدة في عملي الروتيني. تم تصميم هذه الدراسة لإثبات أن SELUTION SLR أكثر فعالية من المعيار الحالي للرعاية في هذه الفئة الصعبة من المرضى.”

وتأتي بداية التسجيل في الدراسة بعد موافقة IDE (إعفاء الأجهزة التحقيقية) في الولايات المتحدة قبل أسبوع واحد. تم منح مؤشر BTK ل SELUTION SLR تسمية جهاز اختراق من قبل إدارة الأغذية والعقاقير في عام 2019.

الهدف من التجربة السريرية SELUTION4BTK هو إظهار الفعالية الفائقة والسلامة المكافئة ل SELUTION SLR مقارنة برأب الأوعية الدموية بالبالون العادي (غير المطلي) ( POBA ) في علاج شرايين BTK في مرضى CLTI (نقص تروية الأطراف المزمنة التي تهدد الأطراف). التجربة هي دراسة مستقبلية متعددة المراكز وأحادية التعمية وعشوائية.

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يتم اختيار 377 شخصا عشوائيا بنسبة 1:1 إما إلى SELUTION SLR أو مجموعة التحكم. هذه هي الدراسة الأولى من نوعها حيث يمكن تضمين مرضى “العالم الحقيقي” الذين يعانون من CLI (نقص تروية الأطراف الحرجة). يتم تسجيل المرضى في حوالي 40 موقعا في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا وآسيا.

أنا فخور جدا بفريق MedAlliance الذي تمكن من بدء هذه الدراسة بسرعة كبيرة وتسجيل أول مريض بعد أسبوع واحد فقط من الحصول على موافقة IDE ، جيفري ب. جامب، رئيس مجلس الإدارة والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة MedAlliance . “هذا إنجاز عظيم ومعلم رئيسي ل MedAlliance.”

حصل البالون المملوء بدواء سيروليموس من شركة ميد-ألاينس ( MedAlliance) ، والمعروف باسم SELUTION SLR ™، على اعتماد بعلامة ( CE ) لعلاج مرض الشريان المحيطي في فبراير 2020 ولعلاج أمراض الشرايين التاجية في مايو 2020. وقد وافقت إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية على استخدام عقار SELUTION SLR ، وسمته باكتشاف لأربعة دواعي استعمالات علاجية، هي: علاج أمراض تصلب الشرايين في الشرايين التاجية الأصلية؛ وعلاج إعادة ضيق الشريان التاجي؛ وللاستعمال في علاج الناسور الشرياني الوريدي ( AV ) الطرفي أسفل الركبة.

في أغسطس 2021، تم تسجيل أول مريض من بين أكثر من 3000 مريض في دراسة رائدة منضبطة معماة على الشرايين التاجية لمقارنة عقار SELUTION SLR مع دعامة ليموس المملوءة بالعقاقير [ DES ]. وتعد هذه الدراسة هي أكبر دراسة سريرية لبالون مملوء بعقار ( DEB ) نُظمت على الإطلاق، ومن المحتمل أن تغير مجرى الممارسة الطبية عالميًا.

ويشتمل البالون المملوء بالدواء من لشركة ميد-ألاينس ( MedAlliance ) على خزانات دقيقة وفريدة من نوعها مصنوعة من بوليمر قابل للتحلل الحيوي مختلط مع عقار السيروليموس المضاد لإعادة تضيق الأوعية الدموية. وتوفر هذه الخزانات الدقيقة إطلاقًا مضبوطًا ومستداماً للعقار يصل حتى 90 يومًا1. لقد ثبت أن الإطلاق الممتد لسيروليموس من الدعامات فعال للغاية في كل من الأوعية الدموية التاجية والمحيطية، وتتيح تقنية الالتصاق الخلوية الخاصة بشركة ميد-ألاينس ( MedAlliance ) إمكانية تثبيت الخزانات الدقيقة على البالونات والالتصاق بتجويف الوعاء عند تسليمها عبر بالون رأب الأوعية.

تتوفر SELUTION SLR في أوروبا وجميع البلدان الأخرى التي يتم فيها التعرف على علامة CE .

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ريتشارد كينيون
‎+44 7831 569940

نبذة عن شركة ميد-ألاينس ( MedAlliance )

ميد-ألاينس MedAlliance هي شركة خاصة متخصصة في مجال التقنية الطبية. يقع مقر الشركة الرئيسي في نيون، في سويسرا، ولها مكاتب في ألمانيا وسنغافورة والمملكة المتحدة والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. تُعد شركة ميد ألاينس MedAlliance شركة متخصصة في تطوير التكنولوجيا الرائدة وتسويق منتجات تركيبة أجهزة الأدوية المتقدمة لعلاج أمراض الشرايين التاجية والمحيطية. للحصول على المزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني:  www.medalliance.com

1. تركيز الدواء موضح على الخزانات الدقيقة وبيانات -النسيج مذكورة في ملف ( M.A. Med Alliance SA )

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Clinique d’Oncologie 16 Novembre Becomes First Site in Africa to Deploy Varian’s Ethos Therapy System for Adaptive Cancer Treatment

Innovative system from Varian incorporates artificial intelligence for the efficient delivery of personalized treatments that adapt to changes in the patient’s anatomy

DUBAI, UAE, June 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Advancing the treatment for cancer patients in Morocco, Clinique d’Oncologie 16 Novembre has acquired and installed the Ethos™ therapy system – the first of its kind in Africa – from Varian, a Siemens Healthineers company.  Ethos therapy, which is uniquely powered by artificial intelligence (AI), provides cancer patients with a personalized, adaptive radiotherapy treatment within a typical 15 to 30-minute time slot.

The Clinique d'Oncologie 16 Novembre clinical team with their new Ethos™ therapy system.

Adaptive therapy customizes the patient’s treatment based on tumor and anatomical changes that occur over a multi-week course of treatment. The goal is to better target the tumor, reduce doses to healthy tissue, and improve overall outcomes.

“We are proud to be the first cancer center in Africa to offer Ethos therapy treatment,” said Dr. Mounir Bachouchi, medical oncologist and CEO at Clinique d’Oncologie 16 Novembre.  “Adaptive therapy has so many benefits for both the patient and the clinician, and Varian’s Ethos system is at the leading edge of this technology, enabling our clinical team to adapt every treatment to changes in a patient’s anatomy from day to day, potentially improving overall outcomes.”

“Every patient deserves access to the best and most personalized cancer care,” said José-Manuel Valentim, Director of Africa operations at Varian. “Clinique d’Oncologie 16 Novembre is a very forward-thinking cancer center focused on offering state-of-the-art cancer care with the most advanced technologies available.”

By providing an up-to-date view of the patient’s anatomy—and the ability to use that information to adapt the treatment— Ethos therapy provides clinicians the confidence to make more informed treatment decisions. The solution is built on Varian’s latest treatment delivery technology and provides fast imaging and treatment delivery without compromising quality.

“Adaptive therapy is the future of personalized radiation therapy, and we are excited that this center is taking on a leadership role by offering Ethos to the cancer patients of Morocco,” added Valentim. “This is a transformational moment for cancer care in Northern Africa.”

About Clinique d’Oncologie 16 Novembre 

The Clinique d’Oncologie 16 Novembre was established in Rabat, Morocco to offer integrated and comprehensive multidisciplinary care for cancer patients, ranging from screening to the most innovative treatments, with full patient support and accompanying care.  It offers personalized care, emphasizing a human approach to oncology, where close relations between patients and the medical professionals are an essential component of care.

About Varian 

At Varian, a Siemens Healthineers company, we envision a world without fear of cancer. For more than 70 years, we have developed, built, and delivered innovative cancer care technologies and solutions for our clinical partners around the globe to help them treat millions of patients each year. With an Intelligent Cancer Care approach, we are harnessing advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics to enhance cancer treatment and expand access to care. Our 11,000 employees across 70 locations keep the patient and our clinical partners at the center of our thinking as we power new victories in cancer care. Because, for cancer patients everywhere, their fight is our fight. For more information, visit http://www.varian.com and follow @VarianMedSys on Twitter.

Press Contact 

Meryl Ginsberg
Corporate Communications

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1835830/The_Clinique_d_Oncologie_16_Novembre_clinical_team_with_Varian_Ethos_therapy_system.jpg

Nintex Increases Cloud Opportunities for Organisations in the United Arab Emirates

New data centre in the Middle East meets the security and data requirement needs for Nintex K2 Cloud customers

DUBAI, June 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Nintex, the global standard for process intelligence and automation, today announced that Nintex K2 Cloud, a low-code platform to build and run applications and solutions that automate and streamline processes and operations, is now available to customers in the United Arab Emirates through a Microsoft Azure data centre.

Nintex is the global standard for process management and automation. Today more than 10,000 public and private sector organizations across 90 countries turn to the Nintex Platform to accelerate progress on their digital transformation journeys by quickly and easily managing, automating and optimizing business processes. Learn more by visiting www.nintex.com and experience how Nintex and its global partner network are shaping the future of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA).

By accessing the capabilities of Nintex K2 Cloud via a local data centre, organisations located in the Gulf region can confidently meet data privacy and residency requirements while standardising their business process improvements with Nintex software.

“Our mission is to transform the way people work through process intelligence and automation, and a key component is providing even more options for our Nintex community to deploy secure and easily accessible cloud-based solutions in their geographic regions,” said Nintex Chief Product Officer Neal Gottsacker. “Having a local Nintex K2 Cloud data centre in the United Arab Emirates further supports the mission-critical applications and workflows running on Nintex.

Nintex K2 Cloud provides low-code application development tools and features that enable teams to easily build process-based solutions that connect people, processes and systems. Organisations can quickly roll out everything from lightweight departmental workflows and simple applications, to complex, integrated, mission-critical process automation at scale.

“One of the features in Nintex’s products that we considered to be excellent is the ease of-use,” said Colonel Mohammed Al Shamsi, UAE Ministry of Interior, Director of Smart Solutions Programs. “Today I have programmers and analysts that handle the program, and the interface has proven to be user-friendly and that allowed us to execute our programs in a faster manner.”

Nintex recently announced that its process mapping software, Nintex Promapp®, is also available to customers in the Emirates through a Microsoft Azure data centre, making it easy for people to securely document and improve their organisation’s business processes with visual tools that seamlessly integrate with workflow automation.

To put The Power of Process® to work, request a live demo.

Media Contact
Laetitia Smith
cell: +64 21154 7114                                                                                                        

About Nintex

Nintex is the global standard for process intelligence and automation. Today more than 10,000 public and private sector organisations across 90 countries turn to the Nintex Process Platform to accelerate progress on their digital transformation journeys by quickly and easily managing, automating and optimising business processes. Learn more by visiting www.nintex.com and experience how Nintex and its global partner network are shaping the future of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA).

Product or service names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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Natural Diamond Council forays into UAE; announces partnership with three leading jewellery retailers

The global authority on natural diamonds joins hands with Malabar Gold & Diamonds, Jawhara Jewellery and La Marquise Jewellery as trusted partners to create desirability for diamonds among consumers

DUBAI, UAE, June 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Natural Diamond Council (NDC), a not-for-profit organization dedicated towards increasing transparency and upholding the integrity of the modern natural diamond industry, announced a collaboration with Malabar Gold & Diamonds, Jawhara Jewellery and La Marquise Jewellery – three of the leading jewelers in the United Arab Emirates, to advocate the ‘Natural Diamond Dream’. Enhancing trust in the natural diamond industry, this collaboration will emphasize the ethical and sustainable business practices that create a lasting, positive impact in the sector, strengthening consumer confidence in this ultimate jewel of nature.

Being industry experts, NDC will showcase the inherent and emotional value of natural diamonds, and also feature them as ideal investments that will last generations; whilst celebrating individuality, personal style and moments of achievements. Seamlessly straddling tradition and modernity, the audiences of the collaborating jewellers resonate the cultural amalgamation of the region, and natural diamonds reflect this perfect blend.

The strategic partnership between NDC with Malabar Gold & Diamonds, Jawhara Jewellery and La Marquise Jewellery will familiarize consumers in The United Arab Emirates with the incredible world of everything natural diamonds, underlined by their preciousness, rarity, and uniqueness. As the first step, this partnership will create collaborative campaigns, and showcase a trusted, unbiased resource of information, including a dedicated e-learning platform that will equip sales professionals with the ability to become natural diamond ambassadors.

David Kellie, CEO, Natural Diamond Council, said, “With this collaboration we are excited to introduce a younger audience to the many emotional connections created by diamond jewellery and continue to build trust among a digital first consumer. The dynamism of brands like Malabar Gold & Diamonds, Jawhara and La Marquise truly exemplify what we seek to do daily in our support of the natural diamond industry – showcase a more contemporary approach to the diamond dream.”

Richa Singh, Managing Director, Natural Diamond Council, India & Middle East, said, “ As we redefine traditional diamond moments and connect with a younger, more discerning consumer, we are proud to partner with a diverse yet truly intriguing set of jewellers such as Malabar Gold & Diamonds, Jawhara and La Marquise – brands that represent the same values that Natural Diamond Council stands for, of celebrating life’s most cherished moments and creating lasting personal connections with precious natural diamonds.”

Muhammad Tamjid Abdullah, Deputy CEO, Jawhara Jewellery, said, “It gives us immense pleasure to have joined forces with Natural Diamond Council – the trusted experts and global authority who offer complete transparency into the world of natural diamonds – and share expertise to grow the natural diamond category in UAE. I am confident that this partnership will solidify our common values and forge consumers’ desire for natural diamonds as well as strengthen the trust that customers have in our design and jewellery.”

Shamlal Ahamed, Managing Director, International Operations, Malabar Gold and Diamonds, said , “As we step into a digital era, we are elated to collaborate as a trusted partner of Natural Diamond Council in UAE, GCC, Singapore and Malaysia. We will work together to educate consumers on the industry, the wonderful legacy of natural diamonds and the positive social contribution they make to the world. With a focus on sustainability and transparency, we want to contribute to the growth of the natural diamond jewellery category, both in studded diamonds and polki.”

Nishith Shah, CEO, La Marquise Jewellery, said, “We are honoured to partner with Natural Diamond Council and pave the way for the young and digital first audience to nurture an emotional connection with and recognize the inherent value of natural diamonds. Joining hands, we look forward to making natural diamonds a preferred choice of jewellery for every precious moment of life – a perfect celebration of authenticity and grace.”

The collective commitment of NDC and the three jewellery brands, to enhance consumer confidence in and desire and aspiration for natural diamonds, will usher in a new era for the younger generation to experience the diamond dream.

About The Natural Diamond Council :

The Natural Diamond Council (NDC) inspires and informs consumers about the incredible world of natural diamonds through its Only Natural Diamonds platform. The platform is the authoritative publisher on all things natural diamonds including celebrities and pop culture, epic diamonds and jewelry trends, engagements and weddings, and diamond buying guides.

The NDC supports the integrity of the natural diamond industry by providing transparency and insight on the progress of this sector and its commitments to further betterment. NDC is a global organization whose members’ operation span four continents and ten countries including Canada, South Africa, and Botswana. Their operations support the livelihood of 10 million industry employees and their families around the world. The NDC operates in the US, China, India and Europe.

About Malabar Gold & Diamonds:

Malabar Gold & Diamonds is the flagship company of Malabar Group, a leading diversified Indian business conglomerate.

Established in 1993 in the Indian state of Kerala, Malabar Gold & Diamonds today has a strong retail network of over 280 outlets spread across 10 countries in addition to multiple offices, design centers, wholesale units and factories spread across India, Middle East, Far East & USA. With an annual turnover of $4.51 billion, the company currently ranks one among the largest jewellery retailers globally.

With 14 manufacturing units in India and GCC – the company currently has 12 exclusive jewellery brands to cater to the discerning needs of customers. With headquarters in Kerala and branches across India, Middle East, Far East and USA, Malabar Group is best known for its activities in the field of gold, diamonds, silver and lifestyle articles.

Malabar Group also operates MGD – Lifestyle Jewellery, a retail concept offering trendy and light weight jewellery that represents the independent and the modern woman through its designs and collections.

The group, owned by over 4,000 shareholders excels in quality products and services, has more than 13,000 professionals from over 26 countries working for its continued success.

Malabar Gold & Diamonds also features an online store www.malabargoldanddiamonds.com providing customers the opportunity to purchase their favorite jewelry any time and on any day from the comfort of their home.

The group is always proactive when it comes to CSR initiatives right from its inception. The key focus areas of the CSR initiatives of Malabar Group are in the areas of Health, Education, Women Empowerment, Housing and Environment.  The organization allocates aside 5% of its profit for enabling CSR activities in all the regions that they operate.

CSR has been the primary commitment of the group since its inception; integrating ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) principles into the core business. The key CSR focus areas of Malabar Group are in the areas of Health, Education, Women Empowerment, Housing, and the Environment. The ESG goals of the organization are periodically strengthened integrating responsibility and sustainability to remain a socially conscious and responsible organization. The group contributes 5% of its profit to such initiatives in the same country of operation.

About Jawhara Jewellery:

Jawhara Jewellery® – Jewellers since 1907 with extensive knowledge and decades of jewellery business experience, Jawhara as an Emarati Jewellery company was born out of the notion that jewellery should resonate with the wearer’s innermost desires. Jawhara began with traditional and modern jewellery designs with unique beauty and quality. This belief is reflected in every creation of the brand, from the highly innovative, novel designs to the care and precision accorded to each place. Made for the modern young woman, Jawhara epitomizes the youth, while celebrating the different nuances of the region. All the collections are conceived, created and developed by a team of skilled in-house and international jewellers known for their exceptional craftsmanship.

Our designs are manufactured and responsibly sourced from the best international alliances located in Italy, Turkey, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, India, Bahrain and Lebanon. Jawhara travels the world to offer unconventional, trendy and stylish jewellery that complements the youth as a leading jewellery wholesaler, retailer and manufacturer of 18k, 21k and 22k supported by a network of over 240 outlets in the region.

About The La Marquise:

The La Marquise story commenced in 1986 with the transformation of precious stones into spectacular pieces of fine jewellery which are unique and splendid in their formation. Appealing to all tastes with a wide variety of exquisite and trendsetting designs, La Marquise Jewellery has grown into a global chain of retail boutiques with 14 locations across the UAE and its flagship boutique located at The Dubai Mall. Customers can explore and shop the entire collection instore at Mall of the Emirates, Nakheel Mall, City Centre Mirdif, Mandarin Oriental Jumeira and other boutiques across the GCC.

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1836168/NDC_UAE_launch.jpg

HONOR Announces Latest Sustainability Progress, Launches New HONOR Magic Moments ‘Earth View in the Mirror’ Monthly Challenge

From product packaging to business operations, HONOR steps up its environmental efforts with technology

SHENZHEN, China, June 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — In celebration of the World Environment Day, global technology brand HONOR today announced the latest updates to its environmental credentials. From manufacturing and packaging to waste management, HONOR incorporates green practices in the full life cycle of products and its daily operations to actively promote sustainable development for a greener future.

Raising further awareness around the environment and sustainability, a new HONOR Magic Moments Monthly Challenge with the theme “Earth View in the Mirror” kicks off today on Instagram, Facebook and HONOR Global Club. The challenge aims to encourage participants to appreciate and capture the beautiful landscapes around the world. At the same time, HONOR official website has been updated with a new environmental page.

“At HONOR, we are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our products,” said George Zhao, CEO of HONOR Device Co., Ltd. “With sustainability and circular economy as part of our product design philosophy, we strive to enhance the eco-friendliness of our products by evaluating their carbon footprint throughout the full life cycle, at the same time reducing the consumption of resources and energy.”

Improving Packaging with Environmental Awareness in Mind

To minimize resource consumption, HONOR uses packaging materials that are lightweight, compact, harmless, easy-to-recycle and environmentally friendly. The company also helps to protect the environment by replacing traditional petroleum-based ink and plastics with renewable and biodegradable packaging materials.

Switching from petroleum-based ink to soy ink, HONOR has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 80 tons since 2014. For the HONOR Magic Series, the phone tray is made of sugarcane bagasse instead of plastics, cutting carbon dioxide emission by 32 tons per million units. HONOR has also replaced plastics with paper for the protective film of chargers and data cables, further lowering carbon dioxide emission by 35 tons per 10 million units. In addition, Forest Stewardship Council-certified packaging boxes are used to contain products including the HONOR Magic Series smartphones and the HONOR Watch GS3, which help to conserve a forest area of approximately 122 hectares a year.

Since 2021, HONOR has been working on designing simpler and more robust packaging solution for laptops. Currently, HONOR laptops are all packed in boxes made of singular pieces of folded corrugated cardboard. Medium boxes typically used in delivery have also been eliminated, contribution to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 208 tons in total. For laptops and wearables, HONOR has saved approximately 74 tons of paper, equivalent to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 77 tons, by optimizing the packaging structure and consolidating the management of printed materials.

Meeting Strict Environmental Standards with Industry-Recognized Certifications

On top of satisfying the international requirements, HONOR maintains a more stringent set of internal environmental standards to take an active role in eliminating the potential harmful substances from its smartphones, tablets and other products.

After testing dozens of material formulas in partnership with multiple suppliers, HONOR has settled on using halogen-free power cables for all its smartphones and tablets, a change that resulted in the reduction of hazardous materials in the brand’s products by approximately 3,379 tons since it went into effect in 2016. To date, 76 of HONOR’s smartphones and tablets have received the Grade A Environmental Label from China Quality Certification Centre (CQC).

Exploring Clean Energy for Greener Operations

With a strong emphasis on environmental protection during its production and operations, HONOR aims to reduce its ecological footprint through energy conservation and emission reduction. While exploring the use of clean energy to lower the carbon dioxide emission of its industrial park, HONOR optimizes the management of facilities to cut energy consumption in daily operations by keeping energy records and monitoring and analyzing relevant data.

HONOR encourages its staff to embrace remote working by taking advantage of telecommunication tools such as audio and video calls to reduce the need for business trips. This change is estimated to reduce carbon emissions by 26,761 tons in a year, according to a research report co-authored by the Center Environmental Education and Communications of Ministry of Environmental Protection[1]. Inside the HONOR Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, HONOR operates 146 shuttle routes, providing a greener option for employees to commute to work and effectively reducing carbon emissions by another 1,317 tons[2].

Adopting sustainability practices with industry partners, HONOR will continue to focus its environmental, social and governance efforts on green initiatives. While achieving the sustainable development of the company, HONOR strives to build a new intelligent world for everyone with innovation and technology.


HONOR is a leading global provider of smart devices. It is dedicated to becoming a global iconic technology brand and creating a new intelligent world for everyone through its powerful products and services. With an unwavering focus on R&D, it is committed to developing technology that empowers people around the globe to go beyond, giving them the freedom to achieve and do more. Offering a range of high-quality smartphones, tablets, laptops and wearables to suit every budget, HONOR’s portfolio of innovative, premium and reliable products enable people to become a better version of themselves.

For more information, please visit HONOR online at www.hihonor.com or email newsroom@hihonor.com






[1] The report is titled Online Meeting Research Report: Quantifying Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction.
[2] Based on the assumption that 50% of shuttle bus passengers drive to work.

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Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1836164/image_5003200_10991016.jpg

HONOR Discusses Future of Mobile Imaging at Counterpoint Research Webinar

Elevating smartphone camera imaging quality to levels that can even rival what some DSLR cameras offer

SHENZHEN, China, June 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — HONOR, a global technology brand, today shared insights from the perspective of an industry leader at a Counterpoint Research event. Titled “Smartphone Imaging Trends: New Directions Capturing Magic Moments”, the webinar invited HONOR to discuss its leading role in delivering cutting-edge smartphone imaging solutions and the prevailing trends that are directing the future of smartphone cameras.

“Smartphone photography is not just about hardware or software. At HONOR, we excel in leveraging fusion computational photography and multiple cameras to achieve what we call ‘all for one and one for all’ synergy, elevating smartphone camera imaging quality to levels that can even rival what some DSLR cameras offer,” said Dr. Weilong Hou, Technical Expert, HONOR Imaging. “The HONOR Magic4 Series exemplifies the work of our R&D team, featuring the HONOR Image Engine that not only enables users to harness the full capabilities every camera equipped on an HONOR smartphone, but also makes incredible image quality accessible to everyday users.”

The webinar was moderated by Peter Ricardson, Vice President of Research, Counterpoint Research, with a panel of industry veterans and subject experts in attendance, including Dr. Hou; Hervé Macudzinski, Image Science Director, DXOMARK; Judd Heape, Vice President of Product Management, Qualcomm and Eugenio Recuenco, renowned professional photographer, film director and two-time Cannes Lion Award winner, who has also recently shot a film entirely on the HONOR Magic4 Pro. The event complements a Counterpoint Research whitepaper that is publishing today.

HONOR Image Engine: The Core of HONOR Smartphone Cameras

In his presentation, Dr. Hou introduced the HONOR Image Engine, HONOR’s cutting edge camera solution that enables the hardware to work in unison with AI and algorithms to generate high quality visuals. Underpinning the camera experience, the solution helps users elevate simple camera captures to artistic renditions of their creative vision. As the latest HONOR flagship smartphones, HONOR Magic4 Pro and HONOR Magic4 Ultimate are a testament to the efficacy of the solution, with the latter scoring 146 on DXOMARK Overall Camera Score – the highest score ever given by the authoritative product evaluation organization.

Addressing user pain points around mobile photography and video capture, the two smartphones debuted with a wide range of cutting-edge features, including the ability to take high quality photos while capturing a video. Going forward, according to Dr. Hou, HONOR will continue striving to empower consumers to take great images anytime, anywhere through R&D, with a focus on achieving performance parity between mobile and dedicated cameras, improving image quality, and harnessing a wider array of sensors with more advanced software to comprehensively improve imaging outcomes.

Currently, all HONOR Magic Series and HONOR N Series smartphones are equipped with HONOR Image Engine, which works in the background to ensure better photo and video capturing results.

Evaluating Smartphone Cameras

From the perspective of a trusted product evaluation expert, Macudzinski shared his views on the requirements for a great photograph – a photographer’s skill to identify and frame the scene, the occurrence of a decisive moment to be captured with clarity, and the camera’s capabilities to understand user’s intention and modify images accordingly. For a smartphone camera to be regarded as exceptional, according to Macudzinski, it needs to support these features in the camera’s default shooting mode. The expert illustrated his viewpoints with HONOR Magic4 Ultimate, which has remained the top of DXOMARK’s smartphone camera rankings since its test report was published in March. Commending the HONOR flagship smartphone for its exceptional user experience, capture capability and AI processing, Macudzinski discussed key highlights from DXOMARK’s report, focusing on HONOR Magic4 Ultimate zoom performance across various focal lengths and the fusion between hardware and software allowing the various camera lenses to work together and produce objectively better image quality.

Smartphone Photography from a Professional’s Perspective

Renowned for his works as a photographer and film director, Recuenco recently shot his film Kaleidoscope entirely on HONOR Magic4 Pro. Recounting his experience during the presentation, Recuenco said filming with the HONOR smartphone felt familiar, as the array of professional features such as the powerful camera system and Magic-Log provided him with the creative freedom he enjoys with professional gear, but in a much more pocketable form factor. Recuenco, as one of the judges for the HONOR Magic Moments competition, also selected a few submissions from the year’s contest and commented on the myriad possibilities today’s smartphone cameras have enabled for people to be more expressive on their captures than ever before.

Technological Integration

Representing Qualcomm, Heape shared insights into the collaboration that brought the HONOR Image Engine to life. The HONOR Magic4 Series took full advantage of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Mobile Platform and the latest Qualcomm AI Engine for Ultra Fusion Photography, allowing images taken by different lenses and processed by multiple ISP to complement each other to achieve an improvement in image quality. The innovative algorithm HONOR developed fully released the RAW domain computational photography capabilities. With HONOR Image Engine’s flexible frame work, while Qualcomm’s ISP can support the high throughput of multi-threading and parallel processing, which leads to innovative functions and user experiences like “Advanced Photoshoot While Video Recording”.

Complementary Counterpoint Research Whitepaper

The webinar is a complement to a new Counterpoint Research whitepaper which offers a holistic view on the wider industry trends with contributions from webinar panelists. The whitepaper is available for download on Counterpoint Research’s website.


HONOR is a leading global provider of smart devices. It is dedicated to becoming a global iconic technology brand and creating a new intelligent world for everyone through its powerful products and services. With an unwavering focus on R&D, it is committed to developing technology that empowers people around the globe to go beyond, giving them the freedom to achieve and do more. Offering a range of high-quality smartphones, tablets, laptops and wearables to suit every budget, HONOR’s portfolio of innovative, premium and reliable products enable people to become a better version of themselves.

For more information, please visit HONOR online at www.hihonor.com or email newsroom@hihonor.com






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Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1836152/image_5003200_8974430.jpg

ROSEN, GLOBAL INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Bakkt Holdings, Inc. f/k/a VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Investors with Losses to Secure Counsel Before Important June 21 Deadline in Securities Class Action – BKKT, BKKT-WT, VIHAU, VIH, VIHAW

NEW YORK, June 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of the securities of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. f/k/a VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings (NYSE: BKKT, BKKT-WT) (NASDAQ: VIHAU, VIH, VIHAW) (a) between May 7, 2021 and February 25, 2022, inclusive (the “Class Period”); and/or (b) pursuant and/or traceable to the Offering Documents issued in connection with the business combination between the Company and Bakkt Holdings, LLC (“Legacy Bakkt”) completed on or about October 15, 2021 (the “Business Combination”) of the important June 21, 2022 lead plaintiff deadline.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Bakkt securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Bakkt class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=5546 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than June 21, 2022. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually handle securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, the Offering Documents were negligently prepared and, as a result, contained untrue statements of material fact or omitted to state other facts necessary to make the statements made not misleading and were not prepared in accordance with the rules and regulations governing their preparation, and that throughout the Class Period defendants made materially false and misleading statements regarding the Company’s business, operations, and compliance policies. Specifically, the Offering Documents and defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) Bakkt had defective financial controls; (2) as a result, there were errors in the Company’s financial statements related to the misclassification of certain shares issued prior to the Business Combination; (3) accordingly, Bakkt would need to restate certain of its financial statements; (4) Bakkt downplayed the true scope and severity of these issues; (5) Bakkt overstated its remediation of its defective financial controls; and (6) as a result, the Offering Documents and defendants’ public statements throughout the Class Period were materially false and/or misleading and failed to state information required to be stated therein. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the Bakkt class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=5546 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-rosen-law-firm, on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosen_firm or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm/.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Contact Information:

Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-1060
Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
Fax: (212) 202-3827

International NASH Day Highlights a Common – But Unfamiliar – Liver Disease

Global Liver Institute Convenes Communities Around the Globe Today to Reverse the Growing Trend of Fatty Liver Disease

Washington, D.C., June 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Liver Institute (GLI) calls attention to NASH by leading the 5th annual International NASH Day on June 9. The number of people with this advanced liver disease is expected to double by 2030, but #NASHday aims to prevent this growth. Join the movement to #StopNASHNow by listening in as 24 expert panelists from around the globe share the latest updates about the disease or adding to the conversation on social media (#NASHday). The movement permeates the globe through many locally-organized events to educate about, screen for, and prevent NASH.

NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) is a serious, progressive condition in which too much fat accumulates on the liver, leading to its inflammation and injury. It is the severe form of NAFLD (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease). Modern lifestyle and dietary patterns have contributed to increased prevalence of NASH and NAFLD around the world, and it is becoming the most common cause of liver disease. Given its widespread impact and the possibility of prevention in most cases of this disease, NASH emerges as a global health priority.

“With over a hundred million people worldwide already who have NASH and several times more in the earlier stages, people have reason to know about this progressive condition and what they can do today to combat it,” shared Donna R. Cryer, president and CEO of GLI. “Collective action is imperative to be certain that individuals in each community, no matter their background or environment, are informed and equipped to prevent fatty liver disease. The momentum that we build together today must advance and sustain the global fight against NASH.”

If you didn’t know, then now you know! Even though NASH is common, it remains relatively unknown, leaving much work to be done to increase public awareness. This year, GLI and its partners join with the theme to #StopNASHNow: Even as therapies for NASH are being developed, there are many steps that people and their doctors can take today to prevent, reverse, or slow the progression of fatty liver disease. For the 25% of adults already affected worldwide, it is due time for this life-changing knowledge.

  • An estimated 1 in 4 adults around the world already has NAFLD.
  • As many as 1 in 20 people has NASH.
  • The prevalence of NAFLD is increasing among all global regions and among all ethnicities in parallel with diabetes and obesity.
  • NASH can progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer – which may necessitate a liver transplant.

“International NASH Day demonstrates the potential that is realized as all stakeholders in NASH come together worldwide,” said Jeff McIntyre, NASH Programs Director at GLI. “From in-person screenings in at-risk communities to educational materials in 16 languages to challenging conversations with researchers, providers, and patients – today the world joins to create meaningful solutions for patients at every stage of NAFLD and NASH.”

International NASH Day has garnered the endorsement of prominent organizations from around the globe: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists (ABGH); Asociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio del Hígado (ALEH); Associazione Italiana Studio del Fegato (AISF); Asociación Mexicana de Hepatología (AMH); Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL); Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL); Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA); European African Treatment Advocates Network (EATAN); European Fatty Liver Conference (EFLC); European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN); EU Patient-Centric Clinical Trial Platforms (EU-PEARL); Fondazione Epatocentro Ticino; Hepatology Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Hepatology Society of the Philippines (HSP); Indian National Association for the Study of the Liver (INASL); North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (NASPGHAN); Sociedad Argentina de Hepatologia (SAHE);Turkish Association for the Study of the Liver (TASL); United European Gastroenterology (UEG); World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO); and World Patients Alliance (WPA).

Get Involved

To view the expert panels throughout the day today, visit https://hopin.com/events/5th-annual-international-nash-day/registration. Panels are available in English, French, Hindi, Mandarin, and Spanish throughout the day.

For additional information on International NASH Day, visit www.international-nash-day.com.

Support the NASH Day social media campaign using hashtags #NASHday #StopNASHNow. Please direct any additional questions to NASHDay@globalliver.org.

International NASH Day and its logo are registered trademarks of Global Liver Institute.

About Global Liver Institute

Global Liver Institute (GLI) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in the belief that liver health must take its place on the global public health agenda commensurate with the prevalence and impact of liver illness. GLI promotes innovation, encourages collaboration, and supports the scaling of optimal approaches to help eradicate liver diseases. Operating globally, GLI is committed to solving the problems that matter to liver patients and equipping advocates to improve the lives of individuals and families impacted by liver disease. Follow GLI on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. GLI is the global host of International NASH Day.

Global Liver Institute