‫سيارة America Moke الكهربائية هي سيارة الصيف

تجمع America Moke بين التكنولوجيا الكهربائية والقيادة المحلية، من أجل مستقبل ممتع ومستدام للسيارة الكهربائية

نيويورك، 24 يونيو 2022 / PRNewswire / — مع تركيزها على التكنولوجيا الكهربائية، America Moke ، الطوافة الكلاسيكية المعاد ابتكارها من الستينيات المرادفة للمشاعر السعيدة، تحتضن ثورة السيارات الكهربائية منذ عام 2016. بحلول عام 2030، تخطط العلامات التجارية مثل جاغوار، وبنتلي، وكاديلاك، ولكزس، ومرسيدس بنز، ورولز رويس لإنتاج تشكيلة كهربائية بنسبة 100 في المائة، لكن America Moke هنا بالفعل.

Moke America’s 60 Years of Bond edition

أعاد الرئيس التنفيذي ومؤسس America Moke تود روما Moke في عام 2016، مع بعض التغييرات المهمة. ليست السيارة الكهربائية في الهواء الطلق فحسب، بل هي أكبر وأقوى وأكثر حداثة من سابقتها. في الواقع، روما مشتركة في مفهوم السيارات الكهربائية، وتتوقع أن ترى نموًا من رقمين على مدى العقد المقبل مع شركات السيارات التقليدية التي تميل إلى السيارات الكهربائية. بين الأمريكيين الذين يشعرون بارتفاع أسعار الوقود هذا الصيف ونمو المركبات الكهربائية كبديل صديق للبيئة لأجهزة الغاز، فإن المركبات الكهربائية تخدش سطح إمكانات الفئة. ومع وجود أكثر من 4000 Moke على الطريق، وأكثر من 100 مليون دولار في المبيعات منذ إنشائها، لا ترى America Moke أي علامات على التباطؤ.

كل Moke كهربائية مصممة يدويًا للطلب في ساراسوتا، فلوريدا، ويمكن للعملاء الاختيار من بين 12 لونًا ساطعًا من قوس قزح، وتكوينات مقاعد متعددة وخيارات أنيقة أخرى. بدءًا من 21,975 دولارًا، يكون Moke بنسبة 100% من الكهرباء وقانونية الشارع وجيدة للبيئة. مصنفة على أنها مركبة كهربائية مجاورة ( NEV ) أو مركبة منخفضة السرعة ( LSV) ، تصل Moke إلى سرعة قصوى تبلغ 25 ميلاً في الساعة وهو قانوني في الشارع على جميع الطرق 35 ميلاً في الساعة أو أقل. قم بتوصيله بأي منفذ 110 للحصول على 40 ميلاً من المتعة؛ لا توجد محطات شحن خاصة مطلوبة.

أصحاب المشاهير من ضمنهم الكارداشيان، الذين حصل كل منهم على هدية طوافة مخصصة بالكامل من قبل الأم كريس جينر في عيد الميلاد الماضي، بالإضافة إلى جو جوناس وصوفي تيرنر. حقنت America Moke أيضًا سياراتها الكهربائية في واحدة من أكثر امتيازات الأفلام شعبية في العالم مع إصدارين خاصين 007 Mokes متاحين للبيع، تكريمًا لأسلوب جيمس بوند الأبدي. بعد أن دخلت في شراكة مع العلامات التجارية الفاخرة في الماضي مثل لويس فيتون وفيليبوركين وفريد سيغال، أصبحت الطوافات الفاخرة السهلة النسيم هي المفضلة لدى النوادي الريفية وكروم العنب والمنتجعات.

Moke متاحة للطلب عبر الإنترنت:  www.mokeamerica.com . للعلاقات الإعلامية، يُرجى مراسلة فانيسا مينكس على البريد الإلكتروني: vanessa@vanessamenkes.com .

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1846694/Moke_America_60_Years_of_Bond_edition.jpg

‫أطلقت XIMIVOGUE سوقًا جديدة في المغرب، وواصلت تطوير سوقها في الشرق الأوسط

قوانغتشو، الصين، 24 يونيو 2022 / PRNewswire / — أطلقت العلامة التجارية العالمية للموضة السريعة XIMIVOGUE سوقها الجديد في المغرب. حتى الآن، هناك اثنين من متاجر XIMIVOGUE الجديدة التي افتتحت في المغرب في غضون شهر واحد فقط. ومن المتوقع أن يفتح أكثر في المغرب وحتى في الشرق الأوسط العربي.

XIMIVOGUE new stores in Morocco

يتمتع المغرب، المعروف باسم خامس أكبر اقتصاد أفريقي، بنفوذ كبير في كل من أفريقيا والعرب. وهو أيضًا عضو في جامعة الدول العربية، واتحاد دول البحر الأبيض المتوسط، والاتحاد الأفريقي.

 استنادًا إلى مكانة المغرب ومع توسع أسواقه العالمية، دخلت XIMIVOGUE مؤخرًا بنجاح إلى سوق المغرب وافتتحت متجرين جديدين في غضون شهر واحد فقط.

دعونا نبدأ مع متجر XIMIVOGUE الأول في المغرب.

مدينة القنيطرة، وهي مدينة ميناء شهيرة ذات مناطق خلابة وآثار تاريخية، هي المدينة التي يقع فيها هذا المتجر الجديد. يقع هذا المتجر الجديد في موقع مثالي في مركز تسوق شهير في وسط القنيطرة، وقد اجتذب هذا المتجر اهتمامًا كبيرًا من عدد من الزوار وتراكم عليه عدد معين من العملاء منذ افتتاحه.

 بفضل عرض XIMIVOGUE الترويجي عبر الإنترنت وخارجها، يحظى هذا المتجر الجديد في كنيترا بترحيب كبير من قبل السكان والزوار المحليين. لقد خلقت الموسيقى الرائعة والأداء الجذاب والأزياء الرائعة أجواءً ممتعة في يوم افتتاحها.

يقدم ما يلي المتجر الجديد الثاني باختصار.

بالقرب من شارع أعمال مزدحم، يمتلك هذا المتجر الجديد في بني ملال حركة مرور رائعة وعددًا كبيرًا من العملاء المحتملين. عززت الألعاب التفاعلية الممتعة والرقصات وبيئة التسوق الصوتي بشكل كبير أجوائها في الموقع.

تخطط شركة XIMIVOGUE الآن لتوسيع أعمالها في جميع أنحاء العالم. مع كمية صغيرة فقط من الاستثمار والعديد من الخطوات يمكنك امتلاك متجر XIMIVOGUE بسهولة.


بصفتها تاجر تجزئة عالميًا يقدم مجموعة واسعة من FMCGs بطريقة فعالة من حيث التكلفة، تخدم XIMIVOGUE مستهلكيها مع أكثر من 1700 متجر في 93 دولة. لقد جعلت تجربة التسوق الرائعة والمنتجات العصرية والسعر الرخيص بالإضافة إلى التصميم الممتع منها علامة تجارية معروفة للموضة السريعة على مستوى العالم.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى ترك رسالتك على:

البريد الإلكتروني:  ximivogue_official@ximiso.com

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1846722/ximivogue_stores_in_morocco.jpg

Civics Groups Slam ‘Rigid’ Kimberley Process as Russia Emerges Unscathed

GABORONE, BOTSWANA — Activists in Botswana have slammed the Kimberley Process, which is intended to prevent diamonds from financing wars, after meetings this week failed to censure Russia.

The European Union (EU) and allies sought to expand the definition of conflict diamonds to include top supplier Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.

A push to get Russian diamonds censured during a week-long meeting in the resort town of Kasane came up empty.

The EU, Ukraine and the United States had wanted the Kimberley Process inter-sessional meeting to broaden the definition of conflict diamonds in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February.

Russian is the world’s largest producer of diamonds.

Speaking at the closing meeting Friday, Kimberley Process Chairperson Jacob Thamage said the efforts of the EU and its allies failed to go through due to lack of consensus.

“You will recall that when we started on Monday afternoon, it took quite an ordinate amount of time to reach consensus on the agenda as initially we had the EU proposing an inclusion of an agenda item around which there was no consensus,” Thamage said. “Ideas and proposals were tabled for inclusion on the agenda. For instance, those who supported the EU’s initial proposal, with a modified proposal that spoke to preventing diamonds from fueling conflict.”

World Diamond Council Chairperson Edward Asscher says there is a need for reforms, particularly with the definition of conflict diamonds.

“This year, throughout our engagement with many government participants here in Kasane, there seems to be strong support for further reforms, including that of the conflict diamond definition,” Asscher said. “We joined an inter-session hosted by the civil society coalition and we were pleased to have been able to conduct an open and honest dialogue about the reform of the KP. We would like to see this dialogue continued within the KP.”

Asscher says he still has confidence and belief in the Kimberley Process despite recent criticism the diamond trade body is losing relevance.

However, Hans Merket, a member of the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition, was disappointed with the outcome of the Botswana meeting.

“The consensus system makes it too easy for a small minority to hold everyone hostage,” Merket said. “The consensus model is being used to veto any progress. The world is bypassing the Kimberley Process.”

Merket adds it is disappointing that discussions on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine were blocked.

“We had somewhat expected a discussion on whether Russian diamonds must be seen as conflict diamonds with the invasion of Ukraine,” Merket said. “That discussion was blocked. We were prepared that veto power will be used to avoid KP to address that. What is worse is that we could not have a discussion on what the KP’s general weakness are and how the KP falls short in breaking the link between diamonds and violent conflict.”

The world’s leading diamond producers, drawn from 85 countries, will return to Botswana in November for plenary discussions.

Source: Voice of America

International Community Has Failed at Turning Responsibility to Protect into Reality, Speakers Stress, as General Assembly Concludes Debate

While highlighting various ways to build inclusive societies and prevent atrocities, speakers stressed that the international community has failed to translate the responsibility to protect into reality, as the General Assembly concluded its first annual debate on the principle. (For background information, see Press Release GA/12429.)

Myanmar’s representative said that, since the 2021 military coup, his country has faced unprecedented levels of violence, with widespread and systematic serious atrocities against the civilian population, including children. The people of Myanmar are crying out for the application of the responsibility to protect, he stressed, asking: “How many more innocent lives have to be sacrificed to have such decisive collective action from the Security Council?”

Iraq’s representative said that, despite the adoption of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, atrocities continue. The international community has failed to translate the goals of prevention into reality. Therefore, legislative and legal methods must be adopted to implement that document. Commending the United Nations Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD) — which is collecting evidence for future prosecutions in national courts — he emphasized, however, that the responsibility to protect falls upon States, including countering all efforts to incite such crimes.

To that point, the representative of Ghana underscored the important role of media, noting that, ahead of his country’s 2020 presidential and parliamentary elections, over 600 youth journalists were trained in conflict sensitivities, including hate speech and inflammatory language — a measure that enabled the peaceful transition of power there.

The representative of the United States, in a similar vein, affirmed the need for education as a preventive measure. Unlawful attacks on schools rob children of their education and hope for a better future, he said, adding that 100,000 children were killed or maimed in armed conflict since 2005. He urged Member States to leverage education for the prevention of atrocities, highlighting the critical role of teachers in building societies that are inclusive and respectful of diversity

Uruguay’s representative said her country’s National Peace Operations Training Institute will include the issue of protection of children, positioning the country as a regional centre for training and capacity-building for States engaging in peacekeeping missions. Echoing other delegations, she voiced support for the declaration by France and Mexico that Member States should voluntarily refrain from using the veto in cases of atrocities.

Nonetheless, the Permanent Observer of the Sovereign Order of Malta stressed that the current geopolitical landscape is proof that insufficient steps have been made to mitigate crimes against girls, boys and adults. Mechanisms at the United Nations are faulty, as well. “Surely we can begin to try and make amends by acting swiftly in protecting and supporting the next generation in the fight against indiscriminate acts of genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes such as sexual violence,” he said.

Source: United Nations

Groups in Spain, Morocco Push for Border Deaths Inquiry

MADRID — Human rights organizations in Spain and Morocco called on both countries to investigate the deaths of at least 18 Africans and injuries suffered by dozens more who attempted to scale the border fence that surrounds Melilla, a Spanish enclave in North Africa.

Moroccan authorities said the casualties occurred when a stampede of people tried to climb the iron fence that separates Melilla and Morocco. In a statement released Friday, Morocco’s Interior Ministry said 76 civilians were injured along with 140 Moroccan security officers.

Local authorities cited by Morocco’s official MAP news agency said the death toll increased to 18 after several migrants died in the hospital. The Moroccan Human Rights Association reported 27 dead, but the figure could not immediately be confirmed.

Two members of Morocco’s security forces and 33 migrants who were injured during the border breach were being treated at hospitals in the Moroccan cities of Nador and Oujda, MAP said.

Traffickers blamed

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez on Saturday condemned what he described as a “violent assault” and an “attack on the territorial integrity” of Spain. Spanish officials said 49 Civil Guards sustained minor injuries.

“If there is anyone responsible for everything that appears to have taken place at that border, it is the mafias that traffic in human beings,” Sánchez said.

His remarks came as the Moroccan Human Rights Association shared videos on social media that appeared to show dozens of migrants lying on the ground, many of them motionless and a few bleeding, as Moroccan security forces stood over them.

“They were left there without help for hours, which increased the number of deaths,” the human rights group said on Twitter. It called for a comprehensive investigation.

In another of the association’s videos, a Moroccan security officer appeared to use a baton to strike a person lying on the ground.

Rights groups protest

In a statement released late Friday, Amnesty International expressed its “deep concern” over the events at the border.

“Although the migrants may have acted violently in their attempt to enter Melilla, when it comes to border control, not everything goes,” said Esteban Beltrán, the director of Amnesty International Spain. “The human rights of migrants and refugees must be respected and situations like that seen cannot happen again.”

Five rights organizations in Morocco and APDHA, a human rights group based in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia, also called for inquiries.

The International Organization for Migration and U.N. refugee agency UNHCR also weighed in with a statement that expressed “profound sadness and concern” over what happened at the Morocco-Mellila border.

“IOM and UNHCR urge all authorities to prioritize the safety of migrants and refugees, refrain from the excessive use of force and uphold their human rights,” the organizations said.

In a statement published Saturday, the Spanish Commission for Refugees, CEAR, decried what it described as “the indiscriminate use of violence to manage migration and control borders” and expressed concerns that the violence had prevented people who were eligible for international protection from reaching Spanish soil.

The Catholic Church in the southern Spanish city of Malaga also expressed its dismay over the events.

“Both Morocco and Spain have chosen to eliminate human dignity on our borders, maintaining that the arrival of migrants must be avoided at all costs and forgetting the lives that are torn apart along the way,” it said in a statement penned by a delegation of the diocese that focuses on migration in Malaga and Melilla.

Thousands tried, hundreds succeeded

A spokesperson for the Spanish government’s office in Melilla said that around 2,000 people had attempted to make it across the border fence but were stopped by Spanish Civil Guard Police and Moroccan forces on either side of the border fence. A total of 133 migrants made it across the border.

The mass crossing attempt was the first since Spain and Morocco mended relations after a year-long dispute related to Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony annexed by Morocco in 1976. The thaw in relations came after Spain backed Morocco’s plan to grant more autonomy to the territory, a reversal of its previous support for a U.N.-backed referendum on the status of Western Sahara.

Source: Voice of America