‫ مؤسسة أثينا العالمية للتعليم وجامعة كارولينا تعلنان عن شراكة عابرة للحدود لخدمة المجتمع الطلابي العالمي

أكسفورد، إنجلترا، 15 أيار/مايو، 2022 / PRNewswire /– يسر مؤسسة أثينا العالمية للتعليم (يوني أثينا) وجامعة كارولينا الإعلان عن شراكة لتقديم برامج ماجستير في إدارة الأعمال على مستوى العالم.  ستقدم هذه الاتفاقية عبر الوطنية المهمة برامج إكمال برامج تعليمية مقدمة من  يوني أثينا /جامعة كارولينا في جميع أنحاء 113 دولة تخدمها حاليًا مؤسسة يوني أثينا.  سيتم تقديم البرامج عبر الإنترنت، ولكن سيكون لدى الطلاب خيار إكمال البرنامج في مباني الجامعة أيضًا.

وصرح السيد فيروز ثايرينيل، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة مؤسسة أثينا العالمية للتعليم قائلاً: “قد يكون هذا أكبر عرض منفرد لجامعة أميركية في شراكة عبر قومية في منطقة ساحل الخليج، ويسعدنا أن نقود المجموعة في الشراكات التي تفتح أبوابًا أمام الطلاب الدوليين.”

تكتسب جامعة كارولينا اعترافًا سريعًا بشراكاتها المبتكرة مع المنظمات والشركات المهنية، كما أنها تعتبر جامعة رائدة في تقديم برامج درجات ممتازة وبأسعار معقولة.  وتفخر جامعة كارولينا بشراكتها مع يوني أثينا لمواصلة مهمتها في تقديم فرص تعليمية عالية الجودة لسوق عالمي متنامٍ. 

“تعتبر هذه الشراكة بين جامعة كارولينا ويوني أثينا مكسبًا للطرفين للطلاب من الشرق الأوسط ومنطقة مينا الأوسع لأنها تقدم نفس جودة التعليم الاستثنائية المتاحة لطلاب وينستون سالم بولاية نورث كارولاينا حيث تقع الجامعة، مع القدرة على معقولية الأسعار والمرونة المضافة لمثل هذه الشراكات.  وهي شراكات تمكن الطلاب من اكتساب القدرات المطلوبة في مجالات مثيرة مثل الصحة العامة وعلوم البيانات، كما “قال الدكتور سانديب جوبالان، نائب الرئيس التنفيذي للشؤون الأكاديمية والدولية في جامعة كارولينا.

يوني أثينا هي منصة خدمات تعليمية عالمية مخصصة لتوفير تعليم عالي الجودة للطلاب من جميع أنحاء العالم، من الشرق الأوسط إلى شمال أفريقيا وحتى الولايات المتحدة. وتشمل برامجها الأكاديمية درجات وشهادات الدكتوراه والماجستير من الجامعات الأعلى تصنيفًا وشهادات مهنية من هيئات شهيرة. كما تقوم بالاستفادة من التكنولوجيا لجعل تجربة الدارس بمثابة تجربة سهلة وغنية.


International Day of Families, Angel Yeast encourages households to bake at home.

YICHANG, China, May 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Angel Yeast (en.angelyeast.com, SH600298), a listed global yeast and yeast extract manufacturer, announced on International Day of Families on May 15 that it will continue its longstanding commitment to support and promote a healthy lifestyle for families around the world. Offering a wide range of yeast products, the company aims to inspire and encourage urban households to bake and cook more at home.

International Day of Families, Angel Yeast encourages households to bake at home.

As one of the missions of International Day of Families is to raise awareness regarding the well-being of families, Angel Yeast hopes to start with gastronomy to create discussions globally on how to lead a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, according to Xishan Wang, deputy general manager at Angel Yeast.

“In recent years we’ve seen a decrease in home baking as busy modern life and the digital era has created more dining options. Young people especially are unwilling to cook so it raises concerns about food safety, nutrition, pollution from plastic packaging, as well as a lack of bonding and family vibe,” said Wang.

Angel Yeast has been taking a leading role in the family consumption of yeast products in China. It has gradually become a major supplier for the global market. Angel Yeast products are used in the making of bread, naan, baozi (steamed stuffed bun), and many other pasties by millions of families throughout the world.

To help and encourage people to do it themselves, Angel Yeast has printed QR codes on some product packages, which allow people to watch an educational cooking video. There is also a range of food DIY training programs for families organized by Angel Yeast around the world all aiming to create opportunities for families to spend more time together.

In addition, Angel Yeast has stepped up efforts in product innovation to offer more options for nutritious diets for families. Product lines include:

  • Bakery products: Angel Yeast has developed a range of safe, nutritious bread and cake mixes. Additionally, its aluminum-free raising agents have been used widely in China.
  • YE (Yeast Extract) flavoring: YE is a natural flavoring that can add more flavors and reduce the use of salts. With efforts from Angel Yeast, 90% of salt-reduced soy sauce in China adds YE to its ingredients.
  • Health care products: Yeast contains nutritious substances for human beings. Angel Yeast has innovated yeast protein technology to produce health care, medical and cosmetic products.
  • Homebrewing and distilling: Another key product line of Angel Yeast is yeast products for home brewing and distilling of beer, wine, and baijiu(rice liquor).

About Angel Yeast

Founded in 1986, Angel Yeast Co., Ltd specializes in the production of yeast and yeast derivatives. Its product range includes baker’s yeast and ingredients, Chinese dim sum and seasoning, savory yeast extract, human health, animal nutrition, plant nutrition, distilled spirits and biofuels, fermentation nutrients, and enzymes. At present, Angel Yeast has 12 international advanced production bases in China, Egypt, and Russia, and provides products and services for more than 160 countries and regions globally.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1817357/image.jpg

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1586948/angel_logo_Logo.jpg

‫ تكشف INFiLED عن كشك مثير للإعجاب في ISE2022 في برشلونة

Winner of events technology: INFiLED Titan-X

شنتشن، الصين، 15 مايو 2022 / PRNewswire / — في 10 مايو، في معرض ISE2022 في برشلونة، INFiLED ، وهي شركة عالمية رائدة في مجال شاشات LED ، كشفت رسميًا عن مقصورتها المثيرة للإعجاب في القاعة 3 3B400 . يعرض الكشك أحدث المنتجات المبتكرة لـ INFiLED وسيستمر في العرض حتى 13 مايو.

يُعترف بـ ISE كأكبر معرض في العالم للتكامل السمعي والبصري وتكامل النظام، ويُنظر إليها أيضًا على أنها المنصة الرئيسية للمصنعين ومقدمي الخدمات لإطلاق منتجات وحلول إبداعية في سوق التقنيات المتعددة. وباعتبارها أحد الشركات العارضة المشهورة في ISE ، فقد دُعيت INFILED للعرض لمدة سبع سنوات متتالية. في ISE2022 ، تعرض INFiLED مجموعة واسعة من شاشات LED الرائعة المناسبة لمجموعة متنوعة من سيناريوهات التطبيقات، وحلول لاستوديو XR ، والإيجار، والتركيبات الثابتة الداخلية والخارجية، بالإضافة إلى العديد من التجهيزات الأخرى، وجميعها معروضة في المقصورة.

INFiLED's xR Studio

عند الدخول من المدخل الشرقي للقاعة 3، تم إنشاء استوديو XR 3*3*3 *3 متر قابل للتعرف عليه بشكل كبير في كشك INFiLED ، والذي يتكون من جدارين خلفيين مصنوعين من سلسلة DB والأرضيات المصنوعة من سلسلة DFII . تشتهر كلتا السلسلتين في مجال XR وتم اعتمادهما على نطاق واسع للاستوديوهات الافتراضية أو إعدادات المسرح مثل Ten-points Virtual Studio و PURE VIEW XR Studio و Foxx Haus Studio وغيرها.

تتميز سلسلة DB على الحائط بمعدل تحديث يصل إلى 3840 هرتز، وتدعم HDR 10 ، وتتميز بشاشة ألوان دقيقة وصور ديناميكية سلسة وتعبير التفاصيل الممتاز المطلوب لإنتاج XR . أما بالنسبة للأرضية، فإن DFII مجهز بإخفاء بصري حاصل على براءة اختراع INFiLED ، وهو مضاد للتوهج، ومنخفض الانعكاس، وليس له انحراف في اللون تحت زوايا عرض واسعة، مما يجعله خيارًا مناسبًا لمشاهد XR الافتراضية.

INFiLED's WP ARC 1.56mm

على يمين استوديو XR ، تم تركيب شاشة كبيرة الشكل مصنوعة من سلسلة TITAN-X على واجهة كشك INFiLED . تتميز هذه السلسلة بشفافية عالية تبلغ 70%، وملعب بكسل يبلغ 8.3 مم فقط، وسطوع يصل إلى 4000 nits وتبرز في سوق التأجير في الهواء الطلق مع مظهرها الفريد وأدائها المتميز. وتجدر الإشارة إلى حقيقة أن TITAN-X قد فازت كفائزة بتكنولوجيا الأحداث في جوائز Inavation Awards لعام 2022.

2022 Inavation Awards, Events Technology Winner- INFiLED Titan-X

 في زاوية الكشك، تظهر الشاشة المنحنية XII1.9 التي تم إطلاقها حديثًا بوضوح. تعتمد السلسلة الثانية عشرة على تقنية الوحدة اللينة من INFiLED الحاصلة على براءة اختراع، والتي تتمتع بمرونة قوية ويمكن أن تكون ±30 ° محدبة ومقعر وتفي أيضًا بمتطلبات مختلفة لشكل الشاشة، مثل القوس الداخلي، الأسطوانة الخارجية، المدفق، الموجة، من بين أمور أخرى. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تصل زوايا العرض الأفقية والرأسية لهذه السلسلة إلى 160درجة، والصورة المعروضة على الشاشة طبيعية وسلسة من أي وجهة نظر.

Winner of events technology: INFiLED Titan-X

فوق السلسلة الثانية عشر مباشرة، توجد شاشة منحنية مهيبة على حافة MV . يبلغ حجم كل وحدة من حافة MV 125×250 مم فقط، وتدعم زوايا اتصال مختلفة من 90 درجة إلى 180 درجة، ويمكن مطابقتها مع سلسلة MV المستوية من INFiLED . ليس هذا فحسب، بل يحتوي أيضًا على سطوع عالي يبلغ 5000 نت ومعدل تحديث رائع يبلغ 3840 هرتز مما يجعله مثاليًا للتركيبات الثابتة الخارجية، خاصة لتطبيقات DOOH . بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يحتوي على استهلاك منخفض للطاقة يبلغ 180 واط/م2، وهو حل عرض فعال وغير ضار بالبيئة.

INFiLED's XII series

في منطقة معرض INFiLED ، هناك العديد من حلول العرض الثابتة الداخلية، بما في ذلك سلسلة WP ARC التي تم إطلاقها مؤخرًا. توفر هذه السلسلة مجموعة متنوعة من نقاط البكسل وصولًا إلى 1.5 مم وتتوافق مع سلسلة WP ، مما يحول الشاشة من سطح مستوٍ إلى منحنى عثرة ناعم بزاوية 90 درجة. وبصرف النظر عن ذلك، تقدم سلسلة WP ARC نسبة عرض إلى ارتفاع قياسية 16:9 وتدعم التصحيح التلقائي بالتدرج الرمادي والنقطة نقطة، مما يعرض ألوانًا دقيقة وصورًا بطلاقة.

وتشمل المنتجات الأخرى عالية الجودة التي يتم عرضها أيضًا سلسلة WP ، والتي يتم استخدامها في المشاهد الداخلية مثل غرف الاجتماعات وغرف الانتظار الطبية، والتي تقدم صورة حادة مع تفاصيل وفيرة. سلسلة AM ، وهي شاشة شفافة لسوق التأجير، مع وحدة حجمها 500*250 مم، مناسبة للتركيب ويمكن استخدامها كسقف LED .

ابحث عن INFiLED :

عنوان معرض ISE2022 هو فيرا برشلونة، غران فيا. تقع مقصورة INFiLED في القاعة 3 3B400 . خلال فترة العرض، يقدم المحترفون خدمات لجميع العملاء المهتمين بمنتجاتنا. علاوة على ذلك، فإن صالة عرض INFiLED في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا في وسط برشلونة مفتوحة كل ظهيرة للعملاء الذين يرغبون في القيام بجولة، مع تذاكر المناسبات المتاحة لزيارة الكشك 3B400 .

INFiLED's MV EDGE series

نبذة عن INFiLED

INFILED هي شركة دولية عالية التقنية متخصصة في البحث والتطوير وتصنيع معدات الفيديو LED واسعة النطاق. حتى الآن، تم تصدير منتجات INFiLED إلى 85 دولة وتطبيقها في مجالات مختلفة بما في ذلك الإعلان والنقل والرياضة والفعاليات والعلامات التجارية للشركات والمؤتمرات والتطبيقات الإبداعية. من خلال التركيز على الابتكار المستقل والتحسين المستمر، تسعى INFiLED إلى أن تكون علامة تجارية رائدة لمصنع شاشة LED لتنوير العالم من خلال وليمة بصرية.

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INFiLED's WP series


CATL’s all-scenario energy storage solutions shine at ees Europe 2022

MUNICH, May 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL), a global leader of new energy innovative technologies, is in the spotlight with its award-winning all-scenario energy storage solutions at the ees Europe 2022, the largest and most international exhibition for batteries and energy storage systems in Europe, which was held from May 11-13 at Messe München, Munich.

EnerOne, the modular outdoor liquid cooling BESS

CATL’s cutting-edge products demonstrated at the exhibition cover application scenarios of power generation, power transmission and distribution, and power consumption. EnerOne, the modular outdoor liquid cooling BESS, won this year’s ees AWARD on May 10. Equipped with 280 Ah LFP cells, the flagship product boasts a cycle life of up to 10,000 cycles, featuring long service life, high integration, and high degree of safety. Temperature difference among cells can be controlled within 3 degrees Celsius, a great improvement over industry average of 5 to 8 degrees Celsius. It has a floor space of just 1.69 square meters, 35% less than traditional air cooling products, and is suitable for inverters with operating voltages ranging from 600 to 1,500 volts. Meanwhile, the modular design enables it to adapt to a variety of application scenarios.

EnerC, the containerized liquid-cooling battery system (1:3 model)

To meet the market demand for all-weather energy storage applications, such as extreme temperatures, high humidity, desert, ocean, among others, CATL has developed the innovative EnerC, a containerized liquid-cooling battery system. With IP55 and C5 anti-corrosion protection, EnerC is able to meet the requirements of various harsh climatic conditions, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the whole system for 20 years. Empowered by the industry-leading highly-integrated liquid cooling design, its energy density can reach 259.7 kWh per square meter, almost a 200% increase over traditional air cooling systems.

48100 battery module for base stations (left) and lithium-ion battery rack for UPS application EnerU (right)

At the power consumption side, EnerU, CATL’s blockbuster for the UPS application, offers a trailblazing solution for the replacement of lead-acid backup batteries with more environment friendly lithium-ion ones. By overcoming the high impedance of LFP materials, EnerU’s 6 C solution achieves high power performance and high degree of safety at the same time. In addition to safety at cell level, EneU further guarantees its safety at system level through mechanical methods and thermal insulation materials. For single cell thermal runaway situation, there is no thermal propagation to adjacent cells.

CATL’s booth B1.440 at ees Europe

At ees Europe 2022, CATL also displayed 48100 battery module for base stations, which features small size and light weight. Supported by substantially safe LFP cells and the 3U modular design, the product has greatly improved space utilization and service life. The 48100 base station can house up to 16 battery packs, and the number of packs can be flexibly adjusted to meet the requirements of different system backup time, which makes it compatible with multiple application scenarios.

Aside from showcasing its latest battery products and technologies at its booth B1.440, CATL also shared insights and innovative ideas on the future of energy storage with industry peers at the Intersolar Forum.

The year 2021 sees the leapfrogging development of CATL’s energy storage business as it ranked first in the market share of global energy storage battery production for the first time. CATL has forged partnership with top-tier Chinese energy enterprises including China National Energy, SPIC, China Huadian Corporation, China Three Gorges Group, China Energy Engineering Corporation as well as key international players in the industry such as NextEra, Fluence, Wartsila, Tesla, Powin, Schneider Electric and Eaton, applying its advanced energy storage solutions in major markets including China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, etc. In the future, CATL will join forces with more partners to promote energy transition and contribute to global efforts for carbon neutrality.

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1818137/EnerOne.jpg

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1818138/EnerC.jpg

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1818139/48100_UPS_EnerU.jpg

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1818140/CATL_Booth.jpg

Concluding Session, Committee on Information Calls for Fighting Misinformation, Protecting Journalists

The United Nations Committee on Information — concluding its forty-fourth session today under the shadow of the tragic killing of yet another journalist in the line of duty — approved two resolutions detailing Member States’ priorities for the Department of Global Communications, from fighting misinformation to helping States protect the fundamental rights to expression and opinion.

Acting by consensus on the final day of its annual meeting, the Committee approved two draft resolutions contained in the report of its forty-fourth session (document A/AC.198/2022/L.3), which was introduced by Rapporteur Darren Camilleri (Malta) and will be forwarded to the General Assembly for adoption.

By their terms, the Assembly would urge all countries, organizations of the United Nations system and others to take a range of actions in support of the free flow of accurate information. Among other things, those included specific calls to ensure the free and effective performance of journalists and resolutely condemn attacks against them, and to increase assistance for communication infrastructure and capabilities in developing countries.

The Assembly would reiterate its concerns about the exponential spread and proliferation of disinformation and misinformation and emphasize the need for all Member States to stand together to address those challenges, including on the Internet. It would also re-emphasize the importance of ensuring public access to information and protecting fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of opinion and expression, the freedom of the press and the right to privacy.

By other terms of the resolutions, the Assembly would call for intensified cooperation with the United Nations system for the effective dissemination of scientific knowledge, best practices and information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19 vaccines. It would also support a range of activities and programmes of the Department of Global Communications, from its strategic communications services to its promotional campaigns to its role in peacekeeping and peacebuilding and the work of the network of United Nations information centres around the globe.

Maher Nasser, Director of the Outreach Division of the Department of Global Communications, delivered closing remarks on behalf of Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications Melissa Fleming. He welcomed the Committee’s ability to reach consensus at a time of growing global challenges and rising tensions and divisions, particularly around the war in Ukraine. Thanking delegations for their hard work and flexibility, he said the Department’s work to build support for peace, justice, human rights, equality, climate action and a healthy environment is inspired by Member States’ guidance and priorities. “When these are reached by consensus, that represents the spirit of multilateralism.”

He said the Department is committed to serving as the voice of the United Nations, by providing up-to-date and accurate information, promoting the work of the Organization and its Member States and connecting with a wide range of actors — from the media to youth to celebrities, the private sector and educational institutions. In the session’s general debate, many delegations stressed the need to counter misinformation and disinformation while being a source of reliable and trusted information. “The answer is trust,” he said, emphasizing that the information produced and disseminated by the Department is fact-based, accurate, reliable and unbiased. This year’s report notes the imperative “that we make lying wrong again” and the need to encourage societies to develop a common, empirically backed consensus on the public good of facts, science and knowledge.

Welcoming broad support for the Department’s Verified initiative, as well as the “Pause” and “OnlyTogether” campaigns, he pledged to continue those efforts and to further expand Verified into other relevant issue areas, such as the climate crisis and hate speech. He also welcomed delegations’ significant interest in the Department’s work on a code of conduct for integrity in public information and their “loud and clear” messages regarding the importance of reinforcing multilingualism. Emphasizing the Department’s commitment to that core principle, he said it continues to provide multilingual services in the six official languages, within existing resources, and is working to expand its work beyond those languages to reach as many people as possible.

Prior to approving its report, the Committee observed a moment of silence to honour Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh — who was killed on 11 May in the Jenin refugee camp, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, while reporting for Al Jazeera News Outlet — as well as all those members of the press who have been killed in the line of duty.

Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, read a quote by Ms. Abu Aqleh and conveyed the sorrow of the Palestinian people at her passing. He condemned the Israeli occupation for murdering the Palestinian media icon even as she was clearly dressed in a press jacket and called for accountability.

Outlining their views on the contents of the Committee’s report, many delegates also referred to the death of Ms. Abu Aqleh — describing it as a “crushing blow to truth and justice” — and emphasizing that attacks on members of the press are wholly unacceptable. Many called for an urgent, impartial and independent inquiry aimed at holding those responsible for her death to account.

The representative of Pakistan, speaking on behalf of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China, said that as facilitator of negotiations on the draft resolutions, the bloc sought to ensure renewed momentum and support for the Department of Global Communications. “We believe we have made important progress in this regard,” she said. She condemned the killing of Ms. Abu Aqleh, calling for an independent investigation into her death. She also made several comments in her national capacity, including advocating for a two-State solution to the long-standing Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The representative of Kuwait, speaking on behalf of the League of Arab States, said Ms. Abu Aqleh’s murder and the wounding of her colleague was only the latest crime carried out by the occupying Power in Palestine in contravention of international law. Calling for an impartial and independent investigation, he said those responsible must be immediately brought to justice.

South Africa’s representative, associating herself with the Group of 77, welcomed that the Committee’s report recognizes the threat posed by the global spread of disinformation and misinformation, as well as the important role played by the network of United Nations information centres in countering it. She also condemned the death of Ms. Abu Agleh and emphasized the important role States should play in protecting journalists and their crucial work.

Cuba’s representative, also associating himself with the Group of 77, said the report contains controversial elements that rightly fall under the purview of other departments of the United Nations. While Cuba joined the Committee’s consensus in the spirit of consensus, that spirit has been tarnished by the murder of Ms. Abu Aqleh. He joined other speakers in calling for urgent accountability for her death.

The representative of the European Union, in its capacity as observer, said the Committee’s report is “adapted to the challenges of 2022”, including by addressing the growing spread of misinformation. Echoing those delegates who paid tribute to Ms. Abu Aqleh, he strongly condemned her killing — just days after World Press Freedom Day — and called for a thorough investigation to clarify the circumstances surrounding her death. “It is unacceptable to target journalists while they are doing their jobs,” he stressed.

Egypt’s delegate, associating himself with the Group of 77 and the League of Arab States, said media outlets remain an important tool for communicating facts, particularly in the current tense geopolitical context and amid the lingering impacts of the pandemic. He joined others in condemning the killing of Ms. Abu Aqleh and called for the launch of an investigation into that horrific incident.

The representative of the United States welcomed the inclusion of language calling for the protection of journalists in the Committee’s report and urged an independent investigation into the death of Ms. Abu Aqleh. Clarifying his delegation’s position, he reiterated its long-standing view that trade language emanating from United Nations system bodies has no relevance for United States policy or commitments.

The representative of Mexico, while welcoming the Committee’s consensus, voiced concern over the length of resolution B. Its 178 paragraphs contain numerous messages and mandates, some of which are carried over year after year, and reflect a degree of inertia that may undermine the importance of the Department of Global Communications’ crucial work. As such, he urged the drafters to take steps in future sessions to shorten the text in an effort to give it the attention it deserves.

Israel’s delegate, welcoming the Committee’s report, said his delegation was also saddened by the death of Ms. Abu Aqleh, which occurred during operations carried out in the wake of a wave of violence against his country. His nation swiftly called for a joint Palestinian-Israeli investigation into her death, but those calls were rejected by the Palestinian side who preferred to act as “judge, jury and executioner” without respect for due process. Nevertheless, Israel remains committed to accountability and to the safety and security of journalists and will push forward with an investigation. He went on to condemn attempts to politicize Ms. Abu Aqleh’s death, including in meetings of the Committee on Information.

Also delivering remarks were the representatives of Indonesia, Iran, Bangladesh, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Senegal, Iraq and Algeria.

Source: United Nations

COVID-19 vaccination in the WHO African Region – Monthly Bulletin, April 2022

The percentage of people fully vaccinated in the African Region increased from 13% at the end of March 2022 to 14.3% as of 30 April 2022. Six out of the 20 countries that had less than 10% of their population fully vaccinated in January 2022 have moved upward, surpassing 15% of their population fully vaccinated. These countries are Uganda, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Ethiopia, Kenya and Sierra Leone. The highest increase in the percentage of people fully vaccinated in the past three months was seen in Uganda, Ethiopia, Côte d’Ivoire, Chad and Sierra Leone. These countries are among the priority countries for the multi-partner country support team initiative (Uganda, Ethiopia, Côte d’Ivoire and Chad) or for the global COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership (Sierra Leone).

Source: World Health Organization

President Biden Highlighting State and Local Leaders Who Are Investing American Rescue Plan Funding

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, folks. I — I’m flanked by real protection here. (Laughter.) Thank you all for being here. And I want to — I want to thank the Attorney General, Merrick Garland, who is standing behind me, for joining us today. He’s doing an incredible job as our Attorney General.

I just met with this remarkable group of local officials and police chiefs standing alongside me here. We wanted to talk about what they’re doing to reduce violence and to keep our community safe, and how more communities can follow their lead to reduce crime and ensure public safety as we — as we head into the summer.

You know, I’ve worked on these issues for a long time — when I was a United States senator and as Vice President. So — so this group of leaders — Democrats and Republicans — representing big cities and rural counties — we — we actually know what works.

We all agreed, as I’ve said from the outset, that the answer is not to defund the police. The answer is to fund the police with the resources and training they need to protect our communities, investing in crime prevention and accountable community police officers who’ll walk the beat, know the neighborhood, and who can restore trust and safety in the neighborhoods. That’s what it is.

When you know who owns a local liquor store, know who the pastor of the church is, know — it makes a big difference when you know the community. And that’s been my approach from day one.

That’s why we designed the American Rescue Plan not only to beat the pandemic, but to rebuild our economy, but to restore public safety. And we understood the challenge from the beginning.

Communities were facing a rising tide of violence that coincided with this pandemic we went through over the last two years. And it was happening at a time when state and local budgets were under tremendous strain.

Because of the pandemic, so many people laid off, their revenue was not coming in. They were firing everyone from police officers to school teachers to first responders.

But before the American Rescue Plan, these bu- — their budgets were in deep distress in the states and localities.

One study sounded before — found that before the Rescue Plan was passed, 27 percent of the mayors in America were having to cut — make deep cuts and layoffs in law enforcement as well as other areas. So we made sure that the American Rescue Plan provided substantial resources to keep that from happening.

Through the law, we provided $350 billion — let me say that again — $350 billion directly — not to the legislatures — directly to cities, counties, and states independently of one another — money that could be used to hire back police officers, to invest in proven strategies like community violence interruption and prevention programs, and to keep their cities and counties safe, and ease the burden on law enforcement.

Because of that funding, states and cities were able to add back 460,000 jobs, including police officers, in addition to firefighters, educators, and other critically important roles.

And, by the way, not a single remember- — not a single Republican member of Congress voted for the money for law enforcement, public safety, to stabilize these — and to stabilize these budgets — not a single one — for the states, the cities, and the counties. Not one.

But I think we’re finding they’re showing up now because they’re realizing this is going to make a difference and beginning to make a difference.

Across the country, state and local leaders answered the call. And already, more than one — more than $10 billion of the American Rescue Plan funds have been committed to violence prevention and public safety across America.

In fact, in — 2021 was one of the strongest years on record when it comes to federal support delivered directly to state and local governments to address and prevent crime.

And, folks, standing here with me today, leading the way in Detroit, my buddy — and he is my buddy, because you may remember, those of you that have been reporting from the White House for a while, that Barack Obama said to me when I was Vice President, “Go fix Detroit.” (Laughs.) Not a joke. Spent — and the poor guy, he spent a lot — where were you, Mike?

MAYOR DUGGAN: I’m still here.

THE PRESIDENT: I spent a lot of time with this guy — Mayor Mike Duggan — and Police Chief James White.

Are — they’re using these ARP funds to modernize police training facilities, to invest in retention of police officers, gun violence prevention efforts, gunshot detection technology.

In Tulsa, Mayor G.T. — excuse me — Byrnum [Bynum] is using the Rescue Plan funds to help recruit police officers and training for — bonus.

Put your hand up when — so we know who we’re talking about here.

MAYOR BYNUM: Yes, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: There you are. Okay. I — in Kansas City, Mayor Q — known as “Mayor Q” — Quinton Lucas and police officer Joe — Joe Mabin are here. They used the ARP funds to avoid cuts and layoffs that would have threatened public safety in their city. And they put $12 million into their Violent Crimes Division and — while freeing up resources to begin hiring 150 new police officers.

In Baton Rouge — Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Police Chief Murphy Pearl [sic] — Paul — excuse me — is using ARP funds to purchase 200 additional patrol cars while investing $3 million to implement a proven strategy to reduce gun violence in communities, to produce prevention programs.

In Tampa, Mayor Jane Castor and Mayor — and the Police Chief, Mary O’Connor, they’re using ARP funds to modernize the city’s fire prevention capacity, including with new fire vehicles.

In Toledo, Ohio, Mayor Wade is using the ARP funds not only to avoid layoffs, but to add 100 police officers in the next few years.

In Mercer County, Pennsylvania — a county I know — largely rural, where the largest town is home of 16,000 people — the County Commissioner is here — Timothy McGonigle. Timmy was — well, I shouldn’t — I — excuse me — I was going to call you — excuse me for calling you Timmy.

COMMISIONER MCGONIGLE: No, they all call me that.

THE PRESIDENT: I’ve always called you — (laughter) —

We were talking about I grew up with Michael McGonigle — was one hell of an athlete. Anyway.

And anyway, but Tim is using that $12 million of ARP funds to install a county-wide radio system, connecting 911, police, fire, ambulance services for the first time. It’s going to make a big difference in terms of the public safety writ large.

And in Houston, Mayor Sylvester Turner, who I’ve spent some time with, and Troy Finner, the — who is the police chief, they’re using ARP funds to improve medical health services — mental health services, excuse me — domestic violence and response efforts. Because they’ve realized that when there’s a domestic violence problem, it’s not always necessary to send a cop with a gun. You have to send someone who can talk people through things.

And so — and funding a community re-entry program and police overtime pay so an additional 125 officers can be present in areas where violent crime occurs most frequently.

And across the country, more than 300 communities are engaged in the — efforts like these.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. To every governor, every mayor, every county official, the need is clear, my message is clear: Send — spend this money now that you have. Use these funds we made available to you to prioritize public safety. Do it quickly, before the summer, when crime rates typically surge. Taking action today is going to save lives tomorrow. So, use the money. Hire the police officers. Build up your emergency response systems. Invest in proven solutions.

We have a — we have an expert here with us who is one of the best — who’s best at those solutions, Reggie Moore. Reggie is heading up a new comprehensive statewide violence prevention program in the state of Wisconsin — a program that’s grounded in what’s known as community violence intervention.

Community violence intervention is about using tested messages, community leaders, community members to directly work with people who are the most likely to commit gun crimes or become victims of those gun crimes. And it works. They intervene before it’s too late, with public health and safety approaches that work.

And your governor, Governor Evers, has invested $100 million in the Rescue Plan to expand these efforts across the state of Wisconsin.

So, thanks for everything you’re doing, Reggie. I appreciate it. And more and more states and communities are going to do the same thing.

We need more of these programs. And we need states and communities to invest in things like jobs and training for young people, summer programs, drug treatment and mental health programs, housing, criminal justice reform, reentry support for people coming home from — after incarceration.

As I said in the Cabinet Room, you know, the idea that when you get let out of prison after serving your time you get 25 bucks and a bus ticket, and you’re going to end up under the same bridge you came from — from before.

But you should be entitled, if you’ve served your time, to everything from Pell Grants to food — to food stamps, the whole — the whole deal, to be able to take advantage of changing your life. And my administration is investing in those elements.

The cities, the counties, and the states should be doing the same thing with the money they have because they are demonstrated ways to reduce crime.

The bottom line is this: Across the board, we’re making sure that communities have the resources available to them that they’ve never had before so they don’t have to make tough choices between and among doing these things — reduce violence and ensure safety.

And it’s up to the cities, the towns, and the counties to spend the money and spend it now. It’s there. It’s been appropriated.

We know the challenges we’re facing as we head into this summer. We need to meet those challenges with a sense of urgency, which this group is doing.

Local leaders across the country, including the folks that are here today, are demonstrating exactly what works with innovative efforts and proven strategies.

Every single community in America should join them. And as you do, I want every governor, mayor, and county official to know: My administration will continue to have your back.

Let’s get this done and get it done now.

I want to thank you all. God bless you all. And may God protect our troops. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Appreciate it. (Applause.)

Q Do you support Finland joining NATO?

Q Do you condemn the Israeli police force in Jerusalem?

Q Do you support Finland joining NATO, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: If you ask me something about what I just spoke about, I’m happy to answer your question. (Laughter.)

Q Do you think you need to invest more money in police across the nation? Would you push for more investment?

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. We have plenty out there. The thing is that the governors have to loosen it up, make it available. Mayors have to make it available. It’s there. It’s not a question.

You had a question, sir.

Q My question is: Do you condemn the police force in Israel for their actions at the funeral of the Palestinian-American journalist?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know all the detail, but I know it has to be investigated. I don’t know all the detail.

Q Mr. President, would you go to support reporters, sir?

Q If I can, I’ll ask you — I’ll ask you two. First, about what we’re doing here, if you can, about — there are some concerns about leniency of prosecutors right now — what you have in terms of leverage to help enforce them, doing more to hold criminals accountable.

And separately, your concerns, if you have any, on bail reform.

And then I have a separate one, if I can just allow it. A lot of parents are watching about baby formula. Do you have a message to those parents that you can share while they’re listening?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, three questions. I’ll answer the baby formula question because, all of a sudden, it’s on the front page of every newspaper. And that’s important that it — I — be responded to.

But, look, with regard to the leniency of prosecutors, that has, on balance, not been the biggest problem — the leniency of prosecutors. In the past, the hardest (inaudible) have been the intensity of prosecutors, people getting long sentences for crimes that are — anyway.

And so, and my — and bail reform — I think bail reform and the negative side of bail reform is vastly overrated. The idea that if you have no ability to make bail because you’re poor, it should relate to the severity of the crime and what you — what the problem is related that you’re accused of.

With regard to the issue of formula, we’ve done three things. And — and I know Jen Psaki spoke to this today.

Number one, we’re releasing guidance today to all the states of the possible flexibilities in the WIC program — the Women, Infant, Children program — because they’re very, sort of, strict guidelines that when you walk in, if you have a WIC, you can go and purchase a certain amount of formula, but you can’t purchase more of it.

The problem is the packaging issues are becoming a difficulty. And so we’ve — changing it so that the WIC program — you can buy what’s on the shelf so that they’re not as — as — it’s the top issue raised with me.

So the flexibility to have formula in stock should not depend on whether you have it packaged exactly what meets the requirement for that — that — for people on — on the WIC program.

Secondly, the FDA just issued a statement we worked on. I was on the telephone. And, by the way, that — on the WIC program — when I spoke to Walmart and I spoke to the major distributors for an hour or so yesterday or the day before — I can’t remember — they wanted to have this flexibility because they didn’t want to be violating the law.

Secondly, they — the top issue for retailers raised with me — secondly, the FDA just issued a statement about importation — importation of formula from abroad. The FDA has been looking at the — will be working with manufacturers to facilitate the incorporation of formulas from abroad that, in fact — in places like Europe, where we can get more product on U.S. shelves. That’s underway.

I think we’re going to be, in a matter of weeks or less, getting significantly more formula on shelves. And the FDA is also going to ensure we can import and still maintain the sa- — the high safety standards.

And the third thing that is — there’s more to say about each of these, but the third major thing we’re doing is that patien- — finally, any parent who has a serious question about where they — the particular formula they need — because there are very different formulas; some are very precise. And if they not — they don’t get the exact right formula, the impact on the child is extremely negative. We have set up a — a system whereby you can contact HHS. You can go to www.HHS.gov/formula.

They just launched this website to help parents find resources, obtain formulas, including contact with companies and food banks and health providers that, in fact, may have access to the particular formula they need.

This is a process. We’re working on it very, very hard. There’s nothing more urgent we’re working on than that right now. And I think we’re going to be making some significant progress very shortly.

All the way in the back.

Q Mr. President, Republicans have said that your administration should have anticipated this baby formula shortage before. Are you satisfied with your administration’s response so far? And some of the steps that you and your administration are taking now, including loosening these import requirements next week, should you have taken those steps sooner, before parents got to these shelves and couldn’t find formula?

THE PRESIDENT: If we’d been better mind readers, I guess we could have, but we moved as quickly as the problem became apparent to us. And we have to move with caution as well as speed, because we got to make sure what we’re getting is, in fact, first-rate product. That’s why the FDA has to go through the process.

Q Thank you. Mr. President, I’m so sorry to take you to so far. I’m going to ask you a question about Africa, because, recently, you send your Deputy Secretary of State to Africa. She visit three countries: Gabon, Angola, and South Africa.

So, in Angola, she spoke with President Lourenço. And when she gave her report to the media, she said that she’s been seeing in Angola many progress in terms of human rights, fighting corruption, and also better business environment for the Americans investor. Are you aware of what is going on in Angola, Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: I’m aware. However, I’m waiting for her report. I’ve been on the phone with the President of South Africa at length on those same issues. And I’ve been on — on the phone and been in contact with other African leaders.

There is a need for a significant increase in focusing on human rights and not abusing human rights. But there’s also a need for us to — what we’re doing is trying to figure out how can we help African countries accommodate the changes they have to make in terms of the — their — to deal with their environmental problems, as well as dealing with infrastructure problems.

And so, I convinced the G7 to agree that we would put together a program where we would — the advanced economic nations of the world would provide the kind of resources, without any strings attached, to increase environmental capacity as well as dealing with other problems in African nations.

There’s a billion people. And so we’re working very hard to try to get hold of that.

(Cross-talk by reporters.)

Q Yes, Mr. President —

THE PRESIDENT: I’m only going to keep them standing here another few minutes.

Q All right. No worries, Mr. President. (Laughter.) I’ll make it quick. Mr. President, I just want to ask you —

THE PRESIDENT: They — they came for the press conference. Right, guys? (Laughter.)

Q Thank you, sir. I appreciate your time. I just want to ask you: What further executive action are you considering to do police reform? We know that’s pretty much stalled in Congress right now.

And I also want to ask you another question, if I can, on foreign relations. You spoke with both of the leaders of Sweden and Finland today. What’s your message to President Putin after those — essentially those threats that he gave, at least to Finland?

THE PRESIDENT: With regard to the second question: I’m not going to go into the detail of my private conversations with the President of Sweden and Finland, except that we had a good conversation, and they expressed their interest and desires relating to security. And there will be more to report on that shortly.

With regard to — the first question was what again?

Q What additional action are you considering on police reform? And we know your administration is working on (inaudible).

THE PRESIDENT: What I’ve done by executive order is done what I can, insisting that — on police reform — for federal officers, no chokeholds, no no-knock warrants, et cetera. That’s going to continue.

But one of the things I’ve decided to do — the best way to get the reform done as quickly as possible is to go local and to make sure we invest in the police departments of local and county and city police departments. Because one of the things we talked about in the Cabinet Room is that I don’t know any cop who likes a bad cop. I mean that sincerely.

I grew up in a neighborhood in Claymont where you became a cop, a firefighter, or a priest. And I’m not joking. I had — the guys I know in the police forces, the last thing they want is a bad cop — a bully, a thug — being on the force.

So the idea that somehow there’s this overwhelming desire to protect a bad cop — it’s the leadership’s role to make sure they find them, get rid of them, and if they violate a crime, prosecute them.

Thank you all so very, very much. Thank you.

3:47 P.M. EDT

Source: The White House