BloombergNEF Ranks Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group in Top Five Wind Turbine Manufacturers of 2021 in China

SHANGHAI, April 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group (“Shanghai Electric Wind Power” or “the Company”) has been named as one of the top five wind turbine manufacturers in China, with its newly added offshore wind capacity overtaking all the other industry players in China in 2021, according to BloombergNEF’s China’s Top 10 Wind Turbine Manufacturers in 2021 report.

The report, which ranks China’s wind turbine manufacturers based on new turbines installed throughout 2021, shows that Shanghai Electric Wind Power took the number five spot by increasing its wind capacity by 5.18GW, securing 9 percent of the market share in China. The Company retains the top spot in the offshore wind scene as the Company’s newly installed offshore capacity grew by 4.1GW over the year.

“In light of the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and fierce market competition triggered by the looming end to offshore wind subsidies, Shanghai Electric Wind Power overcame the challenges and broke multiple industry records, winning recognition from our partners for our exceptional installation efficiency, as well as product and service quality. These accolades from the industry have given us fresh impetus as we continue to reshape China’s wind power sector in an effort to accelerate towards carbon peak and neutrality goals,” Shanghai Electric wrote in a statement.

 In 2021, China’s newly installed wind capacity increased 55.8GW in total, a slight dip of 3% from 2020, passing the 50GW threshold for the second year in a row. It comes at a time when China’s wind power sector is contending with market uncertainties posed by surges in global commodity prices as well supply chain disruptions. Last year saw commissioning rates offshore shooting up 351% by adding 14.2GW, while domestic onshore capacity dropped by 23% from its peak in 2020, to 41.6GW in 2021.

Established in 2006, Shanghai Electric Wind Power offers services including wind turbine manufacturing, wind farm operation and maintenance (O&M), wind resource assessment, digitized wind farm investment and development, wind farm asset management, smart energy and more. The Company’s product portfolios feature wind turbines with capacity ranging from 1.25MW to 10MW.

The last decade and a half have seen the Company launch itself to become the largest offshore wind turbine manufacturer in China, cementing its leadership in the global new energy sector. In May 2021, Shanghai Electric Wind Power launched an initial public offering on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Board, through which the Company can further expand investment into the R&D of its core technology.

 Last year, Shanghai Electric Wind Power also unveiled its Petrel platform SEW11.0-208 to the world. The flagship direct-drive turbine, which is the company’s full proprietary intellectual property, features a nameplate capacity of 11 MW – the largest of its kind in Asia – marking a major breakthrough for China’s homegrown innovation in offshore wind technology.

With the development of cutting-edge technology sitting at the forefront of its strategy, the Company seeks cooperation with top-tier wind power companies in the hope of jointly driving forward the global new energy sector. Now, the Company is expanding its upstream and downstream partnerships, with the business focus centered on digitized wind farm development and smart O&M, transforming itself into a full-cycle service provider. Aiming to become a world-class wind power company, Shanghai Electric Wind Power is ramping up its global presence, bringing its high-quality products and services to customers worldwide.

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يوني أثينا تدخل في شراكة استراتيجية مع جامعة أكاشيا الأميركية

جامعة أكاشيا تثري مجموعة الدرجات المعترف بها ليوني أثينا ومساقات الساعات المعتمدة القصيرة فيها

أكسفورد، إنجلترا,30 أبريل / نيسان 2022/ PRNewswire/ — دخلت جامعة أكاشيا بالولايات المتحدة الأميركية في تعاون مع مؤسسة يوني أثينا، وهي مزود للتقنيات التعليمية مقرها المملكة المتحدة مع وصول عالمي للطلبة من خلفيات ومجتمعات متنوعة لتقديم العديد من البرامج المهنية والمساقات التعليمية القصيرة ذات التركيز المهني أو التقني.  وإذ تلتزم بقيمة تكافؤ الفرص التعليمية، تهدف شراكة يوني أثينا—أكاشيا إلى خدمة مجتمع الطلاب المحرومين اجتماعيًا واقتصاديًا.

وإذ هي جامعة شاملة في عالم متنوع، تهدف جامعة أكاسيا إلى جعل التعليم متاحًا للجميع من خلال منح الجميع، بغض النظر عن خلفيتهم أو ظروفهم، الفرصة للدراسة في مستويات التعليم العالي.  وهي تعزز نوعًا مختلفًا من البيئة التعليمية التي تتميز بالتعاون المكثف في مجتمعات التعلم الافتراضية المهنية.

ومن خلال شراكتها الإستراتيجية مع يوني أثينا، ستقدم جامعة أكاشيا:

·  برامج يوني أثينا الأكاديمية، التي تشمل درجات الدكتوراه والماجستير والدبلوم المعتمدة

·  برامج الشهادات المهنية

·  مساقات تعليمية قصيرة مجانية في تخصصات مختلفة على منصة يوني أثينا – وهي مجموعة متنوعة من الدورات التعليمية القصيرة المجانية مصممة أساسًا لتنمية مهارات الطلبة في مجالات محددة

تم تصميم هذه البرامج لتعزيز معرفة المتعلم وقدرات التفكير النقدي وتطوير الخبرة في هذه المجالات.  تطمح يوني أثينا باستمرار إلى أن تكون في طليعة التعليم لتمكين المتعلمين، ورفع مهاراتهم في الوظائف الأكثر طلبًا في مكان العمل.  وهي طورت نموذج توصيل يمكنه تلبية متطلبات الأفراد من جميع مناحي الحياة.  يتم تقديم هذه البرامج من خلال مصادر تعليمية جيدة التصميم ويتم تقييمها من خلال مشاريع تتوافق مع معايير عالية للغاية.

وتشترك جامعة أثينا للتعليم العالمي وجامعة أكاشيا في نفس المهمة: توفير تعليم عالي الجودة من خلال أشكال مبتكرة من التعلم عبر الإنترنت.  تمكّن كلتا المؤسستين الطلبة من الوصول إلى أهدافهم الشخصية والمهنية وأيضًا العمل من أجل الصالح العام للمجتمع.

“يسعدنا أن نتعاون مع يوني أثينا ونحن على ثقة من أن هذا التحالف سيساعدنا في تحقيق رؤيانا المشتركة.  اكتسب التعلم الرقمي زخمًا في السنوات الأخيرة وكان في طليعة معركتنا من أجل تعليم سلس خلال سنوات الوباء.  نعتقد أن جامعتي أكاشيا ويوني أثينا معًا يمكنهما فتح آفاق وفرص جديدة لمزيد من المتعلمين والمساعدة في نموهم المهني،” كما يقول السيد تيم آر مومان، رئيس جامعة أكاشيا.

“والقيم التي نعتز بها في يوني أثينا – وهي القدرة على تحمل التكاليف، وإمكانية الوصول، والمرونة، يتردد صداها مع تلك الخاصة بقيم أكاشيا، والشراكة بين المؤسستين ستمهد الطريق لمهن أكثر إشراقًا ونجاحًا للمتعلمين.  وستزود المتعلمين بالمهارات العالية الطلب في مكان العمل ولكنها في حالة نقص لناحية العرض.  كلانا نطبق أفضل الممارسات عندما يتعلق الأمر بتصميم البرامج وتقديمها ونلتزم تمامًا بخير الطلاب”، كما تقول السيدة فيروز ثايرينيل، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لأثينا غلوبال إديوكيشن .

واليوم، فإن يوني أثينا هي منصة خدمات تعليمية عالمية مخصصة لتوفير تعليم عالي الجودة للطلاب من جميع أنحاء العالم، من الشرق الأوسط إلى شمال أفريقيا وحتى الولايات المتحدة. وتشمل برامجها الأكاديمية درجات وشهادات الدكتوراه والماجستير من الجامعات الأعلى تصنيفًا وشهادات مهنية من هيئات شهيرة. كما تقوم بالاستفادة من التكنولوجيا لجعل تجربة الدارس بمثابة تجربة سهلة وغنية.

لمزيد من المعلومات عن منصة UniAthena ، يُرجى زيارة موقعها الإلكتروني: .

حول شركة أثينا غلوبال إديوكيشن:

أثينا غلوبال إديوكيشن أو أثينا للتعليم العالمي (Athena Global Education) عبارة عن مزود خدمات تعليمية عبر الإنترنت يُقدِّم برامج الماجستير، والدكتوراه، والدورات القصيرة بنظام الساعات المعتمدة بوتيرة دراسية ذاتية بالتعاون مع الجامعات الأوروبية وهيئات المؤهلات المهنية المرموقة. “أثينا” هي أحدث شركة لمجموعة ويستفورد التعليمية، وهي مجموعة متخصصة في تقديم خدمات التعليم العالي منذ عام 2009.

‫بريان إيفانز في المرتبة الثالثة في الرسوم البيانية المعاصرة للبالغين عبر PlayMPE، متجاوزا Mick Jagger

لوس أنجلوس، 30 أبريل/نيسان 2022 / PRNewswire / — شاهد بريان إيفانز، المغني المعروف بأدائه في لاس فيجاس، وافتتاحه لأمثال جوان ريفرز، وجاي لينو، وسووشل ديستورشن، وإرازور، والعديد من الآخرين، أغنيته “أيام أ ترافلر I’m A Traveler ” تقفز إلى المرتبة 3 على تصنيف الفنان الأكثر تنزيلا على PlayMPE على الرسم البياني المعاصر للبالغين، متجاوزا أسطورة رولينج ستونز لميك جاغر الذي يحتل المرتبة 7.

“نحن بصراحة مصدومون. سجل بريان هذه الأغنية قبل 9 سنوات، من إنتاج نارادا مايكل والدن، ولم يرسلها أبدا إلى الراديو “، كما يقول جيسي ستينجر من ESW Management .

أنتج هذه الأغنية نارادا مايكل والدن، منتج ويتني هيوستن، أريثا فرانكلين، جورج مايكل وآخرين، الحائز على جائزة جرامي.

قال والدن في مقطع فيديو نشر على يوتيوب: “يتابع برايان خطوات العظماء، سيناترا، وتوم جونز، وآخرين كثيرين”.

تلقى إيفانز أكثر من 500 مليون إعادة بث نسخته لِـ”نيويورك ، نيويورك New York, New York ” على تيك توك. استخدم أكثر من 13000 مستخدم أغنيته.

Brian Evans' single, which he refused to allow to be released until eight years after its production by Grammy winning producer Narada Michael Walden, producer of Whitney Houston, Stevie Wonder, George Michael and more, debuts at #3. Evans is considering Las Vegas offers. "I don't know," he says.

“هذا يثبت أن النجاح لا يعتمد على عمرك. إن كل من يعرف بريان يعرف أنه كان يقوم بذلك منذ سنوات، وحقيقة أنه قرر السماح لنا أخيرا بتوزيع أغنيته الأصلية “أيام أ ترافلر I’m A Traveler ” لا تفاجئنا بنجاحها “، قال ستينجر.

توفيت والدة إيفانز بعد أسبوع من إكمال ألبومه بعد خضوعها لجراحة على مستوى الركبة. لم يُصدر إيفانز أبدا أيا من المواد التي سجلها مع والدن باستثناء أغنية “أت فينويي At Fenway ” التي تضم ويليام شاتنر وتجاوزت 10 ملايين مشاهدة على يوتيوب في مقطع فيديو موسيقي متزامن على يوتيوب.

يقول والدن، الذي أنتج الموسيقى التصويرية “دي باديغارد The Bodyguard ” الأكثر مبيعا على الإطلاق، لويتني هيوستن، جنبا إلى جنب مع المنتج الأسطوري ديفيد فوستر: “نحن ممتنون”.

 حساب إيفانز على تويتر: @ croon1 ، وموقعه الإلكتروني:

قال ستينجر: “براين هو المغني رقم 3 الأكثر تنزيلا في الموسيقى المعاصرة للبالغين عبر PlayMPE ، الرائد في توزيع الأغاني على محطات الراديو في جميع أنحاء العالم”.

كما أصدر إيفانز أغنية “بلو بايو Blue Bayou ” الأسبوع الماضي، وهي من إنتاج والدن أيضا.

“هناك 11 أغنية من هذا الألبوم التي لم يسمح لنا برايان بإصدارها. الآن يمكننا أخيرا، وصنفت أول أغنية في المرتبة الثالثة. لا أحد يفعل ما يفعله بشكل أفضل”.

 20 أغنية الأكثر تنزيلا في تصنيف المعاصرين الكبار الأسبوعي –Daily Play MPE 

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‫وصول GameChange Solar إلى 3 جيجاوات في تكساس، مزودة ما يقرب من 500000 منزل في تكساس

نورووك، كونيتيكت، 29 أبريل/نيسان 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت شركة GameChange Solar اليوم أن الشركة قد باعت أكثر من 3 جيجاوات في تكساس، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. كانت المبيعات في Lone Star State أساسا، عبارة عن تكوين رأسي أحادي المحور لـ Genius Tracker . تم تصميم أنظمة GameChange Solar للبيئات الصعبة السائدة في الولاية، مثل سرعة الرياح الشديدة بالقرب من الساحل والتربة الطينية الكثيفة الداخلية.

وصول GameChange Solar إلى 3 جيجاوات في تكساس، مزودة ما يقرب من 500000 منزل في تكساس

صرح ماكس جونسون، مدير تطوير الأعمال في GameChange Solar ، “بصفتي مواطنا من تكساس، كان لشرف لي تأمين قطعة كبيرة من هذا السوق الذي يركز على النفط والغاز والرياح تاريخيا. نتطلع إلى الاستمرار في توفير أنظمتنا القوية في تكساس خلال عصر انتقال الطاقة هذا”.

يمكن توجيه الاتصالات واستفسارات وسائل الإعلام إلى ديريك بوثا، 2125-528 (302) 1+ 

البريد الإلكتروني:

روابط ذات صلة

تقوم GameChange Solar بتصنيع أنظمة الأرفف الشمسية ذات الإمالة الثابتة والمتعقبة بتصميم مبتكر وتصنيع عالي الحجم.

GameChange Solar

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In Philippines, Calls Grow for Duterte’s Jailed Star Critic to Be Freed After Witness Recants

New demands to free Philippine opposition Senator Leila de Lima, a staunch critic of President Rodrigo Duterte, escalated after the government’s star witness recanted his statements, saying the police pressured him to lie.

De Lima has been languishing in jail for five years over what human rights groups believe to be fabricated charges meant to silence her after she launched an investigation into Duterte’s war on drugs in 2016. She is seeking reelection from a custodial center of the Philippine police.

In 2014, De Lima was the late President Benigno Aquino III’s justice secretary when she led a crackdown that exposed the luxurious lifestyle of convicted drug lords in the country’s most-secure prison.

But the narrative flipped when De Lima caught the ire of Duterte for investigating his war on drugs and his involvement in the extrajudicial killings in Davao City, his hometown. Before becoming president, Duterte served as mayor of Davao City for decades.

Self-confessed drug lord Kerwin Espinosa, who was arrested in Abu Dhabi in 2016, has alleged he paid De Lima drug money and contributed to her senatorial campaign in 2016.

But five years later, Espinosa apologized to De Lima in a court document made public Thursday. He said he had no choice but to “invent stories” as he was coerced by the police.

“[A]ny and all of his statements given during the Senate hearings, or in the form of sworn written affidavits, against Senator Leila De Lima are not true. He has no dealings with Sen. De Lima and has not given her any money at any given time,” a counter-affidavit signed by Espinosa read.

“Any statement he made against the Senator are [sic] false and was the result only of pressure, coercion, intimidation, and serious threats to his life and family members from the police who instructed him to implicate the Senator into the illegal drug trade,” it added.

De Lima said she has forgiven those who were used by the government to pin her down, and she urged others to follow Espinosa’s example.

“I am urging everyone who took part in the cruelty against me to follow suit and reveal all they know. The truth is coming out. Justice is getting close. My wish: To make those behind this accountable,” she said in a dispatch Friday from her detention cell.

Brazen injustice

Her supporters said the recantation highlights the grave injustice suffered by De Lima under Duterte. They are drumming up calls from local and international rights organizations to release the jailed senator.

Antonio La Viña, a constitutional law professor and legal adviser to De Lima, said the recent development was good for De Lima, as she could be released in a matter of time, but he was sad for the country’s justice system.

“We should learn a lesson from this. Don’t use politics. Don’t use the law. Don’t weaponize the law for political reasons. Why is De Lima in prison, detained? Because President Duterte got mad at her for investigating the war against drugs,” La Viña told VOA.

He said De Lima could have done Duterte a favor if the Senate hearings on the war on drugs continued. Duterte faces a “crimes against humanity” complaint before the International Criminal Court for thousands of Filipinos killed in a crackdown that he allegedly sanctioned.

Free De Lima

Despite the recantation, which critics said proved Duterte’s vindictiveness, his office maintains it won’t affect the pending charges against De Lima.

“While Kerwin Espinosa appears to have recanted his allegations against Senator Leila de Lima, his recantation will not have any effect on the pending criminal cases against the lady senator,” Martin Andanar, acting spokesperson for Duterte, said.

De Lima is still facing two drug charges after she won one of the cases in February last year.

Butch Olano, Philippine director of Amnesty International, said De Lima is a victim of political persecution.

“Following this retraction, the government must immediately and unconditionally release her and hold accountable those responsible for her unjust detention and the various human rights violations she has had to endure,” Olano said in a statement.

The ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR), a group of Southeast Asian lawmakers who advance human rights and democracy, has launched a social media campaign urging Philippine presidential candidates “to immediately and unconditionally drop all the trumped-up charges against Senator De Lima.”

“There cannot be any doubt of Senator De Lima’s innocence, as well as her commitment to democracy and human rights. Releasing her should be one of the first priorities of the next president if they want to restore a modicum of justice and rule of law in the government of the country,” Charles Santiago, a member of APHR said.

Candidates in the upcoming national elections are echoing calls to release De Lima. They include presidential candidate Ka Leody de Guzman, vice presidential candidate and Senator Francis Pangilinan, human rights lawyer and senatorial candidate Chel Diokno, and Senator Risa Hontiveros, who is seeking a reelection.

Presidential candidate and Vice President Leni Robredo, who picked De Lima in her senatorial slate, has previously called for her release.


Despite being incarcerated, De Lima has exercised her duties as a legislator. She has authored bills and resolutions from her detention cell in Manila, though she has been prevented from conducting live hearings.

De Lima has consistently voiced opposition against Duterte through regular dispatches from her cell.

In next month’s election, she is seeking reelection and has largely campaigned through pre-recorded video campaign messages played at Vice President Leni Robredo’s rallies, as a life-size printed standee is placed by her staff on stage.

“I think it will bolster her chances, seeing just in the last couple of days they’ve realized how bad, how terrible the injustice has been done,” La Viña said, adding that De Lima is one of the best lawyers in the country.

Opinion polls do not indicate De Lima will win reelection.

Source: Voice of America

Serbia Shows Off New Chinese Missiles in Display of Military Power

Serbia on Saturday showed off its new Chinese-made surface-to-air missiles and other military hardware purchased from both Russia and the West, as the country seeks to perform a delicate balancing act over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

Members of the public and the media were invited to the display at the Batajnica military airfield near Belgrade, where Chinese and French missiles were lined up beside European Airbus helicopters, Chinese-armed drones and Russian MIG-29 jets.

Serbia is striving to balance its partnership with NATO and aspirations to join the European Union with its centuries-old religious, ethnic and political alliance with Russia.

The Chinese FK-3 surface-to-air defense system, similar to Russia’s S-300 or the U.S. Patriot system, was purchased by Belgrade in 2019 and delivered earlier this month.

Serbia is the only European country to operate the Chinese missile system and CH-92A combat drones.

President Aleksandar Vucic toured Saturday’s display flanked by military commanders and watched an aerobatics show featuring overhauled MIG-29 jets donated by Russia in 2017.

“I’m proud of the Serbian army, I’m proud of a great progress,” Vucic told a news conference. “We’re going to significantly strengthen our fighter air force … Serbia is a neutral country and Serbia must find solutions enabling it to preserve its sky and its state.”

The delivery of the FK-3 missile system prompted several Western countries, including Germany, to warn Belgrade it expected the Balkan country to align its foreign policy with the EU if it wanted to become a member.

Belgrade has voted against Russia three times at the United Nations but stopped short of imposing sanctions against it.

Serbia’s military is loosely based on ex-Soviet technology and Russia is one of its main suppliers. Belgrade is also dependent on natural gas and oil supplies from Russia.

Vucic said Serbia expects to purchase 12 Rafale multipurpose fighter jets from France by the end of the year or early next year, a move seen by political analysts as a sign of Belgrade distancing itself from Russia.

He said Serbia is also negotiating to buy 12 Typhoon combat aircraft from Britain.

Source: Voice of America

‘A Huge Demand’: Ukrainian Women Train to Clear Landmines

Learning to identify and defuse explosives is something Anastasiia Minchukova never thought she would have to do as an English teacher in Ukraine. Yet there she was wearing a face shield, armed with a landmine detector and venturing into a field dotted with danger warnings.

Russia’s war in Ukraine took Minchukova, 20, and five other women to Kosovo, where they are attending a hands-on course in clearing landmines and other dangers that may remain hidden across their country once combat ends.

“There is a huge demand on people who know how to do demining because the war will be over soon,” Minchukova said. “We believe there is so much work to be done.”

The 18-day training camp takes place at a range in the western town of Peja where a Malta-based company regularly offers courses for job-seekers, firms working in former war zones, humanitarian organizations and government agencies.

Kosovo was the site of a devastating 1998-99 armed conflict between ethnic Albanian separatists and Serbian forces that killed about 13,000 people and left thousands of unexploded mines in need of clearing. Praedium Consulting Malta’s range includes bombed and derelict buildings as well as expanses of vegetation.

Instructor Artur Tigani, who tailored the curriculum to reflect Ukraine’s environment, said he was glad to share his small Balkan nation’s experience with the Ukrainian women. Though 23 years have passed, “it’s still fresh in our memories, the difficulties we met when we started clearance in Kosovo,” Tigani said.

Tigani is a highly trained and experienced mine operations officer who served as an engineer in the former Yugoslav army during the 1980s. He has been deployed in his native Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Congo, Rwanda and Kenya, and conducted training missions in Syria and Iraq.

During a class last week, he took his trainees through a makeshift minefield before moving to an improvised outdoor classroom featuring a huge board with various samples of explosives and mines.

While it is impossible to assess how littered with mines and unexploded ordnance Ukraine is at the moment, the aftermaths of other conflicts suggest the problem will be huge.

“In many parts of the world, explosive remnants of war continue to kill and maim thousands of civilians each year during and long after active hostilities have ended. The majority of victims are children,” the International Committee of the Red Cross testified at a December U.N. conference.

“Locating (unexploded ordnance) in the midst of rubble and picking them out from among a wide array of everyday objects, many of which are made of similar material is a dangerous, onerous and often extremely time-consuming task,” the Red Cross said.

Mine Action Review, a Norwegian organization that monitors clearance efforts worldwide, reported that 56 countries were contaminated with unexploded ordnance as of October, with Afghanistan, Cambodia and Iraq carrying the heaviest burdens, followed by Angola, Bosnia, Thailand, Turkey and Yemen.

Thousands of civilians are believed to have died in Ukraine since Russia invaded Feb. 24. Russian forces have bombed cities and towns across the country, reducing many to rubble.

Military analysts say it appears Russian forces have employed anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines, while Ukraine has used anti-tank mines to try to prevent the Russians from gaining ground.

With Ukrainian men from 18 to 60 years old prohibited from leaving their country and most engaged in defending it, the women wanted to help any way they could despite the risks involved in mine clearing.

“It’s dangerous all over Ukraine, even if you are in a relatively safe region,” said Minchukova, who is from central Ukraine.

Another Ukrainian student, Yuliia Katelik, 38, took her three children to safety in Poland early in the war. She went back to Ukraine and then joined the demining training to help make sure it’s safe for her children when they return home to the eastern city of Kramatorsk, where a rocket attack on a crowded train station killed more than 50 people this month.

Katelik said her only wish is to reunite with her family and see “the end of this nightmare.” Knowing how to spot booby-traps that could shatter their lives again is a necessary skill, she said.

“Acutely, probably as a mother, I do understand that there is a problem and it’s quite serious, especially for the children,” Katelik said.

Minchukova, wearing military-style clothes, said she was doubtful that normal life, as they all knew it before the war, would ever fully return.

“What am I missing? Peace,” she said. “I’m dreaming about peace, about sleeping in my bed not worried about going to bomb shelters all the time. I miss the people I lost.”

The Kosovo training center plans to work with more groups of Ukrainian women, both in Peja and in Ukraine.

“We’re planning as well to go to Ukraine very soon and start with delivery of courses there, on the theater” of war, Tigani said.

Source: Voice of America

Midea Group Reports 2021 Annual Performance: Revenue and Profit Hit Historical High

FOSHAN, China, April 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Midea Group Co., Ltd. (000333.SZ) has published its 2021 annual report. The company’s total revenue grew 20.2% in 2021, reaching an all-time high of RMB343.4 billion.

Despite the pandemic’s numerous hurdles, including global supply chain challenges and rising costs in raw materials and shipping, Midea achieved RMB29 billion in net profit, a YoY increase of 5.5%, showing continued growth in revenue and profit.

The past year has been a showcase of Midea’s achievements. Midea’s annual revenue and profit hit a record high. It was listed on Fortune Global 500 for its sixth consecutive years and selected by Forbes China as one of China’s top 10 industrial digital transformation companies. The World Economic Forum recognized Midea Group as a pioneer in the Fourth Industrial Revolution for the third time. In addition, four Midea factories have joined the World Economic Forum’s Global Lighthouse Network.

Last year, Midea set up an innovative and agile R&D system for product digitization, promoted “Efficiency Improvement” across its offline sales channels, leveraged digital intelligence to meet its target “Direct to Users”, achieved big data operationalization and realized improvements in internal efficiency. Empowered by its global pool of scientific talents and innovation ecosystem, Midea has been seeking breakthroughs in overseas markets with advanced technology as well as production efficiency and capacity.

Midea has revealed its plans to develop both B2B and B2C business models and increase sales in the domestic and overseas markets concurrently. The company will continue to focus on long-term investments on technology and digital transformation and accelerate the upgrade of its smart products and smart home business. At the same time, Midea will also kickstart a second growth curve by riding on its four business engines of robotics and automation, building technologies, energy management and smart travel to realize its ultimate aim of transforming Midea from a world-leading home appliance company into an innovation-driven technology group.

About Midea Group Co., Ltd.

With a vision of “bringing great innovations to life”, Midea Group has upheld its philosophy of creating a better life with technology for 54 years since its establishment. Over the past five years, Midea has invested nearly RMB45 billion in R&D. It has 35 R&D centers and 35 major production bases across the globe. Midea products and services are used by an estimated 400 million consumers in over 200 countries and regions.