Dominica’s E-passport adoption stations to soon be available in the UAE

A permanent office that can facilitate applications for Dominica e-passports will soon be established in the United Arab Emirates, explains CS Global Partners

Dominica biometric passports

Dominica biometric passports (Source: CS Global Partners)

LONDON, Feb. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Commonwealth of Dominica has given citizens, including those who participated in the country’s Citizenship by Investment Programme, the deadline of August 30, 2022, to replace their machine-readable passports with a new E-passport. Minister for National Security and Home Affairs Rayburn Blackmoore made the announcement at a year in review press conference for his ministry last month.

According to the Minister, overseas passport stations will also be launched in London, UK and New York, USA. All international offices are forecasted to be operational in the next five months.

What is an E-passport?

An E-passport (also known as a biometric passport or a digital passport) is a traditional passport with an embedded electronic chip containing biometric information that can be used to authenticate the identity of the passport holder. Digital encryption is used to confirm the data stored electronically in the passport chip, making it expensive and difficult to forge when all security mechanisms are fully and correctly implemented.

Malaysia was the first country to issue biometric passports in 1998. In mid-2019, that number increased to over 150 countries issuing such passports.

How are E-passports different from machine-readable passports?

The new document, which launched in Dominica in July 2021, replaces the machine-readable passports and includes both overt and covert security features that are woven into the design.

Dominica’s biometric passports store the holder’s personal information on a microchip embedded in the document. This includes biometric face, fingerprint, and iris data, all of which can verify the holder’s identity while travelling. The Dominican Government previously noted that the document is compatible with the country’s new e-Gates, which means that holders can use them to pass through border checkpoints more quickly. The e-Gates were part of a $13 million project to update the Dominican border in anticipation of the biometric passports.

Why is Dominica switching to E-passports? 

In a statement announcing the upgrades, Minister Blackmoore said that the move to biometric passports in March 2021 made Dominica the only country, except for the Bahamas, to have those improved passports in the Caribbean.

According to him, migrating from basic machine-readable passports to biometric E-passports is the “most important aspect” in improving the country’s border systems.

“Given the pace at which the world is currently moving and the emphasis internationally for improved security systems as well as the demand for safer and more secure systems, there’s also a universal demand for more efficient and secure travel documents that are acceptable by all and that are in keeping with relevant international standards and protocols.”

At the launch last year, Dominica’s Tourism Minister Denise Charles said that “electronic passports should make the immigration checkpoint process much faster and would allow immigration officers to quickly authenticate travels, first providing protection against identity theft and fraud.”

She also said that the new venture would improve linkages with the CARICOM Joint Regional Communications Centre (CJRRCC) as well as International Police (Interpol).

Who can upgrade to an E-passport?

All citizens of Dominica can replace their machine-readable passports with an E-passport. Biometric passports will also be issued to those who have gained citizenship through Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Programme. The Programme offers citizenship to foreign nationals who make a qualifying investment in the island’s Economic Diversification Fund or select real estate projects.

Where can citizens upgrade to E-passports?

Minister Blackmoore said that his ministry has developed plans to guide Dominicans during the transition to E-passports in the upcoming months.

Citizens in Dominica:

In Dominica’s capital Roseau, space has been created at the immigration and passport office to ensure additional staff for the smooth transition. The immigration department will also receive extra equipment, which Minister Blackmoore says will enable quicker processing of applications.

He further disclosed that two mobile kits that have the capacity for recognition and data capture from any location will be deployed initially in major communities around Dominica, including Portsmouth, Mahaut, St Joseph, Vielle Case, La Plaine and Grand Bay. The immigration team will be available for two days at each location to afford citizens ample time to get the necessary documents for submission for the new E-passport in the upcoming weeks.

Blackmoore also said that passport application forms will be available at police stations and the government’s website.

Citizens aboard:

Dominicans residing overseas will also be allowed to renew their passport abroad. Citizens can apply through the various international Dominican consulates or the soon to come permanent offices in the UAE, London or New York that will be fully equipped to facilitate all application processes, including data and image capture.

Until the permanent offices are operational, mobile kits will be deployed overseas to Canada, Texas, Florida, and some Caribbean countries to undertake registration.

“A team consisting of police officers have already been selected to travel to the various locations across the globe to ensure that as many Dominicans as possible can be given access to registration for the new E-passports.”

About Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Programme

Dominica has been ranked best for its Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme for five years by the Financial Times’ PWM magazine. Applicants who pass the necessary due diligence checks receive Dominica’s citizenship and can apply for the country’s passport, which grants global mobility to 75 percent of the world. Being a citizen of Dominica also means living, working, and travelling on the Caribbean island whenever you want and passing the citizenship on for generations to come.

Dominica’s CBI Programme is legally entrenched in law. Since local law does not contain any restrictions on holding dual nationality, obtaining second citizenship through investment in the country is confidential. In addition to having no physical residency obligation, Dominica’s CBI Programme has no language, age, business experience, or educational requirements, and there is no mandatory interview.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

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‫ كويك لينك تكشف الستار عن حلول شبكية للمساعدة في توصيل جميع أجهزة إنترنت الأشياء

شنغهاي، 18 فبراير 2022 / PRNewswire / – أعلنت شركة كويك لينك (Queclink) (البورصة: 300590. شنجن (SZ)) – وهي شركة موردة رائدة عالمية لأجهزة إنترنت الأشياء (IoT) والتقنيات – اليوم عن إطلاقها لحلول شبكية لمساعدة العملاء والشركاء في إنشاء ربط شبكي آمن وموثوق للتمتع بإمكانيات جديدة.

Queclink’s Wireless Industrial Router Series

وفقًا لشركة ستاتيستا (Statista)، تشير التقديرات أن العدد العالمي لأجهزة إنترنت الأشياء المتصلة قد يزيد على نحو ثلاثة أضعاف من 8.74 مليار في عام 2020 إلى أكثر من 25.4 مليار نقطة نهاية نشطة في عام 2030، فكل شيء يمكن توصيله افتراضيًا في عالم إنترنت الأشياء.

تُعد حلول شبكة كويك لينك مناسبة لمجموعة معينة من حالات المستخدمين مثل الأتمتة الصناعية المتمثلة في المصنع الذكي والطاقة والنقل والبيع بالتجزئة. كما أن هذه الحلول تساهم في العديد من حلول المدن الذكية بما في ذلك مراقبة مصابيح الشوارع، والأمن العام، وشبكات المؤسسات، والربط الشبكي في المواقع النائية. تجمع سلسلة الموجهات اللاسلكية بين الاتصال الخلوي عالي السرعة والواجهات الصناعية والمعرفة الفريدة التي تتمتع بها شركة كويك لينك المتعلقة بالمعلوماتية البعدية لإنترنت الأشياء.

هذا وذكر إدوين بينج، النائب الأول لرئيس شركة كويك لينك أن “الطلب العالمي آخذ في التوسع، وقد حان الوقت لتقديم حلول شبكتنا التي تساعد على إنشاء ربط شبكي خلوي خاص ومستقر لإنترنت الأشياء”. “يسهل نشر هذا النوع من الربط الشبكي في بيئة بيانات ضخمة. لقد تميزنا في اتخاذ موقف استباقي في إنترنت الأشياء الذي أطلق بالفعل “الثورة الصناعية الرابعة” التي يتمثل جوهرها في الاستفادة من البيانات الضخمة للإدارة المرنة التفصيلية. كما أن مجال صناعة السيارات خير دليل على هذا الفعل الاستباقي.”

فقد قامت إحدى شركات السيارات الرائدة في الصين بتحديث برنامج التحول الرقمي للمصانع، واختارت مؤخرًا سلسلة الموجهات الصناعية التي توفرها شركة كويك لينك لتمكين حقل الاختبار الأول. ومن خلال الاعتماد على شبكة آمنة وموثوقة، من الممكن جمع العديد من البيانات، والقيام بإجراءات الحوسبة المتطورة التي تشمل تحليل البيانات وتخزينها محليًا وسريًا، واتخاذ قرارات مستندة إلى البيانات وفقًا لذلك.

هذا وتُعد كل من السلسلتين WR100 وWR200 الجاهزتين بالفعل عبارة عن موجهات صناعية لاسلكية تعمل بتقنية التطور طويل الأمد المدعوم بالجيل الرابع (4G LTE). وقد استثمرت شركة كويك لينك سلسلة WR300 (إصدار الجيل الخامس) في السوق الصيني، وستتابع عن كثب الانتقال من الجيل الرابع إلى الجيل الخامس، وستروج لسلسلة WR300 في الخارج.

نُبذة عن شركة كويك لينك

منذ عام 2009، أصبحت شركة كويك لينك للحلول اللاسلكية (Queclink Wireless Solutions) “تقدم إنترنت الأشياء بشكل أكثر ذكاءً”.

وتُعد شركة كويك لينك الجهة المصممة والمصنعة لأجهزة إنترنت الأشياء، وهي تعمل مع العديد من الشركات الصناعية والاستهلاكية المعروفة لتقديم حلول إنترنت الأشياء المبتكرة إلى السوق. هذا وتشمل وحدات أعمالها النقل والأصول والتنقل والشبكات والزراعة. وتعتبر شركة كويك لينك مصدر إلهام للحلول القائمة على البيانات لعملائها في جميع أنحاء العالم، فهي توفر 42 مليون منتج من منتجات إنترنت الأشياء يتم تسليمه إلى أكثر من 140 دولة.

للمزيد من المعلومات يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني، LinkedIn، YouTube، Facebook أو التواصل عبر البريد الإلكتروني


‫سدكو القابضة تعلن استكمال بيع شركة ترفيه العربية المحدودة إلى شركة الاستثمارات البديلة الخاصة GLD Partners LP

جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية, 17 فبراير / شباط 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

أعلنت مجموعة سدكو القابضة، إحدى أكبر الشركات الاستثمارية العائلية في المملكة العربية السعودية، اليوم عن استكمال بيع شركة ترفيه العربية المحدودة (“ترفيه”) لشركة الاستثمارات البديلة الخاصة GLD Partners LP  ومقرها لوس أنجلوس، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

تدير شركة ترفيه 17 مطعماً من فئة كاجوال في جميع أنحاء المملكة العربية السعودية، وتُعتبر صاحبة امتياز لسلسلة مطاعم “أبل بيز®“، أحد أكبر العلامات التجارية لمطاعم الكاجوال في العالم.

يمثل بيع شركة ترفيه العربية المحدودة خروج مجموعة سدكو القابضة من قطاع خدمات الأغذية والمشروبات كجزء من استراتيجيتها للتركيز على الأعمال الأساسية.

كما تُمثل هذه الصفقة نقطة انطلاق رئيسية لدخول GLD Partners إلى قطاع الخدمات الغذائية النشط والآخذ بالنمو في المملكة العربية السعودية، وتشكل جزءً من خططها التوسعية الشاملة واستثماراتها في المنطقة، وخاصة المملكة العربية السعودية.

وأثنى السيد عمر ميرزا، المدير العام لشركة GLD Partners في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، على جهود كلٍّ من سدكو القابضة وداين براندز لتسهيل عملية انتقال حقوق الامتياز لمطاعم أبل بيز في المملكة العربية السعودية إلى GLD Partners LP. وصرح قائلاً: ” يُسعدنا في هذه الأوقات المهمة إضافة علامة تجارية عالمية رائدة مثل أبل بيز إلى محفظة استثماراتنا المتنامية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا”.

وساهمت داين براندز غلوبال، الشركة المالكة لحقوق امتياز وتشغيل أبل بيز، بضمان الانتقال السلس لامتياز أبل بيز من ترفيه المملوكة لسدكو القابضة إلى المالكين الجديد GLD Partners.

وصرح السيد غاري مور، نائب الرئيس الإقليمي لعمليات الامتياز التشغيلي في شركة داين براندز غلوبال: “نقدم الدعم الكامل لانتقال هذه الملكية ونؤمن بأن GLD Partners ستواصل في إثراء سلسلة المطاعم والمحافظة على هويتها وإرثها العريق، مما سيعزز نجاح العلامة التجارية في المملكة العربية السعودية.”

Thousands of Eritrean refugees displaced in clashes in Ethiopia’s Afar region

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Boris Cheshirkov – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today’s press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is working with the Ethiopian authorities and partners to provide emergency aid to thousands of Eritrean refugees who fled Barahle refugee camp and its environs in the Afar region after fighting engulfed the area.

Refugees who trekked the long distance to the regional capital in Semera told UNHCR staff that armed men entered the camp on 3 February, stole their belongings and occupied their homes. According to their testimonies, at least five refugees were killed and several women were kidnapped. Family members lost one another in the chaos of fleeing the camp.

So far, over 4,000 refugees are in Semera where UNHCR together with Ethiopia’s Government Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS) and other partners are providing immediate support with shelter, relief items, food as well as clean water. We have also set up protection desks where the most vulnerable among the refugees, including separated children and others with specific needs, are being identified and provided with support.

Around 10,000 refugees are also reported to be living in Afdera town, approximately 225 kilometers from Semera. Others are also believed to have fled towards the towns of Altefa and Dabure, further inland.

The government has identified a temporary site in Serdo town, 40 kilometers from Semera, where UNHCR, RRS and partners are making preparations in order to quickly relocate refugees.

With yet another refugee camp severely impacted, UNHCR remains extremely worried about the safety and wellbeing of thousands of Eritrean refugees caught up in the conflict.

We condemn the attack on the refugee camp and reiterate the call for cessation of hostilities to avoid further destruction and potential loss of life for refugees and Ethiopians alike, and so that much needed humanitarian assistance can reach them.

There are also large numbers of internally displaced Ethiopians in the Afar region, including some 300,000 uprooted by the recent fighting.

UNHCR will continue our efforts to support the Ethiopian government in its response to refugees and displaced populations affected by the conflict.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Covid-19: Uganda drops mandatory tests for travelers

KAMPALA, Uganda has dropped the mandatory requirement for COVID-19 testing at its main entry point in Entebbe.

The announcement follows a Monday Cabinet decision that noted that few new cases were being recorded at the airport and that the threat of new coronavirus variants and community transmissions has been reduced.

“Mandatory Covid-19 testing of all incoming travellers at Entebbe International Airport upon arrival has been stopped with effect from 16 February 2022,” said Dr Henry Mwebesa, the director of health services at the Ministry of Health, in a statement.

Uganda has, however, maintained the requirement for travellers to be tested 72 hours before arrival or departure from the airport.

“Our health workers will continue to screen all travellers both at arrival and departure and verify their Covid-19 test certificates,” said Dr Mwebesa.

The government imposed the restrictions in September last year following the detection of more variants of Omicron imported from neighbouring countries in travellers who arrived via the airport.

Previously, arrivals were only required to show a valid negative PCR certificate obtained from an accredited lab in their countries of origin.

While talking to local media on Wednesday afternoon, Works Minister Gen Katumba Wamala confirmed the suspension of Covid testing, saying it would apply to all points of entry.

Travellers paid $30 for the tests even if they possessed negative PCR results from their departure points.

The measures had brought business to a standstill at Malaba and Busia along the Kenya border with Uganda as truck drivers protested the mandatory tests and costs. The strike led to a fuel shortage in the landlocked country, forcing the government to cut the cost to $25 and eventually suspend testing for truck drivers only.

Source: Nam News Network

BioNTech plans modular vaccine factories in Africa

Berlin, Feb. 16 (BNA): German vaccine maker BioNTech, which developed the first widely approved shot against COVID-19 together with Pfizer, unveiled plans Wednesday to establish manufacturing facilities in Africa that would boost the availability of much-needed medicines on the continent.

The modular design presented at a ceremony in Marburg, Germany, consists of shipping containers fitted with the equipment necessary to make the company’s mRNA-based vaccine, save for the final step of putting doses into bottles, a process known as fill and finish.

BioNTech has been criticized by some campaign groups for refusing to suspend its vaccine patents and let rivals manufacture the shots as part of an effort to make them more widely available, especially in poor countries.

The company argues that the process of making mRNA vaccines is difficult and it prefers to work with local partners to ensure consistent quality of the shots worldwide, reports AP..

The first turnkey facility will be shipped to either Senegal or Rwanda in the second half of this year, BioNTech said. It aims to start production of up to 50 million doses of vaccine a year within 12 months, pending approval from local regulators.

That’s a fraction of the 1.2 billion doses the company produced in Marburg last year. But the vaccines made in the target country would likely be for use there and other African Union states at a not-for-profit price, BioNTech said.

BioNTech said it would initially staff and operate the facilities but later transfer the know-how to local partners to enable independent operation.

The head of the World Health Organization, Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, welcomed BioNTech’s plan to increase vaccine production on the continent, saying it would complement the global body’s own effort to foster use of mRNA technology in South Africa and elsewhere.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Good Rainy Season Forecast for Parts of Drought-Stricken Horn of Africa

GENEVA — A new seasonal forecast for the drought-stricken Horn of Africa shows many parts of the region can expect a good rainy season.

The forecast by the World Meteorological Organization is good news for millions of people suffering acute hunger because of poor harvests caused by several years of drought.

However, WMO spokesperson Clare Nullis said that good news is coupled with warnings that people should still prepare for what she called a worst-case scenario.

“The March-to-May rainy season is really, really important for many countries in the region,” she said. “In the region, it accounts for about 70% of the total annual rainfall. So, obviously if there were to be a renewed failure of the rains, there would be massive socioeconomic consequences.”

The World Food Program says 12-14 million people in three of the worst-affected countries — Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia — are facing severe hunger due to the devastating drought across the Horn of Africa.

The WMO says southern to central parts of the region have the highest chances of receiving more rain than normal at this time of year. Countries include Tanzania, eastern Uganda, northern Burundi, and eastern Rwanda.

However, it says western South Sudan, and central and northeastern Ethiopia are likely to receive less rain than usual.

Given the below-average rainfall the past three seasons, meteorologists say a wetter-than-normal season does not mean the region will immediately recover from the drought.

Nullis said countries in the eastern part of the Horn should prepare for the worst.

“In the regions worst hit by drought, the current trends are comparable to those observed during the 2010-2011 famine and the 2016-2017 drought emergency,” she said. “There is obviously a delay between planting and harvesting. The next harvest will not start until about August, so we are not going to see any immediate positive impacts.”

More than a quarter-million people died in the Somalia famine between 2010 and 2012, more than half of them children. More than 6 million people, half of Somalia’s population, were ravaged by the severe 2017 drought. Few people died, though, because the international community responded quickly to the acute hunger emergency.

Source: Voice of America