ATFX is the Most Trusted Brand in the Forex Industry

DUBAI, UAE, Jan. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Recently, The Business Fame awarded the title of Most Trusted Brand 2021 to ATFX, recognizing our innovative trading model, strict capital supervision, and excellent user experience.

As the COVID-19 virus continues to rage worldwide, no industry is immune to it. Against this background, the financial sector keeps changing the traditional trading patterns by developing online trading technologies, intelligent sales approaches and remote client services. As an industrial leader, ATFX has incorporated a culture of innovation, allowing it to stand out despite the fierce market competition.

ATFX has been an award-winning brand, and this trend continued in 2021. We earned 14 honorary titles in 2021, including the Top 10 Hot Brands 2021, the Top 10 Most Influential Companies 2021 and the Best MT4 Broker. In addition, the latest title granted by The Business Fame once again validates ATFX’s achievements over the past year.

Looking into the future, ATFX will continue exploring new technologies to maintain its position as an industry leader. In addition, we will keep enhancing our clients’ trading experience and environment, thereby building a top international Forex broker brand worth our clients’ trust.


ATFX is an award-winning FX/CFD broker with a global presence offering customer support in over 15 languages. With over 300 tradable financial assets, including forex, precious metals, energy, indices, and shares traded as CFDs, ATFX is regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) in Cyprus. ATFX is licensed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in Mauritius, and registered by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

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‫شركة ريتشارد أتياس وشركاؤه (RA&A) تُعلِن عن استراتيجية عالمية لعام 2022 وفريق قيادة جديد

– قامت شركة ريتشارد أتياس وشركاؤه (Richard Attias & Associates) – وهي إحدى شركات الاتصالات الاستراتيجية الرائدة في العالم وإحدى شركات التقييم الفني للمنصات – بإعادة ترتيب وتنظيم ما تقدمه من خدمات حول خمس خبرات أساسية من أجل دعم صانعي السياسات والحكومات والشركات والمؤسسات خلال هذا الوقت من التغيير الغير مسبوق.

– سيعزز تحول RA&A قدرتها على قيادة التأثير من خلال استراتيجيات دبلوماسية جريئة وريادة المنصات الحية والافتراضية.

– سيتم دعم التوسع بفريق قيادة عالمي مع تعيينات رئيسية جديدة.

نيويورك, 30 يناير / كانون الثاني 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

أطلقت شركة ريتشارد أتياس وشركاؤه -وهي إحدى شركات الاتصالات الاستراتيجية الرائدة في العالم وإحدى شركات التقييم الفني للمنصات- استراتيجية عالمية جديدة من أجل دعم توسعها وخدمة الاحتياجات المتزايدة لعملائها وأسواقها بشكل أفضل. بعد 15 عامًا من بناء وإنتاج منصات دولية غيرت قواعد اللعبة مثل مبادرة الاستثمار المستقبلي FII)، ومؤتمر الحائزين على جائزة نوبل، وقمم القادة، واحتفالات الألعاب الرياضية، ومجموعة العشرين) أعادت RA&A تنظيم عروضها حول خمس خبرات أساسية من أجل دعم صنّاع السياسات، والحكومات، والشركات، والمؤسسات خلال هذا الوقت من التحول الغير مسبوق وإرشادهم خلال تحديات وفرص المشهد الجيوسياسي المتغير.

Richard Attias & Associates Logo

يقول المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي ريتشارد أتياس، “لقد حان الوقت الآن لرؤساء الدول وقادة الحكومات وقادة الأعمال التجارية العالميين لبناء عالم أكثر استدامة وعدالة يركز على الأولويات الجديدة للقرن الحادي والعشرين”.  “إن تحول وتوسع RA&A سيعزز من قدرتنا على دفع التأثير من خلال استراتيجيات دبلوماسية جريئة، ومحتوى فريد من نوعه، ومنصات رقمية حية ورائدة، وأيضًا من خلال تجارب رياضية وترفيهية ملهمة”.

ريتشارد أتياس يقوم بتعيين فريق قيادة جديد من أجل دعم التوسع العالمي لـ  RA&A

قام ريتشارد أتياس بتعيين مارينا دي كواتجوريدين كرئيس تنفيذي عالمي لـ RA&A من أجل قيادة توسع الشركة.  وقد بدأت مارينا حياتها المهنية في تنظيم فعاليات للعائلات المَلَكية البريطانية، والعائلات المَلَكية لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، والعلامات التجارية الفاخرة مثل شانيل وديور ولويس فيتون. وفي عام 2018، أصبحت مارينا الرئيس التنفيذي لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط لمجموعة كوينتيسنشاللي جروبQuintessentially Group))، وهي واحدة من رواد العالم في مجال الفعاليات وأنماط الحياة.

وسيتم دعم مارينا دي كواتجوريدين بفريق قيادة قوي عبر الأسواق الاستراتيجية لـ RA&A:

  • فهد الراجحي، المدير العام، لدى RA&A المملكة العربية السعودية
  • فريدريك ديفاي، المدير العام، لدى RA&A السنغال
  • فنسنت بيرود، المدير العام لـ FII
  • سيدريك رو، المدير العام، لدى RA&A الإمارات العربية المتحدة
  • تشي تيان، المدير العام، لدى RA&A الصين
  • صوفي تيتولو، المدير العام، الأمريكتان، لدى RA&A الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
  • فيكتوريا فنسنت، المدير العام، لدى RA&A فرنسا

ويضيف ريتشارد أتياس:  “أنا فخور جداً بهذا الانتقال إلى الجيل التالي من المديرين التنفيذيين. إنهم يتمتعون جميعًا بمؤهلات مذهلة وقِيَم مشتركة مذهلة. إن التزامهم تحت قيادة مارينا سيقود RA&A إلى المرحلة التالية من أجل مواصلة قيادة هذا المجال”.

كما سيتولى ريتشارد أتياس منصب رئيس مجلس الإدارة، مدعومًا بـ:

  • سيسيليا أتياس، نائبة الرئيس الأولى للشؤون العامة؛ سكرتيرة المجلس الاستشاري لـ RA&A
  • فابيان فيليب، المدير المالي
  • أناستاسيا كولوسيمو، المشرف العام
  • ليز بورود رايت، مدير وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي

مؤسسة  RA&A  الجديدة

أنشأت الشركة خمس علامات تجارية فرعية من أجل دعم وضعها الجديد وخبرتها الأساسية.

  • RA&A  للاستشارات والدبلوماسية:  تقوم بتحديد الفرص الغير مرئية في الشؤون العامة، وإقامة شراكات مفيدة، ووضع خطط تنفيذية تفصيلية تؤتي ثمارها
  • RA&A  لاب: تقوم بتنظيم المحتوى الأصلي والبرمجة وتحديد الاتجاهات المستقبلية وتصور القيادة الفكرية التي تبني وتدفع التأثير
  • RA&A  لايف إكسبرينسيس:  تقوم بتطوير حلول جاهزة للتجارب الحية التي لا تُنسى، بما في ذلك مؤتمرات القمة والمنتديات الدولية رفيعة المستوى
  • RA&A  ميتافيرس:  تقوم بإنشاء منصات افتراضية تفاعلية مخصصة تركز على التواصل الاجتماعي والحلول الرقمية المبتكرة التي تتجاوز الحدود المادية وتصل إلى جماهير جديدة
  • RA&A  للرياضة والترفيه:  تقوم بتصميم وتنفيذ الاحتفالات الرياضية المذهلة، والمهرجانات الثقافية، والفعاليات الترفيهية، والعروض الدائمة، وتقديم الاستشارات الرياضية المتخصصة

حول شركة ريتشارد أتياس وشركاؤه

بصفتها شركة اتصالات استراتيجية رائدة ومقيمًا فنيًا للمنصات، تُوفِّر RA&A الأفكار والروابط والفعاليات من أجل بناء تأثير عملائها – الشركات، والحكومات، والمنظمات الغير حكومية، والمؤسسات الغير ربحية – وقد قادت عقود من الخبرة RA&A إلى استنتاجات معينة حول أفضل السبل لتصميم المنصات المادية والافتراضية، والاحتفالات، والمنتديات، ومؤتمرات القمة التي تؤدي إلى تأثير مستدام قصير وطويل المدى مع نتائج ملموسة. ومن خلال استراتيجيات دبلوماسية جريئة، تساعد RA&A عملائها على استكشاف الفرص والتحديات التي يواجهها المشهد الجيوسياسي خلال هذا التحول العالمي الغير مسبوق.

 ويعود نجاح شركة ريتشارد أتياس وشركاؤه إلى تجربة مؤسسها وفريقها متعدد الثقافات، الذي يثق به قادة العالم، ورؤساء الشركات، والقادة المدنيون الذين يتطلعون إلى بناء التأثير وإحداث التغيير. وقد نمت RA&A الآن إلى فريق دولي مكون من أكثر من 100 خبير مع مكاتب في كل قارة.  كما أن شركة سنابل (جزء من صندوق الاستثمارات العامة – PIF) تعتبر مساهم أقلية لشركة RA&A.

اعرف المزيد من خلال زيارة موقع الويب الجديد الخاص بنا:

الشعار –

Covid-19: Africa’s cases surpass 10.37 mln – Africa CDC

ADDIS ABABA, The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Africa has reached 10,373,362 cases, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) said.

The specialized healthcare agency of the African Union (AU) said the death toll across the continent stands at 234,821 with 9,289,674 recoveries so far. South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Ethiopia are among the countries with the

most cases on the continent, it said.

Figures from the Africa CDC show that African countries have so far conducted about 92,705,703 COVID-19 medical tests.

The African continent presently represents 3.3 percent of all COVID-19 cases reported globally, as well as 4.2 percent of all COVID-19 related deaths globally, according to the agency.

In terms of caseloads, southern Africa is the most affected region, followed by the northern and eastern parts of the continent, while central Africa is the least affected region, according to the Africa CDC.

FRANCISTOWN (Botswana): The 16th Chinese medical team to Botswana on Friday donated a consignment of personal protective equipment to Nyangabgwe Referral Hospital, located in Botswana’s second largest city Francistown.

The items, including face masks, isolation clothes, disposable protective clothing and face shields, will go a long way in easing the shortage of personal protective clothing at the hospital.

“Shortage of personal protective equipment becomes a bar to the containment of COVID-19,” Wu Zhaohui, the leader of the 16th China Medical Team in Francistown, said at the donation ceremony.

He said the donated medical supplies can help protect medical staff and thus are instrumental in controlling the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 21 members of the 16th Chinese medical team are working at the

Nyangabgwe Referral Hospital.

Source: Nam News Network

Barcelona bids to sign Aubameyang and sell Dembélé

Barcelona, The last day of the winter transfer window arrived in Spain on Monday with Barcelona hoping to seal the signing of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and find a buyer for Ousmane Dembélé.

Aubameyang arrived to finalize negotiations with the Catalan club after being stripped of the captaincy at Arsenal for disciplinary reasons, after reportedly being late returning from a personal trip, reports AP.

The Gabon striker went to the African Cup of Nations but didn’t play after being diagnosed with heart lesions during his recovery from the coronavirus.

Aubameyang, Arsenal’s highest-paid player, would reportedly be accepting a hefty pay cut to join Barcelona as the club doesn’t have a lot of salary cap space.

It has been slowly restructuring its finances after it couldn’t keep Lionel Messi at the end of last season.

Barcelona recently signed Spain international Ferran Torres only after defender Samuel Umtiti agreed to a salary reduction similar to the cuts other squad players had to take last year.

The arrival of Aubameyang would help Barcelona make up for the loss of Sergio Aguero — who had to retire last year because of a heart condition — and the possible departure of Dembélé after it couldn’t reach agreement for his contract extension.

Two weeks ago Barcelona told Dembélé he had to find a new team after his agents rejected several offers made to the French player over the last six months. Soccer director Mateu Alemany said the club only wanted “players who are committed to the future of the team.”

Dembélé said he would not give in to blackmail and left open the possibility of staying at Barcelona, which reportedly set a 20-million-euro ($22.3-million-euro) fee for the 24-year-old forward, who can leave for free when his contract expires at the end of the season. Spanish media said Paris Saint-Germain was negotiating a possible transfer for the player.

Barcelona broke its own record to sign Dembélé from Borussia Dortmund in 2017 with a deal, including add-ons, worth 147 million euros (then $175 million).

Many fans questioned the transfer as it used up a good chunk of the 220 million euros (then $262 million) that Barcelona had received from PSG for Neymar just weeks before.

Barcelona said Dembélé was a “no-show” in reporting for its last league match before the international break “because of an upset stomach.” Before that, coach Xavi Hernández had not included him for a Copa del Rey game.

Among other possible deals, Valencia is set to reach an agreement for the loan of young Spain international Bryan Gil from Tottenham. League leader Real Madrid and defending champion Atlético Madrid are not expected to make any major moves.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Mali Orders Expulsion of French Ambassador

Mali said it is expelling the French ambassador because of “hostile and outrageous” comments by former colonial power France about Mali’s transitional government.

A statement read on national television Monday said French Ambassador Joel Meyer has been given 72 hours to leave the country.

“This measure follows the hostile and outrageous comments made recently by the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the recurrence of such comments by the French authorities with regard to the Malian authorities, despite repeated protests,” the statement said.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said last week that Mali’s junta was “illegitimate and takes irresponsible measures.” He also described the junta as “out of control.”

The French Foreign Ministry said in a statement Monday that it would recall Meyer from Mali.

Relations between Mali and France deteriorated this month after the junta went back on an agreement to organize elections in February. Instead, the junta has proposed staying in power for up to another five years.

European nations have also expressed concern that Mali’s interim government has accepted private Russian security contractors.

France has had troops in Mali since 2013 when it sent forces at the request of Malian leaders to stop Islamist militants who were advancing on the capital. The latest dispute raises questions about whether French troops will remain in the country.

Last week, Mali’s junta demanded that Denmark withdraw its newly arrived contingent of soldiers to Mali. The junta accused Denmark of deploying without authorization, a charge Copenhagen denied.

Denmark’s foreign minister said Friday that it supports France in the latest diplomatic dispute.

“Reports the French Ambassador has been declared Persona Non Grata by Mali transitional authorities are unacceptable. Denmark stands in full solidarity with France,” Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod said in a tweet on Friday.

Mali’s interim leader Assimi Goita seized power in August 2020 citing widespread popular dissatisfaction toward elected leader Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. However, less than a year later in May 2021, Goita overthrew the transitional government that he helped set up, citing a Cabinet reshuffle that excluded two key military leaders.

Goita claimed the move violated the terms of the new government. French President Emmaneul Macron called the action “a coup within a coup.”

Source: Voice of America

AMISOM and Somali police secure elections in South West State.

BAIDOA, Somalia, The Somali Police Force (SPF) in close collaboration with the police component of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) have secured the election of eight Members of Parliament, including the youngest, 25-year-old Mohamed Abdi Mohamed, in the ongoing parliamentary elections in South West State of Somalia.

The SPF and AMISOM are part of the National Election Security Taskforce, which is the highest security body tasked with securing Somalia’s ongoing national electoral process together with Somali security agencies. The taskforce is chaired by the SPF, and supported by AMISOM Police.

Speaking after the parliamentary elections in Baidoa, AMISOM Police Coordinator in South West State, Superintendent of Police (SP) Agbodeka Simon, congratulated the joint forces for their close collaboration.

“Before this election, we took the SPF through a lot of election security scenario planning. We shared knowledge and experience with them as our counterparts,” SP Simon said.

The Baidoa police commander, Mukhtar Ahmed Ibrahim, said they are up to task of securing the elections.

“The overall security is good, and our role is to ensure the security of the delegates who elect the candidates so that they come to the election venues and go back home without any incident. We also secure the election venues during the voting process to ensure it is safe. We hope that the entire election process will be smooth and conclude peacefully,” said commander Mukhtar.

In South West State, there will be two elections, one in Baidoa and the other in Barawe. With the process completed in Baidoa, Barawe is next.

On 27 January 2022, AMISOM and the SPF, together with the South West State election implementation team and local Barawe district officials, toured the agreed venue for the election in Barawe to assess the security situation.

In a bid to ensure elections security coordination runs smoothly, AMISOM and Somali security forces have set up Joint Operations Centres (JOCs) across all Federal States that report to the JOC headquarters in Mogadishu.

Source: Somali National News Agency

Military coup: Joint ECOWAS-UN team expected to hold talks with Burkina Faso junta

OUAGADOUGOU, When Economic Community of West African States’, ECOWAS leaders met on Jan 28, one of their main resolutions was for a ministerial-level mission to be dispatched to Burkina Faso.

That mission and a UN delegation are expected Monday, Jan 31, in the Burkinabe capital Ouagadougou.

The UN delegation is led by the head of the UN’s office for West Africa and the Sahel, Mahamat Saleh Annadif.

They are expected to meet the Lt. Col. Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba-led junta and other stakeholders for talks.

ECOWAS at the Jan 28 summit suspended Burkina Faso and demanded the immediate and unconditional release of deposed President Christian Roch Marc Kabore.

An in-person summit of leaders is scheduled for this Thursday in Accra given that the current chairperson of ECOWAS is Ghana president Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Source: Nam News Network

Online Japanese film festival to kick off next month

Seoul, The Japanese Film Festival Online 2022 (JFF) will open for a two-week run next month, with 13 Japanese films to be screened free of charge, the event’s organizers said Saturday.

Under the slogan “Online Trip To Japan,” the festival will start on Feb. 14 and run through Feb. 27 on its official website, according to the Japan Foundation Seoul, the South Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.

Among the 13-film lineup were the 1950 crime drama “Rashomon” by Akira Kurosawa, the comedy “Happy Flight” (2008), the animated film “Time of Eve” (2010) and the historical film “The Floating Castle” (2012).

The JFF, an annual film festival held globally by the Japan Foundation, had its first Korean edition online in 2020.

Source: Bahrain News Agency