‫سيارة السير على الطرق الوعرة Can-Am تواصل هيمنتها على السباقات العالمية بفوزها الخامس على التوالي في رالي داكار

فالكورت، كيبيك، 17 يناير 2022 / PRNewswire / — تستمر العلامة التجارية لسيارات السير على الطرق الوعرة Can-Am في شركة BRP (TSX DOO) (NASDAQ: DOOO ) في التأكيد على هيمنتها العالمية في السباقات في وقت مبكر من العام الجديد، وهذه المرة من خلال اكتساح المراكز الأولى في فئتين مختلفتين في رالي داكار الشهير في المملكة العربية السعودية. وقد عززت الانتصارات البطولة الخامسة على التوالي للعلامة التجارية في رالي داكار، والتي تعتبر السباق الأكثر صعوبة على الطرق الوعرة في العالم.

Can-Am Factory South Racing driver, Austin Jones, and his navigator, Gustavo Gugelmin, won the T4 category at the 2022 Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia. ©BRP 2022

حقق متسابق Can-Am Factory ، أوستن جونز (من الولايات المتحدة)، جنبًا إلى جنب مع الملاح، غوستافو جوجلمين (من البرازيل)، أفضل وقت إجمالي في فئة T4 ، وهي مركبات تعتمد على إنتاج مركبات مخصصة للطرق الوعرة. واحتل جيرارد فاريس (من إسبانيا) المركز الثاني، وجاء روكاس باسيوسكا (من ليتوانيا) في المركز الثالث، لتكمل مركبة Can-Am اكتساح منصة التتويج. في الواقع، كان أفضل 17 متسابقًا في فئة T4 يقودون Can-Am ، وكانت أول مركبة من خارج Can-Am تعبر النهاية في المركز 18 استغرقت 9 ساعات و 30 دقيقة خلف جونز و جوجلمين.

وفي فئة T3 ، وهي نماذج أولية لمركبات تم تصنيعها بواسطة صناع متخصصين والخطوة الأخيرة قبل فئة السيارات، احتل متسابقو Can-Am المركزين الأول والثاني. جاء فرانسيسكو لوبيز وملاحه خوان بابلو لاتراش فيناجر (كلاهما من تشيلي) في المركز الأول، تلاهما سيباستيان إريكسون (السويد) وملاحه فوتر روسيجار (هولندا).

صرح جونز: “إنه أمر لا يصدق أن نحقق الفوز في رالي داكار. هذه الفعالية هي حقًا الاختبار النهائي لسباق الطرق الوعرة. يمكن أن يحدث أي شيء، ولكننا ضغطنا بقوة حتى النهاية ضد منافسة قوية للغاية. قام الملاح وفريقي بعمل رائع، وكان Can-Am رائعًا بأدائه ومتانته”.

قطع رالي داكار 2022 ما يقرب من 5,200 ميل (8,400 كيلومتر) عبر بعض أكثر التضاريس تحديًا وتقنية في المملكة العربية السعودية. واجه السائقون المنحدرات والأخاديد والكثبان والممرات الصخرية، مما وضع مهاراتهم وسياراتهم في مواجهة التحدي النهائي.

لقد تم دعم متسابقي Can-Am من قبل South Racing Can-Am ، التي كان لديها أكثر من 150 فردًا في المملكة العربية السعودية للمساعدة في تقديم كل شيء من الميكانيكا إلى الخدمات اللوجستية والوجبات لأكثر من 21 متسابقًا من Can-Am Maverick X3 . تتمتع سيارات Can-Am المصنّعة في South Racing بسجل نهائي بنسبة 100% في رالي داكار، وقد فازت في فئة السيارات جنبًا إلى جنب كل عام منذ عام 2018.

صرح ساندي سكوليون، نائب الرئيس الأول للتجزئة والخدمات العالمية – فئة Powersports في شركة BRP : “يتطلب الأمر جهدًا جماعيًا حقيقيًا لإنجاز ما فعله فريق Can-Am Off-Road الخاص بنا للتو في رالي داكار. لدينا الأفضل على الإطلاق، من السائقين إلى فريق الدعم إلى منصة Can-Am Maverick X3 المذهلة. لا يمكننا انتظار ما يخبأنا لبقية هذا العام للسباقات حيث نخطط لمواصلة زخمنا المذهل مع البطولات من جميع أنحاء العالم”.

متوفر الآن لدى وكلاء Can-Am في جميع أنحاء العالم، تم تصميم 2022 Maverick X3 لتوفير أفضل أداء. إنها مركبة على الطرق الوعرة أثبتت فعاليتها في السباق وستأخذك إلى أبعد من ذلك، بغض النظر عما إذا كنت تتعامل مع مساراتك المحلية أو ترمي الرمال في الكثبان الرملية أو تستعد للسباق الكبير الذي يليه. لمزيد من التفاصيل الفنية ومواصفات المنتج، بالإضافة إلى معلومات حول تشكيلة MY22 الكاملة لمركبات Can-Am Off-Road ، تفضل بزيارة https://can-am.brp.com/off-road/ .

نبذة عن BRP

نحن شركة عالمية رائدة في عالم السيارات الرياضية وأنظمة الدفع والقوارب، وقد بُنيت على أكثر من 75 عامًا من الإبداع والتركيز المكثف على المستهلك. تتضمن مجموعتنا من المنتجات الرائدة والمميزة في الصناعة عربات التزلج على الجليد Ski-Doo و Lynx ، والمركبات المائية Sea-Doo ، ومركبات Can-Am على الطرق الوعرة والطرق الممهدة، و Alumacraft ، و Manitou ، و Quintrex ، و Stacer و Savage ، وأنظمة الدفع البحرية Rotax أيضًا كمحركات Rotax للعربات والدراجات النارية والطائرات الترفيهية. كما إننا نكمل خطوط منتجاتنا مع قطع الغيار والملحقات وأعمال الملابس المخصصة لتعزيز تجربة الركوب بشكل كامل. من خلال مبيعات سنوية تبلغ 6.0 مليار دولار كندي من أكثر من 130 دولة، تتكون قوتنا العاملة العالمية من حوالي 14,500 شخص يتمتعون بالدفع والخبرة. 



تعد Ski-Doo و Lynx و Sea-Doo و Can-Am و Rotax و Evinrude و Manitou و Alumacraft و Quintrex و Stacer و Savage وشعار شركة BRP علامات تجارية مملوكة لشركة Bombardier Recreational Products Inc . أو الشركات التابعة لها. على أن تكون باقي العلامات التجارية ملك لمالكيهم المختصين.

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بريان مانينغ، رئيس العلاقات العامة للمستهلكين العالميين، هاتف: +1 913-424-9709 | brian.manning@brp.com ، media@brp.com

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Seegene Continues to Support Israel’s Effort to Manage the Omicron Variant With Timely Delivery of Five Million Tests

Seegene to export COVID-19 test that detects COVID-19 and Omicron along with its Master Assay that distinguishes between COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses

SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostics company, announced today that it has delivered over five million COVID-19 tests to Israel to help detect and mitigate the spread of the Omicron variant. The company sent 1.7 million diagnostic tests and associated consumables in December 2021, while additional 3.4 million tests are scheduled to be delivered in January.


Like much of the world, Israel started to experience a shortage of COVID-19 tests as Omicron was driving an unprecedented surge in cases. More seriously, the number of flu or ‘flurona’ patients who may be co-infected with flu and COVID-19 seems to increase this winter. Seegene’s prompt delivery of COVID-19 tests is expected to cover approximately 57% of Israel’s total 9 million population and play a crucial role in controlling the potential ‘twindemic’ season.

“We will continue to support countries in need of COVID-19 tests to improve global health,” said Dr. Jong-Yoon Chun, Seegene Founder, and CEO. “It is apparent that Seegene’s accurate COVID-19 tests screening all COVID 19 variants and syndromic tests with the respiratory essential panel are going to be a key to the global effort of returning to normal. Both tests will also help to manage lives with COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.”

Seegene will send various products to Israel, including its Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay and Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay.

  • Seegene’s Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay can quickly determine the spread of the new Omicron variant in real-time with multiplex PCR technology, rapidly identifying positive cases and those variants in a single reaction.
  • Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay can determine the exact cause of respiratory symptoms. A single test can distinguish between Influenza A and B, RSV, and COVID-19.

Visit www.seegene.com for more information.

About Seegene, Inc.

Seegene, Inc. was founded in Seoul, South Korea in 2000 and has subsidiaries in the U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and the Middle East. Seegene, Inc. is an in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) company that has been turning innovative technologies into products through its pioneering R&D activities. Seegene owns its original patent technology including DPO™ (Dual Priming Oligonucleotide) for multiple target amplification; TOCE™ for multiple target detection in a single channel; MuDT™, the world’s first real-time PCR technology that provides individual Ct values for multiple targets in a single channel for quantitative assays.; and mTOCE™ multiplex mutation detection technology. With these cutting-edge molecular diagnostic (MDx) technologies applied to diagnostic kits and other tools, Seegene has enhanced the sensitivity, specificity, and disease-coverage per a test of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to unprecedented levels by providing accurate high-multiplex PCR products that target and detect genes of multiple pathogens simultaneously per each fluorescence channel. This feature dramatically saves testing time and cost. Seegene continues to set new standards in MDx through cutting-edge innovations.

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Seegene’s Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay approved under Health Canada’s Interim Order

Seegene’s syndromic assay detects COVID-19 and Influenza A/B/RSV infections in a single test.

SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostic company, announced it has received approval of its Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay under Health Canada’s Interim Order on January 11.


Seegene’s Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay is a multiplex real-time PCR assay that enables simultaneous amplification and differentiation of respiratory symptoms. In a single test, it can distinguish among Influenza A, B, RSV, and COVID-19. This assay expected to play a crucial role in responding against the potential ‘twindemic’ as the country is forecasting a surge in both flu patients and COVID-19 patients.

To support Canada experiencing surging demand for COVID-19 tests, Seegene delivered 340,000 COVID-19 tests to Canada by a charter flight on January 13.

“Demand for COVID-19 tests is skyrocketing due to the resurgence of confirmed cases,” said Ho Yi, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of Seegene. “We are fully prepared to supply enough test kits globally and will continue to be strong global partners in the effort to manage the spread of COVID-19.” This latest approval is expected to be a significant opportunity for the company, as it will allow Seegene to raise its product awareness in surrounding countries of Canada such as Latin America and others.

Visit www.seegene.com for more information.

About Seegene, Inc.

Seegene, Inc. was founded in Seoul, South Korea in 2000 and has subsidiaries in the U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and the Middle East. Seegene, Inc. is an in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) company that has been turning innovative technologies into products through its pioneering R&D activities. Seegene owns its original patent technology including DPO™ (Dual Priming Oligonucleotide) for multiple target amplification; TOCE™ for multiple target detection in a single channel; MuDT™, the world’s first real-time PCR technology that provides individual Ct values for multiple targets in a single channel for quantitative assays.; and mTOCE™ multiplex mutation detection technology. With these cutting-edge molecular diagnostic (MDx) technologies applied to diagnostic kits and other tools, Seegene has enhanced the sensitivity, specificity, and disease-coverage per a test of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to unprecedented levels by providing accurate high-multiplex PCR products that target and detect genes of multiple pathogens simultaneously per each fluorescence channel. This feature dramatically saves testing time and cost. Seegene continues to set new standards in MDx through cutting-edge innovations.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1357790/Seegene_logo_Logo.jpg

‫”ميسان” و”أركان” يعلنان اندماج أعمالهما في اكبر عملية ضم بالقطاع القانوني في الشرق الاوسط

مدينة الكويت, 17 يناير / كانون الثاني 2022 في حدث يمثّل أكبر عملية اندماج لمكاتب المحاماة في القطاع القانوني في الشرق الأوسط طوال العقد المنصرف؛ اعلن كل من شركة ميسان للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية (“ميسان”) ومكتب أركان للإستشارات القانونية (“أركان”)، وهما من بين أهم مكاتب المحاماة في الكويت، عن دمج أعمالهما اعتبارًا من هذا الشهر ، وسيحمل الكيان الجديد المشترك اسم ميسان للمحاماة والإستشارات القانونية.

وسيقدم الإندماج القانوني الكبير قيمة مضافة إلى العملاء، وذلك من خلال منحهم الفائدة التي يقدّمها مكتبا محاماة متخصصان في تقديم كافة الخدمات القانونية المحلية والدولية في مجالات القانون المتعددة عبر فريق متخصص ويمتلك الخبرات في القوانين المحلية والدولية لقرابة الثلاثين عاما وهو ما سينعكس على جودة الاعمال والخدمات المقدمة للعملاء .

وفي هذا السياق، قال رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة ميسان والشريك فيها، المحامي وليد التتان: ” يُسعدنا أن نعلن أنه بفضل هذا الاندماج مع مكتب أركان، ومن خلال تكاتف الجهود، سيستفيد موكّلينا من المواهب والموارد المشتركة لمكتبي محاماة رائدين في السوق، ما بدوره سيساهم في توسيع نطاق خدمات شركة ميسان وتعزيز مكانتها كشركة محاماة رائدة في الكويت“.

وأضاف قائلًا: “يكمن سر النجاح في تلبية طلبات الموكّلين المتزايدة بحيث يتعاون المحامين من كل من المكتبين لتتكامل مجالات تخصصهم ورؤيتهم وثقافتهم “.

من جانبه أكد الشريك المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي في شركة ميسان بدر ناصر الجيعان ان الاندماج يهدف الى استكمال رؤية ميسان نحو التوسع في تقديم الخدمات القانونية المتعددة داخل وخارج دولة الكويت .

وأضاف الجيعان قائلا : نعمل في ميسان على توفير خدماتنا القانونية في العديد من دول المنطقة الممثلين فيها ونطمح الى زيادتها متى توافرت الفرص المناسبة .

بدوره أكد الشريك الإداري في مكتب أركان للإستشارات القانونية المحامي د. حسين العبدالله  ان هذا الاندماج يساعدنا في أركان على تحقيق الاهداف نحو التوسع الخارجي لعملنا من اجل تقديم الخدمات القانونية وفق منظومة عمل رائدة ، خاصة بعد اقرار قانون الشركات المهنية والذي يساهم في تنظيم عمل شركات المحاماة الكويتية ونقلها الى شركات المحاماة الدولية .

ولفت العبدالله إلى ان مثل هذا الاندماج سيعمل على تعزيز حضورنا في دولة الكويت، نظرًا لأن شركة ميسان وأركان تمتلكان قاعدة عملاء عريضة، ما سيمكّننا من استقطاب العديد من العملاء  واكتساب حضور جغرافي أكبر وشبكة أوسع نطاقًا سعيًا لتوسيع قاعدة الخدمات المقدمة لموكّلينا “.

وستواصل شركة ميسان مسيرتها في تقديم خدمات قانونية مميزة لعملائها في عدد من القطاعات القانونية لاسيما عمليات الاندماج والاستحواذ، وأسواق رأس المال، والمشاريع، والشؤون التنظيمية والحكومية، والعملاء من القطاع الخاص، والقضايا والنزاعات.

هذا وسينتقل جميع أعضاء مكتب أركان وموظفيه إلى مركز أعمال شركة ميسان وسيواصلون تقديم نفس الخدمات العالية الجودة التي يعتمد عليها جميع الموكّلين.

نبذة عن شركة ميسان للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية

تأسست شركة ميسان للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية في العام 2015، وهي شركة محاماة تسعى إلى التوسع والتميّز من خلال تقديم مشورة قانونية مبتكرة عالية الجودة بفضل فريق من المحامين ذوي الخبرة الواسعة والمتعمقة. ولقد قدمت شركة ميسان للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية المشورة للموكّلين عبر مجموعة من القطاعات في ما يتعلق ببعض الصفقات والنزاعات الأكثر أهمية وتعقيدًا في المنطقة.

نبذة عن مكتب أركان

تأسس مكتب أركان للإستشارات القانونية في العام 2011 بواسطة مجموعة من المحامين الكويتيين وهو حاليًا واحد من أسرع مكاتب المحاماة نموًا وتوسعًا في الكويت ويعمل في تقديم الخدمات القانونية من استشارات وعقود وتحكيم واعمال المحاماة في كافة التخصصات القانونية واعمال التدريب والدورات والورش القانونية ومتخصص في مجال الاعلام القانوني .

Jetex & Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport to Develop the World’s First Pure Green FBO in Berlin

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Jan. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jetex, an award-winning global leader in executive aviation, and Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport announce the signing of a Joint Venture Agreement whereby both parties will work towards the development of a world-class executive aviation terminal and fixed base operation at Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport (EDON).

Berlin is one of the top ten private aviation markets in Europe with more than 20,000 annual executive jet movements. “FBO Berlin Neuhardenberg” Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to be established in 50-50 joint venture shareholding partnership between Jetex and Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport. Jetex investment subject to certain conditions precedent being met by Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport.

Private aviation aircraft operators and owners will benefit from a world-class dedicated FBO that will serve the Berlin, East Germany and Polish border market, offering the highest quality levels of hospitality, service, security and privacy.

The development will include a 1,500 sq.m. private jet terminal, office buildings, flight support and conference center as well as associated ground works and infrastructure. With up to 20 additional parking lots for private jets with associated technical requirements, the FBO will offer maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities, full ground support and equipment for a seamless operation.

Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport offers customers 24-hour fully unrestricted operations and is not slot controlled. Its runway is 2,400 meters by 50 meters, sufficient to accommodate all types of modern private aircraft up to the Airbus A350 type.

Passengers and crew will have access to limousine service to Berlin with transfer times of around one hour, as well as the helicopter shuttle service to and from Berlin and Berlin Brandenburg Airport Willy Brandt. The 55-room luxury Schloss Neuhardenberg hotel offering luxury accommodation, dining and conference facilities is located five minutes away from the airport.

Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport is also the site of one of Europe’s largest solar farms generating more than 175 megawatts of clean renewable energy, which will be used by Jetex to create the world’s first pure green FBO. The project will help significantly reduce CO2 emissions and air quality impact of general aviation in the Berlin metropolitan area and provide Berlin and the East German market with a environmentally friendly airport of the future.

Commenting on today’s news, Peter Sølbeck, principal shareholder and managing director of Airport Development A/S, said: “Jetex’s involvement is an equally important step in the development of our airport. Since 2007, we as a Danish company have been striving for the civil reuse of this former GDR government airport. The conditions are excellent. The application process for a satellite-supported approach and departure is in full swing. We have very strong political support and very positive support from our regional community including local residents and business owners in and around Neuhardenberg who are fully behind our project. With Jetex, the German capital region can succeed in maintaining and expanding its place as an economic, cultural and recreational region in what is an internationally competitive market. The conditions for business aviation in the Berlin region will radically improve and be elevated to a new, sustainable level. With the open-space photovoltaic plant that we created as project developers in 2012, which is still one of the largest in Europe, aviation will find ideal conditions here in East Brandenburg for the upcoming change in aviation mobility strategywhich is more and more looking at electrification.With our partner Jetex, we will master the upcoming milestones for the necessary approvals and find our place in the overall development of aviation in the capital region of Germany.”

Commenting on the announcement, Adel Mardini, Founder & CEO of Jetex, said: “Jetex is committed to delivering its customers the highest levels of service and a seamless experience. A major factor in our success is the ability to grow our FBO network in key international gateways with significant private aviation demand. As the capital of Germany and a major commercial and cultural centre, Berlin is a destination we have longed to get presence in. Neuhardenberg is an excellent airport for our first FBO in Germany that offers the space required to develop a world-class private jet terminal and FBO operation. Today, more than ever before, we focus on sustainability and minimizing our carbon footprint. Jetex has been offering a number of environmental solutions and developing the world’s first pure green FBO, which will also include the latest innovations in ecodesign, is a significant milestone. I would like to thank the owners of Neuhardenberg Airport and their commercial team for the support they have given us to date and we look forward to working closely together under the new joint venture partnership.”

For Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport, Chairman of the Board and Co Owner Dieter Vornhagen said: “We have long identified Jetex as the perfect partner for the development of our FBO. It is a company that is gaining increasing presence in the global FBO business and one that is renowned as offering the world’s business aviation community, standards of service and excellence that far exceed many in the sector. Our joint venture, when developed, will see the creation of over 50 jobs at Neuhardenberg and provide operators and owners of business jets with not just a world-class FBO for Berlin, but also a flagship development within the Jetex global FBO network. We are now eager to get started on terminal design concepts and engage with partners and stakeholders to help progress the project to an operational stage and create a unique environmentally sustainable business aviation airport for the Berlin-east German market.”

Following the signing of the agreement, Jetex and Berlin Neuhardenberg Airport commence works on terminal design and infrastructure planning. Further announcements will be made with regards to the expected opening date.

About Jetex:

An award-winning global leader in executive aviation, Jetex is recognized for delivering flexible, best-in-class trip support solutions to customers worldwide. Jetex provides exceptional private terminals (FBOs), aircraft fueling, ground handling and global trip planning. The company caters to both owners and operators of business jets for corporate, commercial and personal air travel. To find out more about Jetex, visit https://www.jetex.com/ and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


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+971 4 212 4900

Eastman to invest up to $1 billion to accelerate circular economy through building world’s largest molecular plastics recycling facility in France

PARIS, Jan. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — This morning, French President Emmanuel Macron and Eastman (NYSE:EMN) Board Chair and CEO Mark Costa will jointly announce Eastman’s plan to invest up to $1 billion in a material-to-material molecular recycling facility in France. This facility would use Eastman’s polyester renewal technology to recycle up to 160,000 metric tonnes annually of hard-to-recycle plastic waste that is currently being incinerated.

"The investment in France is a significant step forward in Eastman’s strategy to accelerate a circular economy globally. Eastman is proud to partner with the French government to actively contribute to France’s and the EU’s bold commitments,” Eastman Board Chair and CEO Mark Costa said.

The investment would recycle enough plastic waste annually to fill Stade de France national football stadium 2.5 times, while also creating virgin-quality material with a significantly lower carbon footprint. Eastman is the largest investor at this year’s “Choose France” event, which is focused on attracting foreign investment to France.

This multi-phase project includes units that would prepare mixed plastic waste for processing, a methanolysis unit to depolymerize the waste, and polymer lines to create a variety of first-quality materials for specialty, packaging, and textile applications. Eastman also plans to establish an innovation center for molecular recycling that would enable France to sustain a leadership role in the circular economy. This innovation center would advance alternative recycling methods and applications to curb plastic waste incineration and leave fossil feedstock in the ground. The plant and innovation center would be expected to be operational by 2025, creating employment for approximately 350 people and leading to an additional 1,500 indirect jobs in recycling, energy and infrastructure.

On Nov. 10, 2021 Eastman and Procter & Gamble announced that Herbal Essences will be the first P&G brand to use Eastman Renew molecular-recycled plastic in its packaging.

A circular economy is key to addressing the global plastic waste crisis and the climate crisis, which have both been at the center of attention in France and throughout Europe. This long-term partnership between France and Eastman will contribute to the EU achieving its sustainability goals, by reducing carbon emissions and enabling a circular economy. France has demonstrated tremendous leadership by recognizing the vital role of molecular recycling and supporting investments in innovation.

On June 1, 2021, Eastman announced its collaboration with LVMH Perfumes & Cosmetics, a division of luxury powerhouse LVMH, to develop packaging made possible through Eastman's molecular recycling technologies for the Dior Addict Lip Maximizer, the first luxury product featuring Eastman Cristal Renew.

Eastman’s project has also garnered support from an impressive roster of global brands who share its commitment to solving the world’s plastic waste problem and view molecular recycling as a pivotal tool for achieving circularity. LVMH Beauty, The Estée Lauder Companies, Clarins, Procter & Gamble, L’Oréal and Danone are leading the way by signing letters of intent for multiyear supply agreements from this facility.

Eastman’s proven polyester renewal technology provides true circularity for hard-to-recycle plastic waste that remains in a linear economy today. This material is typically incinerated because it either cannot be mechanically recycled or must be downcycled with existing technology. This hard-to-recycle waste is broken down into its molecular building blocks and then reassembled to become first-quality material without any compromise in performance. Eastman’s polyester renewal technology enables the potentially infinite value of materials by keeping them in production, lifecycle after lifecycle. With the technology’s inherent efficiencies and the renewable energy sources available in France, materials can be produced with greenhouse gas emissions up to 80% less than traditional methods.

Eastman to invest up to $1 billion to accelerate circular economy through building world’s largest molecular plastics recycling facility in France.

“Accelerating the transition to a circular economy is one of the main challenges in the years to come. Eastman’s substantial investment in France demonstrates our country’s willingness to embrace innovative technologies that will help us achieve our ecological and economic ambitions, by revolutionizing our country’s plastics recycling capacities,” said Barbara Pompili, French Minister for Ecological Transition. “France has always been at the forefront of this journey, and together with Eastman, is giving itself the means to achieve its ambitious plastics recycling targets set for 2025. We are very excited to welcome a company that has a 100-year history of innovation at a global scale and more than 30 years of molecular recycling experience.”

Eastman’s proven polyester renewal technology provides true circularity for hard-to-recycle plastic waste that remains in a linear economy today. This hard-to-recycle waste is broken down into its molecular building blocks and then reassembled to become first-quality material without any compromise in performance. Eastman’s polyester renewal technology enables the potentially infinite value of materials by keeping them in production, lifecycle after lifecycle.

Agnès Pannier-Runacher, French Delegate Minister for Industry stated, “Eastman’s world-scale project will allow France to position itself as a European leader in new technologies for recycling and recovering plastic waste. This investment is the result of the ambitious approach to industrial reconquest led by the Government since 2017, which has enabled France to become the most attractive country in Europe from 2018 onward for industrial projects. With this project, which is an important step for our sovereignty, we are giving ourselves the means to achieve our ambitions in terms of ecological transition while creating sustainable jobs in manufacturing, infrastructure and energy. We look forward to developing this relationship with Eastman.”

“The investment in France is a significant step forward in Eastman’s strategy to accelerate a circular economy globally. Eastman is proud to partner with the French government to actively contribute to France’s and the EU’s bold commitments,” Costa said. “France has demonstrated their commitment toward a sustainable future and Eastman has set similar, ambitious carbon and circular economy goals. The announcement today has been made possible thanks to the support of President Macron, the French government and its agency Business France, who have worked with impressive urgency to enable and incentivize this large and complex project. We look forward to working together for the long term and offer necessary innovations to recycle plastic waste and protect our planet for future generations.

“The plan to build the world’s largest plastics recycling facility in France is an important part of our overall circular economy strategy,” Costa added. “Today’s announcement is a key milestone towards our commitment, and we expect to achieve additional milestones in the coming months, including agreements related to securing the plastic waste that will be raw material supply, securing government incentives, and the site location decision.”

About Eastman: Founded in 1920, Eastman is a global specialty materials company that produces a broad range of products found in items people use every day. With the purpose of enhancing the quality of life in a material way, Eastman works with customers to deliver innovative products and solutions while maintaining a commitment to safety and sustainability. The company’s innovation-driven growth model takes advantage of world-class technology platforms, deep customer engagement, and differentiated application development to grow its leading positions in attractive end-markets such as transportation, building and construction, and consumables. As a globally inclusive and diverse company, Eastman employs approximately 14,000 people around the world and serves customers in more than 100 countries. The company has revenues of approximately $10 billion and is headquartered in Kingsport, Tennessee, USA. For more information, visit eastman.com/france.

Greg Riddle, Eastman
+1 212-835-1620

European Media:
Jean-Christophe Adler, APC – Affaires Publiques Consultants
+33 6 03 24 77 24

U.S. Media:
Brad Lifford, Eastman
+1 423-229-6543

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1727104/Mark_Costa_CEO_Eastman.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1727105/Herbal_Essence_Eastman.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1727106/Dior_Addict_Lip_Maximizer_Eastman.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1727107/Eastman_France_facility.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1727108/Polyester_Recycling_Technology_Eastman.jpg

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/746866/Eastman_Logo.jpg

Accor welcomes 2022 with a diverse array of spectacular new properties


PARIS, Jan. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Accor is pleased to reveal some of its newest properties and upcoming destinations that guests and world travelers can look forward to visiting in 2022 and beyond. Many of the world’s most exciting destinations – such as London, Doha, and Moscow – will welcome multiple new Accor hotels this year, while several Accor brands have sought out exotic, unexpected or new horizons to explore, such as Pangkalan Bun in Indonesia; Copenhagen, Denmark; and Casco Viejo in Panama City.

“Accor is a strong believer in the power of diversity – in our workforce, our client base and our brands,” said Sébastien Bazin, Chairman & CEO, Accor. “We continuously introduce fresh concepts and exciting new places to discover. With more than 300 new hotels and resorts opening their doors in 2022, we are certain that each member of our vast community of loyal guests around the world will find somewhere unique to inspire their next journey.”

One of the most anticipated openings of the year is Raffles London at The OWO. This architectural masterpiece, located at the historic Old War Office – the iconic Whitehall building inhabited by Britain’s most famous statesmen and spies, from Winston Churchill to Ian Fleming – is in the final touches of a monumental transformation to create 120 rooms and suites, 85 unique branded residences and 11 destination restaurants and bars. Meanwhile, in northwest England, Novotel Liverpool Paddington Village will open as a beacon of hospitality in Liverpool. With more than 220 rooms among 16 stories, the new flagship hotel will stand out as the tallest and one of the most attractive gathering spots for tourists and locals in this vibrant city of music, culture and outstanding pubs.

The strength of Accor’s network across Europe continues to be bolstered with recent and upcoming openings, such as Sofitel Barcelona Skipper, Mercure Amsterdam North, ibis Styles St. Margrethen Switzerland, Mercure Hotel President in Lecce, Italy and MGallery Cagliari Palazzo Tirso, Italy, just to name a few. Paris continues to be a market near and dear to Accor’s heart, not only as the company’s headquarters and for its sponsorship of the Paris Saint-Germain Football Club, but also through its support of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 2022, Accor will welcome new additions to the city including MGallery Issy-les-Moulineaux Domaine de la Reine Margot and greet Paris Vincennes.

Across the pond, North America eagerly awaits the continent’s first Raffles later this year. Raffles Boston Back Bay Hotel & Residences, located in the city’s prestigious Back Bay neighborhood, is a 35-story building featuring 146 residences, 147 guestrooms, and six food and beverage venues, including a sky bar and speakeasy. The striking three-story sky lobby is set to be the first of its kind in Boston.

The Middle East is another exciting stronghold for Accor, particularly with the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Accor has been selected as the official provider of accommodation for visitors of the event, providing team members to manage and operate more than 60,000 rooms in apartments and villas across the Gulf Arab state.  The Group will also broaden its Rixos portfolio in Qatar and in the region overall with the upcoming Rixos DohaQetaifan, Rixos Obhur Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and Rixos Jewel of the Creek in Dubai, UAE. Accor will also introduce many stunning new properties throughout the region including the new Raffles Doha and sister hotel Fairmont Doha, Banyan Tree AlUla in the Asher Valley of Saudi Arabia, and Fairmont La Marina Rabat-Salé.

Another noteworthy market for Accor in 2022 is Russia. Domestic tourism continues to grow, particularly among Russian travelers who are accustomed to international services and high standards of vacation experiences. Accor is adding to its portfolio across the country with a diverse range of destinations, including Novotel Moscow ComCity, ibis Styles Kogalym Russia and Mövenpick Resort and Spa Anapa Miracleon.

Further, Accor is excited to open its first property in Denmark – ibis Styles Orestad Denmark, on the edge of Copenhagen; the hotel marks the first step for Accor in this beautiful Scandinavian country.

Finally, with lifestyle representing one of the fastest growing segments of the global hospitality industry, Accor, through its joint venture with Ennismore, will continue to grow leading lifestyle brands including Mondrian, SLS, The Hoxton, Morgans Originals and Mama Shelter. Standout openings across this category include the first Mondrian in China, Hong Kong Kowloon, a 324-room property with uninterrupted harbor views; the inaugural Maison Delano Paris in the ultra-chic 8th Arrondissement just steps away from the fabled Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré; TRIBE Phnom Penh Post Office Square which will bring bold design to Cambodia’s hotel scene, and Mama Shelter Dubai a larger-than-life Mama that embodies the idea of a resort in the heart of the city with apartments, pools and an outdoor cinema.

“Accor’s development pipeline is very robust and we are delighted to bring so many projects to life in 2022,” said Agnès Roquefort, Global Chief Development Officer, Accor. “Our hoteliers all over the world are eager to welcome guests to their favorite destinations, as well as introduce them to new places, in a much bigger way than we’ve done over the past couple of years.”

A wider list of Accor’s most notable 2022 openings is attached.

Notable Openings – 2022

Northern Europe

  • Raffles London at The OWO (from late 2022) A grand new hotel in the landmark Grade II listed former Old War Office on Whitehall. The building will open to the public for the first time, having undergone a monumental transformation to create 120 rooms and suites, 85 unique branded residences and 11 destination restaurants and bars.
  • The Emporium Plovdiv – MGallery, Bulgaria (early 2022) Once a famous department store and now designed in the style of an ancient forum, the hotel’s story continues as guests relax in the stunning Champagne Bar & Cocktail Lounge, indulge in the exclusive wellness and fitness zones or meet in style in of the hotel’s three conference rooms.
  • Mövenpick Resort & Spa Anapa Miracleon, Russia (early 2022) In the Black Sea resort town of Anapa, where summer is six months long, guests of Mövenpick have plenty of sunny days in which to enjoy the resort’s five swimming pools, sports and children’s playgrounds, adventure park, concert stages, family restaurants, and inviting spa and wellness facilities.
  • Pullman Tbilisi Axis Towers, Georgia (mid 2022) Located within the striking Axis Towers complex, the new 226 guestroom hotel will set new standards in Tbilisi with its Skybar with rooftop pool, its buzzing restaurant and bars, and the largest conference hall in the city center.
  • Mercure Amsterdam North, The Netherlands (mid 2022) Located in the up-and-coming Noord area near the metro station, the hotel’s designer Charlotte Emmerig has drawn on local wetlands to create a hotel inspired by cozy tranquility.
  • Mercure Szklarska Poreba, Poland (mid 2022) A guaranteed local gem with adjoining residences, the design is inspired by rustic mountain retreats, while providing all the modern amenities travelers crave.
  • Mercure Brasov Cubix, Romania (early 2022) Mercure will bring its welcoming style to 57 comfortable, modern, and thematic guest rooms, with modern meeting rooms for social and corporate events, and a restaurant and bar serving local delicacies.
  • Novotel Liverpool Paddington Village (mid 2022) At 16 floors, this flagship hotel will be the tallest in Liverpool, providing a lively spot for visitors and locals in this vibrant city with unrivalled musical heritage, cultural attractions, and jovial character.
  • Novotel Living Tallinn (late 2022) The first long-stay project of its kind in the Baltic region, the 124 key residential offering will welcome travelers in a charming neighborhood between Tallinn’s Old Town and Port. With lively social areas, the facility will include a shared workspace, gym, and restaurant.
  • ibis Styles Kogalym Russia (mid 2022) The first ibis Styles hotel in Yugra will offer 122 rooms with a European class comfort, taiga motifs and colors of Northern nature.
  • ibis Styles St. Margrethen Switzerland (mid 2022) Located in the Swiss Lake Constance region, the hotel is designed to refresh the spirit, with a delightful three pines theme and ergonomic designs.
  • ibis Styles Orestad Denmark (mid 2022) On the edge of Copenhagen, the 186-room hotel resides in the Nest45 project, sharing space with offices and small businesses, just a short drive from downtown and the airport.
  • ibis budget Manchester Airport (mid 2022) The hotel will offer 262 comfortable rooms kitted out with fluffy duvets and pillows and a delicious breakfast buffet.

Southern Europe

  • Sofitel Barcelona Skipper (rebranding mid 2022) This beloved hotel in the Gothic Quarter is known for its enviable location next to Barceloneta Beach, its stunning sea views and popular tapas restaurant, Tendiez. Soon to fly the Sofitel flag, this hotel will set spirits soaring with a delightful vertical garden, modern elegance, and decadent touches of French luxury.
  • MGallery Tel Aviv Elkonin, Israel (mid 2022) Brings a unique and fancy boutique flavor to the city that never sleeps. The hotel offers a modern and elegant design, while keeping the original spirit of Tel Aviv’s first ever built hotel in the 1910s. Located in the heart of the fashionable district of Neve Tzedek in the south of Tel Aviv, the hotel will open its doors with 44 keys and will feature a signature restaurant by Joël Robuchon, an outdoor swimming pool, a Clarins SPA and a rooftop bar.
  • MGallery Issy-les-Moulineaux Domaine de la Reine Margot, France (late 2022) Guests will find refinement here in the heart of the Jardin des Quiétudes, at the gates of Paris, a monument that belonged to Queen Marguerite de Valois. Built and designed by Jean-Michel Wilmotte, the hotel spa blends old world splendor with contemporary chic, while a vegetable garden and orchard provide abundant outdoor beauty.
  • MGallery Cagliari Palazzo Tirso, Italy (mid 2022) The history of this romantic Italian palace in Cagliari has been preserved, while infusing new life and modern luxuries into a memorable experience for travelers and locals. The hotel will feature 85 charming rooms, a rooftop lounge and bar, a botanical garden and pool, two stylish restaurants, an expansive SPA and generously sized meeting spaces.
  • MGallery Troyes la Licorne, France (late 2022) On the Dampierre quay, facing the Trévois canal, this magnificent building offers generous rooms and suites with extraordinary views. Upon entering the charming, paved courtyard, guests are enveloped in a cocoon of well-being where they can relax with a beverage and a bite to eat, or settle in the dining room restaurant, helmed by a Michelin-starred chef.
  • MGallery Cap d’Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France (mid 2022) Located on the edge of Cap d’Antibes, slightly overlooking the pine forest and steps away from the seafront, the property promises calm and serenity at every turn. The Art Deco-styled hotel will feature 64 rooms including eight suites, four with private pool and four with terrace, a spa with three cabins, a restaurant, a bar and a rooftop swimming pool. Guests also enjoy a casino and entertainment options within easy walking distance.
  • MGallery Theatron Jerusalem Hotel & Residence, Israel (mid 2022) Unlike the city center where most Jerusalem hotels are located, Theatron is in a quiet residential neighborhood enveloped in lush greenery, overlooking a grove of pine trees with an open view of southern Jerusalem. The hotel will be composed of 76 rooms and 40 branded apartments, a restaurant, a lobby café bar, a meeting room, a synagogue, a spa with pool and fitness area.
  • Niko Seaside Resort Crete MGallery, Greece (mid 2022) Contemporary and stylish, with exceptional panoramic views of Mirabello Bay, the adults-only resort will feature 143 uniquely designed rooms and suites, most with their own plunge pool.
  • Swissotel Bat Yam, Israel (mid 2022) The hotel will be part of a mixed-use lifestyle living project geared towards inspired, healthy living. The towering resort complex will accommodate travelers across 236 guestrooms, complete with balconies that make the most of the spectacular views across the Mediterranean.
  • Mercure Benidorm, Spain (mid 2022) Set along the Costa Blanca, the Mercure Benidorm is an ideal place from which to explore the beaches of Poniente and Levante and discover the old town with its beautiful churches and streets.
  • ibis Styles Dreux, France (early 2022) The 60-room hotel in the heart of Dreux pays homage to Le Corbusier, master of modern architecture and midcentury style. Guestrooms of yellow, blue and powder pink lift the spirits, with furnishings and artwork faithful to the 1950s era. A gaming area with table football, a coworking area and a breakfast area that turns into a bar by night, all create a joyful social milieu.
  • greet La Rochelle & greet Paris Vincennes (mid 2022) Giving second life to vintage objects is part of greet’s do-good-feel-good mission of positive hospitality. This approach which comes to life at greet La Rochelle, a 149-room revitalized hotel, part of the urban renewal of the city’s Rompsay district, as well as in the new greet Paris Vincennes.

India, Middle East, Africa & Turkey

  • Banyan Tree AlUla, Saudi Arabia (mid 2022) Located in a desert oasis within the Ashar Valley, this beautiful, tented camp provides an eco-luxurious experience and restorative sanctuary, while coexisting among the peaceful Bedouin community.
  • Raffles Doha (late 2022) Residing among the iconic towers of Lusail, the lavish six-star Raffles Doha will provide the legendary Raffles Butler Service to guests of its 132 suites, including the opulent Royal Suite inhabiting the 33rd & 34th floors, with its own gym, spa, Majlis, games room and hair salon.
  • Fairmont Doha (late 2022) Connected to Raffles Doha by a magnificent ballroom and event space, the luxurious five-star hotel will include Fairmont Gold, a privileged hotel-within-a-hotel experience, while reflecting the rich Qatari culture and the city’s contemporary transformation.
  • Fairmont La Marina Rabat-Salé (mid 2022) A luxury hotel and riverside residences overlook the Rabat and Salé historical areas, offering sweeping vistas of river, ocean and harbor front and an abundance of excellent shopping and outdoor spaces. Guests and residential homeowners return to the Fairmont Spa for restoring balance and tranquility.
  • Fairmont Tangier Tazi Palace (late 2022) The mystery and intrigue of the Tazi Palace on the outskirts of Tangier adds to the glamour of this new five-star luxury resort. Originally built by a King’s advisor in the 1940s, the sprawling resort will feature 134 guestrooms, two VIP villas and a Royal villa.
  • Sofitel Agadir Royal Bay Resort (mid 2022) An enchanting blend of French luxury, Kasbah architecture, and beachfront style awaits, just 10-minutes from Agadir. Featuring fine French, Asian and Moroccan cuisine, guests will enjoy live music in the resort’s cocktail bar and international DJs in the So Fun nightclub.
  • Rixos Jewel of The Creek Dubai (mid 2022) Designed to be the “Jewel” of the Jewel of the Creek development, the new Rixos luxury resort features an abundance of outdoor fun, with lavish pools, landscaping and fountains, and a waterfront promenade lined with boutiques, restaurants, bars, and an 80-berth marina.
  • Rixos Doha Qetaifan Island (late 2022) The first Rixos to open in Qatar, just in time for World Cup 2022, this luxury hotel is set to become a landmark of local culture and entertainment. Guests will adore the expansive Souq, Beach Club, Theme Park and Waterpark, with panoramic views of the Arabian Gulf.

Southeast Asia

  • The Admiral Hotel Manila – MGallery (mid 2022) The first MGallery in the Philippines will feature six uniquely themed floors showcasing local culture, festivals, heroes, folk dances, destinations, native objects, and traditional games. The artfully designed guest rooms and suites are equipped with thoughtful luxuries such as Bose sound bars and APPELLES bath amenities.
  • Orchard Hills Residences – MGallery (mid 2022) Singapore’s first MGallery address will be residing in the world-renowned Orchard Road shopping district. These 168 serviced residences, designed by award-winning Japanese studio, Nikken Sekkei, will take guests on a personal journey of self-discovery through immersive spaces, meticulous curation as well as a thoughtful integration of luxury hospitality, healthcare and wellness.
  • Naru Hotel Seoul – MGallery (mid 2022) Located in the Mapo District, this new MGallery hotel will overlook the Han River with views of Yeouido island. The 196-room hotel will offer the brand’s signature mix of bespoke mixology and fascinating stories infused with the culture of the neighborhood.
  • Pullman Singapore Orchard (mid 2022) Following a stylish refurbishment, the hotel in the heart of the Orchard Road shopping district will be part of a mixed-use development, featuring commercial and retail outlets including the flagship Apple store, and is just a short walk from some of the city’s best malls, the Singapore Botanic Gardens, and the entertainment enclave of Clarke Quay.
  • Pullman Lombok Mandalika Beach Resort (early 2022) This 5-star resort is set on the secluded beach of Kuta Mandalika, offering 257 rooms, suites and villas, dotted with aquamarine pools overlooking the azure Indian Ocean. Guests unlock their creativity in the business center, enjoy the Chill Out Space & wellness center, or get social in meeting rooms and a ballroom that caters up to 800 guests.
  • Mövenpick Phan Thiet (late 2022) The hotel will feature two restaurants, an executive lounge, and extensive wellness facilities.
  • Grand Mercure Bali Legian Resort (mid 2022) The first Grand Mercure resort in Bali brings tropical luxury and a beachfront experience to families, couples and business guests, on the white sands of Legian Beach. With 269 rooms, the hotel is just 45 minutes by road from the international airport with a selection of restaurants and bars, event space, and wellness areas.
  • Novotel Phnom Penh Beung Keng Kong (mid 2022) In the city center of Phnom Penh, near the Royal Palace and Independent Monument, this 253-room hotel is designed for visitors and locals to enjoy, with three restaurants, multiple meeting rooms, a swimming pool, fitness center and spa.
  • Mercure Pangkalan Bun (mid 2022) A new destination for Accor, this four-star hotel will offer 150-rooms on nine floors, with a connecting eight-story office building. Ideally located in the central business area of the Central Kalimantan province of Indonesia, the hotel will offer an authentic locally rooted experience with a commitment to quality.
  • Mercure Miri City Centre (mid 2022) In the stunning coastal city of Miri, on the island of Borneo, the new Mercure hotel rises conveniently near the city center and airport. With 160 rooms, ballroom, meeting rooms, dining venues, a swimming pool and a gym, guests will experience all the important comforts amid the warmth and charm of authentic Malaysian culture.
  • Mercure Living Putrajaya (mid 2022) A refreshingly modern experience awaits those seeking longer stays whilst traveling for business or leisure. Featuring all-day dining, an executive lounge, 52-meter infinity saltwater swimming pool, fitness center, tennis court and spa, guests will feel right at home in the spacious and modern suites which include dining and living areas as well as workspaces.
  • Mercure Rayong Lomtalay (early 2022) At the spectacular Cape Laem Mae Phim, Rayong, sits the newest and the trendiest destination beach resort in Thailand, with a range of accommodations from upscale beachfront rooms to sea view villas.
  • Mercure Da Lat Resort, Vietnam (mid 2022) A heritage building nestled among lush gardens in the Old Train Station area of the city center, Mercure Da Lat Resort is an ideal starting point from which to explore the cultural and historical city and the majestic highlands of Vietnam’s Central region.
  • ibis Styles Bangkok Silom (mid 2022) Located on Silom Road, at the heart of the Bangkok, with easy access to BTS Sala Daeng and MRT Silom, the hotel will feature connecting rooms for families, a fitness center and meeting rooms.


  • The Porter House Hotel, Sydney – MGallery (early 2022) The 1870s heritage-listed Porter House in Sydney will connect to a new 36-story tower, offering a mix of hotel and residences, pool and fitness center, two restaurants, a fourth-floor bar with roving art gallery, meeting and private dining facilities and a business center.
  • Hotel Morris, Sydney (early 2022) The historic West End Hotel, built in 1929, will reopen as Hotel Morris following an extensive refurbishment. The 82-room hotel will feature a ground floor restaurant and bar on Pitt Street, and a spectacular rooftop bar.
  • The Sebel Wellington Lower Hutt, New Zealand (mid 2022) Overlooking the Hutt River, this stylish apartment-style hotel features 60 fully serviced studios and one-bedroom apartments, along with a lively restaurant and bar called Biscotti.

Greater China

  • Raffles at Galaxy Macau (early 2022) A stunning addition to the Galaxy Macau™, a world-class luxury integrated resort, Raffles at Galaxy Macau features guest rooms as a personal canvas – with Samsung The Frame Hospitality in every room, and the brand’s famed Raffles Butlers providing discreet bespoke service.
  • Sofitel Shanghai North Bund (late 2022) French art de vivre will shine brightly at the stunning 25-story landmark hotel, featuring 300 opulent guest rooms and suites with outstanding views of the famous Shanghai skyline. Guests will adore the modern French style at Club Millesime, a lavish Sofitel Spa and an ultramodern Sofitel Fitness gym.
  • Guiyang Art Centre Hotel, Emblems Collection (late 2022) Accor’s newest luxury brand, Emblems Collection, premieres its first hotel at the famous Guiyang Art Centre in the capital city of Guizhou province. Originally built as a palatial private residence, Emblems brings a fresh, modern expression of luxury that will set the standards for this exciting and growing collection of unique hotels and resorts.
  • The Silveri Hong Kong – MGallery (early 2022) With a name that evokes the silver mines of Lantau and the shimmering waters surrounding the island, the first MGallery in Hong Kong is an urban oasis of lush greenery with an abundance of outdoor terraces, where one can experience a soothing retreat that is unexpected in a city hotel.
  • AKI Hong Kong – MGallery (mid 2022) The historic façade in the distinctive Wanchai district reveals an upscale, calming atmosphere where guests can retreat following a busy day of urban exploration. A genteel whisky bar crowns the top floor, where mixology mingles with creative minds and cultural conversations.
  • Swissôtel Beijing (mid 2022) Following an extensive refurbishment, Swissôtel Beijing in the Hong Kong Macau Center is back, more beautiful than ever. With attention to health, fitness and wellbeing in every detail, guests of this ecological and centrally located hotel are encouraged to ‘Live it Well’.

North & Central America

  • Raffles Boston Back Bay Hotel & Residences (late 2022) Raffles’ first property in North America promises to be an urban expression of refined elegance, comprised of a distinctive mixed-use hotel and a unique collection of pied-a-terre suites, one- to three-bedroom homes and magnificent penthouses.
  • Sofitel Legend Casco Viejo, Panama (mid 2022) Nestled within a UNESCO protected site and United Nations designated World Heritage Site, the hotel resides along a pristine waterfront, ideal for leisure and business guests seeking a luxury experience in a historic locale.
  • Novotel Mexico City Insurgentes WTC (mid 2022) Ideally located in front of the World Trade Center Mexico City (WTC), one of the most vibrant business areas in Mexico City, the hotel will feature the brand’s signature Gourmet Bar and a Meet N Workspace.


Accor’s unmatched position in lifestyle hospitality – one of the fastest growing categories in the industry – is led by Ennismore, a creative hospitality company with a global portfolio of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. The following brands and properties are part of Ennismore.

Northern Europe

  • 25hours Hotel Indre By (early 2022) Will be the first Scandinavian 25hours hotel. The complex, which is situated in the heart of the city center with direct access to the pedestrian street Købmagergade, next to the Round Tower and close to Kongens Have and Kongens Nytorv and comprises four buildings and 243 rooms. 25hours Hotel Indre will also be home for the first Scandinavian NENI restaurant, The Boilerman Bar and Café Duse.

Southern Europe

  • Maison Delano Paris (late 2022) Located in the heart of the ultra-chic 8th Arrondissement in an 18th century courtyard building at 4 Rue d’Anjou, just steps away from the fabled Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, the hotel will offer 56 extraordinary rooms and suites, and a new culinary concept by world renowned chef Dani Garcia. Maison Delano Paris will be the launch of the Maison Delano brand.
  • The Hoxton, Poblenou (early 2022) Promising to give guests a real flavor of local life, The Hoxton, Poblenou is the perfect base for exploring Barcelona with its 240 rooms, rooftop pool and taqueria, bright and airy lobby, sunny pizza terrace and slice shop, and multi-functional event spaces.
  • SO/ Paris (mid 2022) Anchored on the banks of the Seine in the 4th arrondissement, SO/ Paris is an exciting new address for the city, with its panoramic restaurant terrace, breathtaking views, elegant rooms and handsome suites, and world-class fitness and spa amenities.
  • Mama Shelter, Lisbon (January 2022) The first Mama address on the Iberian Peninsula is situated between the lively Príncipe Real district and the monumental Praça Marquês de Pombal, with breathtaking views across the entire city from its rooftop. The 130 rooms and restaurant – a new take on a traditional French brasserie – will immerse guests in the dynamic vibe of the city for a real Lisboeta experience.

India, Middle East, Africa & Turkey

  • Mama Shelter, Dubai (late 2022) Will be a real pearl in the desert, with 197 rooms and 192 apartments, a range of dining outlets, a terrace with four swimming pools, an outdoor CineMama and so much more. It’s a larger-than-life Mama that embodies the idea of a resort in the heart of the city, recalling the origins of the Trigano family who founded the Mama Shelter group and co-founded Club Med.

Southeast Asia

  • TRIBE Phnom Penh Post Office Square (early 2022) Brings a bold design edit to Cambodia’s hotel scene, with the latest technologies, smart design, signature bed & amenities, high quality linens, garment steamers, rain showers, signature sweat robes, and Nespresso coffee machines.
  • Mondrian Hong Kong Kowloon (late 2022) Located in the bustling Mong Kok district in Hong Kong’s vibrant Kowloon, the hotel will be the first Mondrian in China and seventh Mondrian property globally. The 324-room property set over 40 floors will put a playful spin on its Hong Kong origins, offering uninterrupted harbor views and a 39th floor elevated dining experience at Carna by Dario Cecchini.

North & Central America

  • 21c Museum Hotel St. Louis (late 2022) A boutique hotel, contemporary art museum and chef-driven restaurant will inhabit a 10-story former YMCA building, constructed in 1926 in the Renaissance Revival style, with some Gothic elements, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

South America

  • SLS Puerto Madero, Argentina (early 2022) SLS brings a fresh and modern vibe to the dynamic energy of the city, with 58 rooms and suites designed by the renowned Italian designer and architect, Piero Lissoni. Guests and locals flock to Leynia, a dynamic Argentinian Grill inspired by flavors from Japan, while a large event room provides space for corporate meetings or private celebrations.
  • JO&JOE Medellín, Colombia (early 2022) JO&JOE’s culture of sharing, spontaneity, and individual experiences brings travelers together and unites the fun of a hostel and the comforts of a hotel, appealing to a broad international community of global explorers. JO&JOE Medellín features lively common spaces that highlight some of the famous street artists of the city.


Accor  is a world leading hospitality group consisting of more than 5,200 properties and 10,000 food and beverage venues throughout 110 countries. The group has one of the industry’s most diverse and fully-integrated hospitality ecosystems encompassing more than 40 luxury, premium, midscale and economy hotel brands, entertainment and nightlife venues, restaurants and bars, branded private residences, shared accommodation properties, concierge services, co-working spaces and more. Accor’s unmatched position in lifestyle hospitality – one of the fastest growing categories in the industry – is led by Ennismore, a creative hospitality company with a global portfolio of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Accor boasts an unrivalled portfolio of distinctive brands and approximately 260,000 team members worldwide. 68 million members benefit from the company’s comprehensive loyalty program – ALL – Accor Live Limitless – a daily lifestyle companion that provides access to a wide variety of rewards, services and experiences. Through its Planet 21 – Acting Here, Accor Solidarity, RiiSE and ALL Heartist Fund initiatives, the Group is focused on driving positive action through business ethics, responsible tourism, environmental sustainability, community engagement, diversity and inclusivity. Founded in 1967, Accor SA is headquartered in France and publicly listed on the Euronext Paris Stock Exchange (ISIN code: FR0000120404) and on the OTC Market (Ticker: ACCYY) in the United States. For more information visit group.accor.com, or follow Accor on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Press Contacts:

Charlotte Thouvard

Mike Taylor

Line Crieloue

‫يوفر تخزين القرص الصلب ل Infortrend EonStor CS NVMe إنتاجية عالية واستجابة سريعة لثلاث تطبيقات رئيسية

 تايبية، 17 /يناير، 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

Infortrend® Technology, Inc  يلبي (TWSE: 2495) مزود تخزين المؤسسات الرائد صناعيًا متطلبات الإنتاجية العالية ووقت الاستجابة السريع للحوسبة عالية الأداء، وتطبيقات ما بعد الإنتاج للوسائط، ونظام أرشفة الصور والاتصال الطبي- من خلال تخزين القرص الصلب لEonStor CS NVMe الذي يقدم نقل البيانات بسرعة 13 جيجابايت/ثانية في مجموعة مكونة من 3 عقد، ويزيد الأداء خطيًا في وضع النطاق

تؤدي حاليًا تطبيقات الحوسبة عالية الأداء عمليات حسابية مكثفة بمليارات من الملفات عبر مصادر متعددة ذات طبيعة مختلفة  على نطاق PB. ولذلك،يجب أن يكون التخزين للحوسبة عالية الأداء قادرعلى دعم أحمال المدخلات والمخرجات المتعددة والعشوائية والمتسلسلة ذات الأحجام المختلفة في وقتٍ واحد. وبخلاف ذلك،، يمكن أن يؤخر بشكل كبير مخرجات تطبيق الحوسبة عالية الأداء ونجاح الشركة. يقلل بشكل فعال تخزين EonStor CS NVMe، CS 4014U من هذه المخاوف، ويضمن تسريع وقت الاستجابة، وتلبية متطلبات مختلفة لملفات المدخلات والمخرجات

وبشأن تحرير الوسائط، تكون متطلبات التخزين عالية أيضا. نظرًا لأن استوديوهات B&E تطبق سير عمل يتضمن العديد من المحررين المتعاونين في مقاطع الفيديو 4K/8K، ينبغي أن يتميز التخزين بإنتاجية عالية ووقت استجابة سريع لدعم تدفقات تشغيل الفيديو المتعددة. يوفر CS 4014U أداءً متميز تدعم بسهولة المجموعة المكونة من 3 عقد تدفقات تشغيل الفيديو DPX بمعدل دقة مقداره 4، إلى جانب عرض 60 إطار في الثانية،

علاوة على ذلك، يعد تخزين القرص الصلب EonStor CS NVMe حلا عظيمًا لنظام أرشفة الصور والاتصال الطبي. من خلال الاستفادة من الوصول المنخفض، والإنتاجية العالية للقرص الصلب U.2 NVMe ، فإنه يسرع الوصول إلى البيانات السريرية ويحسن الكفاءة التشغيلية لنظام أرشفة الصور والاتصال الطبي. فضلا عن ذلك، يدعم CS 4014U التشكيل الختلط مع قرص الحاسوب JBOD: يتم تخزين البيانات “المهمة” للمرضى الحاليين في محركات أقراص الحالة الصلبة للوصول السريع، بينما يتم ترحيل البيانات القديمة إلى فئة محركات الأقراص الثابتة لأرشفة الملفات.

قال فرانك لي المدير الأول لتخطيط الإنتاج “يقدم حل القرص الصلب EonStor CS NVMe أداءً رائعا وزمن انتقال منخفض لزيادة استجابة التخزين في التطبيقات التي تتميز بأعباء عمل شديدة للمدخلات والمخرجات مثل HPC، و M&E، ونظام أرشفة الصور والاتصال الطبي”

تعرف على المزيد حول  EonStor CS  و نموذج EonStor CS NVMe – CS 4014U

حول إينفورتيند

عملت إينفورتيند (TWSE: 2495)  على تطوير وتصنيع حلول التخزين منذ 1993، ومع التركيز الشديد على التصميم الداخلي والاختبار والتصنيع، يوفر تخزين إينفورتيند الأداء وقابلية التوسع مع أحدث المعايير، وخدمات البيانات سهلة الاستخدام، والدعم الشخصي لما بعد البيع، إلى جانب القيمة الفريدة. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة www.infortrend.com

تُعد Infortrend® وEonStor علاماتان تجاريتيان أو علاماتان مسجلتان لشركة إينفورتيند للتكتنولوجيا، والعلامات التجارية الأخرى ملك أصحابها.