‫فوز Axis Bank و CRMNEXT بجوائز IBSi للابتكار 2021 لأفضل تطبيق لنظام إدارة علاقات العملاء (CRM)

مومباي، الهند،, 14 يناير 2022 /PRNewswire/ — حصل Axis Bank، أحد أكبر البنوك الخاصة في آسيا، و CRMNEXT، رائدة تطوير البرمجيات إدارة علاقات العملاء للبنوك، على “أفضل تنفيذ لنظام إدارة علاقات العملاء” ضمن جوائز الإبتكار العالمي في مجال التكنولوجيا الماليّة لعام 2021 من موقع IBS Intelligence، والتي أشار إليها مصرفيون عالميون واستشاريون بارزون في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات على أنها الجائزة الأكثر شهرة من نوعها على مستوى العالم.


وقد تسلم الجائزة نيابة عن البنك، نافال كومار لاد، نائب الرئيس الأول لتقنية المعلومات في Axis Bank. قام البنك بالاعتماد على منصة CRMNEXT وتطبيقها للمبيعات وتحديث الخدمات مما يتيح المعالجة المباشرة عبر الإجراءات والإنجاز الفوري. كما تتيح المنصة أيضًا توجيهًا آليًا أكثر ذكاءً لمعالجة بيانات العملاء المحتملين، والتتبع الكامل، والرؤية.

مع CRMNEXT، يمكن للبنك الآن إنشاء عروض شخصية ديناميكية مع إمكانية رؤية حول الاستحقاق والأهلية في الوقت الفعلي. قدمت CRMNEXT أيضًا تحليلات معززة لذكاء العملاء في الوقت الفعلي، وخدمة عملاء سلسة، وتمكين مديري العلاقات من خلال برامج العلاقات المدارة آليًا.

“تمشيًا مع قيمنا الأساسية المتمثلة في التركيز على العملاء والاهتمام بهم، عملت منصة CRMNEXT Solution باعتبارها عاملًا محفزًا لتعزيز هذه الرؤية. تسمح المرونة التي يوفرها هذا الحل بوصول عروض البيع التبادلي والبيع العابر إلى العملاء المناسبين في الوقت المناسب. كما أن عرض خدمة إدارة علاقات العملاء ساعدنا في حل طلبات الخدمة بكفاءة في حدود الفترات الزمنية لإنجاز الخدمة المناسبة لوقت العملاء”، بحسب تصريح أفيناش راغافيندرا، نائب الرئيس التنفيذي ورئيس قسم تقنية المعلومات، Axis Bank.

“تعزز هذه الجائزة مكانتنا في المنطقة كشريك تقني مفضل. وأضاف سوشيل تياجي، مدير CRMNEXT، قائلًا: “يسعدنا تقديم نتائج ملموسة لبنك Axis Bank ونتطلع إلى دعمهم في مبادراتهم الرقمية المستقبلية”.

تشمل النتائج عالية التأثير من تنفيذ CRMNEXT في Axis Bank ما يلي:

  • تقليل متوسط وقت إنجاز الخدمة (TAT) بنسبة 90٪
  • التخصيص التلقائي للعملاء المتوقعين عبر المنتجات بنسبة 100%
  • تخفيض إعادة العمل أثناء عملية البيع بنسبة 90٪
  • تحسين المبيعات من حيث وقت إنجاز الخدمة (TAT) بنسبة 70٪
  • تمكين المعالجة المباشرة عبر الإجراءات لحالات الفروع بنسبة 50%
  • تحسن في معالجة الشكاوى من المرة الأولى بنسبة 33%
  • التأثير في القوى العاملة بنسبة 80%
  • زيادة في استخدام تطبيق الهاتف المحمول بنسبة 80٪
  • أكثر من 32 نظامًا متكاملًا
  • أكثر من 80,000 مستخدم
  • أكثر من 2700 فرع
  • أكثر من 60 منتجًا تتنوع بين أصول والتزامات وخدمات أفراد وخدمات شركات

حول منصة CRMNEXT

CRMNEXT هي أقوى منصة لإدارة علاقات العملاء المصرفية في العالم. شركة الأبحاث والاستشارات التقنية جارتنر (Gartner) تعد CRMNEXT من بين الجهات الرائدة في مجال أتمتة قوة المبيعات وإدارة الخدمات وإدارة العملاء المحتملين. لقد وضعت معايير مرجعية في مجال إدارة علاقات العملاء من خلال ابتكاراتها مثل Autobot و UpgradesTM و Autonoma IntegrationTM و Commutable CloudTM التي أحدثت نقلة نوعية في التنفيذ والتكلفة الإجمالية لملكية حلول إدارة علاقات العملاء.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني www.crmnext.com

للتواصل الإعلامي:
Rishabh Joshi
البريد الإليكتروني: rishabh.joshi@crmnext.com
9450829986 91+

الشعار: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1170890/CRMNEXT_Logo.jpg

Sungrow and KarmSolar Cooperate on the Microgrid BESS Project for Cairo 3A Group

CAIRO, Jan. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Recently, Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, signed a new BESS contract with KarmSolar, Egyptian largest private sector solar energy provider. Sungrow will provide 2.576MWp PV inverter and 1MW/3.957 MWh energy storage system to build a microgrid for Cairo 3A Poultry Company. This microgrid, by its commission in May, 2022, will generate the energy resources needed by this large-scale company from solar power rather than relying on diesel generator and burning fossil fuels.

Sungrow and KarmSolar build the microgrid for Cairo3A Poultry Company

North Africa boasts enormous potential of solar power uptake with year-round sunshine. Egypt also set the goal of achieving 42% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2035. However, large-scale utility projects are not that easy to secure because of the pressure to get huge investment and public support. Hence, market trend follows smaller projects with more tangible results, such as microgrid and off-grid Solar plus ESS projects.

Sungrow will help build such a microgrid BESS project in Bahariya Oasis. Sungrow offers the 1500V solar plus storage solution: ST3956KWH(L)-1375UD. As all devices are integrated, the system has less units and occupies less land, and in this way, it is more economical and simpler to transport, install and operate. Equipped with EMS, the post maintenance procedure is also streamlined and smart. In addition, being compatible to bifacial solar modules, and adopting higher-power PCS (max. efficiency up to 99%), this system achieves higher yield. As Bahariya Oasis is a depression with agriculture as the main sector, using clean power bears long-term significance for environmental protection and sustainable development.


Alvin Shi, Managing Director of MENA Region, Sungrow said, “The Cairo 3A BESS project is the second one Sungrow achieved in Egypt. We are also supplying the largest solar-plus-storage plant locating Sukari gold mine. For years, Sungrow endeavors to meet the safety and reliability needs of our customers by pioneering zero-carbon microgrids. The Cairo 3A project demonstrates how microgrid could significantly benefit sustainable agricultural development and local people.”

Now Sungrow has achieved a considerably large amount of installation capacity in Egypt. As Egyptian renewable energy market grows steadily and the energy storage sector is emerging stronger, Sungrow will be committed to providing high-quality solutions and tailored services to help Egypt achieve a realistic and cost-effective energy transition.

About KarmSolar

KarmSolar, with Électricité de France (EDF) being its strategic shareholder, spearheads the growth of the private solar energy market in Egypt, revolutionizing the solar market through innovative and integrated solutions across the residential, industrial, agricultural, commercial and touristic sectors. With unique technical and financial expertise, supported by tits in-house Research and Development, KarmSolar leads the Egyptian market with the largest portfolio of private solar energy projects.

About Sungrow

Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. (“Sungrow”) is the world’s most bankable inverter brand with over 182 GW installed worldwide as of June 2021. Founded in 1997 by University Professor Cao Renxian, Sungrow is a leader in the research and development of solar inverters with the largest dedicated R&D team in the industry and a broad product portfolio offering PV inverter solutions and energy storage systems for utility-scale, commercial & industrial, and residential applications, as well as internationally recognized floating PV plant solutions. With a strong 24-year track record in the PV space, Sungrow products power installations in over 150 countries. Learn more about Sungrow by visiting: www.sungrowpower.com.

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Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1344575/Logo.jpg

‫شركة تاتا للمشاريع (TATA Projects) تعزز تواجدها في إفريقيا بطلبات يبلغ مجموعها حوالي 323 دولارًا أمريكيًا مليون

مومباي، الهند، 14 يناير 2022/PRNewswire/ — تعمل شركة تاتا المحدودة للمشاريع (TATA Projects Limited)، وهي إحدى شركات البنية التحتية الأسرع نموًا والأكثر شهرة في الهند، على توسيع تواجدها عالميًا من خلال مجموعة من المشروعات في قطاع النقل والتوزيع. على الرغم من التوقف الناجم عن الجائحة، حصلت شركة تاتا للمشاريع على طلبات بقيمة 323 مليون دولار أمريكي تقريبًا لمشروعات النقل والتوزيع في جميع أنحاء إفريقيا.


في منطقة شرق إفريقيا، مُنحَت شركة تاتا للمشاريع مشروعًا ممولًا بقيمة 79 مليون دولار أمريكي من بنك التنمية الأفريقي (AfDB) لخط نقل علوي بطول 280 كم و400 كيلوفولت تيار مباشر من نياكانازي إلى كيغوما في تنزانيا.

في منطقة غرب إفريقيا، حصلت شركة تاتا للمشاريع على عقود تبلغ قيمتها حوالي 244 مليون دولار أمريكي، وتضم مزيجًا من مشروعات خطوط النقل، والمحطات الفرعية، والتوزيع. وقعت شركة تاتا للمشاريع عقدًا بقيمة 106 مليون دولار أمريكي تقريبًا لمشروع توزيع في مالي يموله البنك الدولي في إطار البرنامج الإقليمي لتوصيل الكهرباء التابع للمجموعة الاقتصادية لدول غرب أفريقيا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، حصلت الشركة على أمر تمديد محطة فرعية من شركة الكهرباء بمالي (EDM).

كما تعزز شركة تاتا للمشاريع وجودها في المنطقة من خلال تأمين حوالي 500 كم من مشروعات خطوط النقل العلوية البالغة 330 كيلوفولت في بوركينا فاسو والنيجر، بقيمة تقريبية تصل إلى 110 مليون دولار أمريكي، يمولها البنك الدولي وبنك التنمية الأفريقي.


بعد تعزيز وجودها في شرق وغرب إفريقيا، نجحت شركة تاتا للمشاريع في دخول دولة الكاميرون الواقعة في وسط إفريقيا، حيث حصلت الشركة على مشروع خط نقل تبلغ قيمته حوالي 21 مليون دولار أمريكي، يموله البنك الدولي.

وفي حديث السيد راجيش كومار باندي، رئيس وحدة الأعمال التجارية – الشركات الدولية، شركة تاتا المحدودة للمشاريع، عن تقدم الشركة في إفريقيا، قال: “إن الكهرباء مسألة ضرورية، وسيؤثر تنفيذ هذه المشروعات على عدد أكبر من السكان ويربطهم بنظام محسّن. يساهم هذا في الهدف 7 من أهداف التنمية المستدامة، أي ضمان حصول الجميع على “طاقة نظيفة وبأسعار معقولة”. مع تقدمنا، نحتاج إلى تقييم أنفسنا في رحلة متسلسلة من اللمس، والاتصال، والوصول، والفعالية، وتيسير التكلفة لتحقيق نمو مستدام للمجتمع والبلد والتعايش مع شركة تاتا”.


عند الانتهاء، ستعمل هذه المشروعات على تعزيز قدرات النظام، وفتح مراكز لتقديم الطلب، وجعل الكهرباء في متناول المستهلكين، مما يبشر بالتنمية والازدهار الاقتصادي في المنطقة.

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AscendEX Lists the Marvelous NFT Token, MNFT

International, Jan. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AscendEX is excited to announce the listing of the Marvelous NFT Token (MNFT) under the trading pair MNFT/USDT on AscendEX starting on January 14 at 5:30 p.m. UTC.

Marvelous NFTs is a blockchain game development company and the official intellectual property licensee of Bad Days, a decentralized strategy game and blockchain-powered site. Running on the Ethereum network and utilizing the Polygon Layer 2 protocol, Bad Days implements ERC-721 and ERC-1155 custom-developed smart contracts to enable users to own, collect, breed, sire, battle, and play unique limited-edition digital assets and crypto collectibles.

Bad Days players can develop and customize their assets, creating an immersive and multi-dimensional user experience where players can personalize and tailor their strategies to compete against other players in a series of battle scenarios.

The core token of the Bad Days ecosystem is the Marvelous NFT token, MNFT. Operating as the core currency in gameplay, MNFT allows players to not only make in-game purchases but also stake their assets to earn increased yield. MNFT tokens additionally feature two deflationary mechanisms, including fee distribution and buy-back mechanism, to maintain the stability of the token and broader game economy.

Players of Bad Days are also able to interact with the Fuse Token, yet another operational token within the Bad Days battle environments. The Fuse Token, similar to MNFT, aims at producing player-generated wealth throughout the game ecosystem. Ultimately, players are rewarded for continuous engagement and top-tier game strategy within the Bad Days platform.

Through the development of Bad Days, the Marvelous NFTs team has continued its mission to drive mainstream adoption of blockchain and GameFi by delivering high-quality blockchain-based gaming, unique opportunities for NFT ownership, and easy-to-comprehend play-to-earn mechanisms.

With the listing of MNFT, AscendEX strives to continue demystifying the world of blockchain-based gaming, allowing for more individuals to participate in the blockchain ecosystem.

About AscendEX
AscendEX is a global cryptocurrency financial platform servicing more than one million institutional and retail traders with the resources needed to obtain more value from their crypto investments. Operating at the nexus of centralized finance and decentralized finance, AscendEX’s platform features access to margin, futures, and spot trading, a robust wallet infrastructure, and staking support for over 200 industry-leading blockchain projects, all producing industry-leading yields and returns, further driving the growth of the crypto ecosystem. In efforts to cultivate scalable and secure forms of decentralized financing, AscendEX has emerged as a leading platform by ROI on its “initial exchange offerings” through supporting some of the industry’s most innovative projects from the DeFi ecosystem.

To learn more about how AscendEX leverages best practices from both Wall Street and the cryptocurrency ecosystem to extract the highest value per dollar to its users, please visit:

Website: https://ascendex.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AscendEX_Global
Telegram: https://t.me/AscendEXEnglish
Medium: https://medium.com/ascendex

About Marvelous NFTs
Marvelous NFTs is a blockchain game development company and the official intellectual property licensee of Bad Days, a decentralized application that runs on the Ethereum network utilizing the Polygon layer two protocol to avoid high gas fees. Bad Days was designed to be a fun and interactive game that gives users the ability to own, buy, sell, collect, upgrade, battle, and play unique limited edition digital assets from the Bad Days universe in an exciting player vs. player strategy game.

For more information and updates, please visit:

Website: https://marvelousnfts.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarvelousNfts_
Telegram: https://t.me/baddayscom


Marketing Department

AscendEX Lists Battle of Guardians Token, BGS

International, Jan. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AscendEX is thrilled to announce the listing of the Battle of Guardians Share Token (BGS) under the trading pair BGS/USDT starting on January 14th at 2 p.m. UTC.

Battle of Guardians (BOG) is a real-time, multiplayer NFT fighting game that allows players to utilize their NFT assets as fighting avatars in an all-out battle of skills, where heightened skill is recognized with in-game rewards. Developed in Unreal Engine and built atop the Solana Network, BOG was designed with multiplayer capabilities that allow global players to engage in fierce, multi-realm battles in the expansive Sci-Fi game ecosystem. The project currently offers a selection of 30 unique NFTs and is equipped with an NFT Synthesis feature that allows players to upgrade the tier of their fighting avatars. BOG is being developed for PC-based gaming, with iOS and Android cross-platform multiplayer features becoming available in the future.

Recently, the play-to-earn model has become the standard for new-to-market, blockchain-based gaming ecosystems. The convergence of gaming and finance through NFTs has become an exciting and interactive way for players of games, and owners of NFTs, to earn real-world rewards. BOG aims to emphasize the “play” aspect of the play-to-earn movement by offering multiple modes of play. In BOG gameplay, players can battle in Player vs. Environment (PvE), Player vs. Player (PvP), or Tournament modes, using their collection of NFT avatars. With a tiered system of playable NFTs, a variety of gaming modes, and a rewards model in place, BOG will become the go-to platform for players to test their skills and agility while earning rewards in-game.

A unique feature of BOG’s NFT structure is the ability for players to rent NFTs, which adds yet another revenue stream for players looking to leverage the BOG ecosystem. Owners of specific NFTs can rent their assets out to players who are eager to play the game, but do not yet want to commit to purchasing their own asset. By implementing this mechanism, both established players and inquisitive newcomers can earn increased in-game rewards, maximizing the utility of the NFTs featured in the BOG game.

To further incentivize players for continued gameplay and reward players for remarkable in-game achievements, Battle of Guardians will feature two tokens: the Battle of Guardians Share token (BGS) and the Fighting Points token (FP). Both tokens will be utilized within the game’s various modes for purchasing NFT characters and in-game assets, whereas BGS can uniquely be leveraged as a governance token to contribute to the development of the game. Players will also have the ability to stake their BGS tokens to generate additional yield and further their involvement in the BOG ecosystem.

AscendEX is excited to debut the trading of the BGS token and support the growth of the play-to-earn GameFi Ecosystem.

About AscendEX
AscendEX is a global cryptocurrency financial platform servicing more than one million institutional and retail traders with the resources needed to obtain more value from their crypto investments. Operating at the nexus of centralized finance and decentralized finance, AscendEX’s platform features access to margin, futures, and spot trading, a robust wallet infrastructure, and staking support for over 200 industry-leading blockchain projects, all producing industry-leading yields and returns, further driving the growth of the crypto ecosystem. In efforts to cultivate scalable and secure forms of decentralized financing, AscendEX has emerged as a leading platform by ROI on its “initial exchange offerings” through supporting some of the industry’s most innovative projects from the DeFi ecosystem.

To learn more about how AscendEX leverages best practices from both Wall Street and the cryptocurrency ecosystem to extract the highest value per dollar to its users, please visit:

Website: https://ascendex.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AscendEX_Global
Telegram: https://t.me/AscendEXEnglish
Medium: https://medium.com/ascendex

About Battle of Guardians
Battle of Guardians is a real-time multiplayer NFT Fighting Game that allows players to utilize their NFT asset as Fighters in the battlefield. Battle of Guardians is multiplayer ready, built by a game studio with 7+ years of experience.

For more information and updates, please visit:

Website: https://battleofguardians.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BOG_Official_
Telegram: https://t.me/battleofguardianschat


Marketing Dept

U.S. Institute of Peace Nominations Are Open for the 2022 Women Building Peace Award

Annual award recognizes women peacebuilders from conflict-affected countries.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) announces nominations are open for the 2022 Women Building Peace Award. This prestigious annual award honors women who are building peace in countries impacted by violent conflict.

The nominations period will run until February 14, 2022. The awardee will be recognized at a ceremony organized by USIP in October 2022.

Countless women risk their lives to create peace in their communities, leading movements for justice and inclusivity despite often being overlooked in their efforts. USIP is committed to doing more to support and celebrate these women and the impact they have as agents of peace. USIP invites organizations and people across the globe to take part in identifying and honoring exceptional women who have dedicated their lives to peace.

USIP strongly encourages nominations for women who have not been previously recognized for their peacebuilding work. Nominations will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Commitment to Peace: A woman who shows a commitment to peace through her work to prevent or resolve conflict nonviolently in a fragile or conflict-affected country or region.
  • Exceptional Leadership: A woman who embodies exceptional leadership through her vision and innovation and has earned the respect of others in the pursuit of peace.
  • Outstanding Practitioner: A woman who is a peacebuilding practitioner and works with members of local, national or international communities in an inclusive and participatory manner.
  • Substantial Impact: A woman whose peacebuilding work has led to tangible results.

The 2022 award winner will be chosen by the Women Building Peace Council, a group of distinguished experts who advise USIP on matters of gender and peacebuilding.

Previous recipients of the Women Building Peace Award include Josephine Ekiru of Kenya and Rita Lopidia of South Sudan. Nineteen women have been recognized by USIP as finalists for the award since its inception in 2019.

For information on the award and to nominate a woman peacebuilder, visit: www.usip.org/womenbuildingpeace.

For information on USIP, visit: https://www.usip.org/about.

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Adagio Therapeutics Divulga Resumo da Atividade Neutralizante do ADG20 Contra Variantes do SARS-CoV-2 e Descreve Iniciativas para Abordar o Omicron

Publicações recentes de vários laboratórios independentes mostram que o ADG20 tem atividade neutralizante com potência comparável a outros anticorpos que retêm atividade contra o Omicron

Múltiplos Esforços em Andamento para Abordar Variantes Omicron e Potenciais Futuras de SARS-CoV-2

WALTHAM, Mass., Jan. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Adagio Therapeutics, Inc., (Nasdaq: ADGI), uma empresa biofarmacêutica de estágio clínico focada na descoberta, desenvolvimento e comercialização de soluções com base em anticorpos para doenças infecciosas com potencial pandêmico, divulgou hoje um resumo das descobertas recentes relatadas em três publicações separadas que mostram que o ADG20, seu anticorpo monoclonal principal (mAb), tem atividade de neutralização contra a variante Omicron (B.1.1.529) do SARS-CoV-2 e delineou iniciativas para abordar as variantes preocupantes atuais e futuras do SARS-CoV-2. A Adagio está avaliando o ADG20 em estudos clínicos globais de Fase 2/3 para a prevenção e tratamento da COVID-19. A Adagio está colaborando com a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dos EUA em relação a possíveis atualizações de protocolo dos seus ensaios clínicos globais de Fase 2/3, incluindo uma dose aumentada do ADG20 para a potencial prevenção e tratamento da COVID-19 resultante da variante Omicron.

Atividade Neutralizante do ADG2 Contra Omicron
Estudos in vitro recentemente publicados examinaram as potências de neutralização de grandes painéis de mAbs contra a variante Omicron em ensaios autênticos e de pseudovírus. Os resultados em todos os três estudos mostram que entre os mAbs em desenvolvimento clínico em estágio final ou com Autorização de Uso de Emergência (EUA), o ADG20 é um dos poucos mAbs que demonstraram atividade neutralizante contra o Omicron. Em dois ensaios de neutralização autênticos distintos contra Omicron, os dados mostram que o ADG20 tinha um IC50, uma medição da potência de neutralização, de aproximadamente 0,4 a 1,1 µg/mL, que é comparável com os outros dois mAbs ativos, sotrovimabe e AZD7742.

“O que é essencial para a avaliação da potencial eficácia clínica dos mAbs de SARS-CoV-2 é a potência de neutralização pelo mAb contra uma variante específica. Embora as descobertas possam mostrar que o ADG20 reduziu a potência contra o Omicron quando comparado à sua alta potência contra todas as outras variantes preocupantes, incluindo a Delta, os dados indicam que o ADG20 está entre os poucos mAbs que demonstram atividade neutralizante contra a variante Omicron, justificando, com isso, a continuação do seu desenvolvimento”, disse Laura Walker, Ph.D., diretora científica e cofundadora da Adagio.

Esses dados se somam aos dados in vitro divulgados anteriormente de vários estudos pré-clínicos que mostraram que o ADG20 retém a atividade contra outras variantes preocupantes, incluindo Alfa, Beta, Delta e Gama, e que o ADG20 retém a atividade neutralizante contra um painel diversificado de variantes circulantes de SARS-CoV-2, incluindo as variantes Lambda, Mu e Delta plus.

Atualização do Ensaio Clínico para Abordar o Omicron
A Adagio continua a avaliar o ADG20 nos seus ensaios clínicos de EVADE e STAMP. A Adagio está colaborando com a FDA na estratégia de dosagem, incluindo uma dose aumentada de ADG20, e outras atualizações de protocolo à luz da disseminação da variante Omicron. A Adagio deu uma pausa na inscrição de novos pacientes na dose de 300 mg em ambos os ensaios clínicos, enquanto a empresa atualiza seus protocolos. O acompanhamento e o monitoramento de pacientes que receberam anteriormente o ADG20 continuam de acordo com os protocolos originais.

Esforços Adicionais para Abordar as Variantes Omicron e futuras
Além das atualizações dos seus ensaios clínicos, a Adagio está buscando várias estratégias para abordar as variantes Omicron e futuras que potencialmente possam surgir. Aproveitando sua parceria exclusiva com a Adimab LLC, líder global em engenharia de anticorpos, a Adagio está explorando o potencial de projetar o ADG20 para aprimorar ainda mais a ligação à variante Omicron para aumentar sua potência de neutralização contra a Omicron, mantendo sua ampla neutralização contra outras variantes preocupantes do SARS-CoV-2. Paralelamente, Adagio está avaliando centenas de mAbs da sua biblioteca proprietária de anticorpos SARS-CoV-2 anteriormente isolados quanto à sua potência de neutralização contra Omicron. Tal mAb neutralizante adicional pode ser desenvolvido como um produto autônomo ou como parte de uma abordagem conjunta. Esses esforços estão em andamento, e a empresa prevê a conclusão preliminar da sua pesquisa no primeiro trimestre de 2022.

“O SARS-CoV-2 é um vírus em rápida evolução e a Adagio está empenhada em se adaptar com a mesma rapidez. Está abundantemente claro que nenhum produto único irá abordar totalmente a natureza em evolução da pandemia da COVID-19, e que são necessárias várias soluções preventivas e terapêuticas. Com base nos dados internos e descobertas de terceiros, estamos confiantes de que o ADG20 pode ser uma ferramenta importante na luta contra esse vírus”, acrescentou Tillman Gerngross, Ph.D., cofundador e diretor executivo da Adagio.

Sobre o ADG20
O ADG20, um anticorpo monoclonal em investigação direcionado à proteína Spike do SARS-CoV-2 e coronavírus relacionados, está sendo avaliada em testes clínicos em todo o mundo quanto à prevenção e ao tratamento da COVID-19, a doença causada pelo SARS-CoV-2. O ADG20 foi criado para ter uma atividade de neutralização ampla de alta potência contra SARS-CoV-2 e sarbecovírus de clado 1 adicionais, concentrando-se em um epítopo altamente conservado no domínio de ligação ao receptor. O ADG20 foi projetado para fornecer uma meia-vida prolongada de proteção durável. Dados in vitro de vários estudos pré-clínicos indicam que o ADG20 mantém atividade neutralizante contra todas as variantes preocupantes conhecidas do SARS-CoV-2. Em um teste de Fase 1, o ADG20 foi bem tolerado sem sinais de problemas de segurança identificados em um acompanhamento mínimo de três meses em todas as coortes. O ADG20 não foi aprovado para uso em nenhum país e a sua segurança e eficácia ainda não foram estabelecidas.

Sobre a Adagio Therapeutics
A Adagio (Nasdaq: ADGI) é uma empresa biofarmacêutica de estágio clínico focada na descoberta, desenvolvimento e comercialização de soluções com base em anticorpos para o tratamento de doenças infecciosas com potencial pandêmico, inclusive COVID-19 e gripe. O portfólio de anticorpos da empresa foi otimizado com os recursos de engenharia de anticorpos líderes da indústria da Adimab, e foi criado para fornecer aos pacientes e médicos o potencial para uma combinação de potência, amplitude, proteção durável (via extensão de meia-vida), capacidade de fabricação e acessibilidade. O portfólio de anticorpos contra SARS-CoV-2 da Adagio inclui múltiplos anticorpos amplamente neutralizantes não competitivos com epítopos de ligação distintos, liderados por ADG20. A Adagio adquiriu a capacidade de fabricação para a produção do ADG20 com fabricantes terceirizados para apoiar a conclusão de ensaios clínicos e lançamento comercial inicial, garantindo o potencial para o amplo acesso para as pessoas em todo o mundo, se autorizado ou aprovado para uso. Para mais informação, visite www.adagiotx.com.

Declarações de Previsão
Este comunicado para a imprensa contém declarações consideradas declarações de previsão de acordo com o Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Palavras como “antecipa”, “acredita”, “espera”, “pretende”, “projeta”, e “futura”, e expressões similares são usadas para identificar declarações de previsão. As declarações de previsão incluem declarações sobre, entre outras coisas, a ocasião, progresso e resultados dos nossos estudos pré-clínicos e ensaios clínicos do ADG20, incluindo o início, modificação e conclusão dos estudos ou ensaios e trabalhos preparatórios relacionados, incluindo nossos planos para avaliar regimes de dosagem e outras atualizações de protocolos nos nossos ensaios clínicos, o período durante o qual os resultados dos nossos ensaios clínicos e outros estudos e atividades de pesquisa ficarão disponíveis, e nossos programas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento; nossa capacidade de obter e manter aprovações regulatórias para nossos candidatos a produtos; nossa busca de outras estratégias para abordar a variante Omicron, incluindo modificação de protocolos de ensaios clínicos; e outras declarações que não sejam de fatos históricos. Podemos não atingir os planos, intenções ou expectativas mencionadas nas nossas declarações de previsão, e você não deve depositar confiança indevida nas nossas declarações de previsão. Essas declarações de previsão envolvem riscos e incertezas que podem fazer com que nossos resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados descritos ou implícitos nas declarações de previsão, incluindo, sem limitação, os impactos da pandemia de COVID-19 nos nossos negócios, ensaios clínicos e posição financeira, dados inesperados de segurança ou eficácia observados durante estudos pré-clínicos ou ensaios clínicos, a previsibilidade do sucesso clínico do ADG20 com base na atividade de neutralização nos estudos pré-clínicos, variação dos resultados nos modelos usados na previsão de atividade contra as variantes preocupantes do SARS-CoV-2, taxas de ativação ou inscrição no local de ensaios clínicos inferiores ao esperado, mudanças na concorrência esperada ou existente, mudanças no ambiente regulatório e as incertezas e o momento do processo de aprovação regulatória, incluindo os resultados das discussões sobre os ensaios clínicos Fase 2/3 com as autoridades regulatórias. Outros fatores que podem fazer com que nossos resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados descritos ou implícitos nas declarações de previsão neste comunicado para a imprensa, descritos no título “Fatores de Risco” no prospecto da Adagio arquivado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (“SEC”) no Formulário 10-Q do trimestre encerrado em 30 de setembro de 2021, e nos relatórios futuros da Adagio a serem arquivados no SEC. Tais riscos podem ser amplificados pelos impactos da pandemia de COVID-19.  As declarações de previsão contidas neste comunicado para a imprensa são válidas a partir desta data, e a Adagio não se compromete a atualizar essas informações, exceto se exigido por lei.

Contato com a Mídia:
Dan Budwick, 1AB

Contato com o Investidor:
Monique Allaire, THRUST Strategic Communications

Adagio Therapeutics résume l’activité neutralisante de l’ADG20 contre les variants du SARS-CoV-2 et décrit ses initiatives visant à contrer Omicron

Des publications récentes de plusieurs laboratoires indépendants montrent que l’ADG20 a une activité neutralisante présentant une puissance comparable à d’autres anticorps et qui reste active contre Omicron

Plusieurs initiatives sont en cours pour traiter Omicron et les futurs variants potentiels du SARS-CoV-2

WALTHAM, Massachusetts, 14 janv. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adagio Therapeutics, Inc., (Nasdaq : ADGI), une société biopharmaceutique au stade clinique axée sur la découverte, le développement et la commercialisation de solutions à base d’anticorps pour les maladies infectieuses présentant un potentiel pandémique, a résumé aujourd’hui les conclusions récentes présentées dans trois publications distinctes qui montrent que l’ADG20, son anticorps monoclonal principal, possède une activité de neutralisation contre le variant Omicron (B.1.1.529) du SARS-CoV-2, et a présenté des initiatives visant à traiter les variants préoccupants actuels et futurs du SARS-CoV-2. Adagio évalue l’ADG20 dans le cadre de ses essais cliniques mondiaux de phase 2/3 à la fois pour la prévention et le traitement de la COVID-19. Adagio s’engage auprès de la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) des États-Unis concernant des mises à jour potentielles du protocole pour ses essais cliniques mondiaux de phase 2/3, comprenant une dose plus élevée d’ADG20 pour la prévention et le traitement potentiels de la COVID-19 résultant du variant Omicron.

L’activité neutralisante de l’ADG20 contre Omicron
Des études in vitro récemment publiées ont examiné l’activité de neutralisation de grands ensembles d’anticorps monoclonaux contre le variant Omicron sur des souches authentiques et des pseudovirus. Les résultats des trois études montrent que, parmi les anticorps monoclonaux aux derniers stades du développement clinique ou dans le cadre d’une demande d’autorisation d’utilisation d’urgence (EUA), l’ADG20 est l’un des seuls à avoir démontré une activité neutralisante contre Omicron. Les données de deux essais de neutralisation authentiques et distincts contre Omicron montrent que l’ADG20 disposait d’une concentration inhibitrice médiane, une mesure de l’activité de neutralisation, d’environ 0,4 à 1,1 µg/mL, ce qui est comparable aux deux autres anticorps monoclonaux actifs, sotrovimab et AZD7742.

« Ce qui est essentiel pour évaluer l’efficacité clinique potentielle des anticorps monoclonaux contre le SARS-CoV-2 est l’activité de neutralisation de l’anticorps monoclonal contre un variant spécifique. Bien que les résultats puissent montrer que l’ADG20 a une activité réduite contre Omicron par rapport à sa forte activité contre tous les autres variants préoccupants, y compris Delta, les données confirment que l’ADG20 fait partie des rares anticorps monoclonaux à démontrer une activité neutralisante contre le variant Omicron et justifient la poursuite de son développement », a déclaré Laura Walker, Ph.D., directrice scientifique et cofondatrice d’Adagio.

Ces résultats étayent les données in vitro précédemment communiquées d’une variété d’études précliniques qui ont montré que l’ADG20 conserve son activité contre d’autres variants préoccupants, notamment Alpha, Beta, Delta et Gamma, et que l’ADG20 conserve une activité neutralisante contre un ensemble diversifié de variants en circulation du SARS-CoV-2, y compris les variants Lambda, Mu et Delta plus.

Mise à jour de l’essai clinique portant sur Omicron
Adagio poursuit l’évaluation de l’ADG20 dans ses essais cliniques EVADE et STAMP. Adagio s’engage auprès de la FDA sur la stratégie de dosage, y compris une dose accrue d’ADG20 et d’autres mises à jour du protocole à la lumière de la propagation du variant Omicron. Adagio suspend le recrutement de nouveaux patients dans le groupe recevant une dose de 300 mg dans les deux essais cliniques alors que la société met à jour ses protocoles. Le suivi et la surveillance des patients ayant précédemment reçu l’ADG20 se poursuivent conformément aux protocoles d’origine.

Des efforts supplémentaires pour traiter Omicron et les variants futurs
En plus de la mise à jour de ses essais cliniques, Adagio poursuit plusieurs stratégies pour traiter à la fois Omicron et les variants futurs qui pourraient potentiellement émerger. Tirant parti de son partenariat exclusif avec Adimab LLC, un leader mondial de l’ingénierie des anticorps, Adagio explore la possibilité de modifier l’ADG20 pour améliorer davantage la liaison avec le variant Omicron afin d’améliorer son activité de neutralisation contre Omicron tout en conservant sa large neutralisation contre les autres variants préoccupants du SARS-CoV-2. Parallèlement, Adagio évalue l’activité de neutralisation contre Omicron de plusieurs centaines d’anticorps monoclonaux issus de sa bibliothèque exclusive d’anticorps SARS-CoV-2 précédemment isolés. Ces anticorps monoclonaux neutralisants supplémentaires pourraient être développés en tant que produit autonome ou dans le cadre d’une approche combinée. Ces efforts sont en cours et la société prévoit de publier les conclusions préliminaires de ses recherches au cours du premier trimestre 2022.

« Le SARS-CoV-2 est un virus qui évolue rapidement, et chez Adagio, nous sommes déterminés à nous adapter le plus vite possible. Il apparaît très clairement qu’aucun produit unique ne répondra pleinement à la nature en constante évolution de la pandémie de COVID-19, et que plusieurs solutions préventives et thérapeutiques sont nécessaires. Sur la base des données internes et des conclusions de tiers, nous sommes convaincus que l’ADG20 peut être un outil important dans la lutte contre ce virus », a ajouté Tillman Gerngross, Ph.D., co-fondateur et président-directeur général d’Adagio.

À propos de l’ADG20
L’ADG20, un anticorps monoclonal expérimental ciblant la protéine spike du SARS-CoV-2 et des coronavirus connexes, est évalué par le biais d’essais cliniques mondiaux aux fins de la prévention et du traitement de la COVID-19, la maladie provoquée par le SARS-CoV-2. L’ADG20 a été conçu en vue d’offrir de puissantes et vastes capacités de neutralisation du SARS-CoV-2 et des autres sarbecovirus du clade 1 permettant de cibler un épitope bien conservé dans le domaine de fixation du récepteur. L’ADG20 a également été conçu pour fournir une demi-vie prolongée pour une protection durable. Les données in vitro issues d’une variété d’études précliniques ont montré que l’ADG20 conserve une activité neutralisante contre tous les variants préoccupants connus du SARS-CoV-2. Dans un essai de phase 1, l’ADG20 a été bien toléré sans signaux d’innocuité identifiés au cours d’un suivi d’au moins trois mois dans toutes les cohortes. L’utilisation de l’ADG20 n’a été approuvée dans aucun pays, par ailleurs, l’innocuité et l’efficacité n’ont pas encore été établies.

À propos d’Adagio Therapeutics
Adagio (Nasdaq : ADGI) est une société biopharmaceutique au stade clinique axée sur la découverte, le développement et la commercialisation de solutions à base d’anticorps pour les maladies infectieuses présentant un potentiel pandémique, y compris la COVID-19 et la grippe. Le portefeuille d’anticorps de la société a été optimisé grâce aux capacités de pointe d’Adimab en matière d’ingénierie d’anticorps et est conçu pour fournir aux patients et aux cliniciens une combinaison potentielle inégalée de puissance, d’ampleur, de protection durable (grâce à l’extension de la demi-vie), de faisabilité de fabrication et de prix abordable. Le portefeuille d’anticorps contre le SARS-CoV-2 d’Adagio comprend plusieurs anticorps fortement neutralisants non concurrents dotés d’épitopes de liaison distincts, dirigés par l’ADG20. Adagio a conclu avec des sous-traitants tiers un contrat portant sur des capacités de fabrication pour la production de l’ADG20 afin de soutenir l’achèvement des essais cliniques et le lancement commercial initial, garantissant ainsi une large accessibilité potentielle aux populations du monde entier, si son utilisation est autorisée ou approuvée. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur notre site www.adagiotx.com.

Énoncés prospectifs
Le présent communiqué de presse contient des énoncés prospectifs au sens de la loi Private Securities Litigation Reform (Réforme sur la résolution des litiges portant sur des titres privés) de 1995. Des mots tels que « anticipe », « croit », « s’attend à », « a l’intention de », « prévoit » et « à l’avenir » ou des expressions similaires sont destinés à identifier des énoncés prospectifs. Les énoncés prospectifs comprennent des énoncés concernant, entre autres, le calendrier, les progrès et les résultats de nos études précliniques et essais cliniques sur l’ADG20, y compris le lancement, la modification et l’achèvement d’études ou d’essais et de travaux préparatoires connexes, y compris nos plans visant à évaluer la posologie et d’autres mises à jour de nos essais cliniques, la période durant laquelle les résultats de nos essais cliniques et autres études et activités de recherche seront disponibles ainsi que nos programmes de recherche et développement ; notre capacité à obtenir et conserver des approbations réglementaires pour nos produits candidats ; notre mise en œuvre d’autres stratégies pour contrer le variant Omicron, y compris la modification de nos protocoles d’essais cliniques ; et les autres déclarations qui ne sont pas des faits historiques. Nous pourrions ne pas réellement réaliser les plans, intentions ou attentes divulgués dans nos énoncés prospectifs et vous ne devez pas vous fier indûment à nos énoncés prospectifs. Ces énoncés prospectifs impliquent des risques et des incertitudes qui pourraient amener nos résultats réels à différer sensiblement des résultats décrits ou sous-entendus par les énoncés prospectifs, y compris, sans limitation, les impacts de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur nos activités, nos essais cliniques et notre situation financière, les données d’innocuité ou d’efficacité inattendues observées lors d’études précliniques ou d’essais cliniques, le caractère prévisible du succès clinique de l’ADG20 sur la base de l’activité neutralisante dans des essais précliniques, la variabilité des résultats dans les modèles utilisés pour prévoir l’activité contre les variants préoccupants du SARS-CoV-2, les taux d’activation ou de recrutement de sites d’essai clinique qui sont inférieurs aux prévisions, l’évolution de la concurrence attendue ou existante, les changements dans l’environnement réglementaire, et les incertitudes et le calendrier du processus d’approbation réglementaire, y compris les résultats de nos discussions avec les autorités règlementaires concernant nos essais cliniques de phase 2/3. D’autres facteurs pouvant causer une différence matérielle entre nos résultats réels et ceux exprimés ou sous-entendus dans les énoncés prospectifs de ce communiqué de presse sont décrits sous la rubrique « Risk Factors » (Facteurs de risque) du rapport trimestriel d’Adagio sur le formulaire 10-Q pour le trimestre clos le 30 septembre 2021 et dans les futurs rapports qu’Adagio déposera auprès de la SEC. De tels risques peuvent être amplifiés par les impacts de la pandémie de COVID-19.  Les énoncés prospectifs contenus dans le présent communiqué de presse sont formulés à cette date, et Adagio décline toute obligation de mettre à jour ces informations sauf si la loi en vigueur l’exige.

Contacts :
Contact auprès des médias :
Dan Budwick, 1AB

Contact auprès des investisseurs :
Monique Allaire, THRUST Strategic Communications