Seminar Reveals the Secrets of Heaven Hidden in Parables Taught by Jesus

Amid a decline in church membership, one church has drawn more than 140,000 believers and attracted the attention of millions

NEW YORK, Dec. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, explains the Bible in plain language through free online seminars. Its latest seminar series, “Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings” will be livestreamed via YouTube from January 3rd to March 28th. The series will provide a biblical explanation of the parables mentioned in the New Testament.

Poster for the Bible series

“Parables are the key element to understanding the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. The prophecy of the Old Testament was fulfilled at the time of Jesus in his first coming,” said a Shincheonji Church official. “Jesus gave the prophecies of the New Testament to be fulfilled ‘when the time comes’ (John 16:25). We are heading towards [receiving] the true meaning as the prophecy is revealed.”

Shincheonji Church concluded its series on Revelation in December. This seminar, which was released in 24 languages, reached 7 million viewers in 136 countries, including 16,000 pastors. As a result of their participation in the Revelation seminar series, 1,200 church leaders in 57 countries signed MOUs with Shincheonji Church to boost international cooperation and exchange educational materials.

“I want to be able to grow in the word and I want to teach our congregation…and help bring them from death to life. I want to be one with God’s kingdom and have open communication,” said Pastor Jerry Hagerman of Wayside Mission Church in Virginia, who signed an MOU with Shincheonji Church.

Shincheonji Church has seen a steady increase in membership. Over 140,000 people have joined the church since 2019, despite the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Across the world, more and more people are experiencing diseases, disasters, and hardships due to Covid-19 [and] thinking deeply about the meaning of life and suffering,” says a church official. “Religion must be able to provide answers to these people. In a world where face-to-face activities are limited, education should reach every individual in local communities.”

“What [makes] the Shincheonji Church appeal to people is the clear explanation of Jesus’ mission in the New Testament,” the church official said.

Watch “Shincheonji Online Seminar: Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings” via the SCJ Americas YouTube Channel.


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‫شركة البرمجيات الصينية الشهيرة OP Retail توسّع أعمالها عالميًا بعد إكمال دورتها التمويلية الثانية

سوجو، الصين, 29 ديسمبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ — تعمل شركة OP Retail حاليًا على التوسّع عالميًا بعد اكتمال دورتها التمويلية الثانية، وهي شركة صينية متخصّصة في تقديم الحلول البرمجية كخدمات “SaaS” لقطاع التجزئة، كما تزوّد أكثر من 2000 علامة تجارية بأحدث أجهزة الاستشعار والحلول التحليلية. ووفقًا لما أعلنته الشركة، فإنّ منتجاتها تُستخدم حاليًا في 30 دولة؛ كما تسعى إلى دخول العديد من الأسواق في المستقبل القريب، خاصّة أسواق جنوب إفريقيا والإمارات العربية المتحدّة وسنغافورة والولايات المتحدّة الأمريكية والمملكة المتحدّة.

Established in 2016, OP Retail has cooperated with 2,000+ well-known brands and 300,000 stores globally.

يرى جيسون تشو، مؤسّس شركة OP Retail، أنّ الشركة قد وصلت حاليًا إلى نقطة تحوّل مهمّة، وقال: “كان التوجّه السائد سابقًا هو رقمنة قطاع التجزئة بأكمله؛ لكنّ الاهتمام بدأ يتركّز حاليًا على الاستفادة من الرقمنة كأداة لتحسين إدارة العمليات اليومية في المتاجر. ولديّ ثقة كبيرة بأنّ شركتنا بما لديها من تجربة ثرية، ستتمكّن من تقديم منتجاتها في جميع أنحاء العالم بنفس الجودة العالية مع تحسينها بما يلائم احتياجات العملاء.”

في بداية انطلاقها، طوّرت OP Retail بنجاح حلولًا تكنولوجية لقطاع الصيدلة وزوّدت أكثر من 60% من أكبر 100 سلسلة من سلاسل الصيدليات بحلولها التكنولوجية، ثمّ بدأت تطوير حلول مصمّمة خصيصًا لقطاعات تجارية أخرى؛ من بينها علامات تجارية شهيرة في قطاع الملابس مثل سكيتشرز، وأديداس، ونايكي، وفرانك آند أوك، وأوشيرلي، وأنتا، وبوسيدنج؛ وفي قطاع السلع الاستهلاكية سريعة التداول مثل مينيسو، ومتجر إم آند جي، وكيه كيه في؛ وفي قطاع المطاعم مثل شيك شاك، وكنتاكي؛ وفي قطاع الأثاث المنزلي مثل إيكيا، وتوتو؛ وفي قطاع السيارات مثل تسلا؛ وفي قطاع الإلكترونيات مثل ديل، وفيفو، وهواوي؛ وفي قطاع معارض إكسبو الدولية مثل إكسبو 2020 في دبي، وغير ذلك.

في عام 2020، أكملت شركة OP Retail دورتها التمويلية الثانية التي بلغت قيمتها 80 مليون يوان صيني، وقد ساهمت في هذه الدورة التمويلية ثلاث جهات؛ وهي: شركة DT Capital كمموّل رئيسي، وصندوق OFG، ومجموعة SND. وكان الغرض الأساسي من هذه الدورة التمويلية ترقية منتجات الشركة وخدماتها. وفي مرحلة سابقة، أكملت الشركة دورتها التمويلية الأولى التي بلغت قيمتها 15 مليون يوان صيني والتي استثمرتها شركة GSR Ventures لتطوير منتجات OP Retail وتحقيق تغطية أكبر لقطاع التجزئة.

وتوضيحًا للأغراض الاستثمارية للمموّلين، قال لو هونجيو، وهو شريك في DT Capital: “سنستمر في شراء أسهم الشركات التي تقدّم حلولًا تكنولوجية وترقيات رقمية لقطاع التجزئة؛ ومنها شركة OP Retail، والتي تُسخّر قواعد البيانات الضخمة والحوسبة السحابية لتطوير قطاع التجزئة التقليدي غير الإلكتروني؛ وهو ما يُعزّز بدرجة كبيرة من كفاءة عمل المتاجر التقليدية ويُحسّن تجارب زبائنها. ونحن -في DT Capital– نؤمن بأنّ OP Retail ستسهم في تعزيز نمو قطاع التجزئة من خلال خدماتها الرقمية التي تتطوّر باستمرار.”

عن شركة OP Retail

شركة OP Retail هي شركة صينية رائدة في تقديم الحلول التكنولوجية الشاملة للمتاجر، بدءًا من حلول التحليل العميق لتدفق الزبائن مثل أنظمة عدّ الأشخاص وخرائط التمثيل الحراري، وانتهاءً بحلول توحيد العمليات مثل حلول فحص المخزون وأنظمة OA الذكية (أتمتة المكاتب). وقد قدّمت الشركة -التي تأسّست في عام 2016- حلولها وخدماتها لأكثر من 2000 علامة تجارية مشهورة و300000 متجر على مستوى العالم. لمزيد من المعلومات عن OP Retail، يُرجى زيارة موقع الشركة الإلكتروني:

رابط الصورة المرفقة:

Kenyan Lawmakers Brawl Over Controversial Bill

NAIROBI — Kenyan lawmakers brawled Wednesday as they debated proposed changes to a law governing the conduct of political parties and the formation of coalitions ahead of the 2022 election.

Video broadcast on television showed lawmakers engaged in a shouting match and coming to blows as they fought over the measure. One member of parliament was seen with blood on his cheek. Another was suspended.

At issue is a bill that will guide political parties on how to conduct political affairs leading up to the election. If passed, the legislation would allow several parties to form a coalition and choose a presidential candidate.

Political commentator Martin Andati said those behind the bill aim to use the constitution to force a political winning formula.

“The handshake team which is the president and the former prime minister, are trying to use a political route to find a way to get people who are not supporting them to either go on their side or Ruto’s side so that they are able to draw a political strategy,” he said.

Opponents of the bill, most supporting Deputy President William Ruto, see it as a plan by President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga to force the smaller parties to merge with them to win the election.

Those against the measure introduced separate amendments, which critics say were meant to paralyze the parliamentary proceedings.

Political expert Michael Agwanda said the proposed changes mean that lawmakers will have to be loyal to their parties.

“What it means is that you are either part of government or not part of government by instrument and you cannot cross on the other side unless you just decided to do that; but you will not be part of that government if you don’t belong to the coalition that makes the government,” he said.

The proposed changes will require the parties to form a coalition four months before the election, thereby blocking them from joining another coalition party.

Agwanda said bigger parties are targeting the support of the smaller ones.

“It’s incumbent upon the political parties now to decide which coalition they want to join because that’s key to either forming the next government or not. I think they are targeting smaller parties to make serious decisions to support the big guys, they are also targeting parties like ANC, they are also targeting parties like FORD Kenya and they know very well they cannot make the next government. As a result, they are saying you either belong to us or you don’t and if you don’t, then you go to oblivion,” he said.

Kenyan politicians are fond of changing political sides to suit their interests, which analysts say has hurt the opposition.

The sponsor of the bill, Amos Kimunya, said he has asked the parliament speaker for another meeting so the legislation can be wrapped up.

“Let’s keep up the spirit because at the end of it all what we are doing is for better political party governance in this country as we deepen and widen our democracy for purposes of posterity,” he said.

The debate ended with members of parliament voting for eight proposed changes out of 27. Parliament will reconvene in January to vote.

Source: Voice of America

Amanda Gorman writes end-of-year poem, ‘New Day’s Lyric’

New York, Amanda Gorman is ending her extraordinary year on a hopeful note.

The 23-year-old poet, whose reading of her own “The Hill We Climb” at President Joe Biden’s inauguration made her an international sensation, posted a new work and accompanying video Wednesday on Instagram to mark the end of 2021, AP reports.

“New Day’s Lyric” is a five-stanza, 48-line resolution with themes of struggle and healing known to admirers of “The Hill We Climb” and of her bestselling collection “Call Us What We Carry,” which came out in early December:

“What was cursed, we will cure.

What was plagued, we will prove pure.

Where we tend to argue, we will try to agree,

Those fortunes we forswore, now the future we foresee,

Where we weren’t aware, we’re now awake;

Those moments we missed

Are now these moments we make,

The moments we meet,

And our hearts, once all together beaten,

Now all together beat.”

Poets rarely enjoy the kind of attention Gorman received in 2021, but in an email to The Associated Press she reflected less on her own success than on the state of the country. Gorman wrote that the “chaos and instability” of the past year had made her reject the idea of going “back to normal” and instead fight to “move beyond it.”

She mentioned Maya Angelou’s poem “Human Family” and added, “To be a family, a country, doesn’t necessitate that we be the same or agree on everything, only that we continue to try to see the best in each other and move forward into a shared future. Whether we like it or not, we are in this together.”

Gorman offered an alliterative response when asked what inspired “New Day’s Lyric,” telling the AP that she “wanted to write a lyric to honor the hardships, hurt, hope and healing of 2021 while also harkening the potential of 2022.”

“This is such a unique New Year’s Day, because even as we toast our glasses to the future, we still have our heads bowed for what has been lost,” she wrote. “I think one of the most important things the new year reminds us is of that old adage: This too shall pass. You can’t relive the same day twice — meaning every dawn is a new one, and every year an opportunity to step into the light.”

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Somalia crisis: PM Roble defiant after President Farmajo suspends him

Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has been in the post since 2020

MOGADISHU, Somalia’s President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has suspended the prime minister, who is facing allegations of involvement in the theft of land.

Mohamed Hussein Roble accused the president of trying to stage a coup, and said he would continue in office.

He urged the security forces to take orders from him rather than Farmajo.

Troops loyal to the president earlier failed to block Roble from entering his office in the capital Mogadishu, the prime minister’s allies said.

The two men have been involved in a long-running power struggle, raising fears of further instability in Somalia.

The US embassy in Somalia urged the leaders “to refrain from provocative actions, and avoid violence”.

Somalia has not had an effective central government since the overthrow of long-serving ruler Siad Barre in 1991.

The country is marred by disputes between rival politicians and clans. It is also battling an insurgency by al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda affiliate.

Farmajo’s term officially ended in February but was extended because of disagreements over how to choose a new president.

A complex election for parliament, which involves clan elders choosing MPs, has been under way since November. It was supposed to have concluded by Dec 24 but the deadline was missed.

The two leaders have accused each other of undermining the elections.

Farmajo said he was suspending the prime minister pending the outcome of an investigation into the corruption allegations.

Roble was recently accused of being involved, along with other officials, in the misappropriation and theft of military-owned land in Mogadishu. He denied the allegation.

In a tweet after Farmajo’s statement, the prime minister’s office said he was carrying on with his day-to-day duties “as usual”, and he remained committed to an “acceptable electoral process that culminates in a peaceful transfer of power”.

Roble later told a press conference that the president was attempting to carry out a coup “against the government, the constitution, and the rules of the country”.

“I order all of the armed forces to directly take orders from the government… the office of the prime minister,” he said in a statement broadcast live on Somali National TV.

The two leaders first clashed in April when Farmajo extended his term in office, resulting in a stand-off between troops loyal to the two men in Mogadishu.

The pair clashed again in September when Farmajo stripped Roble of his power to hire and fire officials, but later reinstated them.

Source: Nam News Network

South Africa Lifts Curfew, Says COVID-19 Fourth Wave Peaked

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA — South Africa has lifted a midnight-to-4 a.m. curfew on people’s movement, effective immediately, saying the country has passed the peak of its fourth COVID-19 wave driven by the omicron variant, a government statement said Thursday.

However, wearing a face mask in public places remains mandatory. Failure to wear a mask in South Africa when required is a criminal offense.

The country made the curfew and other changes based on the trajectory of the pandemic, levels of vaccination in the country and available capacity in the health sector, according to a press release issued by Mondli Gungubele, a minister in the presidency.

South Africa is at the lowest of its five-stage COVID-19 alert levels.

“All indicators suggest the country may have passed the peak of the fourth wave at a national level,” a statement from the special cabinet meeting held earlier Thursday said.

Data from the Department of Health showed a 29.7% decrease in the number of new cases detected in the week ending December 25 compared with the number of cases found in the previous week, at 127,753, the government said.

South Africa, with close to 3.5 million infections and 91,000 deaths, has been the worst-hit country in Africa during the pandemic on both counts.

Besides lifting the restrictions on public movement, the government also ruled that alcohol shops with licenses to operate after 11 p.m. local time may revert to full license conditions, a welcome boon for traders and businesses hard hit by the pandemic and looking to recover during the festive season.

“While the omicron variant is highly transmissible, there have been lower rates of hospitalization than in previous waves,” the statement said.

Source: Voice of America

[INVNT GROUP]™ Bets Big on Live; Enhances Live Brand Storytelling Capabilities with Newly Formed ITP LIVE, in the Strategic Acquisitions of InSync Production Services, Thunder Audio and Morpheus Lights.

Introducing ITP LIVE: An Integrated Production Services Division of INVNT®

New York, Dec. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — [INVNT GROUP] THE GLOBAL BRANDSTORY PROJECT™ announces the strategic acquisitions of four historied live event production companies: ITP LIVE, InSync Production Services, Thunder Audio, and Morpheus Lights.

Led by President and CEO, Scott Cullather, [INVNT GROUP] represents a growing portfolio of complementary disciplines designed to help forward thinking brands everywhere, impact the audiences that matter anywhere.

“This deal is a key pillar of our integrated vertical growth strategy as [INVNT GROUP] THE GLOBAL BRANDSTORY PROJECT. The dedicated search for these four companies has been in development for over 18 months. We sought leaders in the technical and production aspects of the live events industry, who were delivering premier production services to legacy brands and many of the world’s biggest peforming artists. These acquisitions will expand our innovation capabilities, allowing INVNT, our live events business, to offer our customers the ultimate in live events and experiential activations.”

Scott Cullather, President and CEO,  [INVNT GROUP]

[INVNT GROUP] consists of modern brand strategy firm, Folk Hero; creative-led culture consultancy, Meaning; branded content studio and content marketing agency HEVĒ; collegiate events and experiences, INVNT Higher Education, the original global live brand storytelling agency, INVNT and now ITP LIVE consisting of: InSync Production Services, Thunder Audio and Morpheus Lights.

For more than twenty-five years, these production companies have supported the design and execution of experiential and live entertainment programs for many of the largest corporations, trade associations, sports franchises, governmental agencies (including the White House), and some of the most successful artists in the world: Bruce Springsteen, Snoop Dog, Lady Gaga, Lionel Richie, Billy Joel, Diana Ross, Metallica, Post Malone, Tyler Perry and more.

The companies will continue to operate under their current names and will service their existing roster of clients, seek new clients, and providing services to synergistic INVNT opportunities and projects.

“Historically, producing live events has often required a great deal of outsourcing on virtually every project. Through these strategic acquisitions we will have end-to-end control over every aspect of our live events – especially quality and cost, continuing to deliver world-class service and at the very best value. The merging of resources and networks also gives us geographical spread across North America. Our anticipation is to continue growing these resources in other territories around the world. This is only the beginning.”

Kristina McCoobery, COO [INVNT GROUP] and CEO INVNT

Rooted in experiential marketing, [INVNT GROUP]’s expansion comes as part of a strategic, yet natural evolution. This business partnership creates a unique offering in the market, and enhances the group’s abilities to fulfill creative, technological, and strategic designs in dynamic new ways.

“When [INVNT GROUP] approached us about the idea of coming together and amplifying our resources, I was instantly drawn to the group’s commitment to impactful storytelling. Their award-winning work aligns with our vision of the newly formed ITP LIVE, that includes Insync Production Services, Thunder Audio and Morpheus Lights,. We’re excited by the incredible synergies created through our partnership and welcome a new chapter in designing the best events on the planet.”


This transaction was structured by Wolf Karbe, CFO of [INVNT GROUP] and represented by Evergreen Advisors Capital and Center Rock Advisors. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.


[INVNT GROUP] was established in 2020, as an evolution of the founding global live brand storytelling agency INVNT in 2008, with a vision to provide consistent, meaningful, well-articulated BrandStory across all platforms. With offices in New York, Sydney, London, Singapore, San Francisco, Sydney, Stockholm, Detroit, and Washington D.C.; headed by President and CEO, Scott Cullather, [INVNT GROUP], THE GLOBAL BRANDSTORY PROJECT™ represents a growing portfolio of complementary disciplines designed to help forward-thinking organizations everywhere, impact the audiences that matter, anywhere. The GROUP consists of modern brand strategy firm, Folk Hero; creative-led culture consultancy, Meaning; branded content studio and content marketing agency HEVĒ, INVNT Higher Ed; events for colleges and universities, and the original live brand storytelling agency, INVNT. For more information about [INVNT GROUP], visit:


Founded in 2008 by Scott Cullather and Kristina McCoobery, INVNT uses the craft of live brand storytelling to create and produce live experiences that excite and unite physical and virtual audiences, globally. The company’s ‘challenge everything’ positioning statement helps clients including General Motors, PepsiCo, Merck, Microsoft, Pfizer, and Samsung share their stories with every audience that matters. INVNT’s offices are strategically located in New York, London, Sydney, Detroit, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Stockholm and Singapore. For more information about INVNT, visit:


ITP Live – Ideas. Technology. People. was Founded by Pat Hand (CEO) and Paul Mullen (COO) who collectively have over 60 years of experience in event design and production management.  Pat Hand, former CEO, PRG Mid-Atlantic and Paul Mullen former President and CEO, Greyhound Exposition Services have created, managed, and integrated world class companies and were forerunners of providing end to end, turnkey production solutions. Their strategy spans from concept through execution with a true 360 production approach. Pat and Paul will oversee management for InSync, Thunder Audio and Morpheus Lights, to ensure smooth integration and growth while fully maximizing production synergies with INVNT creating significant cost savings while ensuring best in class production support services.   For more information about ITP LIVE, visit:


An iconic show production company, founded over 25 years ago in Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world, powering the Indy 500, Super Bowl and supporting clients that include L’Oreal, Dell Computers, Nissan, Verizon and Wells Fargo. Built around the broadcast video landscape, a creative leader leveraging LED technology. For more information about Insync Production Services, visit:


Thunder Audio, a family owned business for over 42 years, has amplified some of the largest musical artists in the world including: Billy Joel, Post Malone, Elton John, Lionel Ritchie, Metallica, Diana Ross, and Earth Wind and Fire. Thunder Audio design and produce dynamic audio services for live experiences of all varieties and scales. Thunder Audio has always been a part of supporting touring, music festivals, corporate events, broadcast, sporting and governmental events. Providing the finest technology with premier manufacturers in the industry. For more information about Thunder Audio, visit:


Morpheus Lights has staked a global claim in the art and science of performance illumination in live events. For over 25 years, the company has counted on top-tier technology partners like AYRTON, Martin/Harmon, and Clay Paky to support lighting design and execution on  tours and performances for Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, and Lady Gaga. The company uses an eco-conscious approach to all projects, constantly researching for the most environmentally friendly products. For more information about Morpheus Lights, visit:



Jhonathan Mendez de Leon

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2021 Korean Food Video Contest for Foreigners Successfully Ended

SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The ‘2021 Korean Food Video Contest for Foreigners’ was held for a month from November 19 to December 18 by the the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korean Food Promotion Institute. A total of 989 participants from about 70 different countries participated in the contest. Their participation brought in a high video submission that totals to 1,088.

2021 Korean Food Video Contest

In contrast, more winners were selected for the ‘2021 Korean Food Video Contest for Foreigners’ and the contest period was increased to one month accordingly. The prize money also doubled to USD 134,000 to fit its status for its second time running.

The promotional video featuring senior actor Kim Young-ok, the Korean motherly figure who appeared in numerous drama shows including Squid Game, and popular TikTok influencer Chambo, recorded a total of 200,000 views.

In addition, the contest was also promoted via online foreigner communities such as ‘KOREANERS’ and cultural centers of each country to increase the participation rate of the contest.

The 2021 contest was largely divided into two categories: ‘Cooking video that makes use of kimchi and Korean sauces (Cookbang)’ and ‘Video showing participants enjoying Korean Food (Mukbang)’

Under cookbang, which recorded about 70% of the video submissions, mainly featured Korean food such as kimchi stew and soybean paste stew or a fusion menu which uses Kimchi in the foreign food. Under mukbang, videos of diverse themes featuring Korean food like pork belly and kimchi stew that can be easily eaten overseas were submitted.

The results of the contest was announced on December 28 via the contest homepage. After the first evaluation of video views and the second internal and external evaluations, a total of 48 mukbangs and 48 cookbangs were shortlisted. Cookbang and Mukbang were divided into influencer with more than 500 followers and non influencer categories. A total of USD 81,000 was prize money was given for cookbang. A total of USD53,000 was prize money was given for mukbang.

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