‫ثورة تعليمية ذكية: وزارة التربية والتعليم الإماراتية تتعاون مع هواوي

خطة مئوية الإمارات 2071

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 19 أكتوبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ – أطلق صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم- نائب رئيس دولة الإمارات ورئيس مجلس الوزراء وحاكم دبي- لأول مرة خطة مئوية الإمارات 2071 مُجددًا في 2017، بهدفِ صريح يتمثل في جعل الإمارات واحدة من أفضل دول العالم، وذلك في وقت الاحتفال بالذكرى المئوية لتأسيسها في عام 2071. يعتبر الاستثمار في الأجيال القادمة في البلاد، وتزويدهم بالمهارات والمعرفة اللازمة لمواجهة واحتضان التغيير السريع، بمثابة ركيزة أساسية للخطة.

فيما يتعلق بوزارة التربية والتعليم، من أجل تحقيق مئوية الإمارات 2071- والأجندة الوطنية لرؤية الإمارات 2021 ، التي تؤكد على وضع نظام تعليمي من الدرجة الأولى- يعتبر الاستثمار في التكنولوجيا أمرًا حيويًا. وعلى هذا النحو، تم قبول ذلك باعتباره نهجًا وطنيًا مهمًا لدى الحكومة. وبناءً على ذلك، تم توجيه الموارد والقدرات الرئيسية نحو البنية التحتية التعليمية، وذلك بهدف تعزيز نموذج المدرسة الإماراتية- الذي بموجبه تشترك جميع المدارس الحكومية والخاصة التي تتبع أنظمة وزارة التربية والتعليم في المنهج الدراسي ذاته- وجعلها أكثر تنافسية على الساحة العالمية.

وفقًا لمّا ظهر جليًا خلال تفشي كوفيد-19، ينبغي أن تكون الأنظمة التعليمية الآن مناسبة لتحقيق الغرض منها، ولمواجهة التحديات الهائلة والاضطرابات التي قد تنشأ في التعلّم. في حقيقة الأمر، ومن أجل الاستجابة السريعة للجائحة- والاستمرار في دعم الرؤية الشاملة لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، وفي سبيل تطوير نظام تعليمي مبتكر ومجتمع قائم على المعرفة وتنافسي عالميًا- تحولت وزارة التربية التعليم إلى حل شبكة لاسلكية بالكامل من هواوي، وذلك من أجل سرعة ربط الأشخاص والبيئات، وضمان استمرارية التعلم فضلاً عن تحقيق المزيد من الخدمات المبسطة والقوية القائمة على المعلومات والاتصالات. ومع إطلاق “الحرم المدرسي التابع لوزارة التربية والتعليم” و”مشروع ابتكار واي-فاي- الذي يغطي أكثر من 400 مدرسة- فإن ثورة التعليم الذكي قيد التنفيذ.

تحقيق اتصال سلس باستخدام حل هواوي

كان الهدف الرئيسي للحرم المدرسي التابع لوزارة التربية والتعليم ومشروع ابتكار واي-فاي هو تحقيق اتصال سلس في أكثر من 400 مدرسة، وذلك من خلال ترقية شبكات الواي-فاي الحالية لتوفير سرعات أعلى وموثوقية أشد. تضع هذه الشبكة الطموحة أساسًا ثابتًا للتحوّل الرقمي لنظام التعليم، مما يؤدي بدوره إلى تقديم تجربة تعليمية عالية الجودة تسمح للمعلمين بدمج التكنولوجيا الجديدة- مثل الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) والواقع المعزز (AR) وغير ذلك- في دروسهم.

يتميز حل الشبكة من هواوي أيضًا بالتعرف على البرامج، مما يساعد على التحكم في المواقع الإلكترونية التي يزورها الطلاب والأدوات البرمجية التي يستخدمونها. نظرًا لوجود عددٍ كبيرٍ من المدارس المشاركة وكذلك عددٍ كبيرٍ حتمي للأجهزة المتصلة بالشبكة، كان النشر المبسط أيضًا أحد محاور التركيز الرئيسية، بالإضافة إلى تحسين كفاءة التشغيل والصيانة وتقليل التكاليف المتعلقة بهما.

تضمن نهج هواوي المخصص للمشروع النشر المُنسق للعديد من الحلول، وذلك بهدف إنشاء نظام شبكة محلية لاسلكية (WLAN) مركزية قوية وموثوقة، وتكون في وضعٍ جيد لتلبية الطلب المتزايد في المستقبل. في الواقع، من خلال نشر المحولات ونقاط الوصول التي تمت ترقيتها، فإن قابلية التوسع مدمجة بالفعل: حيث تدعم وحدات التحكم في الوصول شديد الكثافة ما يصل إلى 20,000 نقطة وصول و200,000 طالب. تمثل المبادرة أحد أكبر المشروعات الاستثمارية في قطاع التعليم في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة منذ عام 2019.

كيف تضيف هواوي القيمة

إلى جانب تعزيز الاتصال، يسمح حل هواوي الآن لوزارة التربية والتعليم بإدارة جميع المدارس البالغ عددها 400 -أو يزيد- من منصة واحدة، مما يدعم شبكة تكون التجربة محورها حقًا. إضافة إلى ما سبق، تستفيد كل مدرسة داخل الشبكة من الأداء اللاسلكي المُحّسن بشكلٍ ملحوظ ، وذلك مع قدرة التحويل العالية، وزمن الانتقال المنخفض للغاية، وعدم فقدان الحزمة أثناء التجوال. ومع قابلية التوسع المبسطة، تُعد الترقية إلى تقنية “واي-فاي” من الجيل التالي مدعومة بالفعل.

ساعد تنفيذ المشروع في تحقيق تجربة إتاحة “واي-فاي” في أي وقت وفي أي مكان عبر الحرم الجامعي والمدرسي، بداية من الفصول الدراسية والمكتبات وحتى المختبرات وصالات الألعاب الرياضية وغير ذلك. ستساعد هذه الخطوة نحو ثورة تعليمية ذكية المدارس على استكشاف طرق تدريس متقدمة ومتطورة حيث تضم: حقائب مدرسية إلكترونية، وسبورات ذكية، وفصول دراسية افتراضية، وتدريس من خلال التفاعل عبر الإنترنت، وغير ذلك.

ذكر إيهاب عيد، رئيس البنية التحتية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات بوزارة التربية والتعليم: “لقد كان التحسن في تجربة الشبكة واضحًا تمامًا”. وأضاف قائلاً “من خلال نشر نقاط الوصول وحلول الشبكة من هواوي، عملنا على تحسين جودة الدروس. ويُمكن للمعلمين حاليًا التفاعل مع الطلاب عبر الإنترنت- دون النظر إلى مكان وجودهم الفعلي- عبر فيديو عالي الدقة، من دون التأثر بسبب انقطاع الاتصال بالشبكة أو فقدان الحزمة. لقد أدى هذا بالتأكيد إلى تسريع وتيرة ثورة التعليم الذكي والسماح لنا باستكشاف طرق تدريس أكثر إبداعًا. أعتقد أنه ستُتاح لدينا المزيد من الفرص للعمل مع هواوي، بينما نواصل متابعة التحوّل الرقمي في المستقبل.”

انقر هنا الاستكشاف المزيد من قصص التحوّل الرقمي الصناعي من صفحة ويب “Intelligent IP Pioneers”.

Doha Festival City wins an International Award at the 9th edition of Global Brands Magazine Awards

Doha Festival City, a famed shopping destination in Qatar, has won the “Best Shopping Destination – Qatar” award for 2021. The felicitation ceremony will be held at the Palm Jumeirah – Waldorf Astoria in early 2022 in Dubai

LONDON, Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Global Brand Awards is an annual event held by Global Brands Magazine (GBM), an international publication headquartered in the UK. The award aims to recognise global brands achieving excellence in performance across a broad range of sectors while keeping its readers updated on the branding world’s key trends. Doha Festival City was evaluated based on customer service, satisfaction, digital innovation, strategic relationships and new business development.

GBM Final Logo

Commenting on Doha Festival City  winning the awards, ShivKumar (CEO)  of Global Brands magazine said, “Not only a great place to shop , but Doha Festival City also is a thriving hub of the Qatar community and has created thousands of jobs for its citizens. What set Doha Festival City apart from its competitors was its innovative Bon Appetit Marketing campaign, an example of innovative integrated marketing that other malls worldwide should take note of.”

Commenting on winning the award, Robert Hall (General Manager)  said, “We are incredibly honoured to receive such valuable recognition from two prestigious industry awards. At Doha Festival City, we are passionate about providing unique experiences for our guests and supporting the community of Qatar. We are proud for being recognised for our exceptional achievements, as well as for the innovation in our marketing and social media approach.”

About Doha Festival City

Doha Festival City is Qatar’s only choice for fashion, dining and entertainment. Bringing several firsts to Doha, this incomparable Mall – is one of the largest such developments in the Middle East, offering almost a quarter of a million sq.mts, of leasable space, providing something for everyone, and creating exceptional and memorable experiences with every visit.

About Global Brands Magazine (England)

Global Brands Magazine (GBM) has been at the forefront, bringing news, views and opinions on brands shaping the future of their industry. The UK-based magazine provides its readers with the latest news and information on ‘best-in-class brands across the globe. Click the awards nomination link to participate in the Global Brand Awards now.

Below are links to social media shoutouts:

Facebook:  https://bit.ly/3n1E8Vr

Linkedin: https://bit.ly/3n62z4g

Twitter: https://bit.ly/3jwR5WD

Instagram: https://bit.ly/3AQ31Zi

Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1508879/GBM_Final_Logo.jpg

Future-Proof Core Network, Gearing up Business Innovation

DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The 5G Core Summit 2021 was successfully held recently. Richard Liu, President of Huawei Cloud Core Network Product Line, delivered a keynote speech titled “Future-Proof Core Network, Gearing up Business Innovation” at the summit. In his speech, Mr. Liu expanded on Huawei’s thoughts on the 5.5G core network architecture and pointed out that the 5.5G core network features telco cloud native, full convergence, intelligent autonomous driving, and ultra distribution could bring greater business value to global operators.

Richard Liu delivered a keynote speech at the 5G Core Summit 2021

Telco Cloud Native: Redefine Cloud Native with Telecom Network Features

To combine telecom features with the innate cloud native capabilities and redefine the cloud native for telecom scenarios, Huawei Rock-Solid Reliability solution encompasses various cutting-edge technologies, including stateless design, N-way redundancy, and distributed federated database to help operators build highly reliable core networks.

Full Convergence: Simplify Network Evolution and Improve User Loyalty to Voice Services

Regarding that 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G will coexist for a long time, Huawei Single Packet Core (SPC) solution and Single Voice Core (SVC) solution can help converge everything from 2G to 5G, significantly simplifying the network architecture, reducing the OPEX and CAPEX, and improving user loyalty through new 5G calling services.

Intelligent Autonomous Driving: Shift from Assisted to Machine Learning Based Decision-Making

To accelerate the intelligent transformation of network O&M, Huawei has put forward the autonomous driving network solution iMaster MAE-CN which relies on the telco cloud native and infuses intelligence into the core network. This solution can help lift the network automation level to L4 and facilitate intelligent network planning, construction, maintenance, and optimization.

Ultra Distribution: Expand Network Boundaries and Build Digital Infrastructure to Boost B2B Success

As Huawei has conducted extensive practices together with industry partners to promote B2B applications, Huawei has launched a series of MEC solutions like on-premises and shared MEC which can be centralized managed and maintained without any additional O&M personnel at the edge. By utilizing operator’s O&M resources, enterprises can deploy edge networks rapidly and manage them efficiently.

With the features of ultra distribution, intelligence, and convergence, the core network will serve industries better. In the future, Huawei will continue to work with industry partners to develop the 5.5G core network architecture and technologies, promote both B2C and B2B services, and strive for greater business success.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1664068/Richard_Liu_delivered_a_keynote_speech_5G_Core_Summit_2021.jpg

Huawei Peng Song: C.A.F Model Is Key to Building Network Competitiveness and Driving Growth

DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The 7th Ultra-Broadband Forum (UBBF 2021) opened today in Dubai. At the event, Peng Song, President of Global Carrier Marketing & Solution Sales at Huawei, delivered a keynote speech titled “Extend Connectivity, Drive Growth”. He defined and elaborated Huawei’s C.A.F (Coverage Architecture Fusion) model. Peng highlighted that “There are huge opportunities for connectivity. It is key for operators to build network competitiveness based on the CAF model.”

Peng Song delivering the keynote speech

The past year has been full of both challenges and opportunities. The demands for connectivity are undergoing tremendous changes for both homes and enterprises. Homes have become centers for education, work, and trade. Enterprises no longer just focus on bandwidth for connectivity. Enterprise connectivity has changed from a communication technology (CT) to an operational technology (OT). Extendingconnectivity and converging with cloud becomes the main subjects related to connectivity. Today, countries around the world are accelerating digitalization, and the value of connectivity has been redefined. How can operators help accelerate the digitalization of industries, maximize the value of connectivity, and achieve new growth?

According to Peng, the C.A.F model is the key — “C” stands for coverage, “F” for fusion, and “A” for architecture.

Coverage: Explores that presently how we can extend connectivity to homes and enterprises to meet new demands and achieve business value. The demands for connectivity are changing in both homes and enterprises. Once broader coverage becomes available, operators need to extend connectivity to every room, every device, and every production system in enterprises. This will grow the number of connections, increase user stickiness, and ultimately create more business opportunities.

In home scenarios, Peng suggested two ways to extend connectivity to homes. One is to use Huawei’s full-service fiber grid planning and industry-leading AirPON and Digital Quick ODN solutions to accelerate fiber coverage and extend fiber to homes. The other is from FTTH (Fiber to the Home) to FTTR (Fiber to the Room), further extending fiber to rooms for home networking. This will bring experience beyond our imagination. While increasing user stickiness, more importantly it provides a foothold in the digital home, making it possible to develop smart services.

In enterprise scenarios, Peng emphasized that leased lines need to provide differentiated offerings to stay competitive. More importantly, connectivity needs to be extended inside enterprises from CT to OT. In this way, many problems faced by enterprises can be solved like the remote PLC control in Iron & Steel companies. This will result in enhanced production efficiency and user experience.

Fusion: Explores that in the future how connectivity can converge with cloud and enable digitalization. Digitalization is the biggest opportunity for the ICT industry. It is no longer a concept, but a reality. Undoubtedly, cloud is at the core of digitalization, but connectivity also plays a key role. According to Peng, “Fusion” is important, because connectivity needs to be cloud-centric and help enterprises migrate to cloud. Connectivity and cloud need to be converged. Operators can play a big role in this process.

In his speech, Peng mentioned two phases about fusion. In the first phase, connectivity needs to be cloud-centric. Three key words are involved in this phase: “quick” refers to deploying the intelligent cloud terminal on the enterprise side to achieve fast cloud access; “multi-cloud interconnection” involves enabling SRv6 in the backbone networks to implement multi-cloud access through a single connection; “deterministic” means providing network slicing capabilities to stay deterministic.

In the second phase, connectivity should converge with cloud, and build an ecosystem. This is the most challenging part, but also the most valuable part. It requires atomization and openness of the network capabilities to implement network selecting cloud, and cloud scheduling network.

Architecture: Explores the characteristics of network architecture required to achieve present and future business success. Peng emphasized that to facilitate network evolution, the spine-leaf mode is required to make the network architecture more flexible. And technologies such as PON and OXC are required to make network services greener. Autonomous Driving Network need to be introduced to optimize the OPEX in terms of O&M. Huawei’s continuous efforts in exploring new technologies — such as OXC, SRv6, and ADN — have strengthened the foundation of the architecture.

Peng ended his keynote speech by quoting this Arabic proverb: “Actions are fruits, while words are but leaves. Despite the harsh environment we are facing, Huawei is continuing to focus on innovation in connectivity technologies. We will continue to play our part and support our customers to achieve business success both now and in the future.”

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1664186/1.jpg

Milipol Paris 2021: ULBRICHTS Protection presents the first “stand alone” helmet capable of stopping Kalashnikov iron-core ammunition and reducing the back face deformation / trauma to below the fatal level of 25 joules

SCHWANENSTADT, Austria and PARIS, Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ULBRICHTS achieves the breakthrough, opening up a new era in ballistic protective helmets with real protection against rifle: ULBRICHTS Protection presents its new RIFLE helmet family.

The new VPAM 6 rifle helmet protects ‘stand alone’ on the surface without additional protective shields (FORTIS) against dangerous threats (7.62×39 MSC).

The helmet will be available world-wide from 2022 and can be viewed at the ULBRICHTS Protection stand at the Milipol (stand: 5J 064).

ULBRICHTS Protection LogoThis groundbreaking development offers a new level of protection and is based on the tireless search for a technical solution capable of halting both the extremely difficult-to-stop iron core ammunition 7.62×39 MSC and the NATO caliber 7.62×51 NATO (M80) (NIJ III) at full speed.


Real protection can be ensured only if it not only stops projectiles, but also prevents strong backface deformation and thus reduces residual energy to less than the lethal 25 joules.


Statistics from the last few years show that people running amok and engaging in terror and violence against the executive are increasingly using firearms and long weapons such as the Kalashnikov and AR15 derivatives.

ULBRICHTS Protection has set itself the task of providing special task forces, patrol officers and the first responders who are the quickest to arrive at the scene the best possible protection against threats from short and long guns.


About ULBRICHTS Protection

ULBRICHTS Protection from Schwanenstadt in Upper Austria is a division of ULBRICHTS GmbH. It develops and manufactures ballistic helmets made of titanium and titanium hybrids. The company’s international clientele includes patrol officers, special police forces, other police units and the military. ULBRICHTS Protection is one of the pioneers in the field of ballistic head protection and regularly sets new technical standards in terms of true protection, comfort and design.

ULBRICHTS helmets are the first choice for ballistic first-responder helmets, as well as ballistic helmets for special forces and police units.


Thomas Poandl
Regional Sales Manager Protection / Marketing & PR
Tel.: +43 664 88103498

Ulbrichts GmbH

A-4690 Schwanenstadt, Kaufing 34

True protection saves lives – ULBRICHTS helmets do not just stop handgun and rifle ammunition, but also prevent the severe backface deformation which can lead to lethal brain injuries – see and touch at our booth: 5J 064

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1664115/ULBRICHTS_Protection_Logo.jpg
Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO8Lm7cLjMY&t=1s

Chery PRO Series Selling Well Globally with New Tiggo 7 PRO Model Launching in Egyptian Market

CAIRO, Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — In September this year, Chery Automobiles and its Egyptian distributor GB Auto held a joint launch event debuting the Tiggo 7 PRO. Tiggo 7 PRO represents the distinctive features of the PRO series meeting global consumers’ new expectations for automotive style, technology, and strong power.

Since the beginning of the year, Chery’s new PRO series has been launched in Russia, Chile, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines among other countries with consumers around the world expressing high levels of satisfaction sparking a “stylish” and “technological” Chery trend. Chery Automobiles sold 9,123 units in Egypt from January to August this year, up 85.31 percent year-on-year, ranking 6th in the commercial vehicle field, according to Egypt Automobile Market Information Council (AMIC) sales data.

Tiggo 7 PRO

Chery’s sales have been boosted by the global launch of the new PRO series. In September, Chery exported 22,052 units, up 108.7 percent year-on-year, breaking the record of 20,000 units for the fifth time this year. Cumulative exports from January to September were 187,910 units, 2.55 times that of the same period last year. While setting a new record, Chery continues to firmly occupy top spot in exports of passenger cars among Chinese brands.

The PRO series models have distinctive PRO features: The stylish PRO design adopts the new sun-star front face, with a geometric matrix diamond front grille and LED headlight design, all of which make the PRO series highly recognizable and passionate. The interior features the family-specific wrap-around cabin design, creating a dynamic and high-tech interior. “PRO Technology” brings an advanced intelligent experience thanks to the ultra-clear central control screen, power trunk lid, 360-degree panoramic imaging, wireless charging and other technology configurations that surpass those of equivalents, giving consumers an intelligent driving experience that exceeds their expectations. In addition, the PRO series models are equipped with engines that are not only powerful but also more fuel-efficient, as Chery has the most advanced engine development technology in China, with a total of six engines winning the “Top 10 Engines” in China.

Now, Chery has launched Tiggo 7 PRO (the first model of the PRO series) for Egyptian consumers who pay attention to joy of life and its experience, perfectly carrying the “style” and “science and technology” genes of the PRO series and ushering in a brand-new driving experience.

For more information, please log in:



Xuqiang Gong

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1664092/Tiggo_7_PRO.jpg


EthosEnergy CEO Ana Amicarella recognized as Top Executive for 2021

San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — San Antonio, Texas – EthosEnergy’s CEO, Ana Amicarella has been recognized as Top Executive of the Year during the Experience Power conference hosted by Power magazine.

Power magazine honored innovative leaders from the power generation industry during an awards ceremony at the Experience Power conference last night. A worldwide call for nominations went out and submissions were narrowed down to a shortlist of award-worthy contenders into 15 categories.

Ana Amicarella, CEO of EthosEnergy said: “I am honored to have won this award. But most of all, I am proud of everything our team has achieved over the last year despite challenging conditions.”

Faced with outage cancellations and postponements due to COVID-19, and a depressed oil and gas sector, EthosEnergy’s reaction was to restructure the business to better align with customers and market dynamics.

Ana Amicarella was appointed CEO in December 2019 with a mission to take EthosEnergy into its next stage of strategic development and position the company for growth. Prior to EthosEnergy, Ana spent 22 years with GE and eight with Aggreko, where she was managing director for the Latin America business.

In just one year Ana has led EthosEnergy through a revolutionary transformation. Despite the hurdles of COVID-19 and challenging market conditions, EthosEnergy achieved its best financial year to date and is on track for ambitious growth over the next five-years.

About EthosEnergy

Our customers are facing a challenging future. They want a flexible and viable partner to support them in a world of changing expectations.

EthosEnergy turns on potential to deliver services and solutions globally for rotating equipment to make energy affordable, available and sustainable.

A unique combination of partnership and service quality, backed by a track record of tailored solutions, for the power, oil & gas, industrial and aerospace markets.

EthosEnergy operates in over 100 countries to consistently improve performance across the value chain.


Ashwin Kumar

Adagio Therapeutics Announces New In Vitro Data Highlighting Broad and Potent Neutralization of ADG20 Against All Known SARS-CoV-2 Variants

Data to be presented at the 2021 ISIRV-WHO Virtual Conference

WALTHAM, Mass., Oct. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adagio Therapeutics, Inc., (Nasdaq: ADGI) a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of antibody-based solutions for infectious diseases with pandemic potential, today announced new in vitro data demonstrating retained neutralizing activity of its monoclonal antibody (mAb), ADG20, against a diverse panel of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants, including the newly emerged Lambda and Mu variants. Notably, findings show that ADG20 demonstrated potent in vitro neutralizing activity against all SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern tested, including those with reduced susceptibility to mAb products currently available under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or in late-stage development. These data will be presented during a poster session at the 2021 ISIRV-WHO Virtual Conference, which is being held October 19-21, 2021. In addition, Adagio will present an encore poster highlighting recently announced data from the company’s ongoing Phase 1 trial of ADG20 in healthy participants.

“These new variant data further underscore the potential of ADG20 to address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as well as possible future outbreaks caused by other SARS-like viruses,” said Laura Walker, Ph.D., co-founder and chief scientific officer of Adagio. “We have intentionally designed this mAb to have both broad and potent neutralizing activity as well as a half-life that extends its potential window of protection, critical features that may set it apart from other therapies available under EUA or in development today. With global Phase 2/3 prevention and treatment trials ongoing, we look forward to continuing our evaluation of ADG20 to assess the meaningful role it could potentially play in the arsenal of COVID-19 treatment options. Given as a single, intramuscular injection in clinical trials, ADG20 has been designed to offer protection for up to a year in the prevention setting and is being explored as a treatment for high-risk patients and/or as a vaccine supplement, including for immunocompromised individuals.”

In addition to the Phase 1 healthy participant trial, Adagio is advancing two ongoing global Phase 2/3 trials with ADG20, a treatment trial (STAMP) and a prevention trial (EVADE). The company anticipates submitting an EUA application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for ADG20 in the first quarter of 2022.

Presentation Details
Poster Title: (130) Broad and Potent In Vitro Neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Variants by ADG20, a Half-Life Extended Monoclonal Antibody in Development for the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19

Poster Title: (131) Evaluating the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of ADG20, a Half-Life–Extended Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) in Development for the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19: a Preliminary Analysis of a Randomized Phase 1 Study

About ADG20
ADG20, a monoclonal antibody targeting the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses, is being developed for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. ADG20 was designed and engineered to possess high potency and broad neutralization against SARS-CoV-2 and additional clade 1 sarbecoviruses, by targeting a highly conserved epitope in the receptor binding domain. ADG20 displays potent neutralizing activity in vivo against the original SARS-CoV-2 strain as well as all known variants of concern. ADG20 has the potential to impact viral replication and subsequent disease through multiple mechanisms of action, including direct blocking of viral entry into the host cell (neutralization) and elimination of infected host cells through Fc-mediated innate immune effector activity. ADG20 is administered by a single intramuscular injection, and was engineered to have a long half-life, with a goal of providing both rapid and durable protection. Adagio is advancing ADG20 through multiple clinical trials on a global basis.

About Adagio Therapeutics
Adagio (Nasdaq: ADGI) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of antibody-based solutions for infectious diseases with pandemic potential. The company’s portfolio of antibodies has been optimized using Adimab’s industry-leading antibody engineering capabilities and is designed to provide patients and clinicians with a powerful combination of potency, breadth, durable protection (via half-life extension), manufacturability and affordability. Adagio’s portfolio of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies includes multiple, non-competing broadly neutralizing antibodies with distinct binding epitopes, led by ADG20. Adagio has secured manufacturing capacity for the production of ADG20 with third-party contract manufacturers to support the completion of clinical trials and initial commercial launch, ensuring broad accessibility to people around the world. For more information, please visit www.adagiotx.com.

Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “anticipates,” “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “projects,” and “future” or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning, among other things, the timing, progress and results of our preclinical studies and clinical trials of ADG20, including the timing of our planned EUA application, initiation and completion of studies or trials and related preparatory work, the period during which the results of the trials will become available and our research and development programs; our ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approvals for, our product candidates; our ability to identify patients with the diseases treated by our product candidates and to enroll these patients in our clinical trials; our manufacturing capabilities and strategy; and our ability to successfully commercialize our product candidates. We may not actually achieve the plans, intentions or expectations disclosed in our forward-looking statements and you should not place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from the results described in or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those risks described under the heading “Risk Factors” in Adagio’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 and in Adagio’s future reports to be filed with the SEC. Such risks may be amplified by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of this date, and Adagio undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law.


Media Contact:
Dan Budwick, 1AB

Investor Contact:
Monique Allaire, THRUST Strategic Communications