‫إعلان شركتي AFKAR Group وBahwan CyberTek عن تأسيس المشروع الاستراتيجي المشترك OPUS DigiTech لدفع عمليات الاضطرابالتحول الرقمي في قطاع الطاقة

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 9 ديسمبر / كانون أول 2021 /PRNewswire/ —

تعاونت كل من شركة Bahwan CyberTek (BCT)، وهي أحد مقدمي الخدمات لحلول التحول الرقمي في مجالات التحليلات التنبؤية والتجارب الرقمية وخدمات إدارة سلسلة التوريد الرقمية على مستوى العالم، وشركة AFKAR Group، وهي شركة رائدة في مجال تقنيات الطاقة والخدمات البترولية النفط والغاز لتقدم حلولاً مبتكرة ومستدامة ومصممة خصيصا حسب الطلب، وذلك لتأسيس مشروع مشترك رائد في إدارة عمليات التحول الرقمي يعمل على تمكين شركات الطاقة الإقليمية من تحقيق مهامها المتعلقة بالتحول الرقمي.

OPUS DigiTechFZ LLC. Logo

 تستهل شركة OPUS DigiTech عملها من خلال تنفيذ رؤية الجمع بين الخبرات المتراكمة في مجال النفط والغاز  ومنصة تقنية رائدة من أجل تصميم نماذج أعمال مبتكرة تتيح زيادة القيمة، وزيادة التوفير في التكاليف وإطلاق العنان للكفاءات التشغيلية. توفر مجموعة الحلول عمليات آلية ومرنة وقابلة للتكيف وذلك للاستفادة من نقاط القوة التنظيمية ومواجهة التحديات التي يواجهها العملاء.

صرح إس دورجابراساد، الشريك المؤسس والمدير التنفيذي لشركة  Bahwan CyberTek  قائلًا: “خلال رحلتها التي امتدت لأكثر من عقدين من الزمن، قدمت شركة Bahwan CyberTek خدمات تطوير الأعمال بشكل متسق وذلك في قطاعات الصناعة التي عملت بها، مستفيدة من خبرتها الواسعة في هذا المجال، ومنتجاتها الرقمية المبتكرة فضلًا عن خبرتها في رقمنة الأعمال على المنصات التي أنشأتها. وبالتعاون مع شركة AFKAR، سيسعى القادة الإقليميين في قطاع الطاقة إلى رفع القيمة إلى مستوى أعلى، وأنا على ثقة أن هذا التعاون سيغير مجال الأعمال في قطاع الطاقة ولن يقتصر الأمر على المنطقة فحسب بل سيمتد للعالم أجمع”.

AFKAR Group and Bahwan CyberTek announce the incorporation of OPUS DigiTech, a strategic joint venture to accelerate digital disruption across the Energy sector.

بينما صرح عدنان غابريس، رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة  AFKAR Group ،   قائلًا: “يسعدنا أن نتعاون مع شركة Bahwan CyberTek التي قدمت وما تزال حلولًا رقمية لقطاع الطاقة على مدار أكثر من 20 عامًا. تتمثل مهمة Opus DigiTech ببساطة في معالجة التحديات التي يواجها عملاؤنا في عمليات سلسلة التوريد بشكل خاص ، ومن المقرر أن تتحقق هذه المهمة باستخدام أحدث الأنظمة الرقمية وحلول التحليلات التنبؤية. ويمكننا القول أن الخبرة الفنية الواسعة التي يتمتع بها فريقنا إلى جانب التأثير الذي يتمتع به كلا الكيانين ستساهم بلا شك في وضع المعايير الفعّالة في قطاع الطاقة في السنوات القليلة المقبلة”.

وصرح زياد بن حمد، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة OPUS DigiTech قائلًا: “تضافرت جهود كل من شركتي Bahwan CyberTek وAFKAR لتأسيس مشروع Opus Digitech، لتقديم حلول رقمية مبدعة وفريدة لقطاع الطاقة. إن الحاجة إلى ثورة رقمية تحويلية كبيرة في مجالنا واضحة وضرورية  للغاية. نحن نقدم حلولًا محددة عبر سلسلة القيمة مع أهداف حول الكفاءة التشغيلية وخفض التكلفة. إن مكانتنا فريدة من نوعها حيث تنتشر عبر سلسلة القيمة. سنكون قادرين على تقديم حلول مبتكرة ومخصصة لعملائنا في مجالات سلسلة التوريد الرقمية والتحليلات التنبؤية والتجربة الرقمية. فمصدر قوتنا يأتي من معرفتنا العميقة بالمجال، وقربنا من عملائنا واستجابتنا لاحتياجاتهم. سينمو مشروع Opus Digitech بسرعة كبيرة لتصبح شركة رائدة على مستوى العالم في التحول الرقمي “.

حول  Bahwan CyberTek

تأسست شركة Bahwan CyberTek (BCT) في عام 1999، وهي أحد مقدمي الخدمات لحلول التحول الرقمي على مستوى العالم حيث تقدم حلولاً في 20 دولة عبر أمريكا الشمالية والشرق الأوسط والشرق الأقصى وأفريقيا وآسيا. وفي ظل وجود الإمكانات القوية في التقنيات الرقمية، يعمل لدى BCT أكثر من 3000 موظف من ذوي الخبرة الفنية والاختصاص الذين يقدمون حلولًا لقطاعات النفط والغاز والاتصالات والطاقة والحكومة والبنوك والتجزئة وفي مختلف قطاعات إدارة سلسلة التوريد (SCM) / الخدمات اللوجستية. مع التركيز على الابتكار المشترك، دخلت BCT في شراكة مع منظمات تقنية عالمية رائدة مثل Oracle و IBM و TIBCO لتقديم قيمة مميزة للعملاء. شركة BCT من الشركات المعترف بها على مستوى CMMi 5 وهي من المنظمات الحاصلة على شهادة الأيزو.


حول  AFKAR

شركة AFKAR هي مؤسسة عاملة في مجال تكنولوجيا الطاقة تساعد كل من الشركات الدولية والمحلية في اختراق السوق الإقليمية لتعظيم نموها وربحيتها وتسريع وتيرة توسعها علاوة على تنظيم ودعم الشركات الناشئة المبتكرة لتسريع تبني حلول التكنولوجيا من قبل شركات النفط الوطنية والدولية والشركات العاملة في خدمات الطاقة.


الصورة: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1701158/BCT_and_AFKAR.jpgالشعار: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1701159/OPUS_DigiTechFZ_LLC_Logo.jpg

 للتواصل الإعلامي واتصال المستثمرين حول OPUS DigiTech:

PowerChina shares a common future with its foreign employees as they contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative

BEIJING, Dec. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The following is an excerpt from a CRI Online report:

In response to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Power Construction Corporation of China (PowerChina) has onboarded and trained thousands of outstanding talents in the countries and regions targeted by the Initiative after years of efforts, changing the fate of many of their foreign employees. A good example is the Chinese company’s Zungeru hydroelectric project in Nigeria.

As part of the roadmap for the construction of the facility, the Zungeru hydroelectric project had, by the end of 2019, implemented a localization strategy by employing more than 4,200 local employees, representing over 90 per cent of the workforce. One of the foreign employees spoke for many when he said, “PowerChina has created many jobs for us and changed the trajectory of our lives and careers, and we have become united as a community with a shared future.”

Abdul, an assistant manager on the project’s management team, experienced a great change after joining the project, going from suffering from a lack of self-confidence to being able to being able to effectively prioritize his work. “In 2016, I was the first group of Nigerian employees to be awarded the company’s annual Excellent Overseas Employee title. After the project is completed, I will stay at PowerChina, if possible, and continue to make my life better.”

In the emergency center of the project site, Monday, who is stocky and in a white coat, is giving workers a quick screening test for COVID-19. He said, “I appreciate PowerChina for providing me with a steady job and an income that allows me to support and provide for my happy 5-member family! I’m also grateful to the Chinese medical staff for giving me business coaching. I have gained a lot of medical knowledge and operational skills.”

Yaseen and Rawal from Pakistan have an excellent parent-child relationship. “In a burst of confidence, I came to Nigeria from Pakistan, and my son Rawal joined me. Here, everyone gives their utmost and is similarly rewarded in return. If possible, Rawal and I will continue to be one of Power China’s best participants.”

Every foreign employee at PowerChina makes a valuable contribution to B&R Initiative, growing together and sharing a common future. Original link: http://news.cri.cn/20211203/de4395a7-7d07-845e-e464-2dbbf0e316a1.html

Follow Power China – Writing a Story on Diversity as Part of the Belt and Road Initiative

BEIJING, Dec. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The following is an excerpt from a CRI Online report:

“Power China is my second home!” “Go with Power China! They give priority to the safety of their employees.” These are actual statements from Muhammad Ishtiaq, Power China’s foreign safety manager, and Nabeel Hussain, a civil engineer. They are both from Pakistan, having been sent by Power China to build infrastructure and power projects in countries and regions targeted by the Belt and Road Initiative. Although they are not Chinese citizens, they have become important participants and witnesses of the superior performance of Power China.

Ishtiaq joined Power China’s MGS Gas Booster Station Phase II Project Department in Saudi Arabia in 2015, and then transferred over to Power China’s project department in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. “We should firmly grasp the development opportunities brought to us by Power China, and strive to build our beautiful home,” Ishtiaq said when considering many infrastructure facilities built by Power China in Saudi Arabia. “At Power China, employees help and support each other. This sense of security gives me confidence. The company has really become my second home!”

In 2018, construction formally was started on the Rumaila power plant project in Basra Province, Iraq. Faced with the unstable situation in Iraq at that time, Nabeel made up his mind quickly: “Go! Go with Power China! I believe that they will give priority to the safety of their employees.” True to their word, Power China implemented very strict management policies to effectively assure employee safety. If someone needs to go out, the company will provide special security personnel and vehicles to protect them.

At Power China, there are many foreign workers like Muhammad Ishtiaq and Nabeel Hussain who are working in countries around the world. They were able to become closely acquainted with Chinese companies and Chinese culture through Power China. With the ongoing construction of power stations in countries and regions targeted by the Belt and Road Initiative, these workers have jointly written a chapter on diversity.

Original link: http://news.cri.cn/20211207/866fa865-d2a5-939e-54bd-95136ec1106a.html

Anaqua to Work with Lilium to Help Navigate Critical IP Management Processes

German aviation company to utilize Anaqua’s AQX platform to enhance innovation management, IP analytics, and stakeholder collaboration

Anaqua CEO Bob Romeo and Lilium Head of Intellectual Property Wulf Höflich at Lilium Headquarters

Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua, (left) with Wulf Höflich, Lilium’s Head of Intellectual Property – Engineering (right) at Lilium headquarters near Munich

BOSTON, Dec. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading provider of innovation and intellectual property management solutions, today announced that the Munich-based aviation company Lilium, positioned to be a global leader in sustainable regional air mobility, will use Anaqua’s AQX platform to help navigate its critical innovation and IP management processes.

Using the Lilium Jet, an all-electric vertical take-off and landing jet, offering industry leading payload, low noise and high performance with zero operating emissions, Lilium is creating a sustainable and accessible mode of high-speed, transportation for people and goods. Working with aerospace, technology and infrastructure leaders, commercial operations are projected to begin in 2024.

When selecting a system to meet its growing innovation and IP management needs, Lilium opted for Anaqua. Lilium will leverage Anaqua’s AQX software to enhance innovation management (from idea capture and assessment through to filing); IP analytics and Freedom to Operate (FTO) processes; docketing and reporting; and collaboration between the company, inventors, and outside counsel. AQX will deliver integrated patent analytics through Anaqua’s AcclaimIP solution, and provide a specialist trademark management module. Patent and trademark renewals will be managed through Anaqua Services.

Wulf Höflich, Lilium’s Head of Intellectual Property – Engineering said: “We were looking for a solutions provider who could work as an extension of our team to help manage our critical innovation and IP management processes. They needed to be able to provide excellent docketing and reporting tools, detailed IP analytics and FTO search capabilities, and enable seamless collaboration between our various stakeholders. And it all had to be implemented quickly. Anaqua were able to deliver on all these criteria.”

Commented Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua: “Lilium is a true leader in the highly innovative field of air mobility, and has an impressive range of unique, proprietary technology. We are excited to be working closely with Lilium, providing an integrated IP management system that will support and enhance their global innovation and operational excellence, and help protect their valuable IP assets.”

About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premium provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services. Anaqua’s AQX platform combines best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech-enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision-making, and streamline IP operations. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For additional information, please visit anaqua.com, or on LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Hollis
Associate Director, Communications

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c41fcf52-c441-47a2-9031-44be15fa01e2

Hitachi Energy partners with National Grid on world’s first replacement of SF6 in existing high-voltage equipment

The innovation called EconiQ™ retrofill uses eco-efficient gas mixture to support National Grid in achieving their sustainability targets

Zurich, Switzerland, Dec. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi Energy and National Grid have successfully energized a pilot project replacing SF6 in installed high-voltage gas-insulated lines with an eco-efficient fluoronitrile based gas mixture. This retrofill solution, in Richborough, UK is part of Hitachi Energy’s EconiQTM portfolio which is designed to deliver a superior environmental performance compared to conventional solutions.

As one of the world’s largest investor-owned transmission and distribution utilities, National Grid has the ambition to remove all SF6 from its fleet by 2050. In this pioneering project, National Grid has replaced SF6 from 420-kilovolt (kV) gas-insulated lines installed in 2016, eliminating 755 kilograms of SF6. This is equivalent to taking approximately 100 passenger cars1 off the road.

For decades, SF6 has been used in the electrical industry due to its excellent insulation and current interruption properties. However, it has a high Global Warming Potential (GWP) and requires careful handling. Hitachi Energy is continuously reducing the use of SF6, improving its lifecycle management, and accelerating the development of eco-efficient products.

“We have a responsibility to help our customers like National Grid to accelerate the energy transition,” said Markus Heimbach, Managing Director of High Voltage Products business in Hitachi Energy. “Innovative EconiQ retrofill technology for installed gas-insulated lines along with the new EconiQ switchgear and breakers portfolio will enable our customers and the industry as a whole to reduce carbon footprint and rapidly transition to eco-efficient solutions.”

“Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time and this new transformational green technology will help achieve wide-scale decarbonisation on our electricity transmission network. The retrofill solution replaces SF6, cutting emissions and network outages at the same time as saving costs by avoiding the need to spend on costly replacement equipment”, said Chris Bennett, Acting President of National Grid. “We are proud to be working with Hitachi Energy, and to demonstrate a practical solution to a significant issue in the energy industry’s transition to net zero.”

EconiQ is Hitachi Energy’s eco-efficient portfolio for sustainability, where products, services and solutions are proven to deliver exceptional environmental performance. Recently, the company announced the acceleration of its development of eco-efficient solutions, outlining its extensive EconiQ roadmap of switchgear and breakers in various voltage levels. Hitachi Energy has placed sustainability at the heart of its Purpose and is advancing a sustainable energy future for all.


  1. Retrofill is the process of replacing SF6 in an existing equipment with a new eco-efficient gas mixture to improve the environmental and life-cycle performance of the equipment.

About Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD.


Rebecca Bleasdale
Hitachi Energy Ltd.
+41 78643 2613

Anaqua travaille avec Lilium pour aider au pilotage des processus essentiels de gestion de la PI

La compagnie d’aviation allemande va utiliser la plateforme AQX d’Anaqua pour améliorer ses performances en termes de gestion de l’innovation, d’analyse de la PI et de collaboration avec les parties prenantes

Anaqua CEO Bob Romeo and Lilium Head of Intellectual Property Wulf Höflich at Lilium Headquarters

Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua, (left) with Wulf Höflich, Lilium’s Head of Intellectual Property – Engineering (right) at Lilium headquarters near Munich

BOSTON, 09 déc. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, le fournisseur leader de solutions de gestion de l’innovation et de la propriété intellectuelle, a annoncé aujourd’hui que la société d’aviation Lilium, basée à Munich, qui se positionne en leader mondial de la mobilité aérienne régionale et durable, utilisera la plateforme AQX d’Anaqua pour l’aider à piloter ses processus critiques d’innovation et de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle.

Avec le Lilium Jet, un jet entièrement électrique à décollage et atterrissage verticaux, offrant une charge utile inégalée, un faible niveau de bruit et des performances élevées, sans aucune émission, Lilium crée un mode de transport à grande vitesse durable et accessible pour les personnes et les marchandises. En collaboration avec les leaders de l’aérospatiale, de la technologie et des infrastructures, les opérations commerciales devraient commencer en 2024.

Quand il a fallut choisir un système pour répondre à ses besoins croissants en matière d’innovation et de gestion de la PI, Lilium a opté pour Anaqua. Lilium utilisera le logiciel AQX d’Anaqua pour améliorer la gestion de l’innovation (de la capture et l’évaluation des idées jusqu’au dépôt), l’analyse de la PI et les processus de liberté d’exploitation (FTO), les dossiers et les rapports, ainsi que la collaboration entre la société, les inventeurs et les avocats externes. AQX fournira des analyses de brevets intégrées à travers la solution AcclaimIP d’Anaqua, de même qu’un module spécialisé de gestion des marques. Le renouvellement des brevets et des marques seré géré par Anaqua Services.

Wulf Höflich, responsable de la propriété intellectuelle – ingénierie de Lilium, a déclaré : “Nous recherchions un fournisseur de solutions qui pourrait travailler comme une extension de notre équipe pour nous aider à gérer nos processus critiques d’innovation et de gestion de la PI. Il devait être en mesure de fournir d’excellents outils de gestion des dossiers et de production de rapports, des analyses détaillées de la propriété intellectuelle et des capacités de recherche FTO, et permettre une collaboration transparente entre nos différentes parties prenantes. Et tout cela devait être mis en œuvre rapidement. Anaqua a été capable de répondre à tous ces critères.”

Bob Romeo, PDG d’Anaqua, commente : “Lilium est un véritable leader dans le domaine très innovant de la mobilité aérienne, et possède une gamme impressionnante de technologies uniques et propriétaires. Nous sommes ravis de travailler en étroite collaboration avec Lilium, en fournissant un système intégré de gestion de la PI qui soutiendra et améliorera leur innovation globale et leur excellence opérationnelle, et aidera à protéger leurs précieux actifs de PI.”

À propos d’Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. leader dans le domaine de la gestion de l’innovation et de la propriété intellectuelle. La plateforme AQX d’Anaqua combine les meilleures pratiques de flux de travail avec des analyses de données et des services technologiques pour créer un environnement intelligent conçu pour informer la stratégie PI, permettre la prise de décision PI et rationaliser les opérations PI. Aujourd’hui, près de la moitié des 100 premiers déposants de brevets américains et des marques à travers le monde, ainsi qu’un nombre croissant de cabinets de conseil dans le monde utilisent les solutions Anaqua. Plus d’un million de cadres, d’avocats, d’assistants juridiques, d’administrateurs et d’innovateurs utilisent la plateforme pour leurs besoins de gestion PI. Le siège social de l’entreprise est basé à Boston, avec des bureaux aux Etats-Unis, en Europe et en Asie. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site anaqua.com, ou LinkedIn.

Contact de la société :
Amanda Hollis
Directeur associé, Communications

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/1e153a60-9b51-4a05-831f-cbe59af697e8/fr

Travel Restrictions on African Nations Demonstrate the Need for Second Citizenship as a Plan B, Families Look to St Kitts and Nevis

News provided by the government of St Kitts and Nevis

LONDON, Dec. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The spread of the latest COVID variant – Omicron – has proven that we are still far from the end of the pandemic. Though the variant’s origins are still unclear, it was first identified in South Africa but has since spread to various regions of the world.

While the challenge of the crisis has certainly lessened globally, mostly due to the rate of vaccinations and other preventative measures implemented, fear of the new mutating variant has led to nations like the United States, the United Kingdom, and numerous countries in the European Union to enforce travel restrictions on African countries. These bans have sparked outrage amongst African leaders who argue that travel restrictions do not solve the problem and only harm the economies of developing nations already struggling from the fallout of the pandemic.

Passport discrimination is not a new phenomenon for African nations. Even before the pandemic, those holding an African passport were subject to harsher rules and visa bureaucracy, interrupting the way Africans conduct business, access services or see loved ones. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic has become an added obstacle that Africans must face if they hope to move across borders.

The pandemic and the travel bans that come with it have led to the emerging trend of affluent Africans obtaining a second citizenship through a popular route known as Citizenship by Investment. Such programmes enable those who can make the required investment, depending on the nation, to acquire citizenship and the life-changing benefits that come with it.

“COVID-19 has presented one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century,” says Micha Emmett, CEO of CS Global Partners, the world’s largest government advisory and marketing firm specialising in Citizenship by Investment. “But for Africans, this has only exacerbated pre-existing issues. Second citizenship helps those that want to position themselves globally without the fear that their country of origin will hold them back.”

Originating in St Kitts and Nevis, the Caribbean nation is considered the industry’s Platinum Standard brand. In recent years, it has welcomed wealthy Africans and their families to settle and set up businesses in the country. The programme is one of the most family-friendly options on the market and boasts the fastest route to second citizenship through its Sustainable Growth Fund option. Under a limited time offer that expires on the 31st December 2021, families of four can acquire citizenship for the same price as a single applicant, accounting for a price cut of $45,000.

Those who can pass the necessary vetting processes, proving that they have a clean source of funds, gain access to increased travel freedom to over 160 destinations, including key business hubs. St Kitts and Nevis also offers alternative business prospects in one of the fastest-growing economies in the region with ties to financial superpowers like the United States.

Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
Press Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister
St. Kitts

Les restrictions de voyage imposées aux pays africains démontrent la nécessité d’une deuxième citoyenneté comme plan B, les familles se tournent vers Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis

Nouvelles fournies par le gouvernement de Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis

LONDRES, 09 déc. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La propagation de la dernière variante du COVID – Omicron – a prouvé que nous sommes encore loin de la fin de la pandémie. Bien que les origines de la variante ne soient pas encore claires, elle a été identifiée pour la première fois en Afrique du Sud, mais s’est depuis propagée dans diverses régions du monde.

Alors que le défi de la crise a certainement diminué dans le monde, principalement en raison du taux de vaccination et d’autres mesures préventives mises en œuvre, la peur de la nouvelle variante mutante a conduit des pays comme les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni et de nombreux pays de l’Union européenne à imposer des restrictions de voyage aux pays africains. Ces interdictions ont suscité l’indignation des dirigeants africains qui soutiennent que les restrictions de voyage ne résolvent pas le problème et ne font que nuire aux économies des pays en développement déjà affaiblis par les retombées de la pandémie.

La discrimination dans les passeports n’est pas un phénomène nouveau pour les pays africains. Avant la pandémie, les détenteurs d’un passeport africain étaient soumis à des règles plus strictes et à une bureaucratie des visas, interrompant la façon dont les Africains font des affaires, accèdent aux services ou voient leurs proches. Aujourd’hui, la pandémie de COVID-19 est devenue un obstacle supplémentaire auquel les Africains doivent faire face s’ils espèrent traverser les frontières.

La pandémie et les interdictions de voyage qui l’accompagne ont conduit à une nouvelle tendance ou des Africains riches obtiennent une deuxième citoyenneté grâce a un processus populaire connu sous le nom de citoyenneté par investissement. De tels programmes permettent à ceux qui peuvent faire l’investissement requis, selon la nation, d’acquérir la citoyenneté et les nombreux avantages qui en découlent.

« COVID-19 a présenté l’un des plus grands défis du 21e siècle », déclare Micha Emmett, PDG de CS Global Partners, la plus grande société de conseil et de marketing gouvernemental au monde spécialisée dans la citoyenneté par l’investissement. « Mais pour les Africains, cela n’a fait qu’exacerber les problèmes préexistants. La deuxième citoyenneté aide ceux qui veulent se positionner à l’échelle mondiale sans craindre que leur pays d’origine ne les retienne. »

Originaire de Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis, la nation des Caraïbes est considérée comme la marque Platinum Standard de l’industrie. Ces dernières années, il a accueilli de riches Africains et leurs familles pour s’installer et créer des entreprises dans le pays. Le programme est l’une des options les plus adaptées aux familles sur le marché et offre la voie la plus rapide vers une seconde citoyenneté grâce à son option Fonds de croissance durable. Dans le cadre d’une offre à durée limitée qui expire le 31 décembre 2021, les familles de quatre personnes peuvent acquérir la citoyenneté pour le même prix qu’un seul appliquant, ce qui représente une réduction de 45 000 $.

Ceux qui peuvent passer les processus de contrôle nécessaires, prouvant qu’ils disposent d’une source de fonds propre, ont accès à une liberté de voyage accrue vers plus de 160 destinations, y compris des centres d’affaires clés. Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis offre également des perspectives commerciales alternatives dans l’une des économies à la croissance la plus rapide de la région, liée à des superpuissances financières comme les États-Unis.

Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
Press Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister
St. Kitts