The Bible Explained: All the Verses of Revelation Are Connected to the Reality of Our Times

NEW YORK, Oct. 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A round of weekly seminars titled, “Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God’s New Covenant,” is being held by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony from October 18th to December 27th.

Chairman Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Speaks on Revelation Chapter 1

Revelation, the last book of the Bible, includes prophecies about the future of the Christian world and the second coming of Jesus. The purpose behind the seminars, according to Shincheonji Chairman Man-hee Lee, is for “the one who heard and saw” Revelation’s fulfillment to give this testimony to the churches (Rev 22:16,18).

“The meanings of the prophecy (of Revelation) and what is fulfilled in reality according to the prophecy is what I am making known to the churches, worldwide, today,” Chairman Lee says.

The key to understanding the book of Revelation is knowing the meaning of the word revelation. It is “to open and to show (what was sealed and unseen),” and there is a time when the prophecies recorded in the past are fulfilled (revealed) in reality, Chairman Lee says.

According to chapter 1 of Revelation, Apostle John sends Jesus’s letters to seven churches in Asia. The identity of these seven churches is one of the mysteries in the Book of Revelation (Rev 1:4, 20). Chairman Lee explains that the record of sending letters to the seven churches is a prophecy that is fulfilled at the time of Jesus’s second coming. These mysteries were not known when Revelation was written. They are only known by “the one who heard and saw all the events of the book when the record of prophecy is fulfilled in reality.”

Within two days, Youtube views of Chairman Lee’s seminar on chapter 1 of Revelation exceeded 300,000 worldwide, including 5,000 views from Christian leaders.

Since August, 25 African churches with 10,000 members signed MOUs with Shincheonji Church of Jesus. An additional 18 churches will sign MOUs to emphasize the importance of understanding the era we live in and the value of the improving one’s life of faith.

You can find more information through the link:

CONTACT: Gina Del Gigante, +16466287365,

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‫تعيين جريج نورمان مديرًا تنفيذيًا لشركة لـLIV Golf Investments

تعقد شركة NORMAN PENS LANDMARK  صفقة لمدة عشر سنوات مع الجولة الأسيوية كأول شركة تمثل التزامًا إجماليًا بقيمة أكثر من 200 مليون دولار

غرب بالم بيتش، ولاية فلوريدا، 31 أكتوبر، 2021 / PRNewswire/— تم اليوم الإعلان عن الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة  المشكلة حديثًا LIV Golf Investments، والعضو السابق لـWorld Golf Hall of Fame و لـ world #1 ، جريج نورمان، وهو تحرك سيحقق عددًا من التطورات الهامة في لعبة الغولف للمحترفين حول العالم.

يعتبر أول نشاط لنورمان في هذا المجال هو الإعلان عن سلسلة رائدة من عشرة أحداث تجارية جديدة تنظم سنوياً في إطار الجولة الآسيوية على مدى السنوات العشر المقبلة، مما يمثل التزاما إجماليا يزيد على 200 مليون دولار لدعم فرص اللعب والأموال المخصصة للجوائز. تمثل هذه الخطوة واحدة من أكبر الاستثمارات في تاريخ رياضة الجولف المحترفة.

ستضاف السلسلة إلى جدول الجولة الأسيوية اعتبارًا من عام 2022 فصاعدًا، مع إقامة مناسبات جديدة في كافة أنحاء آسيا والشرق الأوسط وأوروبا. لقد تم تصميمه ليزيد من المشاركة بين المشجعين، ويجتذب اهتمامًا تجاريًا جديدًا ويساعد على إستقرار لعبة الغولف المحترفة في أعقاب فترة طويلة من الاضطراب وعدم اليقين في جميع أنحاء العالم.

علق نورمان “هذه ليست سوى البداية،” “لقد ضمنت LIV Golf Investments التزامًا رأسماليًا كبيرًا سيتم إستخدامه لخلق فرص جديدة إضافية عبر لعبة الجولف المحترفة في جميع أنحاء العالم. سوف نكون متعاونين ومؤيدين محترمين للعبة على كل المستويات، ويعد إعلان اليوم جنبا إلى جنب مع الجولة الآسيوية المثال الأول لهذا.

“كنت مؤيدًا ومؤمنًا مخلصًا للعب الجولف وتطويره في آسيا لأكثر من أربعة عقود من الزمان. تعتبر الجولة الأسيوية عملاق نائم ونحن نشارك الطموح لتنمية السلسلة وإطلاق ما نعتقد أنه إمكانيات كبيرة لم تستغل بعد. إننا نعتبر ترويجنا لهذه الأحداث الجديدة خطوة أولى حيوية لدعم الأسواق الناشئة، وخلق منصة جديدة، غنية بفرص اللعب التي تخلق مسارات قيمة للاعبين.

قد أنشئت شركة LIV Golf Investments بالتعاون مع شركات جماعية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمملكة المتحدة، وستتبعها مكاتب آسيوية. قد تم بالفعل تعيين العديد من كبار المسؤولين التنفيذيين في هذه المجموعة، وسوف تصدر إعلانات أخرى في الوقت المناسب. تعتبر PIF، وهى احد أكبر صناديق الثروة السيادية في العالم ولديها محفظة إستثمارية دولية متنوعة، وهي صاحبة الأغلبية في الشركة الجديدة هناك خطط لتقديم المزيد من شركاء الاستثمار، الذين يتقاسمون الشغف والاعتقاد في الكيفية التي قد تخلق بها الفرص الجديدة في رياضة الجولف المحترفة فوائد واسعة النطاق للمعجبين واللاعبين.

“هذا هو أكبر تطور في تاريخ الجولة الاسيوية ومعلم رئيسى لرياضة الجولف المحترفة وفقًا” لما ذكره تشو مين ثانت المفوض وكبير المديرين التنفيذيين بالجولة الاسيوية. “سوف تضمن الفرصة فرصًا جديدة غير مسبوقة للعب، وتؤسس مسارات جديدة للاعبين، وتسمح لنا بالتنافس تجارياً مع رياضات أخرى، وتعزز من أجندتنا الاجتماعية.

“نحن متحمسون بشكل خاص لهذا الاحتمال الذي جلبه إعلان اليوم المميز إلى لعبة الهواة، وهو ما يوفر إلهاماً جديدًا لللاعبين الطامحين من خلال مستوى جديد من المنافسة الاحترافية الكبرى في المنطقة.

سوف تضيف السلسلة إلى أساس الجولة الآسيوية وهي تتألف من موسم يتضمن 25 حدثاً، ومن المتوقع أن تمثل رقمًا قياسيًا في صندوق الجائزة المشترك في عام 2022. سيتم بث كل حدث من الأحداث العشرة الجديدة بشكل مباشر عبر أنحاء العالم، مع وجود خطط لجذب مجال دولي من المواهب الرئيسية من خلال فئة أهلية مفتوحة بغض النظر عن الانتماء للجولة وبالتالي تتاح الفرص لأكبر شريحة من اللاعبين.

يأتي إعلان اليوم في أعقاب إقامة شراكة جديدة لمدة 10 سنوات بين الجولة الآسيوية والغولف السعودية، ومنظمو Saudi International التي تدار بواسطة  مستشارو الاستثمار في سوفت بنك SoftBank، والتي ستشاهد الحدث وهو يصبح البطولة الرئيسية في الجولة الأسيوية، مع زيادة مثيرة للإعجاب في قيمة الجائزة تبلغ 5 مليون دولار ولن تكون “Saudi International ” واحدة من ضمن 10 فعاليات جديدة سيتم إبرازها ضمن السلسلة الجديدة، ولكنها ستوفر بدورها شروط إعفاء معززة.

 كما جاءت في الآونة الأخيرة إشارات إضافية على زيادة إزدهار الجولة الآسيوية مع الإعلان عن إستئناف التنافس قريباً بعد التأجيل بسبب جائحة كورونا. سيختتم الموسم المعلق للفترة 2020/21 بطولتين جديدتين في تايلند في نوفمبر وديسمبر 2021، ومن المقرر إقامة بطولتين أخريين في سنغافورة في يناير 2022.

ستنظم السلسلة الجديدة المؤلفة من 10 أحداث خلال عام 2022، حيث تسهم جميع الأحداث الميدانية في بلوغ مرتبة الاستحقاق.

 ستتبع ذلك تفاصيل أخرى عن السلسلة الجديدة، بما في ذلك كشف عن العلامة التجارية واسم السلسلة في المستقبل القريب.

 حول الجولة الأسيوية

بصفتها الهيئة الرسمية لفرض عقوبات على غولف المحترفين في اسيا، تقود الجولة الاسيوية تطوير رياضة الغولف الاحترافية في جميع أنحاء المنطقة، حيث تعزز فرص العمل لافرادها مع الحفاظ على الالتزام بنزاهة اللعبة. يذكر ان الجولة الاسيوية من خلال عضويتها في الاتحاد الدولى لرحلات الجولف PGA  هى الجولة المهنية الوحيدة المعترف بها لعموم اسيا في اسيا. يعترف المركز العالمي الرسمي للغولف بالجولة رسميًا، وهي تزود احداثها بنقاط ترتيب قيمة للمشاركين ليتم الاعتراف بهم على المسرح العالمي. وهي أيضا تابعة لـThe R&A ومن بين الشركاء في الجولة Rolex (مسجل الوقت)، Habitat for Humanity (شريك في التنمية المستدامة)، Titleist (شريك على شبكة الإنترنت) و FootJoy (مورد للجولات). يذكر ان مقر قيادة الشركة للجولة الاسيوية يقع في سينتوسا التى هى موطن الغولف الاسيوى بينما يعد نادى سنتوسا للجولف جزءًا من شبكة خاصة من الممتلكات في اطار وجهات الجولات الاسيوية. للجولة أيضا مكتب في كوالالمبور، ماليزيا.

حول LIV Golf Investments

إن LIV Golf Investments هي شركة تشكلت حديثاً، مع شركات مجموعة في الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة، على أن تتبعها مكاتب آسيوية. تتلخص مهمته في تحسين صحة محترفي رياضة الغولف على نطاق عالمي حقًا ودعم أصحاب المصلحة الحاليين للمساعدة في إطلاق العنان للإمكانات غير المستغلة لهذه الرياضة. جريج نورمان هو أول مدير تنفيذي مؤسس لمؤسسة  LIV Golf Investments. تعد PIF، وهى احد أكبر صناديق الثروة السيادية في العالم ولديها محفظة إستثمارية دولية متنوعة، وهي صاحبة الأغلبية في إستثمارات الجولف.

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade returns to pre-pandemic shape

New York, The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will return to its pre-pandemic form this year, with its route restored through Manhattan, high-flying helium balloons once again pulled by handlers and crowds welcomed back to cheer them on.

This year’s parade — the 95th annual — will snap back to form after bowing to pandemic restrictions last year. It will feature 15 giant character balloons, 28 floats, 36 novelty and heritage inflatables, more than 800 clowns, 10 marching bands and nine performance groups and, of course, Santa Claus, AP reports.

New balloon giants joining the line-up on Nov. 25 include Ada Twist, Scientist and the Pokémon characters Pikachu and Eevee. Broadway will be represented by the casts of “Six,” “Moulin Rouge! The Musical” and “Wicked.” The Rockettes will be there, as will the cast of the upcoming NBC live production of “Annie.”

“For our 95th celebration, Macy’s has created a spectacle to remember featuring a dazzling array of high-flying balloons, animated floats and incredible performers. We can’t wait to help New York City and the nation kick-off the holiday season with the return of this cherished tradition,” Will Coss, executive producer of the parade, said in a statement.

There will be new floats led by the cast of “Girls5eva” — Sara Bareilles, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Paula Pell and Busy Philipps — Nelly and Jordan Fisher, while Jon Batiste will be on an alligator-themed float celebrating Louisiana’s music, food and culture.

Other celebrities on hand include Carrie Underwood, Jimmie Allen, Kelly Rowland, Rob Thomas, Kristin Chenoweth, Darren Criss, Foreigner, Andy Grammer, Mickey Guyton, Chris Lane, Miss America Camille Schrier, Muppets from “Sesame Street” and the three past and current hosts of “Blue’s Clues” — Steve Burns, Donovan Patton and Josh Dela Cruz.

Some of the returning balloons will be Astronaut Snoopy, ’The Boss Baby,” “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” Chase from “Paw Patrol,” the Pillsbury Doughboy, Red Titan from “Ryan’s World,” Papa Smurf from ”The Smurfs,” Sonic the Hedgehog and SpongeBob SquarePants.

The Macy’s parade has been a traditional holiday season kickoff and spectators often line up a half-dozen deep along the route to cheer about 8,000 marchers, two dozen floats, entertainers and marching bands.

Last year, the usual 2 1/2-mile route through crowded Manhattan was scrapped in favor of concentrating events to a one-block stretch of 34th Street in front of the retailer’s flagship Manhattan store. Many performances were pre-taped and most of the parade’s performers were locally based to cut down on travel. The balloons were tethered to specialized vehicles instead of being controlled by handlers.

Visitors this year will once again be allowed to see the balloons inflated the day before the parade as long as they show proof of vaccination. Children under the age of 12 may be accompanied by a vaccinated adult.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

US Expresses Alarm Over Reports of Escalation of War in Ethiopia


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed “alarm” Monday over reports that forces from Ethiopia’s Tigray region have advanced into Dessie and Kombolcha, two towns in the neighboring Amhara region.

“All parties must stop military operations and begin ceasefire negotiations without preconditions,” Blinken wrote in a Twitter post.

The Ethiopian government accused the Tigrayan forces Monday of carrying out large-scale killings and destruction of property.

“The terrorist [Tigray People’s Liberation Front] TPLF group has infiltrated into Kombolcha at night killing more than 100 young people,” the federal government’s spokesperson, Legesse Tulu, said in a statement posted on Fana Broadcasting Corporate, the state-owned media.

“The terrorist group has destroyed private and public property in the cities of Dessie and Kombolcha,” the statement read in Amharic.

VOA could not independently verify the government’s accusation. A request sent to Billene Seyoum, the prime minister’s spokeswoman, went unanswered.

Speaking to the Reuters news agency on a satellite phone from an undisclosed location, TPLF spokesperson Getachew Reda denied government allegations that civilians were killed. He said Tigrayan forces “don’t have to kill the youth,” and that “there was no resistance in Kombolcha.”

Gen. Tsadkan Gebretensae, a member of the Tigrayan forces’ central command, said Monday that the government isn’t giving Tigray any choice but to fight.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appeared to issue a general call to arms to the public, saying all Ethiopians should “march … with any weapon and resources they have to defend, repulse and bury the terrorist TPLF.”

“They [the federal government] are not giving us other opportunities,” Tsadkan said in an interview with Tigray TV, the regional state-owned media. “They want us to end this through war. So, it will end through war and obstacles that were in place to end this through war are clearing now.”

The Oromo Liberation Army, or the OLA, another group fighting the federal government, claimed that it had seized the town of Kemise, located 53 kilometers south of Kombolcha. Both labeled by the government as terrorist groups, Tigrayan forces and the OLA have come together in the fight against the central government.

The conflict that began in November 2020 between the federal government and TPLF has claimed thousands of lives and displaced millions. The United Nations says about 2.5 million people have fled their homes, many seeking refuge in neighboring countries such as Sudan.

The U.N. has said more than 5 million people need humanitarian assistance but that it has not had access to Tigray for two weeks. “No convoys with humanitarian supplies have entered Tigray since 18 October. Fuel for the humanitarian response has not entered since early August,” said a report from the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Source: voice of America

Barclays CEO Staley Resigns After Epstein Probe

Barclays chief executive Jes Staley is leaving the bank after a dispute with British financial regulators over how he described his ties with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Staley will be replaced as CEO by Barclays’ head of global markets C.S. Venkatakrishnan, who on Monday pledged to continue his predecessor’s strategy.

Staley’s shock departure comes after Barclays was informed on Friday of the unpublished findings of a report by Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulatory Authority into Staley’s characterization of his relationship with Epstein, who killed himself in jail in August 2019 while awaiting trial on federal charges related to sex trafficking.

“In view of those conclusions, and Mr Staley’s intention to contest them, the Board and Mr Staley have agreed that he will step down from his role as Group Chief Executive and as a director of Barclays,” the bank said.

“It should be noted that the investigation makes no findings that Mr Staley saw, or was aware of, any of Mr Epstein’s alleged crimes, which was the central question underpinning Barclays’ support for Mr Staley following the arrest of Mr Epstein in the summer of 2019.”

Barclays shares fell 2% following the announcement.

‘I thought I knew him well’

Staley dealt with Epstein during his long career at JPMorgan, where Epstein was a major private banking client until 2013.

A college dropout who styled himself as a brilliant financier, Epstein socialized in elite circles, including former and future U.S. presidents. In 2008, he was registered as a sex offender but continued to maintain ties with powerful players in business and finance.

The New York Times reported in 2019 that Epstein had referred “dozens” of wealthy clients to Staley. It also reported that Staley visited Epstein in prison when he was serving a sentence between 2008-09 for soliciting prostitution from a minor, while Bloomberg reported he visited Epstein’s private island in 2015.

Staley told reporters last February that his relationship with Epstein had “tapered off significantly” after he left JPMorgan in 2013, and that he had not seen the disgraced financier since taking over Barclays in 2015.

“I thought I knew him well, and I didn’t. I’m sure with hindsight of what we all know now, I deeply regret having had any relationship with Jeffrey Epstein,” he said at the time.

Epstein’s links with prominent men have come back to haunt some of them. Leon Black, the billionaire investor, stepped down from Apollo Global Management, the private equity firm he co-founded, earlier this year after an outside review found he had paid Epstein $158 million for tax and estate planning.

Britain’s Prince Andrew has quit royal duties over his associations with Epstein, andnMicrosoft co-founder Bill Gates has said it was a “huge mistake” to spend time with him.

The FCA and PRA said in a statement they could not comment further on the Epstein investigation, which was launched after JPMorgan provided the regulators with emails between Epstein and Staley from Staley’s time as head of JPMorgan’s private bank, the Financial Times reported last year.

Right strategy

Staley told staff in an internal memo seen by Reuters that he did not want his ‘personal response’ to the investigations to be a distraction.

“Although I will not be with you for the next chapter of Barclays’ story, know that I will be cheering your success from the sidelines,” he said.

Staley has 28 days to formally notify the FCA that he is contesting its findings, after which an independent committee inside the watchdog will uphold or reject its conclusions, a source familiar with the process told Reuters.

If upheld, the probe passes to an independent Upper Tribunal which again can back or reject the findings, the source said, a process that could take months.

Venkatakrishnan, who followed Staley to Barclays from JPMorgan and is known as Venkat, told staff on Monday the strategy put in place by his predecessor was “the right one,” according to a separate memo also seen by Reuters.

Venkat added that he would announce changes to the organization of the investment bank in the coming days, likely to mean filling his previous role and any other resulting vacancies, sources at the bank said.

Barclay’s share price has fallen 9% since Staley’s tenure began six years ago, a period not without controversy.

His greatest success, insiders and analysts said, was to fight off a campaign launched by activist investor Edward Bramson in 2018 to have Staley removed on the grounds that Barclays’ investment bank was underperforming and should be cut back.

Bramson sold his stake earlier this year, and the bank’s recent results have seen the investment bank perform strongly.

Also in 2018, Britain’s financial regulators and Barclays fined Staley a combined $1.50 million after he tried to identify a whistleblower who sent letters criticizing a Barclays employee.

Source: voice of America

White House Anticipating CDC Approval for COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids

The White House COVID-19 response team said Monday it is anticipating final approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is prepared to administer the first vaccines to U.S. children ages 5-11 later this week.

Last Friday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave emergency approval for the distribution of children’s doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The CDC’s advisory committee will consider the children’s doses of the vaccine for approval on Tuesday.

But during the White House COVID-19 briefing Monday, response coordinator Jeff Zients said the White House has been preparing for this moment for weeks. He said almost two weeks ago officials reached out to states and took their initial orders for the vaccine.

The FDA’s announcement Friday prompted the White House to begin sending the children’s doses of the vaccine to pediatricians, pharmacies and community health centers all over the country. Zients said, pending CDC approval, the first children will get their initial vaccinations perhaps as early as Wednesday, and certainly by the end of the week.

He said by this time next week – the week of Nov. 7 – the children vaccination program will be fully up and running across the country. Zients said again, the White House has procured 28 million children’s doses of the Pfizer vaccine, enough for every child between the ages of 5 and 11 in the United States.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky offered assurance the CDC advisory committee will conduct a comprehensive, fair and open review of the safety and effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine for children. She said the vaccine, once approved, will be an important tool for protecting children from the virus that causes COVID-19. Walensky added that the best protection for children is surrounding them with vaccinated adults.

Walensky said that while, as of Monday, 70 percent of U.S. adults are fully vaccinated, there are still 60 million U.S. residents who are unvaccinated. She urged anyone who has not yet been vaccinated to do so.

Source: voice of America