Government-Backed Cooperation | GAC MOTOR as Public Transport Vehicles in Nigeria

GUANGZHOU, China, Oct. 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — After a successful recent meeting between Guangdong Governor and Lagos state Governer Mr. Babajid Sanwo-Olu, multiple forms of cooperation have been agreed. On October 11, 750 GAC MOTOR GS3s and 250 GA4s were shipped from Qingdao, China to Lagos, Nigeria, to be used by the Lagos State Government as vehicles for the public travel project “LAGOS RIDE”.

The signing ceremony between the Lagos state government and GAC MOTOR

Nigeria-Guangdong | A Strong Partnership
In recent years, the Nigerian government has increased its support for the automobile industry and is full of confidence in the development of Chinese brands in Nigeria. GAC MOTOR seized this opportunity and joined forces with CIG Motors, a local auto dealer, to introduce bestselling models including the GS3, GS4, GS8, GN8 and GA4 into Nigeria, attracting extensive attention in the local market. The implementation of this project is another major achievement for GAC MOTOR as the company works with overseas dealers to promote the steady development of the African market.

In order to improve local traffic and raise the living standards of residents, the Lagos state government officially launched “LAGOS RIDE”. The public transport project will provide ride-hailing services for locals. GAC MOTOR’s GS3 SUV and GA4 sedan, won the appreciation of the government with their excellent quality, comfort, appearance and performance. These two models were selected as the final models to be used in the project.

Babajid Sanwo-Olu, governor of Lagos State, and his party paid a special visit to Guangdong in November 2019, proposing to strengthen economic and trade cooperation between Nigerian and Guangdong enterprises. Before this project, GAC MOTOR had successfully promoted several major projects locally in Nigeria, including the construction of a GAC MOTOR car assembly plant, and the selection of GAC MOTOR vehicles as the official cars of Chinese diplomats in the region. With the strength of its brand and products, GAC MOTOR has won the recognition and trust of the government, and has become a form of “business card” for intelligent Chinese manufacturing in Nigeria. The brand embodies the spirit of Chinese craftsmanship; Nigeria is just one place this concept is shown to the world.

As the world moves into a new era of global automobile manufacturing, GAC MOTOR Nigeria looks forward to deeply cultivating this valuable region and working together to provide prosperity to the local economy and a better mobile life to Nigerian people.

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تذوق نكهات الفلبين من خلال وجهات الطعام الحلال والتراث العتيق

مانيلا، الفلبين, 25 أكتوبر 2021 / PRNewswire/ – يكمن جزء هام من سحر الضيافة الفلبينية التقليدية في التأكد من تذوق زوارهم لأفضل الأطعمة التي يمكنهم تقديمها في وطنهم.إن أول سؤال يطرحه الفلبيني على ضيفه هو، “هل أكلت؟” وأينما ذهبت في البلد، ستختلف الأطباق المقدمة، حيث تتميز كل منطقة بشيء فريد تقدمه دائمًا باستخدام أفضل المكونات الطازجة.

 تسلط وزارة السياحة الفلبينية (PDOT) الضوء على تقاليد الطعام في البلاد من خلال برامج مختلفة تشجع اكتشافات جديدة لتناول الطعام مثل سلسلة التراث في الطهي الحلال. وقد تم إطلاق المبادرة في يوليو 2021، وتعرض اكتشافات الطعام الفريدة في مينداناو من خلال سلسلة فيديو تابعة لإدارة تنشيط السياحة، تم نشرها على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي، والتي تتضمن فيسبوك ويوتيوب وإنستغرام.

صرحت وزيرة السياحة بيرنا رومولو بويات، قائلة: “يعد الطعام جزءًا مهمًا من تجربة السياحة. إنه يعطينا لمحة عن ثقافة المكان وتراثه. من خلال تطوير سياحة الطهي الحلال، فإننا نشجع اكتشاف تقاليد الطهي لإخواننا وأخواتنا المسلمين في الفلبين والإلمام بها “.

تعد سياحة الطهي الحلال في منطقة مينداناو مشروع تدريب توجيهي قبل الإطلاق (PDOT) تأسس في منطقة نمو الشرق الآسيوي (BIMP-EAGA) والتي تقع في في بروناي ودار السلام وإندونيسيا وماليزيا والفلبين. بصرف النظر عن الترويج لتراث مينداناو والإلمام بثقافتها، يهدف المشروع أيضًا إلى توثيق ممارسات الطهي في المنطقة من خلال رسم خرائط تراث الطعام. ومن خلال هذه المبادرة، ستقدم الفلبين معرفة أقوى وفهمًا أفضل للمأكولات الحلال الفلبينية وتقاليد الطبخ في البلد. تحاول الفلبين إنشاء تجارب وأماكن جذب جديدة في مناطقها المختلفة، لذلك هناك دائمًا المزيد لاستكشافه.

رحلة الطعام الحلال

يتخذ الطعام الحلال أشكالًا عديدة في جميع أنحاء الفلبين. ففي مانيلا، توجد مطاعم عديدة ومتنوعة تقدم طعامًا حلالًا معتمدًا، بدءًا من الأكشاك الموجودة في المنطقة المعروفة باسم مدينة المسلمين (Muslim Town) بالقرب من المسجد الذهبي في قويابو (Quiapo)، والتي تقدم المأكولات الشهية مثل وصفة الباكاس لسمك التونة أو التونة المدخنة على خشب الخيزران وكعكة الأرز الجيلاتينية المعروفة باسم دودول. بالنسبة للأطعمة الفلبينية الحلال المعتمدة في منطقة ماكاتي، يقدم منفذ الطعام إيل باردو (El Prado) في فندق بيرجايا هوتيل ماكاتي (Berjaya Hotel Makati) أطباقًا مثل تينولانج مانوك “Tinolang Manok” (دجاج في مرق الزنجبيل مع الخضار)، ونيلاغانغ باكا الحلال “Halal Nilagang Baka” (وهو لحم بقري مسلوق مع الخضار) وسينيغانغ نا باكا “Sinigang na Baka” (وهو لحم بقري مطهو في حساء حامض مع الخضار).

Sinigang na Hipon

 وفي منطقة كاراجا، يمكن للزوار تناول الفواكه والخضروات التي تقدم مع الغيناموس أو السمك المخمر بالملح كبداية. أما في كاجايان دي أورو، يمكن للمرء تناول طبق لحم بقري مقدد “ريندانغ” (Rendang ) بالكاري أو نسخته المختلطة مثل ريندانغ بيني بقري (Beef Rendang Penne) في مطعم يسمى توروغان كابي “Torogan Kape“. ويمكن للراغبين في تناول الطعام أيضًا تجربة وجبة بيباران ايه مانوك (Piaparan a Manok) أو الدجاج المطهو في حليب جوز الهند والكركم ومعجون خاص يسمى “بالابا (Palapa)”، وهو مصنوع من البصل الأخضر والزنجبيل والكركم، هذا بالإضافة إلى وجبات خفيفة من المعجنات المحلية تسمى تياتاغ (Tyatag)، ولوكاتيس (Lokatis)، وأبانغ ايه مارغاس (Apang a Margas) وبروا (Browa) ودودول (Dodol)، وتاباي اسا توروغان (Tapay asa Torogan) أو (حلوى الكسافا المخمرة).

عندما تكون في كوتاباتو، يمكن للمسافرين تجربة طبق سينينا كامبينغ (Sinina Kambing) أو لحم الماعز المطهي في التوابل والذي يقدم مع أرز السلطعون من مطعم هاشي كوزين (Hashy’s Cuisine)، وهو أحد المطاعم الحلال الرائدة في المنطقة. ومن مطابخ ماغوينداناوان (Maguindanaoan) يأتي طبق لينيغيد نا مانوك (Linigid na Manok، وهو طبق يشبه الدجاج بالكاري ويطهى على البخار في الزنجبيل وحليب جوز الهند الطازج والكركم. ويضاف إليه معجون البالابا (Palapa) ليضفي عليه نكهة عميقة. ويمكن للزوار تجربة هذا الطبق الحلال في مطعم يسمى ماما بينغ (Mama Ping)، وهو عنصر أساسي في مشهد تناول الطعام في كوتاباتو.

أما في مدينة جنرال سانتوس، حيث تكثر التونة، فإن طبق السمك الحلال تونة بونتوت نج ( Buntot ng Tuna) في صلصة الكاري ومعجون البالابا من مطعم تامبيلاوان كامايان (Tambilawan Kamayan). في حين يقدم مطعم الكويت (Al Kuwait eatery) في إليجان طبق باتر أو باستيل، وهو طبق مصنوع من قطع الدجاج أو اللحم البقري أو السمك الملفوف بالأرز المطهو على البخار في أوراق الموز لسهولة تناوله.

 وستجد أطباقًا شهية ولذيذة بانتظارك في شبه جزيرة زامبوانجا، المكونة من زامبوانجا ديل نورتي وزامبوانجا ديل سور وزامبوانجا سيبوغاي. ابدأ جولتك هناك بتناول وعاء من التيولا (Tiyula)، وهي الكلمة المحلية المستخدمة للتعبير عن الحساء في تاوسوج. وأكثر أشكاله شيوعًا هو تيولا ايتوم (Tiyula Itum)، وهو مميز بسبب مرقه الداكن اللون الذي ينتج عن إضافة جوز الهند المتفحم للطبق. وعادة ما يصنع من لحم البقر، ولكنه في بعض الأحيان يعد باستخدام لحم الماعز. إنه أحد الأطباق المتوقعة في تجمعات تاوسوج. وهناك أيضًا طبق ساتي (Satti) وهو وجبة أساسية ثابتة على مائدة الإفطار في زامبوانجا، ويمكن شراؤه من نزل ساتي مثل “Jimmy’s، وMorning Sun، وAndy’s، وDennis، وBaytal Mal“: فهم يقدمون هذه الوجبة المكونة من أسياخ اللحم البقري أو الدجاج أو مكعبات الكبد مع نسختهم الخاصة من صلصة متبلة بعناية كجزء من عروضهم الصباحية.

 في منطقة دافاو، يمكنك تذوق طعام التراثي والذي يعد ثقافة محلية لدى سكان الكاغان الأصليين من خلال أميك (Amik)، وهي حلوى تُصنع عن طريق قلي خليط أرز رقيق محلى يتم تحريكه ببراعة في الزيت الساخن بأيدي متمرسة. الفلفل الحار هو المكون المفضل في الطعام وهو أحد أهم التوابل في مطبخ مينداناو، وهناك العديد من أنواع صلصة الفلفل الحار المتوفرة، مع ابتكارات مثل صلصة المانجو والأناناس الحارة من (SpiChef) في دافاو والتي تبهرك بمزيج مذهل من الطعم الحلو والحار المنعش.

 تناول الطعام مثل السكان المحليين

من نافلة القول أن الفلبينيين يحبون تناول الطعام. ستستمتع بشعور بالنزهة الفلبينية من خلال أجواء نزهات استراحة تناول القهوة، والتي تعد مستلزماتها في صندوق مصنوع يدويًا من الروطان، وستسعد أيضًا بالتذكارات الفلبينية التي تأتي فيه.

وستدخل في الحالة المزاجية عند فرش بساط طاولة التقليدي (Inabel)، المنسوج يدويًا في مجتمعات جبال كورديليرا بناء على تقاليد النسيج التي توارثتها الأجيال هناك. الفلبين هي أيضًا موطن النحاتين الخشبيين الحرفيين الذين يصنعون القطع والنماذج الخشبية المميزة لديكورات المنازل وأدوات الاستخدام اليومي مثل الأكواب المصنوعة من خشب الأكاسيا. تمتع بالمشروب الساخن المصنوع من حبوب البن ذات المستوى العالمي التي يعتني بها المزارعون الفلبينيون. تشتهر قهوة باراكو من باتانجاس بنكهتها القوية ورائحتها الغنية، ولهذا سميت باراكو، وهي اللفظة الفلبينية التي تصف ذكر الخنزير البري. وتتميز قهوة بنجيه التي تعد من أصناف الأرابيكا أحادية الأصل التي تنمو في مرتفعات كورديليراس بشهرتها، ويرجع هذا إلى نكهتها المحبوبة الغنية بمذاق الشوكولاتة والفواكه ونكهات وروائح الأزهار. أما قهوة الروبستا التي يتم حصادها من الأراضي المنخفضة في كافيت وبولاكان وميندورو، فإنها تحتوي على نسبة عالية من الكافيين، وهي أكثر الأصناف التجارية استخدامًا في منتجات القهوة سريعة التحضير المحلية. ويمكنك بتحلية كوبك باستخدام سكر موسكوفادو من مزارع السكر في نيغروس،حيث يحب قاطني هاسيندروس الاستمتاع بمشروباتهم في فترة بعد الظهر مع قضمات مقرمشة من بسكويت البابوريتا. تتكون أقراص البسكوت هذه من قطع مبشورة مصنوعة من دقيق القمح والسكر والحليب الخالي من الدسم والتي ابتكرت في مخبز نوسيدا (Noceda) الذي تم إنشاؤه في نيغروس (Negros) عام 1947.

 المزيد من الأطباق لاكتشافها

هناك المزيد من اكتشافات الطعام في الفلبين، حيث توارثات الأجيال تراثًا غنيًا في مجال الطهي. في حين أن هناك أطباق جديدة تطورت من الوصفات الأساسية على مر السنين، إلا أن العامل الذي يجمع بينها هو النكهات الغنية والمثيرة.

أطلقت وزارة السياحة الفلبينية حملتها #MoreFunAwaits لعرض استعداداتها لاستئناف السفر الدولي حاليًا، مع إعطاء الأولوية للصحة والنظافة والسلامة.

واعتبارًا من الأسبوع الأول من سبتمبر، تم تطعيم 55 في المائة من العاملين في السياحة في جميع أنحاء البلاد. في العاصمة مانيلا الكبرى الصاخبة، تلقى 99٪ من العاملين في السياحة جرعات تطعيمهم ضد كوفيد-19، ما بين العاملين في الفنادق ومؤسسات الإقامة المعتمدة من وزارة السياحة، بالإضافة إلى 99% من العاملين في مجال السياحة في المطاعم المعتمدة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فقد حصلت هذه الوجهة الرائعة على ختم Safe Travels من مجلس السفر والسياحة العالمي (WTTC) الذي يختار الوجهات التي تستوفي معايير الصحة والسلامة الدولية للسفر دون قلق.

تعرف على المزيد حول مغامرات الفلبين الجديدة والمثيرة، بالإضافة إلى تحديثات السلامة والسفر، وتفضل بزيارة موقع الإنترنت www.morefunawaits.comو (لتايلاند)، و (لقطر)، أو تفضل بتنزيل تطبيق Travel Philippines من متجر Google Play ومتجر Apple App Store.


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From grassroots to lawmaker: A glimpse of China’s ‘whole-process democracy’

BEIJING, Oct. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The notion of Chinese democracy is not the same as that in the West. The political system in China is more about consensus building within a greater voice rather than the protracted bargaining to arrive at decisions common in the West.

The country’s application of democratic principles follows an approach Chinese President Xi Jinping has termed “whole-process people’s democracy.” The concept was put forward about two years ago, during Xi’s visit to a civic center in Shanghai.

Based on people’s congress system, the “whole-process people’s democracy” enables the Chinese people to broadly and continuously participate in the day-to-day political activities at all levels, including democratic elections, political consultation, decision-making and oversight.

The story of Chinese lawmaker Liu Li gives a glimpse into how China’s whole-process democracy operates.

A foot masseuse’s way up to China’s top legislature

Liu, a deputy to the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) China’s top legislature, has fought her way to the influential position from the grassroots.

She was born in a poor rural family in Yingshang, a small county in east China’s Anhui Province. She quit school at the age of 14 and worked to support the education of her four siblings.

After leaving home penniless, she went to Wuhan in central China’s Hubei Province to work as a waitress and nanny before finding a job as an apprentice in a foot massage center in Xiamen, east China’s Fujian Province.

Her humble background didn’t stop her charitable giving. Liu dropped out of school, but she didn’t want others to be like her. From 2006 to 2010, she sponsored over 100 students.

Liu’s goodwill made her a national celebrity. She was called “the most beautiful foot masseuse in China” and later became a representative for migrant workers and the rural population in China’s top legislative body.

In 2012, Liu was elected as a deputy to the local legislature in Xiamen and became an NPC deputy in 2013. A year later, she moved back to Anhui, where she runs a foot massage parlor and a community center for seniors. She was elected as a deputy for the 13th NPC.

‘Democracy is not for decoration’

Unlike legislators in the West who make a career of politics, China’s NPC deputies, like Liu, work part-time, and many of them are ordinary citizens from all walks of life, including farmers, factory workers, craftsmen, and even street cleaners.

At the annual full session, NPC deputies review and vote on important legal documents and personnel changes, including electing China’s president and vice president every five years and submitting motions and proposals.

Liu’s proposals have focused on disadvantaged groups, such as the elderly, children and migrant workers. In 2018, Liu proposed establishing local “one-stop” help centers to investigate child sexual abuse cases to the NPC. Her proposal was addressed by the NPC and measures were adopted.

Prosecution authorities in Anhui’s Dingyuan County took the lead and set up a juvenile legal education center to handle such cases and minimize the negative impact on children during investigations. Now, there are 15 such centers in the province.

Liu’s suggestions originated from close contact with local communities. When the NPC is not in session, she visits fellow migrant workers’ homes and collects their opinions online. She also listens to comments on society from her clients who come from all walks of life.

Liu’s story is only one example of how grassroots deputies respond to people’s needs and how people’s congresses contribute to China’s “whole-process democracy.” As Xi observed, “Democracy is not an ornament to be used for decoration; it is to be used to solve the problems that the people want to solve.”

There are five levels of people’s congresses. The deputies are elected by their respective constituencies, either directly or indirectly. NPC deputies are elected by the people’s congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. At the lower levels of township and county, deputies to people’s congresses are elected directly by voters, accounting for a majority of deputies at all levels. They elect deputies to people’s congresses of cities, who in turn elect deputies at the provincial level.

In 2019, there were a total of 2.67 million deputies of people’s congresses of all levels, including 590,000 at the county-level, and 1.94 million at the township level. Deputies at the two levels accounted for 95 percent of the total number.

“If the people are awakened only for voting but enter a dormant period soon after, if they are given a song and dance during campaigning but have no say after the election, or if they are favored during canvassing but are left out in the cold after the election, such a democracy is not a true democracy,” Xi has said.–14BX3wxFJCg/index.html

China Steps Up Assimilation of Ethnic Minorities by Banning Languages in Schools


After experiments aimed at assimilating ethnic minorities in Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, the Chinese government now is moving to apply its cultural assimilation policy for managing all minority populations by eliminating classroom instruction in native languages.

Late last month, Beijing released an updated blueprint for childhood development that removed a guarantee of the rights of minority children to be educated in their native language.

The new China National Program for Child Development (2021-2030), released on September 27, omitted previous directives such as “respect and protect the rights of children of ethnic minorities to be educated in their own language.”

Authorities changed the wording to “promoting the common national language.” The result is that children who belong to ethnic minorities likely will be taught to read and write Mandarin Chinese, instead of their native language in the classroom.

Eliminating or reducing the use of a language is one of the widely used tactics of forced assimilation. Imperial and Soviet Russia attempted to quash the use of Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian. England asserted control over Wales, Scotland and Ireland by banning schooling in those languages. Authorities banned the use of Hawaiian in public schools after American interests forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate in 1893.

China’s latest revision goes against UNESCO policy, which has encouraged mother tongue instruction in primary education since 1953. Numerous academic studies back that position, according to the Global Partnership for Education, which distilled the research in a 2014 blog post, saying in part, “Children are more likely to enroll and succeed in school if they use their mother tongues.”

VOA Mandarin contacted the Chinese Embassy in Washington for comment on the new policy but did not receive a response.

Pan Mei-Lin, a professor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, told VOA Mandarin that China’s latest policies will gradually phase out the unique cultures of the targeted minority groups.

“From the perspective of the Han Chinese, it is to increase national unity, but it’s real consequence is a kind of cultural extinction,” she told VOA Mandarin in a phone interview. There are dozens of ethnic minority groups in China but more than 90% of the total population belongs to the Han ethnic group. What is regarded as Chinese culture is Han culture.

Yang Haiying, a cultural anthropologist and professor at Shizuoka University in Japan, said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been quietly expanding the new assimilation policies.

The current expansion marks a departure from the recent official policy toward ethnic minorities. In the 1980s, Beijing began promoting their cultural autonomy and worked to reduce socioeconomic inequality between minorities and Han Chinese. That position was a form of redress for the persecution and pressure to assimilate that minorities underwent during the upheaval of the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1977.

And although the drive to promote cultural autonomy appeared to benefit many minorities, efforts to Sinicize minority groups have been ramped up under President Xi Jinping.

The coronavirus has helped Sinicize minority enclaves. Unable to travel outside China due to pandemic restrictions, Han Chinese tourists are visiting minority areas. “The CCP has a strategy of commodifying the culture of ethnic minorities in an attempt to neutralize their unique and distinct identities,” said Joyce Ho of the Human Rights Foundation in an October 1 op-ed in The Hill.

Yang told VOA Mandarin in a phone interview that as of early September, Chinese authorities already had changed a few regulations for kindergartens and elementary schools in central Hubei Province, home to several ethnic minorities.

According to Yang, the local regulations were revised to eliminate the right of minorities to use their own language in schools in favor of Mandarin Chinese, the nation’s official language.

“The reason being they’re Tujia and She ethnic minority groups in Hubei, and the population is very small. The calculation is that there would be less reaction to these assimilation policies, and it can serve as a pilot program for extending these policies to other ethnic minorities later,” he told VOA Mandarin.

Yang said that in the past, it usually would take a year or two for authorities in Beijing to extend pilot programs to all provinces. “But now you see they are really speeding up these efforts, they don’t even bother to say that ‘we respect the rights of the minority groups’,” Yang added.

Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang

Among the 56 ethnic minorities in China, Tibetans, Mongolians and Uyghurs have been the most outspoken against Beijing’s repressive policies.

The Diplomat reported in April 2020 that Beijing was using the social monitoring developed to contain the pandemic to increase surveillance in Tibet. Just over a year later, the Wall Street Journal reported in July that Beijing was increasing surveillance and restrictions for the 6.3 million Tibetans in China. The traditional artworks in school were all replaced by portraits of Xi Jinping.

German anthropologist Adrian Zenz is the author of “Tibetanness” Under Threat?, a study of the modern Tibetan education system. According to his research, as of 2015, all Tibetan schools had stopped recruiting teachers who teach in the Tibetan language. After collecting job advertisements by the local government for more than 10 years, Zenz concluded that Mandarin Chinese, not Tibetan, is the primary instructional language in Tibet. Official Chinese media has disputed his work and called Zenz “a swindler in academic disguise.”

The United Nations defines “any deliberate act committed with intent to destroy the language” as linguistic genocide, which in the 1948 International Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, is one aspect of cultural genocide, and a crime against humanity.

Kelsang Gyaltsen Bawa, the Tibetan government-in-exile’s representative to Taiwan, told VOA Mandarin he’s worried about the future of the Tibetan language.

“Before, 70% to 80% of those who live in Tibet can speak the Tibetan language fluently,” he said. “Now, among young Tibetans, 9 out of 10 don’t know how to write our own language.”

A similar linguistic erasure is occurring in Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uyghurs.

Ilshat Hassan Kokbore, director of Chinese Affairs at World Uyghur Congress, a Germany-based advocacy organization, told VOA Mandarin that in big cities, few young people are able to speak the Uyghur language.

He added that after years of China’s assimilation policy in Xinjiang, it has become difficult for locals to preserve their language, culture and identity. “We are working hard to preserve our language and culture overseas, and we need other countries and allies to help us stop the CCP from destroying our cultural heritage,” he told VOA Mandarin.

In Inner Mongolia, ethnic Mongolian parents and students staged a large boycott in 2020, protesting a new bilingual education policy that requires schools to use national textbooks in Mandarin starting in the first grade of primary schools and in middle schools, replacing the current Mongolian textbooks.

Temtsultu Shotsood is the chairman of Southern Mongolia Congress, an NGO headquartered in Tokyo aimed at promoting the rights of Mongolians. He told VOA Mandarin the protests have led to the arrest of over 5,000 people.

The CCP “thinks that after the arrest[s], the situation is stable now. But the truth is that Mongolians are angry. They might have no channels to express their dissatisfaction for now, but on the international stage, we are reasoning with them [the CCP], we are telling them this is cultural genocide,” he told VOA Mandarin in a phone interview.

The Chinese Constitution states that “all ethnic groups in China have the freedom and right to use and develop their own spoken and written languages.”

Anthropologist Yang of Shizuoka University predicts Beijing’s next step will be to change the constitution. “The CCP is now amending local regulations, and the next step is to change the constitution, getting rid of the language that all ethnic groups have the right to use their own languages,” he said. “I suspect then very likely, all the autonomous regions will be changed to provinces as well.”

Source: Voice of America

Uganda Police Investigate Bus Explosion That Killed 1 Person


Ugandan police are investigating an explosion on a long-distance bus that killed one person Monday, the second fatal blast in less than 48 hours in the East African country.

The bus was traveling from the capital, Kampala, to the western part of Uganda.

The cause of the blast was not immediately known. Police said in a statement they dispatched bomb experts to the scene in central Uganda.

Initially, police had said two people on the bus were killed but later said there had been one death, without explaining the revision. They made no mention of injuries, but the Red Cross, which sent ambulances, said at least one person was injured in the leg.

On Saturday, a bomb explosion at an eatery in a busy Kampala suburb killed one person. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for that attack.

The extremist group said in a statement late Sunday that it detonated an explosive device at the eatery allegedly “frequented by elements and spies” with Uganda’s government.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni described Saturday’s explosion as an apparent terrorist act.

Museveni said three people entered the eatery where pork is grilled and left a plastic bag with contents that later exploded. Police have not announced any arrests.

The British government updated its travel guidance for Uganda this month to say extremists “are very likely to try to carry out attacks.”

Source: Voice of America

Biden in Final Push to Secure Passage of Social Safety Net Spending Plan


U.S. President Joe Biden held a crucial private meeting with two key senators Sunday as he races to complete the details of a pared-down social safety net and climate control spending plan set for introduction in Congress as soon as Monday.

The president hosted Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer at his home in (the northeastern city of) Wilmington, Delaware, along with Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of two pivotal lawmakers in Biden’s own Democratic party who has called for sharp cutbacks in the president’s original $3.5 trillion plan proposing the biggest expansion of government benefits to American families in five decades.

A statement by the White House press office says the three men held a “productive discussion of the Build Back Better Agenda,” the formal name of Biden’s so-called “human infrastructure” plan, “including equipping Americans to get back to work and making our economy deliver for the middle class — not just those at the top.”

The statement said the trio “continued to make progress” and agreed to remain “in close touch with each other and the wide range of members who have worked hard on these negotiations.”

With the 100-member Senate equally split between Republicans and Democrats, the policy agreement and votes of Manchin and Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, the two most moderate members of the Democratic caucus, are key to passage of the legislation, along with the tie-breaking vote of Vice President Kamala Harris. Currently, no Republicans support the legislation.

Biden has expressed hope that he can reach agreement this week on what he has acknowledged will be a more limited spending plan of about $2 trillion or less, with some provisions, such as two tuition-free years of community college, jettisoned from the final package and others, such as paid worker leave and dental insurance for older Americans, trimmed or delayed.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, told CNN’s “State of the Union” show, that 90% of the measure “is agreed to” and that it is being written Sunday, with final details yet to be worked out. She said it will be introduced on Monday.

“We’re pretty much there now,” she said.

Pelosi said that despite the likelihood that the original Biden spending proposal will be roughly cut in half, it will be “bigger than anything we’ve ever done in terms of helping families,” with extended tax credits for all but the wealthiest parents and universal pre-kindergarten schooling for three- and four-year-old children.

As details of the social safety net plan are finalized, the House leader said her plan is for the chamber to vote later this week on a bipartisan trillion-dollar infrastructure measure already approved by the Senate to fix the country’s deteriorating roads and bridges and expand broadband internet service throughout the United States.

“I’m optimistic we can do that,” she said.

The infrastructure spending plan drew the support of 19 Republicans in the Senate, along with that of all 50 Democrats, but progressive Democrats in the House blocked its passage there until agreement could be reached on the social safety net legislation.

Representative Ro Khanna of California, a key member of the House Progressive Caucus, told “Fox News Sunday” that the president recently told a group of lawmakers that he needs passage of both the social safety net bill and a separate $1.2 trillion measure that funds key upgrades to the nation’s physical infrastructure before he travels to Glascow, Scotland next week for the United Nations-sponsored COP26 climate conference.

Biden had proposed raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals earning more than $400,000 a year to pay for his social safety net measure, but Sinema has balked at both. That has left the White House and Democrats supporting the Biden spending plan to scramble to find other ways to pay for it.

Pelosi said, “We have an array” of other ways to pay for the measure, including a so-called “wealth tax” targeting the estimated 700 U.S. billionaires. “We’re going to fully pay for the bill.”

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told CNN the legislation would take aim at “exceptionally wealthy individuals” and likely tax their unrealized capital gains that now are only taxed when they sell assets. She said tax payment enforcement would also be ramped up to collect more revenue.

Source: Voice of America