‫شركة Samtrade FX توقع اتفاقية رعاية مع فريق كرة القدم La Liga لنادي فالنسيا

 كينجز تاون، سانت فنسنت وجزر غرينادين، 17 سبتمبر 2021 / PRNewswire/ – وقعت شركة الوساطة التجارية العالمية Samtrade FX اتفاقية رعاية لمدة 3 سنوات تتضمن إدراج اسمهم على ظهر قميص النادي “VCF Back of Shirt” مع فريق كرة القدم لنادي فالنسيا (“Valencia CF“). تعد هذه الاتفاقية مع نادي فالنسيا تصريحًا قويًا برغبة شركة Samtrade FX ونيتها الاستراتيجية للتوسع في السوق الأوروبية في صورتها الأكبر.

Samtrade FX - the official VCF Back of Shirt partner of Valencia CF

وباعتبار شركة Samtrade FX شريكًا راعيًا مدرج على ظهر قميص الفريق، فإنها ستعرض شعارها وعلامتها التجارية وألوانها التجارية على كل من مجموعات ملابس اللعب والتدريب، وكذلك ستقدم نفسها من خلال الإعلان على ملعب Mestalla – على الشاشة العملاقة، وعلى لوحات عملاقة، وعلى الحافلة الرسمية للفريق، وفي ساحة التدريب في Paterna، وخلال الفعاليات المؤسسية للنادي وعلى جميع أصوله الرقمية: سواء موقع الويب والتطبيق والشبكات الاجتماعية الرسمية لنادي فالنسيا.

وعلق سام جوه، مؤسس شركة Samtrade FX  والرئيس التنفيذي لها، على هذه الشراكة قائلاً: “إن هذه الشراكة تعد فرصة مثيرة للجمع بين علامتين تجاريتين تتمتعان بتقدير عالمي لالتزامهما بالتميز. إننا نرى أوجه تشابه هائلة بين منصة Samtrade FX للتداول التي تتميز بالسرعة الخاطفة والثقة الهائلة، وبين اللعب السريع والدقيق الذي يقدمه نادي فالنسيا على أرض الملعب”.

وتعليقًا على شراكة الرعاية هذه، فقد صرح رئيس نادي فالنسيا – أنيل مورثي، قائلًا:

“يسعد نادي فالنسيا أن يكون أول نادي من الدوري الإسباني يوقع اتفاقية رعاية مع شركة Samtrade FX، وهي شركة وساطة وتداول عبر الإنترنت، وتعد من الشركات الحاصدة للجوائز. وتتسق هذه الاتفاقية الجديدة مع هدفنا المتمثل في تنمية العلامة التجارية لنادي فالنسيا وتوسيع قاعدة معجبيه على المستوى الدولي، خاصة في سوق شديد الأهمية مثل آسيا”.

تحمل Samtrade FX رسالة تتمثل في “جعل أولوياتك أولويتنا”، ويتحمل هذه الرسالة فريق من المستشارين وموظفي خدمة العملاء الملتزمين بدعم العملاء على مدار رحلتهم في عالم التداول. وهذا الالتزام الدائم تجاه المجتمع هو قيمة مشتركة أخرى بين نادي فالنسيا وشركة Samtrade FX.

نبذة عن شركة SAMTRADE FX

Samtrade FX هي وسيط تداول عبر الإنترنت، توفر تداول العملات الأجنبية والخدمات الأخرى المتعلقة بها، ويثق بها أكثر من 200 ألف عميل. وقد تم تأسيسها بهدف تزويد المتداولين بوصول آمن وسهل ومنخفض التكلفة إلى أسواق الصرف الأجنبي. كما أن مؤسسي وشركاء Samtrade FX من التجار ولديهم خبرة كبيرة بالتداول وإبرام عقود مقابل الفروقات. ويضم مجلسها الاستشاري مهنيين ذوي معرفة وخبرة قادرين على تزويد العملاء بمشورة مهنية لا مثيل لها.

تم تأسيس Samtrade FX في سانت فنسنت وجزر غرينادين تحت رقم تسجيل 25290 IBC 2019 على يد مسجل شركات الأعمال الدولية. وكذلك تعد شركة Samtrade FX عضوًا أيضًا في اللجنة المالية. وهي مسجلة ومنظمة لدى مركز تحليل المعاملات المالية والتقارير في كندا (FINTRAC) في إطار أعمال الخدمات المالية (MSB) برقم التسجيل: M19977589. تم تداول الشركة التابعة لها، S.A.M. Trade (Asia) Pte Ltd علنًا في أسواق OTC في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بالرمز (OTCMKTS: SMFX)

 للتواصل الإعلامي
هايدي تشان

صورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1627408/Samtrade_FX___ValenciaCF_Sponsorship_image.jpg

 الشعار- https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1551562/Samtrade_FX_Logo.jpg

CGTN: China calls for solidarity among SCO members as the bloc turns 20

BEIJING, Sept. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — China on Friday called on member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and build a closer SCO community with a shared future.

Noting that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the SCO’s founding, Chinese President Xi Jinping reviewed the history of SCO cooperation and made proposals for its future development at the 21st meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO. The summit was held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, which is holding the rotating SCO presidency in 2021.

Addressing the summit in Beijing via video link, Xi called on SCO member states to enhance collaboration on Afghanistan-related issues and promote a smooth transition in the country.

The SCO will launch procedures to admit Iran as a member state and Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Qatar as new dialogue partners on Friday, said the Chinese president.

Efforts to build ‘new type of international relations’

The creation of the SCO was announced on June 15, 2001, in Shanghai by Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russian, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. India and Pakistan joined the bloc in 2017, bringing the number of member states to eight.

President Xi hailed the “vigorous growth” of the SCO and the “fruitful, mutually beneficial cooperation” among its member states during the past two decades.

“Guided by the Shanghai Spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations and pursuit of common development, the SCO has endeavored to promote world peace, development and human progress, and to explore new ground, both theoretically and with actual steps, with a view to building a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind,” the Chinese president said.

SCO member states have jointly promoted political mutual trust, ensured security and stability, pursued prosperity and development, and upheld international justice, he added.

“We were the first to call for fighting terrorism, separatism and extremism,” Xi said, underscoring cooperation among SCO members states in curbing the spread of drug trafficking and holding counter-terrorism exercises and border control operations.

‘Closer SCO community with a shared future’

The SCO has reached a “new historical starting point” after 20 years of development, President Xi said, calling for efforts to “build a closer SCO community with a shared future” and make further contributions to lasting global peace and common prosperity.

The organization should stay committed to enhancing solidarity and cooperation, upholding common security, promoting openness and integration, boosting interactions and mutual learning, and upholding equity and justice, he said.

The Chinese president called on SCO member states to enhance policy dialogue, communication and coordination and respect each other’s legitimate concerns in their cooperation so as to keep the organization “on a steady course of development.”

“We should maintain firm confidence in our systems, reject condescending lecturing, and firmly support countries in exploring development paths and governance models that are compatible with their national conditions,” he said. “We should keep the future of our countries’ development and progress firmly in our own hands.”

‘Most pressing task’

Stressing that the fight against COVID-19 remains the “most pressing task,” President Xi called for joint efforts among the member states to deepen cooperation against the pandemic, promote fair and equitable distribution of vaccines and firmly oppose any act of politicizing COVID-19 origins tracing.

China has provided approximately 1.2 billion doses of finished and bulk vaccines to over 100 countries and international organizations, he said, adding that China will step up efforts to provide a total of two billion doses to other countries this year.

To facilitate post-COVID economic recovery in the region, China will strive to reach $2.3 trillion in its cumulative trade with other SCO countries in the next five years, Xi said.

China will also provide 1,000 training opportunities in poverty alleviation for other SCO countries in the next three years, he announced.

SCO cooperation on Afghanistan

President Xi called for tough actions from SCO member states to combat terrorism, separatism and extremism, including the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM).

Commenting on the “daunting challenges” faced by Afghanistan after the withdrawal of foreign troops, he called on SCO member states to make full use of platforms such as the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group and facilitate a smooth transition in the country.

“We need to encourage Afghanistan to put in place a broad-based and inclusive political framework, adopt prudent and moderate domestic and foreign policies, resolutely fight all forms of terrorism, live in amity with its neighbors and truly embark on a path of peace, stability and development,” he stressed.

The Afghan Taliban took control of Kabul on August 15 and announced the formation of a caretaker government earlier this month. China has urged the Taliban to make a clean break with all terrorist organizations, including the ETIM, and resolutely fight against them. The Taliban have pledged not to allow Afghan territory to be used “against anybody or any country in the world.”

‘Defenders of international order’

President Xi highlighted the SCO’s role in upholding equity and justice in the world. “Acting from a so-called ‘position of strength’ is not the way to handle international affairs, and hegemonic, domineering and bullying acts should be firmly rejected,” he said.

“We need to practice true multilateralism and oppose actions that use the name of the so-called rules to undermine the international order and cause confrontation and division,” he added.

As the SCO launches procedures to admit Iran as a member state and Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Qatar as new dialogue partners, Xi expressed confidence that the “growing SCO family” will play roles as the “builders of world peace, contributors to global development and defenders of the international order.”


Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqEUFgbtaac

UNICEF Zimbabwe Humanitarian Situation Report No. 4: 31 August 2021

5,690 children (3,189 girls and 2,501 boys), constituting 25% of the target, were admitted to community and facility-based programmes for the treatment of severe wasting from January to July 2021.

Between January and August 2021, a total of 1,559,634 women and children (1,183,255 females; 376,379 males) were reached with primary health care services against an annual target of 2.7 million.

A total of 694,008 people (369,097 females; 319,894 males; 5,017 people with disabilities [PLWDs]) out of an annual target of 610,057 were reached with safe water.

9,725 households (comprising over 41,152 people including 18,632 children) against an operational target of 8,250 households benefitted from emergency cash transfers in Highfields, Gutu and Mufakose districts.

Situation in Numbers as of 31 August 2021

124,773 cumulative COVID-19 cases

113,057 total recoveries

4,419 deaths

577,925 PCR tests conducted

7,297 active cases

Source: Zimbabwe COVID-19 Daily Sitrep 30/08/2021, Ministry of Health and Child Care

Funding Overview and Partnerships

UNICEF is appealing for US$ 65.8 million to meet the humanitarian needs in the country in 2021 as a result of the multiple hazards of residual impacts of Cyclone Idai and floods, COVID-19 and diarrheal disease outbreaks, and the economic crisis. As of 30 August 2021, funds totalling US$ 10,968,046 (17 per cent of the total 2021 funding requirement) had been received from various donors that include China, ECHO, Germany, Japan, US Fund for UNICEF, CDC, USA (OFDA), FCDO, SIDA, Denmark, Danish Committee for UNICEF and UNICEF Global Thematic Humanitarian. Other donors, including, the HDF group (FCDO, Irish Aid, EU, SIDA, GAVI) have approved reprogramming of the development funds to support the COVID-19 response as well as EDF and GPE.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

Despite improved cereal security in Zimbabwe as a result of increased maize yield in 2021, pockets of food insecurity have persisted in some areas including in urban areas where reduction in employment and household incomes compounded by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have affected affordability of basic food, goods and services. According to the ZIMSTAT Rapid PICES phone survey conducted from December 2020 to 10 March 2021, a significant share of households continued to report reduced income from various sources in the aftermath of the second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak. Access to health favored urban areas compared to rural areas, and lack of money was the primary reason for not being able to access medical treatment as sited by 78 percent of households. The year on year inflation rate for the month of August 2021, as measured by the all items in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), stood at 50.24 percent – a marked reduction from 107% in June 2021. However, the month on month inflation rate in August 2021 was at 4.18 percent gaining from 3.88% recorded in June 2021. This marginal increase in month on month inflation, continues to exert pressure on the prices of basic goods and services on the domestic market.

The third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to adversely affect the humanitarian situation in Zimbabwe with a sharp increase in cases between June and August 2021 before a steady decrease of cases during the second half of August 2021. As of 31 August 2021, Zimbabwe had recorded 124,773 COVID-19 cases more than double the 49,864 cumulative cases recorded in June 2021. A total of 4,419 deaths had been recorded by 31 August, up from 1,789 deaths recorded in June 2021. Harare still had the highest incidence per capita at 1,274 cases per 100,000 followed by Matabeleland South with 1,221 cases per 100,000 and Mashonaland West at 1,077 cases per 100,000. The Government of Zimbabwe re-opened schools beginning with examination classes on 30 August with the rest of the classes scheduled to reopen on 8 September 2021.

The national COVID-19 vaccination campaign has continued to progress steadily between June and August 2021. By 31 August, a total of 2,552,573 people had received first doses of the vaccine up from 777,161 in June 2021. A total of 1,619,463 people had received the second doses of the vaccine up from 555,277 in June 2021. Some negative perceptions and barriers to vaccination still persist, particularly reckless behaviors among the youth with perceptions of immunity to COVID-19, and unrestrained visits to bars and pubs regularly where they do not social distance, and share drinks and cigarettes in violation of COVID-19 safety measures. There is also misinformation circulating amongst young people that there have been deaths and complications after people have been vaccinated which is still a major setback in the vaccination campaign2 . This underscores the need to continue to reinforce the general COVID-19 safety measures and national vaccination campaign that increases dialogue and reinforcement for positive behaviors in dealing with COVID-19.

Source: UN Children’s Fund

‘Learn from the lessons and don’t forget them’: identifying transferable lessons for COVID-19 from meningitis A, yellow fever and Ebola virus disease vaccination campaigns

COVID-19 vaccines are now being distributed to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), with global urgency surrounding national vaccination plans. LMICs have significant experience implementing vaccination campaigns to respond to epidemic threats but are often hindered by chronic health system challenges. We sought to identify transferable lessons for COVID-19 vaccination from the rollout of three vaccines that targeted adult groups in Africa and South America: MenAfriVac (meningitis A); 17D (yellow fever) and rVSV-ZEBOV (Ebola virus disease).

Methods We conducted a rapid literature review and 24 semi-structured interviews with technical experts who had direct implementation experience with the selected vaccines in Africa and South America. We identified barriers, enablers, and key lessons from the literature and from participants’ experiences. Interview data were analysed thematically according to seven implementation domains.

Results Participants highlighted multiple components of vaccination campaigns that are instrumental for achieving high coverage. Community engagement is an essential and effective tool, requiring dedicated time, funding and workforce. Involving local health workers is a key enabler, as is collaborating with community leaders to map social groups and tailor vaccination strategies to their needs. Vaccination team recruitment and training strategies need to be enhanced to support vaccination campaigns. Although recognised as challenging, integrating vaccination campaigns with other routine health services can be highly beneficial if well planned and coordinated across health programmes and with communities.

Conclusion As supplies of COVID-19 vaccines become available to LMICs, countries need to prepare to efficiently roll out the vaccine, encourage uptake among eligible groups and respond to potential community concerns. Lessons from the implementation of these three vaccines that targeted adults in LMICs can be used to inform best practice for COVID-19 and other epidemic vaccination campaigns.

Source: British Medical Journal