Visit Rajant in North Hall at Booth 1261-N

Malvern, Pennsylvania (USA), Sept. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rajant Corporation, the provider of Kinetic Mesh® wireless networks, announces two new products at MINExpo. The latest enhancement adds a global LTE radio to its fourth-generation industry-leading BreadCrumb® Peregrine product line. With one 2.4GHz radio, two 5GHz radios, and LTE, the enhanced Peregrine provides up to 2.633Gbps of aggregated capacity. In addition, Rajant is launching MeshTracer a software-based personnel and asset tracking solution that can monitor Rajant BreadCrumbs, AeroScout tags, and any Wi-Fi device that uses a static MAC address.

“Improving the safety and productivity of mining operations is the byproduct of Rajant Kinetic Mesh. It is the only industrial wireless network enabling machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity and mobility in markets like open-pit and underground mining”, shares Geoff Smith, EVP of Sales and Marketing for Rajant. “Adding an LTE client now allows all mining companies that have invested in LTE to leverage that infrastructure while benefiting from the mine-wide mission-critical coverage Kinetic Mesh provides. Tracking personnel and assets is mandatory underground, making Rajant’s latest MeshTracer a logical addition to the BreadCrumb portfolio. Adding the ability to track BreadCrumbs both above and below ground allows a mine to observe areas for process improvements. Finally, supporting Wi-Fi devices allows for two-way communication in emergencies.”

“We are ecstatic with the performance we have seen in the new Peregrines that we have deployed throughout Australia. Our customers see as much as four times the increase in capacity over the previous generation. Rajant provides unique value by maintaining backward compatibility with previous generation BreadCrumbs deployed in the field. This allows sites to upgrade between models knowing that there will be no loss to communications”, shares Chris Acton, General Manager for Acubis Technologies. “We also have many customers in Australia who have invested in LTE solutions but are experiencing coverage and data upload issues. These customers are very anxious to deploy the latest LTE-equipped Peregrines. And being able to now track BreadCrumbs as well as personnel above and below ground provides critical new benefits for our customers.’’

Deployed in more than 230 of the largest open-pit and underground mines globally, Rajant pioneered fully mobile V2X/M2M and has a heritage of maintaining interoperability with existing BreadCrumb wireless nodes with new product releases. Along with the product announcement at MINExpo, live video/voice demonstrations and partner interviews will run daily. They will include Rajant, Boston Dynamics, NEVIL, Overwatch Aero, Vorbeck, and xCraft. Email meeting interest to MINExpo@rajant.com.

About Rajant Corporation

Rajant Corporation is the broadband communications technology company that invented Kinetic Mesh® networking, BreadCrumb® wireless nodes, and InstaMesh® networking software. With Rajant, customers can rapidly deploy a highly adaptable and scalable network that leverages the power of real-time data to deliver on-demand, mission-critical business intelligence. A low-latency, high-throughput, and secure solution for a variety of data, voice, video, and autonomous applications, Rajant’s Kinetic Mesh networks provide industrial customers with full mobility, allowing them to take their private network applications and data anywhere. With successful deployments in more than 65 countries for customers in military, mining, ports, rail, oil & gas, petrochemical plants, municipalities, and agriculture. Rajant is headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania, with additional facilities and offices in Arizona and Kentucky. For more information, visit Rajant.com or follow Rajant on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Alice DiSanto
Rajant Corporation

التلفزيون الصيني المركزي: الرئيس شي يناشد باحترام المعلمين وتقدير التعليم

بكين، 13 سبتمبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ — دعا الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ إلى ضرورة احترام المجتمع الصيني للمعلمين وتقدير التعليم.

يحظى المعلمون باهتمام بالغ من قِبَل الرئيس الصيني.

في زياراته للمدارس والجامعات فيa السنوات الأخيرة، رحب الرئيس شي بالعديد من المعلمين وأقر بإسهامهم في التنمية الاجتماعية الصينية.

في عام 2016، تفضل فخامة الرئيس بزيارة مدرسة بكين بايي (Beijing Bayi) هذه المدرسة التي كان قد أمضى فيها مرحلته الدراسية الابتدائية والإعدادية وعبر خلال الزيارة عن تقديره للمعلمين في البلاد على اجتهادهم والتزامهم.

كما صرح فخامته قبل سنوات أثناء زيارته لمدرسة بكين بايي، حيث التي أمضى فيها سنوات دراسته الابتدائية والإعدادية، قائلًا: “أود أن أغتنم هذه الفرصة لأتقدم بأقصى التحيات والابتهاج إلى جميع المعلمين والعاملين في مجال التعليم في جميع أنحاء البلاد”.

أجرى الرئيس شي محادثات مع العديد من المعلمين المتقاعدين في المدرسة الذين شهدوا تطوره خلال فترة وجوده كطالب.

زار شي جامعة بكين في مايو 2018 ودعا إلى بذل المزيد من الجهود لبناء جامعات البلاد في مؤسسات عالمية ذات خصائص صينية.

عند كان الرئيس شي على رأس ندوة في بكين لمعلمي النظرية الأيديولوجية والسياسية في مارس 2019، شدد فخامته على الجهود المبذولة لتنفيذ سياسة الحزب التعليمية وتعزيز الفضيلة من خلال التعليم مع التفكير في الاشتراكية ذات الخصائص الصينية لعصر جديد.

وخلال تفقده لجامعة تسينغهوا في أبريل، تحدث الرئيس شي إلى طلاب الجامعة وشجع الشباب الصيني على تحمل مسؤولياتهم التاريخية والسعي من أجل تجديد الشباب الوطني.

كما وجه الرئيس شي الشكر إلى الباحثين والمعلمين على مساهماتهم الأكاديمية وشجع أعضاء هيئة التدريس الشباب على مواصلة تحقيق اختراقات في مجالات دراستهم.


الفيديو – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjrsjGt0Cb0

TBD Media launches 50 MENA Leaders campaign to highlight region’s influence and transformation

LONDON, Sept. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Region becomes focus of Global Thought Leadership campaign.

Internationally-renowned TBD Media Group are launching ’50 MENA Leaders’, a campaign to highlight thinkers and innovators shaping the future of the planet from within the MENA region.

Covering topic areas such as industry, technology, sustainability, advisory, finance and energy, the project is being launched in collaboration with Gulf News, the region’s most-trusted English language news source.

Timed to coincide with Dubai Expo 2021, thought leaders from MENA’s most forward-thinking businesses will appear in issue-led interviews to explore their approach, building on both ancient traditions and cutting edge technology to create a better future. These interviews will be available through the 50 MENA Leaders portal on the Gulf News website, reaching a truly global audience hungry to learn more about the region’s growing economy.

A full list of organisations participating in the 50 MENA Leaders initiative will be released prior to the event.

About TBD Media Group:

TBD Media Group is an international, purpose-driven, media developer that helps companies, organisations and governments tell their brand stories in a human and direct way. Learn more at https://www.tbdmediagroup.com/.

Video – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1613311/TBD__Global_Thought_Leaders.mp4

Media Contact:

Jenna-Leigh Soobramoney
Head of Marketing
TBD Media Group
+44 (0)20 3865 9442

CPOPC Holds A Writing Competition on Smallholder’s Topic

JAKARTA, Indonesia, Sept. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A short story competition with the theme “smallholders and oil palm plantation” is now open for entries.

Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) holds a story writing competition to engage communities and families living near or within the palm oil plantation in palm oil producing countries. For more info, please visit: https://www.cpopc.org/events/

This competition organized by the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) engages the communities and families living near or within the palm oil plantation in Indonesia, Malaysia and other oil palm producing countries.

As more than 40% of the global palm oil production is done by smallholders, the stories should focus on the smallholders’ significant role in the palm oil industry, acknowledging thereby that their lives also face challenges. It is due time that we start recognizing smallholders’ substantial contributions to the palm oil industry in meeting one of the most important elements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that is sustainable consumption and production. Through this competition, CPOPC hopes to convey the importance of establishing a global alliance of oil palm smallholders of palm oil producing countries where information sharing and collaboration will continue to take place.

This competition could make people appreciate the important role of smallholders in providing affordable vegetable oil for food and energy.

Winning entries may win up to USD1,000 and a chance to share real-life stories of smallholders’ efforts in managing their plantations and in creating a decent life for their families. CPOPC is offering prizes worth USD7,950 for all winning entries.

Participant may submit their stories of 500 to 750 words in one of these languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, English, Spanish or French.

The categories are in the following:

  • Decent work, education, and sustainable community
  • Poverty alleviation, zero hunger, health and economic growth
  • Climate action, environment and biodiversity

All the winning stories will be published into a book. The deadline for submission is September 30, 2021. Submissions of short stories can be sent to cpopcstorycompetition@cpopc.org.

For more information on the competition please visit: https://www.cpopc.org/events/

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1612849/CPOPC_Story_Competition_Flyer_English.jpg

Le CPOPC organise un concours de rédaction sur le thème des petits exploitants

JAKARTA, Indonésie, 13 septembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Un concours de nouvelles ayant pour thème « les petits exploitants et les plantations de palmiers à huile » est désormais ouvert aux inscriptions.

Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) holds a story writing competition to engage communities and families living near or within the palm oil plantation in palm oil producing countries. For more info, please visit: https://www.cpopc.org/events/

Ce concours organisé par le Conseil des pays producteurs d’huile de palme (CPOPC) fait participer les communautés et les familles vivant à proximité ou à l’intérieur des plantations de palmiers à huile en Indonésie, en Malaisie et dans d’autres pays producteurs d’huile de palme.

Étant donné que plus de 40 % de la production mondiale d’huile de palme est assurée par des petits exploitants, les histoires devraient se concentrer sur le rôle important de ces derniers dans l’industrie de l’huile de palme, tout en reconnaissant que leurs vies sont également confrontées à des enjeux. Il est temps que nous commencions à reconnaître les contributions substantielles des petits exploitants à l’industrie de l’huile de palme pour atteindre l’un des éléments les plus importants des objectifs de développement durable (ODD), à savoir la consommation et la production durables. Grâce à ce concours, le CPOPC espère faire comprendre l’importance d’établir une alliance mondiale des petits exploitants de palmiers à huile des pays producteurs d’huile de palme, où le partage d’informations et la collaboration se poursuivront.

Ce concours pourrait faire apprécier le rôle important des petits exploitants dans la fourniture d’huile végétale abordable pour l’alimentation et l’énergie.

Les gagnants peuvent remporter jusqu’à 1 000 USD et avoir la chance de partager des histoires vraies quant aux efforts déployés par les petits exploitants pour gérer leurs plantations et créer une vie décente pour leurs familles. La CPOPC offre des prix d’une valeur de 7 950 USD à tous les participants gagnants.

Les participants peuvent présenter leurs histoires de 500 à 750 mots dans l’une de ces langues : en indonésien, en malaisien, en anglais, en espagnol ou en français.

Les catégories sont les suivantes :

  • Travail décent, éducation et communauté durable
  • Lutte contre la pauvreté, faim zéro, santé et croissance économique
  • Lutte contre le changement climatique, environnement et biodiversité

Toutes les histoires gagnantes seront publiées dans un livre. La date limite pour nous faire parvenir vos nouvelles est le 30 septembre 2021. Elles peuvent être envoyées à cpopcstorycompetition@cpopc.org.

Pour plus d’informations sur le concours, veuillez consulter le site : https://www.cpopc.org/events/

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1612849/CPOPC_Story_Competition_Flyer_English.jpg

‫أصبحت دهانات الجزيرة أول شركة تقدم طلاء (كولد بلاستيك) في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, 13 سبتمبر / أيلول 2021 /PRNewswire/ —

تفخر دهانات الجزيرة Jazeera Paints، إحدى الشركات الرائدة في تصنيع الدهانات في الشرق الأوسط، بأن تعلن أنها الوكيل الحصري الآن لدهانات “كولد بلاستيك” في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا.

Best Road marking paint (Cold Plastic) In MENA

مع أن دهان (كولد بلاستيك) يقدم لوناً لامعاً وسريع الجفاف، ويعتمد على أحدث تقنيات طلاء علامات الطرق، والمعروفة باسم الطلاء المركزي بمادة الميثيل ميثأكريلات (MMA)، ومع أن مجموعة من المشاريع الضخمة في جميع أنحاء المملكة العربية السعودية قد استخدمت هذا الطلاء، إلا أنه كان متاحاً للطلب من الخارج فقط حتى وقتٍ قريب! فكثيراً ما يوصى باستخدامه لوضع علامات المرور وإشاراتها على الطرق العامة والخاصة، وكذلك في مناطق مرائب السيارات. يشتهر (كولد بلاستيك) بمقاومته الممتازة للاحتكاك، والأشعة فوق البنفسجية، وغيرهما من عوامل الإجهاد البيئية.

تعدّ تركيبة دهانات الجزيرة تركيبة مثالية يُعتمد عليها إلى حد كبير في استخدامات عديدة وتطبيقات متنوعة، سواءً كانت داخلية أو خارجية، على الأسطح الإسفلتية أو أسطح الخرسانة أو الإيبوكسي، فهذه التركيبة ملائمة لكل ما سبق ذكره، وهي الخيار الأفضل لأداءً مثالي للافتات الشوارع والمباني، فهي الدهانات المختارة للاستخدام المعتاد في المباني الهامة مثل المستشفيات والمصانع.

وقد صرح هاني سرايا، مدير مبيعات المشروع في دهانات الجزيرة قائلًا: “نحن فخورون للغاية بأن نكون أول بائع لدهانات (كولد بلاستيك) في المنطقة. إن طلب العملاء على هذا المنتج الموثوق به وطويل الأمد عالٍ، سواء كان العملاء شركات أو عملاء حكوميين، فيسرّنا أن نكون الشركة الأولى والوحيدة التي توفر وتلبّي احتياجات المنطقة بسعر مناسب دون المساومة على الجودة.”

وتابع السيد هاني سرايا تصريحه قائلًا: “تعدّ دهانات الجزيرة شركة رائدة في المملكة العربية السعودية، وهي تحرص على ابتكار أفضل المنتجات وحلول البناء. نظرًا لأننا نسعى باستمرار للتميز والإبداع، وبعد إجرائنا للكثير من الأبحاث والتجارب العديدة، يسعدنا تقديم (كولد بلاستيك) بصفته المنتج الأفضل في دهانات الشوارع وبأعلى جودة ممكنة”.

منتج (كولد بلاستيك)، الذي يتميز بعمره الطويل، هو أحد أحدث المنتجات في مجموعة منتجات هذه الشركة الراسخة العتيدة. وهو متوفر الآن ويمكنكم طلبه بواسطة موقع الجزيرة الرسمي للدهانات، عبر هذا الرابط: https://jazeerapaints.com.

نبذة عن دهانات الجزيرة

تأسست دهانات الجزيرة في الرياض، في المملكة العربية السعودية في عام 1979، وأصبحت هي الشركة الرائدة في تصنيع الدهانات في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، وتميزّت بسمعة راسخة في تصنيع وتصدير الدهانات عالية الجودة والصديقة للبيئة.

دهانات الجزيرة هي الشركة الرائدة خارج الولايات المتحدة، التي تصنع منتجات الطلاء المعتمدة من “جرين سيل”، والتي تستوفي متطلبات الريادة في تصميم الطاقة وحماية البيئة (LEED).

تسعى دهانات الجزيرة إلى رفع مستوى الجودة والتقدم في صناعة الدهانات في المنطقة بواسطة أكاديمية دهانات الجزيرة. في عام 2012، أصبحت الأكاديمية أول مؤسسة تقدم تدريبًا متخصصًا في صناعة الطلاء وتطبيقاته في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا ككل.

 تابعنا على https://twitter.com/JPaintsGlobal.

صورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1612089/Jazeera_Paints_Cold_Plastic.jpg

Ana de Armas Stars in Natural Diamond Council’s Campaign for a Second Consecutive Year

The new “For Moments Like No Other” campaign celebrates a brilliant, energetic return to adventure, wanderlust, new connections, and romantic instances showcasing the integral role of natural diamonds in celebrating life

MUMBAI, India, Sept. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Natural Diamond Council (NDC) announces the launch of its second global “For Moments Like No Other” advertising campaign inspired by the “Love Life” thought. The campaign stars the actress and NDC Global Ambassador, Ana de Armas.

Ms. de Armas radiates throughout the Mallorca, Spain-shot campaign, fully embodying “Love Life” as an inspirational call to action, and rejoicing in various social settings as natural diamonds help generate new memories. Ms. de Armas was approached for the sophomore “For Moments Like No Other” campaign as she radiantly captures a zest for life alongside a deep appreciation of natural diamonds. Gregarious, confident, talented, and worldly, she is a fitting ambassador for the Natural Diamond Council’s unique, international mission.

“Diamond jewellery sales have seen record-breaking growth as we emerge from the pandemic,” said David Kellie, CEO of Natural Diamond Council. “Consumers are eager to create new memories and natural diamonds are synonymous with celebrating life’s moments. This campaign emanates the ‘Love Life’ manifesto to the core. We’re thrilled to have Ana de Armas back with us for another year to share the magic of natural diamonds with a global audience.”

“I hope this campaign brings joy and hope to everyone. I hope that it inspires people to love stronger, to enjoy every minute and cherish the moments of happiness with their loved ones. It was an amazing experience working with this incredible team and I couldn’t be happier to be working again with the Natural Diamond Council,” said Ms. de Armas.

Ms. de Armas wears an 11-piece diamond jewellery collection that was custom designed for the campaign by the Brooklyn-based jewelry designer Malyia McNaughton. Ms. McNaughton is an active participant in NDC’s Emerging Designers Diamond Initiative with Lorraine Schwartz, which was launched in January 2021. The collection is available at madebymalyia.com and is being interpreted by retailers globally for the holiday season.

“The TVC captures the prevailing sentiment of positivity and optimism as the world opens up and we get the opportunity to celebrate the meaningful moments of life with our loved ones. There is no better expression of this love and affection than eternal, emotion-evoking natural diamonds. Ana brings alive these emotions through her spontaneity and we hope it inspires everyone to love life and enjoy their diamond jewellery this festive season,” says Richa Singh, Managing Director – India & Middle East, Natural Diamond Council.

The collection launched together with the campaign on September 8th, showcased in an immersive look book on a dedicated campaign website housed on naturaldiamonds.com, which has received over 100 million unique visitors since its launch in June 2020. The campaign was directed by Manu Cossu, and photographed by Sasha Marro in addition to Molly SJ Lowe. Karla Welch provided fashion styling for de Armas while Georgia Pendlebury along with Manu Cossu provided overarching fashion and creative direction.

Along with campaigns and collaborations, the NDC believes that the brand should deliver direct-to-consumer, educational, inspiring content through the website. The same has been strategically curated over the months collaborating with experts across genres, influential voices, artists and jewellery influencers to publish over 100 India-centric articles on the timeless natural diamonds. NDC has had the opportunity of having exclusive access to luxury houses over the past year and also covered stories of diamond manufacturing pioneers. With the launch of the retailer and e-learning portal this year, the NDC has made significant progress in integrating its retailer network.

Link to the TVC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6HYfbzqYok  

About The Natural Diamond Council:

The Natural Diamond Council (NDC) advances diamonds’ desirability by publishing trends and sharing resources and information with consumers on the ultimate timeless and natural luxury good. The NDC also works to support the integrity of the natural diamond industry, providing transparency, and insight on the ethics, sustainability and progress of this sector.

Reference Links:

Website – www.naturaldiamonds.com

IG – @onlynaturaldiamonds_in – https://www.instagram.com/onlynaturaldiamonds_in/?hl=en

YT@onlynaturaldiamondsIN – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZzPdS4CoBGICsi2oMG7xnQ

For more information please contact:

Shubhangi Chaturvedi

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1623918/Ana_de_Armas_NDC.jpg


UBTECH Panda Robot Makes Global Debut

UBTECH Panda Robot to be featured in the China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — UBTECH Panda Robot recently made its global debut at the 2021 World Robot Conference in Beijing, paving the way for its appearance at the China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai which starts next month.

The 1.3-meter tall, 63-kg robot was customized for the China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. The adorable black and white expressive face combined with its fun and engaging behavior is always a popular attraction for robot enthusiasts and customers around the world. The UBTECH Panda Robot was created using the iconic panda image and includes original cutting-edge technologies based on humanoid service robot, Walker. With an expressive and life-like expression along with the multi-modal design, the robot aims to showcase the UBTECH Robotics spirit of innovation, collaboration, determination to the world.

The UBTECH Panda Robot will serve as an Ambassador for Peace and Friendship for the China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

Expo 2020 Dubai will officially kick off on October 1, 2021. The UBTECH Panda Robot will debut as the Global Ambassador for Peace and Friendship and will serve as a guide to the China Pavilion. The China Pavilion will introduce smart agriculture, environmentally responsible products and solutions that align with “green” development that the country has long advocated. At the same time, the exhibit will also include calligraphy, Tai Chi demonstrations and other traditional Chinese arts and practices, alongside China’s advances in artificial intelligence (AI), demonstrating how Chinese traditional culture is merged  the new information era.

Ruan Wei, Deputy Director General of the Trade and Investment Promotion Department of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Deputy Commissioner General of  China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, said: “With a variety of fascinating exhibits, the China Pavilion will fully display the nation’s achievements in space exploration, information exchange, modern  transportation and smart life. In concert with the China Pavilion Organizing Committee, UBTECH will showcase at the Expo how China’s innovation has led the country’s development, making a positive contribution to China’s successful participation in the event. The lineup of exhibitions in the China pavilion was decided by a committee made up of government officials from China and the UAE, with the goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind.”https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1623858/UBTECH_Panda_Robot_global_debut_2021_World_Robot_Conference_Beijing.jpg

UBTECH CBO(Chief Brand Officer) Tan Min said: “UBTECH is committed to bringing intelligent robots to thousands of households. As the only Official Partner of AI Robotics for the China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai UAE, our Panda Robot which we’ve based on the UBTECH Humanoid Service Robot Walker is a true example of China’s latest achievements in smart manufacturing and technical innovation.”

UBTECH Panda Robot is a prime standard of how UBTECH has applied AI technologies to its proprietary robots, including computer vision for service robots, autonomous navigation and positioning, hand-eye coordination, high-performance servo joints, motion planning and control, and voice technology.

UBTECH Panda Robot attracted people’s attention at the 2021 World Robot Conference in Beijing

UBTECH has applied the innovative technologies to several industries, most notably AI education, smart logistics, and medical care. Backed by intelligent robots and AI technology, the company provides a “hardware + software + content + service” full-stack solution to satisfy the needs of clients across a multitude of industries in different countries for multi-scenario applications, meeting the diversified expectations of consumers.

Even during the pandemic, UBTECH was able to bring to market cost effective, tech-driven, anti-epidemic robots and solutions that have been used across the world including China, the United States, Japan, the Netherlands, and even Rwanda, to help control the spread of COVID-19 and provide solutions for the return to pre-pandemic conditions.

UBTECH additionally has deployed AI education programs and robotics to more than 40 countries worldwide, including South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and other Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) countries, the world’s largest provider of integrated software and hardware AI and robotics education solutions.

In the coming decade, with the development and in-depth integration of AI and robotics technologies led by UBTECH and supported by astonishing growth in the sector, the global service robot industry is set to usher in a golden period of growth in the very near future.

UBTECH is looking for global partners. If interested, please contact us by email: Peng.wu@ubtrobot.com
WhatsApp: +86 13823228223

UBTECH Robotics: www.ubtrobot.com

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1623859/The_UBTECH_Panda_Robot_serve_Ambassador_Peace_Friendship_China_Pavilion.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1623858/UBTECH_Panda_Robot_global_debut_2021_World_Robot_Conference_Beijing.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1623860/1.jpg