خبراء صندوق النقد الدولي يؤكدون استمرار تعافي الاقتصاد السعودي

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, 8 يوليو / تموز 2021 أكد خبراء صندوق النقد الدولي استمرار تعافي الاقتصاد السعودي، وتباطؤ تضخم مؤشر أسعار المستهلكين، متوقعين أن يبلغ نمو إجمالي الناتج المحلي غير النفطي 4.3% خلال العام الجاري، و3.6٪ خلال العام 2022م. فيما تشير توقعات الصندوق إلى قيادة القطاع الخاص للنمو في العام الجاري ليبلغ 5.8٪، ويستمر على المدى المتوسط والطويل بمتوسط نمو قدره 4.8٪.

جاء ذلك في البيان الختامي الصادر اليوم عن مشاورات المادة الرابعة الافتراضية لعام 2021، مشيدين باستجابة حكومة المملكة السريعة والحازمة لجائحة فيروس كورونا (كوفيد – 19)، وأن الإصلاحات الطموحة التي كانت جارية في إطار رؤية المملكة 2030 لعبت دوراً رئيسياً في الحد من الآثار السلبية للجائحة على الاقتصاد السعودي، إضافة إلى الجهود المبذولة للتنسيق بين الجهات الحكومية والإنشاء المبكر للجنة العليا لاتخاذ التدابير والاحترازات اللازمة للحد من انتشار الوباء، وتسارع التحول الرقمي للحكومة والخدمات المالية، وإصلاحات سوق العمل، والإمكانات المتوفرة لتنفيذ السياسات الاقتصادية، التي مكنت  الحكومة من إدارة الأزمة بشكل جيد. كما أسهم “برنامج دعم تمويل القطاع الخاص” الذي أطلقه البنك المركزي السعودي في مساندة المنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة في مواجهة تحديات الجائحة، كما أكد تقرير مشاورات المادة الرابعة نجاح سياسات دعم الاقتصاد غير النفطي، وأشاد بدور “اللجنة رفيعة المستوى” في إدارة الأزمة بشكل فعال واستباقي، بالإضافة إلى تدابير الاحتواء المبكر والصارم التي أدت إلى الحد من عدد الحالات والوفيات.

وحول أداء الاقتصاد حالياً، أشار البيان إلى أن إصلاحات سوق العمل ستعزز تنافسية وجاذبية سوق العمل للعاملين فيه واستقطاب ذوي الكفاءات والمهارات العالية، وفيما يتعلق بالإصلاحات المستمرة لتعزيز دور المرأة في الاقتصاد السعودي؛ توقعوا استمرار الارتفاع في معدلات مشاركة المرأة في القوى العاملة حيث ارتفعت نسبة المشاركة بمقدار 13 نقطة مئوية إلى ما يزيد على 33% على مدار العامين الماضيين. كما توقع البيان أن يستمر نمو الائتمان الممنوح للقطاع الخاص بقوة، مدعوماً بالتمويل العقاري وتمويل المنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة، واعتبروا أن إصلاحات نظام الضمان الاجتماعي تُعد خطوة مهمة لتعزيز إطار تقديم الدعم لذوي الدخل الأقل، كما أشار خبراء صندوق النقد الدولي إلى وفرة موارد الطاقة المتجددة في المملكة، وأنها ستجذب مستثمري القطاع الخاص المحليين والأجانب، كما رحبوا بالإعلان رفيع المستوى عن استراتيجية المناخ السعودية والتزام حكومة المملكة بخفض انبعاثات الغازات الدفيئة.

وحول المالية العامة والشفافية، أكد تقرير خبراء الصندوق أن المملكة تحرز تقدماً هاماً لزيادة الشفافية في إطار المشتريات العامة، بما في ذلك ما تم من خلال “منصة اعتماد”، كما أثنى البيان على الوتيرة المميزة في إصلاحات السوق المالية لزيادة السيولة والعمق في أسواق الأسهم والسندات المحلية، بما في ذلك إتاحة وصول أكبر للمستثمرين الأجانب وتوسيع أدوات ومنتجات السوق المالية كإدراج صناديق العقار المتداولة (ريت) والمشتقات المالية. وأشار الخبراء إلى أن سيولة النظام المصرفي السعودي تُعد في مستويات مريحة.

وتطرق البيان الختامي، إلى الشمول المالي والتكنولوجيا المالية، مبيناً أن قطاع التكنولوجيا المالية في السعودية تطوّر بشكل سريع، بدعم من البنك المركزي السعودي وهيئة السوق المالية، مشيراً إلى استمرار مناسبة ربط سعر الصرف بالدولار الأمريكي وحجم احتياطيات المملكة المرتفعة.

من جانبه، قال معالي وزير المالية الأستاذ محمد بن عبدالله الجدعان، إن البيان أبرز المؤشرات الحالية والآفاق المستقبلية الإيجابية للاقتصاد السعودي، الذي نجح في اجتياز الكثير من العقبات والتحديات التي واجهها العالم خلال هذا العام والذي قبله؛ مما ساهم في الحفاظ على الاستدامة المالية التي عززت من متانة وقوة الاقتصاد السعودي، مؤكداً الدور البارز للإصلاحات الاقتصادية والهيكلية التي أجرتها حكومة المملكة في ظل رؤية 2030 وإسهامها في تحقيق نمو اقتصادي مستدام وشامل. ورحب معاليه بإشادة خبراء صندوق النقد الدولي بجهود المملكة في التخفيف من الآثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والصحية لجائحة كورونا.

يذكر أنه سبق صدور بيان عن بعثة خبراء صندوق النقد الدولي إثر اختتام مشاورات المادة الرابعة الافتراضية مع المملكة العربية السعودية لعام 2021م، والتي جرت خلال شهر (إبريل 2021م). ويأتي هذا البيان الختامي تأكيداً للنتائج المبدئية التي توصل إليها البيان السابق.

New Research Highlights Need for Health-Systems Approach to Vision Care

Study in The Gambia underscores success of local approach and policymaking.

DALLAS, July 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A recent study of OneSight Vision Centers in The Gambia offers new insight into the importance of implementing a strengthening program for services that address poor vision through a health system lens.

Vision Impact Institute logo

The study, supported by the Vision Impact Institute and conducted by Brandeis University in coordination with OneSight, examines how seven OneSight Vision Centers and the glasses manufacturing lab, now open there, are increasing access to vision care and awareness of uncorrected vision among the local population.

“We are proud to partner with The Gambia Ministry of Health to provide vision care access to the country’s entire population of 1.9 million people,” said K-T Overbey, President & Executive Director, OneSight. “Clear sight has a direct impact on education, work productivity and driving safety.”

In The Gambia, according to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), only four optometrists served the country in 2014. Although one in three Gambians needs refractive error correction, only half are aware they have a vision problem.

“This research highlights the power of individual countries committed to improving the vision of their population, blending local expertise with the technical leadership of organizations in the sector to create new models for care,” says Kristan Gross, Global Executive Director, Vision Impact Institute. “Several best practices stand out including the importance of strong local policymaking, public-private partnership, empowering and developing human resources, and innovative financing.”

Collaborations, like those in The Gambia, create crucial investments in a promising future for generations, while creating awareness, reducing the prevalence of poor vision and contributing to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

About the Vision Impact Institute
The Vision Impact Institute’s mission is to raise awareness of the importance of vision correction and protection to make good vision a global priority. Its Advisory Board is comprised of four independent international experts: Pr. Clare Gilbert (United Kingdom), Mr. Allyala Nandakumar (United States),   Dr. Serge Resnikoff (Switzerland), and Dr. Wang Wei (China).

The Vision Impact Institute is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which receives support from the Vision for Life Fund from Essilor, the world leader in ophthalmic optics. The Vision Impact Institute hosts a unique database of research at  visionimpactinstitute.org .

Andrea Kirsten-Coleman
Global Communications Manager

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Microsoft announces 2021 Partner of the Year Awards winners and finalists

Partners recognized for innovative solutions and making more possible for customers worldwide

REDMOND, Wash., July 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Microsoft Corp. on Thursday announced the winners and finalists of the 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards. The annual awards recognize Microsoft partners demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology. Award winners and finalists from around the world will be recognized at the all-digital Microsoft Inspire, July 14-15, 2021.

Microsoft company logo. (PRNewsFoto/Microsoft Corp.)

This year, Microsoft acknowledged partners in 56 categories celebrating each of the solution areas, industries and sectors globally in which Microsoft technologies are used. Several new awards and categories were announced this year, including a new Social Impact category, which encompasses community response, inclusion and sustainability.

Microsoft selected the finalists and winners for all Partner of the Year Awards from more than 4,400 nominations collected from more than 100 different countries worldwide. Applicants were judged based on their commitment to customers, their solution’s impact on the market, and exemplary use of Microsoft technologies.

Announcing the winners and finalists for the Partner of the Year Awards is always a highlight for us each year,” said Rodney Clark, corporate vice president, Global Partner Solutions, Channel Sales and Channel Chief, Microsoft. “These companies are bringing innovative solutions to complex business challenges and providing digital transformation opportunities for their customers from cloud to edge. Congratulations to each winner and finalist on this tremendous achievement.”

Additional details on the Microsoft 2021 Partner of the Year Awards are available in an updated Microsoft Partner Network blog: https://blogs.partner.microsoft.com/mpn/congratulations-to-the-2021-microsoft-partner-of-the-year-awards-winners-and-finalists.

The complete list of categories, winners and finalists, including the Microsoft Country Partner of the Year Award winners for 2021, is available at https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/inspire/awards.

About Microsoft Inspire
Microsoft Inspire is the company’s largest partner event of the year. This conference brings together partners from around the world, industry leaders and Microsoft experts to discuss Microsoft cloud innovation, opportunities for partner growth and profitability, and ways to create and strengthen connections. This year, Inspire will take place July 14–15, 2021. More information can be found at https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/inspire.

About Microsoft
Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

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مايكروسوفت تُعلِن عن الفائزين والمرشحين النهائيين لجوائز شريك العام 2021

شركاء معروفون بالحلول المبتكرة وجعلها ممكنة للعملاء في جميع أنحاء العالم

ريدموند،, اشنطن، 8 يوليو 2021  — /PRNewswire/ أعلنت شركة مايكروسوفت يوم الخميس عن الفائزين والمرشحين النهائيين لجوائز شريك مايكروسوفت للعام 2021.  تُمنَح الجوائز السنوية تقديرًا لشركاء مايكروسوفت الذين يُظهِرون التميز في الابتكار وتنفيذ حلول العملاء القائمة على تقنية مايكروسوفت.  وسيتم تكريم الفائزين بالجوائز والمرشحين النهائيين من جميع أنحاء العالم في حدث إلهام مايكروسوفت الرقمي بالكامل، في الفترة من 14 إلى 15 يوليو 2021.

Microsoft company logo. (PRNewsFoto/Microsoft Corp.) (PRNewsfoto/Microsoft Corp.)

في هذا العام، قامت مايكروسوفت بتكريم شركاء في 56 فئة تحتفل بكل مجال من مجالات الحلول والصناعات والقطاعات على مستوى العالم التي تُستخدَم فيها تقنيات مايكروسوفت.  وقد تم الإعلان عن العديد من الجوائز والفئات الجديدة هذا العام، بما في ذلك فئة التأثير الاجتماعي الجديدة، والتي تشمل استجابة وشمولية واستدامة المجتمع.

وقد اختارت مايكروسوفت المرشحين النهائيين والفائزين لجميع جوائز شريك العام من بين أكثر من 4400 ترشيح تم جمعه من أكثر من 100 دولة مختلفة حول العالم.  وتم الحُكم على المتقدمين بناءً على التزامهم تجاه العملاء وتأثير حلولهم على السوق والاستخدام المثالي لتقنيات مايكروسوفت.

قال رودني كلارك، نائب رئيس الشركة لحلول الشركاء العالميين، ومبيعات القنوات، ورئيس القنوات في مايكروسوفت، “إن الإعلان عن الفائزين والمرشحين النهائيين لجوائز شريك العام هو دائمًا حدث مهم بالنسبة لنا كل عام.  “تُقدِّم هذه الشركات حلولًا مبتكرة لتحديات الأعمال المعقدة، كما تُوفِّر فرص التحول الرقمي لعملائها من حوسبة السحابة إلى حوسبة الحافة.  تهانينا لكل فائز ومرشح نهائي على هذا الإنجاز الهائل”.

تتوفر تفاصيل إضافية حول جوائز مايكروسوفت لشريك العام 2021 في مدونة محدثة لشبكة شركاء مايكروسوفت: https://blogs.partner.microsoft.com/mpn/congratulations-to-the-2021-microsoft-partner-of-the-year-awards-winners-and-finalists.

القائمة الكاملة للفئات والفائزين والمرشحين النهائيين، بما في ذلك الفائزون بجائزة مايكروسوفت لشريك العام القُطرِي 2021، متوفرة على https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/inspire/awards.

حول حدث “إلهام مايكروسوفت”

يُعَد “إلهام مايكروسوفت” بمثابة أكبر حدث للشركاء للشركة في العام.  ويَجمع هذا المؤتمر شركاء من جميع أنحاء العالم، وقادة الصناعة، وخبراء مايكروسوفت من أجل مناقشة الابتكار السحابي من مايكروسوفت، وفرص نمو الشركاء وربحيتهم، وطرق إنشاء وتقوية الروابط.  هذا العام، سيقام حدث الإلهام في الفترة من 14 إلى 15 يوليو 2021.  يمكن العثور على مزيد من المعلومات على https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/inspire.

حول شركة مايكروسوفت

تتيح مايكروسوفت (في بورصة ناسداك  (“MSFT” @microsoftالتحول الرقمي لعصر السحابة الذكية والحافة الذكية.  وتتمثل مهمتها في تمكين كل شخص وكل مؤسسة على هذا الكوكب من تحقيق المزيد.

الشعار من – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/24227/Microsoft_Logo.jpg

As France Plans to Shrink Sahel Force, Jihadi Threat Grows

GAO, MALI – During a grueling, weekslong mission in northern Mali, French soldiers were confronted by a familiar threat: Extremists trying to impose the same strict Islamic rule that preceded France’s military intervention here more than eight years ago.

Traumatized residents showed scars on their shoulders and backs from whippings they endured after failing to submit to the jihadis’ authority.

“We were witness to the presence of the enemy trying to impose Shariah law, banning young children from playing soccer and imposing a dress code,” said Col. Stephane Gouvernet, battalion commander for the recent French mission dubbed Equinoxe.

France is preparing to reduce its military presence here in West Africa’s Sahel region — the vast area south of the Sahara Desert where extremist groups are fighting for control. In June, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the end of Operation Barkhane, France’s seven-year effort fighting extremists linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State in Africa’s Sahel region. France’s more than 5,000 troops will be reduced in the coming months, although no timeframe has been given.

Instead, France will participate in a special forces unit with other European countries and African countries will be responsible for patrolling the Sahel.

The move comes after years of criticism that France’s military operation is simply another reiteration of colonial rule. But the shift also takes place amid a worsening political and security crisis in the region. In May, Mali had its second coup in nine months.

Although officials of Mali’s government have been able to return to some towns once overrun by jihadis, for the first time since 2012, there are reports of extremists amputating hands to punish suspected thieves — a throwback to the Shariah law imposed in northern Mali prior to the French military intervention.

There have been spikes, too, in extremist attacks in Burkina Faso and Niger, sparking concern that the reduction of the French force will create a security void in the Sahel region that will be quickly filled by the jihadis.

“If an adequate plan is not finalized and in place, the tempo of attacks on local forces could rise across the region over the coming weeks, as jihadists attempt to benefit from a security vacuum,” said Liam Morrissey, chief executive officer for MS Risk Limited, a British security consultancy operating in the Sahel for 12 years.

While France has spent billions on its anti-jihadi campaign, called Operation Barkhane, Sahel experts say that it never dedicated the necessary resources to defeat the extremists, said Michael Shurkin, director of global programs at 14 North Strategies, a consultancy based in Dakar, Senegal.

“They have always been aware that their force in the Sahel is far too undersized to accomplish anything like a counterinsurgency campaign,” he said.

France has several thousand troops covering more than 1,000 kilometers of terrain in the volatile region where the borders of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso meet. Alerts about attacks are often missed or responded to hours later, especially in remote villages. Operations rely heavily on the French air force, which conduct airstrikes, transport troops and deliver equipment. The desert is harsh with temperatures reaching near 50 degrees Celsius, exhausting troops and requiring additional maintenance for equipment.

The Associated Press spent the days before Macron’s announcement accompanying the French military in the field, where pilots navigated hostile terrain in the pitch dark to retrieve troops after a long operation.

Some soldiers questioned if the fight was worth it. “What are we doing here anyway?” asked one soldier after Macron’s announcement. The AP is not using his name because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Others acknowledged the jihadis are a long-term threat. “We are facing something that is going to be for years. For the next 10 years you will have terrorists in the area,” Col. Yann Malard, airbase commander and Operation Barkhane’s representative in Niger, told the AP.

The French strategy has been to weaken the jihadis and train local forces to secure their own countries. Since arriving, it has trained some 18,000 soldiers, mostly Malians, according to a Barkhane spokesperson, but progress is slow. Most Sahelian states are still too poor and understaffed to deliver the security and services that communities desperately need, analysts and activists say.

State forces have also been accused of committing human rights abuses against civilians, deepening the mistrust, said Alex Thurston, assistant professor of political science at the University of Cincinnati.

Since 2019 there have been more than 600 unlawful killings by security forces in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger during counterterrorism operations, according to Human Rights Watch. France’s Barkhane, too, has been accused of possible violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, after an airstrike in Mali in January killed 22 people, 19 of whom were civilians, according to a report by the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Mali.

Soldiers agree that there are limits to what can be achieved militarily and without political stability in the Sahel, jihadis have the edge.

“We don’t have an example of a big win in counterinsurgency, and it’s difficult to achieve that in the current environment because for an insurgency to win they just need to stay alive,” said Vjatseslav Senin, senior national representative for the 70 Estonian troops who are fighting alongside the French in Barkhane.

Some of those living in the Sahel fear what hard-fought gains have been made will unravel all too quickly.

Ali Toure, a Malian working in the French military base in Gao warned that “if the French army leaves Mali, jihadis will enter within two weeks and destroy the country.”

Source: Voice of America

France to Pull More Than 2,000 Troops From Africa’s Sahel

PARIS – France will withdraw more than 2,000 troops from an anti-extremism force in Africa’s Sahel region by early next year and pivot its military presence to specialized regional forces instead, President Emmanuel Macron said Friday.

Macron announced last month a future reduction of France’s military presence, arguing that it’s no longer adapted to the needs in the area. The French Barkhane force, operating in Mali, Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mauritania, also had met opposition from some Africans.

After discussions Friday with leaders of the African countries involved, Macron announced that France would reduce its force to 2,500 to 3,000 troops over the long term. The country currently has 5,000 troops in the region.

The French leader insisted that his country was not abandoning African partners and would keep helping them fight groups linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group.

“France doesn’t have the vocation or the will to stay eternally in the Sahel,” Macron said. “We are there because we were asked to be.”

French troops have been present in Mali since 2013, when they intervened to force Islamic extremist rebels from power in towns across the country’s north. Operation Serval was later replaced by Barkhane and was expanded to include other countries in an effort to help stabilize the broader Sahel region.

Islamic militants, though, have continued to launch devastating attacks against the militaries fighting them as well as increasingly against civilians.

Hundreds have died since January in a series of massacres targeting villages on the border of Niger and Mali.

While governments in the Sahel have embraced France’s military help, some critics have likened the troops’ presence to a vestige of French colonial rule.

France will focus over the next six months on dismantling the Barkhane operation and reorganizing the troops, Macron said.

The French military will shut down Barkhane bases in Timbuktu, Tessalit and Kidal in northern Mali over the next six months, and start to reconfigure its presence in the coming weeks to focus particularly on the restive border area where Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger meet.

Niger President Mohamed Bazoum, speaking at Macron’s side, welcomed the French military support and training, but on African terms.

“The main thing is that France maintains the principle of its support, its cooperation and support for the armed forces of our different countries. We need France to give us what we don’t have. We don’t need France to give us what we already have,” he said, without elaborating. He acknowledged failings of local armed forces but also praised their courage in fighting extremists.

France’s military presence in the future will focus on neutralizing extremist operations and strengthening and training local armies, Macron said. “There will also be a dimension of reassurance … to remain permanently ready to intervene rapidly in support of partner forces,” notably via military aviation from Niger and Chad.

This new structure “seems to us to respond better to the evolution of the threat,” he said. Once the reorganization is complete, he said, “the Barkhane operation will close down.”

Some experts say that France’s decision may be linked to growing political instability in Mali.

Macron’s June announcement came days after Mali coup leader Colonel Assimi Goita was sworn in as president of a transitional government, solidifying his grip on power in the West African nation after carrying out his second coup in nine months.

Late in June, the U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution extending the U.N. peacekeeping mission in crisis-racked Mali and said it’s “imperative” that the military government hold presidential and legislative elections on schedule next February.

The council maintained the ceilings in the U.N. force at 13,289 military troops and 1,920 international police, but it asked Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to make a recommendation on the force level given growing levels of insecurity and physical violence against the civilian populations in central Mali.

Source: Voice of America