European Wellness partners with China’s provincial government to advance Education in Biological Regenerative Medicine

EDENKOBEN, Germany, July 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – European Wellness Biomedical Group (European Wellness) through its educational arm, European Wellness Academy (EWA), has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Zhifu People’s Government of Yantai City, Shandong Province, China to establish the first International Biological Regenerative Medicine Education Centre in Shandong Province via the Connecting Shandong with Fortune Global 500 & Deepening Shandong – EU Cooperation event.

Prof. Dr. Mike Chan in the live international signing session involving Fortune Global 500.

In a live digital signing session, the two parties agreed on a joint venture that will see a total investment of RMB 100 million (USD 15.4 million) for the building and launching of a world-class biological regenerative medicine education centre for disease management and aesthetics in Yantai City, China.

The multimillion-dollar project comes at a time where biological regenerative medicine has rapidly emerged as an area of interest, globally and in China, amid rising health concerns. The collaboration will supplement efforts to improve resources, training, and knowledge in integrative regenerative medicine within the region to meet current and future demand.

EWA was represented by its Group Chairman, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, in the signing session hosted by the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and overseen by the Municipal Government Office, together with representatives from Fortune Global 500 companies including the Chairman of Continental’s Executive Board, Pirelli’s Executive Vice Chairman and CEO, and Saint-Gobain’s Senior Vice President and Asia Pacific CEO.


“The global burden of chronic diseases is rapidly rising. Regenerative medicine is the future and the present. To cope with the needs of the future, educational trainings are crucial; the number of professional high-end medical and wellness practitioners must be able to meet the demands that are to come,” said Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Head of the Scientific Committee for Regenerative Medicine of the European Society of Preventative, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM).

European Wellness Academy

Located in Germany, Switzerland, Greece and Malaysia, EWA is a CPD authorised body with a premium training and development wing that revolves around cutting-edge Bio-Regenerative Medicine modalities for practitioners and researchers. The Academy has extensive years of combined clinical experience and a core academic team comprising of qualified MDs and scientists with numerous international affiliations and accreditations.

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‫شركة “الثريا” توقع اتفاقية تعاون مع شركة “دلتا بريدج”لدفع نمو خدمات الاتصال عبر الأقمار الصناعية للجهات الحكومية

– حلول “الثريا” الحكومية الموثوقة مع خبرة “دلتا بريدج” في مجال تكامل النظم

– سيعزز الاتصال عبر نظام الثريا عروض وقدرات “دلتا بريدج”

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 30 يونيو / حزيران 2021 /PRNewswire/ —

أعلنت شركة “الثريا”، شركة خدمات الأقمار الصناعية المتنقلة التابعة لشركة الياه للاتصالات الفضائية (الياه سات)- مشغل الاتصالات الفضائية الرائد في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة – عن توقيعها اتفاقية شراكة في مجال تكامل نظم الحلول مع شركة “دلتا بريدج”.

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شركة “دلتا بريدج” هي شركة تابعة لـ PAE ومقرها فرجينيا (NASDAQ: PAE, PAEWW)، وهي إحدى الشركات الرائدة في مجالي تكامل النظم وخدماتها الاستشارية، التي توفر لعملائها من الجهات الحكومية في الولايات المتحدة مجموعة متنوعة من الخدمات المبتكرة والدعم لضمان نجاح مهامهم في أي مكان يعملون فيه.

 وبموجب هذه الشراكة، ستوفر “الثريا” و”دلتا بريدج” للعملاء من الجهات الحكومية اتصالاًت آمنة من خلال الربط عبر الأقمار الصناعية وتطبيقات للمهام الحيوية للقطاع الدفاعي والحكومي، مدعومة بالخبرات والقدرات المتنوعة التي تتمتع بها كلا الشركتين.

شركة “دلتا بريدج” متخصصة في حلول الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية المتكاملة الآمنة التي تلبي احتياجات المهام الحيوية لعملائها من الجهات الحكومية في الولايات المتحدة، وتدعم خدمات اللوجستية والنفط والغاز، علاوة على المبادرات البحرية. منذ عام 2006، دعمت الشركة مشاريع التكامل بين الجهات الحكومية في الولايات المتحدة. من خلال الاستفادة من تقنيات وحلول “الثريا” المبتكرة، ستدعم “دلتا بريدج” العملاء من الجهات الحكومية وستعتمد في ذلك على الاستفادة من خبرتها في البحث والتطوير والهندسة ووضع المفاهيم وإدارة المشاريع.

من جانبه، صرح سليمان آل علي، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة الثريا، قائلًا: “يسر الثريا أن ترحب بشركة “دلتا بريدج” باعتبارها شريك تكامل نظم الحلول للجهات الحكومية والمؤسسات. ستعمل هذه الشراكة على تعزيز التزامنا بدعم العملاء من الجهات الحكوميةبأحدث حلول الأقمار الصناعية التي من شأنها تعزيز متطلبات السلامة والأمن، فضلاً عن تزويدهم بمجموعة متنوعة من حلول إدارة الخدمات الأمنية للمنصات البرية والبحرية والجوية. في الوقت الحاضر، يتسم تكامل الحلول الشاملة للعملاء من الجهات الحكومية بدرجة عالية من التخصص ويتزايد الطلب العام على احتياجات الاتصالات الموثوقة عبر الأقمار الصناعية. وأنا على ثقة تامة بأن هذه الشراكة الجديدة ستلبي تلك الاحتياجات على جميع المستويات، بما في ذلك التخصيص وإمكانية التشغيل التفاعلي بالإضافة إلى تكامل الحلول الآمنة”.

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كما قال توم بيشيرر، رئيس “دلتا بريدج”: “من خلال هذه الشراكة، ستدمج “دلتا بريدج” خبرتها المتخصصة مع قدرات “الثريا” الفريدة للاستفادة من تقنيات الجيل الجديد التي تقدم حلولاً لاحتياجات عملائنا الأكثر أهمية”. ستعمل إضافة خدمة الاتصال عبر الأقمار الصناعية إلى مجموعة أعمالنا إلى توسيع دائرة قدراتنا وخدماتنا لتشمل التطبيقات السحابية المشفرة وإنترنت الأشياء (IoT) والتنقل والأمن والمراقبة والربط الشبكي.”

وكانت “الياه سات” قد أعلنت مؤخراً عن الانتهاء بنجاح من مرحلة المراجعة الأولية للتصميم (PDR) الخاص بنظام الثريا 4-NGS، وهو جزء من برنامج تحويلي يقدم نظاماً جديداً شاملاً لإدارة الخدمات الأمنية. يعتمد نظام الثريا 4-NGS على تجديد شامل للقطاعات الفضائية والمحطة الأرضية والأجهزة. ومن خلال التكامل بشبكة أساسية جاهزة للجيل الخامس، سيضمن أحدث نظام أقمار صناعية من الياه سات تغطية وقدرة أكبر، مع توفير حلول تنقل الجيل التالي لجميع قطاعات العملاء، بما في ذلك جهات الدفاع والجهات الحكومية والشركات والمستهلكين.

حول شركة الثريا للاتصالات

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شركة الثريا هي شركة خدمات الأقمار الصناعية المتنقلة التابعة لمجموعة الاتصالات الفضائية (الياه سات)، وهي شركة عالمية رائدة في مجال تشغيل الأقمار الصناعية يقع مقرها في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، ومملوكة بالكامل لشركة مبادلة للاستثمار. تأسست الثريا في عام 1997، وتقدم حلول اتصالات مبتكرة لمجموعة متنوعة من القطاعات بما في ذلك قطاعات البحرية والطاقة والحكومة ووسائل الإعلام المرئية والمسموعة والعسكرية والفضائية والمنظمات غير الحكومية الإنسانية.

تتيح شبكة الثريا الفائقة اتصالات واضحة وتغطية غير منقطعة عبر ثلثي العالم من خلال إدارة الخدمات الأمنية، وتغطية VSAT العالمية وحول العالم من خلال إمكاناتها الفريدة للتجوال عبر النظام العالمي للاتصالات المتنقلة (GSM). توفر المجموعة المتنوعة التي تمتلكها الشركة من أجهزة الأقمار الصناعية المتنقلة وأجهزة النطاق العريض المتطورة تقنيًا التي يمكن الاعتماد عليها سهولة الاستخدام والقيمة والجودة والكفاءة. من خلال الشراكات ذات الصلة، تظل الثريا في المقدمة بتقديم الحلول والتطبيقات الداعمة التي تلبي الطابع سريع التغير لمتطلبات السوق. تظل الثريا ملتزمة بإبقاء الجميع على تواصل في أي ظرف من الظروف من خلال إتاحة الأدوات الأساسية اللازمة للاتصال الحيوي.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة

حول شركة  PAE

على مدى أكثر من 65 عامًا، واجهت شركة PAE أصعب التحديات في العالم لتقديم حلول مرنة وثابتة لحكومة الولايات المتحدة وحلفائها. بفضل فريق عمل عالمي مكون من حوالي 20,000 فرد منتشر في جميع القارات السبع وفي حوالي 60 دولة، تقدم شركة PAE مجموعة متنوعة من خدمات الدعم التشغيلي لتلبية الاحتياجات الحرجة لعملائنا. مقرنا الرئيسي في فولز تشيرش، فيرجينيا. يمكن الوصول إلينا عبر الرابط، ومن خلال صفحاتنا على Facebook، و Twitter و LinkedIn.

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South African Female Gun Owners Question Limiting Handguns for Self-Defense

JOHANNESBURG – A proposed law aims to prevent South Africans from obtaining firearm licenses for self-defense. While gun critics say limiting access to guns has proven successful in reducing deaths, some proponents argue that taking guns out of some hands — specifically, women’s hands — will deepen what the president has called a “second pandemic,” of gender-based violence.

South Africa’s rate of intimate femicide — the killing of women by their partners — is five times the global average, according to the World Health Organization.

And the big driver of that, they argue, is the nation’s high rate of gun ownership. That’s the argument from South African legislators pushing this bill, that fewer guns in public hands has statistically led to fewer gun deaths.

Gun owners and advocates disagree, and say it matters who is holding the gun. One particularly vocal group consists of women, who say the constant threat of violence calls for self-defense. The nation’s unacceptably high rate of sexual violence once led Interpol to name the country the “rape capital of the world.” President Cyril Ramaphosa recently described gender-based violence as the nation’s “second epidemic.”

This 33-year-old woman asked us to conceal her identity out of fear for her safety. That’s because in the space of three months, she said, she was raped multiple times, first by a gun-toting home intruder who broke into her house repeatedly and threatened to kill her sleeping brother, and then by the friend she confided in. She says both men had guns and used them to terrorize her.

Now, she wants one, too, and is seeking a license for self-defense.

“Because I’ll have it with me, I feel like I’ll be empowered. And should anything that is life-threatening happen — and obviously, I’ll try and get out of the situation — but if I can’t, then I’ll do what I can to save my life,” she said. “It basically could be the dividing line between life and death. And I’ve been in those, and I feel like I need to take charge and take a stand. I have been failed so many times, and I think it’s time to stop blaming other people and think what could what could I do differently to keep myself safe and to keep my life safe. So, I feel like it would help empower me to know that I don’t have to give in. If I can’t get out of it, then there’s a way to disable them from doing what they’re trying to do to me or anybody around me at that time.”

Her pain was compounded, she said, when her parents blamed her for the assaults. She said she has spent years in therapy and has no desire for revenge.

Lynette Oxley is a licensed firearms dealer in Johannesburg who works with women seeking gun licenses. She’s also an accomplished sport shooter. In 2015, she founded Girls on Fire, a group that represents women who own guns for sport and self-defense.

She says she trains women to think of guns as a deterrent.

“If you talk to all of the lady firearm owners that I’ve spoken to through the years, they say it actually makes you less aggressive, because you’re aware that if you do take that step, it’s a big step,” said Oxley. “It’s not something that you actually want to do. So actually, it calms you down. It makes you actually think about scenarios. And the big thing is, get out of this scenario if you can. But … if you are attacked, then obviously that is the best way of defending yourself against a bigger stronger perpetrator.”

But, says researcher Nechama Brodie, who studies gender-based violence, the very valid fears women have can’t necessarily be solved with more guns. She pointed to the last time South Africa’s government tried to restrict gun access in the early 2000s. Studies showed that gun deaths from femicide dropped significantly.

“I really do understand, as a woman living in South Africa, how vulnerable you feel,” Brodie said. “And how we imagine, because we’re told by Hollywood, as well as by gun owner lobbies, that having a firearm on your person is the one thing that’s going to make you safe. But the data shows us that firearms make all of us anything but safe, and the most important step that we could take to improve women’s safety in South Africa would be to disarm more men, not to arm more women.”

Brodie argues that if the goal is to protect women, there are other, less dangerous interventions, like better street lighting, more community safety initiatives and burglar bars on homes.

All of these women agree on the actual problem here: South African girls and women feel unsafe — on the streets and in their homes — every day.

But are guns the answer? That’s the question facing Parliament in coming months.

Source: Voice of America

AU Representative Sends Message of Goodwill to Somalia on its 61st Independence Day

Mogadishu, The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia and Head of AMISOM, Ambassador Francisco Madeira, has today congratulated the government and the people of Somalia, on the occasion of the country’s 61st Independence Anniversary.

In his goodwill message, Ambassador Madeira said Somalia has traversed a long and sometimes very difficult road but it has been the resilience, hope and determination of its people that has kept the national flame alive and will steer the country towards a future of peace and prosperity. He urged Somalis to work closely together in rebuilding a great and prosperous Somalia.

“On behalf of AMISOM, I wish the Somali people and its Government at all levels a happy 61st Independence Anniversary and a bright and prosperous future. It is wonderful to see so many young Somalis passionately celebrating their country’s independence, for it is in them that the country’s future lies. Every country is built by the vibrancy and energy of its young people. Somalia has a bright future ahead of it, and we wish to once again reiterate our utmost support in helping the country achieve greatness. Soomaaliya ha noolaato, Long live Somalia,” said Ambassador Madeira.

Source: Somali National News Agency

Burkina Faso’s President Sacks Defense Minister

OUAGADOUGOU, BURKINA FASO – Burkina Faso’s President Roch Kabore has dismissed the country’s defense minister in the wake of widespread protests Saturday against insecurity.

Cherif Sy had been defense minister since the country’s conflict with domestic terror groups started in 2015. His replacement is the president himself, along with a minister delegate, Colonel Major Aimé Simpore, who has been appointed to assist.

At the beginning of June, Burkina Faso saw its worst terrorist attack on civilians since the conflict with armed groups linked to al-Qaida and Islamic State started. At least 138 people were killed in the village of Solhan.

The attack triggered a wave of protests against insecurity that swept the country last weekend. Sy’s departure was one of the protesters’ major demands.

Sy was sacked Wednesday, as was Security Minister Ousséni Compaoré, who was replaced with Maxim Kone, a foreign affairs deputy.

Will changes bring calm?

So what does this reshuffle in leadership mean for the country?Burkinabe analyst and activist Siaka Coulibally said public opinion was mixed, and even if some accepted the ministers’ departures as a concession, it’s dubious as to whether it’s enough to reverse the negative effect of terrorism across the country. Whether the reshuffle will be enough to calm the anger depends on whether there are new attacks, he said.

The fighting in Burkina Faso is at its most intense in the east of the country and in the northern province of Sahel. Izidag Tazoudine, a local official from the tri-border region of Sahel province, where Burkina Faso’s border meets with Mali and Niger, said he was hopeful that things would change after the reshuffle.

Since Sy has been in office, Tazoudine said, there have been attacks and discontent, such as that in the northern communities of Solhan, Markoye and Barsalogho, where insurgents ambushed and killed 11 police officers in late June. That’s why people wanted the president to change the ministers of defense and security. Tazoudine said that because those moves have been made, it’s believed that things will change now.

Smockey, a local hip hop artist and co-founder of Citizen’s Broom, a civil society group that played a central role in ousting the country’s former dictator in 2014 as well as in organizing last weekend’s protests, said the recent actions weren’t enough for virtuous governance. It is necessary, he said, to tackle problems at all levels of the state and not only these two key ministerial posts.

No risk of coup seen

Philippe M. Frowd, an associate professor at the University of Ottawa and an expert on security in the Sahel, was asked whether he thought the protests could escalate into a coup, as happened in neighboring Mali recently.

“I don’t sense a strong similarity with Mali in the sense of fragmentation within the armed forces or very strong inter-elite tensions that would typically be what goes into the recipe for a coup,” he said. “So I don’t think Burkina Faso is immediately in that risk zone.”

Meanwhile, opposition leader Eddie Kombiego said the reshuffle would not be enough to return security to the country. The opposition is determined to push ahead with further protests this weekend.

Source: Voice of America

South African Firm to Produce COVID-19 Vaccine for African Countries

NAIROBI, KENYA – The South African pharmaceutical company Aspen has begun production of hundreds of millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccine for African countries. To speed up the process, the company is getting a large funding boost from the U.S. government.

Speaking during a virtual press briefing Thursday, Mark Marchick, a top executive for the U.S. International Development Financial Corporation, said Aspen would receive about $712 million to produce vaccine for people in Africa.

“Our consortium of development financing institutions would provide a direct loan to Aspen, among other things, to strengthen their balance sheet with long-term financing, support vaccine production and expand their operations with core operations based in South Africa. This loan will help them increase capacity to support Aspen’s effort to produce vaccines for the continent this year and next year,” Marchik said.

Gayle Smith, the U.S. State Department coordinator for the global COVID-19 response, said the investment will help Africa deal with long-term health issues.

“We see this investment as in the short-term a really viable response to the urgent need on the continent for vaccines for COVID and also, importantly, as a long-term investment in the capacity of the continent to increase its own production of this vital goods so there is a greater availability and resilience over time, so it’s a short-term investment with a long-term vision,” Smith said.

It is estimated that the world needs at least 11 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to at least help communities return to normal lives. So far, less than 2% of Africans have received a vaccine.

The need for vaccine has prompted criminals to exploit Africa’s weak regulatory systems to bring in phony and substandard drugs.

In November, officers from South Africa’s customs and crime unit seized 2,400 fake COVID-19 vaccine doses. Zambian and Chinese nationals were arrested.

In January of this year Nigeria’s food and drug administration advised the public to be aware of nefarious players pushing phony vaccines.

Adebayo Alonge, head of RxAll, an organization that fights counterfeit and substandard pharmaceuticals in Africa using artificial intelligence technology, said African governments need systems to efficiently distribute and keep track of the vaccine.

“They can have selected sites across the country where people can go and be vaccinated. People pre-book online or by SMS and make a record of those people who have come and taken the vaccine at those locations,” Alonge said.

Aspen, which is based in the city of Durban, is slated to produce 400 million doses of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Distribution will begin in the next few weeks.

Source: Voice of America

WHO Says Africa Facing Third COVID Wave, Driven by Variants

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned Thursday that the African continent is facing a surging third wave of COVID-19 cases, driven by new and faster variants of the coronavirus that causes it.

During a virtual briefing, WHO Regional Director for Africa Dr. Matshidiso Moeti said new cases have increased by an average of 25 percent in Africa for six straight weeks, to almost 202,000 in the week ending on June 27. She said deaths rose by 15 percent across 38 African countries to nearly 3,000 in the same period.

Moeti said this wave is being driven by more contagious COVID-19 variants, “raising the threat to Africa to a whole new level.” She said among the 14 African countries now in resurgence, 12 have detected variants of concern, including nine with the Delta variant, originally identified in India.

Meanwhile, she said the Alpha and Beta variants have been reported in 32 and 27 countries respectively.

Moeti said hygiene, social distancing and mask wearing can certainly help slow the spread, but globally, it has been shown that vaccines offer the best path toward ending devastating surges.

Just over 1% of Africans are now fully vaccinated, compared to 11% of people globally, and over 46% of people in the United States and Britain.

Earlier Thursday, in interviews with the Associated Press, African Union Vaccine Envoy Strive Masiyiwa blasted Europe and international suppliers for failing to deliver promised vaccine.

Masiyiwa said that while Europe has promised to sell vaccines to Africa, so far, it has not followed through. He said, “The fact of the matter is the EU has vaccine factories. It has vaccine production centers across Europe. Not a single dose, not one vial has left a European factory for Africa.”

African CDC Director John Nkengasong said the WHO-managed international vaccine cooperative COVAX had promised to deliver 700 million vaccine doses to Africa by December. But to date, Africa has received just 65 million doses overall and fewer than 50 million doses have arrived through COVAX.

However, both leaders did announce that the first shipments of the single-shot Johnson & Johnson and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, with U.S. support, will begin arriving next week.

Source: Voice of America