Graduate Management Admission Council Recebe Novos Membros no Conselho

Novas adições refletem a perspectiva diversificada e global da comunidade de faculdades de business

RESTON, Va., June 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™ – Conselho de Admissão de Gestão de Pós-Graduação), uma associação global de principais faculdades de pós-graduação em business, anunciou hoje a adição de quatro novos membros ao seu conselho de administração. Katy Montgomery, Reitora Associada, Programas de Graduação, INSEAD; François Ortalo-Magné, Reitor da London Business School; e Giuseppe Soda, Reitor da SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University, começarão seus mandatos em 1º de julho. Além disso, Yuan Ding, Vice-Presidente e Reitor da China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), foi nomeado diretor do conselho em janeiro deste ano para preencher o lugar vago por Enase Okonedo da Pan-Atlantic University.

“O novo conselho de administração do GMAC representa as principais faculdades de business com campi localizados em 10 países em toda a Europa, Ásia, América do Norte, África e Oriente Médio”, disse Sangeet Chowfla, presidente e CEO do GMAC. “Com o retorno da mobilidade estudantil no mundo pós-pandemia, estou pronto para trabalhar ao lado deste grupo diversificado de líderes – e do resto do conselho do GMAC – para continuar a avançar a visão do GMAC para garantir que todos os indivíduos talentosos possam se beneficiar da melhor educação empresarial possível.”

Novos Membros do Conselho do GMAC

Yuan Ding, Vice-Presidente e Reitor, Cathay Capital Chair em Ciências Contábeis, CEIBS

Yuan Ding é Vice-Presidente e Reitor e Professor de Ciências Contábeis da Cathay Capital Chair no CEIBS, onde foi homenageado três vezes com o Prêmio de Excelência de Ensino do CEIBS. Antes de ingressar no CEIBS, ele foi membro do corpo docente da HEC School of Management, Paris, França. Ele é membro da European Accounting Association, French Accounting Association e American Accounting Association. É doutor em Ciências Contábeis pelo Institute of Enterprises Administration da University Montesquieu Bordeaux I, França, bem como mestre em Administração de Empresas pela University of Poitier, França. Ding é autor de vários livros sobre relatórios financeiros e sua pesquisa é publicada nas principais revistas acadêmicas.

Katy Montgomery, Reitora Associada, Programas de Graduação, INSEAD

Como Reitora Associada de Programas de Graduação do INSEAD, Montgomery é responsável pela liderança comercial do portfólio de Programas de Graduação do INSEAD em quatro campi: Fontainebleau, Cingapura, Abu Dhabi e São Francisco. Ela é responsável pela estratégia, marketing, vendas, admissões, ajuda financeira e bolsas de estudo, operações do programa, vida estudantil, serviços psicológicos e serviços de carreira. Antes de ingressar no INSEAD, ela foi Reitora Associada de Desenvolvimento Estudantil na Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Montgomery é formada em Ciências Políticas pela Loyola University New Orleans e Juris Doctor pelo Georgetown University Law Center.

François Ortalo-Magné, Reitor, London Business School

François Ortalo-Magné é o nono reitor da London Business School (LBS), cargo que ocupa desde agosto de 2017. Ele lidera uma estratégia focada em (1) pesquisa acadêmica e seu impacto, (2) inovações de aprendizagem e engajamento de ex-alunos e (3) inclusão, lutando pela paridade de gênero e maior diversidade socioeconômica e étnica. Desde que assumiu o cargo, Ortalo-Magné liderou o relançamento da marca LBS, o crescimento de programas de graduação e um aumento significativo do apoio filantrópico às bolsas de estudo. Sua pesquisa sobre a economia dos mercados de terra e habitação foi publicada nas principais revistas acadêmicas. Ele se baseou na sua experiência com pesquisa e liderança para aconselhar uma ampla gama de empresas privadas, governamentais e multilaterais, e compartilha seus insights nos principais meios de comunicação e em conferências em todo o mundo. Antes da sua nomeação, Ortalo-Magné foi o Reitor do Albert O. Nicholas e Professor do Robert E. Wangard de Imóveis da Wisconsin School of Business. Sua primeira nomeação acadêmica foi na London School of Economics.

Giuseppe Soda, Reitor, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University

Giuseppe “Beppe” Soda é Reitor da SDA Bocconi School of Management e Professor Titular de Teoria da Organização e Análise de Redes da Bocconi University. Antes de se tornar Reitor em 2016, ele atuou como Reitor Associado de Pesquisa (2007-2013), Diretor do Departamento de Gestão e Tecnologia (2013-2016) e Chefe de Organização e Departamento de GRH (2001-2006). Ele também pertence à EFMD como membro do Conselho de Acreditação da EQUIS. A pesquisa de Soda investiga as consequências do desempenho da interação entre arquiteturas organizacionais e redes organizacionais e seu trabalho foi publicado em periódicos de alta gestão acadêmica.

Além dos membros do conselho recém-eleitos acima mencionados, Martin Boehm, professor de Marketing e ex-reitor da IE Business School e, em breve, o novo reitor da EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht, e Themin Suwardy, reitor de Programas Profissionais de Pós-Graduação da Singapore Management University, foram reeleitos para um segundo mandato.

O GMAC também agradece aos membros que estão se retirando do conselho, Leila Guerra, Vice-Reitora (Educação) da Imperial College Business School, e Peter Tufano, Reitor Peter Moores e Professor de Finanças da Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. O GMAC agradece o serviço prestado à nossa organização nos últimos quase quatro anos e pelas contribuições para a comunidade de pós-graduação em educação em gestão.

Sobre o GMAC

O Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC – Conselho de Admissão de Gestão de Pós-Graduação) é uma associação global das principais faculdades de pós-graduação em business. Fundado em 1953, o GMAC está empenhado em criar soluções para faculdades e candidatos de business para que eles possam encontrar, avaliar, e se conectar uns com os outros.

O GMAC oferece pesquisas internacionais, conferências da indústria, ferramentas de recrutamento e avaliações para a indústria de graduação em gestão, bem como ferramentas, recursos, eventos e serviços que ajudam a orientar os candidatos na sua jornada rumo ao ensino superior. De propriedade e administrado pelo GMAC, o teste Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) é o exame mais amplamente utilizado pelas faculdades de business em todo o mundo.

O GMAC também é proprietário e administra o exame NMAT by GMAC™ (NMAT™) e Executive Assessment (EA). Mais de 7 milhões de candidatos na sua jornada de mestrado em business ou MBA visitaram do GMAC no ano passado para explorar as opções de faculdades de business, se preparar e se inscrever em exames, e obter conselhos sobre o processo de admissão. BusinessBecause e The MBA Tour são subsidiárias do GMAC, uma organização global com escritórios na China, Índia, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos.

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Teresa Hsu
Gerente Sênior, Relações com a Mídia
202-390-4180 (celular)

Le Graduate Management Admission Council accueille de nouveaux membres au sein du conseil d’administration

Les nouveaux membres reflètent la perspective mondiale diversifiée de la communauté des écoles de commerce

RESTON, Virginie, 29 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Le Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™), une association internationale d’écoles supérieures de commerce de premier plan, a annoncé aujourd’hui l’ajout de quatre nouveaux membres à son conseil d’administration. Katy Montgomery, doyenne associée des programmes des diplômes, INSEAD ; François Ortalo-Magné, doyen, London Business School ; et Giuseppe Soda, doyen, SDA Bocconi School of Management, université Bocconi, entameront leur mandat le 1er juillet. En outre, Yuan Ding, vice-président et doyen de la China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), a été nommé membre du conseil d’administration en janvier de cette année, afin d’occuper le siège laissé vacant par Enase Okonedo, de la Pan-Atlantic University.

« Le nouveau conseil d’administration du GMAC représente des écoles de commerce de premier plan, avec des campus situés dans 10 pays d’Europe, d’Asie, d’Amérique du Nord, d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient », a déclaré Sangeet Chowfla, président-directeur général du GMAC. « Alors que la mobilité étudiante reprend et se développe dans le monde post-pandémie, je suis impatient de travailler aux côtés de ce groupe diversifié de dirigeants, et des autres membres du conseil d’administration du GMAC, pour continuer à faire progresser la vision du GMAC et faire en sorte que toutes les personnes talentueuses puissent bénéficier du meilleur enseignement commercial. »

Les nouveaux membres du conseil d’administration du GMAC

Yuan Ding, vice-président et doyen, chaire Cathay Capital en comptabilité, CEIBS

Yuan Ding est vice-président et doyen et professeur titulaire de la chaire Cathay Capital en comptabilité à la CEIBS, où il a été récompensé à trois reprises par le prix CEIBS Teaching Excellence Award. Avant de rejoindre la CEIBS, il était enseignant titulaire à la HEC School of Management, Paris (France). Il est membre de l’Association européenne de comptabilité, de l’Association française de comptabilité et de l’American Accounting Association. Il est titulaire d’un doctorat en comptabilité de l’Institut d’Administration des Entreprises de l’université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV (France), ainsi que d’un master en Administration des entreprises de l’université de Poitiers (France). M. Ding est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur le reporting financier, et ses recherches sont publiées dans des revues universitaires de premier plan.

Katy Montgomery, doyenne associée, programmes des diplômes, INSEAD

En tant que doyenne associée des programmes des diplômes à l’INSEAD, Katy Montgomery est responsable de la direction commerciale du portefeuille des programmes des diplômes de l’INSEAD dans quatre campus : Fontainebleau, Singapour, Abu Dhabi et San Francisco. Ses responsabilités fonctionnelles comprennent la stratégie, le marketing, les ventes, les admissions, l’aide financière et les bourses, les opérations des programmes, la vie étudiante, les services psychologiques et les services d’orientation professionnelle. Avant de rejoindre l’INSEAD, elle a occupé le poste de doyenne associée du développement des étudiants à la Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Katy Montgomery est titulaire d’un diplôme en sciences politiques de la Loyola University New Orleans et d’un diplôme de Juris Doctor obtenu au Georgetown University Law Center.

François Ortalo-Magné, doyen, London Business School

François Ortalo-Magné est le neuvième doyen de la London Business School (LBS), un poste qu’il occupe depuis août 2017. Il mène une stratégie axée sur (1) la recherche universitaire et son impact, (2) les innovations en matière d’apprentissage et l’engagement des anciens élèves et (3) l’inclusion, la recherche de la parité des sexes et une plus grande diversité socioéconomique et ethnique. Depuis qu’il a pris ses fonctions, François Ortalo-Magné a dirigé la relance de la marque LBS et le développement des programmes de diplômes, et veillé à une augmentation significative du soutien philanthropique pour les bourses. Ses recherches sur l’économie des marchés fonciers et immobiliers sont publiées dans des revues universitaires de premier plan. Il s’appuie sur ses recherches et ses expériences de leadership pour conseiller un large éventail d’organisations privées, gouvernementales et multi-latérales, et partager ses idées dans des médias de premier plan et dans le cadre de conférences à travers le monde. Avant sa nomination, M. Ortalo-Magné était l’Albert O. Nicholas Dean et professeur Robert E. Wangard en immobilier à la Wisconsin School of Business. Sa première nomination universitaire a été à la London School of Economics.

Giuseppe Soda, doyen, SDA Bocconi School of Management, université Bocconi

Giuseppe « Beppe » Soda est le doyen de la SDA Bocconi School of Management et professeur titulaire en théorie des organisations et analyse des réseaux à l’université Bocconi. Avant de devenir doyen, en 2016, il a notamment occupé les postes de doyen associé pour la recherche (2007-2013), directeur du département de la gestion et de la technologie (2013-2016) et chef du département de l’organisation et de la gestion des ressources humaines (2001-2006). Il sert également l’EFMD (Fondation européenne pour le développement du management) en tant que membre du conseil d’accréditation EQUIS. Les recherches de Giuseppe Soda portent sur les conséquences, en termes de performance, de l’interaction entre les architectures organisationnelles et les réseaux organisationnels. Son travail est publié dans des revues universitaires de premier plan dédiées au management.

Aux côtés des nouveaux membres du conseil d’administration mentionnés précédemment, deux membres ont été réélus pour un second mandat : il s’agit de Martin Boehm, professeur de marketing, ancien doyen de l’IE Business School et bientôt nouveau recteur de l’EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht, et de Themin Suwardy, doyen des programmes professionnels de troisième cycle à la Singapore Management University.

Le GMAC reconnaît également ses membres sortants, Leila Guerra, vice-doyenne (enseignement) de l’Imperial College Business School, et Peter Tufano, Peter Moores Dean et professeur de finances à la Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Le GMAC les remercie pour leur service au sein de notre organisation pendant presque quatre ans et pour leur contribution à la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur en management.

À propos du GMAC

Le Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™) est une association des meilleures écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier, au service d’une mission. Fondé en 1953, le GMAC crée des solutions et des expériences permettant aux écoles de commerce et aux candidats de mieux se découvrir, s’évaluer et entrer en relation.

Le GMAC fournit au secteur de l’enseignement supérieur en management des recherches, conférences sectorielles, outils de recrutement et évaluations de classe mondiale, ainsi que des outils, ressources, événements et services qui guident les candidats pendant leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Propriété du GMAC, qui assure sa gestion, l’examen du Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation pour école de commerce la plus largement utilisée.

Le GMAC détient et administre également l’examen NMAT by GMAC™ (NMAT™) et l’Executive Assessment (EA). Plus de 7 millions de candidats à la recherche de masters en commerce ou de MBA ont consulté le site du GMAC l’an passé pour explorer les choix d’écoles de commerce, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens, et obtenir des conseils sur les procédures d’admission. BusinessBecause et The MBA Tour sont des filiales du GMAC, une organisation internationale avec des bureaux en Chine, en Inde, à Singapour, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre travail, rendez-vous sur le site

Contact pour les médias :

Teresa Hsu
Responsable principale des relations avec les médias
202-390-4180 (mobile)

Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. Anuncia o Preço das Notas Seniores da Oferta Pública de US$125 milhões

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., June 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (SNCR) (a “Empresa” ou “Synchronoss”), líder global e inovadora em nuvem, mensagens e produtos e plataformas digitais, anunciou hoje a oferta pública subscrita de notas seniores de US$125 milhões com vencimento em 2026 com valor principal agregado de 8,375%, incluindo o exercício integral pelos subscritores da opção dos subscritores de comprar notas seniores no valor de US$5 milhões adicionais. A oferta deverá ser encerrada em ou por volta de 30 de junho de 2021, mediante a satisfação das condições habituais de fechamento.

A Synchronoss e as notas seniores receberam uma classificação BB- da Egan-Jones Ratings Company, uma agência de classificação independente e não afiliada. A Empresa solicitou autorização para incluir as notas seniores na lista Nasdaq Global Select Market sob o símbolo “SNCRL” e espera que as notas comecem a ser negociadas no prazo de 30 dias úteis a contar da data de encerramento da oferta, se aprovada.

Todas as notas seniores da oferta estão sendo vendidas pela Synchronoss. A Synchronoss espera usar o produto líquido da oferta, e da oferta de ações ordinárias e venda de Ações Preferenciais Série B (cada uma conforme descrito abaixo), para resgatar totalmente todas as Ações Preferenciais Contínuas Conversíveis Série A em circulação da Synchronoss e para reembolsar os valores em aberto sob a linha de crédito rotativo da Synchronoss.

B. A Riley Securities, Inc. (“BRS”) está atuando como único gerente de contabilidade da oferta. A Northland Capital Markets, a Aegis Capital Corp. e a EF Hutton, divisão da Benchmark Investments, LLC estão atuando como gerentes principais da oferta.

Juntamente com a oferta, a Empresa está oferecendo ações ordinárias com o valor de US$100 milhões, por meio de um suplemento de prospecto separado. Além disso, a B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC (“BRPI”), uma afiliada da BRS, assinou um contrato nos termos do qual a BRPI concorda em comprar Ações Preferenciais Série B da Empresa no valor de US$75,0 milhões em uma transação privada a ser concluída simultaneamente com o fechamento da oferta.

As notas seniores descritas acima estão sendo oferecidas pela Synchronoss de acordo com uma declaração de registro padrão do Formulário S-3 anteriormente arquivado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (SEC) e declarado efetivo pelo SEC em 28 de agosto de 2020. Um suplemento do prospecto preliminar relativo que descreve os termos da oferta foi arquivado no SEC e está disponível no site do SEC em Os termos finais da oferta proposta serão divulgados em um suplemento de prospecto final a ser arquivado no SEC. Cópias do adendo ao prospeto final (quando disponíveis) e do prospeto que o acompanha relativo a esses valores mobiliários também podem ser obtidas com o envio de um pedido para: B. Riley Securities, Inc., 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1300, Arlington, VA 22209, ligação para (703) 312‐9580 ou envio de e-mail para

Este comunicado de imprensa não constitui uma oferta de venda nem uma solicitação de uma oferta para compra de qualquer um desses valores mobiliários, nem haverá qualquer venda desses valores mobiliários em qualquer estado ou outra jurisdição em que tal oferta, solicitação ou venda seja ilegal antes do registro ou qualificação sob as leis de valores mobiliários de qualquer estado ou outra jurisdição.

Sobre a Synchronoss

A Synchronoss Technologies(NASDAQ: SNCR) cria software que capacita empresas ao redor do mundo a se conectarem com seus assinantes de forma confiável e significativa. O conjunto de produtos da empresa ajuda a agilizar as redes, simplificar a integração e envolver os assinantes, permitindo novos fluxos de receita, redução dos custos e aumento da velocidade no mercado.

Declaração de Porto Seguro

Este comunicado contém declarações de previsão de acordo com a definição da Seção 21E da Lei de Mercados Mobiliários (Securities Exchange Act) de 1934, e suas emendas, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, declarações quanto ao encerramento da oferta pública e o uso previsto dos seus produtos. Estas declarações de previsão estão sujeitas a uma série de riscos, incluindo a satisfação das condições habituais de fechamento relacionadas à oferta pública e os fatores de risco estabelecidos ocasionalmente nos registros SEC da Synchronoss, incluindo, mas não se limitando aos riscos descritos nas seções “Fatores de Risco” e “Discussão e Análise da Condição Financeira e Resultados de Operações da Administração” (conforme aplicável) do Relatório Anual da Synchronoss no Formulário 10-K do exercício fiscal encerrado em 31 de dezembro de 2020 e Relatório Trimestral no Formulário 10-Q do período encerrado em 31 de março de 2021, que estão arquivados no SEC e disponíveis no site do SEC em Além dos riscos descritos acima e nos outros registros da Synchronoss no SEC, outros fatores desconhecidos ou imprevisíveis também podem afetar os resultados da Synchronoss. Nenhuma declaração de previsão pode ser garantida e os resultados reais podem ser substancialmente diferentes de tais declarações. As informações contidas nesta versão são fornecidas apenas a partir da data desta versão, e a Synchronoss não se compromete a atualizar nenhuma declaração de previsão contida nesta versão por conta de novas informações, eventos futuros ou de outra forma, exceto conforme exigido por lei.


Diane Rose


Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim
MKR Investor Relations, Inc.


Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. annonce la tarification d’une offre publique de 125 millions de dollars de billets de premier rang

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey, 29 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (SNCR) (la « Société » ou « Synchronoss »), un innovateur mondial de premier plan en matière de produits et plateformes numériques, de cloud et de messagerie, a annoncé aujourd’hui la tarification d’un appel public à l’épargne par voie de prise ferme portant sur un capital total supplémentaire de 125 millions de dollars de 8,375 % de billets de premier rang arrivant à échéance en 2026, comprenant le plein exercice par les souscripteurs de l’option d’acheter un capital total supplémentaire de 5 millions de dollars en billets de premier rang. La clôture de l’offre est prévue le, ou aux alentours du 30 juin 2021, sous réserve de la satisfaction aux conditions habituelles.

Synchronoss et les billets de premier rang ont tous reçu la note de BB d’Egan-Jones Ratings Company, une agence de notation indépendante et non affiliée. La Société a demandé à coter les billets de premier rang sur le Nasdaq Global Select Market sous le symbole « SNCRL » et prévoit que les billets commenceront à être négociés dans les 30 jours ouvrés suivant la date de clôture de l’offre, s’ils sont approuvés.

Tous les billets de premier rang de l’offre sont vendus par Synchronoss. Synchronoss prévoit d’utiliser le produit net de l’offre, et de l’offre d’actions ordinaires et de la vente d’actions privilégiées de série B (chacun tel que décrit ci-dessous), pour échanger intégralement tous les titres en circulation des actions privilégiées perpétuelles participantes convertibles de série A et rembourser les encours au titre de la facilité de crédit renouvelable de Synchronoss.

B. Riley Securities, Inc. (« BRS ») agit en tant que seul gestionnaire de livres pour l’offre. Northland Capital Markets, Aegis Capital Corp. et EF Hutton, division de Benchmark Investments, LLC agissent en tant que chefs de file de l’offre.

Parallèlement à l’offre, la Société offre, au moyen d’un supplément de prospectus distinct, 100 millions de dollars de ses actions ordinaires. En outre, B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC (« BRPI »), une filiale de BRS, a conclu un accord en vertu duquel BRPI a accepté d’acheter 75 millions de dollars d’actions privilégiées de série B de la Société dans le cadre d’une transaction privée devant être effectuée parallèlement à la clôture de l’offre.

Les billets de premier rang décrits ci-dessus sont proposés par Synchronoss conformément à une déclaration d’inscription préalable sur le formulaire S-3 précédemment déposée auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) et déclarée effective par la SEC le 28 août 2020. Un supplément de prospectus provisoire connexe et décrivant les conditions de l’offre a été déposé auprès de la SEC et est disponible sur le site Web de la SEC à l’adresse Les conditions finales de l’offre proposée seront exposées dans un supplément final du prospectus qui devra être déposé auprès de la SEC. Des exemplaires du supplément de prospectus final (lorsqu’il sera disponible) et du prospectus qui l’accompagne concernant l’appel public à l’épargne pourront également être obtenus en envoyant une demande à : B. Riley Securities, Inc., 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1300, Arlington, VA 22209 ou en composant le (703) 312-9580 ou en envoyant un e-mail à l’adresse

Le présent communiqué de presse ne constitue ni une offre de vente ni la sollicitation d’une offre d’achat de quelconque de ces titres, et aucune vente de ces titres n’aura lieu dans un État ou une juridiction au sein duquel ou de laquelle une telle offre, sollicitation ou vente serait illégale avant son enregistrement ou sa qualification en vertu des lois sur les valeurs mobilières dans un tel État ou une telle juridiction.

À propos de Synchronoss

Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ : SNCR) est un développeur de logiciels permettant aux entreprises du monde entier de se connecter à leurs abonnés de manière fiable et pertinente. Sa gamme de produits contribue à rationaliser les réseaux, simplifier l’intégration et interagir avec les abonnés afin de créer de nouvelles sources de revenus, réduire les coûts et accélérer la mise sur le marché.

Énoncés prospectifs

Le présent communiqué de presse contient des énoncés prospectifs au sens de l’article 21E du Securities Exchange Act de 1934, tel qu’amendé, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, les énoncés concernant la clôture de l’offre publique et l’utilisation prévue du produit de celle-ci. Ces énoncés prospectifs sont assujettis à un certain nombre de risques, comprenant la satisfaction des conditions de clôture habituelles liées à l’offre publique et les facteurs de risque énoncés de temps à autre dans les documents déposés par Synchronoss auprès de la SEC, incluant, sans s’y limiter, les risques décrits dans les sections « Facteurs de risque » (Risk Factors) et « Rapport et analyse par la direction de la situation financière et des résultats opérationnels » (Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations) (selon le cas) du Rapport annuel sur formulaire 10-K de Synchronoss pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020, ainsi que du Rapport trimestriel sur formulaire 10-Q pour le trimestre clos le 31 mars 2021, déposés auprès de la SEC et disponibles sur le site Web de la SEC à l’adresse Outre les risques décrits ci-dessus et dans les autres documents déposés par Synchronoss auprès de la SEC, d’autres facteurs inconnus ou imprévisibles pourraient également affecter les résultats de Synchronoss. Aucun énoncé prospectif ne peut être garanti et les résultats réels peuvent différer sensiblement de ces énoncés. Les informations contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse sont valables à la date des présentes uniquement, et Synchronoss décline toute obligation de mettre à jour tout énoncé prospectif contenu dans ce communiqué que ce soit à la suite de nouvelles informations, d’événements futurs ou autrement, sauf si la loi l’impose.


Diane Rose


Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim
MKR Investor Relations, Inc.

The Globe and Mail’s Wins Digiday Media Award

Digiday awards Best Publisher Platform to, a suite of artificial intelligence-powered automation, optimization and prediction tools developed by The Globe and Mail

TORONTO, June 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, The Globe and Mail’s artificial intelligence-based automation and prediction engine, won the 2021 Digiday Media Award for Best Publisher Platform, which recognizes technology that is most successful in helping publishers achieve their goals.

“AI is an essential technology for helping publishers add authentic value to stories — extending their measure of success beyond page views and virality. For example, Sophi is able to provide data on how much each article on The Globe and Mail contributes to subscriber retention, acquisition, registration potential and advertising dollars. Additionally, to effectively deploy machine learning, around 10% of The Globe and Mail’s workforce is now data scientists and engineers, hired to develop Sophi and grow the strategy even further,” Digiday said.

The awards honour companies, technologies and campaigns that have stood out throughout the media over the past year. “This year, the competition was fierce and the programs robust. Innovation and big ideas expanded the playing field for many of the winners, even in a year when quarantines limited where and how people could work — and play,” according to Digiday.

Phillip Crawley, Publisher and CEO of The Globe and Mail, commented: “It’s an honour to be chosen as the winner of Digiday’s Media Award for Best Publisher Platform. We aren’t often up against companies in both the media and marketing industries but our investments in Sophi have been driven by the understanding that our technology can directly drive performance and economic growth for companies across a large range of industries.”

The other finalists in the Best Publisher Platform category were: Piano, Connatix, Insticator, Duration Media and Adapex LLC.

Sophi is an artificial-intelligence system that helps publishers identify and leverage their most valuable content. It has powerful predictive capabilities – using natural language processing, Sophi Dynamic Paywall is a fully dynamic, real-time, personalized paywall engine that analyses both content and user behaviour to determine when to ask a reader for money or an email address, and when to leave them alone.

Sophi Site Automation autonomously curates digital content to find and promote the most valuable articles. It places 99% of the content on all of The Globe and Mail’s digital pages, including its homepage and section pages. Sophi has been so successful that it is now being used for print laydown as well. Sophi is available to publishers across the globe to enable their content producers to focus on creating the best content possible.

Earlier this month, Sophi won the 2021 International News Media Association (INMA) Global Media Awards for Best in Show in North America and Best Use of Data to Automate or Personalize. Sophi has also won the Online Journalism Award (OJA) for Technical Innovation in the Service of Digital Journalism, handed out by the Online News Association (ONA), and both the World Digital Media Award and the North American Digital Media Award awarded by The World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) in the category of Best Digital News Start-up.

About ( is a suite of AI-powered optimization and prediction tools that helps content publishers make important strategic and tactical decisions. Sophi solutions range from Sophi Site Automation and Sophi for Paywalls to Sophi Analytics, a decision-support system for content publishers. Sophi is designed to improve the metrics that matter most to any business, such as subscriber retention and acquisition, engagement, recency, frequency and volume.


Jamie Rubenovitch
Head of Marketing,
The Globe and Mail

أكاديمية العافية الجمالية الأوروبية وجامعة آسيا الإلكترونية تتعاونان لرفع مستوى صناعة الجمال والعافية العالمية

سيلانغور، ماليزيا، 29 حزيران/يونيو 2021 / PRNewswire / – وقعت أكاديمية العافية الجمالية الأوروبية ( EWAA ) مذكرة اتفاق مع كلية التعليم والتطوير المهني والتنفيذي وجامعة آسيا الإلكترونية، التي لديها حضور وشهادات معتمدة معترف بها في 34 دولة آسيوية، لإطلاق برنامج أعمال العافية التجميلية الذي يهدف إلى تعزيز المعرفة العلمية ومهارات تنظيم المشاريع لأخصائيي التجميل والمعالجين في جميع أنحاء العالم.

هذا المشروع هو من بنات أفكار كل من البروفيسور داتو سري والدكتور مايك تشان والبروفيسور داتو سري والدكتورة ميشيل وونغ وهم مؤسسو مجموعة العافية الطبية الحيوية الأوروبية.  يرأس الفريق الأكاديمي الذي يقود هذه المبادرة رئيس كلية  إي دبليو أيه أيه، الدكتور فولودمير تشيرنيخ، ويساعده فريق من الأطباء وكبار المدربين الأوروبيين الدكتور بواني نسماني والسيد جويل سي.  تم تطوير منهج الدورة من قبل الأطباء ويتم نشر البرامج عبر منصة تعلم إلكتروني مرنة لضمان سهولة الوصول إلى الطلبة دون الإخلال بوظائفهم بدوام كامل.

يمكن للطلبة الذين ليست لديهم خبرة صناعية أن يبدأوا بدورة مؤسسة العافية التجميلية وهي عبارة عن برنامج عملي مكثف لمدة أسبوعين ينقل المهارات الأساسية اللازمة لتشغيل منتجع صحي متنقل، بينما يمكن للممارسين ذوي الخبرة العملية أو حاملي دبلوم CIDESCO أو CIBTAC التقدم مباشرة إلى برنامج ريادة الأعمال المحترف المعتمد لمدة 3 أشهر في الصحة والجمال يتكون من 16 وحدة أساسية تغطي عناصر ريادة الأعمال الرئيسية والمكونات العلمية.  يحتوي برنامج الماجستير المعتمد في العافية التجميلية لمدة 5 أشهر على 5 مستويات يتم إكمالها خلال أكثر من 150 ساعة تدريبية حيث يركز خبراء التجميل المخضرمون على مجال معين من الاهتمام في مجال ممارستهم والبحث عن حلول علاجية قابلة للتطبيق لعملائهم.

أكاديمية العافية الأوروبية الجمالية

أكاديمية العافية الجمالية الأوروبية هي الذراع التعليمية السويسرية لمجموعة العافية الطبية الحيوية الأوروبية التي تشتهر بتطوراتها الرائدة في علاجات الخلايا الجذعية السابقة/ السليفة، فضلاً عن معرفتها الطبية الحيوية والعلمية في مكافحة الشيخوخة وعلم الجمال وإدارة الأمراض.  كما تتعاون مع أكاديمية العافية الأوروبية، التي تقدم برامج التعليم الطبي الحيوي بعد التخرج للأطباء في أكثر من 70 دولة حتى الآن لأكثر من 3 عقود.  

الصورة –

الشعار –

ZTE CEO Xu Ziyang: Fuel the Digitalization, Endow with Intelligence

A keynote speech delivered at Mobile World Congress 2021

SHENZHEN, China, June 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ZTE Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the mobile internet, today announced that the company’s CEO Xu Ziyang has delivered a keynote speech entitled “Fuel the Digitalization, Endow with Intelligence” at the opening ceremony of Mobile World Congress 2021.

According to Mr. Xu Ziyang, 5G applications, with the large-scale commercial deployments of 5G networks, have entered into a period of iterative development. Although challenges like ecological construction and business models need to be confronted with, the direction of innovation turns to be gradually clearer. ZTE, bolstered with over-two-year practices with the industry and ecological partners, has worked out three major application innovation directions and a digital empowerment foundation.

The three innovation directions of 5G applications as mentioned above cover, specifically, empowering individuals with 5G expanding the boundaries of senses and creating infinite possibilities, empowering target groups with 5G bridging the digital gap, and empowering industries with 5G promoting the industrial revolution.

Meanwhile, the digital empowerment foundation has achieved breakthroughs in “ubiquitous broadband”, “pervasive computing”, “multi-dimensional convergence” and “green energy saving”, enabling strong interactions in real time, agile and innovative applications, maximum resource efficiency and sustainable development.

The company is willing to open these underlying capabilities to all industry and ecosystem partners, to embrace a win-win future.

Here comes the original speech of Mr. Xu Ziyang as follows:

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It’s my great honor to be participating in MWC Barcelona 2021 virtually, which is very different from the way we used to be. What I’m going to share with you is “Fuel the Digitalization, Endow with Intelligence”, which bears the hope, together with our partners in the ecosystem, to find the way for the digital and intelligent transformation of human society by continuously strengthening the digital foundation.

As many of you have known, it’s been two years since the first launch of 5G. To date, over 1.1 million 5G base stations are in operation around the globe. 5G not only brings an improved user experience, but drives digital and intelligent transformation of verticals. What we are seeing is ZTE’s 5G Intelligent Manufacturing Base in Nanjing. Five 5G base stations are produced here every minute, which are shipped all over the world. It is also an excellent example of our practice in “Intelligent Manufacturing Powered by 5G”. Here, with the full coverage of 5G networks and implementation of MEC, we deployed 10 typical 5G applications which are essential to the realization of intelligent manufacturing, including cloud-based AGV, 8K machine vision, cloud-based PLC, smart storage, industrial wearables, digital twins, and onsite inspection. You can see the quite encouraging figures, the manpower was reduced by 40%, the defect rate went down by 20%, and the production cycle was declined by 30%, while the production efficiency was increased by 40%.

Moreover, we, together with over 90 operators and 500 partners in globe, have been exploring innovative 5G applications on a wide scope, and massive use cases in more than 15 industry sectors were developed with positive outcomes. We are pleased to see that the changes brought by 5G and many other new information technologies are taking place in Thailand’s factories, Belgium’s ports, Austria’s farms, and manufacturing, transportation, power grid, and environmental protection in China.

Though 5G applications are still in the earlier stage, we can now clearly identify a few directions. The first one came into my mind is to expand the boundaries of senses and create infinite possibilities for individuals. You know, the boundary between the digital world and the physical world is gradually getting blurred, thanks to the introduction of new networks and cloud services. Smart home makes our life easier. Wearing an AR/VR headset, we can enjoy immersive experience of traveling, gaming, sports events, and concerts from the comfort of our own homes. By operating drones, we are able to extend our vision. With such applications as autonomous driving, machine vision, unmanned mining, and rescue robots, our property and lives are becoming even better protected.

Secondly, it is to bridge the digital gap, aiming for sustainable development goals in globe. For example, Telemedicine over 5G allows doctors and specialists to diagnose patients remotely, putting high-quality medical resources within immediate reach. Reporters can communicate with customers face to face using the holographic technology. Distance learning provides equal educational opportunities for regions at different development stages. 5G FWA enables rapid provision of broadband services in some areas with limited infrastructure. People can freely work from home as effectively as in the office. With the 5G Air-To-Ground technology, passengers can enjoy in-flight services just as smooth as when they are on the ground. As we can see, 5G narrows the distance between the people and brings hearts closer, leading to a more harmonious society.

Furthermore, in line with the modern industrial revolution, we develop information technology to accelerate social development. For instance, smart factories represent a leap from the traditional manufacturing, lowering costs while improving efficiency and quality. Intelligent traffic infrastructure facilitates low-carbon emission and more effective transportation. 5G helps construct reliable, safe, economical, efficient, and environment-friendly smart grids by implementing extensive connectivity with low latency and low cost, which eventually is to reduce carbon emissions. With 5G, intelligent management becomes a reality in agriculture. 5G also improves our living environment with higher water and air quality, thus promoting sustainable development.

The innovative applications we have today certainly need to be further developed by diving in economies of scale and business models. However, one common requirement should and must be identified, which is the digital enablement platform.

As many of you have already been aware, “data driven” is no doubt the key to digital transformation of hundreds of thousands of verticals. Consequently, computing-centric evolved into data-centric. With this understanding, the Digital Foundation, which plays the important role, shall be improved continuously in terms of “ubiquitous broadband”, “pervasive computing”, and “multi-dimensional convergence”. On top of it, new markets will be expanded and business sustainability will be secured.

We believe that the enhanced network capability moves its way up in three aspects: bandwidth, agility, and scheduling.

In terms of widening the bandwidth, what is worth mentioning is the 5G uplink enhancement and gigabit optical access for wired broadband.

As for network agility, the SRv6 makes IP networks more flexible and programmable. FlexE-based VPN capability and hard slicing satisfy the demands for low latency, low jittering, ultra-reliability, and secure isolation. Optical networks took mesh the next stage of evolution, which improves capacity, lowers latency, and increases redundancy. Cloud-native core supports deployments and operations in a more flexible, agile, and elastic manner.

We can use resource scheduling, control/forwarding separation, automated end-to-end slicing orchestration, automated provisioning within minutes, and flexible slicing operations to improve the efficiency of operation.

Data is soaring in both volume and variety in the AIoT era. Meanwhile, data processing becomes more complicated with the introduction of AI, for instance, deep learning algorithms. The centralized computing capacities no longer excel in terms of security and efficiency. On the contrary, cloud-edge-terminal synergy has been considered the cure-all for this headache. With the capacity difference recognized among cloud, edge and terminal, and advanced optimization on software, hardware, and chipsets, load-sensitive hyper-convergence becomes the key to the infrastructure which guarantees scalability, agility, and fast iteration.

This actually brings me to a few big words: cloud-network convergence, software-hardware convergence, AI convergence, and also intrinsic security.

First of all, we do need clouds on demand and cloud-network synergy to fit the diversities. The practice we implemented last year, say “Precise Cloud and Network Solution”, really showcased the power of a good example for serving vertical enterprises and accelerating the digital transformation.

In addition, software-hardware convergence enriches our skill sets to pursue the nature of business and cost efficiency. Software goes for cloud-native, micro services, and components; in parallel, hardware is looking for ultimate performance. We can break the hard boundaries of them by conducting joint and global optimization dedicated for specific scenarios. For instance, we will see more universal accelerator options, and more chiplet innovations.

Speaking of AI, it is to make the most of data value. Big data and training model-based AI convergence supports cross-domain coordination of systems and nodes, facilitates orchestration from data center down to radio interface, and enables more efficient operation and maintenance.

Last but not the least, intrinsic security acts as a self-sensing, self-adaptive, and self-evolving immune system for networks. Built during network construction, it offers multiple security functions, and can evolve automatically during network operation, thus constantly guaranteeing the security, services, and data.

According to GSMA, the mobile communications industry is currently responsible for around 0.4% of carbon emissions globally. It is the common goal of the industry to reduce carbon emissions. To build green networks with lower power consumption, ZTE advocates taking proper measures in the whole network life cycle.

Specially, more efficient and intelligent production and manufacturing can be realized with lower power consumption through 5G Industrial Internet, MEC, and AI. As for innovations in base stations, we can improve the design of chipsets, power amplifiers, and system integration for higher power efficiency. During network construction, carbon emissions can be reduced by using clean energy and highly efficient backup power supply for base stations, and heat dissipation technologies for data centers, such as preset modular design and liquid cooling technology. In network operation, solutions such as PowerPilot can be used for intelligent algorithm-based traffic scheduling, thus lowering power consumption while ensuring good user experience.

With such measures in the whole network life cycle, we can assist operators in building green networks more effectively.

Although 5G has been put into commercial use for over two years, it is still in the earlier stage. To secure its commercial success, we should also work together to innovate in ecosystem development and business models. Committed to the development of the industry and ecosystem, ZTE has gained rich experience in core technologies, E2E DICT products and solutions, cloud components, and 5G innovations. We are willing to open these underlying capabilities to all industry and ecosystem partners. I am excited to see where this trend will lead us. Let’s work together to embrace a win-win future.

Thank you.

Media Contacts:

Margaret Ma
ZTE Corporation
Tel: +86 755 26775189

‫شنغهاي الكتريك تشارك في قمة SNEC 2021 بنظام إدارة البطاريات الجديد الخاص بها (BMS) مستحوذة على مركز الصدارة

شنغهاي, 29 يونيو 2021 /PRNewswire/ — عرضت شركة شنغهاي إلكتريك جوشان نيو إنرجي تكنولوجي ليمتد (Shanghai Electric Guoxuan New Energy Technology Co.)، ويشار إليها في هذا البيان الصحفي باسم (“شنغهاي إلكتريك جوشان”) تمكين مستقبل محايد الكربون في المؤتمر والمعرض الدولي الخامس عشر لتوليد الطاقة الكهروضوئية والطاقة الذكية (15th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition – SNEC 2021) الذي أُقيم مؤخرًا في شنغهاي. مع التركيز على ستة مجالات رئيسية في قطاع الطاقة الجديد، فإن موضوع حلول شنغهاي إلكتريك التي تم الكشف عنها في المعرض هو إنشاء نظام بيئي جديد للطاقة الخضراء، والذي يغطي الطاقة الخالية من الكربون، وإنتاج الهيدروجين الأخضر، والحفاظ على الطاقة الصناعية، والنقل الصديق للبيئة، المباني الخضراء وتخزين الطاقة الذكي.

Shanghai Electric Logo

في هذا الحدث، فاز نظام إدارة البطاريات (BMS) من شنغهاي إلكتريك جوشان لتخزين الطاقة الكهروكيميائية بجائزة “جائزة Megawatt Jadeite” لتصميمها المبتكر الذي يعالج أحد العيوب المتأصلة في بنية نظام إدارة البطاريات التقليدية. بفضل التصميم الهرمي وإدارة العمليات للوحدات الوظيفية، يمكن للنظام تتبع حالة تشغيل جميع المعدات داخل نظام تخزين الطاقة والتحكم فيها بدقة عالية وسرعة. كما تسمح بنية النظام المحسّنة للنظام بالتقاط ديناميكيات الأعطال في الوقت الفعلي من خلال النظام السحابي وتحقيق تسجيل أخطاء على مستوى ميلي ثانية.

ويُعد تخزين الطاقة مكونًا رئيسيًا لتحقيق انتقال الطاقة النظيفة وذلك نظرًا لقدرته على التغلب على الخصائص المتقطعة وغير القابلة للإدارة والبعيدة لمصادر الطاقة المتجددة. والمقصود بالنشر الهائل والنمو السريع للبنية التحتية للطاقة المتجددة في جميع أنحاء العالم أن هناك حاجة ماسة لتقنيات التخزين التي تعزز مرونة إمدادات الطاقة الجديدة.

 وبعد سنوات من التطوير، بدأ سوق تخزين الطاقة العالمي في التبلور ومن المتوقع أن يشهد نموًا كبيرًا في السنوات القادمة. وفي عام 2021، أصبحت الولايات المتحدة رائدة العالم في تكييف البطاريات مع الشبكة ومصادر الطاقة المتجددة حيث يمثل سوقها 41٪ من نشر تخزين الطاقة العالمي. من المتوقع أن تحتل أوروبا المركز الثاني في سوق تخزين الطاقة في العالم بحلول عام 2023؛ مدفوعة بسياسات تغير المناخ التي يتبناها عدد متزايد من البلدان. وفي عام 2020، وصلت السعة المركبة لتخزين الطاقة في الصين إلى 35.6 جيجاواط، أي ما يعادل 18.6٪ من إجمالي الكمية العالمية.

نظرًا لدورها المحوري في تسريع الموجة التالية من ثورة الطاقة، يعد تخزين الطاقة أمرًا حاسمًا لتحويل قطاع الطاقة والنهوض به في الصين والعالم. في ظل هذه الخلفية، تعد شركة شنغهاي الكتريك شركة رائدة في مجال جديد لمصادر الطاقة المتجددة التي تعمل بمعدات تخزين طاقة فعالة ومستقرة. استنادًا إلى تقنياتها الذكية وأدواتها الرقمية الرائدة عالميًا، وضعت الشركة خارطة طريق واستراتيجية لمنتجات وحلول تخزين الطاقة التي تم إعدادها لتمكين سلسلة قيمة الطاقة الجديدة بأكملها في طريقها نحو مستقبل أكثر استدامة وخضرة.

كان عام 2021 علامة فارقة جديدة لشركة شنغهاي الكتريك في جهودها لاستكشاف حلول تخزين الطاقة، عندما وقعت شركة شنغهاي إلكتريك جوشان مذكرة مع شركة باسيفيك جرين تكنولوجيز (Pacific Green Technologies, Inc. – PGTK) لتطوير جيل جديد من مشاريع نظام تخزين طاقة بطاريات الليثيوم أيون (BESS).

 تشييد حل ذكي لتخزين الطاقة مدعومًا بـ “خلية واحدة وثلاثة أنظمة”

على صعيد البحث والتطوير، تلتزم شركة شنغهاي إلكتريك جوشان بتطوير وتكرير سلسلة من المنتجات المعيارية بهدف زيادة السعة وتحسين الكفاءة الكلية لأنظمة تخزين الطاقة. تخطط الشركة أيضًا لبناء حل موحد للطاقة الذكية مع تركيزها التكنولوجي على تطوير خلايا البطارية ونظام إدارة البطارية (BMS) ونظام المراقبة على مستوى المحطة (SCS) ونظام التشغيل والصيانة الذكي (OPS).

لقد اجتازت جميع منتجات بطاريات شركة شنغهاي إلكتريك جوشان اختبارات السلامة الوطنية والعالمية من طرف آخر بما في ذلك GB/T36276-2018، و IEC62619، و UL1973. يمكن أن يوفر نظام إدارة البطارية الخاص بها مراقبة منهجية متعددة المستويات للبطارية، وإدارة وحماية تغطي الخلية، والوحدة، وكتلة البطاريات، ومجموعة البطاريات. يوفر نظام المراقبة على مستوى المحطة حماية شاملة للتحكم في مستوى النظام وإدارة السلامة ، بينما تستفيد نظام التشغيل والصيانة الذكي بشكل كامل من قوة منصة SEunicloud، منصة الإنترنت الصناعية لشركة شنغهاي إلكتريك، لتحقيق مراقبة دورة الحياة الكاملة وإدارة نظام تخزين الطاقة.

استكشاف نموذج أعمال متنوع لتعزيز قيمة تخزين الطاقة

على مر السنين، شغلت حلول تخزين الطاقة من شركة شنغهاي إلكتريك بتشغيل عدد كبير من المشاريع التجريبية في الصين، والتي تمكن الشركة من إنشاء نموذج أعمال متنوع. وتشمل هذه المشاريع شبكات تخزين الطاقة الصغيرة، وتخزين الطاقة الصناعية والتجارية، وتخزين الطاقة على جانب الشبكة، والطاقة الجديدة بالإضافة إلى تخزين الطاقة، وتخزين الطاقة الكهروضوئية المشتركة، وتخزين الطاقة بالإضافة إلى حلول الشحن. كما أن أحد الأمثلة الرئيسية هو محطة غولمود لتخزين الطاقة (Golmud Energy Storage Power Station)، وهي أول محطة طاقة مشتركة مستقلة لتخزين الطاقة في الصين. يربط المشروع سلسلة التوريد لإنشاء نظام بيئي لتخزين الطاقة يغطي تطوير المشروع وتشغيله وتوريد المعدات والبناء والتشغيل والصيانة.

الروابط ذات الصلة:

الشعار –