‫استمرار آركتك في التصنيف الرابع بين أكبر موردي أنظمة التتبع الشمسية عالميًا خلال 2020

شنغهاي – الصين، 02 يونيو 2021 /وكالة أنباء بي آر إن نيوزوير/ — استمر تصنيف شركة آركتك، رائدة تصنيع وتوريد أجهزة التتبع الشمسية وهياكل تثبيت الألواح الشمسية ثابتة الميل وأنظمة خلايا الطاقة الشمسية المتكاملة المستخدمة في البناء، في المركز الرابع عالميًا خلال عام 2020، بواقع حصة سوقية بلغت 8%، وذلك طبقًا لأحدث بيانات مجمعة وود ماكينزي العالمية لأبحاث واستشارات الطاقة. يعكس هذا التصنيف اعترافًا بتميز الشركة بمنتجاتها المتقدمة من أجهزة التتبع الشمسية أحادية وثنائية الألواح، بالإضافة إلى خدماتها عالية الجودة.

Source: Wood Mackenzie Power& Renewables

ويوضح تقرير صدر حديثًا عن مجموعة وود ماكينزي استمرار آركتك في التمتع بزخم قوي في السوق الصينية والهندية ومنطقة المحيط الهادئ والشرق الأوسط خلال عام 2020، كما يوضح أيضًا نجاح توسع الشركة في أسواق أمريكا اللاتينية وأمريكا الشمالية.

وطبقًا لتقرير وود ماكينزي، تصدرت آركتك التصنيف بمنطقة المحيط الهادئ بحصة سوقية بلغت 35%، وذلك بفضل انفرادها بالريادة في سوق الطاقة الشمسية بالهند. ظلت الشركة أكبر مورد لأنظمة التتبع الشمسية في المنطقة على مدار ثلاثة أعوام متتالية.

ورغم تعطل الأنشطة الاقتصادية بالهند بسبب الجائحة، فقد نجحت آركتك في إبرام صفقة مع واحدة من كبرى شركات التطوير الهندية لتوريد أنظمة التتبع الشمسي أحادية الألواح SkyLine بقدرة إنتاجية  1.7 جيجاواط، لتوفير الطاقة اللازمة لمشروعين بولاية راجستان. وعلى الأخص، تُعد محطة الطاقة الشمسية AEML بقدرة 860 ميجاواط أكبر مشروعات توليد الطاقة بالهند باستخدام الألواح الشمسية ثنائية الوجه إلى جانب تقنية التتبع الشمسي.

وفي منطقة الشرق الأوسط، أصبحت آركتك ثاني أكبر موردي أجهزة التتبع الشمسية بعدما استحواذها على حصة سوقية بلغت 33%، بواقع زيادة ملحوظة نسبتها 25% مقارنة بعام 2019، وذلك حسب تقرير مجموعة وود ماكينزي. في العام الماضي، ورَّدت الشركة أنظمة التتبع الشمسي أحادية الألواح SkyLine بقدرة إنتاجية  575 ميجاواط لسد احتياجات أكبر مشروعات محطات الطاقة الشمسية المدعمة بالألواح الشمسية ثنائية الوجه وتقنية التتبع الشمسي بسلطنة عمان.

كما احتلت آركتك المرتبة الأولى للعام الثالث كأكبر موردي أجهزة التتبع الشمسية على مستوى أمريكا اللاتينية، بينما استمرت تصنيفها في المركز الثالث في السوق المكسيكية خلال عام 2020. في حين يستمر زخم مبيعات الشركة من أنظمة التتبع ثنائية الألواح وأنظمة التتبع SkySmart II بمنطقة أمريكا اللاتينية، خاصة في تشيلي وكولومبيا والأرجنتين.

كما يشير التقرير إلى استمرار هيمنة الشركة على قطاع توريد أنظمة التتبع الشمسية بالصين بلا منافس، بعد استحواذها على حصة سوقية بلغت 46% خلال العام ذاته.  تولت الشركة توريد أنظمة التتبع الشمسي أحادية الألواح SkyLine لتشييد محطة طاقة شمسية بقدرة 3.2 جيجاواط، والتي تُعد أكبر محطات الطاقة الشمسية بمقاطعة تشينغهاي. بخلاف بعض منافسيها ممن يعتمدون على مصادر خارجية في التصنيع، تجمع آركتك بين القدرة على تصميم المنتجات وتطويرها وتصنيعها داخليًا، مما يعطيها ميزة تنافسية تضمن تحقيق عملية إنتاج وضبط جودة وتوريد بتكاليف قابلة للتحكم.

ويذكر جاي رونج، رئيس قسم الأعمال العالمية، أنه “رغم استمرار تنامي سوق الطاقة الشمسية خلال 2020، ما زلنا نتأثر بتداعيات الجائحة. ويعكس استمرار آركتك في احتلالها المركز الرابع بين أكبر موردي أنظمة التتبع الشمسية في العالم أسباب مبادراتنا العالمية، كما يؤكد على تنافسية منتجات آركتك من أنظمة التتبع الشمسية في السوق العالمي. يعكس التصنيف أيضًا ما نتمتع به من ثقافة الابتكار والريادة الفنية، كما يُعد ثمرة التزامنا بنهج يركز على احتياجات العملاء في المقام الأول. رغم ذلك، ما زال الطريق أمامنا طويلًا.” بخطى ثابتة، سنمضي قُدُمًا في تطبيق استراتيجيتنا العالمية والاستمرار في اكتساب نقاط قوة تنافسية جديدة على مستوى المواهب وسلاسل التوريد والتميز السلعي وشبكات الخدمة وغيرها. وبالاستمرار في دفع حدود إمكانياتها، تتطلع آركتك إلى البناء على نجاحها الحالي خلال عام 2021.”

صورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1520070/1.jpg

Cameroon Clears Illegal Miners from Border Village after Landslide Kills 27

KAMBELE, EASTERN CAMEROON – Cameroonian authorities say they are deporting more than 1,000 illegal gold miners on the country’s eastern border with the Central African Republic after 27 miners died in May due to landslides. Those being expelled include 400 Central Africans and Senegalese in the village of Kambele.

At least 300 illegal miners were forced by Cameroonian police and military to sit on the floor at the Kambele market square on Tuesday night this week. Among them are Cameroonians, Central Africans and Senegalese.

Alfred Kamoun is a 31-year-old father of two from the neighboring Central African Republic. He says he was forced out of a mining site called Boukarou in Kambele village.

He says he and his two brothers will no longer be able to raise $50 each night from digging and selling gold. He says while at the mining site they could dig at least 7 grams of gold each night. Kamoun says his son will no longer be paid $4 every night for supplying water to wash gold.

Kambele is a village in Batouri, an administrative unit located about 700 kilometers from Cameroon’s eastern neighbor, CAR.

On Monday local authorities at Batouri said 27 illegal gold miners died in Kambele village in May. Auberlin Mbelessa, mayor of Batouri says an emergency crisis meeting recommended the deportation of at least 1,000 civilians from the risky mining area.

He says no one can be indifferent when civilians are dying in gold mines, yet thousands of people continue to rush to mining sites which from every indication are dangerous. He says while deporting the illegal gold miners, rescue workers and Cameroon military will also search to remove corpses and save the lives of people who may still be trapped in the collapsing mines.

Cameroon said it deployed its rescue workers, military and police to Kambele to clear the area of illegal miners and make sure foreign illegal miners either obtain their residence and mining permits or leave.

The military is prohibiting miners from visiting risk zones where trenches dug to harvest gold are collapsing. Baba Bell, traditional ruler of Kambele says some civilians may have drown in trenches filled with water from heavy rains.

He says every year during the rainy season as from the months of April, so many gold mines collapse leaving many people severely wounded or dead. He says a majority of the victims are unemployed Cameroonian youths who flood his village in search of opportunities. He says several hundred foreigners from Congo Brazzaville, Central African Republic, China and Senegal are in his village.

Hilaire Kembe is a Cameroon illegal gold miner at Kembele village. He says it is impossible to know the exact number of dead or wounded people in May in Kambele.

He says miners do not report when they discover fresh corpses and human bones at mining sites because of fear that they will be held for several weeks at police posts for interrogations. He says several hundred villagers and foreign miners whose identities are unknown prefer digging for gold at night when Cameroon police and military retire to their barracks. He says it is difficult to know when the night miners are buried by collapsing soils.

Cameroon says some of the illegal miners are displaced persons fleeing the conflict in CAR and fleeing from Boko Haram terrorist groups on its northern border with Nigeria. Some are escaping from the Anglophone separatist fighters in the country’s English-speaking western regions.

The government has always prohibited unauthorized people from digging in the area. But many youths ignore the order saying that they are unemployed.

Source: Voice of America

Twitter Deletes Nigerian President’s Tweet Invoking Civil War

Twitter deleted a post by Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari Wednesday invoking the country’s civil war.

In a series of tweets sent out earlier Wednesday, Buhari, who served in the army during the 1967-1970 civil war, said that regional secessionists did not remember the tragedy of the war, using language that Twitter flagged as “abusive.”

“Many of those misbehaving today are too young to be aware of the destruction and loss of lives that occurred during the Nigerian Civil War,” his now-deleted tweet said. “Those of us in the fields for 30 months, who went through the war, will treat them in the language they understand.”

A similar comment, in a video clip, remained on the Nigerian presidency’s Twitter account.

The civil war left over one million people dead.

Buhari’s office responded to Twitter’s action Tuesday by saying the president had a right to denounce violence.

“If Mr. President anywhere in the world feels very bad and concerned about a situation, he is free to express such views,” Nigeria’s Information Minister Lai Mohammed told reporters.

Buhari’s comments follow increased attacks, particularly on government buildings and police stations in southeastern Nigeria, in recent weeks. Authorities have blamed separatist group the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) for the attacks.

The banned IPOB, which has pushed for a separate Igbo state, has denied involvement.

Source: Voice of America

Zimbabweans Protest COVID-19 Vaccine Shortages

HARARE – Hundreds of Zimbabweans protested Wednesday about a shortage of COVID-19 vaccines as the country awaits more doses from China. The government wants to inoculate at least 60% of Zimbabwe’s more than 14 million people by the end of the year but has struggled to get the necessary supplies.

Claudina Maneni brought her 60-year-old mother to get her second vaccine dose Wednesday at Wilkins Hospital, Zimbabwe’s main COVID-19 vaccination center.

She was among people who arrived at 4 a.m. but waited in vain for hours.

The crowd demanded to see authorities and began to protest but dispersed upon hearing police were on their way.

Maneni says she wonders why Zimbabwe’s finance minister, Mthuli Ncube, has not imported more vaccines to avert shortages.

“That’s the problem with freebies. Shortages must affect those who want their first jabs,” she said. “I hear some private points are selling it. I will pass through to check. It must be them — government officials — taking vaccines to those places. They are not ashamed at all. There will be chaos here. Why did they call us to come for vaccination?”

On Wednesday, Dr. John Mangwiro, Zimbabwe’s junior health minister, refused to comment. Tuesday, he told state-controlled media that government would redistribute COVID-19 vaccines from areas with lower demand to those where uptake has been high to avert current shortages.

He said Zimbabwe still had more than 400,000 doses from the 1.7 million COVID-19 vaccines it got from China, Russia and India since February.

Updating media Tuesday about Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 situation, Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa was mum about the shortages.

“As of 31st May, 2021, a total of 675,678 people had received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and about 344,400 their second dose — this is across the country. Priority is being given to second doses,” she said.

After speaking, she did not field questions from reporters.

Calvin Fambirai, executive director of Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights, says his organization is worried about the COVID-19 vaccine shortages with winter season approaching the region.

“The vaccine shortages could have been avoided if there was proper planning on part of the government,” he said. “Although we understand the limited availability of vaccines on the market, we have some countries like South Africa, which entered into bilateral deals with manufacturers. We cannot afford to rely on donations, government must be proactive and secure the vaccines for all Zimbabweans.”

Last week, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, the World Health Organization’s director for Africa, appealed for at least 20 million vaccines of second doses for everyone who received their first shots on the continent to curtail a potential third wave of COVID-19.

Zimbabwe has 38,998 confirmed coronavirus infections and just under 1,600 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University, which tracks the global outbreak.

Source: Voice of America